237 CANADIANJOURNAL, POLITICAL, AGRICULTUIAL &CO0M ME RCI1A.L. ne le ri .11 n r a le a- id ld ae j'ie, Uivelrse ahoy _I WOND;~~-/ER JR FORITH N.-ua\ 1%a'SPAFER, OR ~p'lîE130STlON NOTION, D.aîtTa E rUBLuISIIEO, 11111 epniijtt ets.'e ietityo f papor,& ~..a,:ati COi~~~ucice of tire,, value ctia-i ad cnier ofet aet. ifar 'u-a.îitlat cf an>. cve n)ta wVteiappr estil!anihnei p'îbl cher oif the Restem Taheree! et Itenest pritie in baisu thal ho t'. new naking the mua fo"~,hr the publication, ut ai dt'STUPEN DOUS J'RINTED li .varptiifi.lance, frena the tatar in isuritg te publie, wîl liF.1T AND VALUE, , h wt l euîhllage 11e wetLitu l wil aal cînttarît prittîcclmai- sunear lit,(XlOe lire' icihes! i a . 111 iii ILl .TA PF tT ' Cin arc" ni i , ev Pnn-h uitirel 'thon- Lci ia eniblelltilieth nit itamer SP çLENDID EG VINGRI :' Ilîtlîrous rharacter,a 'laFVi.FY iLiLNAL. 'The r"La'titt1linb-ofi.the tmt valua- 5flTS, and na article will lie all.îweda Plriiisthul bas pravieusly appeared ý113i1 uîpbliîn sa it vilI lie fille, iîiand! t'e'att tATTER. The il tîgiii a l-arge quantit> or 1 r Sk. u. xprettoly for the cul- Il linîig atpndena aheet. aLr ttt ail containt,%Tlto EN- Il' BULI>ER AIND JAIMES!! ihi e erclanti lîtpular nonelisîs of i. 'it eta I FW NOVaEI. bymaRs. Tii c n',cI, when ripnteil h> tht ni î îbeHe fur freta n wo t r 'e. itrgr' îîtîîti!er cf rp!idiiî lltt'- 't i..oiigraihiral Sketch. t -' tuî'td h triaraîlers, l.ttery, jtualin] "t 'it l-a orsa vair, &c. h&c.. kci the Prmii..c"îta ava nmade ahove of,' rtl ite prospectus tee libe. n i, 1, m. it 'aa ntinretrîn in lerfert "t. - 'ta n"' t uu aiie 1o a-caona- i it . ' ilio a t - i r'. i nl 1+- e. a a t' l iiv lti cc . cht a ' iattr '-V 'raIbe i'erdicit il iitiN"iitn-, îtt i e Ibave t'~ixommfitwItre'lrng te forthcieiîng a 'îgri'a'r prodilgy tlian any of ,oa.isrî. %We liane enp'gi'd thi a asitt 4>tîrdl ofi Our tttdtuiiihd ýîà~ et iîi.'h a igi cen- ýet vi"th ' l'emu',4eriâh,,d andi I il n a ph.cauwtbia.uura CEMITS P»Zt CQP~ rt,-'rhencwinîapcr t'nit perîn<ltcal .athle 'mntry, detirîtus otr han. r i tItîr b.iiitCt icetupai. 'IIa tie tîitted l oition et a it!!h, printlel. tOr- 'tlt mTii trIer itn hit lhey i ~~tilarîaonaalle tîrrie fer htw'î'li'..aie lire te Agent "t. w'*tiîr ltriît'lrced. Fîf!y ce- t' 5, 1iT,îî a ' C o, etpies for "R:i, I r s "'"Ifuarinitinica ~'. .. t n Notion. itv' i reo'vcm 00 t"'icittitstJiOi ~t -ru'.'tF. ,foc t .1 Mandi Coufte C.ARTF.R" lii"' Famie làl'pot [yIG.qTOY rot lUt léIou ED EVFRV TIIl JOXIN wAiuo>ll 1 - L-,d , iesoen yenaâbtrk, iat tit ut , t ai Irce, ce. en i r. iIle h. r Ilhtlitaora tdev, PA It thi istheene»,% n la, itladith Pokeru,na ea 'Ajciiit it tua rde. e t at ite o valgah *iu î tuc'il du ieGyn a ut or. r le'p e ii s ! liti ea i t e tu . j m , 4 i, i cal.. rba NA& ". ne a, ivtrc Vnet siraleur fia,,tte pherr, Ililt '-t$ full'I4eepevà," m'a Ca to thetitli KINGSTON, CANADA, TUE81DAY, JUNE 2S, 1S4-2, Mr lappcr ha, neyer heu. tend utai lleu, Mr Botteur wu, noer v ea hntîn. Mr Shpazd d.n'e knitw a giM& [roma.iàa eep, Thoh m.b amvid tu bnvely Min, Bltiag. Mr i'e,»Iler huneyer been k,,awn te gel hot, (He'- a wug fr.,m th. borderof Shuuan.) Mr G.,,.n ts 01woelly 'b.d at a &hot,« Lille bis. laîer-in Isw, Mr Cantn. Nv Clark's à gond clS,.yMsn, ai wilI ase", IMe Wise il net fm.d fý.'i h;i. knwledge, Mr Wier hu never be, taught A. Bl. C., Mr Leavned his ne'vr b". t-, C.Uege, Mr Short le an long tt,, hb . n-h,, hall Thau thet(tif Procro,.e ceald lie i. Mr Shtteter in taille, by jubt h.aI<u beud. AM dtanial the gitiet, M. Bihin. Mfr Loye bide defiauce te umovom, chi, And q'er paisuethela.hZ.t.uj portales bit cluater. Ynu kauwneer tankau, Pe" Ta throa ligial en hi- poar feflow moetle. Mien Longmnun' dimnisn, alaur and ea taille, AM tIliae af nid Wouîev Von Twiller, Mr Wheât la veawned a. a dealer in cil, la C.. wiîh his freeatiMr Miller. Mr Deuili. t ottetly comlleîely iie, But hi- buiftv.. 'a trnly mnt.thvifl>', MIr$. Chilil weigh, two hundreti and vevunty-five, Mise Children', a spntter ai 50. Mr Dritiker tiho hec1,, at the tempeace store, Neyer atepu o'ev (le b oarnds cf prttpriely; Bul Mr Dv akwater belles himuelf.oee If lia'. anc of the temp'îatte Society. Mr Cliamberlaitîa s ervat ilnainvd Loais King, A pavadex this la tonal mely. Mr CmIalena,,h il une andi7the thing, Mr Weldnhas daue ,p but povly. Mr Croît i. Meafbllhe, madent and iuild -Mr Fidier y.. kait.il a Qq.kevt: la Cheinut stvett, Schiylkill, $fin.aid thevec, a ehald Nanied Victoria Regina Shttniuev Mr Tuvnpenny has enangh elaitlingp ta tt", And ne'er in in vînt af a bicher, ut nO one u Fu<at Pack. 'the dnftar.,g 1lemt, Ai his steP-tiher, A Penuypaekev, Mr Doubitîle ria s ut four in the smac, And hummeva aIl dey ut his kettie., Mrv NVrkman i. avry ha eter wu. hav. a. tate'n Mwork Io mw&llow ee'O lei i Iltertlauaeiay uInays b. fttund ai hie stre Me Keep in the ak j -fini lttIer , Mfr Chunihev-'a utriarue on the gelamenat i l'uv Mv" Gavrett hâl* chanibeva doa ncuita,. kir Princu vnte ildely. *Patesuud gra, For 'Squire Butler Colueta.sajoârdéset ; Nva» 1ssairlet ber figurs, wSud se 5sd s W apages la1.te Bi-maChaus, genasDame. *à Mies Stiltetidcrstand. vevy alHaouleta rouer l Mr $tan 'r ntes an, npeti .vals; -Mr IBarber deheise- "hi. a werry gnet bavse t Ta lie shavuti erea'ymmar a t u,' Au the %i'at lt ail pintu a!rte comptes dta jeer, SaeAMies constant in aentimuent varie, Tha bubooinikad hy Croate. i have madeil aplerv Thauar '.uvsame. oit-V'giIy cantrtele.' .LD T1143 MILITALLY IN MJ7a~ 1""emaatrigâ: B&M"" cixe Umte day, iii the principal streetotfialisliury, aait. ttg s',itle ctatvyancetoDDorcesiter, arlence ha hatjîtarucDYCîl Che prerst'ting day, io hopes et naeeti 1tg att cil tricmd'il rephear, arliehat jutt puriaeti a cortete>. n tlie-t.h Dragonne, anti asas about te jc.tn, ni Lite place v'.'saee t> re- qaîredthîe senior', ratura, vitiseut faiLler de- hay.. le Itall inquiraul, let vain, ait aIl tht Sals. liurY's Ilîteis, fr a Mr. Cecil, paaing titroagl fronti London. The queristthlld ilaver seen hie >.cutlî, tur lieara an>. description cf itt, but front haluî'eavege Of li,; anche, fermail an itial, lianti. coule, lîntel> aîtd faiienable. A coach trouatotint pausedtet chanage bornaki, î':thout or aihiin it might ha bts mnS; hg trait cd ito tati a vacant pLce, toagi, beloe ha coule] aphîl> for r-ne, the velicla anas entaril b>. a neat-, ]y. tresed, medest louking girl. Tht gentleman tlie rcen folahîed bar. 'i'ere was ironen for oe ro; le uecure il, antilookeinls acat, ail a F ligîti 1mai te CIe pensons aireadl> in possession, as the connut tarîti. OpPosîta Cite fIeiale sat a plain, pale yourag manin ibllack; hlistantîtan, grave aspect, trong. 'Y r.' ai aste l'Y h>.at cfal' tjuteuttle, yei tail andt t . st.u Ih ui,'e %eial Q ,ani p.îtidt, iguhy t ocrý tIl- inn' a I . i1 uc>.clcak, wthia hennId fi'e tIib'eVcirt.ieact, jarta,tilt, atial le g, 1 1 i !d.~ tti orti, of ardenit au- 'T'e pasa-e-er i l itlantua ahylyetiquettii, anal retel!vetl fot to roceali liglsehf, tîli lie know Is gt'i.letaa icI.'elling.preâentinaeuî liitiMn. Cerîl anas liesida hiit. tremia ciaual reuîtarks-, b>. the others, eucre lie attemptetaet converse o thein, ha gleanect fintithc tint maIe lcaneilcrs itaticomae ail tenia>. tgetbcr, hogl thc'>. it i uot secren te have establiaieti an>. ver>. soeiable iîîlerrîaurse. 'Tle hirdute beatu looketi glatd i oliew audience, anti atdreseti himucîfte lt"e girl, int Cose itsîinatîî,,toiteles, arhicis, for veonte Iearers, gave importanice te nothing. lia, I deulare, tlic sight of a lady i, quita ra- fr we'e wac nre gettg tiewnright stapiti. 'N og bore frein tie i;evar theie--..h' 'hBut ycut'nt gay doinga aI. Dorchester, eh 1. aiîloijthue milittary now ! L a.ve eard ti esacl.' Iarti I-Pool, n'eu're @]y.! in conrne yen hante heen aethir hallesiatîtiunges il 1 Nercr, Sur. 1 have eîîly loft honm for a ils> or ivo, te viit a sîck turind.' 'Ha,oeta serious tan, mn>. h. That' a piCy.. An>. fine fehiava in tIe gacrison nov il 'Yen, malt>.; anti ver>. vortî>. gentlemen, toc;' PIa ànsirered coutil>. t That yen arc tnttmaîe nith-ab!h' i'NO, 1 bave spoekea anitis theta cnly on hui. nasa, lSi,' 'Businesail rapenîtd the gallant, taring. 'Yeu, 1 attend te my aunt's lirary thora.' i tattuserve i intae hop !'fiehadeit, witb a sucer, 1liebinti cealiter, anti thati' 'Certnini>.,' naele cirneciwitb tirmaes. 'Admirable !'mttr&uared the van atudlent. 'Se aaY V 'contimnei CIe mata in brewn;n Vota are a andîi, sensible >oung creature. us> tien, anti kiov tai Yeu menit tooluch ruspect as arbat yenune, ita r.ectpi e futocvisaiycu are 'lia!' Iaagheti te datndy, 'terrible flirta vwo. men tub ail soîdiera, anti I knov hat the ladsa! Weu-ili are a pracieus set' *'Indeet,' sait! thu eltiorl>. pasuonge, a ai-I waya carions t hueraneadteofi iht.îy men, pra>. etiigiten unma!' ,Oh molet Q1 'aui are jolI>. doe-driai. dresse, qiiai carry oaaisatJetame; ubat witk carda, bornae§4Ocks, and »tee. tis'va I"tlcaa or a payiuýg Iheir billes, V ala' *M.ij.Offieles a istesdh i lts issa saisita bu la pet.~~ you dia net know a'l th ' s ofîthr'm by ex- p neririe' askru tht' stitaciat. 'Nae mater lien-I iiIknoa. .Staine e! the beys are as tiielas thier-ca avth nie.' S 'oun nc ta a nîenîit.er ofttflacorps ' per. severed thUnecler.i treavl. i iAd why can' 1, 'Sr !' Sifiless litia patiteti, 1 mca,,' restirnetih., that i, if 1Illîtie Pu*eCn, >'our liadis tnt of te regimental rut.' 1 Oh, nît> head, tlaat's nothing. 1 mai, lite jus! a1apeItetl. or 1 mn>. lic returiitg froit, al'î leavci absne, or yeti may ba îtîst.alen, as vetiý Esay.' 'l'be titi gentleman more than c..er fea1rel eh-t hia vacant tp woul'I provo the nephew etflite friand, If ao-who had superintcnded bis cdu. cationil' What bave youstaesua> againat un>.heae, Miss il Coitinnati the youug usai ý 1Otiyir, that te officars do net weat long- beat. noer' tarI large whiekers.' 1But don't you thînk that loche; very mani>.? vemen in gencral den't like yeur Mis Mollys, eh i andtiehagianceel ampudentl>. at the quiet youth, whia reearect- 'If men thuik that teir trength lies in their h&lr, titiy sîEtld beware cf S.iîtseîis fate, rind lice inîtrly, hai te>. Iecp ,C. li iîIangeil if I didn't thinlt yon vore a par. sun , frîtîn the irst,' sasd thae ltnaketi hao. iSuaIîte set,' coînmemted the other, i1liy yîuîr tdecryiîtg rlergymeen andi religion, by voter freqîueuat uatht',andnilcertain otlaar ltie ' ýys, whirh vlan madie sutre 1 coulti net notice; yetn an-ri rîht n tainu.tîne o ynr hipulit.,Sir -thnuýlài t ma>. net proceed froin the cause yn e'lpnee But pray tel ume, ae te thoe brother cifiree f yiinrt'-, hav-e the>. ne Superior ho the garrieon, te aet tbamn a botter example i 1Oh, there ii a huz.wig Maor-a methoisht- marrieti mant, seltiom dines ai mass, no neboti> nindu hie,, onl>. ta> croathes don't lot hmbita as et their doings.' 1Soma muthodits have pravail gond soldiers, if 1 ami ri htly informbeti, naid tht Brown man. - But aN -e Clemants h is t a mathoist, Sir,' p'ut inthetu. girl, 'I have nevermsenhina, but of. tan waitc' on hbis ite, andi lnow that they raid novaIs; gotet ho pl>., and are moral Churcb cf Engiatil1 peeiplt. Tlaey hava talion aparinants etC tM> ault'it, for a yotang gentleman tha>' txpeel train town, who belongu te the ver>. regiment in1 question. Tue7 dîiflot vula bina te live inibar. racks yt.' %Vhy nol, ta>. ear Y sekati Whiskers. Dflcau.e, ISir, six menthe aga, a faw of the yonngast offileers beavat ihn a way whicb dia.. pleaeed tha Major, anti the others, when tha>. toanil it eut.' *How I About vbat V asWhai ie student, andti the elilerl>. travellar hn a breath.1 1Nay. i data swta,' intervaipteil tisaother gentleman, 'Chat 'i, aIl a packt of rulbish, ntà worth our listtening- te. What abuoli womn know o! aru>. matera"i 'Sir,' rerievodtb l.! girl, -Mra. Clamnent, Ctoi SOnt, hatthasa Cwe or Clree ver>. yoang officers bild rudeeply minlelt, vîtis a great London esidler, 11fr. Snelîgrove, viso gave long troils, !imPIl smebtutyr lisaumtI~ lmn ietsihen- intereul.ins tact, luakhng a fotune by the cavlst axtatiawsace of bis hettera. Six mathub *Bui t wiah te hear Clama,' saidtheiaParson. 'lie sen, tasa-veunng lady a, «'liii ion, Sir,"te cllait in bis delta;an im-t 1putient, vulgar parsi,uIta>. as>.; yet soeaof Cles-e ficerasegofar forgot tisuealrs-ta lie sure it vas for tue sport of makîog bina Idair buL-asCia aîuk hlm le supper, PI>. hlm vitb vine anti ao peranaîha bhinate gain six nienthe more tinte frise bis fathar. The peruon vluntearati te comae agail at tisat pariait, andi las beau board of as Ioasting anitiimacy vith al the eice.eof CIe corps. laScae vIa have liat neoiealinge aitît hlm, Craatcn, if evar ha dots appear, anti dlaitn acqîiaiaCance, like an equal, witIt an>. cf 1their regiment, hat CIe>. vilI kickabin, anti geL bis patrons saveral>. raprmmandati. That lis>.h -Major Clamants tion't amis Mr. Cecih te lira en- tirol>.antis cidier part>., tLIII hisaffatlir is over, as iL a ii lc tient. - Jothn Cecui a ver>. gratotal for île Major's parental are et lie,' satîitht supposeti clergy- man : 'you sac, Capleiu, if 1 must se tecnt ycu, I am net prarentet b>. ami>. mai>.vova frena e- aeîaing incivilities.' Thte roI haireti you'b Iuoke-1 like one on board siipJ, for the finaL lii , jýuime.as tCiaosne eces ecigli. The obi gcvifu in iltbrown, on Uie cunîran>-, wti a relien oti r, exclaimet- I ama Major Cicîtents, bMr. Cecil, anti deliglu- e th-lialtetacet yo.' The>. sîcl bands, anti bath Crne t hir cycs on lheautfiferer-Ilis pitiabie appearancc toIt an ctmistakeable tle. I cotchude,' stid th ie Major, - mat you are Mr. S11elgroi"s son, anti vitrjolceaat vînt 1 bave to te.Iyou. My influence vitiitae fricots cf year fatieer'a youîîg dtLraseuput ail those affaira in train for speat>. liquidation. The ceff- ers ailI purrha hir satdiaer>. ut souto vorii- en traesman, anti neyer ateain pot hensîres on a erv illi an umgratetuf, alandereus inferLor. Furthen, te casa your mnd-l hanta foclitden tic kickiaîg, nor abal anaet yonr own makimig alilpa deepen tha venasinflictet b>.your stays; bti, us a parCimgativice. 1 ceafisal >.u, vlOia nexi yen asi te pans for a militar>. nan, te for- bear frorrinsultîng aither wontan, or sapponeul non-ombatants. BeLl, in hie case, lare, b>. accitietnt, liail tlîe liet revenge: anticus>. forget, in yeur centinet, arlat tc>.hardI>. enghit tor- gire io hat cf any oeo ithbthae canla ef sgen- tlean., Tise haplesu lunch o! cairote boggeti leave te stop tisa coachi, as the>. vare nov nuar a pet- busae, vhereha mstantI>. ariereil a claise, h& transerring lia luggsga ta il, basteneti hacl a C love, nt ontet fhie late teliev.travallers dink- iug iC wortb vbile Ca ry, 'STOP vas MoxttY ' [MOnClIy>.Magastua. Tnt MlLrrU Ou'ICRîe'1 INeAUURAuL SPxCaU -"baller SRogers," enil a Dcvi>.elocteti lieu. Cnant eof ilitia, un l'asseiluekeakt4& l'utalfireti olleegeti te yeu fiirtCIls altovoup hn tha ranka yen htave givn rocm. Feloer Sailgers.l't nt a gan 'efegt sont kindneas seon-not 1>. a ilar'd siglet ndteiICli yen viat îmilh,,Vllstick te ya>.ot lîko piiel te a pine hoard, se long as îhere's pe ;te; l1i s1Igio in rotation in Cilice, it wae houltl couac te ava vu th LIa Britiaberi, Vil lie dsrn't if I don e ra'gia iigltioff, ant i gîe mO l iler a fair satatafor tante anti glory. i LETTrE"s OF' vTaALrIUSET.-TlsaSandwich Islandi Alphabet haî 12 lttera; Buams 19 ;1 te Italian '20; the Bengaiesa 21 ; h Itebrew5 Syrise, Chalee. Sanwaitat andi Latin 2 aid; the Francha; ItheGertum îandl Duteis * euch; the IpslsastandSclavtstc 27 each ; thei Arabie 38; thse Persisa ali Ctic 32; the Turish 3t- Chu Georgian 25; theAvusalan 331; Ils Rtis.hau 41 ; tise Musceits 43; the Satascat & Japanesa f50 i ta he Ehptanti Tartarian 2&J. II,.ru"cM' tre.v N: '.r-Ticar Parer c 'o. I. ia' v'-t.,'ntIinyt>eri- taus t.aîr.er of àa raau i aci l'e ! ' tai reih ct Conu, tntla. L .i- i'Li't ,aii m-t '4 l.Oi li vas but uectf arrc P.; rlbnr..ei'.ily Laie lotro m.i it ii ý,v,:taijjl lri.o ltlte fîýrîter khte. Z'; i' t M %r. 'i\tîc et~', 1itiLyou'Cdi C i the li olur aid Win.'.ti.'tu M. CK htarin, â'S onti Pî u K 1" t,!i .de (buitt% j ýai '.. a Iîgeirl- ; e'îî'mt eir 011LaI* n r Tho..coca cI u1i.ý ' ec r Sua i"lîani t f1ninoite itc P.tireeT'1. azle a daîe- tai!el acctiit ofi i,,' r> i .2,c nlnis. Utie oftlite nirher'rri'zas r 'igi iituee 'bi n'Is'rit, near 1Unio- I o. itiithle 1Miss-miaai tae ohhier iti.king bits tsrape fLîtigli fît %ctîheut uaving scerai b7alle ireat nhitit , s sitased lu bave bean wîanili t hiugh net agti j lo be Itopedat iewîhh aîon iebreuglît te psy Chu penalty o! hisaîrcai oua crimes. . It appe.ars that the negro lita>.Etoc, after being sohti, ran ta>. froînhn bs Ccir tn-er atnd rtturmaed te Bay'ou de Claize, atîtifeli i wttli tIhe boy Josephs, whomri bu perattade.l off with s yellow girl nateti Margaret, knowti t ii uune s ti'iîag helengcd tua a plaînter un the titane bayouî hat afler pcrsuafiiii,'!Josep;h anal ttis girh ouf, tîey ariti tie îaaltee tut i enatîcthtc tatachaoe destruction anti îe til. Tue> ,r'aLiCeclt-ch it t ti the houeeoet r. Ni Itrrîeiu, ci o-1Rait ri- ver, rcar th u ntit..r., avthey Cite.llitA, rarrying offtlie eaughtitoftMc. 1il. an itlic:n, an itunthey kepit itencooti'asonte six ineeko, unîîtg lier vih ulthcarJ ofc uaIt>., plattitg itaci ltgetern a V4hlppitlglier utîtîl fromtoIrture sItua an'conit- pellerd t l'a edte tteirliteliliturposan, anti ai1 other tites yiiig ber up tu a rue as a mark tui shot a. Tha>. then, klleal anoîher man, inhase mame es flot knoavn. Ater cotiittintîteiis murtier, onq returning to he place nn'era 'lilsa Il. vas con. fineti, the>. remarkel that tua>. lad kilicti anoth- 1 er liog. After 1h, Che>. vent te the house of1 Mr. GeorgeTodd, neotfair frena Mr. IL'a whoin tise> alaorkilied, carrying off Mrs. Tudd wîtli aà smaillchili, whoîn the>. reateti alao in a noast1 bruital mauner, ted thrtaienitîg te kilI b'atlhtri antitht childiif it should cry; andi utien whent tise> wara on tepoint et kilitet liem al, Chei yellow girl %vould Ihrow hersaIt on ber keices1 anat liag Chir ires, sav>ing hat if Cey eltot them i thir ballets vcnld bava te paso hrough ber lbo-f dy. Mua. Toddt and Miss IlarringieWn bath statet hat te yellow girl gsetral imes savedti heirm lires. W4r ToMd andtheIe tier pacson, but saittledtihat1 ha bai bbean forceiltCode it by Enocis vue irai antice i bitCcrunawaa>.. Neowite person wssj plicatati.1 PAfter taie confession, it vas tieliberaiely roe. aoived diat tisa negro slaoailti ha umneilalie.t Thei terrible scenj, Chus descrti b.dia FreoPM Tradler: "Tihe boy vas taken andl chainei to a trea immediately on tha haak of Che Mississippi, on what @ clt Union Peint. liaggots ware tIena colluctati andi pill areudnitea, Ce visicis ho ap. iakawhahahulto y !le tien wagil al curling ateas itgrew, until Lit bgan e win eitÏelf amontd anti fel upmàWâaisbat>.t; .Wbo ent forîb cries of agon>. paitiful te te, ar, begging gmme one tus biow bis braies ont, at the samne ime aurging viiith 1oet superbaman Straîugth, entih Cite ataple rith waiibCte clain waa tastencal te te troe, net beutîg eli sarureti. ifrev eut, tantI laleapoti fneite uhro ig ,pile. At hat mentent tae harp ring of caveraI riieu vwas litard--tte l"t> of the negro feli a corpua an the grautil. île aras pickoti uptb>. tome twe orthreeanud again tlarown into thue ire anti con- maanaa-.not a vestige ramaîîtîng te shîowv tat su ch s being erer exialail. .TIc yelhev girl aa taken te Natchez, in tIe ciustodi o f Mr. C. S. Lymaan, vît> vill deliver hec up teutihi proper atiorittas at Vîdahia, L.a. Thîe Miaulmippi edilor mari fiti vortis auigh, andi forcîhît cnugh, te express lis hrror uttile atracieuis crimes cemmitted bb>.thia Neg.cus- anti esecrahia indtieJli .wert-littt ho bas tnt a anordtu Ci, a>.in mrtademti;taîiiofîhet iclorelul nen. geance takeri b>. Laia îizens oponut he misrable wiretI wiio lad fulian inte their liant,. lBat perutalis bhinlîîks tono niai me greatfitarua ho torturing t critoinai tu ticailiint lite same man- ar innapractiai b bCicecceiaisof the Spaîtisl Inqui sition, aînd, ne longer ago tait vitin the lait lueunrt year, liy itae t~.gv cru anti jatges et Engianti. "Tiîs.nt's Tr haaa'.ItLL-'&rnewdi anti ivel>. youii belle nias iiirdared a feni e% en- m1" n ,li a, to lnmlasiic hîttee >iti, about as diminutive i lia pcraoîiah apjtaaranc asat a oman canwvalbe. Afiar convnturig vith fir tircolite minutes ho tarnedte ualento the rowna, melîce, nst le aras ean the polît cf iapeminig tae dean, the1 yeang lady ittnocca'iy cuiterveil, Il'ray daai't troaflhe >.ouraelfm thora stee ey-h1i,. ASTRetO40Y EXTiîaauiNiy-A short tiînte ago, a ccuntcyman, Laîog attramieti b> hantibuin pastati on dia valu tortssle. thoelisrervator>.on Ct 'teSl t'le r itt t , . .t."" cxp'.cr8eU a Ct,.re ATTEMPTS cr05 THEu LIE OrFvmTEQUEEN OF te soc tic meen tirougi thUt great Iclescape. ENO LANXOY. île accortiîigly ascendethia shape fuor lit; pur- puas,4 but arlicu viawin.g île plaîuei, Lh sin AmoCher madrman, ors a rtonster vithoat the nuen the fronat of Chietelascepe ulîlteil dean. xcse cf ma-dieeas, las atlettalte theLIaassassin- varis. îmmealîateîy aras ispîayou Ciabij rieu' stuon of iViie Qnen cf Egau.At six o'clerk a ncig.ilorilig tige-hennit ,1li autaszetitmamîtbc on Menis>. vening, as 1er lajecî>.. accompanhitti liaiW ldout, mCule praserva s wnies ib>.l'rince Allien, vas nenuifg tui the Palaceain neyer meass! Edinbargb aie soul in CI the ouranucuPen barnache, viii eiutriî]erg, an assaesan - prasenlt a pirtoland diseltargad t etatLe Queea, 4 Hi-r Tos'aSai-ras.-Ia cutîing of bars et i_ tra)m ver>. neirt-heCa me spot on Constitution rue:or ipe wih th chul l, labriog ad Iiilfront wvihlOxforti firoti. 'LIe vuateisa reI r r pipY Ibo Ic chi isoslthe s ami instantl>.ased Iy a soltier cf LIe Scotch I1ui. ladI. paai. B>.enbcrelsdlv eing atiedht sat e Ier GuariLlla muan BnmeL-;isitana nameil John oI is attheai mn oawieadl> , dltlben, atit net. rancis, son ta a scenu.autiter St uo te thea. .i-inuga iantviiteees, ant i h tram lie ha about W20years et apa. :it ueng vice, pi.thctou oéoan, tiels.inîha ssassina vas examia-d blfote the Prtvy valiaithaiig urn i ouîe etio or if itwe l t Dcaeil, aland nauitti le Nevgste. a garrost, h id ta ni> si Lvr tapPearà titat Z-n11atîaipt ball been mata an th cenarranth aypemoeplb FRÙM BERon tIsa Qnhave's liteion CIeedayy py tieasaipe bars.. of the 1 It i etani, ccntanmng amivices front Ja- FonthaSX. y' caut.Ad" nuira Coe ao2tnd oft Ma>..The comme icial nans ppr the RvýT:anois LaI. t'orul Elgin, le îaGtinernar. hali arrivai] ai voasle. uTe Fospecte for ilie coming Intivest ficaSttir Cii ant t tcal ponhLI' duticit et bis et- niera ear";rade lu the manutaciuring d istricts. tio.-Sr httirus ultcafaembarmetifer lEna. leat iltajarovetl; Chat extrema ilepreasion ho the latti on the 'i4e<nboard thne srieop.ofanu Vos.-jaries of the haver minalilics et mtlia asrecor- tal ereti, amî,] large salas an-ra matie turing the tva '.oar driat.tross van atil ttet Kington, weeks iniierneniîig Laet-con th-,-depa-'irs cf the Mttey aras carme. and sonna lest>. tatlures lad Grrat Western sud Britatihaet luprevei ciurreti. Tht cropq proenised le o u ne, c3pe. rtes. cigl>. hat cfsu.gar. l4tar vas ucarca antiver>. Tite Lcîndon papate. et course, publiaI col- iliý saonne oftgesap, andi entor, und conjecture, a- Wt uetal e b.foiloving extracts mtro e iaBer- bout diu alair, tram nahicI ire select sncbeitemns Emdr piper as are Worth cepying. attcÀtiom.-Tha arant o! labor hantthis colin- lumediateiy aftar the capture o! the vouMt-he. L bascins e apabls, tra in uiert habite,,'»gejucbaas reînoed tu thstaltion boumsntd tlieavable i dlesice e! Chu workiag classes dience, b>. thc privrate umirancu diseogh Chu Park, 4çt1balie uante not ouahy tiairahin. but ah. tc the Rome oce, vhareat haff past seren 0'. Si,.. Il T eitI.leL,, ire. I.' ciii.'t. 'U tt."i'i.Ii exuet t ,iir-i, ac tti " u i, ,f:' tf lue "iý Ion>., lic "hi toti,'ii frtî.taoc-,. tI.jjjjai ' '.p fu it- cItaigiitiluil andtt tlerCM-~ .îr iittiu htar. 'l'.ý 1h.. etld, île lii.c "o! Ai."it Iit litera iu'.tîîîtedurii tbcii -t" 'I tliii! tier- tit l t i.ejî -tt'111 C".,ruri 'erti. latiiî~g Ii te i 'ir'iluciitti an ýltt I " 1'i Ilt"r le riinilc.rsfotr l'.gei, [NI r. 1I i J.'fi Cr,] ti lic ,ttc iiuanartl a hll ftie eicnîtîlc'pCtt-iî ni iltinititiaýIl -It-letiiLttŽ Iilantîtin lettt t luciiaci 'PTît Vttt ' fCrut ian'î Vl"rS Ili St I r.,'I.ut rtll't.-l Sc. w1ti cîr ailier hein-_, 1unih liel t &aIl aftcr lii.' nîrei, ut tua Sir Gt'tr:î"c't, lent nera iiatbh eIci gît' other a l.tgl.îtlti correct sLtertipit. Thte aibtlfv vtiga ii th..a î;hîp, a-e Dowiew r, was a sces ofa tasnîraii acahc'naîts, oitult.)t'athua neryitiprejacr ctaloIr,ît whicilî CI10 wae ilowel tago t10 aca. Wc Ictar, upngnUdaulhi-rily. Iiat here a va u.rcely a sp'tre rpa ii the silip mac!h le,,ite lîteailu cf reiîairîng thearticdoutg wbuh vlure coitîually hlapellinzt Adile e cal Cthie, the crai uutiniic.l (ItM the ' 10cf Ma>', anîd refueti e vrk tht shulu, dilcec vhich tiîne ctonvicts line dormaithi e ltîre dury,. stne il tieeitt ecritug, andtît hie na- nia:1,. umh"liiai îi gsu mdl i uînul nin t ig s'ax.tî (IMMai e a a!:C Il t hC.- i of atIt tea i lta rear liit 1 alt'i, tait el arrimez I tem) thlai a main t %" v tfas - h ifuei atIons, eaeitiw theua ci.ai tii n tic. sios CCtiI i" he MaLIen remainuait muu'h in t hua et.tie until tli 1 tîtîtui-sdl..>.pret Oas tLitthe inrck, nlaI nid m'asý reptartedto 'alic in seght, 'lhe weiitr ai tîîucl, anti the shîîp aieuahon, giig ait least ice lirots for tour heurs, anti theil hont C, owning tutl thet%' teitPsails hirîig been bîonn ait>. Tîtt cc(fmatle waa entîdanthy in deuIl a.n te the posi- tion of ite abip-rcpaatedly askîng Ctita caîptaitn ta put ber about,' which was rafesoi, anal e a-. bout a quarter haera tvslve site atrucie. The Rer. Dr. Malet, anti Dr. Wiliiams, thaensurgeona- aupaintandent efthe uhip, vent on dcck, andt tormel the captain tirank in bis calin, Line chiot nmate in istlid anti ne look-out on deck. Onu hir liig rousedtheCI chef tonite titi hiehoast in avar>t va>; andi Dr. Wiliams insisteil on bisi ta-1 kuigch-Iargc of tht slip, fonhidumag the caîttainîttii intalcfere, vhiel hae repeataîll>' allempteti, andin1 fart, an bn tIce hîp %irancîhored, lae veereti ouI Cee macla cable, andi she a_,an taieti on tIe reef,M anti l lier rutider. Dr. Malet & coaa of Chia con-M yucCa ireti guns anti buviat bIne lg ,antil as- oistan ce vas obtaliec. IVa teal confident front vhat ve Iuaar, Clint lut for Dr. Malotru exertion's many lira. muet havte bean lest. The captain ofethia unfotrtanateM slip was se enragedt hi » hmumtinous crowt tIbat ha per miateil tît bis intention t et tCle n aî k m in tisa vessel-the>. haiuga t ecniemaent; M but te surgeon, sen tsdtrittobroka tîcir berth open an I baatedti Ien. Boats acre soon attractai, antias tIc slip vas fase Ina- j king water, Dr. Weilliarua diaenalarked Chu con- victiel ending as mat>. as vias sale in each boat ; anti titi not learete ahip until aicf tlaam veref sales i,hebat&u...ne ',,viet' ,auia.ineiectal, im a yl. ly nde<I Tha Sir George Arthor vau taken up by Lhe Governinent on t2 ame plan athe ahips sent t.) Naw South Wale-, wîth thae cepitýon that ahe bail ne mîlitar>. guard. Fia,.th-i.AlbaaD.iy Alreinv i Nad Arrivai or Ihe Biana Tha steanashili Britannia arrin'cd at Boa. ton et il A. M. on Saturday. She left Liv- arpool on the afterninon of the 4th imat. and Irnga JLondon and Liverpool papera of tltat duy. SIe Irouglit eut,5O passengeru. Tho Mo3t prormnînrt items of noya are two attevopts opoe the flef of %he Queen tof England, andi she ritil of Ghuznee, one of the atrongest British foytresses in India. The Britiah War Steamer Rhadamantbus arna'ed at Hlihfax on the l15th inatant, with deapatclias for Lord Ashburton, and orders for te Varapite te prcacecd te tic Mediter- ranean. The special measenger td LIord Ashbcartoît came lrornIHaljiax je the Britan. Dia, and it i.. rtmored tlaat lis daspatchos arc of thea liigiest importance. Thîe Incorne Ts'i Bill aîid the 'arir have îîcarly passed thte Heuseo f Comonts, aîîd aili spccdily lic taken through thte House of Lords, and receive the Royal assent. Thea alteratiocis that bave leertmacle inthaecus- toms' detics, as origiîîally proposed, during thcir progrecs through the lower house, ara v.ary trivial. The British nppear tal bcnaaking immense jarepanratielta Iîr lte prosccutbon of the anar in China ardi Initia. No ics han 50.000 stand of arma h-ad lacen furwnred te Bom- bay, by way (if Alexandria andt Suez. i~ ~ ~ ~~~~~4 . ei'tl1~lir~ l l lieilitisirlre of int w ,'rc'h i J- l .-.Plince itlIbert. the îi~ r~~Ž!iit.'. tI .i.t. lî1", ithe E.itl t î-aîyidîl.n i! intie î ht1 ien. r *in li nr p ael n. 1,;"îtt ' ltpria mer .lii bee't searrlt.l I bylte plice scati ""ter he a. ii. inte iiti 'i'lere wtŽrt' fcîtl dup- lift jcmni a w ii,, itn t iiv r ad-. or -iy 'Iîi' )th lîe irys , ujl iî,î,a il%!i«keys, ana i il. pk.'î t ilt'. '[ re %-, 11-j ch'arge *t' ait>.k ittî, lu! atiibai] Or cart. vi.' , î,'tti, 't îLtr-. frotu whîîci any, tdea et rei w. i i'll,-i hoiilerrel1. lThe pi'ttol lia.l Lin '"à di'.rlargel l waq a sîîîali pocket piatol, a- boiut Paeil sachle, fitleuigth apîseirenI, 10 IVU bacta recenly Ictdoil, but ahether with bail or .Lre tutti we couhl oIt tlearîî. 'The tlre,.i ofiflic 'lilaquent Cgeate 1 te beto. L'l' tt eho Itt i aOfietathe 1-' ;ospeintandaîit warlîie'î. %Vieîi plareu litture the Vniv eonn i, lie keýpt, 'a a.rît i d't, iclitiito give hi'. na-u irdeainaî T h lie persolis wlo wcee liea! tii 'iît w'ri' *a' 'r-t! y anji, tîatI îi mn. t ieel riîsît.1.'r1a., tiei., ty vwlî liten 1te pia tilI lie ua'l iinlt C lirt' ry cil Ù ifitn'iit fi:ed tee tiltalla,. h,l ttiLe hâaî' fy elFer.t, Ci liii nn.' i~mch1 imter anti a rue. itfmuaIt t 1Ve 'îtî ab'W .( il 'Ieadfilta i "peu aLICar - le a iin a.. iii. Ittr .'Majosly tivdi i dîeq in the p trIs. lie %ias l-' itilig the lîsnte in tht, lireast cf lus wa Whot . h o iewas seizeil. 1. 1Jcuilc otil>.Ilite itail the oltia atol, for &ite itly w.î't fatînd, atîti the priatîter waî nccer out tif oîji f titos.' liv vi..ium lie t'as Itiae. After the, wituesges tnieaextmitîcl, the utrisoller de. elinit- st, ay a word, hoe w. a rertaide!i lt flic flouse no' Comaîoî Ii r. Barimg wal sieaking <na the tlird raing of the proýaerty Lax bull, wheu the new.a wau conainunicalted te Sir Rohert Peeal that ant atrtaciai dt been mail* tue' stîcait lier Majasly ou Cîuîuii.ul 3;r Roerat Peel imuaediately rose and muid tuai lie had receiveil a comuiîcation cf a mut ililPartaal nature-ena ewhicli ha thtiugat " lietio wild agr@e wlth bhlm in tink.ing that CIte buaitteiuet îhaeevaning muet bia potpoue. Lilear, hrir.] It wauld bc îînieîble te pro-. ecoedithvil business. Another attebnpt làad botta made en tIe flfe of ler Mlajeat>, aundit wau hie du>., anditheis dut y of the lîtembers of Lte Pr*e> Council, te attend ilamudi ay tIte Haie W fice.-[HIear.] Thoefsecte autthClismnoment wus Mout animald. .-The Inambera en bath aides roue andl cali out w ith t e r te t aarne utn e ., ni d lc .al ty " a the uen safe 1" -- Iothe Ques safe V"' 'la bar bMaet.hurt " This geom dîid crtfdit te thea feelialg.and lîerto uf Englah-t Sir IL Peal-The .tueen a, sale. fler Ma-. M'ay ledfDot hart, and 1I am happiy lsle îfai the thte lieuse that lh) ama"sas, lain uie qt This announomWet cioneti the gr.aigot ullis- faci- ds drqbt, ad Cte Huilugi'wql* aflarward dors. A A t' l wnl4 ý , thu pistel. Tise hloving accoant is given etf Irasesa, t andlcf tbis codut prir Lti te attmpt: - t The Prscuar'u ceai name in Job. iranewereus ho ia about fite anti twenîy. on the I 4&thJ.M, nar>. lent, ha engrageth îe ,econd-floor liack reemm et the bouse cf Mr. Poter, 105 Great Tatclafielil atreet, M2ar>.ichana, anti occupied lînt raomt itht another yo.tng Otan, jiamat ilVilitia am, aud the>. jeitl> pecidtiherefit. TIhe priaoner vas censidarei a good-temperetl, ineffietaive youu man, anti came boitte regalarl>. te bis meais, aa vas neyer oct laCeeti ngbt, Ore person. of a raCler supert- <ss ut !soiet. front lais tres. tanti ge e aappaaraace, a n Iattury beau ia h.' ha it viu ing hie , anti rem aineti far o ne i tr e alona viti hie ini his ruet; It Donepatcels ver. fever sent tu bita, as appeare frot ver>. peticu- Jar inquir>. made apan Chisa ubjactb>. tisa police., Tise prtuuerl conduct tiuring tisa lest te da"c appeau. te have bat» cxtraortinary. lie, bail beea ul aiong gettUng bis livelibootwi b>. vork- ing as a juarficymai carpenlan, bat on Moulu>. 3a'eek ha eiigaged a shop anti parlur at No. 63 .'Iattnrstreet, vîlct atjoine Great Titelfiell stecet, ai the veak>. tant of twenty.foar ahul. l tng,4anti expressad ie isintoetintgoen u il, Citetratieoeta tbacniat. le Clancemîployeata paitier Cc put his nminea erer tIhte 3r. as it nov apen~iFraucii, '1'eac£onist ;" anti expresu- et bis intention tu opS,l tha 5bop oit Tbureata mernun..lau tt nitima le causeti carda te lie priatcti, atad a greut qanei>. et unull; tobacco icigarë, anti nucli articles vene sent in, anti on Tiitiritda>.momiîîg tIche hp uts openat, sud tIch prusaer atiandet io ut aIl day. On tîsat nbglil aring closthi s»blop. ha vent bouse tu cid au usual, andtihLe next metrziing lbc &gain preed teci athe ausuff-abop. anti reainoalthaem uîîîil lis feilev hotiger lid goute ta work ; ha vas tison acon te go cip ituhi. rootu anti rm main LIere a Ehort tintie, 'aben ha again left 1ha b ouse. Upot the >.oemg mani, Elte, retuîning, à* foaliti Chat la box bail hztu brohuen opaensand that tfour ponnds ten in golti lid been atoien. He i-nediitel>. gave iliforination te Mr. Poster, bie Inttord, vae tonce proceedel to tdia ufushap un Ailortimer street hi iarae efounil Lb. prism- er stttasg in a meut uncotacernei uanner bebilnd the cotater îlie [Mr. lestai] immetiiately mail te hie,," wîîaî iteyou beea aout' I uuppoue YOu knav al h ave conte haro for." Thse prisetueriîmaetiaîely repliai, 'Oh,.Iauppas. Yen vant the mono>.," anti directl>. pulleil eut CIe gelil anti gave i te ar. Poster, v.hoChat taiti him toC Ca enter hbisItlen an y more. Thoa prîson"r axprlbeusainont. Sixetyabout hbisbouse. anti #laid hasuppouetIdAr. Fauter votali mot ah. jejtu Ce tting lian bave tth=s. Mr. Fouter. @»a- Pactiug f=aaathe tihacover>. Cat, lîid bea méde Chai tise prisoner rsuigb le ea osatled elle other ilepreiations that vosllhaoilisceaverel b> a a r h in g i s b o i e a, il te r u i n e .1 o Ma r i hi g PeSeun oftthoraa, ant ld bitaC in al tak ar of c!thent te. bisa, but Chai ha 'bould nt have pamusmion of LIe, for the praet lt apearalthat onCth inau=oday lhe peraof vhom Chiapetuoer led pureb he l esticlea te atock iiashcP. and teuvWc=aha prmise imnetii. --vPJllOl ittLehui Sud sekiteil tpon ru- cevimg the amouit cf Char gond.. letld Chev ho -s-le.ta psy Iber,, snd they huluiW ou bavlag bu&k Chair pruaperty, an tbaChwvItle of tLhq g0Oals WunacCOidli usuavail aildltesop t'lm& lqkkmscur sL te latter part cf CIa day. lai ulut desk et T ast>.evanhagtlie ri bcter bofýj amjesp u s muetu E wha Sappears, nlt baving tIhe ejpor. tamly, ibr thé susse. aloveauatto&lof!gaing la hi veId m ddte, a cofue sIt e t a"tiUmm ee1acdaud vmal the le p art . act v s, ea m # & lt>b n l q r swu O~oe b~ ;'75~J PUMISSION UýTO WIOoUctL Amy To K*x 1C MOn AWA. .I 1 1 1 1 13 « 1il il . ,[si .1 A 1,it ti el. ai a IL Il I I i 1; fr, lit 1 r t- - - ru h. tho t t " t the It il ml u Jîtittit a Il- (a \\oi, 1la", in %%rt 1lic4 -! e t IL si r I A tlt i flt t1-'utu: c i' I i Romt ' yita'ai ES~ 01, M) t i 'aIauit rAT' Il te soli cheat' %%. 1' 1 ,71 N- 11- 7/59