1UNGSTON ItFà&ALiU-TUbliMYA, JULY 26, &tm4). H AV£, TOU A COMGIi-Deo ntInoglec it 1-Tbs.aatudsbave sent a preasrd toaaib .f« tb vant ftalitt ettatien tasà easte eold. Hare yosa etagb t-Rev. Dr. Biatblelaw's Eirpeetorait Svip a anieaiical prscripton, containisg as Peiies dog, sal sadin e x- tensive pacties ffor0sc eat es, gîl essi s- tiffly atord raie!, analsUViyoe frau is at nfui diss ult uossr>' néeeesi, wbieh s.*j swops ste th se , aIaso! Oie yeauWeil 0li, thé fait, tise levai>' n"d s.he ay! ilave >oa oli ?-Be persuided ae çm a botle e! tbis Expeotera"ltt>'aP te dyutý noiarow as>mey oeolaie. Ilaie yeoga eegts t-93d"etai lcpfto- -sut Syrnp isl b. oaly teal'yaa idstaire go t-ire yoaL For Ibis pWoereamosi:-TLst inletou*nofatisa hiuaiaicases nbere il bai beenedu stilfAil- esi te relieve. For sale At théO dro itore of Cosileek & Ce, 71 Miteai Lam New or uk, and b>' overy Drue- gist iai Kinigston, anal in Canada. Fsaa'iile #& N. Palatise T HEflubicriber i denang tbe %esose e. cnatantly intathé e rfipt of Drugi, Cisemi. cal, Perfuasier>, &c. &c, thie viicis, coming fr einliemosI respectà ble 'hnglials Hou..an a>' lie 4epenalealupon as genuine. 'Usn anupean- dine dopariesent grill be u cteisld under tise ia- anaiate superintandsice o! theo Subscriiien, tiviose abject in, b>' lie t.se of gond naterili, b>' a caeful manipulatioin. teainaue.confidence as regards Ibis mont important brasicisohftise busi. MON. 1. W. gfttMT -Street, Itingstlks. Pi"r il ar'. ecom edt: he su..e Camr rated Tocth Pondara P'er #.Il do. hal 1 mircTincturocfMyrrhi la-i nt&' Mixture, Cosseeiaratcd Essence of <in9ee, do do lPeppermnît, do do Rtatafia, bilions Pills, gable Yxtract for thse Ilair, 11.t lPourri Powder, Currie l'owbers, llarne.s Varniâh. Drta«i&t Apotsecay ,wHo]LESAL C (OMMISSION No. 4& HA D U i uLIN,VTFR T riflE. TU IIE uaderigued reepectfull> annunce that .they have entered ato Co.partneiiilp ini lihe Wholesale Commission 'Business, in the nîane of CARTER & BENTLEY, on thse pre. inises above describeil, which, having been con- etructeil for thse puroe are bahotiransd front fae; sparacus sndw."I' adapteal for thae sale kePiaag of every description of Gootdî. Frein the respcctabilityof the referenccs, and the. character they trust bsey have obtsiasei in Kington, lise subscror hope tbey wil ho able la gave sncb satisfaction as ta> socurs a libral portion cf the puablie patronage. Marchants in general will tinal it advaatagecus ta couigu ta thse cameof tise ubcrbers, as it ia their intention ta act as Agents allagetiser, aud not as priiols. ?'is sadvdrliiemenl aeservea flac particailar atteplicuon àaues Dealers in l'rmisions sud Graina, as tise .gabihmnart fortése a depot for Ilseir produce ua principle decidedi>' favorable ta thear inereats. ALFRED CARTER, TIIOMAS Il. IIENTLEY. Kingston, Dec. 17, 1841. JIaraCOIYNTER, EsQ 4 IKinigston, RICHARDtSco rL4 B, Q, do. Ws. W=aia Esq-, do. J. I,'lgbàr. ,Ef,<, Watertown. Ma. E. BAtiEy, tdo. Ma. G. Krnoeepà, SacLts Harbor, l'11AR.EsivSuit, Esq, Albany. AaUîAnàm TRUAX, ESQ., RMheuter, PR. AaaassrtoN, do,. J. IL. ARMiSTRONGa & CO., Toronto, JO1055 DttIOAt.aS<, AMentrasl. Moeusn.LAii & STEvtrvoy, Batls, 3ILLA FLIT#T, SQ, lleville, Wu. RORKEa, gsç., ilctonî Ci. MlI, EnQ., Cobosar1h E. lIInRY, Esq.a do. lETERas P.aRREMQ., Vhitbyi IL. JoUeS, Esq., lmlt, JFRESU GARI>EN SEEDS. SGENEIL4L ASSORTMINTjust reccitéil aY aa.>tor tale by '.l I; , 1-t12. 3. W. BRENT. Ma-sggist.1 TULIEASE. e!, i.' tenteci 21- years, four Building I t, Front Street, near the Goveruaisent 1a nI r rais andlotiser particulars, aîîtaî> lu a ïca of this <ngston Mariane Iailisa> i\n,ieýn, 23d Felirîtar>', I' TO0 CA PITA LIS TS. 'j I PR lil uFI TA BLE IN VESTMENT. 04t fl SA, iý ýrivate cotracl ttise Subscri- lr a :llwiiig valuable properl>'. nanie- <'e' lkt iLanal 66 fel on tise Fronat. 99 fent in deptb. 4'~ra .nbtantial BRICK HOUSES Ibereon, 1f*w,.iCAX',t 1 offage style, nitla stables, sheds, :1.1 1isn 1, yard rom, anal drawing a yourly r'lL il Ut '£96, situalel in on cf the central S;rc ."be prictise hove property'is ory alr m.iad terns of payaseul nilI bc sadse e.aey. For furtlier part iculars enquire aItour of. ice- COLLINS & HIAINES, C. M. 4r A. Kinsiton, Jan. M0,18«2 IASSOIbUTrIÔO F IARTNKIISki*i' N I'ICEaiseereby giren that lhes Partuemr- .' 06lb itherto exaaitn unuder tise lires ofG. R. 1AINE8 &Ce., at Kingston, sud 5, FOR- TER & Co. aI Montreal, la ibis dFJRSTleR. TuaS.AIJUSVS sAN . MR R MARY fr1J68.>o, iwaINEES, Exweai teso G. H. HAINES. Kiegtîas, 36 Apri' SU 82 Z=dlt due to the late Facn%,'so reqnOted te b. Paid On Or hefore lthe lot un., '42Z aitKing- ltou telai-*, Formelr & Ce., anda-t M«Uanl teR & )«ter & Ce.; aller Wb ioi lae the*- l bc put-stiso Solicitaso'. banlsfer tonoùhip, NOTICE.- 1 [ lITE uniderigued- bave entereal into Ca>- -LPartnerslt)in- astIe D1»y GOOD)S basu*ineasaut Ringaton, snier the firTU, Of Mlanes Fonter & o., asd' aI Mostrtal, un- dern thse Stan cf S. Ferte r & Ce. SISBLEY FOR8TE*- JOMIRYJ.HAINES. Kingioas MARY F. R. AINES. B Y FR1 VA TS-tONTRIC T. A lllAUTIPUL spot e*lsnd cotaining 5 Ace.veladaptual for aàisaket <lardai., or a asmaer's residenc, ilatlb. ba"iata nul. it>h Oe landl Itel>' porchasol d Iar b H eWa Lar.Kilial>', Janes lInpLsk Laq.a sd' (If leu. Vice Chsancelior. The Mloue naumi~' jiry la divideal frein tisaI oftlien.esXE. ai l a proper rad or fiEtylfot. I%@ta1«,»e! payiaent ame liberal, cede" ove, a qme c.et four yaars fIsa tiselt Alagiit soit, fuS faulse partirusiarea ppi>' te the Aie"s COLINs & 1hAINES, ingstm .Aprt lut 1842. Jf BELLUIG OFF. HAiNES, >'ORSBE iRf Co. H AVING uatered inopuunem-iip, bave token tbe preammos, nipur-Jaaed h orananing Stock cr DRY Go00DB 0 tk hlua GeoergeIL Haàum e Co., Store XKaa hcreby same the pôlso *U~etin ta d6ssaem eyinteaalta iiI'erthse Goudas Sband a 0*1 hpiffleu.Winprovo.de- eaeulyavaMr»oI Io thune V',bare pur- c'àigarticles in the aboveiNe ; as H. F. & dcae dtrotua of asposiug et di.whole of, the preert Stock. even ït a Sacrifice, the till continue SaiuLusoOrFFantif the = May, wlaeu the pru*fises will be closeti fd IL shonr ime. ta complote nmrealteratiôum nuàw gcn nin the Warehouse andi Shop, ini -e- er ta make routa for oeeof thse maot exten- sive, clsa su d oau yaMsAà &ok, evo, i"narted jue sia *,-I' he arrivai or which wxfl h duy nôticnd in the papers N. B. Merchants visiing the Lower part or the provne, dii Seasen, wil finda t our WhôleaaJé Wareheuge, St. Paul Street, Mou- Uesl, under thse firan of S. Forster & Cop Ia a ew, Weil sejeeteal, snd Cheap Stock, wrty of their inspection. FOR SALE. P LASTER cf Pa.ià, snd Water Unihe. JLby tihe barrel. 0 ionan sd Liverpool Sat, by thse lbl Fia' a urfln Flou.,, and fr..h Oa-. ,ma y theb. whisky froan thse est Distilleries ini Caim-1 <la Wost by thse barrel. A supply of thse save articles -ill Le kept constandiy on baud dsring thse -mOacf navigation, and sold- et thse lowest markent Prices for eush, er on Wproved credt Commercial Wharf. Kington, Àpril 19. 1842. FOR1 SALE JJYTIIESUBSCRIBEi: DYE WOODS cf lb. hest qualit>', Wholomal anad Retail. J. W. IIRENT, Drr t *t APOthA"w, NTIC TO AGRICLW-S Tic the Stone Building formerly occupied by Mr. CHAS. HIEATHI, a rggt h. Pllougas of superior Patternoatsud Ca.stingi lougb l'oints of American Castings, which le of great inportance tfîthe Fariner, heîng more durable thau any allier Castings. Béeat Steel Conu,,Oasud Potatoe Ho.. Spadhs, Shovels, and Dung Forke. Grindstoee, Grulaing lletianal Brush Amorican Patent tiaucave Grass and Cradie M. 1. B.gu' Sythes. Re ping H1k.,Lay Forli., & Rakes. Trace, Oz, Lgiug, sud Hilter Chains, Patent SbeeplShears, fled Corda, Loading Linos, Haler andl Trace Rope. 5'À5IERS IMPLEMENT8 0 *ETST ElS iron, Steel, Nails andi Spikos, toge ther wi1 evcry article in Iboe Hardware line. -ÀLSO- Clover, Tiothy aud Garden Seeais, Glass, Peints, Ouas, Putty, Varnieh, Pit,.h, Tar, Rosin, snd Spirite Turpenline, Parmin are paricslaly ici itbd t tal andsud examine for ti.dulves iefore purchasing else-1 w here, as ever>' article w il b. Rold ai lw Pricea.i IRPJGGS & LASIlER. Storeo Street, Kingston, April, 22d 1842. FOR SALE. Pateit London laid Tarrd IlI*ggià& lusoaTun crama. C HAIN CABLES, ANCHORS, &c., COakuin, r1locles, and Deele LigIs, Copîser binnacle Lampa & Sip Lanthorus, Double boiled Linaeed QIl, Paints, Turpen.i tine, Ter, Rosus & Pitch, Ploughe tuait approved patterns, Spades and Shovels-wrouglsî iron andl steel bladesi A few sujicrior Hog Skiais for Saddlea, IMVPROVEL1 IKESSHYDROMfETERS, (Nlade by Dring & Fage London,) with ta- bles, &c. consp1ete, and gualug rode, Que case superior Fowling 1'îetes, double & sigle bartpei,, pocket sud horae Pistais, p~aent wadd4n, Siot Belts & PdouIès-Powder & driuking Flaska, &c. &.i The abave artiece are e part of lut t MIs amnportaîiix, sud arc now cffùted oeta dm anost favorable terme. MORÉEY & JENKINS§. Kingston, Marci 15, 1842. 48 TO CAPITAiLISTB.. - Iiesos T lIE SIubwini han s uecf the usant valui 'morm .fric. ble fMl «S< in lutise flriabing lTove reeseti>', La cf BELLEVELL, Victoria, District, Province ues cen of Caualsa. enisicis, hoinidegirees le rect a 1 ccd heulti- i rut rate FLOURING MLL-cIsf ie nai o t o ie-anal ha whicht nman>'thousand buahels o! Wiseaî are cils tueel! @oseu ana>' yearly, fracs thal tenu-be neulaloso enalacip eitlier bornait Que or Tnc Tisoumanal Pounda onnuse tafflmn advaulageoas termeu te tise lender, niOhIunileni. asidresa, su able seciarit>', foY' lb. repayasent witaiMap-eaace excuse thse cf soven years, or -o5tset as ho zigist Sud il mnots Ithe convenient te hinseif, or ho wÔald lotthelb. MIIhonia>'ai Site, fo a nomninal puzn, on conaiioureof bilding stance, Mr. a Mill auiisttb. sgreed apo.-Poi furtisr a bhen îra ptis.clanmappi>' (if b>' bIter, post paial,) te ceusoeftlb.fa TsoIiCos.jiueiq., tise PropzWsor, Belle- tomi, anddcos ville, who lus sevora Ten Lots, lions, & tbhaaade suieiieiiu*îop fr ipsiraule s-rdnil» s ur IVNTED IMEDU TEL Y. Ugela i Tise goal jcurneynen Axe inakers, acquaint. XMa. York,i & i L *tiala blackzmitisu worL, laeclamasliber- aa" in Cana al sàlootijseieinenl will Le i n. T.C. lihs couebuilding ccitoltiseTri pHan- CAB] mer Warka. Latiss, S&e., wl.qi* EASE» faà,A CheeO Tue orse' 'astsuepcabblsatb NE GOODS. eoubd in 1 ill' "î sst asese&%u" frosa (Gas..-Tuax,.!f t "Soue Joisan>."1 "Courier" sud "','es te mait fmeiLiversool, ina'"TeronWte" fran dou, ailsmiesoe!Parti auIpI> o! a cal. Asil - SPING <10DBterc; for 99 whih ie. ec.vs»saletoihipsu axpenlenceil iopplsstl wiI 'Agent l 1init ais Markoet lseu lb. cscl îare te baud Le .111 haveauanextenie addîuen te -King""em hie pasant Sock.' Lotis of Fasse>'asd Staple WsWMu- tiouds.-al k iick is iI e ssolal t erceeingl> =aitprice, -for Chas or appravoal Credit. le capeéts ana fewdays la have eopen, le cee ofhis nownBuildiag.ea QUMitu> iteet, a tiponu [Assorlnet c CROCKEk, -LÉ;& THENWÂRE: * GLASS- of un "ma style. -us J elae am sfdor sala, 600 Pm.. lenad VANVAS,<ruaif(m>, 1104.Aiseaqmmantit 1 i0 Twlaso. 'w'KTILLii Kisagtosa, iStM iah, 1842. L IPERPOO)L aal llochSALT termlb>' O NE IIUNDED DOLLARS EEWARI bus boom agr.d fer mmtbi, te a»j ee h. ViD ut a bol. etli4%s Lîuùustfer th e W eih- sansce bus it fsileil of s cure. Pie! .vavvbel- inagtoeoLdwsitlsseld. isalsacoe- tain cm, 5 iin 084eua se (extanllai tise'Oimiseoiplainti. FrtéPiles, IT gtss !théose Ferau .1Dropu>' saia achildresu Teadar Foot, Foi (lIces of lIaslegs Ser tAaIby aseis or otiior kiagomne% or siens, 1'however obuiel Gsou, I.long msndimg, Whooping ceagis, IFret oilsWnua Scsld 1Head eJ Chib, &.&c LOOK OUT. SeSoi 0inkrs &ove coosateied 1"iai rik ad put il sp e0h wenogadgè o notbain jaoued open. On. tiing oftly Winl protect 7e0-R* is thé nDae!fC014STOCK &CO; miai nom Maie fl o n ssLie ar pr rv are choat- cd. Do mot forget it. =a'.' isasdhecioe ia yoet, sud test b llat, or never boy' it; foi it i auimaefor »î> other to b. troau or gune.. tCOII>COMS OCK & CO, 71 Maaiden Lama, Nsw York, sud by oves>' Druggist in Kingste., and in Canada. Fa* sàiohey N. Palmer. Ti llE SÛbepriber bas receiveal a supp]> ci ..Choice RugIrish Perfumery, anaeng wscis are thse follong. ESSENCES. Swveet Brier, Spring Flaors, Sweet l'es, Ileayosmia cr Persiasu Essence, Eglantine, Ilovenia, Citronella Rosm, Geraniumn, Marochalle, Lavenaler, Lily of the Valley', Hone 'Suck le, Rcyal(Condensed), Royal Extracî of Roses. Floweraa, Circassian Creain, Queen'a Bouquet, Bouquetad' Arabie, Eau ide-Portugal Colognae Veritable, Esprit de Laveude lu Malefleurs, Alabrosis, Verbena Perfuane sud Extract, Peraian Sweet Baga, Verbeua l'erfume sud Extract, Esprit de Rose, Véritable Pomadie Divine, Pomnatuns, Golal, Slver, andl Bronize lIras, Anabor Preston Smelhng Salta. &c. &c. &c. &c. J. IW. BRENT, -Kingston, 14th Drggt 'Aolery CERTAIN CURE FOR S1CR HEADACHE Cwhich bus beaue aed in fîmiliei, overy men- bar ef which bhie ad îick beadacho fron infuse>', as a consitutional famil>' cemplaint, sud bui cu- rail effectuall>' iu uver>' instance yul Icon- antning lunanany bundrede. It is not Dépta- tant toe 1. tee anal duos nt préviat the daul>' &vocatios cf oe uuing it;-,Il inust ho pessevoreal ie, sud the cmre l graduai, bul certain and portn. Dnt. Intances are coastantI>' aultip)lying where Ibis distreasang complaint is compltely rellovoal sud curea, ahhonh cf years standing, b>'tise us. of Dr. Spoias' celshrated rsaraoay. Ons decideal prsherence la ils pleisantues bating noue of lthe nsoaatieg offet Cc csn uahu. It lsasu perfecti>' atifactor>', that the ptoprietor :as given direction for bis agonis te refianalthe price Las an>'one eho la st plsaed witls, sud oves coaed hy IL RHo heaaise Ibat Ibis mnsy seur. ils gesat henefitsinaotisa distresseil osaslinus, hs su laberinganuder Headache. jM. D.. laientor snd Psepi.lor. ,C& âoC,4 & 0, 71 MadesLue N. iAi, ani b>' 'ver>' Dm«6lrs iKitenansd lin aas. BALSAM 0OF LIVERRWOR T FU Cflt'EIÙltçAND LIVER cOUPLIT. Coi.#hs, CeIdD, Asthia, Difficuli>' of BreatIL- ig, Pas lu the ide rBreaèt, Spitting of Blod, Catarhe, Palpitation of thae Heurt, Oppression aud Soreneus cf thse Chegt, Wlaooping Cet gla, Pleurisy, Hectic Feveir; Nigbî Sweià, Difàcuit or Pro<,se Expectorationi and aloéther Affections of tisoChest, Lungé, sud Liver. This Medicine is for sasie by ths ois Propre 1cr, et 375 Bower>', between Fourth sud Fifti uts., New Yor, Geo. Taylor, M. D>..; analhd CSmtock & Cas, WholesaIe Druggisti 1 Maiden Lue New York, ansaib>' over>'Dr ggis in Canada. JUST openeal, a few cases of Christy's haut J whiteansd black Ileaver sud Gossamer lis.« Aise, 2 caes of Men' sd Boy ' Cloth Caps, sud(l cases of FZan sd Dunertable Straw0 Bonnette. A splendid variaI>' âf (lents. Stocks, Soarfa snd opera ties, et geatiy reucealp iras. W2. WILSON. April 229d.842. Fom the N" v tait. IRIOIJS.-A çoutleinae belfnging(a ofth. inu" tnient anal nealis>'f Ii- icil>', nbo niust ho vieil cone ne- eali, bavisg &Ince lis.ysar 1918 op le aen Lent neari>' double, and for mairai ied, te bis bed, bai bacc restoacal ta i-bai relaince Lis naturel orect poil. bu ' " tte Lia uinage, analne. vaiks Il - e Iev bis ià IL. gentleaa's ition a sa as possiblo, anal thero la ration in it. W. cll gave inqasireri M. id dsbi obt is humnats feelinigs Win liberty'; u tbasa a>'ona eubMt, me>' ifaos-toiugb la. reuesti bis âeu pair iipriait. mnetrmilri. r. Jas. G. Reyneldis 144 Chrstie #!strst, teoreal, anda l l gave pemsoal saisuLm- fauta o!Lis cas.Bols noc eroi- costâtealcorda anal incve. 11 ha# .-R> Hauts i*rae oadR<se LâaiisL ý6MSTVK &àCo. 'i1, MaidesLane ana by avor>' Dnsggist in Lego., NEW AND SPLENDID BINET FURNITURÈ, Pas Usa Csapga4 Md ias ge.d aSthe. Sea. WbiralLr, heg lavse te isierutise pvb-ý aiMl>, tistaI bLasteniovoa Las Fm.-: a ss llm e bis oner building, ruceat>' mnaei street, liaird deit fréon lb a..r SeI, sd isa, tu Mr. Thbede's 9é« cisure wlsîalwa he f auds - uistit of READ? AEFUN- b.heLest qualilv ana lâtest pattrnmsil ail intet lgporoaser.Permou "ii- ebâsieg arresPeclfolly invitaibaae ILth %abouibar la conitauti> aasise- de anal te culer, tisa, tan speedify Lé lbh se>'articee ni'.& '~JLU 0,Jani. 1841. >-A Varnisher anal Poliaber. T.0. IL NOTICE. LEROLINE IVE$.- pi>' antis. Barof Quinte& Rivee&t thne, (0 f lowing samon, fer ah. tccing Rafts sud Na esselr. Pfer-r dat, iLir. =.pue rippi>' ou GEORGE IvmE. Luptn, ea Llis thI'142. Cheap Groeer Store. Tgoc&crio!ries-la na el tlublc iia mi- ae"isMW«M for the. libéral ebare cf patronagu bsst#mloce bu iiiring tise lait ton yearas i- titis *1y% ne i. o. aivisedl>'ciig up hig 0u> 1100& depatinent, anal yul for thse futurro devik bisti.t te G&OCERY 4r PRO VISION Baiàlas. oxelasvel>', Wb.leaae anal Retail. Fo," srranrgnelgreceil>' ffecleal, Le han L«k#aweign -nsd Brill marials open te iii, fsemviaeu, dir'ect, b. .111 receive, unadulte- rataiLand is original packas0e, aIl articles con-. aetel with tise busines s..- aismBrandyv, Gis anal Spirix nil coin. frgm Ithe Londonsi dcks; bis Wicsr, e, eected for liiméeif, ivill Le o! ciscice Fustaies, anal notlaing Sîili lheo&lreti but suris as canuel [ail in gsvung satisfaction. A large assa generasl apsortaaseit %wiil alnass h Lept mu basud nduneanittlsg attention. will ho g'venti tise business, anal le suris as ia>' favor in mwithascontitnance o!their support- Below a liat of articles on baud ia given, of genuine quail>', nbicril ie hosol a aIextrensol> Ion prices for cash. 50 boxes Young Ilysosi Tes, 80 cLota Tnankay d6i 30 Lsas Musaovado Sugax; 10 -Cruabeal Sugr, 20 harceado o 10 lisas. siungle refinesi Sugar Il0 " double refineal do, 'JO legs Plug Tahacco, l16a, 20 " " du 16%s 10) a do 24%a, 20 boxes Cavendlishs î's & UPa, 5 khua. Molasses, 5 de Bordeaux Vinegar, 1 te 2j, lô busgasifaual Pepper, 20 boxes Ilipbd, bIl "Filhorts, 20 boxes Grounal Coffec, 2D Grounal (imier, 20 l'eppor, 10 Alîspice, 210 jars Maccabo>' Suuff, 10 ba" Roasisai Cotise, 20 Il Laguira do, 10> baga St. Doaniigo do, 30 kege Raîàlns, lO00 boxes Montreai Candîcia. 50 do WVax wick Landon CanalIci, 100 do Liverpool Soap, 15 hhila -fRIand Dupuys", Cognac Brandiy, 15 do Bordeaux do 10 barrels ,Iluibene,, Lardon broien Stout, 10 do -Leith ale, Genuine, 10 isbala suporior'Table Catiliahi 15 barrels Salmon, ildas seaaen'sLtke, 5 Caroteels Zante Corrnts, 5 cases IlWicks" bedt Mustard, 50 jars "Durhams" Mualard, 201 boxem Fig Blue, 5 do Vermacilli, 5 do Macaroni,' 10 cashs Biscking. 2 l uIsi iparior 014 Port IVine, 5 qr. caska "rySsiperior Sherry, 2 hIsa , Bla»suryul, Madeira, 100 qr. caska Il"Marscilîca" Wiasc, Port& Ma- dIera, 20 Puncheona -"Boston" Spirite, 5 do olai Ration Ruan, 20 pu ncbens E. I. Ru a, 20 boxes Ilaýscliers" London Si arn, 50 cases ScieamanGin, 10 baga Clrko, 2 cases LUnon Peel, 2 "Citron, 2 "Stougislon's Bitters, 2 "Popper Saura, 2 Beranuda Arnon Root. 2 "Ketchtsp, 2 "Pearl Sage, M crates Crocher>' aseorteal, 20 packages Glasnare, ýWiIIsa uariot>' il other articles ceinocci w115 a Grocer>' business. »«Wwg pat o t 8.acrahers lttock wlg ie seul et CoulPrioes. Sucis as iiire oagiua aiter brasicls oulil consult liseir as sert b>' xamining anal comparing tise elfensive SUeI prf Godi: non storeal in hie pre- mises, befare purchasing. 1 Kinsgton, 20h Nov. 1841. R. M. ROSE. ItVOR SALE by W. Simpson, 50 barrels veysperior QA17-MEAL; prices le etasieriousually low. King Street, lDth April, 1842. Is UIEIRLm il, Spena, Olive & pale kBesi, for sale, by lIse gallon sud BarraI, AUGUSTUS THIIBODO. Store Street K igstan, Marris, 1. 1842. PORT HOPE WISKE. T' E Subseriber lias receiveal Tare Hasnars -M 4 i fay bondes Fort eqhê Whùkry, anal nil> keep caustanti>' ulianil during tis e ase', e large suppi>' for sale cf tisa ell koownuartféle. JOSE.l'lI B. HIALL. Kingston, IltIs April, 1842. ]VOIRSALe, 5O BARRELS, fremh Oat meaI, cf tise Lesi 0 qualit>', by LM OE Kiugton, 2 Ma', 1842. LI VER CO MPL AINTS. AItD ALL SICKNESS AND> DISEASES TEMFEJu1NCE LIE BITTERS AND CHINESE BLOOD PILLS L MII greateas Scrat ditoeesed! Putgi--pog- purge-Labuai liste or>'for tis% laut fan jouus. This Lbu hein effecliasly uied, anud yol autsersbave aialupfied-an d aed;ansd li t lNeI hecause pargiag vseiDot neceaay bt talé initibai beau dale-ivtieut lbe . loil fdhlWséd sbtith#a taleysoi. Purge >ournst? Tise stei> Lbonions of the blood muât hoe arried off -sr lise aCeonulie lises> preventeal. Pro- vent, tissise ptis e!ofsInch Lastera. WL>' do the Chines@ lire t, s"Ch immense qs, &d 01,Telainthepois o obo r tavid- -O.meLoes u -se calloil bocaustise>' Wat opea aidelmei he tis toà-tat alndard rsrnudy. l'h...Pilla cli deoitl;'a"nalhTe., peamece EBiters, tales as ilireteal, ylstgl nea tese owdm sand prevent tisa acciumulation e! tise bise Daums ebeh infest thOiedIgansd chicis ossll amsases b>' purges,clestisebittrîm art tale, ullis. Bey, tiseu, lis.. pille anal bites. Tale cooI>liste piladii>' lb. bittr; sued il yen am.et bave be invalidafor days, coohi, msenth, or yetirs, yen vilIl id thé, sirkl>' baiuai 4= 9,uldprvastealtrfisa Ttem s adtiseé a! ew m ickneusoeh" ripidl>' le tisafuiiloemasgglow, ofaea ndlayatiauer auere u ases s.10neaitreonso e! L.brilllou ogikbl, tisat lime andal ec. feeil an atempl la, plat lioden. Be y sud ase tise.mudiciis sudd vusese ciAo, anud eallis anal tréaglis ihau L >'ym. She. crs'er landl diroctiosu thit corne cilS tie.. FEAUDULENT COUNTERFEI'l!S Will1 b. atteuspted. Bu>' qô temedy>'of tt ise s enlis ilhave an> nase-O. C. Lai,,Id. D.--m the' erippr, anal&Waisesanotice. oloveo SEnoeald accapdin g1teArt of Cogruas, A. D. -180, b>' Tune .Coesz4 in tihe Clerks 01e. ef iob i Couri~itte Uis ailial Statefor lbe = t mfoui éYok." ionm*. CouNs«x & Ce.> New YuL, are*lise DOCTORO.C VN JWd b>'N. palaier. ; FOR SALE BY W. SIMPSON, F INE oW ChCERRE, sud passt FA 1ANDES equal te boiet London, Speras. )ring Street,Kig-tonu. CHEAP.EST OF ALL CHMi A BOO)KS! NOW rUBLa55aaTtG, AND SOLO flY ]RAMSAY, AIMOUIR & Co. TN PARTS,.favo. eacis contasuiug oue or morc, I.complete Works, s Standard Laibrary ttot, of tihe followirag Popular NOVELs and Tff- . frc 'aerP igid texts. Thus gis ng fora asere1 ntri .Drowng lpublashe t a guenta ad The uwig Xoelàare airesal>'psshiled: comuplets 1er Part COOPERS s. d. 1 Pilot 1 4!1 2 Spy 1 411 3 Pioneers 1 41 4 Last of thse Mohricasns 1 4 5 LionelLincolu 1 4 13 P'rairie 1 4 10 Redl Rover I 4 18 Water Witcis1 4 42 Iagianation aud allierT'aie a 0 MISS PORTER'S 6 IlungariasuBrothsers 4 7 Don Sebastian 1 4 DR. BIRD'S 8 Peter Pilgrim i4 9 Niçlc of the Woods 1 4 il Hlawks of! Hawk-iiollow i1Il '12 Aladalis the Moor 1 4 23 Inidel'a Doons 1 2 3-2 Robin Day END' 1 2 10 Hcrse-Slsoe Robinsson 1 4 15 Rtob of tise Bowl 1 4 INGRAbiS Il Captain Kyd 1 4 14 Pirate I LLT's14 1.2 Peregrisse 1'icklei MUI. RAD)CLFFIES 19 Manfroeoi( TRACY'S 24 Usaine (fraiaitIhe Geraaaan) O 6 1'ALLDING'S 21 onumarNa BROWN'S ~ t 'J) Orasouali 1 34 Wieland i1'0 CHARLOTTE SMITII'S 25 Olil tassor luse i1 26 Seveuty-aix I l0 Logan the Mingo Cbief 1 27 Romance oriiie lyrenees i1 455 A lcep aItltsePilgrinusina 1W>6 i 4 SOPIIIA LEE'S 28 Reces 1 '2 MRS. HELME'S 29 LSusaa 4m§ St. Clair of theo lids 1 4 51 Farmer of inglewood Foresit 1 4 JUDGl TIIOMPSON'S 31 GreenubMuontÀi» Boys .i4 MRS. CLAVERS' 33 New Ilone-WIse'll Füllow i0 PROFESSOR LONGI'ELLUW'S 35 Hyperioaa 1 O MlISS SEDGWICK'$ 37 The Linwoodu 1 2 SIR WALTER SCOTT'S 116 Queenboo Hall (b>'Strutt) 1 2 38 Lay'cf the Lest Manstrel 0> s 391 Marmion 1 0 40> Lady of tlise Lake 1 O DA NA'$ 41 Two Years befere the Mail i 4 ARTHIURIGORDON l'YM'S 43 Slipwreck Muîii asd Famine i O Sitàms' 44 Kingsmen or tIhe Black Rider@ of Con- gares 1 ( 50 Confession 1 HOFFMAN'S 46 Goldlsmiths of Parie O 8 GODWIN'S 47 Caleb Williams i 4 TIMOTIIY FLINT'S 49 Francis Berrian 1 6 M2 Carleton 1 4 Whkls willbhofollowedlin successoion by Works of the mout pepular A utlsora. NO0TI1C E. R. H. & T. RAE M Gt cuant Ilseir Custeaners and tdis Bercantie communit>' genorslly, tisai flot. witbstanding the lais of thse gresten part of tiseir Spriaag GoIseir Stock will lie foundam a gen. ea] aal as well sssorted as an>' otlien Wlole- sale Hommse in tisaTrade, and aisa fresh ouppl>' is irow about haiug openeil, tise> request tis esar- ]y attention of inteudîng prasrsaerai, beiaig con- fident, froua ithe facilities sfrrdeil thent in the homse markets, Ilsat tie>' can dispose of their Goodi on as reasonaisie andl advaatageoue terme as au>' Importer pausibl>' can. Ainonit tise gocis non opesiug nil ho funa tise following: 13MOAD (ILOTINI, (ail colore;) plain and fancy Cassimeres, fancy Tweeds anal Gasubrouns, BleaclsealCotton aud Linen Drills, Printeal Cotton Drillai, Cotton anal Woruted PIaide, plain anal prinleal Molesikine,' plain &-id figuareal Orleans, plain & printeal Sax- essieusud De Laines, Damaska anal Moremna, coloreal ralleal Jacconetîn ; rosI, white, anti green Flannels, lileacheil; Perce anal Parpie Véfota, BlacI Velvetecsu, plain andtivilled Sclicaas ; Stripes, Checks, anal Dem..e, Cotton anal Linen Tirs, Brown Hellaisa, Auii Dock, Lineu Bang, Print,re>* anal white Cotton@, (very Iow;) printeal Cotten, Crape anal De Laine llandkerchiefo, Einbd Shawls, Harneais. anal Hlarneas Gingham Dress, Rarîstan Giughanis; Muni, iaccoaset; Book a»a&.Cross Barreal 1 saiinu, l'riaated Jacconelt Dresses, Silk sud Cotton Messes, Siteer Stripesa (fer, Ldies' flreaae;) Verona Serge, Furaiture Prinlti, Piiautl Cuilt- juge, Chusse, Printoal Orleans, Fs.qy Chiais sud whsite Prne, Iniproved alCnwsCoton Vars, Waalding, Balting. black and caîcreal Linon Tbread, ColIon Bail.anal p8 oaPins, Needles. Bottes, Tapes, Coat Cisr, lngwhit anal black Lace Gioves, Haits, nwbites k ansd coloreal de, SJiun 01e..of all coloa; Lace, Colton & la. easexmo e! COTTON HOSIER Y, Glazoal Thraier@,,Laces and Ragina. plain & figureal Gras de Naples ; Frenchs Whate, Blackr, Peluche uni Pinkjis, lac k andl niite Sea- HasZ~iiefs nboussa Permiens, Silk & Gauie Hïirhesud Voils, Lace Collea, Stikys, ,Pronek out elanalUns, andia, ssbber Coite, wit a vanioty of allier articles. GNoeries, Liqien, &ci 15 do.. lt 'et t aI ;lesu- cA mias" lîe ia 0 , atiî- - la LiOK lei narre la e ca.- 't A hînid mr s, ai,1al« anle en:Cr r. lliI- ta theai ghhta at .'l as ys fr l t i e r ' 1îIlle-- ' liîe tsder-igned 1 1 iae. usealts Batm c, l'olua,'au radgc, snd rhave tjardj. 011 I as as1recert-dasl - v fîsir, but aia a s ertsi- ,t JONM. ITtI Il, 31t JOIINpD.l'iCî J'OHN YAR1.îja .The agedaulthtsiih jîj ivelgs ina> Sait aIws. c;î~ IUOI!tles, N'et il av! l atrl tthe estIiatijjîo ! of II -- il (bat thise <t Iil Ir,.~ ' ' te a;C Se. ir o ag, ,I llîMte IL.'.] anuil, it e.! a i. S. lure , adlIue,ît î, a sigliEHr Va Ilatht r yfull -eit I s asid e a"lea:) -. t n i tn esi sla wiii. a-i ilS 1 bande anc s IL, l,' " ali t h2asiît &Iaîîî(q I. Nen'jek. ii-yril h'7:je LOOid luOXUT.- h. le saa the Q Ra l'ac ltl.. yDunut e nsos,-ui Ellit il the a- &IZ ImJie'pltI'i1Il aire iaj. -ai,,(aa I I l EYtîlact-..; la" , or si I n lIle. Noun tik V aI""~ t l Forsalerîb> îe-tiic asiii acBarai of Ik hii!,riail.] i S ~' l D EllDS eual MERtIlil id.,Iai No. q4, e11 trd snlrier11, t l :i cnot>' EoîSale aia 'riadtfie 71111' l i a s l 1iaer s i-i-I .. I- S Ie;.tia ke ah i ît! 'I h-aI"-i tsa lie lat y ie sar -. ,. a- '1hoanalv&C.a&cl. Calîipre Kouintonis3adaa, îaa l"2.c a sur>' foiae t t re îaî Lailaîr e, 1- CT dIfLi4tl*(.,(r;berlilras, l a - abov aiib't re uc t oaa iI Prli T., nien hoe Beene,,< rtoe s, Ji - '-î' -' ha a .; test iai i IIaI, '. 'r. siene i rnittdfea s trta c Iai th, Kna ibcsa, %at. *Ilia. %îl. t,!,! J O S bythe 1-1 C E l;%pI E Me wil tes PIEES f tr f oze, , Ii! 8 .9 .;%iiOS -.1! MN-,t.' u >t th i FAir iidi es ild le.ajari; 'ai. u Kingston ,MNov. 5t li 1. CARTFER & BENT -i.aaeillit arbc aid chiai kt 5'- - aSycupf ~i5ali5tati (1107i esor notece. LATFOR1 and oulitt OR SALE b>SI'W.Snkasli-C GWonalle., n g oA RER - l Kiguen 2n1 aprIill.ý 7M2 R.. H.plutar&M'I. RAE. WllOlCd AraeSo llpWalle a syrup6fS&map i' il i plEaut ad se&a inkiWDh At laislot l'amiresh, D"Ble r..nn&C.. i' tn wde 0 fi rata*tmgLibrar dis sTloEeT, S5' fileal'. le, l iotiii Pt iai î ti-o c- ao51l a t t he aroi' a ît i se yCrsîtnglara~ WM r"Ibefutue; alie, alit ý!ýe t-i ' lis $hll yliesas e1 ,i-îa huai e ý tIsai itriagas OIFWlg0P UBSC RI PTII.)N, uàleULE tiIAD5'AISCE. aahh5itei45kitmt sehlie pie ICI W Lk. tn. t o jtlsoi, 115 O 01 oti r oser>' Tisre Mohsths. &tPaiutise valueotîelai iitt Wrqa olunOaiL fiaf four tlyn, utaar'l Vole. 74e> ffur one weela ; t ora Man ltr voîssiaeai ut IlIle râle' "I ,Wwotae. 14. M. SON nelui is Wtbaiiak' tai <renaisasdeistnors fer tiseir kinia Cli ,aaI le aisate IO ' taIlie i"Il aie ii em l ss erisiaat o! f J-Ta- gemape, 1.1mocha <'j'a $iSlv' auces;, &c., flne-aCI lîl lamIV n'o f iathas es e & IColee (';iltsi ia'racî, Kisiggtau, uany oio.i 5aic!ý & GîrîRte office. W.SaitohsCas.lliiorlc in iia, Gilast ictamr 'adonula WaV« Siiaiîîaeal'a hirc-e sui i 'Tabîle Servic:8i lis iariesy. la--aid Crates tui suit a Ciîintry 1 riaCla, al!'.! twy aili ssII it sary loin lardem. S:IIING ARRLVAI4S AT Talai ILMSOW WiaENIof7e1 ii-' l biicailacrs avisissglfrau l ai., D-Wnn auceainodiosasl'ri-lai" ae Iiaed liv Mn. Tl<a.acnider, E5 iTis-tT, OtafaitaiOf QUARRY a' Jk.isa to isatiosate .L4sia tsy-have ai'w 1fonsspectiua .C.Y~ ;MEOWrATTON 0F 1prig aud Simer Dry (GooîIs, iifn tIevery deprenaail sttaifaIl ~l he 1eoes. theiisole liS'. iig la-i ýy irlecieal hy oce mifîie Partaters. as- i ristBttticaliI Y .T WXNDOW BOLLAND KERR, WADDElL. & Co. gstair'a28ts May. 1612. FOR SaLE, Th ais alaacsa'eAisctiun & (',iàin;'aiu A1 tIr dz siacisul"av Ch,Wm. V* limlse, kng srGlapoar, suriossaSitl VVM THIRKbELL, A. & C. Mli. AiWHltIITECTS & BUILDEIlS >ltt t'lsamnaauy o! tisaTonas aof1< iC--ma mtffa aleinaus mferectisg a Tostora liaii ,nOr nrreasing the conucasienaces of Il h lebY> give ntche thait tlsey will res 1ag or IeilgrIp, for tihe above usait hp, aroupulie nuthis acalcai Specifir lU er &ILtaat h Oe Council Ihall untiltIl qiiAulist, 184*2, when thse variai P' it bu eltipeo4 idalexcamiiued ; ud sut ttaias lhe Cou*cd ns>' ile ntm Iilut Plan selectea ili»entitie tb. Depîgi qui f £5ý i, »Codta> £30, ai 1'l'ils, téem inb#ila dprIrent 1les GeetkmDmx letpreferîtheir leigit leitd lt the probale canal ifcousIne, ltiaOeesw £104M00 Of lOR ehae appropnisutoal lai F"m 81 sreol M0 Il ,front riront I *el2"1 foot. illater mMnonata eqireal wiIl b. give I of tbe Couleil, if by Lotler pou B>' crier. F. M. IIRIL àw. ~', JisselS, 1842. - ~ t~ra~e for r stt> ~ hies 5. ais,, lb. aboie i a lb. Tinssasaira Moi ywnouo , u 'IL' I . 1 . YSTE ôBe 0]