Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 10 Jan 1843, p. 2

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Pe dè- b.' ume1 bw'Odelalib, n ilui me . «iuellayIde eprai glaS eslida vm bille.,itt di a' iluhesa auis ho e% t moLi ut ý6 Ire brcar smoe bras& wLici r. vegredami nnlt havieg enoughr-et . MW bereri tet iihrjieroy* e lho tlsatOye. it lii.. 7 da mandla latecie.dil ad etna *~ua tat istUM e es lterate, % b., iljfît rm*hd ent funr ithie ne tun fetuoik hotee. DsI* î bsa a"M ier a treirmw,, ansmc rnuea ien &tria tbera te ével cf bir.att-, v itg-orerareris ",o*-a- ee bhe're.a 1taal Dot got hen. 'fL*trj CLt i. ilartu' m a" "ltndoi 6rga-t h.;ihm"n.w a r e. e uise- tireDsrtocfm bemasemrirg wagon i.est ;bvt "0 Parse u"tireacm eau depcrib It.lier feet-aefrcsirtten sum. s".tire ahi 4not0stgOff rire houe, aridtLsedoctr'a ripiien« thit Oncf ber fettil] have te ha cnt off. ElB Wittubc têvns-ea y eare odithre 251br cf tu TIHE LINCO0F PRL'SSu.t% Ma4asi>-, "lren tmkint a ntesning walk i neiglaboaael cfPetadnc sisra-ly a, ire 's0e9io4,,obmeeraa lnad wcrus.belabrig demie7 a 19tir*11 ber ows-r Tire Za vealdot badge as àxli, a",aise hecet at hi Uâ lCoMeet te ur tring .11k intenedaW ertI pibeipa l Eauniko in Potadus, lb.e ld lady' ve*lexity newl>-. irst-rage. lbetLie ait r anjocying for a fe i.i.eute tIis dqmehaa W thre *"eetoutiop r aIboh81W>,«M»uw l m b in opimîsa," appreacirealandinaqiseal aimethte-5 dey ha ioen seie rl fite- qh0 Oakprmr wu 4g fome «hip i s~b at, "Ah tir," ai miithre tlaeclids he Ra tmiIbrue.kiours sai amnhirbat ILu lna 110 wmW te Wtusm. litbetacôte' near breiairfasatinus l ete.naaseittalbeco imleun i Em .milk cas-. 2S"ls irasmc W fe i!seuranda I it rougi t he abticete ' imo heMaligitm bhuaI.But le <lie.e ab irpilate& ,andl lookealimplerînely st tire King df le gentleman like peurmr, i4,-aouisi au nt a peur enan, v. nrmigbt manag teite mu êbelu n . tefst amii.- ..wbat -oacild Y., bMAIme do!" iaqairealdmseKing. -"Jut la ivlileOfriscabY tire earr, and wviie ycn trig at tes>-ejé 1>-nidermuiglt, Pi *ains b ie utn qtaterswiedi tise cuig.Md etre'Il t mrt nor Eltusp Liie irasreacheal tire own," His Mjet. t -ceirasa.le wu resirea, ard sire daubey-, aeing slsa isda a irt ic, went ara iisc'a>,eta v.ytolerate puce. On returnirig firocstti' .thi ie King relateal *0 bis royal, consort tir CaWcarrrnoccurrence araiic a i nae hics fur %%os n i-ukpr%-eYor Inthie gonda pencpe nf Pots. dam, ."My dear Fritz." airitire queen, remet- Otrtîng;Y, - are racre Crown Prince iii ort of tirit aws very wa-cl, sud, indeer, higiri a»aiiig; 'ut mimq.~ otsm»,Im love," cied iis daljeoti>-, wa t have 1 done in Ibis 0-r. h-u ais udorue over and over 1 t'y uny hte fmtier i May an are did i hoir luelp o ward &àurinqg 'Ita reige. So yw "os-e1Ihavea nr,aPreeaeiit .a My fa'ur"-EFrzer's blxc QIfltLs Pc.ýAtÀtu..Ti4ti a pier trech2unim n letier uaparalelel iraibri country. It e a specisneui of art am,) eilI <hi& wvil cevate ti*iecetor teuaibigla 'cank dition Me'eftlee. hW.Rituel il I Citizen ofc ol -ezecuta sth' 9at work, Yr-irch ri-resenis the trusle, aed'ottr sotar s-ytem partieulariy, in ntslib resot Car eties ,n ct'u, in tireMost 'heautifstî order. Nio personu htiras sait ca fail teuire ruG ouY gratified irla na ot eminec SlCgrSr(% but greaily inrir:ctcd.lierea nan uc 1r deincrntratlcus ef thaelinc rrsînt ', a mathiemrtiesî Perfection elri)exactucsc -nuvt equnilerianddi e a largespcr rertien tira 'mlavccr bien errhulited. .. a It isnOt an exliibitirrîî ta atiract for tire or ietl, ibt nce 0coligbtc-saanti ensilete ur deetaing It le an rrDiense pie cf scientiflc meclianr isns, ofcf eeloPran fabrbrsrtivîn, ailtcuapedaof bigly polhheri steel and ibrunsoand fmoud ctai iront nl ail% eredand gildeal, anal tirae wol.maus of wirchIRseeigliane le«a tiraista-o tons. Thre zo. ducal table suppursjmg sire %%bois ntaebnery in More titan 16 féalt in diamieter; tire crbttos U, ratat embraces ne arcs of 66 feet in circunt fare ce isand thre nireber o aireels anal pirior rFegMlatilt lecceplcated ibid aslipla motion@ -of the wesarl~anieuraunut te nearly six hundred Irisieri cosseidea mer e>,haforreri eftirimmer- fry inisit, a ,]cpiatàmof ! itis imusterly prc f Americatekilandl geiinaisehouit in Chure-ustrot tiansanrlm cf dollars, witi tîiril 1-ars cf urducUO abIlor aur&L saed terres c rance, 1me bIeen etirplegu-rIt'y- irs utlcr, Mc. Jantes 'Runsel, cf CclcIuM, %Oti, tgi briag it Io Perfection arli hac asfily cenceis'snl ly the fPit ,btinthtie bols solar ss>.-i. . tita' trisso plante, Uranua, a-rt li*. six mte bliise, Satura wilIr ina rings aaleren atierur]antrr, .tpiîer wit il:ri four, blar, Venuse, MtrCterey, tire Eartlt savitir 01 Mwciiand FtiS etrplacets, tire ectip- tir. within eerons starsand tIse son in Uhesec.a tr'e, idie ail togetirer, re-olving harmnioiusiy -ui t teir repective orbite, sard in nittltatical 4d riroti m e fPli eh 'reard te caeb other- 'm;at ailttis sPa anisaa*m lrgeeri atuî ut in moation Lv Io opesM W'nsof a single crack, il quiirg hbardi>ythreepla Miicn <f cite potrin '-'cigir:, aud tirat tire meltipriàaîy cfruntirana thrug u'xecuteil iy &se nrY lautau)ieds of a-hec!,and pinioure, deunMt prodnuce eveu as mur noise as tire tirlcing Of a misuutua aatch !-[Exprers. A iàvoao WsaIE-A faw dayiSe..r wec ife cf Il,. Lcae, of titis place, didaf ingering dr'easre. Aftcr ber deati, Lowve, cr151 lih .amrt.ace aof a casfitital neigturand ms fiead famille. praceedeal te lnrk ob-r hie slceaued arfe', veayitsgBLsppate15ua visa- of ber relul ours, aben te bis utcr astemenuct lho fnind ereted ri ovaiffadstei pa 'M')cal h ira 7*1+iteétier ignorant;1 ia oneeplace ire kinal£M60inn aanoiher IL tuec £à noia, and in atirpl" .a b honni! 'alursrkindm aofuorey,ousrmiagmmss aeb. foe a mi, apaar-ds Of £60.M .Lacmac- patrn amifrmer!>, tiaIof. wa-dris s aDot. yard, à ratier irurasbe mishe,,but est bas foi fCea er ut baeup eranntaip» a very ssllincrn..Tbs eoui aawcmuaý of ver>,fnealiratirns an mmat bae omatra ___________ KCOS'ON hR L-.U U Y JsA Y 1e1 asm Joint prisel and su r a f- .utr bb e.Anur Iael iieleitDfse-ua beua)prutsse led ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ » J uruensEiga> Vugta.saugrt rg'~m ivens; andi tirattb.ncomplain of a1 Thé, ceuSaimls"iv espfeijua. e-eee iher aide, ver ul)pt aisuend, for a simr ssM &I.Ilsaasin , t uras Md , iI i stIra, gmo<t wos~lmsof te yery, te tire stagfaessacirbu-1 ee s-llm I ear bmm~mnhpv~t~~ ta ettb V5Pa allt 5 ibiiiWi. uilWg 'a-rer é-ft i ,r Cisteandu Lac, argols! bars thair1 ~ ~ar i10 Ujpe tiere , 1 s4oilt c! 1lb. bmail WaUs. letaa b « 'Miiistead hiremeter IuiWllgi n s iteb o(lgrt don f ht CaMU% sussit. value ia r mibd sa te u Cimit.,ion %bilm ~~ ~ ~ ~ theduis andmp " r- aut e util gtirhie ale eirmailmi m e geable purt e! tiresubjeet, it yt re- ai #km6 gae, es s vaIh~mbeau ed eri~ l, iL'Wnou 'Wu thott M arjei ab-Werme le0s.ak. one. atements fur tite q ea0ni tise 4&. ,~ bo rrgiar uari., jeates.analthlnitith" smi>, m-qlei pOIUM pO dimredititig Mr. Siuu.pson's ritucrmas. ,as Ofi>, u bol u nsl-jj4km u i ta ici k aIc issesle, that lit bouritk à 8lfapl -0ftirae, the swo a-bci sPeakr witîr tIe greatest1 my M aurerm pa-ecthe. ~l. adouro vlear t thde Buird o!f Warka ras perfeetfy cnfidence and pretence tra kniwcdge, are 151 . i t udoam clenr.al taatuumiutispem.in adoptini thre sonîb omte'sd cf lire a d r u ci e u himIr u te fessisisa m tme ovig te OARD or WORKS, lie" for ecsplpyisnt inivrrof carir of liens ni>'. ý MusiayEvctigIti Oct. 19 bv be md ut ne a itin the tant twelve ne is abjeclao uppemerte tave heen a cap>, et Si,-Bebre a r urtsilebos Mete 1d o ierrd tire applicationsa tirad e P -eedie aieb afe -ntde-" muteoneoniel-alif fr. Casv, but, ou tirea ba.eI Iluerermi usi rleen!ta arstps ieeînee lseuia onmdu.enrs ,a sciedi by tenate ruake inqeirie ma mrfc~ce eccma li get..,5aocstieit ntScedbefrutiiCeem)tee W bre htcl a. 3W ueumw iis profesional abiliitee, anrd camse t le ee. W behave luta reamd al iiIe Carais,l spt o h thheeulseuit ' lcoclusroei tirat it a ould beoarocg iinme teil r a ffred sfer u elicleres tilon mi>, feitIgothe aimte]or r - ybýip,,a rs an ihsyeiilyitto otdne lddeeal' t f isdriug plenderer. demsiros of ea-pessing te vous Sir, ma tthe esi tra rait nyerpirîntfririrs, ton aller<haeiloard of iVurlis. %Wiri respect tu le lo xcu. aaicrof tiraComrittae, ot>, sincere tianks fer the mur. Wnt. Rsebuck, 1i eus onretire painful ne--p i n osmrniiieall-T edeal te eha s ben un "ne sdoPed by Iou, i loiomt sas. siyofsitating, riat, upoi arrpicationu fron r.i. fiena treat>aii redhias, anali.deitin. the PIeri I ecaiver a copy or thre eviriemi roua theame fr lry iOitn n nanblc, he'i sile1 bi tetywthCin, n j esi" e oth os.clsrk oe<tbe cute e o<eoeà (el oeila scoera ite o apilie e%. expres. rai1 pont for lBritishrcmcerce li the China aam. re a rscta e eteé,(snl>) icr is acpysinhthtirsapplica. in recrired b>, Dr. MePiren, recent!>, i tiet ufl et i e c'cellion; but snin ln0 trichl nquiries as I îedg. eleartaramfollov. eic lcal>volaainvemterum i j4 ad neceaaary, beforqu pisin, any oee ir as a t qarntisr, e aa l îmlws Teprau ne i i b expecteal to final i tirent, asast, quie str e e oau koffe ftrust indes- lb. wih nw neratanmaprtnc.ton y bearing upoe the queutes, at laMesa., tangrItgare.up i)n irgtc ueî n i --IlgKog Ifarinth a et oat ererl>, of thi e wil of nu>,ment mseris al.nic; butav"T BoardjsI ~ave pa-iss.tf etig r bis roup fleiLae, t tisementir o! tlse'«uautbsaicurmer>, ezaeinstran of hlimebeau semacient 5tu l Sicftsoenigliprebauliry t 9 ad te Cantoun. It id inetî. noue17N. asi convioce me tht tirs enduise.st fi lanc! a chr- <les.nirmmeavinofte b rbeasael >taat an longs 114 12Ey- it indistant frocms cmw fers>,Rater te freclaale me, oraur>, alber pfmieknal hetpc ueusl bvet e luon iltutesd nuiesa m uiles, aaul<rani Canton about a - hnndu-d. Thé nenuiiaer, train ateirp*ug aannihle t. iitirjvua ealtr teuie timConilel :ho !Bldinaliaairueigsit rrin lesouievandal visa te a mfl reanisWu aparIce of! ad. 1tI dreur pra hesiao!aniogn of thjet in rva t a Wiraitranatent biemi h.k luaî 'aiick r ain liasupport of Mr. Sinupeoul rg«a-. cou-e. rpoesoso ain uajc ni - ce tmpastu i sa th ira ,Maind, ina eplca imls, for lire meus par, f atter o~sb 1au cept tire levae!ftrustaranal prub tW esr.Am one S ruly a amile là irraidttili iie aolirterm h lan terni a ort O! ignorant gaip, aI*Jaune îy uT-instancie!fthre»ever>,anapiciena profemmionm of t ie analsixmi alumesl. Thros>,o l relevant tethemnlject 1 * -Y s..a an. raureetdttmr ulcai-r . ev bey f Hog oPnje ý" o t tdraw the. tteutian of lie Coraiuine le tire tfth prW eolyab sl a nrpmmmt l>,alem. a nhalgrmmetiaotin sIau býhsmmnovidance of Aur. Asselias ,hai i «Wurg alitt ft ,;el of b'e rr t ran accomtmi.oas esebaiualto tuae lita mu o shex ' ace, . t Iit 0 iha lle"meo pemoal infte-ta fer or agaiuât tire L-e. i aamieeaeDmtprom, ~ ii t ire> iran" «'ar,4Zr anf adlcsting <laeisausbthe wnsr cf il. vitl&Danherbrbrin C=i», sdtie .tb ignorant of tie veynatuee!lre uesonserrL Wharf i n rPrykona sei r>- 'of 'ater cnate tise ana, alii c .ogeg re spect te aicirtire> splait e eu lty. Ta e-f itbe Coteau du Lac, had the efrronte. un grester ,,prt cfùthebey immsollciti framevety. evidence in iontp chaactei b "go'"',s- taaidtuttre canals a-i il irion'teu _th ..j~fegm self contradiction,.~ c iu ceopsa i iecnlhi~rcuCes tboelrntes tiaistarn 'ailst 4 1 a - ratiots, anal positive .mîtateuirnt& ea. iea.y, r" j~tImc'veréôf0î1Used te tire leirore Frei tir cireuomtnee coneP.ireisisar .1- mupma pt*sesioracf e=norro elueeas a There in Ls. puc point inu sv helraitneamea 8 m lsapulact f io teubimoey .1a «nmrca acqusiton. Mare granite are constant andi coiokdtn% Iitb tîlnelvee. anal liechtamtimeny as liras, seiici cannus; cor&- Yr quearriez are liane! atil ver theiims s e tir witir assIs otber.-tha>,ail diapla m u amn e ntiuici oeuveey aofapeewihatc asibue an an> seale cau bu bait close t t mueraie .Obviens taean> bservna rantwiRuthiprclynoiu, andtiastat tvr a ir cue irarinrg upon tire questiion as-nhcitted te v the ater ede, ad w arfs e nociro tir ty e rs>o ltas r Sipso'a egeà tie rtusittee, Iinu>- rroperi>, notice, nainel>- r. ~~~nduv irr a a drluigng roc inernitheal1tione<baya thepractice, aluicit ias been avstecsatucalîbeër a-p i 0 oan an udn a i, cf renuvSrt 1 l9atig~romf inte ite c I temc c.pereesib! lie Simipson faraily, of vyanit ad dseaum aur -'-e *ffeshva taÇtii f h ine«hd as cno trareiieu-sa anal especisl Membera ofwthea*Le- orP' Sil i h erlat Ws tdsnn = ]asor tirt ctiroir m ave d c~ a. e rbe imom alni. n e t uaeles, gial&turc, at Coteau du Lc, and erideavourtrrg new iclposseeebut fiisadrantages.lits lise n nder tireguidance-noe yth le irec. b7 thicet nscrupuluseutcstepj-n 5 bortir aide, la fos-medal ,sconisecteni rigocf ion-aof nmeone or more jerecls, a-hase huai. sc ier iosi a ertionas e agrnat-c a teeotuins, thée IilesI a h"virie> aabout uonets it bas beon Ciuget up a case iu mppeet cf nMe wbici Min upe rstbpr çtr efeetaignethe levai of the* ea. Exeom in a Mir. SiusrPeon'm acceaien ~!tMd- tef c ASson bJfla outii ho tthean anal an-iosBouselofa If Î,t bave z-.hoMembrs cf or or cultivaled ; former! h iss bait projccting ntaussi cf wea-c j onerifor te Ôcam, th! ter Mhrnniers Cnr-sit threae e a.granite, tire interis gis ing mieter tu irerbage ileeripionli no t exceps either tie saitieues uit o fth prrteopl e tkracr, tIre n iezp:rt'Il anal hrupir.acierj.Tires-earc netresem afany ise; verbal semtirainyo Mr. Casey,,the nginnser, a-iom 1 arnexpcsin- diS flt cenfine tireuselveil adurlîke te generallly etfmenaaineas dis. eaploenib Mmre. Simpsonandl Harvad, andi te mis-ttmnsuffr ihrsett ni- 'y tricta. it poissees but fat-valliea, mu <Iboe.net broufft ariva-d by MIr. si aon Bas aarte» ema - s.tewess cfut fat tl es tpectt nin-l ! soy cItent. .gailtme. Tisgentleman buse)! stises, (I a)mti aiir hrescdcluet nicr Th dieula iti uth e n lb ,r., f-net n cr i .sai ,fojie ot an fî hi~~ne rioan urcis) 'lire abject of Mcspxminna. repli», n oopen n ebti aea 'ydclryii he*a iss1 'teins anal repor-tasnet te furnisi an' autimate oietlbtuor een r. acefor irbutgafinie bleiraracne-, iiostassistean nisem ualche $Pc orbidnge airneiocf tire probable cent of a canal on tire norti aidetenn1 f 9'.salihdaa uipaia --andi oiti aide le c . T trea b evine *aalbut mes-el>, ta sboa-that tire Bon, u0 u. In. c frat sitnc i i yF undulatirg l'ad, anrd appetristé b. far botter a. aa ruitn leaing tise public ta bellile tisruts; t aeasOfcr fmi ett dait) u"pi-as rmiters irn n irwnurira anion lenolrmu oal ee i0 0 c lisi, thon, the nature rf "ne teptimoey, if te to ', e riesarestmouer> fine a tcanlontire niraide ;" anl acm rýdinl uo ripufUr te jîifp<55O,Îc stahlisling,tiait 1 Ves tire er are nm e ieboys, More hute ot ire ; b dasi -igl, sas vacontrtterizerar sgrossehMander, or tire the l ofwbies. a Ty-on ad Chc b te tis rer>, day, bdnet mane ie s tîmate .iicieo hcsngfracnl sc et culer T>-.lan ai C~~~~ac i n r~ ufulcf Ushe cet cf consruteO'aÇflcin cfeem o cnl -niat il wan At tire foriner paceamilitas.'peut bataurne l onenhe cW' 2000 astaiapeertrgiie- gbeen ealablimired. Iletirplacer.viici lisirorlirakide: ce tire souIL sde, ti ge lae b5.. oetabie oh00,a ts<ctic ree ftie wcsrk u jremoser about fieemlsfrc ytnfraanet b.an for moen veasai; ahdin uanaa-ee-tea nevoigtan.iobsaclesnte tueof te provetfa Sver>- convenient anal c-il sireltereri ile for huit- question, hBean@, tttmilieunie cassn ibe.fordtir avaetiton 1 i flse-I aetnnot ervonsbru>, s îe ding doclryarl cl t. Patridge quait ana l aise cmnte.iesa ltm-r fm cpret self te look at il, in crtupaison aihtic ariae havefitn founion te e an lluitire jets- pointsamible ocale unnvbci tire pressent, canal sla iaat nlrrs bC ensa.f~n an Xeer eer.lestaotaenee are expariencer! Engineersilipen wirse etaborate eto epeaat n dsrhv eu«es albking ect Tell tan 0faleeearF,rcoontn ttcyos-ch a orcbof?.at veilaicspydelibarato opinion, as te tire se- f aIrs-ady nnunahanmupa-ardslofnI%1,6.op"eo aven availbhe informatisi, wf<ir respect <a lection of tus luine of canal, aa ome! n il te tire nortsh-cautera extrecsnrtfHousg-Kong, theparticuls- sulject vbtris, hopretnde te ex. teiin ie oeuranal ormus]i, aanfoth- anti acrostihéa>,,in tire sown af Coalocis, am'in.l' e igt a-ellma3Y trat biisoui>' elject ded. It jnshall> irpauucv i nthaIceuart inamal fortiied Chines, position, front wabichr the a-as te cetticse a reprit af mine; for tire g iet- dwEn the Daises er-fi. Wmn. Rnsahurk, MIr. fluet danse msuppien ilu abrinulauce. A pensiela er part cf!ishlm ajoîày tonsista ofaà sert of it- Wiripple, an) Pilot Perr>-, or oveist ttof Mr. cf corsielerabe aille, lathouly a les Chiie erar'trictes-es -on Piy> report te tire Goveruior Case, by tic aide oi tics. ccf Mn. Stevenson, Open lit entends froeint atn cf Casvlctuin aCeuseai, cf Ir- lot of Auguit fbat, asad ij fat Mr.Baird, AMr. Mil9, Ccir Philpoltsandi Mr. s outtb.astrly direction. Ti i ut>-conista more fit ta fures rasileas in n neamiioter coupeed efrraileuinetneuitoiasItob ml gceial, nal prov cficieti.<O tra overenet. ttanto b mermite Cca cither claitn tire sutieriiy «I tire gentlemen lust fMaille raaluete us, a-es-e htte irecereau appn- Coiamrtîaci"f he Lugiiaîdre, aiti aa iea- Of nmd rald eM w xesv xe dage taoor prenens peaaaasionis. Tire apear.,.-ii .eit5s ntupiilia acientifie toinut. suce, in oruler taelefeni) uyseif agitr.net hr. saanteonf Bang-Long le aetîirg but prpa5- 1 iSun aramet ilt i>'lng puroesinaicaee Sicer' charges .thean accusationsm haves sing. analSu tboese a-irabave bithlerte reij,d ie etat ayhng apst i thte be roe c-uiytrvr vdneai pun'it, te rlicsate binaproveti far front saltibri- prodriction o au Enîgusneor, sauce mac arlyin-c-.bIed ion prof tbyte u tery incnyad- of 1s. Tie l sa sgosisdal cf rensveçetation on ece a detarniinaticrs, fan eut ntfe, ta make up andl venturaeirucbly, but confiieitly, Ii suhinit tri tic face cf tirs. bill, she grose! on wicli aiRerIl bûeiru a case for tire emplye,anal nc uttar. the Cammittra, learces evIroll- unsereri iii>- de. Lreaa-yfa 1 Of reisacesmselastic anal h-eo Jm >, yderoin of meion notice. cisionira fav-aur of Cire auperiur cicapries and c 0.nhebow id fte alin e tIstvncspnere 'l'ie otirer 'ritmemmes brougirt forwarul by Mir. eficiency cf tire souti aide fine.Il I-lempatur e udn;idet iqehrsatailites more pure, andth ie c>auges ofSimspson, ationgi tic>- de net prelenri teal ' If. in nmakin> tirsabove bervat'onic, 1Ishve t r- Iuipratre Ies u ten; dcc, ategtie ence, filkelMr. Case>-, are diaqomlifieai hy Ihir lacen betrayeti, bIla natrirai feetJing i-tindigna. 9 ,yappsars far more likel>- anal pu-ferable spet te utter ignorance of tire subjeet, frum offerrng tuy tiens mb Uste ose ofestilar iexpeesriss. 1Iz is fores ettrtent, tirars eusi e Ilng-Kong amde. opiniorn ta ai-uir i1 eau pay respect. Tiey con. sîaoIri beg pardon cf tire Com-.nstrea for- airn,h tv At prescrnt it baas heetu tecideri tîat this penin- 'Biot oi Pilote, %Wiarflngers, Farmre, a Stage- faileil iu comnor espet toa-arda tre.n. 1 barsé efie u e censiceerd as neutral gioued." coachirPuopreer, a Stüre-keeper, a Ductar, a edeavoured tu keep within tire bouada iof iecro' f Tinher Maetnt, residisg et Bytown, anal tirelrum ; anti camrnor irit trust Ch-t evecr'y lcoctler Vi (0 Agent of arr Insus-antre Comspansy;tire latter bc. af tire Coiism;n:eu, imrnginir> um ali efte ire pia. t SAL~T lrcytive -Ir is s matter cf deep i-iig M. Simnpson's tsp.sen ; ansi Use a bobeofoe il in nty situation, andi aubjecedal s Iais te te ci t ercstte' large pcrtions of ciu, country, ta fini, a Lhtiei, net extepting tire iserciant, ut .ll>towrn, atcnusatinrw, -bci, i tire>-are udîoitreii, aos:r i t ev ent for tire saitpro viins sus abundantiy put ep. aedeepby irterested pensons. tcftlt e-noesoa ertîina: ei n~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~l js TIsrrrttdfcsrî ft. lr!sitrf rs [ requisite, andam snsure hat ite Conmtit- menai barnc ci-, a-il fini excuses for tihe arrorir e 'r j orei a market thi-e, viner iitierta bas been tee, ccmsiderig tiat 1 am place) open ni! trial, aiiarcrItaccpesu yef ni, j ess productive, bccsnu, package@ nand modes aiU aUna- nme, lus my icienca, te explain th ira lu dieb aveli rtnyaelf againtMn irpothr of e pl'ii do nut isuit the people. grroulds on whici I1 question tira crenhut of tlrone l eedn yefa-i.: r insý' c. ra niefin ig marie a-are o hsw- - n h creo esna rdt c argea, il bave purpesel>- ahtaioei frou noni- a-rote te Englarralfur air accurate atetrnent af Tireou ano s dobt tint tire St. Law-rence rrng my>'a ecnce, bave icun laid before tise Coin- th ni t tire'ofetpltnup heaf anal pertit airoir naviàation ail busce the effiec idminu.ing tire smittr. I have bcntglits ial ne slli evideuce ad -bect suit tiraSmarket .na ir ep]pi recevvlec properuy at Bytoseln, anti affectinsg tire 'ras requireti, tu demrush tise self desotructives an ci! frorainan ateutic esource Le lias kindyin- . pfirm cf persoa negaged in utraieeries-e. Tira stateinnts ai Use aitneseesagairttLuo; nar amcsre "muicael]te tes, anti ae seuin it'as furirsgt enieuce cf Mr. Win..Stearst.tire Merabaut pi Isucra-diaposed tu esatsan>' acigit tosire stalle- or mu, i.p'e izrrion c -[IN. AmonurC&D. Ilytean, in really devoief cf ail vlue, ts regarde menu o ugtpssofe.aiouai poisons, airae bac-e gir. ev Ini1 - usini p ntec. oîiigthre quesion at issue; navertiselit einees en Opinions before Use Cr>mmttee ia faveur of au sl 4 laine in molrde upcairce@ o ininas-usthIe binsaiswtir ahicir persona interesta iun tire the aati side. 1 rely 'riti confidence en tliseh esspies of$11 pindes c p Wu Iboet Primelb -Ortaaamtest veillirthii.subsest, and aimaetireuni. fol]tcalm, anti inteliigible tessîmen> of tirs En- ktMs ef3 i sO OD lcM la lwt hc uhawriil ubsi rugi ier h aeba xmnd o m w Indt ari: 8 pncs o t t)mW ulch 31 Io;foras-a- lu a atill birier anal mare eberam de. puc. anre aroofre a gentlemsan, ilatny fimon .t 0im. Aess okt-e0picsJ- Ouecgesta gonhr aitses sbaveau ansrist as npnttinsg haliefater havinganxiu efetdupil in oua r 0 CaI,., Ailo e utlao e' Wit a tot Iis wrk. AMr. iimpsols smp.toe, uiject fer more t ilan Yeats entirel>,cancers tel là aêp, el copeedan wih l"Z*rPZ 'r, ms--Y e us ncomse depen uins a <thé itir tise-opintins cf toegentlennatu.1Iam.in d pckle n ge!'uidn.f oseSt."be4continuation ci adangers»navsirgatious n, ring ceeineerl rir,, if 'taie aonuhber ci Eragi- tes a mat. A tec o rm toia lIe!seola e xpnucpecelioe o! #gr Dmnca. Irl.neers aette inabe aus-eys andl repenta upars cb fm u fasmi-rg rtybeilous aorheif e misais oir, Mr.HNene-Reeuc, in n to lea pilet the ,ec.ne tber coclun cnle came ta e f ces mal r i meetlon otabrme, cf trrth e s admrenlgeni inthema eti tanliraI tsnick 1 Iil>- mintain, nznwxW ..cIs.t f ps.butoekm anal bimites.analW pince. sf a gal e- r alier -u ,' -1 îte lie. a! ofcanal eu tire eotth aide, neats tupro.s- f earmnses a 'oeil m- eir et.initiale eW tecksà sg gum n raly ue npin of efficienie>,tau a 2 ibelleampçm,2 piemsa cmaclose Daste tire- out prt f teriZrwibvrem marsaralspci - nel atirtliben tais elietmairueair taiertIe S"eticm ;IraniniendlcanL A nlsaamy ise on Use norti aidesurnd cheapeu- ta tire r benasce-ami.ait<m4osl o<& ~ relative.ef Mr. Rcerb s a -Me'» 0"oaa f matem 's!£00,OO.ýtia, a-.e - Isam~~~ti~A îiereacimm ion tirea Collectoncf CO"le i m I ctule, yleri Pd MRi»", h"le Q st«, Lse, so ass %and hW i b C:j,- à--% as ae JwMitisuq eh g iithea political utl'tcanal part>r andiais e~mSsi # le te u fru et igalens 4m v psauzg menslia nriver J £mi4 isisa-hl btqmain~ enseta L - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 sisi theing-Upee eb pie ui eg ~ é -m-uA4eud ie p pointa in alliais>, M m W* , ciea hhmejimne M' IF% mpeseteui, ie aras airi, taie oestry in alce euloete&amar a iJmaille iss e- c-en i ,t ilim ammle sd1tnt hi male leseu e as ! smthe rlise irn - -rnS j rair uurk, m o amte enirput~ ' liehende-lnavigationon a iî i - t tt cm * ir usim e nia>, Cuetuhnm ofra,2 iCas>',tir atWasO5-rrà"git-<a-crra s ubject bau beeu.bmarr'led II thre Kingýto iii,1 jIc lcraid. wbrchdemanda a ashort notice. l'bat:fr .. ;, ' Wariter rrtimateil, fracas falis that have cone trihis fruils th.lr.ad1c '"-I.~Lrr knowle]ge. tiraitcertain parties are buIII teuza- eaLi -r' C -c le . glat in uranufarturing votes by Pcrtioning eout tu q ,l ",suc lmdjviduls helrjin-rtrir i eI.tcal Opnons1 lie 11' c. 7 lots of laird lir varices loscaliîjeand&Rhuiis givilq -p 1 1 '.*r t4 " oison an uriue is,àiuene in tihe ex. .,ai pfôwpblieimai ~electiow. We rneuî rainoj ilc rie mot tio that an eil Iwitsormat s likely ta vv-i arj ' pestiletels! tr any dansgerràa caent, for punisons Ottere.tair wa «e(ýa«d s llijtPto I hetrý Te dff,cc' î.' c property ta much puirpio. But i %v uertscIre.c cirrc'rt, iv ta becrrue operaf ive au a ei-tem a:' elcction- c ..ro' '. eerirrg lràd n bould s-r, etilr at once Le put aitir, as (lie ctw'Or d on auc m tter w ho m ig ait b. t hre parties re . itc e i er as I r-ersg ta it. Let it ho p'rit dorti, as tlb' ieral <c.,! L ý;j.d'î basn intimatcd loy passrrag a law choqurai îgany . aa ri, 'c-in mari te vote fir any property open srhir e ilsie .\rrl' IcL L ont restident. Iriderîlthis sircculd blie I aiv li' .le cc al] event.-, for rt is onlyiya ihis way tIlat 1<c il,' c le.-c Il voice of tie counotry eau isse fairly asoI) cnnai r e Ilc, t oii.ained. If a man tricher Ilosbis nr'cirara os'cllc irrr'ou rFr ' posesalots cf laned inmany differpiit liateq I P c r 1,,r entitling hinm toavote, rt Cives himm-.he pcrwei* of' ,c..i~b expressing ove, arud over again ieis nioc, a c power te aireisireinr n ltb.e eitie ier n Ille c. ,rr t'n, .cote of Intelligence. tbusm oaking proppertv - arc" lt 'l ire eri luneeltse inâtrament of jivifsig air individunl air ! Led liti rieir tccj' "'cr, ' undue î.owc, cller iesfellbe, and desrciiîî,i oc'ee,t0ý, 1cr'o~ îc c. al, fair represeatatiGia. Noemriinrueet II-r I.ce cf v1c7,ricc S represerrtatrrees tôt liPscountry, satIdi bas, ' Ir, lietiri, ilhI,, crr e~ , . the prîril~e c f votrrrg uerainthUictowii rie ira 10,1)rçîrie or district ir. wcbich ire residee, andi th ire i lo1 i, elisf Of'rac.ctcfL 'cc. c,;,~ beyv never aril ire perfect rintil satne provisriornc ;artrtreitFc.cc . to this euh-t ha madIe. Many cetilàeay, & wril'l~ veiestilî, arise fronstithe operatiort (si a diNirent systeni. ,drute î,f rte dcircerirrr,- [Chronicie & Gazette,. Iliei àcterrl becc rIrilier r c The contratemasyoterday braise grorrnd %spotsu ' ti lnriei.li,, ,I the L.achine Canal. lit intire intensition of thIt It1rie reirtri j or ite c Board of Warka ta euîlargeittIo tire andsîZ act Sitilerqieitîrtu c', lirse St. Lawrence Cana.....Monreai T;b. Cape cf Mrc. ille-FI1 NIr'Z ,ý BY.L ~090 circis; N'air Ditarc N 1ie Lc 0f eîîîtalî.sotat a.lrid iI Authoritiing, rsisirag, exi, à'ijrjcoiiectirîg an @0rr ecorî.ucra, anre,, c assesseri rate fcur'r mè eàtabitawn m f anfmrdry tu colonialil'srent rc rr tc r~.c Srcheel riz. in thre Trownship of Freiler. C' prrron r q 'vpr s T~, rcksbtrgl;., fer the pnrrpeme of buding $cbrera miar on, lrei,,Ircrivr.r I'icrlrit~~r54 fat as furrnd eeessnr% rc ccc Pasas!dllu Nîvember.1 . aotdture Sacton t. Dfleember, 1842. cpurtatirin frorrid lrccr c cc- Wbeream by an Act pâssd intre l'arsalent 1iaya c rirtr-er, of tbe Province of (enada in tire 4th anrd iltirfor anicyreSI erc, as sic lo '., Years cf thaire of Quetta Victoria, cap. uS, PaYigln hat rhai leen ar~r'c c i providing !ir tire establishrmen, support, and r epayorents a Curat ýr cl, , tU<cI ntetance cf Comran ra e1m lin iaitrur'ckept up. vir.ve, niieroin itis larted llatin re & "'rc I'e have îer~c.cb Uourreil, shai cause aaseoera tibe miaritfeîr&rs coilectei, front tlq ,trubabitaatm of Scrcol D is- i' tia C.adil hiz, ir eril. , r trits for thre purpw.sc of Education asad fer baili- Traririer, rte hsrral ailr-nd ,, ir" ii.gSeboul Horae. tr.-frrrrsthre sale cf ni, Le r"ar' lie rtt ieraore enacteil by the District Court, to tiei, aI urîciaj nr,c Ill cil of Ilre liidland District, constituted anrd as. sertr.i by virtue of, snd ruader tire autbriry lrf ir-ce ir1 exrl'snge focr îLe cI . an~ Art passeri n the Pariiîrerrt of Caia,rl,41li1fer acOîr sItIt iu t-' C :"!, ,. Il. I r .sss li1tclr rtîa. cap. 1, fr IbolrEstablief.'.ci2r r1Jel cirerîr' Ii , Ir. c c, eIor ct . cf eunirai authorities tiercir. ,Ithe, rer-peccir rie l w -,. f l 1. iaheýt for tihe prirpose of biiriiî S choo Bu a< r c--t1ir l.:rcr lieusses in thre foilowiirg Sciroi Dilr~icts .,rte 114arIugrtcrc-r. , Trnrshtip cf Frerlericksiburga irs tire Nidliîd lionftmat tire raif-l. cc,. .1 . District, tlrere tshali haerainea,maidlevierl, upor i eJ are ftlreetul1itcI r, îri111c 'cri, i! assesserl reai arrd Ie,arral property tlrereru, aside tho tvIch Crifc Irsrrcc ire foluwiîg Bsimat vi:-Buifi%%cuto !à1- la Sc!aç1 jDistrict XNu. 1, thOIseMMrrOfeFitiY >t fts r r:.c r*Tcc ~wc cande. ~sons at onvir troc t:itc .lv,, c Nu, a the suner fSeve à Pouids Ten Sir- sFriues of eiligraric 'cci c",r c- 1'r s 'o i t ic r t f C r i ra a d a l it c j No. fi, thée auraof rFity Pciîurl. thire i . ce liad ilrrrccîcI.j 1 '1'J No. 15, tiresu uracf FfiY Pound.-c.týjactiyruJlil ie4 Nlo9,t te asrin rf uriy-tlv oastnplydilt lgcj^fe hl ,t thre saidmauras bcrateri eqrally avpit ThI, lrrtie tti Ias lccvaîlccre Ilc,j the assienseud property lir each ucItire srid Sc-hurii ' rceira>s,'c rronsrQuic 4,'.', Districts resic.-tiveiy, andl ha levierl, naruilo- gryvbsing ,ii:!e lecteil, hitire Collecter of rtre sasj-JTownrshicp oifr 'liat'Fe'virutinice l.' c.:c F red e r rck s tu rg b for tire p ren a ta Y e n , 1134 2 , rei ;' r n a - cc c c cc c . c witbirr thre.4crirecci Districts aferesair iri tre sciirà,!pense wiriieirtr 1"'11rl, 'cil ' m r a i n e r a d ra n o v ir b > , a w p r o v i d e . , a n d lY t h e u n - r . ! ie - h 'ýe à f r yc . : ir pI) tru tireTresautrer acf the District,, nde lbavse harl fre(Z r4ra rie provicsions andi resilrictinrs cf an Arct rf f rr e'~:icc il Ilarliamretcf tire laste Province cf TpPpr Ci-torn, bave gere iru ici il i-ccL., '19 dla, passer inrutise Srst Year Of Ber M Vist n th e %Vpc .1 'cccerl c-cc..1,1 Etergn, cap, 21. iurrrir rsite Ccc Ccl Stac 'cur.!1 13AMUEL McGOWoAN, c lrrte rf rr,ioppe-rcr1 cr' r there binrg ne . c lircrc'c Sa;, D Y -L A W "X I.eai a y tClru re rîri. sf et, 'eC c fc Entrtled a By-Law te ameirri DY-L3w Nu -)-. prrporsai cr4, sol r-,rc,. . sesed lth Augast, lfcll2, estabisihirua nor ttrown aa-.. c ,,'1. . Trîrirpire Sciailfron irr erclunsr's Point lrs tire Towrnship of Kiugâlori, te thre Town af Kinir- waul aIv~ go 1trie'Ic",ccc' cr Pacnsed 10--i Novetîbero ,3'-al. shore la ira inditlerircr rr Sairnrt"ured 261b DecemrIr. 1942 ertigrunrite, whc.ia, irnrrieacc Whereais ry a By-Laiv îraa..e-J the l3th disy cf .'rugust. 194, entrtied By-Law No5, Cstair- frir'.rilC0te crl' r, ris g a T u r op uk e f r o s e I îe r c î m n e r 's lP o i n t ;lr A n ,] i r c e le s 1lh i e , f i r' f r ,n 'cc ,ie r.wilsirip cf RingRrtoiî trrtire Triwnsof King~- luus h cldIe1ter1lil " sio.1 air) for levyrrrg a Tcrii tieron, andi w1rete cride tirrvclisse Ilercrrrc'lis . "' as rt1 n recesssry tri ai easain-, and corrl: 'e w'i;triensprr r cc--1i." Ire cir,'C a ithercbsl 5,t.iric leiecates 1rc'.r'cc'.c' [le tl ecracted liv the District Courdiorf the tlgll rcsciccr.r,' c rc r ,.riDieritcriorristrtuted aind aissemtbie Ii atsieee .r.!ligi .Iv. l' nirue cf.aiair der tirs aunorrry oclair Art pasé. caies of Itt-e fs-cec clÇc,' ' ded -n tire Pariinant of Canadarenttilrd air A-e slriuldrcorecder irat tirver.'1 Il' " ca pr.reîdztfor- thL be-ter internat Girerurinoit rf 'acostrveilsi1 Irat part of uiits Province srhicb forrrerly cec.pearostr rea-" ca stitute tIre IProvince cf Upper Carssd, Ilythre only be te ineras c i Irl -c 'atablrsbnaltof Icl r l rricipal aaatioriticr cciwee nýJ lrcerei'mr; ar's i i ri rv etacteil bj thre autiror adIe selclearrie, e i4,Coc esl~'r- y cfire scatira - air! f 14e scTrelertnc rcic- 1. Thifranyr!persan esindi wlitlî DYHodeanI C.ri egoo O -zs frus tire said It.ad c"ru te lie cpl:ied - tea1. .c h r rrrr g h r ori e r r a n y la n d , o r g ro u n cI n e sr cn i p e ru - rs t ou e t t i t u . ! i e nI -iii tiere r flo n t blit a a public ig i ri r, uir.. an d i hierefîc e re e te I IJ jjr f a nl aucir pers an i t I be ng tra ow neOr ir Cecr p l tire plan i ..-crr ab I ' er, rîr srervart. ticl oseaf tire faseîjy cf tire ovuer 1s learg«Il r oreirpier rof sach loud or grouatd, in tarder tri jappiced.l heeirr.cvi 'cl, rvade tie to la dirm ced te bu ta kie ci under the tla, as, ell as laiter, or r r' ic t f r u lat r i t y c f l r ah a id il B q -L w : O r i f a n > - p e r d a or a a d l a teIm l o e t r - l l »bail riss, or draw actes$the Piank ?atr cou-.tiaitghsurtaesentprces i 9 p cvc tru c e d a o r t ie a id e o f th e a rd r n dal e x e .P t t e u o r s n m g a i d r;l ý I Irpe arreswy e pserioenl nperma, proportion f capital h sscirtri r ci elnai drg irnles or Ilicains irltireaid Itmasi isi- fPlrry la'i digrboot r* ec: out firat iaiving abtainserileave frocs the Trits-if;, lu addtionr.there acre eIlrust c "" ses tirarccf or &sire antor causse tu sate"priror léinen eu, shoes!A vâ-t pif moeer tierefrons amp nudeutir,or atirernia- or tiein erouiri ie subjee 0te Mater teria!, ce tiresiditrendasen pestIY, Or t1.1mB>,The2 betret o. wssecosr a tir maresses,-than tie>,endure-n ttrc.Tis< pen o5iending imin scla mm.»s"H foit md enargratian en Ibis vs cl en ea In mnot uxeenrg [i- mlillies, ta breped-uepartion for corigrastO Mte? rnverd n led inthei cooS n t4awcote ligratran, if it id tabe a bereitnt<s, 'le. in te t Cauo adBLw prosvince slready recceee as largonenic Hl. TiraI Use m»Wi DpLav e. 5 shall b. mud a tcnaenmeseat eirr continue j in c.« Eu>re perW el 2w I'twn, and if anr>,tbliug More i. te ie dure' dt trs liredate et tas m r«geotie Md Bp. by th, Imperial Parlillmcntr s a 'anîit Law, anml ri ise bm .te t"e Bo sm" tels reg po-e oners f tirs Districit Ceauil, *"-» uiagr. t tle (lait pape SAMtEL'MGOWA. aeW"r ach ti.e ny dsire te lie ~ landmmottcl, aO uilaI oteet rit edt5 sra as msint tu the ri. k ofW" lots tu ho lmietire ehance'bf cL-I 'lik cooideration aloue di. t'centeir. 'itin it' 100 î u le auzcCctsi It l lfimmen but w1aI arsg tire aln. lga5lpPriaer ta ira muasit u Y"teplan avatullieb- 1~i aia~but fUCOSi ib imn. e VUMO Ofbth uraler cf ami- 6 W 11 IêrAjai at 'vlecfer th. las 27,2115130 >S8 28r?2MI bIeframa iCront- bj~ iuloo 'n 3,937n maemat- b W, lagtnted ti fie psag. p tIrecoeutr>, btthe felloaing.anunt; 627 M 557 0hla qm of ut 32aas i coise. W.,et..<1tt peir ifmest Igîven, the re- mit bacen inl. Tiiese enui hrave cii Wia Ummp CIMus ialois,.flefors tire 0r" »I-s l tertitOrial revenue, butolince Il iil ebs>-uib>- tire umpeisi Governruent, ~ lgasta CI300 lpar- minte nfurleirigrntc 1,r £8060 m peromnera fuw id-iteerii- a; IDa-bèethtir aIaof 4o-. fir toser>- ndu îsiuieu.iau in uamtre sneeritr, r-' cen sur tasusum tOf last aeek respecuin>, UWs&ufitre of votua Is> tire Tori es, ue.t Mdrfahkif l liai refoirmera bava ajoure the Ili$eMMa-rs armspirtiefn td sapi a. uni. If ao W mdeanîy allusion r-s pat Wierusthiakind, a ir ai) charged îirsm eTin m tlsse,îi@ b renuarba arrulti have tlse plut; but rnia- thr y are lmure Nsu nul- aer, tire iRateurnra, Csreiuii> omeeils tire llt se Prpsei tu rut tai)tire prartire en- cîC iattes-ra ian-int proit b>, st. Ilts e anc laft lu maginre tîtat a. sa-uti en.t ý, ris (ingti, intm uritf urgingnsitsisp- c, altiirer. Titie, ne tsuppose is a mr cf hi@ firneo. tOr 1, lies) ens irctiir nc.illtrtr prnsepect - f Iosing tins sigirt lTry power, tirat lIre durrt nîýt hint buchî ,tisDa ruerta, tîrwS terruf> tein l'y me>. Ct e e mai stop tire maufariie of ric. rira-s l A geilty ersenerî-einrrkea rs.. le i& atrari tur lve it kirr, aCit it id Mdtiseject atall uaerureil crtes r PivninucC T 70IY14Ccrt..-...ffucial netriîre cf Kg elections te tIre Couicil haie uns ies-n 'ni - vet bt a-e earri tiat ei-. Fr,usuna imcc c.siected frl iii- tébrgi, Mn Iir icru vnÏ ci-ad, adrun. hrtcNeilItt oIderick. L Mri. Illip entreseoesisr. .45Iilc-y for ts. rCuiirige, AMr. Scott foir r'.irierst !W MrIl. Crase, Mr. Whecrler fitr irci. Ik-. Crlreesqualificationrid dieljiatert. uf ,f lm cattion- e bave &oct heur>, but ir tA ri i.iingStois as, re-eberteri. aseather hecame mrld aS rthe rie ofI' iat liethefulmmeter unnSatiiiday iau5)0 itIc n il lnoY -ail]s On Sturn%,ia ni4it sandSan. 'l rît swtjt aay trn.ovîf thrimsnerncjrih a arl wib e elC a ria g e s a re in p a rtia l t . I tira e o Cusp A irt s for Jan uar>- cieta rîre 1-fie, branniastîe msi, nd tic fuit 1I ,is f originil lîtcrarf orat!er. c ritl nGszzaxCame te us bsst a-Ilii tlaItrgsd, and al a iilnup,f Cirina. r > eQtel MxaSE-qages uaisOe eilrgtt. M.Xeitrea Traantsi l wana 1ilbrd darly, tI"lnceeo!aretal nmfecinge cf ti Cic lirc ont haID5 of Tnir ba-ing expreaedilI S se u a ala t tira re man e n t c f J. Il. ~ 6 4 f r a lIe M re v e r r a t o n af t a t ri . a Amstahlc ie iras«onel! ltu e s-a 19ars lir at.j presènt lParliainent. tas'ýS5II tas atir the Gormu~e il l I i s e cu m e d l hi s h e c l a t i a i à Mfs itmtia onfthe Tovcsubi ofJ reldacceads te melai Ys 4 e V 7 ilbir * id u al. A . M aso neI, J WT, aut eht m1 telm chais-, d'O,, reeg 0u- lts "aal;'ý l <i.

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