Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 24 Jan 1843, p. 2

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KINGSTON IIEItALi-TUEb6DAY, JASNL'AIY 24, Id43. lie ehmIa-itt landIhcita i. tleraui:k higb.rif 5- higi, ILspp"rsata n. . a*ýý of ai dam.tl ...... itblatiimla lt uaîlIa b"b in laGreat »Malin anti Ireluatd ii day lie llth ui t ftsW«u ý î ta- litrma cuois ehoud aI tihe distance-of totn oi'as5. i aforalisae rjmt t he .unversit. eZ utigCSe fIO s hrad o r. a i-cIl hnoaafct ta heldau "letS i ahudThe Ltin b Du~itt. Hmrisl in luSeis &M Tlnâ ~e aw iljust frel matreo, at a geater ditanmt lau thtt âfinyntDrU ni.enh or iligisst e ' Vit-mi s eOffiiqmafl h 'med no u - dr, gIýi na!. Tîu wbei tsecotiUein tilb -catis or nial ies I itieOteehfines. eTestam5ent ilnthe p of a al Mapie " un ot il lut an open plain, visitesll t eIlbichuuliarati %viad oleaiaMjt.Nov. Mn. Ulbct,5osi. grsd; horse uila11b oe off, and i-an twoa-t-ing ut a tiud% Ob* 't«et $b sout, but 1 u ra resoitie .avaretaI furi te twi>ti- Sc i>'hlbso.ple w ith eut-b violence agsunW Et ches be oice in a musit-ai te>, wvicit h.e aeu of a pehWocf 120> bps in hh5Wld iaussi tbehead cfpoar Darso>'.tbal hotelltieadcandev. "%aowfrot habit, anti i ayltag eaus rnet- ba' aillitvis liii ve 011b110021sanc.M <t-,i. a vde a- aus uo-iot >'hi te Jut-y atcri. bis ou. 'l'%4 louilesîradar of tihe argsl lieu su, timetesis b6WEoftbigtIV on =ma. IbPrii-.in*i>. coulti net pettetate o serfu p~al uot ilio *b in b imIS spemtibilt -li e wH.asaia yooug ma utabout 26 yeatma orte -'riis pnorty ofaiein he l.humais voýies" tItrai-, und i-bu proviîleu aulietsut@, genealî>' ot paceable andi idustrioua habits, ahtthla tlet gays te butisor, Ili strikingu> aboya u l.t-a-ce-yosng unmarnist mens-ho roisds lu bis fumit, a yeutig vidai-anti a beupless infant ilatneen hedral ut-cati. Hometiti us iaenttrely pr- on Tory tiadrate tiim.-tU il b. o bocid, bis unttmei>' end.-[Brockville Recorder. formai in musit-ai ana, anti becocues audible liat in line Gramauarple t ITosonto. tiere.' ta es-or>' devotee, boses-et- place, lante et-aI- sa a Principal reeeiving £600 sterling per s SECicFTÀAB'i OnrCE, (WVea.) est prlaiof.t-liant-i. -bureau if te dame sen- nom, anti a bous ; lagoîber aith a let.2iai, aM vice bittibeon red, tin s sunti. ouli net bave 3rm1 Clanicai Master, eacha vinth henoms neemoà Kingston, 2is1 Jauar>', 1813. truvellati laquai lb. protincta of lb.emchoir. tunente,-berieito et-et-aI ct-er mut Ieth 1110 i~EXCIELLEmCY TIFS Gos-usxea CENERA.: Titos atatrii-oiareiboardtin large asieramieà arre salaries. te wbole amnunin te uboul X ha béatla.fleaseci ta maite t e ftalion ng appoint- meti disinctly, are those mai iiii modulating 000 cunrend>', pet- annuna. Es-eu if lb inutito- menalt, vi :- the volce, render il mot taslsical. tion h ba butisfficist fianda t is diasu I RechJonDIIÂVInaoi, Esquirp, Collet-tnt-ut CU,- L.Ioudt peaeertsareveldoma ouiteadivalte. iextravagant-e in a sriurcountry' voulti hive jut- lae,-Iam tocn e.JoInt CuistioiSEquire. Bur's voitidlu aita t lssebeen a st0f 1 tit>' t>gaieti pbilie inigalle; bol wb.n il id AE l. ~ Eqtie ug flt çry, hi-uit endotias motat as tise fut-mait>' utconsidet-edt IaI lb.emena la support it baie District and tr gt o urts, tcce Disteict. lis disceurses lu th. IlouseofU(nnmous, tosost t mondtrai-nfmi lia.prisiui f an eutioinatt GE-OGE D. RELsat Esquircu COUtIaiscinter le te monthra te Itir timtiet. Cthiam's luwet n.et sprt tr a spet-ifit- put-pse, mailtaItbheays. alintniter O'IloafAllegiance li ln.setza Dis- neisper was distintly boart,I bis midlo Itons tu snsill in apraio,-tse action, of the logis. trict, under 4 & 5 Vuictria. Chtap. 7. s%'as si-est,racla oîuti u-ed ;"egays a aniter, dès- haitré le outil>' -allaifor. 1 canntulhoievé it WILLIAX lACXT0 BIf Bîit a upractise Ptîy- cribiug lothe mic!', iWbon iraiseil its voie le possibuelImI t e Ialiametary graul tf£1000 i, But-gir>'andi Miiiet', n te Pros-ncesof te bitgietupicithelboupe s ait-mpWaeleifil- sterling, wvIiicio a .blieinougiîtas-a-ant. It Canada. le niti the .volume oft souui ;andthiae ffectIwv@suncesîiîîloaru1-n taioîial'iih.__________________ nvsa awful, extcpI i-itoulia wsied ita chen anti ouI lb.consent ot Parîimneu, antbignv '_____ -- __ animae ;uni th o boiti a s irià et r*ug note, tster ils contl, ill unquestioinluly o tis.-Knso rab nehicit vau perfeetl>' irmettlnla. Tt lotrible, conîiiîei. 'h'beUniversity' funuLs ihI now, b.e bowe-t, mas iis pet-uliât rpawer. '1'bon lb. vinted fotah Ie nets- maattilfatian>' rate Ioussunt befra hlm ,i albIotevas tignified, the>' have luèsu tae long misappliet. The pub- lq@TNTUEBDAY. jANUtit 54, uSiS aund wentieful a as -ihiseloquence, it vue t- lit- usll ectft h Iie Attorney' andi Soliior G.- tenieti a itIis iiuitrant offect-,tlat il possed tinerals, <liosars. Badwinanti Stali,) 1hmtb.>' We observ'e taIcamne ut the tory journals are es-en>' one aiîstatai-rtiotî thra vas sot lo tt a top lt tis systosu of pîttttioru or if unable in faim fierevartitaon i veds ; tat lie a opras-ont it, tbat te>' tke aoins mae ofpu sPocululing oilie prrtiabiit>, or certaînt>', ut mas mfinitel> greater titan theoraulr." lin>' sbasin itaI lb. y dtsslprove cf i. if te IàEclec i hre ao eun latereat outhé ~procedà ot ite ai-n entiovunifttb.home dea lun ausiis inalthidlesufficionti>' ne-es- Thie torning Star pubuiieil aim Cileniîati, Ina-officient 1ta rr>' au ti eatbeu in an iffit-merit tabliuieti; antite>' voulurt-el hope tinat lie relates lte tolo i'g atnecdtote ai a >'ug gei. manner, tse rates ut Iitiait abouti ho raiseti. - ieman of te SBattmitaludsitexpontietia large Titere i-il ho nmoccaion buvever, teL mis i.eltOsrvi niialmtbsbe oe n frtune-mote>', land, negroos. oser>' thitng, lu if a leuf b. tatiou train te bock en ite Trutleeâ pace tieto ries once mare lunte ascendant. a course of inemprice anti proflugait>, H-e of Queen's College Univs-nil>tytn l'-pralory Au te thte finalpurt-lofthIis supposition, il is, ve hialu jasj pai a lasI >ea's gi-cg billutniu8800. Sciol fer a-iicit las goû n mbaperat o, u inte regret toa s>, one taid'wnult improbable.Ilits Une day te wsu, lting lu the street ver>' lsoinun at aitauchir>'mannor. un a sot-ydifférent xeln-' mat u it>urel i'ite.t teeeiug a pîtyicianucn tse opposite câle. Witht Ibonamber utpupiîs tpt-sent ai. - lee'stêa bssuffereul se severel>' n tuîe, calleti outtalehilin, string lie %maîîîed fitil teniiug te ac-hetai utToronto, a i-et-y gmal eta- lsnvrecond ilinesutat bis retiremnt frae pub. "unime aiet. Ilnutor, sai lie l ifîsit yîu'ti tiuientuld otli e sufficet-e su ppot a Pirano lie life mca>' 1-ocm imprat+ivt.Mut-hias ve înst taise a look donti n)>' tirou." " dont cipat anti suitable asistnts, capable o uttnlah. deiro lia Sir Chatles Éboeulireomain tue pet-ted 1ýigoe stuteny.tliing.I," aite dortor, after iug eut-h an osltcation esa lagiven in tbèolad oun. titi v hohnaèuemintvn teprnipe I oingvi-r! crefuli>'. Von onntl "Psii lel t-y, aette aclisols in vitici oufnt- oé minemntho shgt, ygiigb.pncpe mli>'tht's strungo ; will yen b. kindmietuugb mon itave 1-cou prepav'd fatthle Uniset-sitiea. 1 ho lbas estabtiitoed thoin full illumr.tion iii pta-c i te antiter lotk - Retili>'.sir," said te trust. %M. Éditera Plumn ill iamit t tisI lb iject lice, vo yet 500 butli1111e reason ta expect titat duttit, aller a secod lotît, Illdon't tee amis oun itinit1ihavea aiti-osetiyou la nue of vital Iis teiieratunn cao ho utaineti. We tulier-- iting." -1Nut ?vhy dottut, titero le a fann,tei importance la line coaîry.Iamin lleneei >' stand tht lima Excellent->' isites taenîset Par. titousanniduu0 sandt aeut>'negroos gune no feeling ouoavtaisire It t Unis-en i- 1, -i u re. iimnîlolnt i rîeriwyhap ig lantent ugain, and il Ido gsuif bis beallt pin. the prnipal of thfesnd lu paying in t emrbit- mit, but asuItis id doubittul, va place no tres Thte loetquantlt>ofutbrasmatnnas,, te saltsalaries luate prit-entoIrt. The pre. uu i. grcaler noise ho mutes in lIhe i-uni. A toI sent is a tavourable moment for eilbting a ltIptiglt aelclsmatuiaoa camlt rolis lu silence, baltnone i>' ye.npty dast- t-age . I trust it willoietbeaaîowedlte page igBt pt-ippote age ?bis tm-ulet tfiu hune t os antiouen IcssnmI.1 r, &e-,siftspotta as .felnywl aet t-utles ncesant>'.A TRuE nFaîImo Tei EnUeÂTluat. -retmn bauome 't ie h cpritgng amivtl roituti do Illsro n's. Dt'u.-A >-i oung lady being asteti Torontoe Januar>' lti, 1lt84re3.ettta lt ucearmicag te dîfforeuco beluveen Iypu anduîi mp, replieul; lt oi- flm uvrmttO ooigon 'A ycuug lady' lias lIe typo mheu CIe feelo tas WuNhe soabsorenscil li rOnt-o mbntera cf lthe teplc fh avrmnOngogo ifst a cuî ah îuritatilt nfp Montréal lienali a,,d Montreal Gazette, articlesabtsn. IlIe th-ainupsattti wttn site foseh as if teue as toa tm>' a*iiile.'" prfessing te 1-ns- an accoenttfulthle aistrat. score are mt-e fligiati. cf imagination, trucit dis- ________________________ ion of certain public papers tram ire office of cored the in ufftings te>'have ondureti ol Eroloual. lie Clent utflits Peacee of the District of Mon- laIe. Witoevot Sir Chatles Bago's sut-cessai, treal." Tue art-itlas in question are fullioutheMybi lb.1haet onuttegaennn CO L LEGCE F UN DS. - gresseet tistepesentationi, vhieit, vset-re luna> i,.i-Bhvtaenutingi-rne chartil>hboni tobelive, nmue bas-o boots maie on té general pfliciphes taI are hnis- stablisin. lAlit Edtaret itellrtja Coseil. in ignorant-e. WeVtrltet r olmpa.aRisai, because te>'at-S te ptintiplee cfte Cou. wilI seize the ories epporlunil>' taoct-rectaàlieduttlotion, te ver>' priuciples b>' ahidi te gui- Fmu:-Tite ?niversiîy utflling'e Cllege la 'Poiet frIe ro- ni iu u- bn-eranulid couducteti ai hume. The>' are gurd. abot oing funa; operutin. asti I thretore toizeseluses front lb. imputuaion ut distouest>'The aidb ufiintcekst reetflgat bs ibis esa fas-urualie moment la direct public aI- slegulian mu iu aubstance litIcertain publiet -o-u apeen lgun bs toltiiulelta t = a.n ich -bt-hetbfondsecf liaI documente, enntaining pret-a gint tise robot* es, ut- dangeraus ifalmulaato», andt tiefore tbey intttoand 6f t <Pueeboitocalemi Uppet n- ~anti disaffettet of 1837 anti 18n h ave becu muâa ofîiîtully uppliedi liàttiat of hing frit. dalt hveuaonittmtigeh teore- ,tuiealtinel>' nctnoved tram lb. vaulte cf tbo ;terreiaay util lie>' are reduce Ilo nolbîng hu' venl Col ege CounciF. e ial indeaoite 0srîne Court Houte in Mntres], b>' aider of M. AI. a tea- tart' sebrie ~ sableandt iese a-iltonne>' Generul Lufotnaine, thâlttea.papot-o uit empt>' naine. ho t s 1 Pin, ftZf ;r l cumn wistcu vms prptuetl ite cusltdy af the C)et-k ofte z Thte ieuns b>' st-bitettort-es expeienaa ho u le lie :re s îur t î a mndtn-eear peace.andt thlie Attomney' General han atted!loti un influence la Ibour tas-ar, is b>' ingirg ît on thte prosoul occasion, lu ait-on t,î llgslyani mpoer>'lu rmai te statîces untiora-hidi te GCtantiter Scit.onis stet-e iling takten aonne pins la ast-la i wetbo; t-aughea honlb.bodyollhi a, a nt sr ibgistgule ueeitiletl fteir riginîl eniovuiment, lu ortier thesc ver>' gras-o charges are corrti-l amvosen-luiti-o ba>'olteruloon.Ttsauu Imu presida omiîcaîiou t a t-houp rte,foir te abedta îc ut-niai thlb.public vilb lb. Inue sigleofa- jàevice of a doteateti parI>'lius been Iriedtontuafut chiltdrea tfte arliccract- iTorontoe:I1shahli tecas.-Tbo papers la witciaallusion in ma* elen, ilutuler deflance of noerions fatte,l ta av rontent nt>'uelfti ithh tatiug lIaI te Univrsnity'aet-e in te posession cf lb. lite Atorney'an>'eftIn .Reiteratemldeciutuiticuon t if lCng'e f ologe vasellidomei outofthe St-huaI' Gîneral, Mt.Ogen, t thetie of bis remuvîl.yefetnw lesenvat tat, aitit 2-25,944 acres f land. antifatram office, anti augit, as a mater otftourse, tu liîcaihare Ilione tan adi no point or pulîgonry liteScitol vls 6,00 acrs. ~heeenu havei bas- hoItttnsferted lu bia sut-to"ot. Tite>' Ierela; anti te toryoatalunaare ôCli>' ko Dane tcult endiettnti-h i-iti have bidon ifilpl>ensaf. -et-e nu, hawve-r, hundo.! otile MnBi. Lafun. rPalingtan viten site iouîd havese avopI out th ieoi Prtie suppoit ai baIn institutions an a lains, but retaiieti in M. Ogionu passiuionw tâceà ails a'na op. uvtitu' lihecalscraie. It m mut appear, framnte ut---unlil hla.ce-i-id Ihe ccmmand af lb.effitcnor raflats pti'ihedthe' b.manager cf te tund, GêneraIlta teliver them .I'It uss. eu osiu ba ii'iaveiUot-I til tlîatila19 te assola o Ilîig's College ivereth iese coimmantio ba&In b litirepeead, wi-len Mr. tue long tubho lièvot. anti that te>'at-e uiable essîtn'itleîI-t £2270127 Sed.m, xvîtsisntco£E4 - Ogden, coumutmict-i taI te Go#erauntl Ilit'tle effetIan>' thing by tiL'aeaoves,te>' navre- f9115 192. Si , i ebut-notipincipîhi>' for titi sup. laesfatal déposlite lte papers in question wilb thecotnaauliou viti te Candiessof Loi-i por f Upper Cunada Colleg,-u scitatl aines, (leothie Peac. Tisai aStier wi-uisdia. .1 di- eumliied ithelitemost ample tuannor. 1i ýnmîtel>'intruittetite deiver thora up ana». of <Caieit, as te cu>l ting ia. svuigl lt ,ti b>' isha, îultoniy thutincipe.'of i;esales course ubeyeti iis ariens. Mrt. Liafoulsine, va tie pott>'imua position tatiîclate tealime gavetri tf te Cllage an mas diepisi f i*pbYithe ~ hase reasumta belt«e.enver issueti an>'crieu-dem- nt. A union b.Iween te Atlantic antiPaut- t-mitrtnfxpetasaof tes-bhor, but I1itesitat netual aitat il nutiis subjec-nas bues ho over bailfielcuteannubas ba lalteti ut lng, li' ivih ta Puy, tIt iu@ asa grans mutiepplicuion cf'hie possession ofte papis, wibi-bremain ti ahlb ho acectmpieâbei beforth' ie Lamer Ciaîaian endcus-met, bo appi>' ils shaillinrgatth ise,-ni-w present manient sealeti up exactb> aite>'aigrew CI t l t>i ups eitvessetiatt loftI h>'Mr. ligies. Ve conuiden il quite un. - ilunulle tlemstilves laeItue tories of Uppin Ct. arocluon Pulie oe iaur>' Nuiîmgo wrd le r.neeessaryt10offerau>' furîber remaras ountse nda. 'Theslattel- iesire lb. aid af te forme- clhum-oant imiîprosemeî t. ite groundu. Ifthaticles ilb.heHet-attianti Gaxette. A di5t-el'i- forthiot-owms-aslfiafitpurposia, anti-nuilt ram sai cuaorîmîcussuaieutf£34,409 15s. 2.1. iütî'atlco- iug publie vili bave nu difficult>' in detortumnng iling la Ihota, or intention utft-nueinghlit perl> ais-anciI>' K ing's Collage, tla niltre îl sire ite chatgi of imprapnmeîly et candutiasist.Btth oe Cnd terutuexpenises of teet-bhoo ia ttiteen ilestal-unghtîta hunee xsted.-..Ch.uoicle & Gazolo. , vimubeu antid trsa u ioLvrCnia P-in debenturet, lthe assela ofthe coleg %-oui are abrea-t enougit tea-aid lie tory trup, an] ina-lbimiupwarcîs or £2r)0,(Sl; ant, anppoing4 Itýhinerbien aetutem.i Un'1 instlia Wgentil bus-e bi tonmut-h expeaien-e cf lie ilihral lu. loiteidliango ta have coèt .£60.000, anti lims e-r-i ti'tIt-titrie0,'despainn ot injuring lb. goui- sîlucîs utthe tribe tatrut e iat-rigitîs anti pî imaimîtrIot-t*1f investedteice voulti iave £1%.. enltisent b>' thiot present iusane condti. are di- viletes in ancinkeepiug. Tne billuung anmoinui MO00pet-annuie, as a permanenoultiiitent for t t-cltightWrdrastliîn tothie state of the tran- of lthe Ioiesa a-utneven in tItea tbe affectton ct ilie lttiversitt'. Tiis surn, outcourte, wolneItuljciie, antltnfkiag asiniuuy freehoitieru an -Ibelr hatve-beecouimtinediateit asailaitîe,1ut dmloIinas uiladmit. Thit i la subjecl miai de. tuaI of te Lai-en Cuadiana, antite>'at-e onl attoail 'ecul bave been uet ont-o fortheitnug for servesimehe mant se ois oOtidtofI theinpub-.laugliotiet forataite inumble stieunres the> an th ho î tle tf teintat intittlion. ThetsGm- ic. 'tho perlons lu' ep"eian are' pinicpailly tating te a bellt- cquaîntance vitin, tb. itar Scliiul end.w-ent, assuuming te lande of of taose alto have rneivedmIft e auls air vil e yme drgalogpbtinudra utuh il itctnsulei ,taub.o qual lu value ttaî,me lad.anti ohermise procu!lePlang rl# ruetm Tio' utun--g lmîprainuie of îli- Univ-ersity, -ou, fer detîciig te ex- înommiîpt-ltes. The inflîttion auta'* ot iabmi- ait-lo>'of chtcunisîanco-, antiovince a rt-mct- pense et tiii ctravaguriti>'construc.to ili- description of ladhatiinianime il desinois ihanga- lin teit- political prnmntiplesa. hofore tint inge, bave ptodmce upa-iris of £3,0(0 >per on. a-oeecf l.t otirse i l boin trteed=tisalIt b. nagmlded i alt atufeelings but distm-î nut, a aua mut-h marc-tan sufficîml luta s. tas geisg ridl ef lb. lix anti makinu n eler and tbie LverCndin f r saenthe pirpce. Doing ite istant>' e le Ii t tise saine lie. if hisepes-sns seaslt Inl. etato 17lsaLoe 'ntlat tF sttto.saie regtin lu te oconumyau>'shtiî tateut-on lanbad, il weolt ie b.aenefit le tht.exrtIa. have taseai pait,-instead tf valich, il buae beei sitill -But mauhing outhlaiid i iendod. Wbal utter mat-tory ia lb. tory t-mt cf raumectat n aciaau xaivarl mnIe, a ~Ithoet-t Is idt have a voter r rui'-boenent-ei- union scilh theuis-rer Canadians, nia>' b.se« have erciîoi lite indignation cf oser>' lonetit ' vian-'Ile tas>' ieein Quebet- or Cispe. lbai actumitedvitt Io tirtututaueu.1 hve etaI hert.#,a-of oection air ill, lie b ougi, for. b>' titiproccedingu uftheitlaeeing lu Munt-el hiquiteiii tath iîîgliaIIlis lie bon1het.du- aid la atS-¶l'leu, eet t e risies l sitore. tu -bfwit-h un accctunt vas given iu aur lait. 71 ty (tbow ar-btgai vilh te adumisraio ni cI tientboult e dat*ay'Wltit tiis ciil, jlatelor amy pi-os affct te onletvalue taI neeling; lie thstmt >v o' edteepnitr fa, .tte !,aelectian lb ai na e De u t-ue lb. Brillith part>' tîok butl itle part te, the inatitt"lautm ititeima aof aitls intmai e'dentf Noles !-nbol.It la Rai'tlt' lJid~ t es-ib'ô iî noIe so > i incarne. llun-d*cffereub liai been their cbitdmct!llouli b. reprsialeti. :nti ae cent-ritflbéroo A sycteli « p ptetlae extavcagance itnp been piulnentbut vi %rouai t ulut0w Il taebAS aiWveeingirtat pttcy, fer il putsesses lutohigesol carri i' n fro t l.fiat comamemncemcent otthi:tait- Phare witlm intellect andidalntioaI'i-- iu aterpiie. -antwi-alîh at, livtaI li conmarncd in i. To eî'abllsb ti iesrtons Change, of viii Imini anti i-buresude t a distance, t10 nt- smeeting w a-thle>'affet ta trIaI se1 flgty I sahstut atea ft-u -A u tin thîe led un eleclion day, uni perbap ret-nda a mcm- bLi-or --- *&aliiupubhîsitedth Ie t7oilege Ceinil. i ber ta parlameul i-ho inwnratheb.chiate af à c sev I voaishaes t autslie mîn genorý-u, JanSiflhl.-to ammt recel-si fair dues 1frm ontlt of lb. resiaeal populian. Tlb@ ecile-eet>pait gea-ttIlosnmet-s lit etsunett-oeu oflit ieliuh as ia î.mu i corruption consquentoante sYsteni anti there expressed. If lb. Butisia partyîb 51>5 lia.. .d . 1tis ibu1e-e 1tc'b ots, ut alciagna.e sidents la vote uo aieBtcsioas. i-r. le a clia meeting, t vould, speaf tie What gr«qh4 tt4en, bave -bey for expecttug saaie the fille ce theo Unitedi States, ituti,l Ont nqý.rv, %, là~ mec~aecutîî o areaupio a~w te Positive langusge of thse Treiv of J'caca. lei;c:nihej ori à~f~ reof"tior," ardBut îhey citalilnev fai, in the event or nn bc u:rý,j clton rote e, rier"ni]referse, , ul ie encresseed confidence. a "boi- it,4ere i î à,, &a t"um ta Lower Canada, have pliasie tu, te prcîensions ofl Great Brttain. and dieiphi. n. d tflic..II;* r.., keileia»d -will fàL'ai l d lairds are not caugltit lu errta correspondtng influence Dilon the oIvI l i sudwbo th trte cach owr md c te arbrlci. Il is siartitwhile, in th"; pt d ithe ' n, .ü u., .9, nt ffl ill ndwe fi re atc ov; ii f i-1oher per-ts oare, diai w li nuxl otbie i',htheir chaffv profocs- xA tîl o t Uri: taa etlLord Ashburtou bas i 1erc ýv 1 sd.in ao. of bn-scomntm'iefaiatioo. ta Mr web.. Dfot appea7 lt atm deti u"i aar md UDIb Their caslaishoel--ae', t-n -- ài.n herv e ftb ostone for those tiegu ibth alota. c4d>ivin roii n UtheIHighlands described in the Troaty lan of th. ee rc,,' b the Est-I.beral prijçipl.em-.liy bave ]lut lu' -ly inîtercitiOf themape, antIiîy e ami. ekw u Ladbec'. Ctn.'tiý e;, gi, and if îbev had;t 1ey svild nlonger Lie tIli to1'fiilita IIectina.en," onyx aLropItliet.. ha% nî înenalge,, ~' torteat I~~~~~~~enid Uact10ea vers strong coînviction, Ihat file cohs ifahrled.at c, -~~ - ~ itaandnicutî:ern-;lated ha Ihenegociators outhteIlion. R. BpS !, an îd M .. W. finl inlihe Manreai 6'uzeusr, te follos'- irti' tr It îb iad ieno wlu~ hikv friin %Ir, 'lu Ct ,t in :lîî.-cîtcIrai f ibe Penobscit, Kenîieiiec, ing account, tlikontfroci Anercan papors, of ii- aind flieriverea îvest (f tl ite~. Croix ; andth iat ' r c alrnn .111cIr.l i .a~ portant facto connpcteal with the norti t ambue- iîtite,éid net lr reIev know how lire lerth ice ter arIce. trahi- Cri Il j dr which it s icars Ibat te American ic- friie Stn ixisU a tîeIhi n dur,. by c î ~ ~ diects- ivere t i Iv - lu .hubrîttis dscu-son, r1 Icxci iatî - oruient & Sonate iad before themi, e dsIf-belieeavers- gîael a-u'ent mght b drawn a tat utc àtigîer~,- sing the ternis of te trealy. atmple îroof that front te worti, c4 lie treaty in proof cf th-I îîisaie rhe tiee r.~ Il a,*, the fine claimned by Greait Britaîi n %193tSi- l tite naer: tac nh r aigtnat fe.lai",) exaîîider JFor-tltrc i intnde t li geu by tire ne'gitiatorà or t le sritisutit Mr.%I'l.Ane, Ibis vîow seîeed ta Rabie, an] Edîîard inl..n .* treaty of 1784l. Tht pc:r cilt ae prevai ;andt, as %ou are amara, Ihere wére pro-. are al coîItltteti fir raI . ia speondr a e rInIIete, Sas .n s c~i tseztcit1 tir fisse higitiantlu te C'est, lae pretened onevl ti tdrcathougitj ùroal e Iietee1îmywcehofltot a lefi anitiail Dtngîti ujoe . ilcoldne ntîitafet tieir claim ; but ater vet perfet l, srpion of the treatv. ifIl' sira uesltlxltea persoa deni mit omciocîte agaîinst titat ciat, Ibis queatinti cinuud, unfortunatl- go te fu1r- (ic-stt 'roiItint prarînce. I. , uid consider fibese maritetimape. înarke o yltrr:rue IanîiiLyn u e-pi i finîtnnc tis Toronto ma-ri Fratili uand t-ct'fson, valid authoritvylufavor tnîîc con ctliuato c bi ovo terîltei Iot ' ca large nîic of Great lrlain; andi if llîey hllasibeti kuosse toa It j f-r the Sienate ta cinsider (atided XIir. FJIaneUt, JI. 1mlî dI, lte latter, fle trettg xotld hartily have ieen ra- linsc'> chmlIer tiiers, wouid net bhorouchrisk cf Jlite iat adtierai, n.. tiieti, or tise unfftmn'let pretenaluns of the A tner- iutrcducmtaig tew cnotplications atnd embarras is ,ctrs, lleccara, a att a icans coiicedet.in l lke inaneer tbey are setttîinj, mots in titis co'troversy. la leavtng it opent for lithleofrltî c esenvesif nýIII upadaim trfe No NrthiWest Coast, ou tile aohr gtateid refèrece ; andi if the Britis litebitnr clarged n% tii itp ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i a Gcxîrnret-striîitgly prepossenseti, as ils icite n- ctrtcoelt grourndtitrbatt ieColumîbia Rs'er ivas discovered iîrtal nils'l IeJsic-iis lnnianti iiroeer nrîe itii hy au Amteican, aithougli ail the vI3sti rl s kniii-wouil cet ied wiîat it would uauraliy ctîni. gnîînnerîîsîn ai"con fahlat flite whartlocoast tits dv'iedandi îîamed er a persuastive "ettuflrmation of ita view of flticrt'xaîled amltlite citlar byCatan ooian te isuvrt o aconty ase"," indocuoiî-'ts sucit as Ibose Psncoutered alifilie court ixast ' by îr. Sparks. ini bis hinlorical researites îîin (iîîprnipertvpet it fcarries vib il al titatte rotin ry cottattes. bot"t 'je arccbeves ci France. ixortit fro iim 60tea.t an of 1 rail and waer. If lite dusconcrocmt a river A :nip bas boula vauntîtîgly parnided fiers, fur ,ttylee,-a cabi m-nu. lias a betterc tle e f l cuuniry litaiithe inodscov- iMfr. iefferpaine'o crieclion, i fie eitif ep1tu. il - - etor afIbe cou trv l-f, tiroii a parti s greater ltti.(%N iinijt takIr neîg tatosee whlat il cvas,)';LtA iCoiiurlt of i 1 un t th-i i a Ibai it s- hle ati it docoerr ifa înbîa conintat. titi ialidale tine ia ra Ii1- Mr. firtenbacl ai flitecutii'r e thn fic wiol, ad flc dscovrercf iriuirry-Sîars ;,a flte l"ureig,itoffice, at Parts ;luit, lite àta that river Iwctd i hâve a baller t ille lina:1i limontniitia i s oxaîi ced, it s found tiinuai e I vui, inorer tiuneqîtnie tnt tl c ': discoverer tf literver,aud tite discoveter of anflite Ut't rperise anti ritarkuitle correspouînenetnt> ounboard ltil)( a. c creek faling inbto aentributary svnutild tave tielery feltr, thin np conimunicatp.n iy Il r. Spetncer, Croîtîll anti Sl,d. boîerlitlecliiaiti o o, nlî Ie dscteterSliari:. Te Senalor wito produretiiaînt ia betr il sil adE ouni hedsovrrsec i t ibu, lite nmicroscoete il " ii e ul t1,,,. eltiti ita ramiInn a5 ita rmaliesl quantîtv cf lanîd o.iater ibercit i tng coi iia a îorth easteriy direction ; liut lite 1,fair pulInuSlted l'y US îîn a. î - oulti bave tbe liest ight ta10priaesa te %iroe. îniîteiiîe hler ecran were appîtedtiiî, tiere i aflite nitîtesees lth1 k lit e,,..~c tni tTiimay lec.s.ericari diploamary, but àt%%ciîI ciiibcld ric ef. a si rolîgreibieî, intiment t ig breitl b into i c lottc t" hardiy succeed a t-eoîîjd tine.ftle limiteaoffleCUntedi States, accordîng t l ic i.ul fiteec, but tireîl tniniit lu Io seretcesson f Atgua lan Mr iRie, -of preae, andtinicidîig, miîîuteiy Dot cou la he ecet esionof linâtlast NIr Rves eact . lyi, %villai the ounttiry Iraceti on flice map cf IUd )lot. if te Camnîlîlecr i Foreign Reilîuî.s, tatiri- Mr. Nparksa. 'i-ti tbis ret i ne, anîdnat te Thne nicailler 1c;r tic gant te.itc' h uappears te the Commnles,Ihreltire; ir Iook- virdy visibledtliei inte, wainteii.edtialrelire.- llti iatai ng backIth ie publie amil soiemu acts of te senît thte iinfs cfitie nituîed States, accoîditiiApgie rn' ant-!etF Governimnifind, nof VIteguécosive adminislr.tra lui ttireaty (tf xare ta conciuieiy aiinwn bîZ md i atttrdansn sîctit 6i I n ýc ii > ion@, ttmî tise tîigne bas passeti, if itevor cxilIxed,hlie circunexaire, titat tlie red lino la dram ai on îîîg., s donc fr file prescrit, aidil t n t a-ito wè could bc justtfied in inakitig te precise the tmip ail reuonî the exierier bouiîdary cftte inS ôof hetintlry èiaimfeil 1ns us ties ubject cf a It tited Stales ; *tlecugitlItle miidle tif tieNo nr. acbeciliI h r,'nît 't taie qudn lon oaigttor ofcflte icul i tiuttrtLie, ce t'tiriugit flicne rgline andiA'iîtrwoiiina ii0m- --of an assertion Loy fore. Did a second ansi- tlite lti-; Labo ti le Line u,!!!je WToI'uai anti cava itîtliit t~l s f i rtîntc iraîlen, Ilion, taffurd tise prospect îof anlibre satis. tn< ic e ert xînetn'Vlj' cf file Laineof ifle but lite %vsîs înbal)' t tct hl t 1 facltç 1-eult ! This capeditiit ceenicdte lbe V tucos iilite river ltltsissippi ; ed , îiî lat uc sza, notl. thi - su reece b alpartes-by tflîicUni triver tni titepoiinti loOte ouidary cf me tU- Ve -smore toini a fet-Irliiv-t nc i, i r Etatei, by Great Britain, anti by tite Stale cf tited StaIte, acir l.g la the troaty offpoacer -IMaille. lfsuchuu alternative sitoutld e cotîent i lcvs iý ; anti tlîenýe. by is easteriy course, tu cfftn ile olaui ndî.acns n TtcI t . - 4plated by any aile as preferable 1tauei arrange- te int of' lite St. Mary's, ou the Atlaîntic. hadatst thln is iter ainîe iit-t- niment st-it-h had lienti nde, il lis et1teleur Il Mlr. (liittt f Soult a dii adsclt i a'i n telitc utrt. S Am?.dir'rc a, itc minîtdte risk anti uncertaiuîv. as iveil as te iii. I reit forc ontte ccinflriiattion o c hi rplîs of atn ie stttlt'S ai evilablo deiay andtiexpense, lit ictltu tât 11mj iode riBrilai i iv ttie pintituius dociumteuts tifth saditiIS, .vr, of meciion. '.e bave aircaiy sccci',n flia-.Frantklin aniJeli'ectit, lardtiupcî toce groiunds, i-e>' acre rîîbbed cai: mi , f talilt, stance cf theo lrlîltratirin by te Kinigtif flite Ne- strenuoutins ur.,eI filieratificatioun of tise treali'. 1- herland@, hosle mucit singhlt a tributtal of 11itbeta.ra i itg;Iiiitai ci taîi the iiformaiii.- y P.IEI '-7SIIIP -G 4P1?1It a-îorI le mnnrituot te gis-o tôiý tIho afuînt cf cuve- We gt'e ftite portion of his, speech ivîicin relates SEVEN, 1A laiLaFRve enIt lienco ati a supposéti inteîtuon on flimc part oi te fitts Point. Tino pnckel.alnîîn (arrtclt, t'zii .r;!, 'y eng aarctlt rsl f1$,ualuol tue k But il it choulti lc thouîgint by any cietto taIrtceti ieiîw ata lie linor ici ett * terai andi positive ternitietaployeti 1y the insîrîl dise n it.iliratilitt, osrit ncusiveas lte>'seena- Liverpoolîn, visetrce sieti iilitint ii i i ait ment lu ite 'descriptioni cf limitte . L t ier a 6cd lu l,' eclo iuflit ltajultify rlitertiti- cemîther. Our 1Itindii dmai te t iircýi.,il danger, lu théeeetof uthteîer arbitrcIiatii, thài(-lo cI t otta intflite treai>', lucre more citm- that toult, anti Lit eri tii clul.. Ci:, a ter Itesearchit t5 Ie publie rarcites iiiosx rittnnaet ulnîmtileperfectiy con. i'nn the tai-b, a-Europe nilit Il-ringh srtaie emisttrraitsitIg dursie. le reri qd tiiflic contdittionin lws'lic A FIXED )(l'iy ON ui lee-avoitougit uporyphal,) documemnt, toaitot'a rne s-v Le fcrl, iithîe treaty scolîtîibi-erejec. It sapîears thutlier r Iensln à It Deviaie af ltluble dauttn te cleat itis onf tell. 1l'e i%%ttil.t a. if afler lînving agreOli ut lengîlm eutiîcedodf fliecce il' ouasrîtie, in the vellofasavereignar'titer! Suci Glisent lu ,ftr the s ubject te arbîitraticît, and, af- fitie ddol> un core, as en(,e Cvii . iig -tai f.a dociument bas lready beticommuntutcté u ter itaviiti e tu ugrce l lte heard rotnde ssorket i) so unilfaciiitly unr te 'the Contmitee ; anti I feel il <saiti Mr. R-i la bcetarder tlt.1l re-irtlce, by an aibitýAîor ofouroan ests. tVe are infrm tbat tirliesin leli' duty le lt' it bte felice S-aul, tiraIit s- seieciioiî. s ltÙlt nowx'reject titis treal>'. ne- conasiieratîin, aud wicitlýI tt1i ml~tit a - tiy fuliy appreclle is boarings, tni delérîiiiîte gttaiei lvcuir oa-ta Socrelasy otf SIate, uoîitimiilti dfer flite opprimai 'f P vitnti 1:ii 'yfr téirclves tinhe igit andmn inpiirtniau sîbîitc î or ut e , an .-luatci itatprealîlusi>' rottoîs-tain niuifcaltoîîs, itasfu i: l elng t tui. It ta duetetrei te l denti ttîl tiîm- oail lite asenttof fîle States îîîîîîediritely iterst- lu the iiegiltut u levy clin e 'JS . gulabeti gentlemni(Mr. Jarci Jtalo, f lBon- oIi-wictkar itere îîould blaflite cligitterst pros. dut>' nf 12s pef quartier aon iviteil tîiip.itJ tan,) by %iainthtindocuutbreferretilu o ias aie- pet-t lIa aîîoîcreqmaliy favourale is'iult cicr raili foreîgn cautttricesDot briti rtî enverraiuiite archives cf France, viaîse îîrau. hoeribtaitteti. On aebcîtotrar>', moultiteneut smiens ; but atterrnard tlin nioit lt Ltaiitit int is loberions anti intelligent resoarches cuitu-@tend lu a ftr morse contitin titan cerc, in relier. redut-e lte iuy ono iaf-to tiij pet filîn'c Jenectedti histe hîtary cf oc oui n counîtry, that encetoumtr m-initt VatiimiI uc.leai- ipotafrot btsntirtsV i il. n teaccoant of il simculai 1begivon inmis eau tiost certainsdtrtit ie sitoulîl irse te wlOlOi' flime Indîulgence as contpeniniIîia fIIr n i-cris, as contulued inî a commuuication atidrea-flitc basiti if flita Si.laite, anti Great liritatti gain niade laun, or for cnrresîciii dg cdt r oi by bita fi)thlie Depurlinent f4 State. I pro- ail fti vticli site ever conteuieui, sîreugîheitedtiroîier dulies levieti Lon l""tiehit tntntîtn'on .e ceciti. crefuro, la reati front fiat cciimuumtcua- ascite ixotîlil 1-c1-s the dîsclosures marite durîn, [The Globe it mont [lie rnteinbetaii. ý tien :- 1ltima !titsstul ! I le m'as far frotmacuorlintitr lai llue soppousitioi .ourna!i i, it a I cc ýii I IIVWinle purbuoni ) résearcbes amîiuný ite lietact$ discitase i estilbtied flite claiti cf Greal udeep in îIiiisteriul ra-cai \lcL'15 lavolutuinous paipers relalîng te ltme Amnrcant îe- lIritain. or titt'if- iiip exiitîil lte aile II Malitteri jîînalasaay tatilete i o moa hvotutian, in tite Archilles desa Affaire, Eliungoreco II làmvii Frankinitefairoei, iriiJusnazie ltinte Count tncnuy i 's ramnur] De in Paris,I ftîundiriiione of tbre honni voumnes ati) deVergennue, t'le French it ister; but it cao- Fruith-îl 1-id- Mo!iltitttî -fn,'il ,1 a. aoriginmal letter frîium Dr Franklin lu Coulat de 'lt c odo, iedt ta te crnfurmit>' cf rlie îo MEeît C Arr.îes- Fl vin p i cgýn@ f m'ich flite fnaiitiing la ait exact deiineidon theNolnpr, mit tlite edescr'îeu'in art. ved rut Liverpoci, puism, ni1p0-- e rnrat-'j' ts na.' s"'lîId bitaV he'offecl of strengttenitîg adivces front New Vont Iil)e t21-It ill" Assn-, 1>rcentbr C, 17-2. nutlot e ic ie d o fciGreat Britlaîn luberar w lau-r onîy mabit e lit nicentlitnr lic 4 Sr,-l bave tntotrerer oturmiiîg imocoitit ax-tuestimtin iond flitIof lite soltai. Bultishe Te b inerbruoumi sorme 3(1 Pe nî te ma - uExcelleucy sn neyestedy.1fuelostsatc'd, ant ficuemA.sexhiîhtet b> te chair- b vet ilolliof ,, f n t si înup >our Seulran obortae'.1I I itersgia rnlatioits, ofraisotu fil sil b1 avee marketi mit a aîrcugre inlie-, accorîiîîg l ia , ieC.niit t ogt-oaton, M .ltin a New Yonk paper, pa>' are filin out' dloire, tire limite of te UnitediStatest, as River,)amcluit he o ut-lirthe sîrougoal duaclos a- re earhit a masage nianov. l'lit o-h nA setîleti in the l>tel icnaries betv.eeîit e Briltis ui' (ate (mittIl, tue discussin.The Freachtl Cî uncneta lnptnilis ria iboit' - the Senmto'r front*disçouri,' aIlich saileti wititttre saine iltis naili re yspect, 1îam,-& N'Is (Nirlient-i.)fret itMr. .lottersan's collection 0a>purpinilaîeru iet oe~~~~~ ~~~ ~ l RiIL" lt o Igrosbrarat, «in ortier la rebut lteinfer rtes. Ir Tti blern-s t-blO sx ius ale't lance froc.mlue formner, turn uot nuelulie silîl Tii blsl eor fetirit a, preliminarios were signeti; ant if ivo corilml rç; in lre yo. Taietet a ate oflitencevaiei t aq' lId le ate reitot itatir - c ura te identical map mentiorinetiby Franklinat >t ere rnkinreoaty oeaof the ne- iel. The ver>' reduAi trelapn ! il i-oulti soeeur leafford conclusive evidence a e, hr rnkt at t asrn tlt e c ced ta t e rrils aipOlut r ta te measing affixeti by te Cmm ' ee agolialora) rosideti, ant inm's iedicateti te hlm; tcar refate dl ies tè,a etit ,I tlistîageoftirie -treuiy on lte tsbject of te li a ste mendr atiinie an ino es-c Carrying trotde, even the change ia tae bouafes. Yau say woil rscppn5u liat Ilkat cc)ifr"mei tamn lite ot f r ndFr bman-a it es toay lietroart in a great molasure luifh te ofnu u iraniakig inquir>' frthIc map,'ntftoubt. cj v interanadeo rse oustIankit-a ]anoe- 'sîienof Amercan cretit asdtire W!,!t t nglma l ol caîtflrm ial My pre3vîcus noi)- relt Brîtain. But, as attrat'ig s etiicth* -. rom of the batiks. s'atitiil lu citier'. trame rtig itThvieilesliai therrrIl cl ni eci ions respocting tevlite - of aur claite. I tl iit jee -as funt-ranas officiin geogrupiticul icparint of tbe archives are iX- 1taIcle 'fabliei'tiie claitt af Ct-eut Brilai.t UI iEngiland wiau but la per centl. hldpit C ilmousani mips anti ciater; but sawell ! « band, antias receivet latt5 e dSt Fitnlcaaogu s a - homos or,lbe n ain bt i eny' titat il vas a eu -t-e- un ih aaoue eesufant r e irut10gcir clmuce, caicululedta luad na eati, c of amuzement-iala stnIc loeo itent mu>'lho easiîy fttuuti. Afer aa llîn nîît brdi.etbill aitouit b',takenuealan inlefeil n0 !alt researcit u inte Anerican d-sion. sI ithte aid 1 o! Vailféhricesdby th Gu enat nafntite ecrt o h Ilof lte Ieepor, 1 came upon a narra t Nirtit Ame 'iitlibieil uttricesei ltefe ut rnetofere niteStaesarî i i la r, b 'nildtd14,ti@zsaot1 tittFrance vaseunr athy aItte tinte, anti, as for scaJsa swsofrile al le.si b>'s.s nvle, wdc as i l7 , n IL abe t -dsut-b, riiteI have b1-cen consulter]!, and ti cn- ncb pDoit ta ee ncsferi tepar;nuil a :mn ~ taîl jy adtisetiofa'utiraithtccurreti uurîng tea, euiatobtdniwlk ee iýieti Bues, athewentg boundur>'c ieul , î y e eîcn-sac a leut nci sel;buà lin~~e titrougbotut litet-e>lDit-Pregres (i - otegdialion, îneuiding its final ~r~uiatnhadn l cii i Tital ttsase itt ecl otati d iti l esuu.I rolDoiie 0spoethtteeanti e&icIthiliati IeLnbsli""'e 1t rejilit decipin wt' cidet upoet t e iîter in Amendcao lseiser. oP ecrpt, Teliei aliadditnt incielocures raaui d nt< egl'il y aguinst us tTeterlsytn. a tb-orralira ever prtmatie witi ret inlu, anti apparentiyTeeea yote, a6Vnfuture uegotiatie.-The>' vonîti, a teuci tagso I atgs nOhrnatte *a raitn wiih a itair paeil, tr a pout wit alent e--takpnentl ,nexi6n vitatite adverse ai-art-ivnoaga r Isadsaforthane nac y,-point. There in neoater s.aIoring aii an), part îfci1 f limre King cf Iloulatîi, andt iis treal>', shettîm ont nut. Te aruibeefe 1lsiencIrofI l!7 Imgi n e isrrs uds-rnial 'itlie rejeceti-as tle rentier hopelese edt.Tie lmfsuaite lamu nid lorJ IItn , upieo coeite map. s'trcme aof te Aieridail tederatai ti vnlnotuns wboly I i t flt ilb nitc'atietttjted lu solîle tino questci b>'negotiation iinfertura ren or arliltraliain. No alternative a-ould lie lft usneauatite uffiilola th - ' h on aesoffln ivradfanleo;chat-acier undti anminssae aret ltst-a -aos0cta rsotat as fbut ta yied te te fuît etitent of lte Britishtclaire, bath individually and t-aiectiltiy' Tbt lreli ' else an entibet.Int-b> retia t -i.tu, a iti hmpinio anetioen baitfoie an i C t i.agnzlu tlt u ag tmîtexcpi tal l t-nt-des aretita isclatu- aaltat u ani un case. u lts oinin i- eti"îtn at lie po ular pitepîbaveo tcaA~î& a-b mssd litseesioni for lit 'f e-~ aiCori, lu baud for victu- abc boere 'rais eek. A quart- fut uiot,,fbond tuabhortenu- siul tom viiitliereplsceti b>'an t5of - iiul Ativerliset-. tîi k"?iI,. L.FortaC & Ilu, dot- Ca 1017j d; à nnulant-t: .Titeir gis Out 'é.Tbe i ~eIta r tine rc-fat- Xu1 lin1 k flot-ie l'arts intent ci Of etm*iua i Konig, mandvii tita eaic l fa t lita t p t rp riS U b c- xrms t a 0.30 sadenté un ILieTtiesit il o vae , ssoleaoys'for sou ver ~t5,< The Q6ebeC-' as îeemcul- doit ýw, tg, ea aflec aipu c oerai a' i iCvtb. remitci tuofliili]thatIle %%oc pu Robert Sales naittc in lie bolueit- ptr sir oglidtte heroes of clir labte Il Or. aprol d i hO0deg'aa ittiý ,-fin drt the lisitentîs i ha t nll Si~ r Bt-Robert Sale son>' rerli>'tret îeGai Cross tuf the Balt for lits sîînî li.cesfitelalabasd, anti ottier Ottinfelit of a ,%theis aot- t lfrunueoif latit., ii utc minfW tprille tu gumO iîimoî te scianeI Satbbsbeoit ctttterrtl uieera] i cnt "5mrINatt sied Sir Wnltt Inar ; innît tesstifiei to tue Guei rîîîGerieral i uît in' tl is oetiti is rencant.îuncrta- ' , a1 "ii .pro P eItu lacaînt to lu tîr ' andLai>' Sue, i Ilie be- t1c c~.îi ,an Buiila~l pie t :t16iC. ~ aleret-Oglt iultuof cngItaIienît-ti ta.! îcES'DIARlIV FilE î riîû oeming 1a»cut, wx bcli s tmunttlt i ain icsuid.ary. A stock rune; a- oadi î rai de. a harot uivdir, t ifr.i t sjsaeInn. 13>'groal cserl lste~ lieIntk thut i ittai tu o l'taineltieî col paltiut us il m'as tiirti I. i'xi i. ,o ai £50 has beau cafiari'tl tîe tits-- riche villailaus rndu utdni itedtvator. - Xg lUAT HIHt-Cl'ritî tu aturtiay " 'aboutt7, acaIlE tit hillit.: Ii to'îg dlnttgirîI ut Queen Lates, tecar i ~t ,js iscoved 0 tale un tire,. ii OIt lix a jbtîî s ut-rs bumnuot, bhav iig i tera4 eincu l ire stendtw liers %mer' crcrex'l 1-. ine.A. largo nîck uit iav" cd ' hetle i sî a s a is e d est ro y e t. 'il a e c a o itl ut IltItitis tire sias te it lil ,aietsta iscreaul, alto ni ctrust xi l i et dis cev'ernt, as suspicion afirc'tî lv n tirit ltn utetatpart>y '. lte St r.,iiyntvli-trI 1*I lv jagaeatti b' lte ali the inaîîretî'i it lcnt tatescapte tier hito ot ' tt intdependert fr uiîia.about six, a abraî stnai, luîhe i roa Mr. W ieo, fermner, cu t'Iulii ie, us dîscoverci lu be ciii lire' ;tIle V utl tractemt a cuillntîts asse tibIi.tte cut 1- Wh rilame fO rtrt ali qiartitre,& îtnglî\ii lrolua, ta, lames werc I,u 1),11îîciel. mi ,,, a, itdoullet-ut it vas tiL laîo vf an ta-n. i ~u-[Notb5. Resiev. n Tiae Furs ATmi'TtosaN'-iuvitlg tît ani a ccont ote etire ut 'Ir. I'utnell's rtix tanrta Iîn stable tat, as soutci as lime ire t.' ,- 1(12 tiles front Niiie it, r. Baller- nioipiied b>'lte superinteiiicnt ân]il e- i Ie Wisbet-h pouice force, etnîcd mîithhiets lire etgiie anti four t- orIrices, ams iedli.ltwil ; ' on titiir arrisaiaI.ulte tcnflagrationia hl, bitai wnking, but lte flanutas ut5 boitthet' ir a îang titîta. the ,e>'îîuve cîtol rci coil'leti slas-[Samford l lei.(ttr3'. -lOrtTH.-It bas liectn tîrîl iut a para- il:i riginatet (i-e liee)aii i lme tt- kd ira, titat Lord Miorpeti seai uîraparing îî'îa Il: the subjeci uf the rUnite, l ' t:es. Wedet , 9tti consfidence IlinltIahre i tic) grounitu-l or Iieu.nt.- [Leeds Ile-rcuii s- si t .,OCa$-sSITUAsTIetON s *'Tîtii- 1 _ E 1 ui tÉifsà fais' tiys uf ber l.ijcy'e arrivaI tin ('. ale. in técaiîlY 1urt e tla i ur [,a-e aeiun a moatit 1 'ii îtaailai- ou 'aIt r1, fratai iîi e îu-S Jroci tiiu -tun Wie tere seedy hareiif it.uedîm-altenr le. lis gm-eo us diitnig front off a T 1, he a a not utlto.-iut;c usc itatce niil lie ,naih bnesosf lte Wss' te urkitr io derita iTue DukeWIt bhis usufIctîl e'iilu eue.hon 1i tsursetfhi@ perilions luali , t ienifedle 'fie' in altoittance tha it8 m1-la aiîcai adiîers iîtdi1i ai cýu! tibci iasltatlsgit fr ; ant iaiiia fias à-t uinie ftere-a.Id D". lI'Ar(urat-nttiMr. at-rat hilu 'rgeon bai arrico t athe caeclue. gerceu ltte'npi wamifine almaie ho cîlract lire bons ci tî I l l fo rc e p , b u t it 9 tu c 1 0Il d e e p i >' se t - d t thtutmet to reach it, aîîiuugte. mr7r olg mt )t he l te lsto edienil practîcîtnars rellieie it', il lust-ieus sfferer. Ai Ia.., at then deeiti es9Pntially reqlite tuât tordt reliesf stoulti ho gi;en I in aeyt amt dernier -resoert, aslac! reoîurce Slmain, itibone, a-asmuet îtifu Il>- thrus covn.-ceiu' algh lihe gulet 11t t'liestrucit.Iratit-tuu . bt> ti nsarilly; front ils positîctne donmc thIfe bhraat ithmênobIloioe. Iltaic -ritm IY gratfig ltelie able ta adi, Ibat te lTh 'ubant veneraitie wà,rniir ias silîce e x. er i n lciinsveuccin ffrotite effecîs tf ocor> uun (n it i thlt se p lt-m, Il i1 gtbuul ut bis niedital'attendants, niat ltii bII) sccnrence.4[Tbe Dritanmia of Dec. t o îî MAJOR MALCOLIM SWt reetpl 715 IINESE TREATY. cil ttaDec. O-Major Mulcoln,of lte rT s sartartu the guftion et China, ut' the un ich 8,of erMajestvsmsip t-utdît h, 841,1art-lt-dhore titis morunîgi fromn tae c e 'e Lltst steant vecsol, Lieut. C e nt . 1-ls, 'ISnn tir ai '0 itt 5te bitmreît tf theo treal>' of son lu S5Cde yb.., eMajety,âplenipoeniar>', jet-. P « . iiht lie E m p e r lar C h in a. lt c h 'eg'a mi lthe titre é higit com m is- w 41*li b>' the Enîper ranti -sent 10t-li .aragellie terme, &c. Major Mal. rpentu 9 esot frm lte Emperortuos ~eugaltg tut raif>'tiet-cal>' uptt $ha 1i rturniemilu tm saîî ithte aud E doici tlae 6uCtîaeln ieier, bad orli hl"a gland, ails iixu nil- l odullars cf lthe Chines Coni. Ouc et Yis>. debîru ,ei,, &n tue ioug-talkod-ei pitîc 1 cfla t a.hueïirued trticfront I rby it, l iseintentiet tu raîse A r eolî uni aulhorîseid b>' larlmanîonî, bt-i5 I

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