r Bxcel i prospe oin of th ianpon gt lie 10e i;a Cpleas< lad;0v bit Cor~ l'A5 1 l ie ail a large SCJO frt ii tîi' 11re f i-rnîÈi 9.1d-r ue. Thesc ,tie t3e orly lififusrîierst have etiesaativ on hanu tte ithe I~CUC7. aiI bila1ai-i tefai,- .filbiwiatg 8ehcal iis li alof têtai are u'efI t li;n Pact," <ho prinlmi wtb care ron newSae"etype plate.. tw %r ç at eriy cf tête requstnie.x.si a gaod ptper e; < ni'o1aealnt.atirre. anad piielaas g,tu tane o<f IM..Cart- liubeatiatiahy 4flo for .lit in cêooli.. Tite;r Vii:I in ean t te s epritre. lire surit a- tic"able ltah em aCic..-fj zc, > bu ita Liey ipOu! la.'eee witlî the ljiiited : aii îaoaî cs a@k titaI.1 abe reformner& ltael-; i.aiilar %%-orks, anti v putit ithiiWlthe tête oi't ii r' Çn l(ingsîon. Messrs'. every onst tu prcit... ,A.Ir c.Vwre t! c aîy retcrrmc-s Canaitian PIniier, lv Peteor Pýrit-v, Ju- -Xtnor. i. . .&4lyWdIt Gs u,"ng oI.îfuilruie ('f 1- ivvg.iî!agJ t'Cr thie Iurîct Scêix:lii.cuut2.î. ti:à,!e Alpiâtate AîdPro- Qi-iC hl I uitle cRve a cer-. greai.vo e i ute Loaa aid Short 1yîrlypi.i.iii-tduethitiaicf %Lie Sourt fil fie c~ i.II e5~~d ar 1 ...,rb&e to h. Bae) 4-The second Ueading ]3"ik, for theInuse of uia~mr~î;re.." teai i tte ý.ftbt t hue Preeax::ci:,Uiîtof P-clip Ctiniuanel 4iy ý:ciciund r rnotice. and I)iptborigs. at.I i,îte Middle & ro1 ti.oi batt ci r are la.1,atil SOaTIidiof ttev,!S. 4'i An Excellent Saw Mill, Igtool oarder, wbth patent Dog 1ro'nu, and! coesvenienees for druwing Le)" out i ù water' eonveved tu due Mili, tdovu the Itivor Moira. WAXTED. Twvo good SAC YEits, and tva gond AXE MArttts ncqauaiaaîed stlli tliei' ;;ckutn;t!as ,vork. For ae u frtlîer infortnn, ertoare, ilf per lettons, jiest raid, cfthe roletor, Blelle% uic. THO ~a. ~MAS CLMA N. PUJ3ULC NOTICE S 1uCygarcn, t hâtt ?tetTenders; vil!lice I rîrceivri]d a'the Indian Offire, lu Kingwoton., unlil iIONDAY, th'e TEINTH day of APRIL, nown' eitoiii fracs aey nerkon or persona wlo a e .iau-5 o f rtiritfur the ei.. badh Iiaresor an ru. t.ial. *î te 0méet ttemn. <riait ~ ~ ~ ~ ý- litra arud at1,C.' . . upon têtu Comrntaya former plain, viz.-f,)r Cash itoin, or Iîy Tête Lande are al.o lo be di-"eveo -- ntual Instaune, v it h atreaî. Orio-fifth Cash, sud blansre la. five e flui- -f ife hwvréattpanotoa Pe Tar Copany w~ iii reitlfrom anaumda any in- iteIivto autttel10ilt 0un 'r Uni< 'otedJ Kingdom and E1inrne froc rof ail chg,,:e. eCmaywi aléao remit eny maxi» of 4 .atEuaroe #0 bcaiuda, . y Ltteru of Credittip. In te.r Ir*,,;,,;,,r,,,ette Province fris miîaey~ c.., inuriog tête benito f thp preiiioin cE.hange ta te nraxadlkeie of expenfe, lt,',, 'r, s.uving listafrotie ,in oreien.re and to frelîxent lues.arihlttg frota brirging i...' mzrzir with him Tête Couopany, wiîli a viie la Zeeorpodate Emigrants bavng ne imuiediate us'e for -tdii fui" !, ýl1ov.1teret, t Fop pr Cet -cr unnuna, for Moue Ylaft vitê t tern for aur period uot l"'. date~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~u NaoyPyit' tae.1e~v. 'tdirectionp,,that Clu posibly ha Miefui al einteni!. Every tutu! of îroxIÀTlor< Ur<uON * feeof ail charge. hy ailia i, esoalorb 105 BEmigrants, 10 Canada. <mli la reauily ftrneu. -1" PP7< S Ille'aP:ae ihpe tre r letter.btê te Cotmpany& Office ceinglsd--ad-l.oe t lln.Pme lsosa.itc "iteriew printedl Liét» of Lands<, (wiî:cêt may alo o te 013 ,ever'4 'oOfficeand S» iotn Cana- da Wepaisd any particularos. may be oblaincu!, 111E CF cllAR4g. t"PO plction(> y tter Poet-pnij)Io>0tte Comnpanv'nuOffice at Toronto. CAviÂluA ComrÂaiay'u Offie, FitZat'.aRI-SRitîi. Torantn, I7têt February, 1843. * alîe lîe re, l i -n atsi l au 0 .-ri e ngirhS 1i lr ak, Lv Williargu "" SlitlleSON lia tlciuekbnç lias ieiaaberr- totste .ge a tenselai f dVJ.i. L n . . jilli f a NI. M. PO ntakn isihb a~stit ' b-,i:aIo- elit b TAnria pllig orlIi o.,PIOTESTANqT EPIUCqPAIL w netsof Kingston and t vlciniiy, for thte ofWcblfoeO.PeArgitcn eliigrS. oa u en ery Ei.t"ra au p port lie êtes li.!, ould e lesve Int gr.' scet tla?ues. M.rentiver Wle.9.At tte INDIAN SETTLEMENT, ie the t, «Y finit bc bu toiletête puiseli Outarioi r..:ieîi.ce the cilikradà bal .îory 7-Tête Canada Siliii7 110k, '<talanew tat.cru- sl> FTRNIEAGoer >Satr#retiof soc, ieaditinMr.hhc@.Hales.. M i!i.j 81Y Ihathuceieîiigwas fe'uaesty!leare Dvdind. 3 tête lbamanage llous.anditeofîbIed Cêtnrh h porh se* a.sok, seudfront godstdin ov Ira I'arn as or n~~aî'cru 8-Tise EtaglisvIa teadr>bt' Lscdbay Nurray. . inconîomtyl0eranpln fd.ile atienswil a e nvn fot enltsadu aie aira ii afl ynêtemy beuscern p nsuandtue.. u picatonKinag St et, cecaprimng every article çonnoctedi ù.j n~. irt~p e or rsi i,9-rueNwTucarit carlE r.l.u êeIndian Office, êetweeu thie tour. of ton tit' keei i .n2e. Il O.-'l'lie Siiorten Caterêt:sna. i cfr'lacla A. M. andstitreis Oelack. l'. IM.. or a R t u e lU a~ pilt nd Wc enswi ria«îvraisi du. do taitprol'. 71d. thteOflice ef John G. Howard, Epq.. Arcêtitect, Oftlasverytabtesripeonl Ia b cl>; se-4cugea zu lise-n ;a-ory, 2faeleiutUisrallstry 71d Ctsv.rtt' Beiing'si, King Street Toronto. thie laesit market2.roa a tt. rs asi 13.ACata ti-ia o 1Lalistony Of Etrîglaud. 7d Trlo:iietueies la iie requid ur Krç Iou< Fêle . 114, i.i ra îi~ ra'arttn i l - Ai iidiioau.eattit f EnihCruaim>r, b.0fi ofduelewot'k. 11.-Agfi, sEucreV iitc .hte ic 'nererloriamucecfte 'I, .tjay 11i:1.asaid a ltter I.iIly Murîy. 71d. SAMUEL P. JAPLVIS, NOTIC E. the i;;: ilsiliCteea. l Geaetxauar, ailni, d illa ai >ria wnivettrarb ief î6'Eiioi..î d fs? it, ' dtrret l t' Bbscaiiber, le grleZOUly a.înrg utt, i YIC-ibriLmn. ca ,.f esxciby Lade irray. Indien Office, inite i lttALi" t bit ssrebita aud. tsam fr tee ________ ___lots_ _______ iflt811.uqp1te.tufflorde? 81à. wbile inte he- lie n rtupa.ra1.Ditionary of rite E ýiliîàLungaai, Jsiht- gg. Marebbol vet ian,.e he M- ù 17.wtlalksISere NOA Tanei, n * * 'ii i-i6. iaiO ts trio Ouet'el Arnd eitian. . I TSbereby' gîven, Itht the BIOAL i lc udteandibligs'epr b-êba o';uilattend« fur urlii e lar. ac 1a ad1 .A Ctein. sfGcirpv. I .arber of Kir.gFton,onpsile tautte Markcetlu.tô taIiy.boir aidera, 'air-0 acr: 19.Jeat dbuiated. ia. Canaid's tSlxaoiGealiace, %niLe sold by 1Public Auction an Tue.on asurbrfep oMn urcutut voe:ra-utpia, êy Plozs u it.dey tise lwentty 611h day of April notai. tg1rS3tseaur.vêeh'liv Ilay b. 'alcîl trIl. ~ 0 2O.luriniîb), Ramtiraai amirîLn Ech< A 'l'h. Sêial il i e divided lutttie lots of cooPetent. atentiv'e, lupriglît, hlu iaiai,,and j & ul it ta. 3!.&56ISY 200 feit squtare eâcêt, te lie markeronet by on w<cIl va. et'lpof l, fayotai, uil ota igure - - ý aR'1M Oloun ff <licer ef Govertemeent, and numbened frain 110 fore 0un hi bIl Irçffectt1t11Y soicit Ratco a1 A. Il. AIt bIORMSAY, Heuse!tee :j, the l1uib. eput gapavepanratelt annusttrne of IL atititerSupport wbich têhea» bua. r. iW ltA.LtSARU &C ~~pie f£t4ec.lisdleeoee 'tc Ua LtMeJAtcl. ARMO 23. '43* sîon Tête rondililions or sale lre, CHARLES JIALES. Maril 8 43.Têat on Ilite Wet end ZNoutê aides cf Lot NO. Kingatou, Pcb. 2. 1813. * "a' Chrita. lîiiier' 1,allierorN Wêarf.valilshailte but. lu AMERICAN NEWS LETTER That Frmniar Pieroas hall leLuît on tte Sont'> lHE> 8NWoWriber a frsale aSt W . levon idu 'VrrdA NDt>EUILOPEAN INTIÎLLIGOsty CR. aidesifearla cfrtIbe Lots NO&. 2 end 3. T le se rber ha. for Slet.s~loc r a" a 't'aivOtiat3. Laiir!t h ietn e difalCl-*Tête iede out ocrtpiing the nooaînder o! earb sao urhoneetErcklinet I i ttc a"-Erilaae. Iohethe ean ri fns, lodta o len a!liteoptiono le respecive pur.- 50 pro. leucliteil Canvas, No. 1 EuatCce Sa r.iu sayre-eiscted itata. hene rtitubali halW xcue '>e, d o .d . mâq gra, , couinta office liv rfi E aboe Neaicu gapere ttswreniaingeilTee n iro attaisdaileceuc 0 de de No. 2. do do. .lîI.i .E.xdj atliai i <'oliaa'i, ebiêt a-s eatbacucording ta ri çopcificatiors lo beceueu atte 0f- 50 do o N. id d. u . .~lclaie Aldermgan furan lu ly, 1142, bu re-gul îiiy puhlsrlIed at Lît.er tC c êateîilc orsinKigaoani do do eC. 4 & 7. do Ivdo actaI Dinner lest ~ ~ ~ ~ bil liea Le r.eapeted <itêin lieu yeat' rongsd o(mmf 7 o o Dinne latt mlexîtressly frizianision byei bîe-am IansetetofUwCT poo ,,ptti u is !l frtête dateo teniîe aee, tte full satisfaction cf Io lo naeruet fBo' avsm ny.port lia B,âsiatu ol. pic0 t efaneentiannd O0 cer of Gverototou'Linese sud a vcry superuierrtiele of Bai Tfime. ....l.tt 'ia'ti., a tête Unte tatt.trduL lai.n 'rteeut c l fitin - f .! ti.eGO unent onpain bloc an..~rm uesd white; aine in u;ive, Wnoesgle.antauicr i feîena- 1ýrtant o ofiuetrteprhs uny t. abi tara' liat ttelio. W e-cr. tlaat bas occuracu! iniGreûtl fln. Eojurcpe A Le os~iI t ottypfiiueson- acêtlot vil! <141h. for Peuldants.fecah CIltp.cl t tr lin IV et -A 1-ituen te salli re iredait ilsfine facceplance of!fige bd. Tise abus oya ocde wlléb.li t Mcbapfo cah es î Lalîcdil tiiht eraae onAsic ini tête Inteal t]gce O1 a l nI t1 icêt depaiw ilii e fereiteW u non-paymnel ecpmrelcit Ntes ut90 ar. e.~~~~~~~ec cct Seini Sêip, vsil) j'ltics or cr- <f itvhoeutseuras ooy<ia.-wMWLO. i Tir a tsat ie rien J'ua îerre-a correct anir' aapreêtoouave itîuppà", Ci ise - a sah p* Brackm-Struet :nwria Tr le ai.. t1l a yor, - ,i i, lit -nhirh viii La fitind a firttetl record ofIC lnharMoth frein thîe date et'ftie sale. 2W at' igl@ J1t ie Legrslaîatte ria nddprai 'fAlainv ,e 1.îagdi rrip will ltoiet utiotdsil 2 ucs 83 iïi cr h Brviaddpret Exa etnuIiA'anainepayaientnofedano sPd rt-etin ailtêe' i sbudceouoshuth coieptat ice ter uaiew so*uiz'n '% e- i,ývCýnteý aealç aive or tisatero as ;nay fruintiigue te tine itcr-a * . 8 T re, WeUu a 10 , in teu ari L oar a î n. W e h al s eune ro neple e P ic tra t rr iii', 1 i si t hi e g r pe t cf a e is o l ace ut lise er o Cr o cL a nds . tad f i % ber a m l oir'I t u . .i m lu tm i e tuai j a i . ia ribtoro suce, y oifed s aken bcgive îLe ltai reporta ef tLe Cvaar.sooee A. N. MORIN ithe lies, bel , i gt etre u %% il ligus.r it titan 100. descrapr'ions ciAuiacican prîulce,frît thel C.-.' êt e tp aln bntr aieayri raac a.anvyearsmueot uuquetionable sarucei-laguae onbineego Office <ef Cri-a-ntins, EIIleJ, eg made fins t ha lapst Shulanit S, . afs FrIslay. Tis%ei aia- a Picei Current. Ilai t :,- it-enfot ideep TheAlgail Shrij:to CHitÂS NV['uliLL. 1'(,kN sALI] By W. hiMPtiN.4)1 fls lry. 's id iia,oji cani-ny islrilcu! En*sAbiErztrAa NMwiLITTERuid 1I.U. .F Nordis isare é!erringp, Ne. 1. llvn oî ci Ota tatpli, Saeladi or i e aci i iet dçqc, pai 110 t! e nln Orders a nd s q ipioui ivil bla re. O ta rioStreet, Ilarcit 21, 1843. "a 'hi ng t i~a , ee if ha tt ries . c tha c it Wil Le ceivat ~aniy of meor". i'r.wrr.oy'a &en.$ - ' IIAIR !HAIR Wu.peaazekea$e.i.al P b_:ý:ic cn cincgine.Bt rManSa OFFICESa in têefinsIEDST.aTzsuatit er ft', uraêt!e n iili!malte OiP.CAN an td In fl-atsn by Meurns. Reiding & Z R5tTt.-T'IPORTANT !4COata'TmECEA? Wvelintoc.st., 24 a ch. 183. aIr s 1'r r. ri criy ii aN ta/gntlalrx a eantr t-Y.tiSTt'RT tND tîtQU.'AT -t.AST. __ _ _ _ _ j i aua', nt ti. ca~!ear iA ins; Moaiîî"-xl, Mn.r. Gr eig, l ale; tf. 0Lt YSIA R E ENE A O . r, faitNO2U< e s ENT iif. u. Creae"s1utiiereiif. lty st. Joliuli. N. B. Mn. G. e. i1eney. Morese C potant s&re o f eriuelittention a t e ag-. HIOIAS A. HAINES, Jueiotubsh 'i~t : Ia tslcr, , e e.t Il evs Office; Quebler, AMr. Charlies F. Fon~'piln utvr îfpeevagtt nalr T a 1. 'netl"efrrnbaeoli7ng a. pce -rd lu 81~ 2. "in ulcr prndurfAtlio.tAn.atreet; St.ichn'* Nseu4,eac4ind .Mr oieiscencladphsc.e erdfoeh&fredgsdtepWç,u el i tale rhange. iheat 3m 3.1 por bWContbrsy. TigntesOffice.t ortêtvîieio . zyeprmtetclânlaabptyic$feaat eieifo1 ual eJu l. ul e es ul li;6pe Iter 208dirertodtIL tePublifluer, aditreasega fo. tleg reits u nideice 'onrtte toi!er, . th Ltpretisete a i. aler1 a st-ent asa i'k 2NIsfti 2M Ou!deM.,potatoes le aae -or acsedfrisofesagatpo-jieCossiuaaçAs lbn evet taîlîcl, baatrs 8i CRAIILéIandWpetite-,gigotoeasipglhastaand TeanautluI, îgt Su. i natirtg qialily. tuapsuce a cond bodea et' i.- . al<ue~uaihi ab te Preveut littroua ltnh an lgru 'ies ha , Idu s et lethe t'.. - fl a . e* 'Oatt 'it -- ie r aatêt elaTe. I6,Soatin eopae iru'sîaprCteile4tOnet w i heunlde&-bu mui iit ht l i.le' e[% ottra"iintarc15 Souttlilse.-1 aiai Ath asNx- .iN ~ 2takeet place. an! leihîevent it froustnruing Pvo'- p«ietee e in tine.b. o~ mt AxtiticàNiirsl- 40TION, (V1#Q&ut i. ngeimie bit hnpetuetics. antiqu ue P& ' lie, a. au. ,andi centaine a eceeplte h oui--" lie'Js~s.~ ,, ~tpaitnal iaattaercal, n! l;onersjj 'gég Oki"' elm ruiptue, frr ladiWs'tu rls-ittaûkes te bi'titateu ahocoly, bbgP«"-mîY t fi t rtata-.'. DATv IACoCnstatlol têtecoulpexionuanti reîuoîag aIJl distcauot têe Inena aaOt isÎc lotuit*wu.1 coq«lubel , h ifiiyrletgeii. and embe)isbeu skia. lit jo ile catrei *Il tb.u5moW f ' K"V, d D-- L ntr.aaliane pa-prcîce cf gntiusec*" in tahfo. aen ega'Cit raI . Il te tteluiet ih etefbs.. WRj îst-. ha inaelunchrêtigLer floraliais, Lotionle neinita anattrgrnt -aj!'a - s sitM .- "trel»à u' mg.gapp&iuts li te i..,. laeà" ) ICtiauy ,h~allasourt tntge oten Bae Mwaah. und greeîly esteebeit rW<ittis. etSe ihahetctatie1anti oranabl Lequiw$ WoSu t..a -eegarsu egofýectly nerestin; u in cleuglez,.aaenug, une puraUyas i ssor aeer 8eha timw hcisus u u eit. lvlaI1 ll -tptaîs 5 uinros ia edae of t>, ni e.--ld.aeuuy toft r<W'e "1. - m-bistuestat IIÉ 5aelle .'vghu b e Bn- ttt<onrki ail tue traveler, eutf04at tetlfihc*peingrttei l~ss, os it leth liii Bcrkigiantpride of %mli WbtUosEctsil, and! 14eaqvu ofîI... -' "ier ni pmlls taeuotsbuswoJe< 5', gAmàeri*2 a toisehmiau ati ri or ic. ' - igle 13lé ste:'itif 4tObt tt5t1l ",ber.i ubesmdW t lliGion, eratise jttk " nuLuncie A gondt appusralseltêi te .t -recom teda -y atIOti frli*y - Theaiý eUasho.mt trt5a,I kêtolshd tith1) six eti'savinas ofillultl l" letrithe 9 StiVs ai Turonto, * lIgo o n' ai-o! a ilyogju dislei 1boai! eatf&14etl qth5iirr, lîlfase anad St. John 41ni ab4. jImiy 'a igit"ct - .,et '1eabulleinus et His.z lnc etoilet. "- ~ A~C >Ih.nveh 't'ath is- êttlrinonclecyi ta d, 1 aoi a IisP16 i~na.t ~: ettethtei$ze lh ult4eaapre 0 71h* t~ t luilases> e sorengeois et>t t , bere# ...aM almu4 . j uaa, ltit eb 133. INs TO LET, AND POSESSION '.1VE1 ON TIE ISTt, T % D ELLU GS and S1P he.iene lad by C. iIals, Caq. Tire sbop IIowi ~ f sn qfT. laériider, £Fq, to wbjelà lu tlc akstore Vfith Wharf vier1ee la well adapled for a -whlesale buasinetu, vu! vil! le. e.t w th or waiît aDwe * - Offlcers or gent]eten 1u oîhaÇovein- runt tdepanutnuttwilk Sud I'bu velkliscon- venient and modog eglcc L. Apply on tIi, prises b> Ontario (laie Front) Sureut, Kinston, Peb. l4ý lm4. puremi r. onca llgq'stoek of Dry cOuds, wIieb tlîey vil dimpom of -etai<d -f 0,Web*Wpeithee W bolemale or ,e#A&l.as tlay 9111310 tt iL. heplace op» for a" mSothà. yue man ho crg. wil hal fuiud civil and obbirm *Kings!on. lOtêt keb, 1843. . .0, $ALE BTv 1UE SDCJ~ 14 £la et làur, t0 - o L 1 & li 110o du 4 do <. 2 < 110 do do 4 do m2 ' 1401 do du 2 do " 5 40d1 do 1 'Haver tuiies,1 20 itblg. Relinti Ceai Tar. 4 1usd». and 2 Casba Wb'atig., l Cêtains, via. 1 of M-6 ichê, 1 cf"8-8 feL t of 7-16 inch, 6 of f-4 itnche I10 case» biperde Salati Oit. 14- de Chasasliatite Win@*, 10 loges Caudiu! Ci.non, 10 do Macauni, 8 oVenateii, O ! Itai ian l'asIe, Cavelldillh tùýàh.eao mtrlÎo sbraim nd of eSlaW &"tt aGrnd nti Sores&.ae. & TIIE TIIOR(ýGU-MIba MAIINII-l WVILI. Stand (bis i.aiam ut<uylsh'p Boq., h='Oels's~Ipr-*U(h, eoetuen.g Ii AMI id n!edw à Jt1y Ir àM, uIR-le .î .-q.J.. te etAt Yoceç:ytedoet1) . palmé or ritor a »a0nxqopa.t ~mi1h vocaoe Drye cilal? ThtoHesry ý 'tse oft IN. 43te'-et limony IIXL For purtiMdIMW va t ~ nc i r êt o a u a e-o 4 u . » . î ,g I "e -124' N 6 r a a t , u i U M l t a e v % U l ! t l .a , ~w î * î î h i I 11t'- Tacdot attht lido e~rq s , i aad e. -ofI il a$ ass onne b tsthe rion ai. lt itl - MArs li ie 1 0Aine c 1 fLNrg onC ~_-4.&OC.1fU-'l à LMk9i ~ eos hi Wbmo îthtcl e .gJtasiy,..dtà.hi.tei.go, Tatet> 'ottenaaro '.sau>ed.Iat it 1,. <d OS'Pt.iP'i busîai op Ocve,' Vm lots -îee ntrkn. le iiii. ' orlr Msn whe ltu !fpuevre ceI tui i.t oiende.e"er 4ufrje vArh 4ue. tisse r iug secierthesainee wo temo WPO'*i uoIc-~ad te. u ftfrtêeLc e et l il, n!yo1 *- Nel e t 0.:'n O theraot ( t h4., 1,4 l q. . i ,r! C e , h4at, IL9 184-cu.a rieurforîbbsdv ,J e .,Pwi d p ut e Qitt lakpspîî 1w; o r Ibo r y Vlistai ad aierTsuM..Sab.usira frSjor eaeJu eici . .,u#<ia %eta& baveiet 11tet;e Puble. rWnets,ýpMJ i t lriI i ttc etui one . itbir nyor o afl a G 0 cearite f~Odaê.qunl u C%1<5 ttk ~b ion o~ae a h~ WC T o 'î. it.êynsbee. eeive I N** Te. S o i~ai1ti.tee-pr.iu ftt ea 'w ticî. haid te' r l idi-ng A fi 4IT ..ecIî o. o.wok etSîeo raue upv -r ht ud frd(xeta;a, bePr dTanLt nGepî cr epiufoia 2. Fttl îîraji sali rceu jé-b e' - e Ttnteb*l Ç. .Oe ,-t Lstte 'l P. tect]ut&amiWOa, uY lals, olunPaltetbl «,nrt a1 i t1e mesni êet C nft- d ,, helwP fvfiihw r p lb tr oê l wiewlra ns wi &v A- IL N.oue iaelnu otîRs~ eli, d octA1w20qeh" e baa rofl 9 diraS1' oar &hIn " te bave 'M' irtie;iand of Course. IlfaierbitA.alliai anOfetP. Mmiutionsrite moaterits.unVe unethe 23tsmle., ettelin ý, 4e.ce d bel -ùn,. de ut-odo11-01o. ite t'm*nt, -.'e M eiti ha tueirt I aiat? vt fol. n atbcc. ree axit dea cXI il in ctahembranoeslus.ipat un- - u e A- fe fo¶1 de - oeed -e é.-d1 i1 7 6d w dkt t e s ilhrl n nO Ta s.,c 'ie. B t î T D t(! M )I O N U G, I. pi ona leo TiL .yh- e - <Of.! o - de - 2 5 r- eten ueois e = iqanda'for tiei. Sd y Lv"tsifr; sbqentl'yu s--d do - e i e, . ê h. . * ed Uu al a sI eu nýllirnerIl are ui-.it e4ee Io ui-ceol t, indurvtri& ueandpprIediPAutNU thîchruw,! t.eil tu pyeCattractive *li!... m ve*10 lont asked bj>0 1,a0ge NOTIEI rec 10Aresan> e.. v "'e"'"1iig Ca.ti e . f eTt,-it- le tttar n.pla -E iýf I .. 0 r i Z bered tue 1 weret th-se tael e ua. iîl b l«tiecoîai.ilnllTrn£etaai" - hroi<mlat auo do f- ll v ngl-ccl.tt-sl c - 0p t oai IA a ner frl0e .i. .t vision! oe.'U cery fouItofioracroc>rA.tMng andiOrle mP.oyle put-cue rbthreeiiol o! têt iY' Na& L4îeorat fron iliepbre i*h inx~nlAdiga neiuh .P EN IS ulça,&. c.~vtc.b ?) o druvhen 1% .cbrira8J d e dwti t.lo f' Y r- 1 17 6 K-awon Nv 111.16 doîrrooru Ihia,.,, an, *ce atitUU Tbofnu e1fflaauaed ENItGRATIONJtiOI IM T lir ndeegawi ioe werâealW. Poo!, Dublina, Coi, lelfasut, 0 eQL'dq.4, lagod andI seau-irtbyte ea it eMdusx - I' ttto le veli î.ruivwe ide oh erti44, lfmi and bree!trii. for tia vc,ag*, sruqitt&d bv tête îîo paseiier Act. Apluraiou (fit'b> lut lenton be peat paid) ti ArsxitoNy &A\IJAIE.. 1igton.;to ni4s & ileOnrcru Quebec, Agents fer P. W. SKwttL, Clliptoi cfCuetuiia, To- N. l onfy i'4Mrs aYil3aise Le giroet e h fiOOp ar .« ýfdue. 4f r"tired for th. arreanoaliuaorfperboÉlI'mlpaais& y âr pyrnee, altipr. . RxrE 0F PASSAGE l10]tvtiffl juSants qnder 1,u.-ri Fs" Dublia n ou fat . FTOIDI.14*pars 17 V 14 ri Uaaiîr 14y.e<u' l. e0 O 117 Th e eeinta 1 '.11 foed agiou = J fourndinl berthes., atai fuel atnbriAi têei>ge. ai jrumiei b; l~>iF.B a ild u,? Huiehy oS every WinL iailait* ut iinh thertes: bttd M... Tteehlf gultlu ad it heW h. are5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ok, Zla hnua t eywaut~ gaVata lee i<uhuiflte' u aa s diatobefor lblI ! dfev zatprpoe ~r.P- W.~rms ed»tobi "amoube e. câAlfeg Il oetaaudhbat,. of tilirne & Ha~s~6tfethat ail n~e e l OG1AV»I1 ee'mRrfl npat"d te; 46e-W&er b h ernda foreli. â*6i tbm erato e4,m Ieîs wi bu Oum emogh to r lt ils ned.rthat n utLenio%î aàaý%6 drus. ;=ous A. li"e r.' at Pr. A. c. Rit. son ', ---- --- ---- --- r'oitw T HIl Tn ooiÈ 1,u 'lu i eut 16 a-J 'i. I 0< 'w-. lb ha U1~ rit5. cm te.. ire. Iit~~ tee. rrtk Il... ses, s. il Llii* ace$ 'sot' lies le- v.: pI