Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 18 Apr 1843, p. 3

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lie foe "ni Zeles le Rtl,u cCf thl tC leWi 11C in.ioa te liL-, 7 ast, a toi, ' mala,-i tr 1 ru i m~ieat5 ruch iniagnanit 'rc i a a astterer ridîcu-' a , t' .cb . Thue pruesto rgits L. 1i1a uaiite ; bau thle pub!ic ra.<*i.lrt.elort!uraîl rights, *,aC, .'. attailuhcal, aaalautcred ï, 11 :1 nta- l.ersive aegree t al latir e ac-er hem u(Jthe *ý,r rAIb' . tivaitL 1 giAfaed un irrperji. ai retierel shie riip- * *a i c lail prevauusly been PA never lC la-l hehýr hat hMr. r af fart art i silce in jethiai a.a'..a i aryire sacre,,for- aaLa aaa". a li u C ia apse oaffais 'a c, a. ai rea, atacCuraaal .j A' [aIaa av a.aabiiay tu he cighit aaaa, , coi% xluacro' the jman , - îfizà . c ot.i aîjd iu rgs hai vc i a-aati tcr vtiaresî, & ruis p 4 arlit cft'iCXe gialataonoaaf ae j, hiaraa,' ii .aaatc'd Il adical n.- a Li l n ia. 'sir'e. 'erluapéï b, aî ajia ara, hat public raglta :II - 3ý .ai3 t a ia t iotifui theO -r. ,'.ý, a *: ae -,daulak la :e nan£ or a~ ~ ~~W a" -r elat.~arcther litas * * tît a-ian af;iIv àu theCa re- ail a-aa'."rî', -aua'e uta lo t appli- - il t aIllCC'. till. pr.aper teusne aa, l !aiC &avis Chat uf Lec a I te d'arraa~o'"-tc la -el îaltju gcs.y H., aaa ii ilaai doctrines b,' A raL . l'acra but witi Chut para.........- taý 1,ai Ilc worulul bardl,' late tard ' aý..ýý,, -1 la ittaal ainang a,, il.aar. au e.ectaaî uppei blouse lie 1, wi.<er Coaaada, anal b,' nome ils ,l 1ae but L rai Durlîams rie. r~atio -'a'te:. ia Ntis close b,' <ail the rJ ù1ci of Canada-the @p se 'rtaIraaîrrr ther seani-Aineri- 1lîac a', a. a , N-ar.va writer ia nb iLhlaag"Luaelf, Chat lie In e.- alt, I I at.aaitarniIy tbe respectability * l r 'uaaar.ss ua. e tie I I a.aa a'a a. a.aî,y laue, andl dcccii I 4 t ia a l a, aaaua dl iIng ici lits a ia~ ai t;tie suai. Loi îaot Ciae - a c' i.Ct.r.tia fr filue radicali, uapt 'at , hL.1 i triu. Thacre ohlc t u'î a]iJ hailfor t'y a rom. Cuit ~ ~ ü a ;ýq rI < a ~a r. 0. 1 . uans adi-~ ~ ~i a la, e stitcct muate b y r> -- eL.... tus Na.lianee meeting. 'a. -' t, iaa.a '.5,, that Ciao Locer the %- lae tlirid tu puy' off the Uppar iCti t a ., aiU tuiLe statei ira-- the c"'" tîagr:urIt'. argîdtCe lutce iO aaaeat Cru tLe union 'ra te ed I a "le iaail, auhle Locer Cauiada and lýera U. Cc' te inarracai tuthi Sister n1 ,fra 1i tlae largo dowci ah.i vaa teai <a %lia te union batl heen 'Ifal ai -o atar debts basin, hoe fi'iaitaa'lveS accolvet tn fresi "It a aa nd~i ia a liai!." a'itaaat aor ir'htat Mr. Goavan s ait * L "Ct juei1 thje In ter, bqçaime 4 - a rr inla i. 'l'a ebtain the r iiarCariaala cheut te tua, off Ch, le -' itt, avais ucver urg-eit as eute et Paaa.j, a.r correelating te Cie tunon in us Icuaea t, or by an7esocule 1' 1~ rie erljeet. If aniy thing et .-Iaur htlt af au' .-f erer,' par. for 'I a. %th t t acts (, the uoae, k.nw mis S a<ait ut' ione,' in Cthe La'eg a,'lý ou!ii,' LaroI,' officesto nktithfe --s t Cat Chas mono,', insteait et ailfa the grounds urgot for con- nt ~ trC ":2Uinas ruo gpouuci at ail And LW Ct.at il~ are noir inaOîcedin je a ialt aIl Juan,] debîu." The g realent estI lmt tu ba appluedtuC psy of Chie MN' a t'le renamaI 1er UnI, te Our pelui f'eil" ljrlig 1t due ne'r Lia n I.at 'enî,4pr cent, wcii] tic aa prceac. i iau l aae bi au' tatemi Chat the 0W tera anra t4uive>r General hai bi,ata dia- ana th xecetivo Coule- iCacla, a sa aa what h. atatet tacîe lee nccr Eeutuve colin. mai il'r5 erlog atounte ta ina a ,'er, sud Chat i e' ~~~lta aaouit, say'S'l<i0 a e Dt ul iia nelh for the; hu LMrha laog mepynd Ih La,]L a. Maamiize t.adcoag-f wnga;fice'tatpol a communi". d etrie em tof Il or le i n e ihOM Doîtin, Ifir;eari ta lel il. e a ILf St. n. 55, bas ce- ba. 44'ta i lr Cliare j Met;eaufe 4101,'a' CPlcfllI Tiba eleçtion boirga,]' itaI the reensieuler of Mr. l.asher.a eluni, eing flsn yesr, it excitet but lttie intercit, 5nei. set.ai by Illae saiall hem- ber or voteCsaoffereal. C'apt. Mackenzrie, of the UT. S. briv Suneri, bis hien Iinrabtly arnquitte b,' te eueit Mag- fiai frenail the dlaîgvaý preferret againat ite, aad Ciao finuinig of Ilat Court bas Leer. approired lay the Prosialet. The weatluer for tae Jasit ornigit lias been finem hallvria, li, tliernuuaaunteir on}'iday i70 lu Ciahebhae, hat ca.aa odvita.v Mustof h. snawinc azone fronait tL iopen canntry, exuct cLerc it hal drifte,], andI grass in spriafiiîg fast. The i-eies t aIl lîasable on font, ant no pruopect ut naavigatiun upeuinag fur a faitiight vet. Pleur lias atvaqctcu tol'isGd per cwt. in clar cmarkret, puistues lus Gt te 2zi per bushel, uatsIo laI; ha, $16 per tee ; je aCier thangs but attlmf bbange. LATER FIR0111 (TRIA. B,' arrivais lit New Yoark we have receiveit neaaa fcua China te the lItai of jeccrober. libu principal iatter in an acconutito atnte t Cas. o, directe,] against treigners le general, but chiella- againsi Che Engliila, ini vaich ehe Britih tactur,' cas borne,], andl a large quantit,' et goots trgether 'iCi 8300.000 inispecis ceri pIuter. eaî b, Che mob, ut whîucîî ive rire illet. The Englaului eitenits adreset the lBritish plenipo. tenîîary icqoesting Chait a natal terce migbt Le statiaancdlit Canton for Clîci protection, but Le decline,] scceding ta their request, sud seemeit tu intinate hat tic îiot hbat hein partI,' provokeit ba, the leptoper cuuîiduct ot a paîîy ot Lasi-ara jron the liritisi vesiels. 'rbe tollawing are tt'tractu fren tte Ccmee. citaI Advertierî. r Thi luapDalhiîwhlo.î arriuai vieanun , ."~terday, biings alvicep fr0.1 ii acao ta Cie 171b eh ofDecember, bavingsasilet an Che 20ehi. The pruaicipal piocea et intelligece iare ihat Cie sLip. varecket crews o! Cie Ann set Neibuddd ama. porta batl been puît te teat b bthCe auth..itiesat Fuîmnuea, said Chat saà xtensive anal tery destruc- tive riot bat broe out at Canton an Cie 7th, durectet prieciPra1,' a ,ainett Chbe Engliai reszidents, ana cteîihy gaeing ont of hostile feelings aguait iicu-bti vemîtait ciileasily h. seen, affurdiig uno favorable augur,' for Cie centinuance of amicable relations. ThuehLetcouenig Che rigit 'ring et H. B. M. 62J uegirnt ta Dîaore 'rere scatupet in a hurricane on the 5'.1 September, and theMad- ras Spectator statua Chat the loisia ascertaincit ta lie 2 lieuteuatî, Gasan andt Scoboli, Ove mer. geanei four corpofaalitndt Cirtv.dive priatCs, citi six conuen anit ecelve chiltren, The bri,' Mauleie cas cricket on th. 29tb September aitthicnîueb eud eut Cie Pasaan ps sage, aed 'iCi lier vieri lust cliii! offitte r V'. Smith, thitid afilcer Mr. Itaneue, tour lascars, and Cie despjatche«. -TUE ANIS ArD N'ER91L'DDA. Respacing Chose vessolu Sir 1heur y ottinger iasuced Chrear Proclaunation-uea-eeatresacit ta Che Chinesiei one ta Cie Enliai, aned Cie Chut ta both. llromn tics. ut appears C hat on board tCh. Nerbutala, ibici 'ras crecket in deptemhar 1841, 'rro29 Eurmipeaes, 2 est.ives eifbîsuila, set 243 natives t od la; tiat wLe lieeaip struch on Cie rocks et Formosa Ch. Euzope&ta. the blanilà aa ndethCreeofthtii. thers tobk Cae boî Lete ; Chai th. remaiin. 24 era.u on boardtCh.e aip Olve da,'a 8:7 thon hantaitici rafts, avithout arme o! anir description ; nome 'rire dro'rner l Isin,aotlase &uliaib,' plun. tirersansd-tie met'rare mati puisatiers, ex. parience,'acb 111 treatmuuit Cha, use,'imed. Of th'rWoe 240 ocuti, ca erdrestoret et On bdu he bic i,Ana, chilcivras wciedo an her -wiy tram Maisata eCie, la Marcbi 'cri 57 per.ue.-14 Eurupeas anad Americans, 5 Ciomuen, 4 Partages" of ab lyes aa34 nativés of Indi... Tbey ail loft th.éit,' and gos. on board s Chainesijw&ultbut Alis tin hat, ic,' coult Cuet put Ce ses, aurrinderet % ittiuf se,' attempt St resustance, . Ti,,y corik stiuipotlia-. kit, and in Chant condition Caiten téChai capital af the ialait of Forincea, chere all but emne wers eltier put te teati or perisiidtChrougi ili triat- mont. Among thon cwh.itiet or cire billot 'ras Mr. Gnlly, a Britieh marchant E*gbt ot Che mine aurvivoire, six Buropsa». aitAmericane one Chuneme suitce Iniamen, w'rno etored ai Tho Rqiser of Decernerr 2% c.Canstire mpéraliewreWaia,' ta the tusat, saitthe tuties omisuent upon h, batt Uaq' usnt nothin,' of ipra0unlunait ho an anicati. 'rbidî certaf* af u,' h. it onsoudeua, Cha i 1m:rial Majesty i, djetagond àtaC faâ homheen sttla". The. ane pajer se,' Cliiithe . stifou aotia. Clu liad slrock ca àristnefbuetCa ab"njtCh. Bitish consular halli, thcegb th.,'proteesit sillhicune a arebut thathernoumaio( i.te r, chsnta. _Tic, are tnid ta le indumeSt b,' Y. au old mam uf 107 ycara, Ho et ad Wa twu teet. leu patriot,. Thi iot insait ta have hLe. treseendi foretoid thîe ceapraidurs a week ai lesut beoe 1 teccuarret. Jianysof the.rictie ans ra whutet euhi,.spomitat iniiote moerhp in isous orai oyor enciety. luit Cuvear (an runsequéece ofthticbatl mate tif the Roats§) at cthe Court Ilouse, Kingston, on 't'uesday Cie 2Tt i iuat., (Cie ist Day otthe April iSaiétis) when a general attentante ile arpesl- ly solicateal.aa. mattpretfcmomenit, eoncîactetl wtaili the ftuoe celfare of the Soeiety wmliL e breugbt font-en,. 1Kington, April Il J. B. MARKS, Pres dctu. li, 1843. KINGSTON MARINE RAILWAY. T II1E Arînual Cenerai Meeting of the. Stock- Iholders or the Kingaton Marine Raiiway Céimtnny, was his day heid in the Office te elect 1irectors othe eClue comyear, according te the Act ol Icorporation, when H. Gildereleeve, J. Counter, Those Kirkpatrick, Chas. W. Jenkins, and John Mowat, Eçquires. were elected Directors. At a Meeting of the 1toai~d of Drectars held iîemediately atervvards, lHenry Gulmeeee was re.elected 1'resident, and Mr. Jenkins Semrtary. Kingston, Srd Apt-il, 1843. AUCTION SALE 0F L ANDED PROPERTY- 0N SATURDAY the 6th day of May' next, wilbe Sold on h premaises t 2 o'ciocà4 P. M. lts No. 5 and 7 ie the flaurishing vil- lage of Newbuçgh, Township of Caniden. No. 5 i wll ha divided jeta four building plots of equal size, and No 7 ieta thre. separate plots, on the contre plot of which there lsaua excellent tire story Dwellieg Iliuse, Wood Hlonse, Baril and &table erected. Tbe wholq i . erylaid lu , mr V oyer en the day of sale. Each ltwl eotr led 8*at 4"irÈate utet ýrice,' aed on libemal ternus of p-aymeut. -Z; M'ili be required devn ra insthe parchaser of ecd lot cf No. 5 and £20 froin the purchaser o! the centre lut No. 7, with the buildings hrn Further particulars illie hamade keownet aih turne of sale or hy applyieg e Jamnes Dougali Esq., Montreal, or tu the sub.cujber. lmendiately afttr, will hie Sold. Lot No. 17 and 18 in thc village of Clakvjlie. Township of Prederiel..burgîi, COMprising HAL4P AN ACRE et superior Laod, wit-h a two l'tory' Dwel- iing flouse erccted tbterean. *Lots No. 23, 24, 27 and S cuaipriag coee acre ot Land; situated je the saine villag- s&W bouueditou the toth aide b,' the River Napans. Al of which ivill Le suld wthout mrcasio together cr in reparate Lots tu it oea,'suit pur- cisers. 1TERSS LSS L and male keowe at the ttues uosle H. CALDER. Kingston, April. 184a 'O LET. A-ND PosiEs$oIXi (.IVEZ iUmEMATZLY. THE Office andf Wateroems et pregee _____ ____ _____ ____ ___ INUSToN.4-4oERAiçD 1ulDAY, ÂI'RIL 18, 1343. 6ai Wrse# pointui thia out.he %ras Tie flla'ringletC éi re...ttt h. edttr et ThaeRogsteroftthoo-7th aalc. .<Tt lnticor, ad atteuNPWe1té1the Wiuo, nole ati ther of the itecap" o a iens ai the.treat,'avilil h eu.-foemdigIbSSO t e . hi I t e.Dt i ractsecit at h. meetinag i Napauie.theu upa.liédie substitution ut Elepaisfur Ke"1-9g ,' S 1.bGREENE IL 00 il eixposes .-l P-4g 1..PllerOf-tea! M rCreditom is lu ho t' 0 811 ,0 i tha,' Sir-exerpose*oupii»94h.& Litse uthanritiea etF ormsaia lj ie -coMdge , ty ~ a ieuccowj.!i. M l htleW@ l oaadn i1Perreivet a etoatem ofuta Public eeting penuahe.," au demanteit b,' Sirx HeunrPati,1-F, due . . 4 R ofNE, h. l dtm, ho 9 biaterdcl. ets aug whîch was !'eld ile .tii wae et Napanft, an for their treatmbut f the Auand Mr.a L OsttBejaRENaihWho ve lrt aw bit.eft , The aid mari Lturdzy ithe lot mt.. andt aler certain resale- tCuves.ftheabseKM pot, in tOucktcer Ctri ridicule ian. beanr paseil, a cOunteittee 'ras app,,ated, The ssaine Register c'ttieha auImeraia]l iit. M. L GItEENf IOý cenunde seaatiie theury ie wluanh 1lied mn,'itiîic erebdie'; and n.tle.-titd November 13, sutdeuuetiÏns antier datet igson, Apnil OCL, 1848. ti, of proeîty. igpeso ttuuîeigpe î1m. iz hIvember 21, respactina,'th iiseonduot n( he 10ae aenies'a it 'e have driven fbum your coltinons ta stquaint Cthe Chai.masaci 5-geilerai» tu whont was jetrotet Cthe ceeductof a E Sirsciattain toadntis 0L e' ajasrdity, if lie hait cangat cretar'ofutirat meetueg, hat 1 muai declilesthe h. 'r. The second oftthese edicta givra& t6.Caî abstin.si h oîo e e re wex nid @ Z rdty ntetiied hontofotservaing le hat caparit,for sentenuceof Yihashan, luhking aid Wiewei-.to te. le themp byPerission of soir 4uA of L'e ain nre motion; but subuoribe tu, sanieefthCe resolutionb, as 1 was cut off. The Cane of these CuiOCtscertan]! in tuCoasComîmission businessai hrefuore;Cle canetPt in such a net pressait ait Su,' of thosp meetings spoken of, nuC ai the muet fruinly claracter ta the hra, hi. cd stand, where li. bu extensive paril as in.meh as Le dosa.flot bllke th.et consequently a unabîs tu expressans opn- ruses. and hi,'uuiemitting attention ta the auio 'r c 'mven w wli change the ion, soit as there amvarlous contrat ictory tt-,'*bo ptoieltci lteabn efrlien ei hm eut oC lais tmonte hetare the Publie, 1 do nlm rih te inter. j~~ ~ ~ ipb ufatr i by EllowutC,'faim hue long-aret fers. There are sil meresoutîontu 'mieli BasC.hi i ellesby . , - .L.UE 1Icose respo-i th îCibeat,' gend 'il .th is ..want M CE Cht00, 1u;rnes ua iir ac a nle d w ag~~tai lu.L iii, a,.cia.,Cw.j,..r.so. Kilton, April, 10, 1943. 1, , Jefray the cet Of legislation. or eut understant. I cannai ses the necesit,' of Iirb. Office of the Common Colin a'dr ;'irlt asys hat rosi orgaeiising a Societyfuteh.protectioni of the Man mraes. 1. Ne r. e ,a fKingaton, 11Cth April, 184 abe t,Ca ve%'rythun." This people flur a î'rîu violence set oppression, neasimd.fo E.qhomisINo aEi r ss1 J B EED htala L a n,!l wlio 9ue not care chat our glorious Constitution is a auffIcient guano- < té Ft CI-., in Can 541b sofetbis g;io L. irdtbe adbyteCr >ý ' deiîot alter the tacts. Real tee for the protectien oath liberties of Il lier k»msd bi<Ily s.peotsle i aL rai. 4urta ob-pi yth o 0, cra tbe ce t of legilaion, or Majssty"s layai set obetient eujects ; ansea cu l a "Tw te.. 09h. Ceafter a ah.st vs. ai.e simitted bajure 3 o'çîeck, P.à ..,raegeneaAly O ! ys the Clironi- asure yee, air, hat 1 always haye, been, ati"',i. h e.wt tbiia a.and Sitrys, ar otlarwise tli,-y 'ciii not1 1" ' origxedfor he admoiita o ut ever ehal ha, reat, ta asait jeenfocib'ton mà «te the Divi. cili i itI. éwhe ît nilth(ecndweka1ort urpyrneet out te ealaries if pub. la,, awhacb are tih eattsandbirthrgt otvery haissI e s ele. irise Iifer '.ad r .aaOî the prpee a aBriten. Agii. 1 think Cat thars i a great - 10-Y Ureeit maN. J"xb. ft,, elast i elwhat outhat? Wbat bas@ eistency, ater passin,' the fittiresoîntin, . ope i. . a. r ,d ~a sai & I SORDERED, Tbat horeaf "t;h repre.oenataton? The taxes hat 'reiisapproretfal part,' ait factionis hg ait th- -' h "-f ose Fhfk eePetiton or&pplictionhciii f5t. i- iat " tne4eb te..mmn outcbbe uarla nder tic contiol oatour es, cLether orange or giesz, ta express aur a>p = a» ltsuadriiiu u Cis. . smp..tsieèdb ecCmiaùoesi eo <Lu lieyfc t so5eesb7asmî,i.,iiidea,., rpo eeins,ùna affct oprsenato bation o ein ae b,' cheri seanIndi'VidCUÀ 5usdrs.sdr.,sot rTs m eting nIiodyevertijE * TbLretare lasl'at; dragged inte vw ho, or years, bas benthe les re matm,~ e . * .bendlvri e ~ hvtaiu t, iaeltngcie'ratve. aen ue su.ce o f a Poart, le ý tire aline bu e ueli ork, e m i aa a r i a.e fu eg n ruit, i o rd e i a n 'h o as n o c nte s tio n %v llat h Ce c o u n t ,1 . i- s ie h e t, ett a y. , 'r ii e I etw a u e . l a- t 4 eoc k , n o t t h d a y. , ehave no Perhonal acu..ntaes iti the grand- or 5y. tomer iaig enone.asI e.C uuillib' o1e1e le ao aii ula infajcture o. hbtitiona mriS. Butl1do hiait CattCh.independaienimen.Cvillier, tSpeaker ufthe lti l.istiîe Agotoati,'ut o nfane s lyd tclat ho <dues net le- tie of Lecox set Addungtoe can diepétaie 'iCi Ney. 28 et Ales (>imae, Mexrico, Themasqhidom -i ia.aprty la a wit Cai«e bis serviccs atogettier. -fshela Cbu..Wiad.r, Diq.. eorLesmc., sgsd ai04. _M M cpc .Pcrbaps art; for 1 at,, Sira batabér eof P. VViddiar. Eeq, oee f I CemiaWo- c uis, fiare i9 but Your oedient servant, igL«o of thbe C"aaa C-upwr.,.oTintas. * t ai r te d,,a@aitheru do, ANTIONY DENIICE. j~ - - 3fc tteCrto o T î e Lerc as tbisdillerae -f M it i ecaue !ca ri Kingston, llthApiil, i« t%%' . 0-ttartc-ta h TuFubi mllcca is htla Ex- C /scrilier, on euljè 3t i mat., in the 3d ELED TEND)ERS 'cilIl e rer iUtUp 1,ftla euaiac. celcaa-vSurarles Bagraia licalt iio roasider. Coinc-ession o! Kingstoun, aRs lied OficCo l loda, h -.-e taio-CrieCs ied egw. sOfcutlMmaCi * a-jlaraiit de ics Cho ah?,' irpraveal. 1with s 'laite &sc. The owler l coetdAprifinatant, at 12 'clockl, noai, fraint ahî trýric as a"radical iniquit,'" toCprovue propcity, psy charges, sud talme 5snW'ho -are 'hling Co lusse the 1Ut ilebalai crccedingly in The eleceion et a District Coancillor fer the ber a'ray. *'Charge, tIxals, &c., efthCe MARKEl r ol ayriadhave te audact,' Cé 'lownîbip of Ernet Town, in place etfiHenry' EMANUE L ÔRSER. 0-e >-r. freithe lait day ef May, IS *TLe i ,zi a. 1a Ira'pcrtLy as guaran. Lasher, Esq., deceasat, look place lait 'lhure- Ltit 21 3dCo. in the Ilt day of May., l844.-the fgrs *lo e, lajiear, a acred au hase ay, ,asetMr. BenjamnScmurs eu rned Aî~ ii ISCl, 184gston, 1111114laeag inulsive- The Tendersi Cvija his da,' b,'the tllowiuag vote: AI 1843.ofmoe t e ivat l aeîaacriat'. aili intrst Btenjamin Seymaour, 70 AGRICULTUIIAL SOCIETY peelesa !eae eb ie lesse, and thenasmes of ta sufficiena * î ij . ji8a a crincal John Stev'enson, H1FH Annual Meeting ofet isAgculturaltes utirifoaio Lel * - - it., fia. t s a hrusaaid MamJarity, lieas. fo ut, MuIlaul information h. - .may b b lit dik Office. Byorder ofthe Comeri Councif, FÉAS. M. HILL, Clerk, C. C. N.B.-Sealecl and separate.Tenders wiU aise je received untif the saine urne antd at tir saine place, for the fellwing.- FLM~GING and PAVING roquiruti for 1843.' PLANK WALKS fer 1843-Frein persas williig ta psy a suoi t îoney for recei'ing the sppointmcnt ef FIRE IN- SPHTOR, wvitb the fees belonLring ta the situainn. Further particîilars ta Leý seen in hanbilils. Té EMIGRANTS & OTHERS. 711108SE desirous of settling in the fleur- .L isbing towe of BELLEVILLE, Dis- trictaif Victoia-are informecd, that the .ub- scriler bas a uumber ef OWN LOTS, HOUSES, NULIT eS, élIC fu*kSl or Lesse-for wbich he uould re- ceivi' Carpenter, Maaeu, or Mill-wright ' ' NatStoLi «orProduce, je payaient. bu pev mveali HOUSES, TOWN LOTS, imptaeveti & auruproveti FARMS, in div towntships of Thurlow-Pittsburgb... H ansd Chatham.-Districts af Victoria, Midand, New Castie sud Western,-a11, er zn tart ef wbiclî, lie would dispose cf an tii.st reasaonable & accommdains tero- fS iee ijclear o! ail incumtîraneSo, %-t "'ccetonable Titles. FOR ONEOaR XOs Yt Tie TRIP-HAMMER WORKS, stua- ted i~ the Town et Belleville, Victoria Dis- trictcantained in a large Stone Buildingi h îper part ofwhicb, ame several Tarumig LZ aind other machinery, ht miglit -le coauted to any atiier puqpases,-Cardîng, Fullig, &c., &C. ALSO, Mi Excellent saw Mill, In gelit order, 'witli patent Dog Irons, aed conviiiences for drawingLogs ceut ofthte wate, conveyed ta the Mldown the River WANTED. TÏ* gondi SAWvaae sund Cwo goodÂx MAsMs acqluainteti with other Blickmisi worti For any further informtnaion#esjuire, i(14 lMieta, ppapid of the Prop mr THOMAS éOLICMAN. b1vthl 22nd, 1843. uess. A e veehe ice ro iterefraoe aely, ai gNE. .conets Port Lt e ta- leir de- afer ou be cou- at their j,, un- Letore &Cou- ILL, '-,C. C. weived se 24th nn per- eames, -'T for 1843 to ,rsC day stoecx- Ebr the nt sure- U., aSIMPSON in thinking the .ûhabit. Vauta et Kiegstoe ant i.. vîciety, foýr Che vory liharal support bLeaha a, wouil bot]sa%- te sa, that ha ha. aken h. prem" s je ntario0 Street, heretofare eccupiet b,' MrttC. Hales, snd parchaset bis stockinaddWaim ta his e dn whiclr be is eow movieg frouehie aid stand je King Street, comprising ever,' article coneected with the TeI, Wine,jMU Spirit Tradit Of tie ver,' Lest deorîpt*uon, and 'ilhe osait the. lovest nia"ktAric. Kingston, FéL. 2, 1843. ,NOT1CE. T HE .ubsriber iin grtefUDy 'reterei,' besi, Ui~t je t imat. thi at . Wfl- liai Sfimpsoenhau purchaset is iestock ie traite, and ts.kss the.prenuises, wbers lie wilI attend promel ito hir orders. The . suberiber Ieols confideet le reecmmend- e,' Iii. Simpson as one who h. beievesjes fulI' fcmetAn. *à..î t prlgbt, bonourable, ait Iweillwortby et public favour, ait would tiiee- Ifore onh bbeli respeottull,' solicit a cont[au. saes ortbat MlIber.!t F -m. lb'*u bouse bu ja hai eretafoze. CHAULÉS . 1ALEs Kiegiton. Pcb. 2, 1803. TO BEUW-OWU ENS6 ASEE.& Sberie as for saleat bis Whole- T HE" Waehom inBroek.Street, 5pe.bleacheit Canvas, No. 1 ButC Cocker 20 o du oe N. do do. do do Na..do* do. .0 do d es. 4& 5. do do. Lines. ait a ver,' superiier article à! Sail TWiee or epproved 0iÎe 0d;i IUI; PJMIBBulioaubc h..for sale ut biseiti TB.Store, We lliegon Enidlns Mul n p. L f$etlandBHAWLSinainethé. shet- the. Irst iupetia oteCCanada. Tere au mielao <eau.'0055.fk i .so occupee b,'the aubibehrai foot o! .f Dàgl"y,.am unatile înesan.r-nUsê - i PrinceusStreet, (furinerly tosursreco.> NO J E . pl, and omate b,'the . poaitr,'of heua- The pcmriaes are cl ltUna' ias being ii 8 é h.reb,' gevea, ht 11* BHOIL î6he tY meut advantaguuus stand in Kiegstcfor car- J1 larbar out bngpeaopposite Ca tie iSirkoeê.'itsvlugoly 4s, wt am W siple<i 1ieg on0a Wioleaale Dry GoiGroeery Utaa iIhslibc uiV Ptublie AutCoJTuées- rinbist 0appl,' beuwih 4es~hel business. For paiculars, aplv $hoytwmat,'fhii o'0<April act.- plet*mrçmk&' a cii H1,43. j l. l iiho tiviteitinCa tire- loti of 'r ' '- Wl,' Kinigao, April 1%M843 w#àde L quae «à- t bc.a ed ut g a Maeb D r pne.o£0e. STRX bseriber lima uit juei.taihie Theoit.ion so"til sie iL t No ho- JSuâ EstablishanmtaWengo Tl mdmWet ndSotha"ilot Ne. u#, aueoxteninve rsnst(~ Ta~ sijia lira hah b iluh BOiNiuLTS, ofthe latentfsiSiia. 'rsi tec of Smw tii."re»ma ofuhe asi '. Àk"ie!f ~e' atGs l oetuAi,.lat . Ce aoptionof itha respective pw.. matr IMs19ÛêtCese, aiidssn!a&mWg chas,.. - W. ,, Cb1th Caps, ada a ose <.t gliomb1.Par&. àONV>ER NUIENT NOTICE B.e latwla..1h xeuets,.-As, a féL»L e, or t64 l~ fIe "rreo ivo o.4M of su 0Ctha i~d th 0e~~~~t FrIt, tho m stylCefr Bsu, t Cîrtysal, 1 ilt our aissr etalu itoa,'a' eifth Bar t Vfusil*sstMacic.et iand 4.i, lopnda1i ae tbamt eomenindOdr nofGavemt, on pain baSe lin on S,,masrtato'G.aaj of £17,00 Sterling, pafable i ut ttsofofditu»ofrb ae Ui;ijp-ed lm & IL expresel' for ta a -45P.008S gin icquircit at Torono, h.ret Ote tm o cpcutsa sel oteill Zi' a ! t Mautm4al, 'but it ei 'Ibchafonieoit on nea&.po,'ment r"". Cosin ndG beemmuaMhesiind £350ea a t Qudbgrt. oetirhW"ho th. purcins. mmonc,' cueia e !aieznCotto oieny and H nea'dsey, Tenot so,'haasit. Sr u,'cen ot elteCalsuar INanti tram Cthdate 0ftii.sas. Piunaad Caomce..An seloi.aat £100 St',', aidthCeii sucunt accepitdus,' h. Léïd Srip will betabou in paement ofdepoei ný of Capetsand Ou Cgbâhhociâa pltuCathecretit oeth. Comiiery Ganerai 1sait urchae=m, letsnd uesPatent w'ru gierseasnaet 1<sasna wt1h an,'ofetMti.Charteret Banks, or branches of i lisSaont hi c c of s le rectmam vchie rwsme]R ChutentBanks, establiait hans. places,. Ct he tuéihtityi. - - WILSON. ho 'oi a,' upc. th chieksalmi "Commis-jM& udta tSi.place a4 tweo 'cbnci, eai t&eOEc RSN fMC ffcru as h. nus,'uthorise te itisi. for iCeV.1lc~d rnnLande. ' pie ltl eu3 1Teaid«rwmuet h. mads cith ' A. N te . CI. * fjfa' fL Par le%.retesa,,te 6»C.et t-ale as1-d,4. ct m( WL sn&q igk Commissariat, Cadeat, LC¶tou tiISMarkIN&1843. - Strect, a kfon rkugu. Onksab*r ,MetrellUApnh, 88.I- nmM* h& l11, 8u& pEOPLceap edfiten of thé Ws.rly No.1 Thatby ferbîd ail psot. fp' Imaarr NO i L - comloaitîmlOuum.c U N 1.a.tiutinany, ,'amy-bidit'tn ithot a * f,, Iin i ero ,h~ part laesiof eChSeew ests h.pubuicitia, 'é' order troat me, as I cili net pal'an,' -Innge tressin, s ~ mJlgq~ heuaieat' aoe datnhuet a ubeihere idebq eoteiacted 6 Clitm iter Chia date. msuIiiftI ua ,Y oj «Y ae. th.2 e nt ut'fr ne=n s' abtt N HARPELLE. Wbe is a llez.,-' 31.mhnesv. 8, 1843. I- '~~ V)NO< TOý,LET, Ata rassasanOwxS Cii NT79>$MTrsv. 0or&Y T W O i e.ira l W E L UN C S an d 8H 0 1, hefeWort b,' byC. Halne, Eq. now itn pddembce oT. Maconiit., Bsq., toc in attached .a pck Store 'nu wwbsfP"ilges ln 'r.il adapteit tbfa choesale business, mmd ciii ha Let 'ritil or wiCbonta Dveili Offiera on getbeumn ea,'uf t oGe.. mbent d.Pavtusat, ili fLed the dcsll 400en. venmt sait cemoieuiN hein,' in caselim tle. paar. Stabuhq «n ha Lot ,iCh tlc ah.,. itu' OS4ALEa 14 Cai. heeotEulslCra 2' do of 1 In 0I.OOlthomesche 2 do ..u111 140 o do 4 do 2 1 40 do ta 4A ue mCs o do 2 do « 1U 4Pdu do 4 1uiid&. set2 Canks Whiting. i chan, vin. of e9-lOe , 1of"-Sinch, Io<7-lOiuteji6of 1-4ieb, 10 C""esSuperflue Salai Oit J5 do ChâtesauLainte Wines. 10 Doreo Csetied Citron, at di) Veratcofll, ô d Itolall"n aite, R&~Pee Seufl Cav«ea dia hec, Cigm eta vrmsbr" wÀs ant tihes«t 4*1,;N Scotia Grnd Stoua d"i.r-cc. t THMONaCANNON,- Kingston, lmCh Fier, le4t & - TETHO CUH li NAGffomI- CENY HORE MoVEJtiupb>i " P.TJq I t i emoj. Ma B i4 Heu,' r lu pet edur wIIehJly. Sd stha (isoonMAoitnlaCas; or £%2#»dnIt& ethe C " ' -1, *poeite.ipayahi Tii. Bene a»j bee ia, jtfteh WhtiBi E t.. 'e 324 EIGHT HUNDR!Lp TIIOTSAND ACRES OF LANfi To iedis o I iauda Wet, (late uaefGflda Ire fflJv Mr#i8ü'4, mZUt 2i*W*. 'AND OTIIERS.. ? p'"HE OCIADA COMPANY ,-flir about M04' jt nr.TostoAct£$ or THEiKiS *1 jk entionedil $e printed L«ot f g earwhich are ine Bleds ceeotain4fines rou201IOte 000 Acr.e.. 5ch, <tuat.d in eh. Western District, and ie !kUttred- MR, cotaleing trocnsOlo02[0 Acre e,<.. h, 'ituated ini almoee ri Towmlàip je Canada 'Vest, OB tO&U, 4iC is elieved, the. lîberal sond e,!va"UtZeous that have yet been nisde public-. By ChIs»aw Pn, the Co<npunvdiapos of their Lande ýy i i" c f LEaa&;8is aCero of Trx< Ysas,. Zid ZOMY> bofng requiw.d OW. Tii. Rente payable snai; 'jronlliequaI ta tii. iteresiu pon te .present lpe rf h 1Lieds-4bus toi exanple, îuppoW ~"îAbOp. beng .»w worth 10s. par Acin . 0, tltN therso. us £3. Which latter gsen polia-etie snoant ofRent ta ha paid es h ea-4ul pdW, er hein,' seured tthCe sttler ta nuxhsgý*e4ed&litimd te hi- Dedi for the Lid ed ioceeyie et any tuce dune,' the Lisse, bwh. it MI, î,ient to bindei!; aet a jrd advance upon i , u eil UPsê prie.; and of tourne, tliere vng alt , 1'wre lo int et Renta. Apsumin,' ithie -de8 be »aboe. r ,f *ofld ha l«. 3d., iutpaid withlia e boss Aeovetmlte.plaae,ý) 1 adsae 5d-et a-lnr. if, p.id cubsequentty andt pretisi ta~~~~o ti.eprtc the 1Liase. TiLad.fered (esceptie,' onlv the park aud Towî, . j4~%Vl. Guelph) var, je price trom go.. up ta 138 Ud.per Acre-ibe Renta ipoe which would ha re.i%'1l -~ as tolouns, viL. U poa 100 A c es ujinet p rce being 2i pa tAc e Ba t ' 0 12 0 ad r e. Do - do - -lIR, do - - do.tg- Do - do - - 4«. do - - _ do' Do - do - - as do&, - _ doe - ., 0 Doa - du - - N ddo - - d, - P O - dla - - 7aGd do - - do - qJ D- de - -N9do , .de 2 . . Do -do - 10.do Idej ~.30 ri DO - do - lls 3ddo - de - 3-87 t 1)a - do - -12.6,1 do - d-et. -3 15 0 i PO - do -- 13as9d do - -de -42 6 - l oret o sirtever,' assistance ta indestrious and pruvidnt£ettimrb, the (,A, C.ra wiIl receive l'an, io matter how stuall the. aiount inser ho, foi *hich hir ro0ule.m a,' mC have iniaediate want,.oeDtPOift-allowieg Interem t itiie rate of Si.t puetet a seeifor t"i saMn; but it ws clearly uuuerstood, hat the full arnount wirh jntemes accruedshaltall iCies be et the dàêgl Of etie Settier. witlîdût not ice. For Chis PutPOe.thecComepany' have opened mauâe- coutit wbich js tanued -1Seideet Provdrni or Stsav oup B 4 cceun"-'huel ing t .po vident O etler, ever,' facility for accu iu atig sufic ent more ,' te purcho14 tMi e he i ti Lind wbic b ha Lases, valeeevçr ha chooses ta dose, usthin the. ternio et 'ia Yeats; but shomI bal Ilarveats, ar any tbernnftn s eoltumes.visiaithu e bas always the amaut:depois iritt> loterest accrued. at'ii disposai te meut thêrl. -The Lande are alea te be diepeSa of upen the Conpany's former plan. vtz.-for Cauickoweor b One4fth bCash. ant balance jinfAvecequal Anneal Instalmeots, with lstereài. a b Th CaU , willrnîfe i a nsueof mnsahaeersnaj tao, te a»Y'Prt pocyeun uoet erud iaLetr'tCeytue hi C e îsuq,' eh rvne* fee o f Ee h s ntreC he tbe taefit t C'epr in tE eg et ie E i a n sd lkw jone ejeato.- adlew l teria orpCn.per ani 0miformNana' le tnit the for nioitotls iejEeigntstaCanda 'il . esilvfiaiedte l h a g, y pplyje' seal lyo Pt.adtteC ompsvs O c aterooto. b_9 Î r, iÀnÂiCo rÀuaysOaice in wsithcut tas.Sr Toereete, lOftFebrATONua,', 1843.rctos,1bt b b lýd 'oind

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