cl ANKER OF TUE MOUTU.- JSire muth tronts atk, ,ulcaeaed e ot tine.t, Palin i têtwfeg M semdily cureti b> P air oises ofLibby's PW. *Thee opirumg n 6aifui cuneplaintîs are ai[t cused by p ru yin,- ih Whi. m-rer>, snd biedîs;. md 91.1lr dAici nos reridies are he.zoming nm -te and cmer. ma"" ular, Libhy'e Pi!h; are extcn'ling ies pte,..i thrir ast-Fun.ea b>thebm p<r idtiaî or a dÊcerQolo publie. Itil<Do Wall ustierstontinow mwch diiatdei *f the mind Jepenti for their cure upue a douc a jenion te th.e dy. I il. Dow utderbtont ho.l infinkil. in Chao inedciar whicb milI retniremor bld acuanhnitions wittlout weakeming thebm od r.eres. it il nets îsndersiood ihat Ihere tl a eedj r-81 influence biwceeo th- nind andth. embody. ,e Dow mnderstood th4t purging wih Lîiby' Pilla wilemoie aelliichaly, une. tb.,výoingeo- ity ilecured hy preveriiigly n.tng'tlem. It i angeundcratiodbout much danimetie haprî.iess ne- Pend$ ujion the bealthY "&te of Ub, diçeeiv. eit "snow weli known that Libb>'s Pills lbtre t-ured thousaaîds of bapeleii tand h.t8,eleapets ins remn when the fuîtt physîcianefbail pronoasnced hein te>ond aLh bu4in înesîs oni rdaf. ifi laDon, nlot only wîll knein that LiY.!y'a Pille do cure, but it ite ciscu deritosîi h.w he>, cire; conl ihal il il b>, Ieir purii3ing eliu.ct on the bis>ou ihai they restore the te he.ith. rU For roie by CHARLES HEAT14 Pi incerta Street, ginrstn. COMSTUCE & Tyteca, N.-w York, %Viîleqale Agents. D OCT. DELAMATER's RiEcuatAT-ic List! cî.eu andi Riausee'cîc INDIAN SPnCiFic, is warected te cure al cases ofi cereon »osn. main;; and eiy persanseorbe p.neur.'s the ar- ticles sud wil ueo them in flly sccording :o directions, 8once ole seafling b testify inIte ef- fectî, wihout beiîig cureul, shall have tbe psrchase inone>, refondmîffroma the place where tie siicîle are boug. 8::) - Tu a bî11-Jiof CHARLES 6IEA'Tl, Ptiucess Stret, Kiuigaion. C03isro: a & TYLEIR, New Yorkt, Wluoleecie Agent.. R l. LIBRY's BI 1 TERS are a certain cure not Dysprpsy and Nervous Affectionîs; tiapiy .re pciiiiiry adaid la remneeles distressing zomplaiani., ual hy eoiîtently piysicog, batL b> airenutheing ithe ystem. No greater mistake £an u li de tOiestaosuppose thai Dvoppe1y or an>, aliher diiece eiasg ro:n debhlit>,, cn lba'cured b>, fregnent ficed action on the liowels wiib puir- gative niedicines. Wtiere these complaints exi, the Bystes e irecdy ioc .,caic, auJ mcery atidi- 101151 1..eîndâ to niche it moresn Tihe Bitters, ci tihe co.trry, acting ai a t<nic, aîreiîgtîeu thue ufi,ehtive organs andf ceist thern tb peifriutiheir fusurtiorue ce nature designed. Il. nec il ii faiid ta be efficacin u ll in those diseases peculier te <.iewhich aris nore lreq.senilytv rom wak- nen«s thtan tramn aiiy otiucr eause. 'flic aged ad itrin ofbotis sexes, anud peraoî.s <.ff aedent.sry litio- it pro osotiveness, who have soffired irom hasei appeite, have cxperi,-nee great liiiefit froni theun. la convalescence rn féver, eandcPihier meute disorder, i retores steagth; and iaduiviu- naisi cfliied wiih Nervutus iiea.lýlit, muid ther derangentseof lise nervoua lunciios, haro been esiirelY rnred tîy this reredy. t,,'s- fur scie iy CHA RLES HEATH, Ptiices Street, Kiniz'toil. CoMSrTocE & 'rYLtl, NeW York, Wnolesale AgLnts. 1"#OCTOR ALLEN'a IIALSAM 01. [bAi- 1.7 IIOUND, LIVERtVOET & PLEURISY IIOOT, fur congise, cold.4, coneadption& lver conuiutint. Coneamian is n dises.> ofien se- crett>, tîrking ini the systens for yeaits belot ee is thelirlast compîcat of tise longs; anutdii tis stage i ton b, cureti as ffatualhy ad s.s certain-. ly as an>,oISondisease. Let ntpersnedela> tise aie ai medicise, until tIeir lunga are sencibi>, uffecciu,butin duo arason ieînit in Dr. Aiîeu's Baltsseof Livers-ort. Thi sedicino bas proveil eeu ilse Conquerer of Physiains," iisor ehichs ait minkmnutl bav achadant canstteles tise hanul of provideince. Liver Complaint Curd.-Dr. Aliýre-Drar sir :-I bave Me your BDele Baue t hnstends Livrwtout anti 'l*risy Rosu, in i; y prartice for sosie monthb a puIand inite m aond..ýriiefleta it Au ebcd. 1 ama flý satis&id that it pesseanes ver>, usperior virtues iiuilise cure of Lurer Cou.- plaint and Cansumptuon. i do strousgly m-terse- nienli ifgothe pubic anul the ficulty. R..speclfuIly>, J. D. RînîîAaosssu, M. D. Weck Langa ai L s of Voire Cured- lai>, Eleza, eldettiaugliter ni CelIns J. Adami lueti sautured t iom wseak huga iuce the age of Il >ers, hadt gosersît>, a cough, paie couatenoncu and ti ofutsres "b - wrlies f in cesaseutuitise ovss anablu te apeak a Inuit sorti. lier me.i 1.-l auviser gave it au hie opinion thatsei ans in consumiton, aji tiat n raonoahbo tope eoutd be eutrîeîned of ber recover>,. The iret afli Mai ers becomsmeîuced tsing Dr ". le BrIsanni o lIa-ibount, Lverwont anti Peuriov R et; tise rf'ct il hait uiusu her vis .bagtoshi.; aIse regineul ber voicecuti lielli, anti is periect. 1>, frece ro n ait eymjuinns o! c-'usiiuuu1tios or s-csk ingi. Ttîe choya is a truc accouai iii ny>,d.tsgh- taiar'sanaa. Ccu.Vîsu J. AzAseII, Salem. More Atonisiugr Efleche of Dr. Aluen's Bal' asu. A short ime ag) an aId lady came into out li.,tri gel a bîutiie cf lIn. Alien's lialsaun of Hu(arbound, Liverevori anti itleurisy Roo, fut 'er ti'sighter, wha, atie sai, wsnaImas> gose iustons- î.slmpun. Site hati not een ahiete l1eve ber lied n ouret eeke. The eolu lady tiiok a bottea home cuti gave it te ber dougbimr. Shatucnlîto '-res ntise sedl jine but lotir deys hfre Sfio'ais >tet go eut. andi actualy catdeta our store . int perfetsly cured. Snch, dean reeder, te tthe -eu-ci f Iis outerint medicîne. Nol an intance rau le proticeti oh ils bsving faileti. For site, e' fliean d setail, by Wni. A. Tyter, 88 Bar- cIa> Street, New erk I, Aise, b>, CHARLES HEATHl, Pincese Street, Kitsgton. ¶1. H. & T. IIAE. Wholesale Importer@ Oir URIEIX&m XGUD5« üDu KINGU TO N. JUST RE.CZLiV Anes .enaimauSOtwa ofJ Grerries, qur, (ray G LASSWARE, &cc. &ç. &c. Togetiier vî-ith a supeciur andi extensive omot- tuent of BoTuAN&D- SES, A sat sarieîtof chisldren's. A L *M1, 200 VAIRS 0F INLIIA RUBIBERS, Ms'1$iouiees a ndl Ch.drm's. Ile ablive (iods with ruans' others bave bauoîsptrckîasedi tishe bset ratés und it it fe SOLD CHEAS. A. TIIIBODO. Storeqtreet. Nov. 21, 1842- ___ HENRY TAILOR, BAR5UR AND HAIt DIIESSER Neat door below Mc. Basnford'ts Hotel, AXDNSiEARLT Oi'FOSITE rHE LASIBTONROUS£., piiic.aSirmai pis TJIIIXSO0X k CaLX 0X, GSET4EI 8I 8H MM COMMMSION MERCHANIS, li. 3. Uurdeje Bngdiag's. ONTARIO> STUXU?, KUiGIsTO. ¶'lEundersigned having entereul ita Part. TUrslip ia-tlse Gene.> Ageur>,&MatiCons- MissioneBites unde the niieessuie, mstye, andi fins. iin offerig thimr services te Oheir frientis miil thse Public, lieg te acqisain thens 4htis OYis ,amt Dov meati> fte tamuabusiness uin -tho aboVe pfeniates, on thee mept liberai ternie iC-W-tg $ nisenlreasteo t them wil memt gitb m-"qyp-eibie deepatein lier disposai JA9. THobMSON. Kinjaton, O<t.ANNON. ________KINGSTON IEitAIJ-TU SI-.%Y, NIAI- 21, I1843. - NDT!CE TO.AGRICULTURISTS. N IEW N OT IC E. st: T u j Sneoefsrrm e' . H & T. RA E 'wfMm Casiw ofATîs, ns mam cut isp i lo if;<n. epls. 1 1so XW5G taarquisant their Coatoiners andtIl MePough Ponspef aterais ansti ange ='h M NVO G ,ceyllm y I4# _ D>lrcastie rouunnunmî>,genem-aIIa-.that nr iff aiStonte tof Am rleanCa ing wteebComSWU<IOs, abRuueeseÙWàèd tthrndinz tLe lhisof thse mrater part nithe do le ira impotnerCt hlp. ehin ~ Tbree River» BA ai toe, Banks refle#rli, ppsu'< Goo, tir Stock s-ut fie fountias -g p- durble iian a>, nllerCasinge.round andi aqeare EIto n,, boepandi ba*koeesai anti c, ei liassorteil as anuhls'er Wis 5< mt Steel Voeu, asstond omoe e. Blister andi Cast SIet Shoot Iroes au i i «J e use in Use Trade, and as a rueab supp ng Spedes, Sisovels, anti Bang Fnrkai. Plates, Siset Copper. Brasa, Zinc aud.ea is now aboiut being operrti, ihey reqomast theoes (irirstitones, Grubbing Hlumr, anud Bm-no tes, bakeaanid flei Ketties, Saceopars, StupsaM 1>, ttentionfineniudung iuurcisem.-. beîig te f looks. Beilied Pts. andi iollos-Ware of ail art; U' roinsthue feciti!ies nffurdede thbluirnIs Ainerican Patent Concave Grame antiCiraille grevel anti grain Steuveld, cent steel spa.; anti bonne iîarkets, tisaIt iuey eau tispas.c i.ftte 'w Scyu1tm. ttteve!a, coinon ipatiesl. lbytbes andf rytho Gondsa on as reasaale anti atianbagcue 1Ctrr Engtiaia Bggin's Scythbes. Stones e anurte andl Sa>,Forfksg .1dre a nliuatrpualt ai y Reaping Ilooke,, lIa>-Forks. & Rakre«. antiotier Chains, Siuitis' Assvub. mhs ant .ansonnsh tise gnoouls uis îpebing aiiI te lout DeeeO, ogng, asst iaiter Chaîna, XVices, Fire Irouas, Du.g Irons, Purkars, Cur thse fooiionîg: F. Patent Sheep Sisans, Nauls of a superior quality. rase, clasp aics tit BROAD CLOTNS, ea Bed Carde, Lccdiug Lines, Hlcter andl Trace Nails, B. B.-isorse Naile, crois cul, pt i ti il oosipanadfac asne ,fn -Rope. Sa-s, Harrow- Temtb, 11cmse Sianey, CL aqd talclr; tuî<sdfnyCsusr a rs AtIssEs IMP-LEETs S' XsERaYK <. Vaggon Boxes, &,c. &c. Tweeds anti Gauubruauîus, BleacerisiCottonai Icon, Steel, Naula andi Spikes. together vitS JotXERc', CAaP.cNT'rss'AN COOPîimS'toossLnsDillruht ,toîDilCro eser>, article n tire Hardw-are hile. us great a'arieby. Eii]is anti Afferica An- Wurstmti Plaid., plain aud pritei Moleahin eere, L.oeke, hboit., butta, Iinges, Srcrew@Glue, plinm anti igureti Orleanso, plain & prntused Sa: e lsr isob niGne eue Files, Srntîs' Wcrdm-uig Cabinet Make' rand onime anti De L.aines., Damsu a nd aîtàllore Glass, l'ams, Ols, Putsy, Varnsu, Mi Sas-s, round ul i rmoued, l'atistiblaet.. enloret -Id.armoes:ruwutsigs PtuLi, 'lan, Rosâtu, anti Spirits Turpentine, ng cuti spocting, Shob ni al asires, ilradît ant iFaîsnelts, Bleactect; l'erre ast ilumple Velvet Farniers are partiulnarly inaiedt oa ti an otbem- Lauupa, Leadung ines, Ilicter asirrarem Black Velveceui., pliun and twillcd SeluciaË exaniie for iisensià*leç hfore purcisaniiur Ise- Rope, Boti Corti anul iiblrû,I ioep. Stripes, Check.andu Derriee, UCottuonuast ire s-luraeeyrchsllitIaboI'ncs Tirfis, Brownr liollanut, lu,-i, uciik, Liure er, evratilwlBRIGSo&LdAtSw ie. tbeKus- ia tol',beesBagguuuu, l'rishu, grey andtI as ite('ttî,, (ver Str tet KnuoARIl, 28& LuSHRl . (Rougers') tbeKnvs ,iIok, ahr' owa') 1priîted C otton, Crape abndlDe Lait Sture Stret,_Kingstn, _______22d_1842- shoenmalero', aaddlers, Jerk anti Peîu IUiv'e I-atikercisiete, E.uuu'd Shal. Ilarbuess..a Bcse aar-s, Brîîcnnia ntal Tes Peops ilarness Gumglais Dresses, Ezrlsaan Giogisairs FOR SALE. Brtannie, Plate! anti(Cermaneui lver Té. De. MuIlj.îerouict, Biord, aund Cross aBirrei l ueluii Paient London laid Tarred Rigging, sertrani Table Spotus, brase anti Jaanneti Pm-i'nlted Jarrouîett Dresses. Silk and (i-'otio ASMORED SZES-Cantilesîîcks, Cnuauusnr Machinîes, &c. tir. Desses, Sîleer Stripea.. (for Ladiies' Dresqses; JlIAIN CABLES, ANCHIORS, t&c., PAàvir4s A.%» PAIlVf STE-ulS. Vrn egFriuePifs rne ul ues WhtueidyRidi i.le e ngs, Chtusess, lîruîted Orleanus. tane>, Chuea ~./Oak un, Blocks, and Deck Lighte. Leaul ditro, 'euetuai Redi, !ipansmih Bros-eblue, anti white Prints, iuiproved Cansa.,, CuttosiN'ait Cepuem Linnacte- Lamtpe & Siiip Lanthouns, gr-esn, yelhon'. grunil itlu il, Yelîoeefichtre, %Vaddiug. Bat1tug, blacl. anti rîlorird Lii Double luiled Linseed Oil, Painte, Turpen- Lanpblack, ras- anti luuleul Linseti Oi? T'ur. 'lhread, Coura Balle aud Sîiul,., Pins, Necalî, tise, Tam, Roeitu & Pitcîm, pentune, niiibem-al andi seuetabie 'iar, Pitci, Put- Buttotns, Tapes, Coat Ctamd, %%tC s tutc and 'lar plougbs most approved patrnne, b>, Copperas, %iiuudoai Glass oi aIt sir,'- PalntLare (lovee,, Hnbibs, Lt,'e lack i.rid colore Spados and Shcls_ewroughit irots andi steel andti her BruslI"s aaiet ua.u r<s. doe, Sprui us Cuq reai-'~Ii'lt.r-.luca',Cuotton blameAn assortmnestuîurhumas. ant osuiden CLiy"KS, Riti Gloves, a lamrue a' .u iîerît tii AbWas ssc-o o kinfrS dn, eiglst day anti'2-4 hIlurd. 'COTTONI-IOSIER Y, A éMspeRioVED Sk ins IforOMSad , STOVEaS of altiescriutuions. Stose /ipeg. G.azui Tbrasisers, L'ires asti Edgungs. plainJ lýlipRovED siKE s HYDROMETERS, A large assortuuieuut 0f plain, J-tpunnsud anigue red als rnl htBa (Niado b y ring & Fege London,) o/Us ta- ilock 'lIN NVARE kepî uîa taml, or aot t qEu-e aondePinatie, blFkencd white ilac. hs,&.comrpîcte, rauiguagiug rode, ote tsor ltr.IIrplainan nt îikbiua, burscti sehîî Sa One case superior Fowling Piee, double JAMES POWEL nett lu n .ubaucil',am, il ~'i Stur St, Kuigsî.u, Jnc .J. ~42 lîndkereietui andîlVû;l... lacs. u Stlmi, s ingle barrele, pockel aud hersa- Pistols, S________._____________________________ .Pruocîla BoutsanssiiShoes, niuîîî. ublier <'ua- patent aeadding, NEW AND SPLENDID iul a variety (i othler artunl!ea. Sot Boite & Po'ec-o-ir mikn CABINET FUR-NJTU111, Grocerics. Liqîîos, &c. Fiasks, &c. &., Ase C/cap as e t/ e Japesi, oriel ngod 5 llis. Sherry . Winp, The above articles are a part of iast falîs as i1k best. 10 uîir. cashsudo. tio. inportution, and are now offered on tisefiE Subecrilier begs eave Ioinfisin tht pri- 15 do. 01l <Port. mosI fav'orable termen. T luc geiseraly, that lt- bas renioveti biiFur- 1 li. Superiar l'ont, MORLEY & JENKINS. nibure Ware Rorana to lisus- building, reenîly I qr. cash Stet iMuag, Kingston, Marcis 15, 1842. 48 erectati in Montrent Simet, liird ticor fusaifhe I5 boxes To'aiik,îs' .l'c, conner ni Store Street, auîd i nerta Mr. Tlsbato's 2.0 I Nlouuug H11o%,01 F11 ILSALE, (rom-or>,Store'-asisere s-uleîalwas ne foanirge- 10 11 Hyssui Skii,, AT tise h'utucr.lsar'i Auirîious & COmiisiOe snerai essitffent of READY MAXDE FIIII- 90 legs Iiuîg Tubacco, Aie-tuirc, TUBE, of the best quaclitl anti tatest lattru, asti 10 boxes Ca% endiuisl, A feue îîozen t aur>, Cti:m, pricea to sait inteudi agl;puc base rs. Pets;u J<a 10 Nuieut, l ier Ghssesl, rous of purcliang eue respecifulîy insiteti t maire 20 .a Cnt flur, 1uiiC lasseF., varuons Sizns. a caI. As the Suliscriluer is ceuslcnily masfac- :30 u .cra 1Suuu li.Al. TiIIIKEL, A. & C. M. îuriog for sacte asdta souder, tisey crus speco)-lie~s 20 Wh'Iite s.-eribeiî Kungston, hMay 23th, 18442. - aupplieti sitb asy article tis y e>, a'asSTîierruIiiîr, GROC RIES FOR ALE.T. (). M'rltR. 10 boxes Pipes, GROERES FORSAE. Kinigston, Jas. 1841. 10 bags t'cpper, 2 l'unclseo-'s Spirits, WATE-A Varsuiser and PalisSer. 10 buoxes graîuti il i 5 do Brandy, T.0.I.l"Alls'ice, à do 'in, 30il>)auldcrs Srîti iSu.rtir ALS(), <bullE POIL woRIf1S. 5 boxcaStnriti Tobacco, Terni Sagare, Colfure &c. A. a. T Oei:. 'S %-EWIF.a , 5 rases L'au Sujar. Thse abov-o aili ho sa,,, cbeap for cas. PRP RD Bi hst. do lui WM. ,TIRKELL, A. & C.B . A. >'ah.netaeki& Ce.Pittsbturgha, Pa. Merrhnisinte uinIo ,îigte 'ti ,u h real, it%, aveil ta raIl andl exaî tise alu,îsî, as Ila Kinogunr, Au guarOtis, 1842. 7 IIIS prepm-ation s eson' stoo tireiuotet 4f Sîisrerîrs eldconidltent, tisat Iley cari gise s. ri . is .eaeral ymar'u trial, andtis cotifitentiy rm-tifcon thateeusprendqlty sOIË h ulscribes aeý ey ccrmmctidid as a safe ard efectuai useticiiae >f ifcunâoisa 0hrnlrce .mIuuht, B ceie.d and are sow r-cm'. ing tieir fail expelling worins iront tise éysteun.'Cte lue e LI.&' RE SUrunOl Bosv uiiý&výit O niidsucs hat bau.srutendmue uss adi.,iC... Kingston, lOllîJune, Pbt2. ,iievry eprîfsenî 0of Literature Alec, a lai ge qoafltity of Chenp British Edi. tions fur flic People, RMA.ARMOUR & Co. FU"e.qITUItE IFURNITIJRE! T ýe Subscriber intimatea ho hie Friende aendth Ie publie at large tIsaIt h ie a te arrangeniesrswittioneomfnithe Lest Establishb- nient in Utico, for the constant suppl>, of CIHAIRSr and FURNITURE oiibthe es, de- scription, se tîrhw'ili e snid low for cash. The work will al bc guas-aetecd for one year irons the day e! cale. WM. Tl1IRKELL, Kingétos, Sept. 27,1842. A.4C.M IP13ESU l OO<».PLABITER. K EPT contantly on hand, et the subscri- ber's Mil, in tise secord concession of Erraest Town. JAMES HOGLE. rrHi-E SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR SALEl I.Segaru., Snufl', Cnt anti Cavendish Tzbac- c ia;roii, Vermicelii, Italian l'asie. Candieti Citrnn, F'rench Wiîîoe, Saad Oit, Green Codi Fiali, Salt water Saînsîun No. i andi 2, Presersoti Laîbterp, Croc liery, flaniageti iowder, White- nng, Cordàge, Cisaine, Ancisome Grinti Stones, Bc.a'er llate, Silfi Cravata, &c, &c., THOMSON & CANNON, G. A. & Cons. Merchants Ontario St., 2Oih Nov.. 1842. OUR MESS. J UST receiveel, Nos. i and, 2. &- Tom Burke of Ours,"~ hy Har>, Lorrequer. RAMSAY, AR'.MOUR & Co. Kingrtnn, Jans. 25. 181.3, WSIMPSON hegsitsost respetrll e te calI '. rue attention of the luababit- enutâ Of tise rit>,-f Kingston, te a cisoice se- lecta-ofn Laguara, Plantatios, and real Mo- cha ColTee, %avhief i ttistie addition of a ses- îment Cohuýeeosîe r.b he msablee to ofler fm-eà'n kloastesi Coffee ever>, dayr. Kingsîns, Nov 22, 1842. JIIST PlJBLISHED, A» FPU SALE, itS -RAM AT, ABi OUR& Ce. A TABLE OF COaii.vrrTI-Ows, CONvIa. 'it T ERL Ir4T"ns's-oCÜoaasfrpc, AmND Cciibi-, aINv arSiTEIaNGe, caîCUlamul accord- ing otiste Rate eotsistisised by tise Act of thse Pnovinacial Parliament, 4 k- 5 Vie., chap. 93.-24s 4d Currene>, per 20s Sterling.-Bv Mn. Treaaury Cierk, H. Lamsbert i>nyîey.« Kingaton. Aug. 2flds. 1842. NOTICE. HOMAS A. HAINES, Jr. baving dispos. T et of tus business, and hoing deairous of collecting bis out.tantiing deista, ailt ttsog e rs avio standi intiebteui ta musher hlmi or tise laie lInos of' Colline & liaiuîes, are sotifieti, tistai al ssch notes or scoats remaiuimsg unpaiti b>,tis e It of Decesher neir, s-ill, esitisout dietiiection, ho placet inils tbes bande for collection; and ail t home persos n s-bwonshe na>, standi indtie wsill be goond onougbhoegond lu their accounte, ui orties-that n seutlement musa>,be mffecd. Ad. tires. Tions A. Haines Jr. at Dr. A. C. Robin. son'@ Wi'ng-Btreer. Kingston, Dec. 1, l84. - CORDWOOD.- T fo'Sle a VtrwM dk aN Kingemonld Dec., 1842. JUST BECEIVE». FUeaTElsuppt.san aF eBEAPEIr CS AILLCUBAi' BOOK& T HE? .7unaeiPled ae ofhe abe pusilciea. kecep a large stock ot' band. Countîry Mer- chanta and ots.tould do wetl wtoad to tisuir stesertlnent. RANVSAY. ARMOV'R &Ces tionu tu every case olsere tise patienst s-ansàf ha afflicteà i -tb s-orme Cerhaînly rendors it wrtb tise attention ni Phyeiriaiss. Tise proprietor bas matie it a point to scer- tain Ibm resuît of ils use in sucli case. as escé sitbin hlmiios-leulgeandl obsersation ; afiluhe insariatel>' oustditiltuprOduthn e mmoeuse ttan> effete ; mt utniquently afies- neanirly Uc> on. dinar>, PreParathonsrecOminendtfor wvenus had been preosl>resoIiedtu hwiithout an>, prma. sent ativastage. This fart la attestaitiby thucen- tificates asdntients of nhlndm-etiu ireapcta- ble pensons is d;ffée-nt parie of lise routry, antisoniti inducte fanuoilies aîesays tu hcep uviu oftbe preparaîiousis isehis-pessession. Itiaii in ts opperation, anti nue>,beatisisiseret aihi perfect safet> tourisc mont teihcate infant. Tise genuine Vermifuge s uos- put up in ena ounce sialu, esitis this impression upon the c'esî' «"FAIINESTOCK'S VERMIFUGE,"and tOu directions arcompanyisg mach vailhavse tise sig' nature of tise proprietr ; as>, iedicuse put ip ic plain ouance aiais, andthboe igou4re oies iicisbe îlot correspond with Ih baosïa deocriptins, t;, sot m ns> uine Veriuufuge. Tise snbscriser deenie ilt hiidt>,y ta ose Oui chose precautions in order tu guardti hieublia agaunet inisitaisg otiier ceunI. preparation for bis tieervetil>,popular Nermifnge. Th'ie abose medicine ras holuidat se'onaîu of Mdr. C. C. Bristol No. 207s main st., Hffalu N. Y., os- in Ne os1îrk rut>, of Meusr. luilley,, Puelps & Co No. 14'2eatcr st. B. A. i'alsestock &1o. For sale in Kingston b>, Chartes Heatte, Jable Palnser, au.'! J. W. Breni, Edqm-e. CAUTION. Tise public are cautionird against a aparios ar- ticle latlypustfomth b>, a wortisless countesait in New- Yonlccil>,, shicS isrepresenteit to b the "snase Fansetoe'." Tisearticle jes .4rlruy worîhiese having none of tise vîrtues of citez- cllent renset>, tise ont>, secus-it>, te the pulie ha ho lie non> particular tuo osquire for B. .Lia. toeIrs Vermiufuige anti avoid ail psepsatuansav. iisg eitoilar naines. MAQUETIC ODONTICA. TH1E TEE Tf! THE TEE TH!, THIN5COMPRABLE TOOTI! 5StPA5tATI. T IIEfact jeproved, andulthemeticr& great utitit>-, ans-e hcve bise evitience fro thse rate ai about 25,000 boxes of the Odontica, vitl. in the sepntyeas. It en aseertaineduti on«Xuemi- eisee, that s-honndtteti a otS s-ihnesi ude. eay but reaai til tise latest aea ean, »iUi Z.,eirnatura e-as-; anti murein or cases, nensusus tootbache, (Iliat ciax of pain) bas a1 once limon eflectually curai! b>, tibest popular dentifrice un Amrses-Aut i b rdeulu. aion, vbere. or s-ho id tise young lad>, or gatie. mair, aye, Ibe indivitinai tfat va'ue a Itifolat set ofteelh, sourd gonse aul sas-,ett sUs mnore tissu fift>, cents-, that wil ho longer Sentj- tute of a box of Dr. M. Hitchcock&s Mattetie Otiontica ID- So!dbti >Cisarles Hoatis, Prisacees &ret.' Kingstoun. I ELDIES.-5PRTNTDSCOmYV-TE ISAT XT5TERY LOVICD OliT AT LAS?. R.I STERRY'S HAiR REGENERAýOR. .LFDr. Stery.afier rach attention 10 tiujn.. portant subet of pceeerving the liais altos «R o>, experimnis ebemicai and pbysical, beerable todiacover an article mlleS linsnoforetSith thse greatest confidence fur thse toilet, as thibest Uing oser diamvesesl, for it. sotening and ne. trating quality,, 10 jroduce a gooti bond«)f i- to proeut it fmmi faling off s-len ialdnné je appehendet-to rester it s-tees ialdommi' Ma taken piac, andt t prevent il icosu tmamg Ma>. -It la more tsoncîsfingisais potntnsasuqs ci], orCoon leae. tina a Issatitul aticie forla" cuie-itmakes thse hair sot asulve. ]y, andi proddnem sesînsomos ritiancy. %on- sentis bave teeted t ia upeior vtaue@ anueIael. le,, and in ever>, instance it stands@unrivMeti. It inan inâItlile cure is al! sfféctions of5tb skin ens tbm bWt-sa tandruf, dcc., &", Euw>, fanutdy stho o mss eppietiwith a Iottle of"i cil, tisaI b>,its 5atci- tesebead amui ir of ciiltren. the beuils anti ornementai appes. dage ofia fine heati of iair. eshicis naure las supplieti ua oa>, bo passrveti. 12' tom Sale liv Charles Heath,. Irincna St., yNEW AUCTION & COMMISSION %VARE. T [IF Suliccrutuer rtcjîcctfulv iifa,r.ioIi. i friestis and tise public, 11m i lias iii msesceu tise Auctifs andl OîîaalsLuýàiic, at his nid stand la Store Street, sahere lie %a ilie rrend>, tail limesto0receise roneîsiu.siete. Froii, hie long reciieice iiKingaton, atJ geseral know- ledge of the cointry, lie contidently trusta lie wil hie esabled tu> transct business toi the satisiactin of ail parties concericul. Additional Stormage lias been cngaed at the Redl Store beloiigil:g tn Wmn. Garratt, Es.1., i- rcctly in er oi Messrs. FergusmGu cGboî Fourwardîug establishment. Wini. 'HIRKELL, A. &C. M. Kingston, &lay, 1842. TO-31ORR1OVW liiLL BE ai.SUE 'fo- SIJBSCIIIBEftS. -No. 1, Thle Alibotsforcl Edtlu'iosirf, SIX WALTER 'SCOTT'S NOVELS. Thie work wiIlltuc cont.iioed once a fortiî.ght Isereafter. Thse prie s 3s. per Numbler, eci number je illustraicd il% the isigbest style of the art, ani,, ehogetlser, <itje a work kuperi.îr le ativ tising which has fer nian>, vearr- aapaset iue ran, the Press. t j toi conast otfltMl ta 106 Noms bere--there oilbc initie obole 114 Steel En gravingei, by the 0<051 emiiert ArtistF, andi 20(5 limantiful Wood Cuts. Soius' conceptiîon oflbh eitertioiîe of the British Plubisliers tu produci ibis Edibion in a foras wortay of the Great Nov- ehest, ina>, ho leasomul froin ltse fact, thit th, Large aura of £30,000 sterling bue beeiî appro. priateti for tise illustrtios atonc. WILL AiSO BE IseIIr Ot.. il, OF THE PEOPLE', XDSTIOR. ARMOUR & RAMSAY. mAWyil. A. H. ARMOUR & Co,,Hmiitn. RAMSAY, ARMÎOUR & Cco, Kinsîgeou. Copien e a>,also lbe oltaàam froni tise bibi'. ing Agents. Mmers. T. C"ay & Co. Quebmc; H. ScoziE. Toronto; A. (lcàv, Bytown ; G. KrRR & Co. Perths; A. DAvisot, Niagara ; T. CutAIG, LOO- don. Charlemn Willmer's AMIERICAN NEWVS LETTER AND EUROPEAN INTELLIGENCER. Ee1osged IthelAc tent of Te» adit,eal Coi. T HlE abuse Newspaper, now enlarged Ten 'T additional Coinmn, which vas eîtablisbedý in Jl, 1842,n te giil>, p ublished t etLiter pool oxpremi>,for transmission b>, ever>, Bîm Sisip mailing frons an>, port in Britain to an>, port itise United States, and ita leading tenture <iii give. ni mem glise, au accouset nf oves>, t event tisaIlins occurreti in Great Iritaiesrope, or Asia, in the intervai betiseen te siling of eacis Stenni Siip, eshether in politiurs or coin. ssemee-a correct andi noprehlensive Shipping Liat, in wsiicis will he bound a feîîhful record of thse arrival anti depnrtusre if Amsericaus reesels at and freini sdi the Britieli, Enrapean, and Asiatie- porte-together with notices of siacli cenalties or ulisauere s moay irons tonfnie cccr--a complete Prices Current, in wbih Uste greateai care ih taken toi gise the ltest reporta of the vue- ioue descriptions of Anseriran prodnce, frointtbe muet nnqoeetionablm sonrcea-thne rombining, in one se, a Nespaper, a Sbippisg List, andi a Pricea Current. Tie AtnuaîsiSublecription te CIULS Wsî~I5LL. mExi's AMtEKicà,RNEws LETTES je 12e. ti Srln.Ordera and Suliscriptiunae will be re. cesea an>, oi Messr. Poany's & Co.'s E. EcS insthe UNITED STATES andi C"e.sw, andl in Bouton hy liesurs. Redding & Co.. Noews Agent.;,Ijalifax, Mr. Belciser, Sta. fine«; Montreat, Mer. Win. Grcig, Bookeelier; St. Johs'. N. Il.,Mr. G. E. Fouet>,, Morning News 011cm; Quehee, Mr. Charles F. Ford, bioetaîo-treet ; St Jolin'dNewifounstlanti, r. M'Coinbrey, Tims.Office -.or tho>, ina, oment directe i thtie Publiisher, addneused as fol-. fou. ; CHARLES Wîî.LMER, Transablantie 2Nesvsppr Office, 1, SoistfsJobn.etreet LiverrooL -IJLANks FOR SA IE. D EEDS aentdMM1IALS, Law, Cpurt oft Requoitied oihcr BLA N KS, i. -.e%' esrittv fot sale acIllec ikreld Offii. NEW GOODS. LONDON WARH us b. McVen, Merrhant Taller, Ot'LD respertfully calî tise attention of MRAlgi% S, J'oa5TEk 4t tihe w tisepublic ta bu s uperlor asmortanetofnii AYFsi e.-iJ'î ort- Winte Stuffs, cuinsis'tang of BIue, Black, Brown, H ri,~ ioi-t~ eir Olive, 'reen and Gras' Dianonti feaverill Pi- n. ai Breadl Clothmo f 'ai coloura Cusnret.L N. >i. nle- Doe-ekine, Tiseede, Kerseva, Birk-e kin. I j AL G" )pi> ALSO-91large sarieti, of Vestifr, Figiareil .. D 0O'03r) '<r- an i Maisn, Macintosis Coats, matie to oriier -;anud Vi rv ,on- ga a muco f Reude'.îuate(Ia Cîbiugin,, s ltil iIecl U.;r i ' lm file â.ap., BraceF. Cravataf, tcGle.Sbr, hir Clara. Mut%.e, Dm-uers, Soik. viteicbh o .-tn auu.;.5er~ Fic weill seli rbeap for 5e:,tilMi. ,'* Kingston, Oct. 5tIi, 1942. aStoko ,.l cbiîie.o:là t - NOTICE.biiiU !Leri'. nutOi'Stoves o alsorte, cotmi omu f 1,but %II1 Cookinig. Parieur, Hall and 1 itaier.-, - MW," of the latest impmiuseul paterîs, Liicli eili i I iot (: 'a selb ho subIvcrx'low fuir luua'Iner an citîre îîew s"1415 .; ts, elaewiuelte, llease calliuet hei ol establis'icIl V JE fi T 1' X ' as;Stove stand andl examinme thse assorblletit aid "T r'iitu c it V , net] prîces.'i'lc Qit.I lien Prnea o ryJAMES POWVELL.. u . x .. evPicsfrnryStore Street, t ai'YMi.. . aiCd Kitîgaton. 0ct. Iq, lS42. 1TI &c hjt,!' e;N OTIàCE. CiilXc lrgîràt a'1IF, vi unicanîl î'fi;! i',r HE Subaci are ,i.w receiviil, ilirr -'i T1falsupilv of Dry (Goords, a tidaui",.. . sdailv expecting '. aue' Irutiv r- Ra pool. tlic erwi ider oaihir stock, w'licii aili atsu "'I ira, be dispuaseulcf oui rhe usual termanduuuttiri- Ic ces cuniduerably lowi' blhati bluose Ilt ast ea I chk R. H-. & T. IiAE. that haut 1. . , fi ia.iizstoi, 24th Octoijer, 11,,42. F . ct-11 -2-e 1tR t theui t &. 20.)000 Sgniofel IC~,Nl 1, 1ubi' ;,1iiii l Boards; .îli,cl a bit of Scaniîlcu o;o EÀI lOI tp rCash.I'diî1 . Cliiiiîierrril %Wai , (),"Im, II '2 :eî 1, N TICl'(' is hcreby gten, it fle lituietltii1 - apîIv btu tise Provinriri liFiurl .LmenttLI ct, ii ' KII'.r.îIn, N i. l,.il.1,12 ts next Sessiuon. iîîr an Act t , e.teniîl I, 'a----- or KîIa,stiul buîand îrllî it as .a li.. : M t À 'p~' Kigston, 2n aniuary , I3. ____ C~~aho EMIGRA.TION FOR Ii; [ l:<t UT a il, ire..A i., 1.r tiflsic ' . r'ii- rtiud hâ'i tl ii a-",~ir A pt .Aîîî. tîi i t1vle- 1'r. berb' U 1îîit d. b. - Il1ir e-, .r for Llieixy NoNiial': iC-ltt. 1îlcu' rolitia.N h. 't-.- N. Il. Mets.,' oruers 'rviP u2t, luouticýI 'a""i'lu" - 'a.i 'i 'r zibý,I cpluce, !-'j' U,;Llis it,:- , r t, ira ri. li I' . 1. ,II liA ll OF- IASSACE FOI-.ttit iNf;tslls 1.N " iii ~~~~S1eii .CIii i wiile'.Jr, 'i-i.i'.. I à "oî .uvpsl..A il- 1 (il) ;! 2 îi OiIl, l- it that - ~ ~ , .' S Chilreliu i ilur14 ve .:-. i o t> IlIi ý i.lîu'r.î . Infantsunuder 1 ye.Ir, -ceere. li:tIît .1 '. Frout Duisîs and 1 lf]1 1 5 ~ ~ ,. AJults, 2 15 f0 :1 N o'ouy <U:ttrts iuuler 14 3ears, 1i1 f6 1iIl 5 D R.M. lT liu(l' u, t'roll) Coli k L>ubuu- rs E:,ur!,. ~ m lis îî;- 3 il i) '1 i5 lu 'eiltificr t itil i P.î.r :t Li- ilerr14 'enrs, Ilb) t>0 li" 1; Sure aliet .1" 4 ...', i8 'lle lesei, atubc.'go.iidl:A ' M,,î~,u iil f"he_! t i c.îuia- i' be fouîid iin el-tI18, saler,l'uîel a î.d traletit- fo7 .b îi ý~t'i. a '1îir i. r'ilîl u mu filievoyage, las ;umciîed l'y tire SNeuwPosscogesi I pl.fl A, itl...î-u1,1;. v. iir. V_ .,,j:mà uelti ai.ututuîlr;u, cha;u 1- l.cpt-I ,Fr cie IvV:I, il l il Iuleatiîuo'aey (if cvei>desc~ription Kieng~ston. l~i;~ .I,~: JI inniuli' un bise abc, erate'. N. iB. The risipt ragulabîtmin iitualic eiuw. -D%'Bctf le are, Ithâblere shah te only ihre i<uI aorcii- ger tu cera lse em. rugsbe. iat ose poual O F P 1 T 'IN ER s il1 P. 1 ofi nd. stuffs, or ni' etbem toud eliile ituît ule- >1 isiic1 u>i :. .î s t h hu, shii1 lieiaît ont to eacliaduit llasizesntr per 1Ja i ii. izrNi ,u',îti', 'et' . a-s day. A .great enicaue ot ire,iiirioîlabîn iihie'der tii,'finitilu tAI; ýi:11,;1,, l;i' N isciglut Ofthte deekie, t'bl,&cr., ia pidteiltir. 1I1Cl l:su.ut' 1,*. -as secli as strict regalatiumsa for as.eerba.oing aîud î imutuai ruiusemt insurilîg thse ea obu îc.Orthbsee c. cl ineu. I ll debra u(lue tfi,' ..i, luti-, - r pluil.The vecsela s nw'lhc vie vil clliuge. i i ubc lad toiiIR ill- It'11 ' iil . fr lime roaveyanreofuitpsectiterr. se ll lue liùse s iceis'auttuutr..-rd tla rI; t' L eiîptoved fur that purlevFe Itv N . t'. \V. - liine., tlî'aI I',and j,.,%s, b.-;.;a.ilun. I. fi ot lLeerpooL. iLl. B ' irm esill be lacticut (1 licer, 14t1< Nîv, l1542. i : <i T 0 âSET T17ÈR.4 AN_2I ï-Ô<)fé:àIEl. W KngtIlthSari 14l rY ING 'ru SEND MONX' 'l'O KnsoItlllrll- TI'IEIR FIIENDS. OTICE r tlcreby tir.u -,; IIu lE CANADA.5.COMP.XNI', Soixiosut te afi i' es Is ia/et.- beise I'î' îîî - -ford e,.my faaility for furtluer;iIg Settle- nt ts ieta't S bîîi iy ftic B. :'. l mentiuh; & b..Coustry, %%,fliREIT n3î' îY ouilut0 Traîle, fer Ia Graziir uif Mitra, f.iI -i. le Monie,, 1tomatlt r boavs In;llil He aiuuoant usa>, tue c,,stnaitis, aîrue -I'.,- :1 h o any part o! Englanuu, Ireluund, Seobianut, or Eu- Kîi»,sttto Pertli. 'eCainoda Caopntï's Gile >-Frederirfi Street, iri-o2qtisNov. 1842. j ORNIS !IVWORNIS _ Y US T __R _E _C 1, _iV E D 7R.. l"ICCR uruiu Faif N sEIVsYORK, iIPe'als .uîuTs ][0"0Pi[ECES Or UO»dgPAPENI, for Woriuse. Tii s us aluablu, iicdaiue lho OF SPLENDID CATTESs.testeti b>,tise exprriesee ubiiue bias te. tt7id tir ifl bc soU eireap for Cal, b> i taoc, asti aiuima;tered tîl murilî ,î.auî I-il WVALTER EALESii sens of various ageeand nl îa uitu atV Qsuomry St mcmiplaint, firain n<uose of bise tissusas iutii, N.,f-Boomas papered ho ortor u the short- where Is as bcecs uscut agiecabu.' ta the p est notice.1 directsau,, bas t eser taicl. Kingston May 23, 1,Q42. N. B. Asir for Dr. M. HIeirckha Woa ILOTION, LOTION. ta tioe ear an ostu a on o DR. rvuANs' IEEAUI'iFYtINC. LOTION. i i Sold hiy ClunlesIlirath,, l'nîices T1IG;HLX' cuieemmul for cumiug att Eruptione, Kinmgstonu. HICarseese. Retises8, ant i Pmples on the Face, Neck or lantis, and effectual>, cieaning TIIOMAS A. l1LlNlINES, the complexion ani retnoving all disaases of tise skin. 2ultiit &m commniosiotn lttC Netiing contrieutes se mnch te ourn eral N<iO >,aiiu&Lut.oiO sur.cmss in lufe, as an engaging iret appearauce. CRE rOTll ," i Theis Lotion lsaetinire a m ist firegrasi, nild, ve~mm ueee aSRe , sIfh'Wlh, nti greati>, oseenset for ils virues t in eleansing, aoftenusmg, anti purifying ties kin of XK1trG &TO0RN' tail eruphions,1Minurions to female limanty,, andTi <>mf&-w asa IAST nacigit te a h.gtehtieg-re niptrity.T A banifu atihealtisful comrplexionistse lE Suliscrilior has fer sale atisîe$ .,pride or al imo posseuss it, anti the eney 0f tiuse sl aeiueu hr-tet s-beo are depriveti of iL 50 peus. bleacliet Causvas, No. i hasit A gond appeeraisce le tbeset rocomoientia. maIe, lion ; and as the BemtiW@g ieLtion purifies tise 20 do do No. -Z dio akun, anti remoies ail l'impies, Blotheea Tan, 50 do do No. 3, do tSunturo, anti Refluns. anti protinces a heauti. 50 do dao me. 4 & .5, do - uibee. it istiseetsyceemeticaladtiyho uldsm 30 do oe.&, l ah ber toilet. Aise. au assortisent ni Brownus(:201 Gentlemenma s-iii alo flutithisa a tiligtiul re- Linns,. anti a erv superiorartuclmot liaIl rmed>, le removo ail Roughneas, l'impies, B . in 1 .s ultbu1atishîe dCANADI tITUOROUI!BRE. D, bl.tiNIF' CENT ilonSE. ILL Stagd dits ýeison ah lienrulin . gi, Eretos-n, noula i, a';îît" it ail sti o.l5ltis JuI]y. éymur, £1 10e. tise Seasoi,raenu .ý'gioem paiti in Cash; or £2,.'e ftr au aip;umovemdNie, ta... SOM, les,~£$ te usure. Tmue ll1 v Mda ienni ,appl'raiîuusarce r-- PBE DI G Il E E . ,ea %an got b>, bhe celelirateul Il.Pet c rmt i f uw l ..- msebtn uttage Girl.' le ("hoa&BA él'liure of Ilatîer. t"Iile &. &c.) lier (GratndlDain %%ai Sir iauteited Ibmse IlCorunorail,ub,(a Sauit bW- Woodper ker ;) lier grea gm-ai ~Islpartens Sa m-" ;(;. l(i. 1,raiuîi ula 'las, (imported) Flouizci S.r.-eI t se l, amons itutrëese i, c î. u'îeIlit,.bc dïtbe pralent day. Suis'ieisii. se udtl ebt, %'eon tbm Queelu'e I'l:te uît' ie S, et Montrent, be.uttuug bIlue field 1i elice shirtic iseuetartcî,1 utto r.',w ;iiseotni conitioun. goa ilos-ti, t ycrs ului, ut!a iluchul' coler, sut a whbite uMar]; uon biueu; standilt birbe of substauubia olli, gos-i 0a ,sr poer. Ilu 'qaserelh çeýtZm a . ir <;s-Ilue p.aper1vut?. lit, lise. Jr, Ws-be tîg rieailî d".rut n.-ug tise bm-ed of luu)rme. iIli ,' 1sunir, Itubts at ths e 'u' piveus. t %iei ielii sati ofl i luae b o tIssSeof this utprint t; a-. <îlesStailing a 'an ruî --f .1tii.-'ci ,!lI bc provideilrend ulalh o.' iîu ue' ion paid ta M.ares left i e-t.Ss rur hie charges ; but 111) re.-ui.- ile 1-.1% l aranreilcitiser for acentseuuoriii-. rs te ho atidrcsed (lîuistt., J.) i lii. - .S & L.AMIiERt, h'iigs;î.m geri.elll gestîcun n, tireliuttof îc limi us uiigli t stuuie a bts ueicluel. mile, 1 Lna 'teswit ticai.u laIlu <l. . à lie 1t lat bis lcisil rc o bu Ii,' a 1l je tàoiaigbt tnsck bists iid îud w lu'uie s ciao uhe e.'atr, :.... uN 'tu fi lu itîCie 1lIt, isu- it'-.',, . ~Aet h? m smiteu nauii mul. uýleù .iidoa0Il'le cu, psa- shnanue. 'it.n ,i ?4w I 1 iter g-ct a aaiglut hu i.,'s' baai bst tbm annul tise wotle u!>' be <las' b-ia'utuuaîap, tcîielu:is ji'ic~ u ilus.44 aulanti suled by tii-t r liaiei.i an eLfrel sarl ulainîstul1î'arcliau lis sU q., ét. bue>, esure latîbbunu, Iteriiiitied tbu ot'î icesle, (ubah bis epiritsedtui ibiltlàti teii rheis -, l'il giveo Lacs il t>, guiuubas te suou . J.aid. tithe pair, -tîuat cciii inufir ci imeuds." 0h ruone boms," eniti the 'S.iur, "and lir et prt frieumut-, "aIi dune, ead s-n'IlIdrink no) tluuuu jyrt. beach nia>, luva]on- us bis ue» ai iatitou. Ipirelt- o blarhstsiiiss a isatnphuuu' -4r gale, edsr1 net prvisions, bis vine nnrlus alu'. @RuIait sasb plineti 'ailstise tiougbt lb; inh ruent., teld uefrotn hiesthemuniute, anbdl m-ctons bib c-s," sailli se, --tell me es-ere yous tncai ~lta cane epunt wtsere your traite wuli iuu !sr"replieti one, o-iîba grilleous li mlePOmgo noves ta er ahop, amndiI ntire 'r- Ille E,iite, i~Cb jisasa& A -t. $rki"loviug reontlyreatiiii tise bNomitruti 1 r Bous xIctli[ros tise evitienco gi% MIl.. ildem-apin bhonretise comtmitteilu 'l"i of Commeuunte ini the ymar 183.)u, 1 nu 'rite the folovinc effusion s-h'srlî1isen 1hSuis t ansheo f the Messengren, ant i 'f 'lm teh giveisotta art'cles an insiertion i wbitai. 1hliat, thse lire, the noul ai Chirîtîaniîy IotOansdklve ho oue anutier. le Iivir we," isrlaiuueti it in taiscoage such aseii heffic lm aver spoke. tom-eightais ui tilns, million.e oi roacliens anduT'Ieachs.î W a . mofs eâ eching tiersIDivin lentothe lm -uit in tiseour oe ay O ~ t~ D~5ees w~sil lem A De? oe.ava nth, XebsrCi gti eeegs.goeore atou è in@."0 iblother 1 14% nwihere a. aftà iau omrd vils .eb hoties-. Eve, itue ant i dumort have, issretofore, plie t'O-S, a" D ow-prevail te a Monst luI ~ta5L < Yra"lr a vail setIer froui et ci . t tem.t.»L te buest to hicaimve î a i eu efficient as aley wkb hi bees ealyed,ti Ovl i à~~ st if Ran .s-ment lis faiit gas, n"algrouanti1 lis uer imp oeuseutt Ougiseque net ma- $19 c le ti