Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 9 May 1843, p. 4

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.MENOUH.- NaTICETOAGRICULTUM1TS. foui demietirfLby'Pihtre wels o îninnt Md!i i. Cnarc.fiýair, sus a I)rugist hnRý 1 n0lcrulplâwhi/M ait rei by puifyin4 du 1 Plnths niu.<iOeI>usi am aitil lilsoil. Piougit Points et< Ansean Caustingit, tahie-h WtàiiemeWZ sel ilaeding.al shci-Itr-h tgrlt importance tueda earmer, baungoamûre mat rmi" d5#Iaonu 1111, te»il utimre uepop- idur" ia Lnealyotlsowutigo- ular, Libby* M% t'i se extending the aphere of 1IBout Steel Coris, andi Potntoe Hacu. Ibera,~osift y l" uprriaia nfeteeenie iSpade'eShittols, anti Dung Forks. pablic. j ruadato.ue,Grubiug lînes, atti itru-l ilosno Vaitl adcixtood nono mucv i dr .Ilooks. ofte i tit1 dpemiiir their care topn à dues ah-i AScaf 'eint Concave Grass anti Crille uiiion 0 u Alliehonlis ilnoirQ ntc ell oe Scale. tinfiate le the-s andierpwitstritl raiuremurlo- L}îiîîcîu Ihign's Scythes,. hil crismoitiens vitbact si wsskning te bediity ftpiiug hock., lay For"s & RaLtece. patiein t/. e nletut(bttoeiirc. Trace, OJgig iil ater Chat Pl»tie tinfluence h.(weren th in Railthebbc oci. 1 Patent Siîocp SItears, a alë Il 'i suiittrstuod lhct ,,thii< titl ibLuIt s 1lP11111Core Iislng Licees, IIiltn utiT Pnilsleti Iremove alanchuely, andt (al c"-n hatcsi- iRope. il>' la curedt b>' reveuitigly' uit en.Ilu rtnsnsin %IFri.NTS Or tu-car bitO. nuiteundereteoui botemuets donteisiii' happitietne.C1 tron, teel, Nailte niSie, oehr pends allaisthe haatiiy saite cf tz digestion ,, , aridry rticlete t/t Hardwre lue ats a. 1 yal-cei ti- So--eln h h no te kionot ttî Liuivs Pllahar (lever, Titnotterandi Gardien Seil,, .tIrad theusids cf bop'lesa andâti lenn pets te Gan,)as, lo Pty aiti avtnen te Iefintphysir'aitis hall pronnuaced Pti îaRnu.ati prt upnio #hemn boyaad i:laI imn inean e li. f. t lsoaw nct only tro el an taILitu'tyl' Pilla do cure,.jc arjersarae p-irticlilirly initti tes cuit and bu it il ha sao udennloe<lh'W thcy cure; uni that exaiene fîr tlaem"nae beikre pni'cbasing dite- it il hy t/nir purfylez- efl.'ct on itee bleuet thit a hero, as erer>' article viii ha Sold at Ion' Pr/con. theyrenore he olyta hait. 1BRIGGS & 1.ASIIER. licyreatce b. bi t helth.I)' For "aile f'y: , tcStreet, lxtipcton, Aprili 22d i 142. CHARLES HE'.TH, PiliacpgsShroet, Kingxsten.FO SAE CeisîTOClf4- TvI.CAL, NeW York,FO SAE Whilcat Aone. Paient London laid Tamrd Riggiug, 1 OCI. DKLAMATER'e RLigvaÂTbc Liii- i"RE SZ@ 3IlET andti uirîTic huAis SPintî, iAit)t5 axa ilu wîrrened teacune al case of comitout Rien- CH/IN CAIlLES, ANCHORS, &c., mut/taii; and net>IlpFtea he p'ncanen (heaia- c Oau u, Blcks, anmd Dock Liglite, licles a»4iwilnsc them f.itbfuly acccrding -,a Ceppiei'binnacle Lampa & Sliila Lantlioriis, iiaeaooe minsl.bvnle * iW" -alhid"l.têtere aP'Dainy- ,hsilscrlÀLn$eed Oti, ?inti, Turpest- fe-tç, wittnet being cunst, haîl bêtr. le purehisme tis, Tai', Resin & Pici, msono>' .efuoiied froheiIbsptace sre Ibheariclee Plouglis mesi npproved patterins,t are hoiXit. e:>- ' lie hiall of CHARLES Spaden and Shouvels--wrouiht iroe and steel IIEAI'li, Piiesn Street, Kingstn. Mlls COàurr-: & Tai.cs, Ner York, Aelce, H kn o aols whalial Agtut. Aféw aipei4or H kn g rSdls lVhoeiah Age l.IMPROYED SIKe*S-SJYRMTfS D R. LIRBY's 91ilt TERS are a ctin coti (Made by Dring & Fage Taceidon,) tith ta- I ofDypeç anti Nanvona Airecîlon; h.>' bleu, &c. compii-te, and guaging croll, a ,t eolal daptod taeativoNestecdistron in cs ue zouptaietq, quni b>'ronîantly 1hyticîng, bat liy LrFwigPeeaou atrenetbenivig titascytens. No grealcr intake & inge barrels, pockcî and horse Pietels, ca r.e t4detian ti snppose that Dynpejy, or un>' patent vadding, «Wherduease alîin frein debilitya ton b-a cuedt Shot Belti & Pouchesn-Pourdcr & drinkng b>' feqi.nt ftictiactieoe the bow-h tailla pur- Flaks, &c. &., gatve metiacines. WVbete the*a se mlaints OXkit, The abonce artices arc a part of lait tilla te uyîtemnti aireidtuten weal, andi evrry atit- importation, atnd are now oieèred on the louaI dame 1uduta mite il mer.mcThefiteci, rnit favorable serai. n ite co.trary, acting as a tereni,aetngtlien the muY ~ E KIS digestive erganand i ,-nt heun ta peforiti thein O LY& JN IS fontinsasnatuire i'oaicne<d.B- ncecit l louat Kingston, Marcla 15, 1842. 48.e ta be efilciecie, at§.o lhtose imesuses pecCiir te femaei, whmrta grine iorme frrquently tram weak- ceo it hnans sn îy ePuir anse. l'hsa geti atît infi, s ofhbth sexes, andi perions cf .etintsry han. =i pro cetveneaa, trio batr. asuered freti asefapetite, bave experience Ctait henefit frain thein, lu renvîlesence frunfovers, anti cher actan is irders, it toietes e abngi; antI iadivid- nase lleted with Nervous Hoadaclie, meidethr deragemtsiof (lie cneufonction, liaeebeen entirs 1 ' "' e by this remetiy. t:) For cale hy CHA RLES H EATH, Princes. Street, Kinsseon. Ci)neiTex J&TyLta, Newa Yorky Woolesale Age nts. "OCTO1ALLKN'Is 1ALSAM OF SUAIt- D 1101N, LIVERWORT litPLEU RISY IIOUT, toc eeegha, colds, ensioîn & liver complabaot. Consomption te a dotase eften se- cel Iurkinginta yte îyeasfur yeare before thern s the h1"tcomplalnt of the long ; andtini thia sagie il cmas.coreti ut ctfccualilyandi as certain- w anan> cthr dseu e Lot tperionsidelay the uteif meicie, outilt beir luagsaire acnibly nofl'ci., butin due aesson siotct ta Dr. lten'a Baissai ef Livetrt. Itis medicine hatproee eveni the "Conqnerer of Phici a'c"tor anihicli &Il minkind ailI hive ihuntstnt canus e tIies the1 band ocfrrovidence. Loîver Cnplaint Cured.-Dr. Alluea±r .Sir :-1 bave oseti yecr Batîgun cf HeselitndtI tomne montut paît, sud freanlits iW!ti clct ith at. iarnfoly ntnfied that it pente'cart vy mpra' virtuLn in the core cf Ltaer Cern- aintanttdConomption. 1 do trongty rvoea- etudilt a the puitic sait the fîriity. -1 Reipectfutty, J. D. Rrittîn1)sosi M. D. Weak Ltg. .i L,ïan of Voire Curd- Mary Etîza, eldett daotghter cf Clvin J. Adaim badt sidredt rain treak loup tinte the ugeocf Il yacrsiaihudgenerolly ajooght pis ceuntenence snoi lons ofsireagh ; ut wakueit of lonags in- Iceasedti lt ae w nualate ta npeak a tend werd.i lier rnedlc.nl nilciger gave it an iliiiopinion thatnhe waiu i cowumijttbn, aîîl tttotas enutile hite reultite esatertmaned d bler cocvpry.lTe inot of lat Match ste cannueoced using Dr. Allen'ut Ritoheain fHirhotsd, lAverwort antd Piorâv Rl oet; the, i'Ct it hl e taeber WaUs aatiuibg; U4e retgaiti lier voire andi bealth, endtisi perfect- 1, fr#c re:n1Il yetptons ef caniiiiuiltion or nek ogs. <lm e boy@ Loe a triée accout of my ddul. lot, car(. Cotvici J. AnAnen, Salen. More Astaistinz Effecta cf Di. Allen'>, Bal' cno. 'A short tntea<o annalid lady camin mbeue 1.).e lu gel a bottle cf Dr. Alten's Buain cf fitarboad, LivcîocCrt and Piu'odsy Root, fat ber duieililer, ulie, s!îe saidt, wat rImos/ gtie in con- emà.She tlid cet bean sale te lesyn. ber bord a coma weekn. The aIdltbdy teek a baia homse anid geve Altat ber dougbier. SIte bldnet t ken the astcine but four dayî tefore theca tblIe tae ont, and actiiaity rallei ît eue niera ;.tint prfectily ureti. Sncb, donc reaneris the cIl 'rt fîbig trndrfimttcine. Nt az;.&ncce oi lie tcpiotàod aid is bavling failed. lFar sale, si'ileaedîtil ct irby Vu.A. Tyler, 88 litr. et'ï Strect, Nets- Yack, Alto, hy CIUAILES I dTH, Priacein Street, Kintn. R. H. & T. RA E. -Wkolesale lmiiporterq DEZTZs & Fo~umm r»Uti«OODhà 9ICNG8 TON. FOR SALE, A T te Suttacriherta Auction & Comnmie&:on Store, A few dozen Fancv Chair, 2 pier (ilaocci, Lek ing Glasses, variouns izea. WCM. TIIKELL, A. & C. M. Kicgston. May 2Sth, 1842. GROCERIES FOR SALE. 2 Puncheons Spirits, 5 do Braindv, 5 do Gin, Al.âo, Tobacco, Teas. Sagars, CoR'ee &c. Thre above wviii ho noldl chrtap for cashi. WM. TRIRKELL, A. & C. el. Kingston, Aitgust .30tli, 1842. .1 B OOKS. The ibcribers have latuly -e- ceited and are now recciviîîg îieir all îupply of 13ooku, comprising a variety of svor in1 every dejuartinent of Literature AIno, a lai ge quantity ofCbeap Britishu Edi- tiona fur the People. RAMSAY. ARMOTJR & Co. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! T UIE Subscriber intinate, toteie Friends. Vet, iles:î, for the constant ip y of CHAIRS andi FURNITURE of the lies. de. uiptioca.,vbch will b. nolti low for ent>h. The worle will al lie guaranteed for ûee year from the day of cale. W .TIREI .4- C. M. Kingeten. Sept. 27,1842. FRialcH RoniJU.I PLAWTER. EL>T eonsantly on band,atet theatibscri- F-1 ber'a Mill, in the second concesion of Ernest Town. JAMES UI.aZ r IIE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR SAIYE TSegare, ScfF, Cut and Cntvendishi Tobac- Co, Macaronti, Verîicrîli, Italien l'asie, Candienl Citron, Frenchi Wince, Salad Oit, Green Cod Filit, SaIt %ater Saîzetn Ne. 1 and 9, Preservei I.rîbtere, Croctbcry, Danîagcd Powder, White. ngCordage, Chaico, Anchorii (ricti Stoee, 1eanler Hatc, Silli Crastute, &C, &. THOMSON & CANNON, ('. A. & Coin. Merchat Onitirie St., 29th N;tv.. 1842.1 OUR MESS. JUST receivcd, Nose. 1 atid 2. "Tom J-Burke of Ours," lîy Harry Lorr-equer. RAMSAY, ARMOUR & Co. Kingston, Jan. 25, 1843, WSIMPSO~N begs rmot respectfulljr W.te cali the attention of theo inîtibit- ants of the city of Kingston, to a cboice s-i lect son of Laguara, Plantation, and real Mo'-« chu Coffee, whieh wzeh dthe addition ofanew patenît Coffee Rcester, bce in eeabled to offer frecln Roavýtcd CofFee every dey. Kingston, Nov 22, 1842. JVbST PUBLISHE>), AND roi SàAL, r.? Aun a-eminîe acrtmm'/Of ONTARIOSTREET- (;m f% âÊ A BLE FCOMPCtiATaeuusÇ, CoNVRt- Arcrci LIIC STELING, (r Ctockcry, " GLASSWARE, k>. c1t-, k-. CUtiaotr'V ITO STE'rnc, calculatemi accorda mat ( Aâ ÀD 810M, Provincial Parîiuznent, 4 k 5 VicI, cdmp. A rutvas-liy cf ehlerea i. 93 -248 4d1 Cu recneye2aSter/iàg.-13y A 1a 8 , Me. Trcasury Clori, H. Lambert Buylcy. 200 PAIRS .CF INDIA RUIBERS, Kingston, Aug. 26ti, 1842. .tieWs, iF;neiUi'5 1&W0<CàitlttOi's. NOTICE. The a/ore Good6ar/in muny >' elbihave fNHOMAS A. 1HAINES. Jr. bavicg dispos» heen purchnuod ut. the loteot rate$ iti ailI ho .1 d of tailion/nesi, andl be/cg desirous f cOLe CeAn. coleitng Lia cutahaninug etic ltl ho.. p-riei A. 'IriIBODO. wvI tandctineetilbcter lim tor L4e lare tlrni SlcreSîree.î. PIc. 21, 1842' of Coline & Ils/ner, are notifeti, tliut al euch TII O>JSD.X 4srC.*4..oh., notes oree-ounts reman unaipsith >'le 31st ofDe r , vil it/mot ductîntion, b. SUN~kI ~HX 5 WXD piucet ini otier lutn for colection; anti al Go M M 16 kO N M ERe HAN 1S, those ercons te honnie tua>' stand in4Iitcd Net. Se.Nuuntf'a ~ nilI ho ggeod enonagb le sent in teir accotauts, in order tht a seulemnta na>' be eftbeed Ad ONtTARIO Tt RICsE, KIU roNT . tireca Tlioina A. Ilaines Jr. et Dr. A. C. Rila- T11HP. untiu»nd aving ouesed te alrit. Iln' King-a~. J. enahija nltuGthe = 7.40.y &'tid Coin Ki-gton,________s taichout BMuuaestider lic aboes insn, tyle, CORD WOOD>. aid Inn,, in ffring tineisu servicestetirT W HUNDRED Corde of Dry rire Wood frlimdm andthei.Public-, bug te acqoa7ilt tiai frSlo pyt gittk Lam De ow rend>' te trassiot bas/resn in Wid. WILSON. theéve"nneahsnM i l njbeu trm. Khrq«ou3àDec.. 19a2 Canaiguanet etnveted tlat/tes w/Il nee. VI" anvry poasatie cpa*ntw r dk-pml. JUST -RE CRI VED. JM. -CANNON. CREApm1T 0F ALL <IBEAp Kingstoni, Oct. 184/t ueE>R. Aiea ~ -M. tousces iu tîed the autscriltrs go. FINtér er lwM.Bm*&it4 canae, and oîie.s liv ula] do aaeI te ald te R1AMSAY, ARMORR le MINUS'ruN HERA.a)-Tt~EsltAY, Mn 9, I84~ NEW JUST recetrei b>'the anhscuihe, a ii /l hae ai Id Iow fsc cia/a, a geerua oetnent cf IRO.NtINQERY. cuTll£RX4fit,,é <'rpiipEngîia, Scatodes, Euaaan. autn Ttnree ivuera B l eu% osBani js a eti Iita. round antisqaqere lied Iris, b"opaid bmmd Iratn taeSIteet Cepper, Bi x, inc lm&d 1 toa, litho anti fisi lituitlea, S-iucepu, wpknc, BeIllieti Pots. ar-I Ilaot 'CVitee . n s;ý grave] and grati 8bosn, cui teiel Obties »i SItech', ceumnten paclrs e-tiîeladnilscythe Stones. etanore itud ht Fori.eIa, eltrace taitd other Chaine, SLItiel ltinl,.l.nn tanti Vites, Pire Irons-, DZi ronl-ets, litaeCut N-";!- Ofa aPrccc luntltt-. în rp. cLasp: c lcout U. ~ tB'-. litruee.i-,cni eet lîtaleill Ilanau, Haret- Teeth, tîterue Sut-eF, Castae 'CVaiggcn Bae.,&- - 'UInES15, C(iR] ENTEse.r.r ND('tore-te.' 'TooLs tn gre-it Var;ety. Engînti mnd AmtneciotAu gers, Loctihls, teit b titit<, Sli) e coe. Gu, t; Fide3. Smtetiaut Waeding. Cabinet liakent'au Mill Satan, rtiaCd anti Iaif ricune, Postier, bllasI ini/ andti cçititig, Sîiet <nial n;ae--, lteae-ict ant t her Lu:ps. I-idîttg lUnes, Ilalter anti Tram Rape, DeilCrîrd andI lianubro L.teu. (floti.fore') tale Kitto, tri l'rks, latehore'. chuho al.ers', istititrs' .Jack atPa u 'cKrievai Seinsors, Razocu, llritatia cnttal Tes -rocs, Dritueunia, Iilattd aitdiGc.nlee-.ii Sven. Toe. D#à- sea-t, aetiTable Spoo.-. librua andi Jlparted Candlentie-ks, Crieti1ing a/tme,&c. &-r. PAINTS AND àPAINT *TUF M. 1/e-.; Chite Lt-ai, cIe-catîi n cils.liesi SRed Lea itltite, Vetie-tiaiti ], iipa.ui ieon. bloc, lyrceou, rcllow, grnttud ini. YD~en- Ocfe, Lamnjnblac'k,raw antilpil Iini-eetl 0'i,'Tuc- jetne, tnelnrmîl anti at-t tuiole Tac, ItituIti Put. zy, Ceapperas, Wniu/il.w C ltof ell olLen, Plat anti ter Ilrîisne, e-untcValiait permit,. An asomtnt cf bn-s tascic] anode-n (7l.oCKs, eight day and 2.1 heure. STOVES of aIl lescriptioce. Stoave PIpes. A lar ge aissortunOit of htiabi"u J ipanueot anti block TI S WARE kept one bUd, or mille te onder at short miotte".- JAMES POWETLL. Store St., K inga <eut, Ju ne 22, 1812. - NEW AND SPLEN DiD CAIBINIET FURNITUIE, *q5 Chte-p <ns tl ite apest, otîi e-ac good as thse brai. îlPIE Stabsciiben liegeloins tohinfomathe pulu- -I ie goncenilly,thathle ban nenivedti u iar- niiOns IVure Rotinte bisnenovbuilding, ecnît>' ereciei in Montreat Strt, i, line! tourlrn tire corner of Store Street, andh ithoMn. TMAleuo9n Groerr>'Store- -aicro w/Il einouys ne foun a ae- netsi nsaortment cf READY MADE FURNI- TUIlE, cf (hoelient quuliilandti st pattecU, anti lri-ces to sait intrndiig punthaucra. Persaositisi- mut et pue-chmiinq are reeps.cIou:y icaiteti la inke Inning fer saeand te octier, tic>' cau apeotil>' li supplieti vitb un>' article tbe>' uni>' equica. T. O. DUTIR. Kitngston, Jan. 1841. WàAqTzi-A Varnisier anti Pelinier. T. 0. B. cuIRE Fou WOR!tKS. B. X A.AiENtETOCK<S VERMIFUGE. PIiEPAltEti ui B. A. Fakitnstock 4- Co. Fiiuhuirgh, Pa,. T IIS prparaionhim niv stooltile teuttrof cozomendeti as a cafe antI ef/ectual ntoiicine for ctpelling Worms frein the cystemn. 'rla< ..s. atpeid auccess that lias ittl;ndcd jtpo..<&sOi1a' tirmnin every race wlîere the ..ioclt was really alijictc.i wtii werlna rerinfltY renders it wethY thte ttention of I.ipAaln. The proprtortas tende i etiniît tO l$er- tain terescît tof ils lase ut iticl casea s an me witlan in le kuwldage andi ciacervatior ;ad lic întvacrjtlv ç0..'d t te iroduce the tmont sauitary effeeta, inet untoaqnentIy after nearly al %he or- ëoue, preparationue reconinendeti for accine bad been Pl i- tssly rs-saied teswitboot --UV -pertu. cent advantâe. This fatl la teted ýF4ha car- tificatea andi stalteentsocf lindreda s eapocta. b/e priona in differecît parti of that.eoiiry . anti choulti induce famiîlies alayn to keep a via] ofthe preparation in tbeir L aenac 1ic inilti in ic eopperation, and mtoy bc satlinisitecodvili perfect sal to tehe mctet délicate infrant. The genuine Vermifuge ila 00W put a10i osue ouncre viais, uith tUneaimptrenailen npont&mie, -,PAIINESTOCKI$ VERMI FUOE,"aallÎt1e directionsaccoancyiuig ecdiiai have tiec ig- nature of the preprîter * any tndic*ne pet opib plainonce vdaa, ant i he ignanre cfwlth doee nt correspond w ith the above descripttion, is nett My Genouille Vermtifuge. fssubscrber deeicsit bis duty te ugeOthe above IpreC.,titiCin border 10 guard tepublie ugitîtta<king thier wirmn preparatiorta fir li. deserredly POpoi lar Vermifuge. Thîe alinve meeicine can be hall at %%u holei of Mer. C. C. Bristol No. '207 maîin bt., Buffalo N. Y., or in New Yo'îrk city of tilesers. Loadlev, Plîipu & Co No. 142 waater Pl. B. A. Fuît ucotocl & Co. For cale io Kingsten liy Charle cHaî1i,ýNobIe Palmner, andi J. %CV. Dcccl, Etqrs. CAUTION. The pubîlie arec cnutncd agairît na puricons Ar- ticclaelput fortlîhv ailwocthleni conteïfeit in New oicity, ahic ais repreaenteti to4e (lie 0saeiana Fabuestock'o." This article il; eetirely worthLm ba aving noue of Ie irulea of carex- cellent reosedy, thie ualy secority bto qpablic iw tub liuery particular tu enqtite for B. A. Pahcaru etn's Vermtcg.and avoid aIl preparatiena av ing sii,'ilar names. MAGIIETrirc (DN THE TEETH! TH1E TFE TH!I TTE B .COMPt4Ac<nLÊ TOOIM I'IECAllTrlO't. T IE fart ic; prîîved, anti the moet lncirdutus andi dnubting tro fully cnincee< of is greet utîliiy, as re tiave the evidenre fMM the Sale of about 25,01*1 boxes of the Odonti4 itil- /n the pat year. Tti c ancertuiti e roSxperi- ence, tVa hnise et, the teeth vnol neter de- cuy, but remain tilt the latect cge of mat& ivith their natural noar ; andti more-bin thîonîs3 c essec,ncervons tootbucie, (thàt cimax n pain) las st once licen cflectonily ruceti by t ot @ion, where, or wa n tieshie Youung ladYOrent& nma%, aye, he indivudual that value, a aaaifoli set of teeti, Sound guec, andl a cree bseesth~ monre llan'tif1y cents, that trîlIlie longer deei- lte cfa box cf Dr. M. llitclicock'd 2ma.uatIc Odoctica. Wf Soliby Ch.rîcepHath, PrioSeesnto. Kingston. 1lAIR ! H aALileis-iiercnràrT OIStOVEREY-TRO "£.».T I MSTEESY FriileIeT AT LAST. _ R.STERRY'S flAIR IIEGENÉ&A'N)R. LF Dr. Stcrty, aBter mugIt attention te Lbiu. rortant aubjeet cf proeervdn theb. a/r ater teaa cy experinnets cleoaficat s phyuic*lbeco 1c1e te dincover an article vihicl isi5 ow offfried vîtn the, treatest confidence fer' the tdoe, as the bout tbiutg enter diacotereti, fur its icfteaning anti pe5q trating qtmlt]ty.teproue a poil gond a[,1oflait--. tentettit f1m aiqu Ci!ngof nhen beld t apjaehended- ato rec it abea lidesb taken pace, anti le preent it frein lurnng~y "Iti moriee noturisii than poinuhiu, a#Ïionn ailto Càl ne noater. IL is s heautifutl 104r fe ladies' cerls-it makes tIti. lai' "ILUL*. Ir, anti preduea uacoaumon èilhiaocy. «#ho aeta.eted ic ,e/lwr intocs ani tacZ. lane, ant i ta very uaatime lt etando uiruetleti IL is ait infaIhible tcu nIe li utfectioeth ae akin on thse head-.-us daneruff, &c-, &c. eai faisil>'aheald el oupplieti w/Un a hoothi4 od, tht b>' its application ta the h.id itd "r of chiltirea, the beautil Pl andi ornaumoîaW es dage of à km e ad of mr,.adn/ch cm* b las sopplied us rsay ho preierv ci. e WLy FoeriSale 1er Ciarless Sentis, lPriersi St., KingntSi 1 NO TIC E. R. H. & T. -R AE ]Bruttu acquant ttour t 'estoiars nî.d î IL DIdrctile cotainucitat generati>. t/atnc*- w/htr.inothe luies of t/te greater part tif ttîeir S$pring (1ço lc hi t *ock noîll lie fi.uei.iaticgen- iý Waind as atol unartettias atîe iv fier C .tp a"je Blle.oin lhe Trile, aenti a afret b sopp> -la inoaabout lieintz <otuedtiThoy roetiotthe car- brattennion of inteniiof gpucetaers, bliîngcttn- Bet, ftot thlatac/litton cfforded thîeîîî-in Lthe -berne ulaaketc, ttînt tht-y c'an d.cjuo.cr f the.i 'Guootiîn zasrcaetrncate antidtaîîî.iei,tus tenme aiany l pos-ec îtei cuti. Ameun ,,t thie giods i. rtý esittteciia l Le feutnd thc folIivta eg BIUOAD CLOTIMS, (ail co;lte . pl.c n ccd fate-y t'acsmtîereo. fanna Tweedsn andi Camebrone. Bbotclied Cotîton and Linoti l Ic i ý- tt-i l uimt n :,Cotton aal Woreted Plie, platbinad prittiet NluleâLizt44 plain andl fi2ured Orl.amc, placin &_lirnteJSas- ouites andtIefLtlattîes. D.tzîii<ltsuatdl tureena Coe-ard rli-d .lntiits ; red. am iintt, anti greeni Ftaneo.Uclicd ztl'Pece al lîry,'tiet-rlet, lac-k Veieeeiu, jiana andti Le.a eclicias; Stîiries, Chucksi, ant i [erriee,('oite nant inoniei Tii'kc, lInotte tlldnd, Itusaa )oe-, Linon Baggiîig, Pritii grev amýi ithte Coitins, (lîern ban:) I r:nît 'tt , Crap- tutti DerLai,', Ilandliereii- i inEb'ii ',lzc nIlianmeso. Sut1 humre-,s Gingiam ])russesa, Earltton Giîigtuint 1MulE, Jrccoi-, IBouok and lCrorss arre ti i-lciit- Pinted jýrcoreti Dresseeta, Siik Iunt Cottoni D< 1r~ 'i1 uor Stripoe. (Ilr Lîndicas' Drueses ;) Vetroina SetrgeFurititere rtînîh, îrnitteil Qutît,- iiga, chutalti-, lted l Oni.îc, Faîity Cliuanil a an lihte Plinte, ninprcacni CanviF, C.thtotil accn, WCaiidiru.Utrg. blac-k atîdictlocdtiLii Tîtrcati,Cetee i Blho antiSpulso, ie, /tsen, Bonttouns. Tapte« Ct ut Cod.ling m lltte uand ilacl Lace GI -ru, IIlbit-, w lî'o, C.. k Icitl iereti doe., spît: tin-- c oi1lcr 1<. ýcr', Ctuetn& Kid Glot et. a lt a'Itcntntîttf CO>TTON If).ÇEfY, Glaoel Thraetaer:, Lirc.stoc] Eigingu.piain & timuredCriGou tIe Naples trelu'CC; oBlaul:, Pertuclie and l'liilz St u.tianItblaci admlit o Sai s- aett, plain and e-mrtl ,tCOQîI Per.4in, Sil 'ý- f(izie liandierrliihs ai] Veila, L'ire Vltn-r.., ,t. tun elle. lon nISt ,I:tý k l L iil. aither (t :t waiii a aritey oft t un ar.ttls. Grixeritis. Liquos. &c. 10 tir. cahks dl. do. 1.3 do. ci 11utrt, 1 lîlîid. Sopeitr Prt. t qr. e-at.k Sat ct alaea, 15 boxes Ta aichte.y 10 vonoail.t, 2h0 bt-s ltlug Tobtirco, 10 boxes Cavendisih, t 10 Nathil, 0 Cut eie/act 80 I<ttrpc-ni se ,, '10 W"Chinte i'oemtic, STiercea Gice, 10 boesiPlipes, 10 bagne Pë-îeior, 10 bioxe ra gutd dci. 9 -AJl-ce, 30 Bladlrm etîcli Sii/' 5 botes St tnth. 5 caesc.Liai Sai. 1 1.11a. dt lut. Mle-rch-,nttiet, i i- gý Ii lccîn-ie.<ulI do tecil le Crail nc oeamnie tlli et-, asItltle Snbscriber. fée i iiifi leiii, t1intthiv c eati e.e', ru. tisfaction, bolli au 10 terni-a, pri-r, atîti tjal tht. R. IL. &Tr. lt/E INECv AUCTION & COMlMISSIoN WVAIE. T ir ESalecnt tocr -eje- cfîtilin cîfumnninohi .Efrons andtel le Ipublic-, tat. Le liai Cimi- moencotithe Auiirtrmaand lCiiCo abusinuens ai btis elti ahandi in Store: Steet, an lire lie w/Il lie ready uit aIl tiieuha e ceive censignriectc. 1'coi lhie long readenco buin ingstoc, anti goieral know. ledt igo th le Counitry, hie e-oîîidcetiy trusts L wlie a lie enatle le t ransiatbuniness hte catidfactîion cf al parties rencerneti. Atiditional Stoage bas beaCu engageet Lte Redi Store belon g leg te UVCe. Garcnttt, Ectî.î (Il- eectly in re oucf l11en6r. Fergucon & AlcGuihbic'R Forwa-tinig estabilishment. WVtt. 'IIIRKELL, A.& C. M. Kingston, May, 1842. TO-MORROW WIJLI DE ItSSUEI) TO SUBSCRIBERS. Mo~. 1, ThAbiUlotgfurd Eddîi'cn ef slR WAILTER aSCOTT'S NOV LLS. This atort anill Ltcontinuetiloncesa firtttigt lacreafter. The prie-e o ig.. perc Nuter, e-teh nnalier is illustraied itiiîIll htilail alsyle cf theo art, anti, altogethen, it e a ,vonha titupentor toe ay. -Lhing wbie-h lasfor oaaiy vears pant ispueti freint theo Pro". lii te rottonat of 100 lu 1061 Nuri. bere-tlicre taill buhuci n heihlu 111 Steel En.- L avncgg. by the nEat eîîîincîît Artibals, anti 2(W.0 autiful Woodl Cote. -ieme conception cf thîe esuertin of 1 lie Brtishlu ihicàl.r@ Lii tredoce ibis Edîtuon un a fonrai wrtliy of the Great Non'- chast, Lony b. e ene fin mthîe fart, tlnat theo larseuocf £210,100.)stlng ha Leaen apprit- pniatet fur bthe illuntrationîs alune. WILL AitiSO BE lanUEn NO. 3, OF TUtE tEOPt.E'S ZulIe-lr. AR/JOUR & RA/SISAY. Moned. A. IL. ARMOUR & Co,,Hetmilon. RAMSAY, AILM-)UR & Co., Elagin. Copies inay also hoe cita/nec front the oow. IinU gents : tiecrit. T. CAiar & Ce. Quebe; Il. Sýccnîc. Troronto; A. G AT-a, Bytcane; G. KERR & Co. Perthi; A. Dtvttso.-i, Niagara; T. Cuia, Lent dont. Charles' Wiflnîr's AMERICAN NEWS LETTER AND EUROPEAN IN'rELLlGC»NCEr6, Eslorgcd /lute citent f Tn oddetnmel Col- T IF ubore Nearpaâper, 110W eniangoîl Ton atliti.nal Coluni. ihnoa etabliheti hn iuly, 1842, la egularly pîuiilied ut Liver Pool expily for tranmce/aion by ene, itesie Ship mailintg frein any portiLni Britaiii Ce any peut .49 -b Ial- faa.»dti ita ls.dine k5ssaim t, g/ne,am a*nttce.an ecceutit cf oeryimportant jveit that aus occurre i n CGreat flitain, Europe. or Ad/a0 10 the interrat ibetween thc mailinag cf cscb Steain Slip, whehter in pelutica, or coin. uece-a correct anti comprehienivo Shippicg Lut, in vI/enwtllie oud a faitbful reecal cf the arrivai and departirea ,fArnerican vassel t amd fronaIl the Biritush, Euiaepean, atusi Aaatic ports-.togel.Ler witb notices of sodclcanaltici ords tell'as may fmeintuineIntnime nccr-a =aop"etePicem Cutieot, in which tegeaufset car* ih taken La gir. hUe isalreportsof the ver- ioo, tissrptions of Arnarian protiance, frein the Met IUnquetio»blahe soure-thu. combla/cg, iu euts heet, a l4ewspaper, a Sbipping LaiaI, andi a Pre»s Curreat. T/te Annual Ouabcription to CBIACLES WI.z.- ai', AXEtcRIC N XwS LETERrigis129. (6d. Sterling. Ordera andi Saaecription wili lh. re- ceived i St ny of Mesure. Pomrnoes & Co.'a P.EoS OroîCES /nie Urrtin STATEs anti CÂseÀua, anti in Dortn i Mesure. Reddîng & Co,, Newsa Agent; llalîfax; Mr. Detcher. Sta- thoner; Montrent, -Me. %Vin. Greig, Boteeller; St. Joow êN.BMr. G. P. Poety, Jtiening Ne.. OffC. .i ebec, Mr. Charle P. Ford, bicuntinsraet; St. io!eNi' enofoondland, Mir. M4'Crewy. l'AmesOffce .<te they me>'lho meut direceel tIo the Pailiir, otidr&enei alo- ii un/ elmb.treet, Laver e.w ILLNKS P-0 a AL. 9 FMS Mdti EMOIALS Law o usat et g) àbrqeiloiand ethmr B L A hk RS, i , i et cariaI>' foi mseeai ibc 11,14wtoece. NEW GOOIbs. D. leVealh Merdmani Tailor. '"T(LI)D esOpectimlît-cal!te attention oi Y? tic pubI tola s saperior assorimneot of IVinter Sitff, rneiti.' a une. BlIack, Ilac o 0Iîe. tGreent and (Gray DDsnontelBeuvr@raPi. Iota. ]intitt('1t/bof ail Icelnuc, Iaruimoree, -Dec ukînc, 1J'wctit. Kercete., Buekcine. Ai.sntaA irge e. rotet fVetuîtg. Figiacet anti Plain, Macintoet- aIt ttt. tuatie n e tder; andt a greit naniehi' cf (teditittte (, a/y. C.l.nMut/Ion0, l)ea-nena, Stek, c ie ~ tril1 tell rheap Itte- mc. T IE Sulà,ccribtr Las just ne-'e.-e irul ,iC .îie founide-j, a tee-y large asuituruu ttfStoes o efalai -,eei:ï.ien îg cf Cookiîîg, Parlotir, hall andi of te latest inlro, cd pateni C. le.hie-h ta il lc slda-ert- luwsafor (tasli. Bief t-e lit.itt eliswleret, 1île-anu e 1a1at t'e elalu-iiI Stotu stanid unexctamine tic asortent-taind JIAMES POWEI.L. iritweus, for7nerly Stol e Str-ecî, Kinrgston, 0e-i. 18, 1,1>42. NOTICE. T IIE Smtbacriltc<nsanieicoi ne- ect.ilîeuice».r (al uu1t1tl ocfDry (o imadue duily expee-tiieg ucx LntîL î iverla-t pool, -lie rcmintder n tlhi- ata .- 1, in ilvl be diajuoae-d olen thec ctual le-ms,, andI en i ra ces eoisidcrubly vviter fiati t/îîeet lcutiseza LONDONWREOS Ct-t crs, -JpihttCUC t i- V*ncittt? 000Ds. Ceta nti titI v t i nt .V -mi- i e1e nîu Stîor.1% ,e M ccl- r le-l laitn-c mm.r t. m a C - 'Il . t r Li' O ) 'l'ln- o. i I )I!' RH. & -T. lAE. tttl.titive -; Kieigston, 24li î 0e-icer, 142. Ir. '..ni t-. ,; - FOLR SALE!tîttîli tt;-7t 20,000 Cistiig2 J, 2.i '; in fin,<~tl- 1tInch Ilot ariso icaa îlît it -ittiin, 11'w , EÀX i r .1ILo Iîi lelt 1 1 I CatIt. -'. L cmmiercial '1/,ii tetlt 'i Se--.x N _)TICE is>. -ri lin int iit te In i 'hnit, tfIi; - toii(l thcoe ltf I~ lusseiL appl tl%,I.c Ptovn actail M (t t-Ccc i a eti~ i chu, ncrt Se-cront. for an Acrt tttt Io no4 i te: e -, -- of K;ngetnidatlitt iiieorîsneit au a ('t'Y. sC'n it - I~iicl K-htlgttoi, 2rd iaîuaryvI. l./M.î1 ~ -'l -EMiGiè nATION FOR îltý-t-. A k: I ioNIt cl. Tr fl': nderenicu-td i a ci if Unie-n tutp;t- l'rn'rr c n~i lc >ticîtrit .ieutges ho httdtroua tie pt.rte 1 1 te, ce - '111Jla houI, Dulintu, I 'rk, Ihlfîuotatdt1L.îocn f- fI-tlilllî<1.r1e l i'hirn lit e.),iclal aint0eat <rîît n-tca Liteil winiS-e J>;5 - - utnnd cuti r i ftc or ttfil e tiLOe, ts ra-,It troc] i , tatd i,:ù Y-trii - flir cn- tV teahtr Act. ActteJ it(iL It- rî-o,. <e RiN e(t Iliouta , ebe-,.icu fmIl.. l-ef paijuict wn --- Ndi 1hI. M1 onter-.% a Si-O te-giti Iit I/ut' e. e-vitt-le atto îtee-laeslie votl n i l ireque1 'I nn r 1fut lii et-eti' '-t t To 5 QL>iEil'. ltle fias ei tt ncon. ' Ccwue finet eîIl titos Je. Coanc, tnt t Fronts 11 J :1n nti;Iin ito :1 // - Ada/te. r1 . ...... . .o tunile 14 c-r 1, i ir7 rGfi 1 1 tjfi M.Ihthlntitni Fe-ot (icik & 1.ietial- e- -a n-î l-l-. tjl:hir 14 toe. Il/h Lt; I4l D R.0/ t . 't' ucetnh(eto te,il -. zfeunt i)iiifi rttaatr, tue- iantI Ire-sd..ett:iliii tur - ne i nO :1- î: " 1 i tet-cý',ýe, <tolue-on <lîcl >th etItiutN~ e t o l<itn J Iv,'i Atc,ftfclu sud stxth Vicorr hap. /7- l',,rt. - >;-n;cc1 gt-n,,,hi..: t ai atdtliaieuno ycfie-ver denuriî en 1 c c iittchndeutli t Waibose rates.I - N. B. The rh/cf regulatc<tte in ii/e fia at D% O [I iarc, filat lterealliait be c ly titrcer utîmat îuaeoi f.' FI tt R vens /toc>' rfine Lotie rogiter. n't i/one peoind tO A T E SII of 1rndu.elsf, or of celler fit-td eqoulouîct hure'.I) IIlcl NfTlItiIt em n <ct!l te eliaiîlibe du-ait eut taecani duht pItunenger lier . tt1i1n.tie n-1- e c day. A grent encbtenrle cf accommodtaicnin the Ger ful-iilot AITE[ItI& ;t1t lucîglit viffiLle doa'kî, borithr &, in pe-ot o/cl for, ni:rn N.ehtNri Intente, & r.,iolunl- rn ne veil ansate-ict regulattoni, far apcertining otuthl tu ui eoiuent. i ccîîing t eeueiinovs terlt/e va eole cii. IAl lu-blu duo tInot te cl finitit il, tr lovoîl.Theie noele inici hie-h tee aillci g mgeanil l bnc<lIo M/It .'îl.IE) CAhRTER ler t/te conteyanre of pacccutge-tintiî ý ho tte 'i, tecetyte ti;eritl tu rt ûniiplicVcd fur t1Itat p p e-1îoe itM r. tIl. BYe-tO, in,, am tndi iv ' ,inlote ti tdIîî.< cia nI ch L.inerpool. I).-IB. I linran wIlbu cîliccli. Qnchler, 14!h Net'., le1-2. A'nIIlEI)CAUETP TO SETTLELS IANI) 'îTM E.Lt, wtSt l fltS. I. LENI ING 'O SEND ii tI;'To I egti, I/Mr-u,14. TI IEIR I-'ItflNi)S.t4~o.hen-i rI I i jECANAI/A C)il1/Nhlmnnes otf- N TICE ;~i. feitt-lc ti,.%!il -Lfore-d ery Ciiferth Sot e-l . cl L alle i t I'fîcet, ln - farnit> fue-liorua iutt îes îuxt Ses.tion, l'y île 1< .Ra menjt into Iis Ct'nry, an il 11REMITf ay t tTe-aile, for a ti, tl ii t lc.lnt Cve- ti àloreicý', ne miat ter hie st-oitIýiifil tio înîe na e.aav b il;. i, j Lo ri uî ty ît oFuKgianti, i reisiiti, Se-t-t le.i, cer Eue- i ecu.ettraIlaiteti-cltn-Ie Topue. K c tgtuccu tli-th Frete-mict Sreet, 'onni4zir, tINov.ce-.112. b WOR'CIS 'COC j CS T_ RE C El 'ii D-[t. AM. II 'lCîil 5 -S'Str " Ic FcotuNEU la ccx, D esuîlle-ti VetîTua, ea suorcoinr 100P E s OUi 100.1 IAPileR, fer Nit .erun.This inaluable tiacnv ha oi ri-ENIe TO.aTERNSu.Iloui b>' the oxperience cfnuire itten tnnîi lflich w-tbcIi allcheap for Cabi r, by e, anal administeredti Lioncre ittu>t.0 WrALTER SALES, sno varionas agel, andtît nt,ii i ach Quny re'f'uet. plait, îr tii ce onue cf the thîoanils st tuaI N. Bt-Itunms pperedta lin ernth anLe shrt- noere- tlhan bt-en tiertiagtcc.tblr io the eti notice. directionstins it eter faileul. Kingston 5Mav 23, 1S42. N. R. Aok for Dr. M. Htmo/uree- ol'tn ]LOTION, LOITION. anstereare matiitootnaunsabroînfr l DE. ctAynW flEAUTIMNLTlrtis .or I- olinsotf oruuic. IGIILY 'eitu-cine f.e- euriîg all Eruptiitsnn 1-7it i I-y t2btrle, liaI/.tt.n' H ~ aCuaasenegc, ReIneno, atei limipies on the, iigîn Face, NerIt er Hante, anti cffectuaîiy cleanicg Lino compexioad nemovîng ait diseuses of tice tTlHOMlAS A. IIAlNFtESc -m N.tbing cocetributetsoe utin ta our gececal acîîer omiuICiIî 'ures n ife,la@a un ongaging flret appearance. toRltElt ai N'nAttîtt & et-i-K atm.tht This Lotion le adeaire an a a mont Iragrant,-nild, AND> sale vagi, andti flat>'esteemed lfur ils vrtues Nu-hcs ooe t5,ktlCi n cleaceing,saoftening. anti porifyicg the st/a of eKINGE T N'-t aIl oruptîecs.sa no junîoo ta feoule beau/y, and 1 eat 1 ici iltu e bgadegeec tpweit>' 0MI~ 1E i l~.1? Abeautifi-nlanti Ienîtinfilalomple/nh to T ESobalcriher litsur sfmennat b<ttî pr/deocf ail who pes ionl, anal the enT' ftl seanIe Waretvvi, in eBe-tck -kîrcrt litore cdeprivedof tt. 50 pro. blhenc Cunvan, ,s. t1Loi I A gooel uppesuranc.e in tino beat reomein nda- male, tien ; anti as the Beautiifing Lotion purifiesfille 20 do de Ns.u- d ehic, anti recanves allIl limpies, Blotcinef. Tan, - 50 do doe -~. 1, dit Suniaurn, anti Retinecît, anti prauie a lîeauti. 50130 de do cn. 4 & 5,li ful bue, iLt inoeociy conti a lady>'abouli usi 30 do doûcil, 6 &7, it ut lier toflet. ; Aloa assorenet cfr sttr <'anti Gentlemen twill alto findti t a dtriiglitfuî ce- ]Linans. sîti a very supe-ierouniclefOf il' ined>'ta ermitne ail Remiglaneal'tinpie, Ring- 1 Bunt'nga.-e-carlet, Litre ant ie -. 1 oa, phe eomSeoe.c î aeaai no/titis for lPendants. tnnte,& ev> tkint cf eriptboon file curfureef The ehove qoot, non/I lie isua/J thcip lai tie hiuamaibody>. lt/in pînticeaarîy recomincuti or approvet tNtes ni 90 duo,, ai ( gnennil ala he i aLer nlavig, as it - Wm. VL -si/i prvent thec othertiie certain egfit of ail Warcioute, Benrk-Sieeobu conmmcoa oap in ttnning tito hourd prematarey 2d March, 1$43. gior Salai>' Chacles Hecah, Prineea Street, Kingaton.n J 3 tiW PUBLIC AMNOUNOEMÈNT. PUBLISHED EVERY TV" T HUMAS A. HAINES, Junior,, iks I bi mriethisl cf se iowledgmseg peiLfavoes. se- 1 UT fNireu Au»iît ce/tati fa-os 'f*nà ds athtepublici, andiegu At lis e&e, in Store dIrect, ceal>' cPxei te arusnttmf lleh hm ptie he main"lssd HuNise Hotel, inç<chun, pumm e hluFatier. wbo htObt casirieg onit ere ait ouais ailI . bc akftl rrrl sîh-ebmkw, n foamii .Acticnaeering Buminess. 1 0umtaynaiîto. T. A. Il. Jr.-as letiea ho noniuieue lis falli. ce Io Che favorable nutatof le ftha mercuntie tisi- opmsg pyabl*e in adaatce , crtI ce inuoiiy, front a rconviction Itiat fret i ail lngex- steiliap ujC ix pence if sent b>' Su1 peretnrein lbusiines.ltno/l guva atuisfactitn: t .AuYaa .eeoDig Te"eale fer lis mores particsaltzîy, lie rouit solicit plitrnaie-for iminnt à"* ea, hu a ceive ceegat lb/in, as Lei reends, ccaaijtcting bis ii aees for lin îîh piopesi fnria<,enter fanmir. cash cîi,. b.ieg paa-aaded Utâuti ethepresit Ne panilva tielionti lara, ciwis o fainrfaitsia aba th eLe safus utioi; -euet to.eita fbPbbi anti b. i ta/l ereli>'bho ciabteti leanu.k-e prompt iA IlConuniatts ta elie addere-ed (Me ettetonil. 1 ta fle Fditer. K-u0.i, ie1, fil *~A yen ih, but avIli ntchntî hj CO SOKSCO.M EYTACT Toreisne ether htrebai. ii0lu$Nitiîetebat-e xcati tiC oquali hia. aur tc et Ceasaeta'a, yau n-l findi h $a 11 otlice. It doms net requare puflllc/. CELETAL BALM LhA Apositive cmr for thte piles, mcd nIl ubphi--SI intrnial irritations braughti o tite ~7fialiti thtiobiDaim ;-no in cougin, "Me â«4 4hmu fthe cchela, thia Balai Or sons.Mm aa ajidl>' cured hiti. b;- 0* .asitusi mrecu>'meuet MlIe, and gel Cmbsehek». au h idrein or adulte tis , bd 8419 isaiswith a a pu/a>' hindbl. ,C.aeWsh* Cà., 5ev uci. tO Our agents in emelitawn asti t & i'at ns b tstOe, dwiowng ibe incat uM n thte cousnt for teme fit, se ( utb Ie, anmot Bu, __ 110M, ionId l mmo « 5ts. Me k sees-Md geaWs le£ates. uace te bu .T>?et,-J ~f*IjM ;q Wkobie, I3eeggae. qtsil'teetA'ifrr Bed", ynNzwat uIe ,ovl Nettut/ac'nfer Sale b>' N. e.' t. Gn rc a ti si C, ~~U1~SINVALIDS flegàiiesignature of* onrhie, p< <:t luatut cena t' 1<. im Ctii f aln tit, or r e : pi t i f fiailino i g 'ttt ; 't/ 1 I yg5Mff ak ee in"tecl - cf M t 4/ in-t 'Il- lwa i ut~. pentdr> li 'c WLMATIBM, und D the ic oI or *net.l'y tho,e ,,Ui = ABDXi teNra. ,. ,yr, î.;'ými .r,- ~.stit the nee ote,, tk Cý..cet ý. pveted, tr goucdif c' '-.la, ,aycuuueheic! il il &0q geceved by itt ild- a ~IBIEti acw i, aho n rii Um I>RSES fihat Ilave tîllec/pt di3sla&C., arc cured l'y Rotîn< tiLtr; cti Stdad liarsen ciîtiîtIt ycîtrd l*v IvîfeW f nuent. ark tins ail îttte. )sfeyu BIcal "pain Ex- Àctc intIeused for aIl nota or iIl >WA "id scrj Il will i e tub it i v.ln hm.oe P IL 11ture 1I.cR I.~ ~'S SPREAD PLASTERS. Wn mure cicreluîstfýanle courta ~Au obculd Wear titeinrgila; V ,gTEEPERANCI, DITTE11111h1 ltpOitile, talucin Lots r ntti -lru- iy abrdJattuighie &tsytiatti ni', Ler tut t.rtct. Nonid, al nd irrtgUlaî of i/,ccbite i1> gérerl Cba- LSPOMI4N EADACHE REMEDY we.ally cure s/iek rdiirttrft,î< orlidiou. llundrrdo if fttttd, t SLiîg iCtwc ilîg.ctl j.tte ILSPOHN'S ELIXIR OF I4EALTH, bun e cvrntion of 'Ir -Y« -wkcs keepng detc mai iestp W.,s,ebealu .ga n da dec Omnutr ý ahe, 'itho haneh-Musnc-an d IIK < 0*Ir eisai hy it. Xnow tiý by trting. ÇN.The French Plaster le na umr tnt.

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