Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 16 May 1843, p. 3

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litien mertil hé liaed noe s t he Pprut) lpMdhi nt he Arrto &Pinte té_v éd îLe prog >"euPle ce lhut. éniti w tu the $av iut git Ciii et tof gmi liCt uit thé F lie. Auay litants, attd carried lu>' lt-rd iii the -aeeetu t rut the T utuuuate vi -t Pi -ru -a v v Oy On lu- mi e lm e. né a v n te- ni ut -é t--. ti i-t il- au cm ut au ut Su O 51 lii v. "ta nu su il -n mi le -a il et 51 lit -e -h lu t-i 15, b a, hi le giN'GSTtIN-IiËERAILu ;IVL DAY, MAY 16, 1813. S Finut, that aideratîonir in wbtcb tra a caOnee povidu4 ex.a.4.ti. 1Ieed.adubit otnreîngCv a ilet ont mre tis the MO- p'8>7 lyfe bling MM mpiig Udg.s n Wbéat, Eaglieh White, pei 701r.. 1 (0 7 6 enoiit tta take e&ctual ateafer ;!a suppres * a1titwanIwhdplacer uhigrethe folleelabour in iDDSfiL Red. 7 S0 7 SIL . ,,W.W adresta, ont ail WnILD COA.X. Caadiaa. f466 loi g.arn4 ~ve notice, &ir iliearné dey, J'letr lit toa Ot biti~ The management and collecting theWild Americau.. 08e £r 0 .r e'ain terpeliei*t te nuirat. angnateari contracta ; and a j..and'rax inithia District deman4 particifiar ai ni. fi7 7 1Ijopté afamitier tfi n i inue fl irethéa2"seod tex. crns b îgJe, that la hîghly imlpiob tenton.-We Lave aattroe éhutàloe4 and thi- Odéééa. &C. 5 4; .5 10 «aiand t he, taxeacii rait, le*t and!Cogne. In«ehkey tirat many of1hein wll ty îhusa lrro inthe, D'4rirt hh ar tu lanci, EngliâbSuper. pr 2ÀlIéh. :46 t) M t) ,Lord Ellit hrwigt in a ti t taritn IIoIn, ilaU t le adapteti ta taery Penot Aiéered lteai, ugliti, pr.jlce aboie U. 8, iýwtt. per1961be. *M Il 27 fi teondSe morecrffetîtrite atiriac ité n. trtbty £i'JI er cinit. Datto, s41. - fi4 625 4: ,Intétnn ni le"fai..t<~npw.i viculetakittg of tim îature and i e- L,_lt -4r fit h c' riiouenit rece.ed ,,i.< Canadia,. ()it O23 e; iand. Na ,ttt,'t;iminî .îoei *ppai,. ;-i se . .on oght tu baae Collta autnfot4tw£F19 5.j. .Indieni Corn, per 4,ttnés. 26ii0t62J i;ifii rjatt teeîla, te bill waé riait, tian r<.red w ishabitants. in order ta sSettain Yihîgbut alce rDrect mo-de oa"Ceain. DtyonForeign Whbéat ta week. 204. tir; ïbaie itsoo edn u h My. De thé insCliCbelote învoclving ing the actuel quantity of unoccîxpi.. iand by uur 2i. b.! . ar i. J. Ittmslil ired ofthtle Setary foi ,bi, uay deit.Thé powver vnt- annual Assentimnt, , ait ~ levr rngti nttr Dtte WhettBritisol uonieés 5. tr.; MLot, thas tolniea whetber it watt bisi ntr'ti.I te c-rtion of wanangng thé erdînarY clearly belote you. .The remédv i i .uup nd Fti leu t. .Y.( 0k k- dflbing fonnaêrd hi@ Ibilrelative tri fie exportation Ojn ai tbeir diérretion, ahauld panof lyb ann iltélna1 ec é~ .~. ~ ~ , tfluor firenCanada ta Chia countrry:. rnd aise to endow tita iti wthplanary Tuwnsamp tuaLhéplacri rupou the As.'rnmeut Quite unexpmmftdly taur ewcutétowhther a recent cet of the Jatanîca legislature dia f tbigextraordîflary nature. Rolliain nucocrical ardécr. and hânde'I tu thé Who lad cetiiedtu t es at acigbt et bité ranai by whiebdlties vere -n,,osed on e-tieê. tie , en atnéersiy rnonda Anseoors, oWho wîU aaestthe Townsahips by hour t ia residence on ktaten Island, hieaatpodireof thia cou try in tucr in-tancest. tthe 0nitléTOOl céeciai a'r- Conceaioo. markiig aa usanat té nceid-and awakéd about midueht by agun froseathe Great îono4préx-hdr i-dtécn; ciC, estae, have cauaeéOfcriamPlaint aocséed propcrty, aind notlting against the vil.! WeternwhierhLadl raome tuu nebrirat tLs quar- Dition o f gurerament. whIolt duty lhe tbougit il l.Copoati ta respect fte new ~lland, whéthîur iO héprivate properto-0 or Crosn, atn eu.,hvn aebrpassage frein wuStriprevént auch a Lili francotiruing ri ILé. bas, howv r a at rta SitLéôî.tor Clérgy and,-wvfn 'li rateable Lràpo 1ritEDA S 'TilIR- o cun. jI tht e leftia ta ltep a watch.. lande wiI ehte ninandtireéamoortnt idue TEENIOR h bf.Atet paaaags çer ILlord SIl-ytaeiaté iodgéloti iý'repruceediang, and renforce tiret thrrein carried feGnthe Adsesscmént Rail tartilde acrrsathe Atlantic Weétwacd. tOrCrryow. cf the prccisé il iy on vrircb ho ca 0Wahslutely iiéreaaary. Il thé Treoeurer'ag bocks aid charge.! agaînét saiti Thé Western left thé Coburg dock aet i Lîveaceutt bring fortrard lireéniu,îegarding the Wad urc, ot an the Corporation land accordîngiy. pool et forty mnintes iller ti-r o'clockpu aeîCnadiamCorn. île ai"a toeJti'atie lîioniy <îtaenh u1ý fantémA htPrince'@ dock t il o'QWok baturday. the 241h lia: înotiîun« rrirti intorruati j-if thé paoelLng aéa C L. .tae o h The money approprigté.! by Getemrment fur- of April, and pasvild Rndy lonok at elever ' ité c esrdon borhélgé..ue fl bav u1n npPMîît ta. th eesprefco-ionS oé,frth erclark at mnht, thé iltL ofMay-. lacas. H-e thoglit thenoble ufard 'o-.atiler rito icrorto poii 2 h ire upprt i ~eenoua! it &lhir, fe then for a Captain Hosuken littforine sfileth st e- at!'lé comintîtatire conclusion flt ai.teé gov Ig ay saaryhi-hrtian £00 84Z avin ben pal, ith ns uti éfr l as béén irteý slii1rai the- way. Ti, i,effernttaboutit imtîediatel' disallow tf ibil ;v tiér Ctsrk £175a. beaudes ashow- chidron'to thé District under 16 )-cara Pl ége, Weré 7 deys Eatetly ; 8daye neariy cain. an.! a-t might lhé thé canuse'if serions îucnu.îveni- -'ki tet. ThIis le ondoubtediy wrong,Inden frinathé Asaiturent Relfia oft1841,lait2 day& Wetrly; average speed per hour 101 Onteta lhun ellonyt thooîgh lée qité agreedntri s~ealiary lé 00w taonlittle. At aialm]bnludpeaigterncl nwhh y &,t vas paséd it Ivan enough, Lut brén aub-dividéti accordingiy, andi carriédta te é,auo tle i eretn h rnîl nwil Ïj tebied silie then, and thé le- credit of the ceaéral Townshipa, aubjeét ta thae By the Western we havae eoeivédOr filés or .uth éeasuré waà feundt. ~.<înuffc.rut Bt ten whlewarranta of the Scîuol Comintnrc, in faveor Londanpaperé ta thé événing of thé Ï28thl of LATER YIPT FR014 CANTON. irt, nghttahéahyed. Thénfi thé Teachera, based rupait thé nuinhér cd ch-Aslat ivro atétbbthinlu.v. y the Zenohia froun(Canlton, Jan. SOîh, va ra,hî uh h tto bektolvdren taniglt, and the timte n, bch itua echool jautTHE QUEEN. havi laterunes th"a réchedul s by thie Great li lcls abektelw been képi upen durng the year. On thé moraiiig of April 2-7 Quéen Vietoreg a Weatroi, bat theé i ri é nîîbîg important. iu,î ctéd Taking théî Contacuté Sehuiol Artlt, in itus onwuaafély delivereti of a Prines. Thé "*graat *SirHenry Pottinger Lad benua Wùaînpoa, ,;.;h aoufrciseae r lhigb tasensé, and idividing thé achoatl înoneyfuon thdis andi.iiopartanV' su-élt waa mméiutely matie antil here récéii a o it on boarid thé steamer £4 oconfireretlejuet andéequiîolthe principle, thé public till Lave koovo ta thé goord citizéns of London up the frein thé limrpériel Cotaîiscianér Elepo, Who wau *,ýe atltit1me.-eiy wa oo r du ie aiattagé uof a aounid maaiéducation Lupon llring of thé Tuvér gunce, anti théPrivy Council oégatuating with hlm Vie ternis of a Caommercial Worh liiýticé; but it in the principle reaaonable ternie. Thé assaoneu réquireti fer being aasnmbled, a tortaof Thatikaiui Treaty. but if anything ha.! beén dti'fntely con. LtJ hf ob av e îgiti éxpen £;cv itanequai outil ta thé Governuént grantI rtleréd to Le prepareti & réat inail the nurW"hch. l a etk n. Ilvas ihoîîght fthat rreva onhave a cujt a epnd£ ruria~ rcoé pou thé aboie popuiat.onii niy 10,L es hrougbouî thé iand!(in thé foiowing Sunday. there vondItih a gond deal of delmuv beforé thé o, l"eu havey an e ta du co. ti x-a Léati.oruiftaker i uiiarmthe occüpieti vareable Thé foliowing deials are given by thé Stan- rigutiation wu brought te a conclusion. f rfi hypthaecetadod é ndproperiy,ît, i n liméeîportai. TitieSsimple pion dard ilwas saiî ltii;tthé Coinnaiinér Elepo a la. -,e' itrl 0 hng r fi i- of uaiagiig theSechuulfjiads, ouil couopiétely --Allant 1 'ciî.ck yeéierday morning sYinp- r piuadeti thé Guvétiur of Cantoni and thé 1, b lttît ant i lttié that abusies reulove tr lut f aigaàplzýt o.ope ,1oýCro -ici 'u-uuu ton t irung tt i re- tedfclytfîubîgaaeuaf ospenteti themécluueé wlîcie ff no dt-ibtnie principal anthoritiés for ovt upressing gi tmat , ttuuîfgri pon individuai SurbaclDistrcts. anti ttér oh- that tire aérions fleur was approiaching. Theforcbly thé cieltof the 7tbheembér, andi for n'il imill iii iiîiy tofthym tacles otichLoubae hatteria retarder] thé ful eu taéz! ý eit!ttîen weré imniediaîely sent foi, tfbte rtcigtéEgih i atn c direl by é4le îéaoing'u & operttinaiftiéEdtlamit i iltuLandiN ere"chortly afterward in attetîdance ai the ~ - lleréîIicou, if the jurterîti ja ytéin f thé Coini- plcbvn o a a estpatitithéta- g *';d Our C ullrarttinha vea us a mail Scliiolu, L ioeil coiultced Lupon truc ui- acet-é ina fues ine obey thésommns Ct Bm hýt ,,% t bc-m-h eupectéti if thev s:e nrains a-e henmose ~c- fir lue ii ie ar iu'ftra mL pruacipiéé, OiC bave a certaîi, sînîpie and iltaent'& nottice. hwa tnt, iowever, natil FOR FAMILIÉS 4' GENTLEMEN, DY ~ ~ fastun, ~ 'thée ch9ap plan ut proariditur a saorti éducation, tend- camne timé erlîiarvi kttvsohgLF*N.J1BIEN )a hr ,iappear acarge ~gg~iéaî nal u ni1i h u-nécescary ta santnthé CahinéeZ lncèe& (ae ét akt iEceipySrC uo. -m Ienr;; a trtw Ad , éerrattan, anti trainuig up ite pcdule great affurera afuéca, theceforé te orG or I: én ea t tk ts 6ééé-clle ,'SruC. sat ea ~~uagr~ fiau ulgi hre olelécontry Itté tuie faiiily. eunflmethe Cabinet Ninîsteré wact tce-toi J. W-taaéu a. Cu. ai.ut pr coratlus éstul harge t A générai Assessiclnt .Diy-Lnuu' éupreesey for reived at thé Hoante office ontil within a 31V 115HIS OTEL hein«énturely nevaitbas lbeén iiapeeetir utautîmîurîv' adselooi purpiuéeu uvîticasciy accomptish ibis greatmruteîs befure fouro'clock, a. ta. fîeiU ta tlTihti ieea. Gpurinti il have nt JoubjmitiUn uts aurival, cme eségrs vers instantiy rttr<art, carnet hée exceller! by auy aoteér cotait- Im ar yeur 1 ora-ur lu ta 0 . uîîsaThe iiwlc ncauuté,msstbdti h eidenceoftSir tabért 1'- c, lthrinéinthe Provuice. vui3P'i' bca tcii £1 a Cti Thé J. iB. hMARKS, Wardeui. Sur Jauaeé 3raliamt, Lord Aberdeen, Lord Stan- Thé -ablé D'Hlote hing cnîîrely endethé lo, iaiîîîu~tu il rîctin'uluetwitt Kngstn, Curt lîoiié, léy, and saune ut thé atlier Cabinet Miiter-s ; seit cx.cof Mr.éJbathregpubrd a y ooery liii taiuhe Arcluhîehîîp o an abuynt is.u trai&enîu.uttcé ot M egr de.., hé hublc man'ry ire re <t ü:hler [ari if ticirT, he District Couri;]claset il@uts és.ion about hop of Lundît,Woalu o finîii raîrin aat1tépîieyu taep GendehvrWninra. fse ilic to h--uiuîulave betrais- "3 i'cluck, p. rit, art Saturday. l'b~ey passéd a lluckunghlarn Palace, but of courée, tenta thée onigti oe s hi hi xuoiué ipa7ji t-ii Lf )r te Presruit. lly-Lawtedilicung thé Dstcct-assessiiient ta ehortives of thée notice, théy dit! net arrive nordtuie mthe CcfeeéRunta whlb-tas ecandctedin the ti i 1ttuLvé Cleinseiveru t1 . un thePoundi ; aothr'r aiîerng thé »iaîtrict ber Maj". t, Lad beén safely deliveréd ofcadaiigh. handon style, évery arie pi'refréalment im r -i l it atui a iunall ut lu, Srvvrsauar routLts [erarlent iis. ter. épld a la carte, thé price tf éschiarticle be- Teiiv maie ia-aiiy idifferent ta Cie per day ovîeu euuoiîîîyeti, andi £e) par aîînum for *'After thsr rivi e are informin flthatthé qextremceiy moderaté, an.! thé éncétienci ,irle Ciurititun, au.! have allaweti aupeniiiéentiutîgl>itu-tprotuerty, antithergranî rayai infant as Lown ta thé Miniatera un an tîeréof wîli beauréortîparisiun vith any of thé frst 1ietlitt tluéy ruiul dt)n-uttug tg a Foin ut infuia r répairitig a tridgeù aoroidjoinîng lber Majety'c héd.room, rrReartos<fPrso odn 1,r lmi uc cittaî- we uai hé Fredeicksurgh ; and tfi tur le yiin asess. Len, tirénirrai foratalîties anti t!rétaonîeé on The %Vines antiLiquaré have héen carefumly :'t t4tré I i i tTi t i-' o r i-ati-è meaustir ïcui, a.t ce rtaui Sciociitrcts. théLurth f a prince or princesé having heurt P&téd, antiobtaineti [romathé e rt Hlousseain 10iIrc;îIî tt-uubthrs,'Ie u ruieî r.i i col h la ohéérvéti, thé vilinîstéra lefi thé palace fur their hua niPre i.. - a - il riglut it iuvtiî rt rttS'ért 3Jrespective reaidéncés. ç bt ct.ýr8 ilttrit fr i 'cr var d £130 IlSitoreilébeore nîne o'clock the liigof theé i<ngton. May 9tL, 1-43. A oresuni y 0 li Cata JoutÉlPark andt tuer grlenstacte knocn tath mé'etro- NOTICE. l':iui-lutît I!atlDistrict ires 1tléefu!lauvung accauu if l(théfligt tif M p é hjoyful névé utber Majésty's a écaa. àLI esn netdt h n!cie o . .couchement. anti théeleUs oh Itie duffrent chnech. é'Oibdet!tahéSicirfo W i - i. u 1 t, lia ndl Wells, p-yuijtir oftufrîe -rcod battalon ie. ptisaestrvî rAgté n. gondis purchased at bis Store in Bath, viii -iiu g~ l.ug y uiCCir tirisPratét icitia mii the g ueyfuir jayite the érunig merry pti iifcasdrn h a.plissé ral andIti e te sane t Lus Store in saeto urs the farningmltspatrs ati - ti,,as nu otbér peréon je outhurinet! ta ré- u-uoi lii te mut roir tf St. Guag;'e nit bu' lulor, as theé rareticit hae adeéli ep uémintietés, infrmtng tient oh the lhappy évent, oM ISN zliut .- k lé n-e ith ia utv lié déficiiétiry.ant inlaung a capy et thé bulletin. NM ISN L 1e iu Iluami htfl îiu ic t- t, Oi itundav, Iij.2.tIl it, Mr. Wl'uél.u tuas i.<>nevîtthé équurriééînoauiginn ed Iin"ntn, May ltir, 1643 t t-u l il ii't u'7a iuo l uu iiC oru.'îlebtPasage of thé intelligence of ber bMajesty'a café confite- -BER AV ELU - BA TS. uat-tritce mri the a titi iiirtrCîturts tetaLa ai r, lu ivea dâY$ don thé Detr'it mnt andtoh tbrt (f a prînoeés ta thé différenit lC ASES Béai Lonidon Black andi Grey . i ii urvr "Oéy 14t C'attertilla i rver, auj the c'isefiieriC uîutéirupîtion of inter- mmnihrs of thé royal fitailuy. BE ERH ToChaLiiFa- -e ciiui îîu %% til It i tril lituenuthe course hetouec th, tio isiioe, accoontee for O fi F THE DUKE OF 'SUSSEX. > I b ý, luyc ii-' . tl,. a o, sk carcher lis absence fir Clot pénal., At hués coitinurd - iciabsenié an Fruday, igi nîtui bettuian oa - telt by 'aVéintirnated, aou thé arrivai ut théeIlibérnia, THOMSON & CANNON, I tua éi.iiwicb te fui- the Coli'îîîél antiOffkér i f Lsuit iuîéan unDe- an capectatian timt thé DoLae cf Sussex votti G. A. 4 C. M troit ;ui Oltichi place c';i.;of te-tumié ~tairécaver tram tiérséve eattack of erysupeias in re-e-m m(o i h ohLtlie NIi- tiespitcheti; wbéré, ac iiiuir, liqn Wa ouniittaentierhat h w urngwhen airs lit Eng'- galon, April 4. Sl-c mieaim r yur éiîhave taleur tage fur théeî.uîériur,unad.r an a -n-ecaunhé énéuieib h SPRING BONN E'I'S - i. bc,1 l'utiui.di eljav r oilnairé vent; thé Dlieé xpireti on thé 2lat ofiApril. ý-âAthtr uc nature- ie fiscal ual ui uug, on L; h &'i aqaitrd 1ARLI4MENTARY PI40CEEDI-NGS. HAINES FORSTER & Go. --I l'~~ rle raîuiti hé tig itht etacé ut. cailed1t litehé etitétanti in- The Ilîoseif Canotions held t i 'ttsession L1Q -W R HOSKN SO hrutr fanîîué b ibèmu ut CLéeibarrassiééu oiti. n cithé aftgr the bulytinys an thé 24th ni April. . LJDA W RH fJE <NSTN t--ti-a aidh býeuit tu flité 91-gocemulent ; an Aitr Wellitii ainénai hbita , Îhé Chancelor oeuthle Eachequér gave notice 70AVE sécelivei more thlon double théiruan- arne Portioun uf thé mar;ey iintieti for théCiai.lFe chouîitiproutce thé budget on théeth of -"alaiSupply oet Sicav, Tenainan.! athe elur h,,sieva Iîfle luienorfil,?piyuyîaoif thi mein oitLbs Itgimemt, Clen about Mat.-1BONNETS, ni varieais kinile, corvpriéung msemé 4i1 a stut.'t tt iât iadd.t-t be diabantied.Ti.'ie gentleen.nwith a Laord John ILutav arutir a numtber ai ques.. otbe monti novel anti éautiful déécriptiutn. liromptiteilt anti coi derattuIa lartily tirtbclook- tons reeépedtitgcommeurcial tréatîéé anti regula- - SO . te r1i.utu fml i, nt ai tbŽ Dmtrdtfi-ila muîletpréeu-t étré-né si'nrmut o ttié,tiu n tu-r cawhchio-re promoise.! for thée néiniv ao ete t, ~ ~ ~ ~ AeIIe a in-l-ru t[i h ýéét iu tmt a [i sui-td ifronutu egul cleps xtday. T'î loiuse ..... éariy ntocomm'itu. ]bUNSTAU&LE -&I'ESCAN Ut iîe uuaungthe ittaulaaad f lusa nne, aluan-é,l ture d--tiiut si fteofspl,à aselage nueiîhénf itetns. viL Tuecan Teiniminge ta motu'l tLte sVuîri wishila Mach ai £300, ou beîtait of flue gi'eruumnitu, an itl uabid The flous it ofLord@é hel i ts fitst session on IThe aboyviilcunig etof.'1mIûstiVcie vrait- nuai,-ree ile na popr ficCloelt po l t ire uytent anticlinin., uu2itii. An adltress ai congratulat ion ta thé îy.anti uh e oftreq ru r Da <nI îi, Itveu adkep:r ég o'he go. thou atr aueneJopstnifit an, note ébath rît a Pnuncésrr, was agrée.! te; Jît'l'éa tiat jy tii Campetom. r* iCriunu; I- th ilima oîew l ie or une "c od allgénerosity, adptit n oiegiacri of a randoling attires' un tn '-etheme tc'mLt uî -lae La -uîu. puui u ttttmaitèa l nai ué,. dhlîiteaué gentlemntcanuti ton ut fthéeDule of Sussex- Thbu éttan Saw a ent oclIars, inwi-te ad cy. r t ý,alc tup:-a c i-i i fo u.fi zil:entiv aditui anti ctmateiited; attn il, adptlrued tu the 2ih. Sr ohrtPéi tbsir Fuqnirn & Co. wold abeerve ibat lr t I ciuaaj es, ccu:. nient ironti bir gant-ruai -ent. arta drt oofu Lard John Rurééll'é qustioîns , otclcltc ii M.Weila uittalteul tiAir. Baby, hu@ isc -titée respeciug thé fainvé cf tLé coiiercrigl DR YG O O DS élmti uiigrué .,ieifartiou ta an deuils t voe tpciy i isnProvince,, otee is itegoîbattons vitb IPortugal anti Brazi.Thé eseelially, teil ticfiltrnt] ta lhé vey exensive, r aie m;atieop aid arranuger!tiehtprotîctioîn; antti dl propérty whicb nu-l, il u la rmîméili o'enoieum Lad' pcopctièrta fhatet fPor. and li ei uectéd, atey eré azpéret ing un cd- -ui un ittea mehte îkeuihuset, éxceed irte aiiît munIl' approptiati ta0tugal a nîuînairéduction rit duties-upon lié dton ta wéhat they have alti ad péé, a beau. il iae % lch he thnkhu'0 on nec" artt the liabliîîy oaithé suret ès. o'ite, brandy. anti fruit ni Portugal, ant iperpaitthé tihlrivaiety nf Suitahié GOOIJS for the Secoan, iiie iulm uutir îe lutai a p-tr. %Vtilài 4led: cuiét ofauanintenton wootinri, coltiohardwnuare, aud glass of Gréai by thée eatest Spring Ventrle. l-I aLc rite I tor tue Ogleéa adral n a ut . uéui ue réibras rtm.Tépropositioan hadti neén acccpied. V- Please ta obtsrve LaîteDote %'analo-sc .1lt--u itta< thé îmcÎtcut ificadt1- Lut ta eupp c.-ed tut bave iéft rire Pria. Wjiîitregard ta Brazul there was a question ré. Princelae Street, (Jlie Stoeé Sreet.) netair ir tti,»imr fiancialial mace frontm utc!k-lel dinu si eitburimieiit. spectitg Che dotrationiof thé éxsting commeércitalI lay. 8U~ --t ut lu'iiii itaitiîè l~ -treaty-Eiigland ciainmbng ibat tl vu!.!net ex. ÏO BMIQRANTS&O IE S ut'outa0! hiepbic nu-ilregret tii mare ihaitSurCharieg pire rintitl U. hrazil ioiéding fClt uil bod xpir- S&OT E S t- -e u- ua a uiuc bt o icer Bligot idé nul éxpécte u l è v. ci in 1612. O n tht. pint Urail L d yi1lt! O E i*re n tie îtn u h Ic lo e j,: -U ad tti lté ilgiâte.t Isirui hal- TIe. ta'j tcýedc Ibo acou iltier,,- Grcat Brtaun, hawvever, Lad praîtosa crvantrea. btgtw fB L nL .Sàeabout the re-t poiaia]btl, andJ wii héie eun by référencé ta thé alvetiée- ty ; and icth regatiatuon for thé@ bai faléti, by ova'BEL 'LLD- ineau, inti ' tone ma,'taentt p.nient. that ânattier frst cluns IUatel hbasheen ressor t f 1raziligiîtisting hat ail the agriauto. îcof Victoria--4rc infurmed, t'taîthé stil- l lr li-. u- irlméiteo"ýue ne lruitsulapéneti n Kngston, by Air. F. IH. Jutitén,vwhoaerai producé ai hat country, Sugar, cafie, tobac.r. Sttehr*ha au mte af eadjttulagenk-imitc reNctaýioii in Sir Charles Bagimi's establishmaent co, andu ruts,lsuitjtli e at!itéd intr thé markets TOWN LOTS, HOti-SES, p;,ot, muet éver la scfilcient ta gnarantee aul reqointé cautri ta cf Englanti on thé sainie terme as grndier articles aîuîl lal ffcirwhouse ubogé nuo ma>'favour brut ijutl a ral. the proLace et théeiBritish colounies. Brazîl Lad EMILL rSiTES. &C, tuble blu5t ittI1,0araitageiuuta ut -file-r----------naily iodifie.! Ler démanti go far asltaadmnit orfuarSal or Léaae-fair vlticish i ould ré- ýC t atg cu.tiordj.fisjua At tLe réquési aifte Curpaitn, Hi$ Excel. a dferéntiai dut>' nf 10 per cent. ; and this titi, -iblason,. or Mmui-wrigbt 4taé cuointrit deWoeciA-lenry Sr Charle'T. Auetetai, vili lay thé Mr.EIli@ ha.! naît :en autharizé.! ty hie îéitYoe cau Crpnur ta tee of the Whoatané cfatétMAc-tueeC".t ..uwosh NZat Stoctk.-or P.rotrce. Ini Pa 'r t* talur clu atire bo,,ard accotrd. fcnainaet itenewMaret Momon tuons tuaccee.Sir Robert de""ine ns'ig 'Hé Iwoeaimauacoc,'a1 IIOU.SS, TiWN 'cai iut i héietakcîî itiblanc]!onthé the Queenus hrhdq, thé 2iîh tnt. Thédiftis r-tther, tluugh preuiseti y Lord Jeonanti Mr. e m!Ai a uSe ,at r égn eut national sariettes are aido expecoéd On attend. Labouichére ta say vhethér héré vas any Mtia- LOtS, imnpovei & uninupravéti FARMS, eàiii Shet Ithuandtule hn iliuly «a nemi treaty héung agreeétita. inrthétowrnships af Tlmurlaos-..Pittnirgut.... ihc wtot iterruption cf oth- Thé Neya renirates bus fasehootia reepfftiog An Atititéofs ni odahnre vaé propoue!anti Hope and ti htlae,-Districrs of Victoria, Mur. Walaker Smith, but rilthuv trng a partiale agreeéta i. Alto an atitremua ot congratulation. Midiansi, New Centre anti Wesern,-ail, ne 0TtT rIZEitNC. of prot. Wé havé e amita,,, w k ta ne- Mr. Ricardo mooet!an Cdtres, respectuhl>' snje part af whicltlié woriîd dispose -ai on t alaint h .1 fu it' ehé y e a r ice fC e rn fu rtu ie r. éx p r s sin g ithe o p in io n e t th ée Ilo s é , t iet " i to t r a o e & a c m od i t i i z kbttpr,,,gîvea nec expédient ha i an>'Cantempiatéu rl o threind ct rofalé & comorclatiigtittnt- %e oi £4.300 0 0 The Court ot Qeeis, Bénh Contiineasitting, of impact dtieaie hépostponeut vili a viéeiofrqatrl'eoai nubarsiî u- I ýeir'nItirelué,pe,,e. tf Lut unit probah-y clouet q.nuorrow.John Tyn rmaking such rémission a oieai tcommercialecejatuonablo Tildes. i.1 'tt mai, .u. téant gielBaley have beeti fonriguiity suf min- gtatni éthirit cetis"Hettaougti- a lper 'ent.'e iacr~- elaugbiér as odeessaiés ta ihe tisaih ef Sander- t thé policj ni Engianti tau<go on it Milber sp- TO LE A SE e.tanti son nuhoas kîlléd t il-h tt oucléecfner.té twr te rde thotWi-.1-t' FROE RM REYA G. C. ALLEN, 11E' "- t<erec rorwarlutng CXompany," Imprte- <f Wzat e w Jsilry, MWhokle ý'E ni e peepared enan le opéning of andi RetaiL. 34) Waii .11,41t.Ep-stairs. [lité avgnia, to underetuiélte transport of New-York, Mayy ti 1843. ::da.vt ni ail descriptious bétweén Quebec CÀS C DE -ï A D.* -ansi Kieerdirect, anti intermédiate placea;- s EAED TNDES wil li reoive àtalff to berioéc Quirbér anti Lake Cham,- thS ofie. utEN WDnES a tilhéece pldain dvice versa. of May neat, for théerrulowing Wonks anthidMa- - Lé Company bligé ta point out ditépecu- teasncsa! r té oat jotin <f CaIglmk i- advnantagea tiisine cft'érs in doing awa Roati iccm thé Cotean du Lac tei thé Cascades, viîh thé nécessity ai' trénabipping, b' h ie Vuz t thé vila>', éxpettée andi injur>' to property, lât.-For draiu-iitg ga<nLatt.! feioing of thé altentiiag the saineéare an'oimied; as aise thé- Rot.Th .wr u édividéd linto 6sec- saving un tihé freiglat, not iavin4 !Qu)pa>' tie tiens, asud one ce niore ééciauc>ùl ta>';lié tén sn ot re tn t tiaré. for, anti ail tu Le comnplote.! on or béfore ttipatcagsCMoral thé 1-5h day ai Auguét oexl. Quecié, i4b pi. 1843. - - 2J.-For thée rsetroction or the necessar>'iyt A IS - Brde niCulveets, aceording ta thé Plans ARE neapceîful>'iafumuéed tint thé nbcri- amt.!Specificationi. 1A.ber ha* jutr eeiuçd a sélect aaortniént et 3d.-Fôr thuité livéry ef Pinnk anti Saanling wýoenUan.! Miai' fi4nch Ii I HSM alçng thée e ofItati. Théerlanks are te but a ver!' suerior decuipi"oftPunehla hOO' 12 feet long anti 3 inchés tick. llie Seant. iAisoean asséslment ef la"!ié' Indu. Rubber iintn io héx inlché", antdsomlegs than î16jOver Plitas-. féét lonmsatie, iio ie édélutérétcouminunuly A larpo usar.nuenrt fChl rnsShées & BmuC Aiong the nemi oens, otusidoeOfthelite rtail o! vht6h acéieoevIatceéproodssuted 1ev pri- tablés, un thé foleving quantities n - - e 'u Non r. i. e- GNNTI.EMENS Indla Rubtier OVER 144.849 ml. fIL Pluttui, & 49,022l lin.. Seantlin.-. SHiDEt, jun réciveti aoat for «Wi No. 2. -.TII O. 169,258 o o -,,24 a a Kingstoan, April 29, leu. - .1Nffl.5%49TO CAèTAL'I18. No4. - W ANTED TO BOJt1tWVfe.Onae No ., - w te TvoToue i o s, mintact 37,M 6 n léés stuaisa titan£.500, upon ituqe .Fréésbl o . - - so urit>, for-die spore ofi Sens Yens', orai Thé tandem. are taspeci4fluethe ireper Ifihl lgal ihiereset »dla gondati ana.ili b. ai- toinsuaperficiel m...s o Pla sud élier100 leveél. ,i- rtkiear particulars énqunre, of test limeal et 8cantb a4d at tndersapvii i e ivii, to " ppe- réceivéti for a lés qoamity Shan i.resquiréél(fir Mi1 8: Thedelver hé beau tollows i AMÉRICAN. HE- Oneo third of the ainouhit cettcted fir n anor A EJA IES beore Ohir, j l E0st. OR ale b the Sueb-eribét- On bofiat JuglyMO QNN , Forté. of tender.sa u àinaid4 é eatténa Luone April 4. f«e hBridtias.Cehvevtl% u iqcda aye »en. attis cnve.aft e lela Ig. ou appi. ido Pin i--s«ms ou""OI. ifP Mo eau"o te Mr. W*lhp, C. 1E, a&ILhé Ceuao i e o W DésirkL. Wini gwée a»Y tewt dejastioat hat =y l b ehBt. éui " Chat thé Anmal noquit. i N - - ote M ti»» . ,par- . T euuterssam te beadjooed tu the Be - XW y hallol, aa etof irsetenm Cory otthéE 1nset scf Woee&s, gKqptoo4 endomà fW~~sr ii hé hé!.! asuthé eCe 'Tédrn to'.... ar ~ éd ~IbeovWn of Kingston, onu MeuY# te centain té.gatr.W u éeé asea <h JiciUUx-I2lés ésés 251111AM)u, 18« KEwgéen, 2*IS AprilîIaw lm -EICIHi RHUDRED TTIOUSAND ACRF,& OF LAýNI) Te bedsIp.ed otIa Canada Wcst, (late Upper"Caada> Armetitué ii i.*rntt lt%%fC yéi. a rat' tin Iork, ctiiitaliiiii.g tenta tSIste "Ibl btAcr.,estant, situatet inluthé Wealcrtit District, aCditi maFfttiered Lotk,, nriting fomincia fto-tOO Anéeeacb,sîtuuated in alitiot ciyTownship in Canaa Wc i-stltttmi ité is en-éd, thé oeset tibea timir Lant' oe>'cfLsrt aetocem f'i,~adepbir. -f>' tua nieni iiit. dut Comipany dispose .a, rNo Nonay bei requir.4 dowm, ai Thébetuets payaable nniurilyhirog cnhy eqeailuothe Inter'u'ct Otton the pt'frit st lciva.i! îoft Cle el.ansis-tbue fuir eéîtiip:, suipp.u-e 11(i Acres. heing rirainu, tii-IL 1C. rer Acte is £50, tLe ftiari.t, - thmeron ie £.Il nu ictolatter cura, at.!rtimroi, mferlus nrt f Ren- lit lié paidi e r-full peu se P bcng ecirétit t mle SettîitrilParrelîcsltherrv>ildand! lie lot s e.! fortIle Lan! hooccupuiolo ai Ctr! toutne domirthe Leate, o'la-n roti ronienietittu n é- afi r s ativer 1tr t ui lheprest ce rpi pnucé; amduof f otnr , heroeb'so ug ailu ftture poniieti in -t .n-rîuiv; the viduenfi hoasabovée(. fi pér acné.) îLe adn-mnce etequireti lue thé Ilécal îîtuid hé le. 3d, îhpaud nuithié the hofinit lire vcars froin.tdate ut leas--ar :!s. Oui. uert.adrfr fp dsblto adpoiu lyta thée expiruation of thé Leasé. aiacm - iCbeuutn nipoin r Thse Lande offlYred (excepting Pnlo Ilt Park an'l ri-n Lais t'ri Gti-!p au-y lit prune front '2j. 19opteo lé 9go..par Acre-titi ete 'pon wmiuli nu'o ti tLprttrity as udiu viz.- Upo 100 Acres, e rc big2.prAcre, 'bc . ou £ s- o 120 lnd- îLen aboe eirni n Du - do - -s do - - dou - filO ah Do d -ado - - itt - - 4 o i l eo do - -Sa.ou - I o fiO i Do - do - - 69 U di - - do - - 1t7 Q Do ila i - -7a 6 o do ~ ia- - 2 511 Don do - .- Ne9d il. - - do - - 212 i5 Do - do - -lU.M ia, - uI£! - - 3 00 kt Do - uta - - lehI3d d - - de - -.3 7 .4 Dou - do - - 12sé6.!tdo - - du - -315 0 Do - do - - 3a9ddo - - tit - -4 2 la orderta ffro Ad every aasistance ta tndnstrious ant oi eadét Séilena, thée CAîNDACOUspaulr oilrecci1'é any esfin, ne maClerhuoer saui théeoummorint iîv ho; fir woinch therSetlirs may usé havéeiméiiaté v9auit, on D9pFli,.-aliotu-ing Intere'tt thé rtéetof ixipar cein. pluannon for tée sutoe ; bt iut leclearil' underséotChat thé fomullui with iitéretaccrue.!, shaih nt aitlimitanthé i iLsth disposai uftuhe Séttiér, witlteut notice. Facr thuit puirpacé thé Couapan>havLouétpenéd ah Ac- lecout, vbich us terme!Il Seftfcr's Prorvéioruutte'Sarings anuk Ac<0ttnt,i"-tLu réééfrdut4' te thépro, vident Seitier, cu'ery faculit>' fer accolatingstufficuént moue>' utarchsis thé Feehult et thé AIvandt vbiehhélieLonies. mihenever lhé chooucé ta do Fu, winuituhue terni oaiT'l'eVan ; Luit bLeuI.! le Lad Hanvéste, or aziy other unfoesén éiiecotonei visit butnai hé always the amtooni iepoaîîéd, 9wlth Interesi accruain at Lie disposai teaniéet Ibetit. or The Lanté are aiso te lhé di-petofniupre the Conmpany'a former plan, v z-for (Cash dclown, ur One.fiftb Cash, an.! baLioce in fire equal Annual hiistaitént', wiîlî Inieréest:, 2 The Comipan ii ruiermitf'om nCanada aîiji suiof etone>', luuwevr scunail thé aliuootte amy part of thé Unuitedi Kiuigtiae anti Europe freéeto alicrhm-gé. Thé CompantuwUi ale.Iuretnut an>'som r-f rooncyfréten Europe Io Canada, b>' Lettérs cf Crei-dt upita their Coismtissioneca un the lProvince frein y of éxpénse. thue insuring thé hénefi t of tLe pretitunm of Echuage ta the Enaigrant and i ikewiaé caving Lin irom thé unconveniécéan.! tae frequét luas aridung tram brnsging fois itir.ihýy nith binm un coin. Thé Company', uuiCL s vieri teacromunataté Eruigréts ahaving te immédiate tuFe for tisir tond. oriwilaiiow hntrnéc, Ct Four pér Cent. per annoté. fuir Manéy loft i u th t'lietbfoc on>' perioati lége titan Ninét>' Dayp,-lué moeé>, lowéver, boing alvutys ai lic Emugranlas disposal, vuuuohut notice. à Etér>' km.! aff ururoitrdtnote raitÀs e anti directions, Chat cao pcccibly Lie useul ta intent!. ingEn;uigra.nta eCanada. vil ieéréadiy turnii'hét, tirée oi aiI'cbrge, by hépyipérsonally'or by lrtI h Cotnpqny's Office in EnghaindcCa'nadaialouae, Mt. Heîen'a P:acé, Ihiahojtsgat@.Steeî aLondmon. - The é oue p6tetListé ut Lands, (vbich na>' atlisi ? én in ever>' l'ont-Office andi Store in Cana- yda West,)a'ud an>' particmlania, may héietitaini, raE Or catax, opon application (if Iyl ltter, 1yPoct.pait) te thé Campany'« Office Ct Toreonto. Caîcîv Cair~l"sOfice, ÇaaRED:arCISTmnnT, Touronto, 17uh Fébroa>', 184U.. BONNETS'! BONNETS!!NO0TI1C E. yA feu, casés ai'Devon, Drinstablé, color- HE business luitherro cartiéti on by ti ;t cd 50mw, antd Bermuda Bonnets oi thé T undesigneti, wiil in future, by Chie latent Lofoudon atuti Paria fabiana. juet open- admission ai'Mc. Charles W. Bennan, saa yéd Ctt ie Warebouse af the subseribér, -B rock partner, bo culdtéreted tinder the name of C. Street, andti a wiuich liéeILegs t, cati t te- av-I W. Brennan & Co. >-- tention ai' thé tende, sa;luéis nnwaélling thent I.PRENTISS. no véry radared pricea for CASH, tir a- Jangîton, lai April. 1h443. proved credit 1 IlM. WMaLSO84..Great Red,,icton of lFrites. r uti a,164111T.IE thcy respéntfu o icuita continu-; WATC ES A D JE ELRY~ W ance cf thai lihérai cupport récoivét hy WATCH S AN JEW LRY9 théir prét!eceaeor C. W. BRENNAN ditCé. LOWER TUAN EVIER. hcg ta antuuce, that, te maké ron f..c Spning -importaui ins, thé' viii comomenteéou edneay TF N oeaequencé or' thé raduction oî dstis ~the 26tL instant, ta cller ilueir présent extensivre 1. h ur fla.thée tubscribér in sel- ~a ytingiiastock ci' GoIJ and Silo'er Levéers, F ARI TAuE TAPLE DRY 1sous, Anante Escapeent, Lepine, andi athéerl'or cash, ai peicles a tety redue., Ibsi they IVache, a' non-ant sputitiui pvténscannot failt t rentier it arieoariy voetby au Wathe, o ren-an qlenidpatersinsection. . *- aond JeuVFLat iRétail, no a considérable i'é' Pelncece Street, Apbi, 1'43. drictioui front former pricés, Leing mrih lesa ilman uth>meaucon ébought forai anyoîher placé NOTICE. untheCiy. As hé us eangtant7rceita New CIothiiug RsabDIis i ail dcriptians ai' WAn'cHia0s te ueoveat * e1114mI atyles, direct irota hé manufacturra inEnu.- i a i té e i lotigEta. land., France & Swirzeriand, hée in ettabiedTi et, Bencit Street, bus been transferreti ta affér a larger assartmént, and et ucuh frotte ;:n Bén eM. 1NR OY h lésé prices ant rétail, ihan an>' athéerbon«ot î en i,. salQ Bfearj ta M ialr. HE eY antoi. Amn ,gnt Céserîméent of Gat.iaWATrlCIIS ni io0a4 aittt ay ita £tcci ZJ/.ic<t nlohi'eu éavh, Watches anti Jéweicy éer:2 ~e or boughi. All atches wa'- SUitabia té théerureset anti cppreaclting eaaona. fi "~~tJt p gondi titné or thé moite>'hé. B. AIl débtîs due thée etablshenmt .art - izedte graut arqiuittanrias. Aéiil. i' ofWatcliées reit!ta e.Hén>'Con, thLeiat!uy nthur t Mauies' and narrasifed, ai mueb léesa$tton 1Ki May 2,ARE4M thé usual pricées. by ne ai' thé tiestwork ngétoN OTICE, 143 ýdmerliun the Ciy. . _- NOTICIl.0-h 328 al 0 1(0- t ac rs t. LI ro ,LIiri1 £li'll 1. arI li ut tain ncIat ', f r î:ue enter r tuil et ther aot linmerie Mat fo.r Ca Ilthé arr Cetuii mms tscu hbi mîtit etm 'îis ta[ tis, &lai rail ie ta b . ua butin areai tt

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