ANKER or TUE UOUTO.- ~JSremutb (rm casher, leerte1 et aeyle sh'oi ' ,pas. ie hebwoau mO P'Odily retsd by à iew d*'es*etLib'iy'APill.IIU 01515asaitia p,i.1 ca l £swctc ai atr" tby p'ulyiag iii. Wiilç .-Pay ml brediez. aose tIier il rctni-, moi rp lm ie ahs.zon'n aute an! .Me uupp- qlie,, Libby"i lsarse etendalin"e ap!àes of their u,,cfuineea by It.- appreciti= ta cfdceanuef t la nu lienl nad-raoni oow mqcla dianlesa .d te mim e peuui for thi cure ap a de eta- rantion go the body. Ili s»w boa, infinite l is . edicine wbicb Winltes ove MOT- bd actumottie u witeut weakeniag te bodil>' powers. hi, nec eoeiat»tacd ibtna reci. pro l ,nflla.î,e btwo.',the mincI m-1 the fra!,. Il il àeu. ucjtorloa.l it Apargiog Wtb Libo>'a6 P'illa cilUremove mel4anthol>'>an? Iba .e-n in- iif lacoure.1b>' preueiflgly wang tiem. I9 if noa asdrreool h eh dci Icestie penda Oi the beallt>'utile o e lits getir. NI I aOW Vin oIn telat hy illa bief, urtd OMS #Baioro is& a av!h -Iflesuaps ei$ata "i- et,, Vlif rticfît phyici3n% bail pronounzeil unI aocciywccli no IhaAILiii'> )'a Pila do cure, hcut i isaso un-ertnoc i bw the>' cure; asud that it is bv Ihrir patfying cflct aitbe dilglia lice> ;ester@ thse be JI te bealit. 1ErAw sale by CHARLES HEATH, Pinc-4. Stmcet, Kin2rdon. ConsToct 4 TYLE14 Nec York, Wtt emile Agens. DOCT. DELI.MATKR'a RicumAIIc Lisi- N1' Iscainad !RmasuAlcac Ia àuSemcn, 1. cuarrnizIl ta eute @Il cases of Rben. inaLlm ; end aiy peracaca cho . pucriathei.r- fief" and Witt ol se il, f.ihfunly arcardin% la dilection%, ao e lebe wiling Io testil>' te the cf f-cii, withaot ein& eured, shal ava the parshasc mïolleyrrzfnleîl froni the place whoie te articlea or bosailt. C> Te lhe lait e CH-A RLES IIEA VII, Piuuicema lSteet, Kineton. Comï$roz: & TYERc, Nec York, Whlele Agent. D R 11 NIl 8 ITERS are a certaii cue, pf qpyand Nervous Affccions: uic> r. eitislyatld la rscccve thes distresjut OcOÇics,i,tI b>'roiuataoctl>' îîysicing. bat b>' airecccthlenitg the sysicu. Ne graticr ncAstake cD be ci le th4n tu suppose (bat D.s-ajpsy, or any altier diea-e arisirsg flous debilîts-, cers te cured b>' rreý-nt fumaei action on thteIowels e- u cr- tative mnedecines. Wlîeîe theme conpAints Pxst, lie ayati alaready.'tac îs-ak, and eci'ry adt- josi i seIcndi to m ke nresa. The Bitter,, ci the coc.trar>, actng as a Ite , trengitten Uic ci.etie orfaa ul an cio4t item la petfcutct their fcictiarcc as nature ulsignoi. I lie ih in founil ia b e etllcaciocuaisin a hose diseases preuliar ta f-mieq,,ishchtaismorso frqueaulv flous, ceak- cesi I lusrnany tcrj sangt. l7e ged sic] icirciî ofbotb sexes, and persorca of sedeotaz>' baS- it, ,ra ie otvenes, %ho bais sulrècîl frù.r 1. oofa ppetite 1, bae experi-ne ot reat henefit [romi ticmr. Nl a ctv.'oceace fracsfevers,andciziber a ciste disarcer, il rectres stengtb ; and icdid- udis alllied with NervousIlieadacer, todi Pier ersugements of tile netvsi, fonction, thare been rnieiv ciîc.j b>'this rcredy 5> -For saile by CHARLE.; !£AîTii, Piniines Strtec, Kinga.on. Cosus'ccg & TYLZKi, Ness YOrkp Wncleal Agi nts.- 1" IlUND, LIVERWORT & PLEURISY 110 )T, for cuegi, tel,], consagunilin & liver cmilictil. Consumctm1iý)i.c us adauemc sofiense.- cretie Iîuking in te sytei fu r years icfcre fthtre sl tic,,leasi compisini orftltitslngs; and inî this tcc;! t cou i e creseettcttualy andI as certain- fiaircny tter dietass. Let not pesnes cIi-hi the s'c f medicine, ntif their luts(li are tenaibly nfrocicîcl, but in due seanorat ta Dr. Alta's Baisam f Lirerwsort. 'This iedicine bas 1oed es-en th iiConqîîrer f Physiciens,$ for clîeh al m skis iir tse abondlant cnts tua lclssthe band! of providence. Lyer Co'nplaint Corec..-Dr. Allsn-Dear Sir :-1 have uscd y-or Ilalsa.,, of H.îîed Licottsottand Peus> Rot,in esypr tcefo aie tentlm pat, and frnc tht condi rfa! i fIêscis ii Asa bai. 1IamofulI>' stsalit tt i poscoaes ver supcrior virues ici the cure of Lac et Cn- pîiint andl Caasuieptons. N dos trocgly r. tom- selcl it U)hIl.? tuWcliaIcl lie f.CrcIii. R"cPectfRiiiy, J. D. NIcîaesca . D Wesak Longs. atd L -s cf Voires Cîred- Mc.ic Eliz.i,, sdett ds,îghtcci of Colcin J. Adin bncI si,crîifitrmceak longs since te, sgt cf il yeors, bast genercli> a rougi, piletenuierions@ roiclioss of slrengih ; thia wsakn"of orlngs in- leaseoctnoil she cas maoieto apak baIfont tond. lItfernediCÀ1 i itiser gave il abitopinion Ihatshe ceas inc eoii~ton, cidtat Dn)reuacttcu inisseop ,e,îld hi ,eccictained f hei recoeer>'. The tirsi oi ait M'uch ch. cocnmenced ntimng V.. Alen'a 1ilîsgmm orHcahacni, Licowort and Picoris,' Rot ccthertff-et i bac!*finiber cas a'toniliin"; ths regcinedilber vaseoies aoc!Ii, amil la perfect. IV firet fom ail symptocca cI c.nsin;,tion rce -alc - cg. 'l'l above i a tin eotc ydcgi )er', cast. COLais J. Artait, 5alom. More Astansiîmg E&rIs of Dr. Aiioî's Bl. aloi. A short fii siacga an o!.! lady ccc in its cur lcr e ici-_,l t a hidi!,' of Dr. Aie', 13184mn of is(AcIcounc, Liveîwort and IPlenriay Ilot, tlitlber Jtcsc4iter, ubo, ase saisis uns aboinolganse incon- iUaaciucn. She bas!olticen able tIoîfraye lier bied'I sns we eek. Thida, ladytuit ankbale! homus, and ggive ilta Io er dauchter. Sie basdnat tken ii? mecicins but four daja Iefcre sie masa .,!e otago ou. aond actuall>' eailed a et otr ,--s'ct îîrfertly curec. Suclt, ilar reailer, i the, eil t of!hiqwte-icrful mdiine. Noîticautahnce cIs cc Ierideiied of ita Iaving failed. Fini cale, c, oleale sud1 retiil, b>' %Vus. A. Tyler, ffl 11c- c'îy Steet, New -Y. rk, As, by C HARLES HeAlTI-, Prinrss Street, Kigplos. IC H. & T. RAE. Wholesmalc Imporicrs mwzsu & P@»zq Mairooona KINGS TON. J!JST RECEl VED. An Ertoisuauo earmmi o f QfflCErim - l4iqfflrs- rockcry,- (4LASSWARE, &c. &c. &c. Togellier cith a sulterint and!exiccruscc astral- A grcat s-trciy ofcf hildre-:c'a. 200 PAIRS 0F INJIIA RBUIJERS. Thse alict-i ods Mith w c-.triiers have 4zeic porchaaciet tthe locest tltaand! cii!li e lOLO CilsA>'. A. TIIIBODO. Szrtete, Nov. 21, 1842- 7,Tl(oJe8 Ox if &CA xwOv,0-v SEXuEz EIT<ff* mxuN COM M .S SI10N M ER C H AN 18, x. 3, ',mrdy'.i!t.4oag'aî 1IlIE undccuigood liavicg eniurel (nIe Pari- A- erpeiuinle G enesl Agent>' sd CIi(n- "m asi Sseinele. uuulr the aboie cna"r t!,ahc ansd §um. iu in g tlerservices Lthir feirnel4 athe Publie, beg to asae thtie 'bat tIi.>'are aow tot luaet Ilbltese5ta the &bore premias, on te mot libetal terme. consignnmstae mtrutesl tetheats cl] ieet dii avec>' po.e4Oepacb bin eir dc!la~tu. J A&. THOMSON. JAS. CANNOI. Kc'sgelacus.Oct. 1842. Nexi dm cbslow-lrýlkmkgi'e Rate!. AND.t ?;IMiLi îrsitas- TUE LAànUwttuecr, EINSToNNIH1 4uTLîr AI t, 184J N3)TICETO MICUI+TURJTS- Mr. CRAl. * Ds-tUgge bhcp Pslo et inoepr sPatterua",idCatinga. PJali Pinta cf AMerCan Castings, e-lth ilt.stfaaany otberCitge - ileet setel.randui!Potaet Il--e spaies Sî,vehe. an&i'Dng Petrka. GCrndztroes, Grnising fluas, anti Brorh uoi. Amuerscan Patent Concave Gra ancd CradEel &>'e Bi scyhe Reaipiutg Ilclia>'1- ocha, & Us. Trace, Oz., Ligging, andlilaiter Chaun, Paent Sheep Sieare lied cordis, Lc.acing Lices, Ilater anc! Ti-ae Rop-. cM4AIESI»nfLt artmxr5 s -va ce ren, teel, Naîls andi Spike.,.tcogedwcilst ae-c>'article te the lHarde-are ino. (over. Timeolli' aMlGarden Seed, Giam, Painte,, le, Pati>', Vamniala, Fitch, Tar. Reosin, anti Spirite Tus-pnte, F'armer,, are particular!>' inittd tecaeu anti eLxamine for tbemee el- oe prciutees- cm tire, asies-er>'article cii! h.= 10Soitett e s e. BRIGG8 & LASII ER. Store Sreet, Kitagto, April, 2M 1842. FOR SALE. Patent London laid Tarrd Iligging, AIolTIED HiEs-. C TIAIN CÂBLES, ANCHIORS, &si. Gako n, Bocks, and Deck Ligitia. Copper ionacie Lamps & Slip Lantlaorns, Double htuled Liciaeed Qi, Paints, Tanapesa tine, Tac, ]Rosie & Piteh, Ploaglan inorciapproved paterns, Spia ad Slsos-c-wrougint iron anti steel blaules A few auperior Hepo Skiais fo'r Salic. IMPROYED SIKES'S HYDRRV>ETERS, (Madle b>' Drici-& Fago LLndon) se-ith ta- bita, &c. comýpke. anti guaging coda, One case aupeior Fowling Piecea, double & single bacreis, pockLui anti herse Piste]:;, paient wadding, St Boîts & Peuccîcîr-Pee-der & Jriciking Fiasks, &c. &.. Thtaltos-e artices are a part of lat fauis importation, aond are Oow offereti ce the inot fis-orable terme. MORLEY & JENKINS. Kingston, lMatch 15, 1842. 4S FOR SALE, A T the Subcýiber'as Auctcon & Commission Store, A few dozen l'unes Chairs 2 Pcer (fIase, l.ockng <lapara, varions Sizes. WVM TIIRKELL, A. & C. Mi. Kingston, Ma>' 2S3th, 1842. GROCE RIES FOR SALE. 2 1Puncecona Spirita, à do l3raody, 5 do Gfi, ALSÔ, Tobacco, Teas. Sagace, Cofree&c. The above will ho sold ohecap fr cah. WVM. THIRKELL, A. & C. M. Kincgson, Anguat 3th, 1842. B OOKS. Theo subactibera iave lately e cci'eà't ! irc 0w recceiviog îeiefa1,' supply of IBooks, ccmprising a cariet>' of works ini every departanent of Literature Ais, a lai ge quacitit>' of Cheap Britiai Edi- tiocia for tht Penple. RAMSAY. ARMOUR & Co. FURNITURE N FURNITURE! T BE Suitacriher jtimatea ta hie Friensl JLand! the Public it largetttb*bue made arrangemenýs -it onetocf tho lest Eanablit- mente in ljticc. for thce contant auppi>' of C11AIRS ansiFURNITURE cf thbea. d- srription. wh;ch ciii e sold low efr cash. Thte cork will al h. guaranleed for oneo yeac fromt tht day et saile. W .TIREI A. 4' C. M. Kingston. sept. 27,18a2 FPRESUI GflOttID PA 17EPT contantly on bsand, e t the nubscri- .Kher's Mill, in the secocnd concessionocf ErnPst Town. JAMES HOGL. NOTICE. T HOUAS A. DAINES, Jr-'. laing diapos- - ed of hce tusineps. and! being deviron cf cllectige hi,. outsiantliîg dets, aIljIliose partice cch) claîci indeb!tet ehim or the late iret cf ('cîlins & Ilainese are notifieci, Ilat al smccl .îco accona remaining unpaid b>' the 81sî piaeed in other bonds forcoelectio; amd al iltoce personia to wheo ho mn>' stand indeited e-il be r~odesocugli te rend in thir accots, ini crdee that a seithetott ia>' b. cfecle,!. Ad- dres Thomrcas A. Ilanes Jr. et Dr. A. C. Robin- seaeKing-ulreei. Kinmiuon, Dec. 1, 1842a t SCHOOL BOOKS. T lIE Suhacribers bas-t conetanil>' on banc! the following Scliocl Bock»4 al cf cui are printet! e-db cire frein new aioreclypplates, upon a good paper cf Colonial manufacture. and! ouhatantial>' Beuad for use in Sblds Their pnicon are surît au te enihle lh.m suceeafahll te coamptet ith th. -United States cditjons cf aiteilsi corks, and Ie put it cithin tise power cf evecc>'one ta purchase. 1.-The Canadien Primer, b>' Peter Parie>', Ju- nior. 1Ici. 2.-IManson's l'rimer. 2d. 3.-Tho irst Rainug Book, for lte tne cf Seheetîs, containing tbe Alphabet and Pro- g=e IAiv »Lotu4 un the Long and Short eudof Iha VneW 2d. 4.-.-The Second Read!ing Blok, for tise 1nuecf lltheni, containing pettgees- Le-m0»u on ulce Protiaaciation of Double Cosoacnts ancd Iipthongp, and! on thea Middtle & Broail Seunda of tLe Votla. 4d;. b -The Engîusb Spoiling Bock, b>' William Mas-Or. L. L. D. 74c1. 6.- The aAniesican Speliing Bock, b>' Noahi Wecbste. 0-1. 7.-Tlîs Canada Speiiug Bock. witli neur m- bel jslîmects, b>' Alexmndier Das-idson. I#.3(L 8.-The English Reader, by Ljutiley Murrca>'. I@. t. 9 -The Nec Tctauuont. SelitetiEdijticn. la. i -Thtsborter Catechisnu. ijd. il- do. do citli pritete. 7esI 12.-Caithisnot Universel Histoy. 71di. 13.-. A CatechixStuof tht Ilistez>' of Engiaec!. 7c4s 14.-An Abridgement cf Englieh Grammar, b>' Lindlay Mrray'. 71d. 15..Englirh Grammar, adaptet! for the siZorent clcîceeso uiloarcere, b>' Lindle>' Marra>'. le 8d. 16, Diectionary o et t.Engliali Language, Johin- so'sle ihWallier'o preituocialion. 2à INc 7-ivulkingame'a hiystem ocf Aritlmetie, nec.; edition. Ue 18-A Ciiehiemp 0Ses apby 19.-J ut Puaabet, The Canad"asBbtlGm grapli>, b>' Theoim-Ewetg. 20.-Arnoor & Bumaay*s Casadian Sebeol At- lan. 6d. ARMOUR l& RAKSAY, Vaurai, A. H. AILMOUR & Co. Hoasikeu, RAMSAY, AIM4OUR & Ce. mseteî ICiogetous. Marais 2%, %&8 Beuer for sat. ATitie W-m m o ocf W.W IL .ii tI rnekBi*resi, a feu feekisse, uitahie for rhmbis u'ec. April il, 1ma3 NEW NEW ýe4 8PRING G 00DO. Id l oc for cash, à a geui amuft3cent NANCHiSEmWABMOfsE,ý IRONMON&P*7, .CVLF4iY, 4-c,, iuSte! Knstn Thtee ri-a I , oN, 1Ileekusftoad s-cii,, JUUT oaoc t L oees-tabLeisneni, n r9und amalsquare Roc!Irmî. hoqanti Le nmt,. pieaaereetu Bitater m asst ea 08.c, Sbeett irccn suTu-andv el oci-t!DrhcsBcu laeSheet Cagper, Bcac, Zcce and !Ldads Chldre-i'c Duciýailalci upu. Itale and Sis Ketl. SaucsaP9111, Ste-Pmimi5 Rîbbics, Bellie,! pou., aet!11010v,- Wane of aul aazhO Musîn c Des e.itry loto pricer. grasel send grain tatoceis, cipl stel Spadet 4 Meuselainci de lAiuc inresee in ccii quauiies. tlhovels, cammen Sae,kliyties anud S&YlbeAnd a ILrcee t .rey cf ccilet Spring lic.os. Stiioe i anre mec! lias- Foeks, leg, cuil, trac .4 T S. .ud other Chiale,, suntÉs? Aucyiaà. Iellesciao v'ice@, Fine Iront, Dccg FenPekas Gen.1emer.ý*fiesc hha,,fa!qaiis Naia at spacorqulcs. tMD4ccce.epamI Ct e n e'a aicd B..ys'Ci-cth a de Nuil, B. al horse NailF, croie eut, pt aunili As hc Ri eIVr-I'r aie cui in addtok cf Sawss Harrow Teetli, IIocae Shccc, ('astn and 1 ct rcty eceec rceiio!ccnt waggan Boxes, &c. &c- bir formier ver>' !,.%c- rce,, lie>' tvulinviate JOUW CAs-s.s-crti-' ANtD COUFs-Eît' 'rOLé h. attention vi inteccdig îurchiasers te Ibei- ini gTess variai>'. Engîtuh ant! Anascicau Au- large stock ut Gciods. gers icabotbt, Icg, ircGu. N. B-A s-ar>' îeaay rcieek cf Icnc:on aoc! FteSmctlim Warc!cng, Cabinet Maler6' ;Z IMactlerter 6tioiel. eeled yths îe lire rtgcular Mll Sacs, round and t"lf rcocid, l'ende, tlat- tradors frein Let'dc- nd !L.ctc-poo. Z ' nic! spcrt ing, Shact of ait sotes, Bru kit amil IJ.fiR. IrUTTON & C. tie-La.pc,Ltodcoce Lincus, laitet aicJ Tacie aoc Ac 7,143 Rapt, Bec! Cc.d andsI taacbro Liueo. s i O O S (Rodger') table Knis-es and Fccr" b, utcheci, Hl' Subscer inlcajus t ojcenead at lii,, sboomikers', saddets' Jack anc! l'en Kaiscs4 Tj adEstablishmi-entsa. Welinigton Sbilaera, Razm% rsUlainia mtal Tea Pot#' buildings, an aso'rtunCîce OfSTAÀW Britaonia, Pliec aond German S Is-er Toi De- BONNETSoth ,e fsor. sert, and'TatIe Sposco. brass anti Japanot filelda faita Caodlestieks, tCcimpcog Michines, &Cc. cA L 3tc, PAINTIS AÎD PAINT STUFFU. A fcw cases of gentlemnen',, Boaser aicd Gos. Best White Lea,!, dc-. acid in il, test Redi sauer Hats & Hiat Casesa, tiliren', & mei's Load iiti, Vencejan fic.ïpatit Bronrr, tint, Cioth Caps. andI a case rf l'shiiccabie l'ara. gf retn, Ypllow, gtound icci, ello Océmsolsaci. Also, a few pacckages of Prircîs cf tice Lcrîlbael, rau anc! h.cuod Linsesl Oi't, Tic. boaest syle, suitatcie fur the Snaciic-z Tradc. peninue. mainerai and vçcircîabI. Tar, Pic, Pet M.ViIS t>, Copperasi, Vtia..asic r tamt itesPaint NI.ic andl other BrusIes, camel'. iha.- oeneii.c. ItaaB S., aiss olcen Iofi lGo- An asorlmeîut tf ras tii io'odotî LCEhîcci. co.icca ielifGod capht day anc!24"Iehues. i!rfcp -it icîl, c-v x ressly for this Spring'cc STOVES of ail deacrip*.ions. Stoat Pipee. ct.c ~tcDit-c.g-r.,f 'a i.tanti mcredDrills., A large aaserîmctid pnc, .jpand a.,gicic ci ic 'litOS 'ili5c5ac bltocki TIN IIARE kept -n han, ,or tîadc ta ) mccîc autci,. lccîir ron, Mlluîcrcandt order at short uotce. i ý'-;is acti Ccciccu. AcJ i sxe ictct cc-CcO JAMES POWVELL. c1'. crCcp:c aîc .1-Ciccifl 'xiýti a 5CI S'ore St., Kingston~,Jluit 22, IS42. ctraie ,fapsa n-)icl Cci.iccuýid, 1a %f1 NEW AND SPLENDID aOss0r,îto sa-al R CABINET FURNITUURE, A~s Chtap ate Gheapdrsi, aytd as gol T 1lE Subserihier beli hese e aiufuro te pub- lieirenerail', taI bûhi-as remored Iis Fac. nihure IVote Roocîtal is ee- builincg, recentii eretet! in Montracal Steeti, lird ddour Iran, uià carier of Stote Street, mlaad #ici taMr. Tclih'nd Gtocer>' Store --tact,'simili aiways le fccîncla s e- octal assrtacent of READY MADE FURI-d TURF., of tIne test qnjaliîc and lairsi patirtas, aid priceeîta suit inicndiîig parcliaspra. Petar:adci roas cf purcclain-, are reuperiful>' invitet! ta male a cati. As the Sulcarilier is rcniatitl>' maiufae.- turinZ fat sale and ta aoicert ibs- ao speodil>'le aupplied nitb se>' artucle lice>'y avr m ce T. 0. B TLR Niiigston, Jan. 1841. IVAxTE-A Vrniaitet and Polishier. T. 0.13. CUIRE FOR WORMNS. .A.FAîîNF.SToCK'I VIINWUE, Z'EPA"RI y) B. A. FM.neitde4r Co. Pithsbrgh, Pa. T IIS pttparaicon bas now et----lI--te-t i seea er's trial, and! i. confidntly Wa rrcomtended as a safe anc! effectuaI medicint fir cxpeilingt worm, from tte systeot. Tht ont- amphed succeis tai lia atlonded tes adminst.- lien i os-oc> case cIntre the patient e-an roal> afiirt with worm, cerlaioly rendeca JIt eotl th attention of Phyicians. Tht propietor lias made it a pint toeaco' tain the resoit tf its tust in surIt cap"e as cane wict hi hit owlealge artd oibservation ; and! le incariably foued i iteiproduce the motsaluta efrets ; noetunti Pquttly alter nearl> al th i ilinar> p repseatios rtcomîneicded for w-ceraiat been previosi>'resouted le eithtcta n>' perus. riet advintage. This fat sa atepted b>' th. ce-- tilicatta and! statoiset fhundttcds of espet. hie persna in differect parts cf the rountr>: aond eheulil indluce farnilieze laics-cyto kep a val cf lIte preparation in tlae;r "escsion, li imuid in ita ipperation, ,and unay Ibolie dnistt&red ac;t perfect safety Ilathie ment delicala infant,. TIco genuine Vermifuge is lice-putt cp incieo ounce vials, eitlt this improesion u pouulte glasi, ciFAI]NESTOCK'S VERMIFUGE"and (le directions accompanying eatch vint have theoa'% nature of the prcprtetr; an>' ittdictne put o, aà plain ounce s-lis, and!te signature cfw ci-beudon noi correspond iih ltce above decraiption, s ncct cny Geicuine 'Vermifuge.c The su,criber deenas it his d(ui>' te use tlc acocce prccàuuýr.s i odr e guant.]tht pubIc agaiict mirlaking ther worcii preparations fer bis deserucedi>' poplar Vermifuge. Tht ahove meinice cao be ha,! ai wlialtuci of Mr. C. C. Bristol No. 207 main et., Buliko N. Y., or lu Nets-Yocrk cii>' of besers. Iloacl~, Pfibeip & Co No. 142 caler Pt. B. A. Faîinestock & Co. Foc sale in Kingston b>' Charle Heatht, Nuble Palmier, uci J. WV. Brent, Esqra. CAUTION1. The public are cautionedagnicnst asopahius ir- tice latel>' put forth b>' a ccrthiees counterfritlu New York eit>, ehicdiniareprepenlsdl te lie tht seas as Pahnestoct'." This article i. outtret>' wocelhess ahaing nonce cf he virtueia cf oces- celient remedy, te on!>' seconit>' te the publie la tu e bts-r> particular te enquirt fiar B. A. Faine,. foeks ermuftge andc avoid ail preparations bac- ibg pinilar nain"e. 1UAIIETZC ouJOUTICA. THE TEE TII! THE TEEMTIc TUEISEtcuXPA'AiaaE TOOTU paerAxAcTtot. T [IE fat s proves!, anti the nmt incs-alte met! Joubting ,re fol!>' convince, cf lia trilutîlit>'.asweehlas-e thtes-videncesfron i lei cle cf about 2,0W boxe, of the Mtenties. cjtt. in the pas eîr. It is sacertaice,! frets tapesi- once, tht chen octal, th teeth weill! neer de- ci>', but remaint the atluest age of ma, 'e-tI thour natural wear; and mere-in thonsanda or caser, sucrous ttiothnclie, (that climatc si hae, at ducs-hbeen l ffettal?>- 'cret 1ia Jci pztpuar tietifito ta Ameraca.-Amtd In uoI. sien, choie, ort uNie ce cyeung lady or gentlas. min. uy, th. indiidual tisaI value. s beanlifel cet of test,, acunsi guuus, ndis swecet hseat more than ifl ces-nt, tIt e-il! te longer demiu- haleof ut box cf Dr. M. Iitcheocks a.ancui Odeatica. rT Soit!b>'Citasles Ileath, Pintes,, 8tîrgi. Kingstcn. HAÏR! HAIR~ aALDNiESS.---tliPcaAT LT »COVUiV-Tes- Gis-T MYTET5T OV» aiusr AT LA$T. DR. STEURY'S ITAIR REGENERATOXI DrD. Star,>, aller ànacb.ullistian toe tfi. perlat subjeet of préersiug the hais- sfier mai.. nye> xptrimntachemîcal an,! pl>sicel, becsable tut .ose an article wIiclt in cou offeret! wit tIne greatet confidence for thte toilet. as the Wý thinig ss-r uicovere,, forc ias sottning andlm. trati og qualit>', -1eproducosa gosa hoti < bof ' to pres-on it fren t allng cff e-len lialsiijsà apprenie-ti-hrethaire il egsbu talita place, anc! t pieset it IMM, c ÉntW<Ie et s tamure oaurig tie pses i, or Clon. er«. ahà*e humide for ladie' cil-IlMieIIIJ44c>W 1>. Wmmd ctcea oq p salds lave tteeud i$IM SLh 01 lente, sc!ta eand s t tii i tis unAliblee >tfl tW akînoaimhg-IsIdt 6t. s. sy WM. IWILSON. SOYIEFT§iNG NIAW. T HE Suh-crr.ber lic. crm l a caEii SIccre, IVei n ltc uilcîcge, a emallcuc- pi>' ofShetland SLA m, cadetinthte ict landl Iles, nc'tch arec ci lice finest truture, aUc! the firot impcortationcc c;to Caciada, Ttc>' are an article greatol> ciht afîcr icn Enlndccci, ng Inade friuclie theat SIcetlantd 'A001, afIJ madle bc' the pe-aactry of thit couic lIas bni>' 1Ya few sen scîciinccpies, ana' lady tc calicccg te sýulPlp i Ieti vilih te artccle arîli pita&e roche anic ari>' call i. -- p) EOPI.E'S chcicp eut-tioict ecavetly No. k s., ttuac cnjiicd iaCe<20 ucccterq ait 9J Part lai <of tiicv eecz.,cO;niy reap prcbliratcoci lias already bten clcc.îrcccîetd to sulcsccclcec.. ancd the 2d lanets' trend>'for cl may bclinîd ca: RA.MSAY, AiIMOUR & Ccis.' Blat Janciav'. NEW AUCTION & COMMISSION WVARE. IIOUSE. TUIIE Subsctilcer rcecsectftuliy infoiciâ u .Ufciends andflic publie, thint ltbas coîi- mence,! the Aicticon atnd Cccmmicstion businesa at is ie Istand ini Store Stret, where hbc ilho rt-ady 'at ai]li stcmoalacerivse conscigriîîen,. Froîîc Iis long revidencer ccc Kcngéon, and gecccc k-i-lw-cc iedge 0f the cccicciry,lie ccciîidentiY tcts lie ~w-il te enablici !t tca:cact business tote teacticclon f aIl parties c,îcerned. Ac!.icional Siecage lias ieen cngaged aI tht Redl Store btiongîcg ta W'c. (larratt, Ecq., di- rctciy incc cur cf Mescaco. Ferguaoîî &McGclcton*e }'orwardiog estlabishment. Wri. TIIIRKELL,. A.& C. M. Kingtot, Il ay, 1842. -rO«AlO1tRt>NV Iî,.Li E NS EI) 10 SUIIS('IIERS. ,NO.. ,71ce A/c/ctfsfrcl Eddclfon f Slit WALTrER SCOTT'S NOVRiLS. This %vGtk wiliiichofflctcct.ceclcocce a fcciligict lierefier. Tht prcve in3e. pr cNuinber, eîli etimber in iliustcated ic the licht,,t style cif Ttel art. ande, aliogcilcer, i cc a wotk eiperic)tuîeaoy> ihing tthich haa tîîr iiny yeccrc pdat ccv,,',] roco the l'ress. 1: lig t cicccct cf 11111 I.. 105 Ntai.« ber-fittrocciii tbc i lice 'c ti,' 114 S'eel En. grasingo, licnt eri tcceci Aciutici,! d 2(111 teautiful Wood Cuir. Sc5iec, concepopln oet he exerticitltof thce Ditcissh Pciisters ti çroduce tii Edition ini a fîîrtnrcoct>' of the Great Nos-. tlist, mn>'lie Icarcuil frein ttc tari, i hat lthe large aura ef £i30,COO t.trlir ,hici, Iecci lpro. priattd forcthe iîiastrafiotis alccue. stî AOL E te s:rrti1,0. 3, OF TTE EE ',-rtS ARMOUR &IRA MSA . 4onlret. A. IL. ARMOUR & Cc,.IlcsuLloat. RAMSAY. ANMc>l' & Ou., Kingl'on. Copies Mn>' aise he oftaitîe from the ullow- ine Agente: Messrs. T1. CàTiy & Co. Quebcr; IL. ScOBIs-. Toronto; A. GnAa, Bytowua; G. KERR & Ce. Pecihi; A. Dàvrnso,., Niagara; T. Cuaji, Lon- don. Uhareawiwllmer'aà AMERICAN NEWS LETTER AND EtIROPEAN INTELLIGENCER. Eelrged the lic cîs of l'en addiîenl Cl- UMat. HE abus-s Nev8pnper. cioenlargecl Ton JLadditionai Colucens, ehic as estattîisbed in jul>', 18U ,ia regulari>' pulisied at Licer pocil oxpresal>' fer trantmission b>' eser>' Steam Ship ealiuggfrrnm an>' port in fititain te an>' Port je lb Unied States. and itaiteaung fetuc ialtu gis-e. ai ont glante, an acccuiticf oser>' important erecit Ihat has oce ntc Gr eat Britain, Euroipe, ,sr Anse t h. interval hclween lice saling cf each Steain sbipis-iter in lapelitoicaetorcone- mete-acorrct an omtpreheoaitve Sbippîng Ltujun c iwl liho oued a faitlfifo record et ltse arrivaj aodc separtare of American veteela ai mec! trots an h.eilritiolh, Enropeau, and Asiatic pcrt....togelbcr cit notice. cf mach canalties or dus.era U May frein lime le limte cccur-a completsa 1'riceaCorrentin l elh the gremiesa ture i. talion to gis-e tht listai reports of the ver- tuons descriptions of Amerlean produet. fremth ie mot unqueationahle moare-tbs cooubinng n oetseetm a INeppe, a Shipping Lt, aïd a Prie"m Current. Tht Anotial SuliacriP'iion te CulILS3 W"LL- NETTc'a Aus-îc.AaiNES eaLErrxa td 12&.6d. Sterling. Ordersandoc!Subacciptiona cil! hae re- cels-ad at an>' cf Momra. l'cnTs ra& Cûý' FrmzzamOyrictiain thtef.Uurv STATES-8a0c CisinV a n i Bosice b>' Mesur". Reddiog & eu. »ruve Agente;fialifax, Mr. Soer, RSam tjease; mentracal, Mr>. wot. Gretg, Bsber; ». John',, N. Bl, Mc. G. E. Fouet>', Noeuu' hReca OMe; Quete, Mc. Chiarles F. Fe Uouo-tain.trel; et. John'a Nee-tmtsdlando Mr- *Ncoîbre>'. Titmes Office t-ortht"' esy b. enIt iirected t th ie Pobjishe-, eddle.sed astL- CIIAftLEq WLLMP.I - TransatlaulieNens*sP'Pur OS-No 5Sontis Iolast4réot, Liar-L »5S*d$EMOR1ALS iWLwQ-ft W g*quwbw49ut b.ifer 3 L A kje.i-Ifl »~8A~ y W. SIÏÏPRON 40 libia. ;'t>uIa~ue&,s-50u uiÇY 1PR3i 01TOUI.D respectfmxlly rai the t atin of R) ( ~1: lit NI.: X Yttpublic tuIi superbe aacrlefit ou Wciec Staffe, eensdcing ci Bat, BI"ekBrown- lL Lcciil , u-- j Olicc.. Greon and Gra u>DameonciBeatersPc.l- E. W c - ~ Oc (irtts c. :utcolours, Casâoeres, let Ar. Jc-clcc Doe-skts, Twreed.«. Jherseyr. Bock-a i s. AiI--- arg -e rcc-lv cjVeceicoge. J.îguredTti1,î and Pli -c. Maecccitslth oaî, made tcc cide,' ;oiand a lc ar.Ety cf IIeidcc.cadt Clmictnir. m t tt! tt , cccanmAlfler-c, Dliueco, SocLe, ccc lc.cLic s , c4 i mli el c e ice c h,crtîtebu'.cuci Ecicton. Oct. bih. 1-'42. *pI 'o NOTICE. SszrC T l E Sutcncribccr ha,, juat ruc-ieied frecica citer.lct!7,-r ~-,c Jîie f3ucidrien. ca- cncr reancoi-tmeiit S-cer'c-c' of StoN-es tf ail sat-r Occ;satcc inticd. >c-c I t Coekint. Parloir. Hailland ' V, 1i-câ6~ BOX S To VES iZcc cf tire latest improrcul paitenicce, scîIciîl N'ci-Ilcs'chî,-lmr.C're l-u, helt vc!i-c> ions for Cash,. liu'fcrc bus-î,c ieeccr:-ct~ .tcI c"isevîece, piease eau oat thce oic! esabi.Icel yi..0 . ts' ie i'ls r.-c ,c Stove sijicland lexarmine tirce assoccrme: tai.d b'oc ons cccc JIAMES ca"iti c c.Qc-- Princres. foerecy Store Street, ccc lcc. t). c Kin sattcc.Oct. W. 1842. rc-e; cre cc, -b e1-. NO 0TI CE. lc t71, îcc ccl-- HE Suluscrib>ersare)%,rcýNi ie T fall uyltc f Dy ï -J oue 1"uc,~tcc 'tlye emind,,ex Nta icccnIu cLsiver.,c.icc ic r c pool, termid ofîheir tocck. wsiiel: wcll hl Kc ccc Le dis1tsed ofoatitre usual tel-tns, andci atîci- 11c ic. À iuc .Jr c. cei considecallv lower cthan tliconi.cni1,,t e-a- c c(ncc c h.c-cc1 .H. &T. RAE. c<-- c,.c Kingstoci. 24th Octeber, IS 12. "ecIt! ~ ]EM'fIRATION FOR 1842- ,c~x c cccl T E undecaigîued wt1cii acte tiOt1,cnrdcc t1ld c 'ci .-cc -- T pages leCanada, tr.cma ttc porte-c.f NL'ver-i~'S poot ) l ,, C rk Biftit , -and! Iitccic Vrs .. c. - - ---: . ,e inc Lmoielancd sea-orihy - c ee ot-us bsali ccxt Si-c a!ccctuic c e xil îcncc,!,ci ccit bec-h til .cc.- c clc i .î--e ai -J tre-t.itulle, or I c- s'ccsageiy ras cc. c ci N X c c t inw l'annricger Act. Àcnplica.cLit i-;leV - - M.4clccxy N i Aca. Eac., Kin;r,rrýc, c0 Qclc-c. Acoc'ait 1i' . COItisu1'l", 1il 1 ,-- lyrrces, Lcirpol;cci rticA tO 11. Vc 3t. iclKctcELLYu., Cùulieiarof Ct:iccdic-. T-.foniîr tofif ja jI;flci. :lr. N.B. bMsccy3 c-.reu-w-c1 i- a s g.cb c :c :i cc brkluiltfnric i f liîP ;chîýve 1ltrce ci .c, c sccri-, if requc 11ccc 'rc I lCc ic ---'-~.G . ~ lircicciil tc c.c l ce s taiiccg beh m li3r i ,, c,~eI-c- . RA 11 OF ' ASSAflEFOR SîcRING SIStl5, e11- I ixccr. c:cc tlic ' - 10 Q ~l!l:i.excilcc1c1c,'c .cc.-. i. .c.i . Sterling. Carrcracy. -c i!iee cc Frin cen;c- ..Aict, 2 10 fil :; 2 Il f pus'occcîî. 1,; Chii]eiuaicr 1,1 s'acru. 135O IIl h1 -ccc ie e sci -c- Dim,ît il cidr i îe.r-Frec.. cu adlî cc Fru'cc Dubin !ccidBcc i-N.N-T .lcc - .Xctc!A3, 2 15 0O 3 nic-cc/ ;,,- - !Jc c , , Uxicdtc 14 yecre, 1 7 6 I 1-i 5 3 cc iýi-'cc le*,t p ic c -e -; Fr., c Cck & icy 1c,, i'c cc-. . Adulcîte, 1 0 0,C 31 15 0 Cc c ý.c cec 4,.-ci Icnler 14 s-srs, I1100 ( t1 c -----ri- Thce ve&,selsicitcc ho pcJ-ci. utcc l vcc r x cct-ice filsc -c-i , . fcciti i erte, iarerten ccicl rad sccYc fcr î i - neRc Jr c. c i c c. c -- . l;ic tccsage, as lctcclid1I t Icc e Ic tPcscecgters uliiet dl iii c7 - !r Artc, fifck rccd itVcar a. chop.c17-.-spi-icinuctcent;. ni an t ic,, lecici iey ot - ,i< rde-ci clcîîc hec, - - r K ee c . 1, ;z.~ ciiilIeat int lie abcc c cc. N. B. Thec iief regccicicciicccl lice r,- t cl s ' UFI.c o(lcl U ci e(t are, ltat there cchuii bc (,!"!v îhrre acccs-VccJi.maRc. hLIl Il j.îii q ger to cvrcs'foc itos r -gisler. That osjccucD I Sn-iii hcc -- -ic-c-i ofiren,! stusororh<ier c.,d eqcîc-alcî i ccic cc i ncf. .c cc ---, te, lcali be deal euti ci i aci a it jcvse'n - r r i cai ,.ic -ec 1 i 1i .11' 7 Il~cc day. A grent encueaiee of accommcodation tie lio heacý, ic-.,-ci- -' hiegit cf tht decke, iert lum cc lcC, v (ic dc] , it.r. u eu . 'lu ccic-- ' l.ccc -- as Weii as strict regticaiaocîsfccn ce nlcrI-icc c i c:, ! pc.ncui shcrhucc - t",c-1 ccsuncng lthe eaarcc:lc icr.c ccifit e s'u i-. C,. ic Y7, Fr '.1 -c- - c - q c îiovecl Thteess îs .-i ichicneiic-lci egage Kinlreoic. fir lice convcs'ac ouhD~i* %v- cill ic îcthe---1 1_ c'mplicfrtircithalpu rpcaa eby c,1'. W. TBvcsc, l'l>iXle t "'î Queher, 1lth Nov., >12. i__-c4 - rcv.Vci,,c .T-. c --- T 6 17TTf.i' IL q A Dà -iTA-11i s, -wtst 1 ;;cir-'1 i.i'i 1,cciec.!-cs ING 'liEN!) MI)NEV TO cc-s, iccc- thc< c--i r--- I c cicrh .11 t1-cv TIIEIR hElEN D. ral - Mc'lclcie.,c 1 i IIE CANADA (COMPAN1', aliitstn f ii c ci . - Tf-eerve faclil> 'alunfcrthicgSete cperit n t lsCcîre, %vi Elt ni-ao, ccn e- mc (riea i - l -c--c- 'c- - 1 nirtclc - i i,-rc ,c loncy, DtOc nitenr hccc sc t h e iccicut ni tcy.I 1 N. B. 'cc A- ii- i ii' - tc accy part cf IE cglaccd, IrlcccSciaota, orc 5.0 asthe ar uccs'chi tope. - ,ruc.t.i -le <fc, cc Canaia maapanys Office r- ~Sol I lic rv' - Fredcnick Street, Toronto,, 21>11,Nocv. 11.12. J cccuci l'aou NEV olic. 1t'lli)2ii . 1 ' \. J iL! Si, iih sé-ilJI 1w old rkheop cfor Cash.b Quecsrc Street. IN. B.-Uocco)ls pipeted te occrr 0octhlie short- est 4.,Icie. KcegstooMay 23, 1-S-12. LOTbON, LOTION. Dit. rvA-Ns' rm,uaits-t L0TWes l<,Il.~i ste for ccccrîcgaiEruptione, HI .Csc-rene-o. Ildîce.e, aoc! 'icnpi,,eîcont- Face, Neck or liande, andc effectuail>' cleaning lite cectplexcoa c! retnosing ail decases et ite skm. Nc'ihincy cenîribulert se math teo u>'gne stiliCesa in hite, as an engugilcg icoL apperne This Loion is adutire,! as a incat ragran:,mi! safre asIt anc! grentl>' ratenced fer ils Vtrnea la cleansing, sofloning, andl purifyiucg the akin oi- ail cruptien@, ce injurioeutotefeunale beaul>', aja,! teaterbng it to a hi gh t!gree cf punit>' A beaufoland healhtul eoupleaioo is tite prie of ait whi 1coee m aoc!dttirecnt> otthocee o-ho are deprived cf ie. AC goo pearanesietht besi recommanda. stien ;a!sa Is eutifying Lotion parifieaste skie. and! rcvcs ai ulh l'impies,,Murtte, Tan, Scantars, and! Rediiecce andl prosiacea a beuaoi. fui boue it is the ouI>' cSmettt a lady' shoeid use at her toilet. Genttemuen etwiase ic!titis a delicchifal re- msal>cte reniese ail Rtoughnetra, pintpiLe RIO!. Wocrmis, Spetb Rec!nens, Sorecees et tht face.nt nitse, & es-et>' kinit et eraption on the surface of the Iormun bcd. It la particalari>' recommemt. ed ic gentlemen la o eunetlattar shuving.asestI cil! pretsettire thrciat certain efelctet o ili ceoon acap lin turcing the litard prematctiy For sale b>' Charles Heath, Princes Stretet, Kinagutnn. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT.1 T H OMAS 'A. HAIKE8, llire taie$titis J.uethosi cf acknoccldging pat fanas.te- reotned tront.hie fîtents and!tht publie,andc! hep Io oa-quait thons lIai tbcNas divompeed et bis promesnee thie Phbs, aWhoe tebcn go ilie Commissioni mati AoetiooeeviutçDuhste T. A. H. Jr. Îlsebega te reeoeend bio tattu- er ttc "h.favorable eqtice of0<tht mercantile eena- munit>', fron a convitiom îl ont ."ilong es- pere an boum» esu b. chlgs mifoc mores paricelula4 i ioneuic! im.rxit petuoneg fW biniosau b. isueaide, cnudeot~'gbibusinetss for rash on#,b0ag " eadd tlmt ai tbe resent cris.iie Sf s ltnalunte la ieusfte actiet antI hoeciii tboey eit.eualaed-le mks prompt settiemaotp Kingon, DIe. 1,1842. Jus 2 RBCEI.VED. reinu itirLie Ou CHEAPEIT 0W AJL CHEAP HE uuexemi~e4uIe ai tiou sbfica- T iss15 bas. Wsheuà tt.mabribaer go kepp a large utmack es asi-Country Mes-- chen* and esers etoid do welIte adU io iheir enoelfltnt I iCORNEa R O T .-tici & cciccc. :Ivr AN D Ro-tiic-st dCernie.-r MIai-Ict Sua.c K 1N G 6510iN. To SilIP-OWl'%RS & MISTI1 T IEF.Sucscciber hts.c'câtcl i.-W ialeW cicrphm ci,rr.tcc 50 pco. blceaclcc.iCcciixu, Noc. iilaît Ci c h Pa., 12f mdo ido X.. 2Z dc -50 do do No , doc 50 tic do Ca. 4 & 80 doa do ma6 & 7, cie i"sorticent ef BrciccCanc.i Lircena. and! a ver>' suercter arlca izi T j uocg-s-aiebloc e clc ice l i uidiha Ccor Icendacnii. The abuvae gocido eivii rci!chcccc . for appretciNotes at i00lss 2d Nlcccli,i>4.3. ON SAL.E BV THILI SUDSCis EI 14 Cîcls hel ttcc ciiie 2do cf l1 ichi, 210 Faiiccnse Oh, 2deo cI ]t ' 1401 dc. do 4d o ~2 i110 c.. ci 4 Io î2. 1 4o ils de 2 do uu1 140 il-) cia 20 Bbde. Reond Cccnl Tac-, 4 Bbc!.. snd 2 CatauWlctcfl. 9 Chasmps,n-la. 1 et 1116inib, 1 of<3.8 inch, 1 of 7.16 loch, I6 tf 1-4 itîrhi 10 Case, Superfiue Saisi1 Oh, lb do Clialeau Lafillo Wcccs, 10 Ses-t Candted Citrîlu, 10 do Macaroni 'q deo verutloei 4 b5tio ItalinaPiste, RappeeS aufl Cavendlsli toir. CGe rvexinsbtraadsand tittheet ulasttYi Blesse. &om&c- &c- & THIOMSON & rN' G. A. 4- CosoaisMe Kiegatun, lOthFebruar>'. 1841 PUBLISHED RVERY TU'ESI At bis oSfe is, e e zetMiai>'91' Manalon ho Ra tel, Kifipla, C e-berc au i ades dli lathbaniI Iytzl andr ibYs n"ad ae yi e pece ifSMnet iO An>' pensebecesig r"ap ort-l nment et oz ?Ifez0' bs]rcsc 05ÇS in 1mb. propesîsuafer a onet itt e .No papes iitîn" ue til amenS u except ttlise Fi.ofO<bmPN Ait Comunctins, mOte beaiIfrz te th.e titet. FAMILES &INVA LII)S 111111 I&a he village driitae 0, Upey Ceuntyre lt OtOl,'SU l, sc &V ever pet therus înu tict1 69 *,lJe alg*nitlirtcet- un theci cc.ccI. - ,a me rebase nîcc ii ,rd. torcchant neamcicvo'.j'-.,i - tu pzee- thcîrit b.,mtt New York, or ic e c ; a t.jlsmnkîrcth c ci , it if &Miii ., uc. 1 5. ai "tn [inake I r ' . b" thbair' tLro., s io SM si * îUcd aaIrL aned ccc,.. eil,.boaOU or ycccczc,.bv thc . cc" Stlt Axe NEREAut Ioi\. Lci ypwientcd, eorgcvernec li i., c: mifyaiuae the sniy icue Il-c.' cci '. .say ltlg relieveil b>' t thnt c *fiia ion. tat@ like a chicrnc. >.'t'. BILES ihat itae Rcc icc j. su,&c, ore cured by Ror,' Si i, cci. . ccc. £diesse. eicirceiy ccrc It. a m agical Pain Ex. UaIwesvl-'l'he cnj"t î - mir unvm*eaulfotr a&U cie orclcl ifsf1l ake out il ccii m c ., mâ ichatI, h cure Mte iEff ý W'$ SPREAD PL.ASTERS. MWia samore mcet, dcandui uriccois ccnv,, ... Ail s"cid cear cient fecgcicriy. TENPEIIA I.,cII BITEftus lapinciple of s,1t,,ccdîccg [fi. i n ccpitcc i"*f pcnci.c Lccc , c.a cc. ic,cc ccc cLi biw1ud. and!lfir &il îrrcgu re.l. ,l? dcf i l i-. loDsrldLf¶ ob«t0 o,, IADACHELM 111POM' MEADACIcE REMEOV Ishou4Yi>' ccittack leadaclce, eclicrr oc. , c erbiliona.liuncireoa cci , .ý., coing it wib great je>'. OLPOMN'S ELIXIR OF IHEALTHI herf"is ltevention of cý -ctoi mitgeane;keeping tttedntsaib 1 % cctir Wul, thebo oulr n ' M'nuto 6a boîts., hmmem.., MdW Bi~ ~kefroi! b> il Know tbis b>' uycug 80O1NO.-The Frenchi Pleater la a sure cccce. for iYeusiut, but wcil etst lr tics Ain,. If 8mnmaewa that can exeseil or eqccc i c.,. e l. uresUe igaetCemarocuîa, yo..ciiillccd i u c aul thoe..ILdosa oet recquc pccting. CELESTtAl. BALM U*i>iâccÀ Puse.em1 Wotihe puIts, and ail =mn os b tae th ~bfilédant, cLnh M ainai ,- in oueoffin-, " N us, ohe tirnt. tis Dacimo "a lal Mldlclisvc and cue toire- se fbOr OU t r vyere d yitsdb'i. or'cc ~ a auicis~,ant eoaIccmpcccca. W na na là a dekfijiifremed,. lRaturit. UW8&d gl VERMIFUOE sifs a l i culcren et adult to15>'gie MaWi*M. la àatib@masu -5 > tck, mdc!mla uit a moiÀa b>' mguh4Ck C., New ys,. le anm n io om eeyfr thteofacto, oc j, . 1 1-