Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 23 May 1843, p. 1

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Lîu~~ton CATNADIAN JOURNAL,_POLITICAL,,s AGRICIJLTLJRAL & COMM-ERCIALýi ~~xlv. KINGSTON, CANADA, TU7»Â)Y, MAY 23, 1843. O.S eat linr La '. Ions are ait a vlir Egr ,:tedIl cd butmt iln'"ta tin, gre h dce t-rt tit ufa ~itiirig btil~ 8", 5ev Iii hlui ~1)i tu î-ýLN z SIAN'gfo inil ut-1rt] lotI 5u% do-î- i7t, tI tIr Cu 1.u r il I I be as is er MM b- à oneti sur, gMAI 1 ln"c- 9LIES I& INV.XLIDS. Toa i. E:aIi ri%;. io li.i. endured by bisi growing comiparins, .Jacques Co. 1tur4 o f tihe etea ài.eepokin.lerire Jacquet _______ î.-Amagrceî dealcf exnc t -n.tbsfrcen u m atI frienadofhie book, and buuthe Cceaawitbout(ietlroh.efor fteesC ~~~&ui t~b iÎy OIime past prevïtilt,, ccad is oiIIprevailing. *xeeeg rewieeel of s&n&frinzichp. He or'nui soute oid auaintaccce ti<îlinge, a4oftitthe ~~~i.j ~ ~ ~ i a . uae ,,, i the religions m orld, in cniseuocre of the. rond, trite, and rvpker, tai the iohame cfof maiy a t1owat Lait of the areindissentent, andtI ara the ionceaîr toe t te ~ae.promulgartion of the absuria ani rirnloui due- bisaseniors. JacquetCcAX"tlher tcotkit-d.fortne of li;lféelitw vcdagera. et e: ~oe maeos~ ameati Moinoilsn il i!lriuin tht te ien-apr*de in is ie «<i iimnteape deleà. anti C'>. Trio day of drawint carine.'Ithere was the imite .wagone si- finl ina ot rait :hingei idraîvitgait er. casils ;ira àdorme.] ai.lber tatepilon tuat increa-4. abris,< o uiiiiob " tuînn-spranm i<cl fhie nnti awful Ceient, the beievi'noin tiiic dgmas an.- 'The notarv wantood a clerk. AIl &v~ ha lg te nl eo thuurddulînday j týt on the wroppoi, a. ail Viborgi sert that the appearanre of the ovlcnlid oentt trned open Jacques as the very lad fur the of. aed>.sn-.are %ver. hars 0< of ai tjI* irt~~~~~~~~~ sou. hu mouc sIriae. ahc - îwra-irng ibrut:h i!iiitîable oelue, lien. The inutart, luenaeilfconde'sccedaiifcen-. 7Opprueeoas ltceem'cpt api'ag sarong the ,,rust ceerr iestlo h" -o 4 ial. n ijejefalîble prece7stir.-Peîîit troc, Sir', ta asolicit vagie tle prtensions of Jacques to the. dîgntite. cjerail abd there w'.re Cr ippiteipair, and sait th,~ mi w l.the tavor ot yumr publishiuug in vour Journal au Aiready Jacque oit h1.1< i imtstlleri. ohuen a oite ahng bre ri t, % . a i honew <'- a u York, or Iconun ,lmriate.mn. aconunt of thre lndirriotis fFerîprndneed hy the sî,fî.aîelpnsa plexionod youV, macaceftOI le . it la ec~uotheol ddli o wek wit-tLits, !. ~~i apprance lofa romet %wlitose mreluierwaa calcul. prfere I teC lra -t. utii ary'» *,aie haing bouee areti iy William ;.iiatrraelebrateti divinepihy nrud ber obedient fausibend that h@ a! I>I~Griufor my huz ~~ Jacques ad ntrathemratrian, aàdthe Icarnloodtranslater of biuu.e-hild bt . dwellicg place fbr ah C e nt. lttrons, ;Lu bcuaIvMtb wretced COLUMBIAFI ll' si xt, Jusephîi". o rkê, tuilie un tire 1mb Otoher, bak. I i t" c oescript wld et. if fadling out, or tlîououll 1712. Ira tlw r orse of tfnyt ei. muet aith Jarqueg Ccocast aighet i e turned ftrtaiitee & $" ,10*ink 'iwui eiut ure laurels il. oîneu~ n u' 14, îî,'nu"rcf te d t'odr, cand bis heurt beat beavilyaua.ho w crl~ is (;issele. lie ood gavageeas lahhit IiAC l guersjidy~ Mechanira Mgit-a'. andI il -lr.ry sl.îhow b awledt ispatorcal fumant. InX igetwco ir.tacrs imaittIt4e boer'oibeautifel lu te iiir front »Yot wourderfuii elfrets wlich surh phîturonna p.tint sys huweter, Illtha bueubark scmileit $and Isgh. iaug h W lag on bs L iarait urd Cr'ylutg hMr Ly jot tfeut the ada iof hiLW dr n ,, ,dor e nkf, sllv, uniran', lid cueuaîîu t sbtue ni1erelsipwafsetut. ctaemwgh&ea ou.ta o nnatîd-o klha- -a.r.'.~ cod -e s-et baotLnw niw ma itls book. lis eate orbler dear lercule. #ho souilidtry tu O3AEGýta, $oiUe faur yearo passait on-iubme . rosla5ne ive 1»Il die a maid; smortlHercule, wistii s fui. of preierckstrzh, ?IIq 12, 18-113. te the notarv'. e-sa ote Ilhe tair-baured <w liateuîîng tectue whiatlheag bullet,4s, auiet"Va, LRc,mbr ltutu 51.03. Lodicrao seioe'"fo lte ajqce.lranceCoeacoret Y"a th-z fie iit alssmu elied fron fs.eas'om .'ýnly pcait .naaguwcuur<ty or Fâlicite, asudie~ car ber huî'baud, tuin, wieh ber ber husli.iid'o tinetese.boîtpe, esr itlier trials. o.îOeoter 14, I leck. (Great wao ith.e cnternatiou n rmcaikot AnJdol dthe heurt tif Jarcques Cocaét rejode ai -rism, ..ri h MJ~ P'ii'..'.. ]1.4e vl -luanIdeep te revilingli of <'try Ibis !i B ur n ead--he fait nu t.iuîuph atth1e M MI This veatr. 'li. V in liv.rur_ a!ruilated 'dite îîooet~it rp.uo. Jucqie» Ccuat joetid &iou calaiti tof (isee leno plsrattureettâc te i .»Jau ai ,ireIU< ii u ~ rturîr r , ',icI% h v-, , tir ake ira ap.. abuoip, bat mollira fine chiirity trit the &neujceri- of bis lair, ft"sehatersia i rrbPL with a Liaes Ur Yo pung, yth 1e 1"Ursra ranre tol.uyoviei î li.t Cive mnutes aet- caîce ' u woi.tb levecera îdraîatowlordi gîaià of gratitude bce oxclainetad, anea ýNiaitoru e uis Li',stUT- ter rie ri te ,uur, onî'ov ati le pubi ir sin t tti i, utiitul % je, an Uit insider.og - Th.ank Lid furr my henri !'l thesaie a GenCrok4 o. i iia, 'irlu i 1t errify on: udditiontin tt a a ith.u.l;cf ilou subtile ;uivonO.îe i te Uitter, Ilerrule Lroitéeerte weu loaiuCriard. For. t uiat î :!,t urUly ic wr. tatale lie frit griteful for Ilis escape, and blreatheri Lis tunil ai'llhadl heapeti sorbti ksuy lapaitthe 1 a i bi ril'l s:itrhe reitaîo:î gritituJo air l:s w,,ited slli1leina, ,lddirs of Cocal. lit les] Lruasetcte fer ie. i L ad oit ha Ii~icrîicdjo iovi d a-id 1' , Thauuk tCodifor loy burch 1" tlgîaity of a grenadier. lie quitteilituevillage, a p iîcr. eut i :lie Cr ai doualt ruit Il"e Licqueýca ut lovas u(ow a p;initaking. philo. keituJie bakers daniter, andIlas spotamatch. eid, or g.verned i di. aiailue p piloU orii1!1c uth 'Li ta raedicii. Noverai Su)pl.i:i.îrand]train uio liglhr elevatioua thar n itandutIperliapF, ihictrean ribhla pilimnade une the sait- truc Haru' LIoNf-u udwriîiiî eut,ia..,,. î. 1.e. A secouber tof bissolio.tkuard, ccii.ld oàk duon îu illany Urt he vît epaulettes. We kuoi Dt lutat; straggleu f'ers'aiis i iin d DI -ut . Ijoî, iiet'01Uicbar. vunitea oi huin alite. lie ea ioi w toaen'y, and Feicite endure.] to keep ber pledge ta Hercule; ges ai.d h l l.c tl*ikii o bt;î , . oui ii Ueicnreatj years lia i oily ier'ie l t tiilla lLis tiiey louat have Isoc enveraisudimnifold; for reivid -y ir abat admi'.fa l . ll ala îy .îa iîî.,d i , mideun ric or, andi take tiaitfeel a lesseniung lotou] ày iî toa stsix cMethoalter the departure cf &cmou likea scharroi. Ueo la. ttetiitsg to îkp cLirec, si.clu ttitheis 'Qn s iî udurc. .aeiuîs n'eut.] niaka ie et ioegreuuarer that alite ceducd th crusou-f the vil- - ItciL i 'iIY i (,l a <'ef . AteutleînaIà whia ail r'îla-,e ' tlidavs, cdii -r lity his own iat-la##ispgiocer, the grocer'a f±laer ojîpiituuely dv : diii hava Ring'Botîc, Spavi. iîsîmi . fjalul fti Iîrayer forbet-tir i-ritiire iciuarte oi of au ulet, fuuîheriuiîrc urgCui teiiia.înd leneing tais stock andIbusiness tic ÏMa - red udty Ratsý' SrtuFic ; acd Yevor, [Iiiriliui.- l.:, îu. cl IV<t.. lia doter.eciti î--îslby tisa bInceoves utf1eliruîe,th ie on~r. AIl the wsirlithat a mil the village, '1 bailts aiirely card t-y Rauf' iiu toitiI i etiO .t iîliàîîi.ie pectîcc tie bi1er'i. uaîi-lîer. bîlaeed rda<nthe conjugal bitsanof the grever anti CLai. alo iti, 31a 'l euri uleoe-r tliaateiiuu1 'uggd .uitic.le> a-iues Coraro! Fly the aweet per- liîouiiîe. Pierre Ciiîîidaiteaaitsu oîr'ek 8 tl iatu ir i -'i!Zu.idei iueL.aiii 1 t. put d:iouj! \uluiow ftatthe talâe!io.gil 'utlias goile a euil, a alau.nai tui l b bc ppy wth t iilnil ibiy sain.iatciitO lut o)'-L oppeored ciure i-it.---Ueile rear i taI piuting, pulpy. Lii. Bi N gclP la me" or rot-it.lise huitltJ-"a a .iou. iiialli Lu]l luj; lv..r wIupivith a uit!i'4 laugla ut the iguun, Felice oas alwayd thcstveeteât-lern saVO.-l1ne omettucriuuu te.> par Cra'iou<liir4a iLu Il. âau] the cap. love ni il uîicicl--hilst le, pier lnuluient peteal gi; I -re Liaul hec uriona ta"lfe. f4r est] oroei nc r Ldo.în loila DIhilliriq) t1irew ail iî luilraouo to i'xo ui-tsiiiataed hy fis .pasion, lvasiraait ai litit, but aur a lhabit Leouttrusibp, ren:d fo ai newor ad Iie rie. i-.t r: iii jilot itlRle eauthager- atitioH;~ilre toi> balti and an'.-aulta lue a gras. oedup '<vthe ugliet girls ut the village. cdl. Tie utiurîi- i i .c ., io.îet ap. happer .at îLte carth, anCuivela its heart and] 'habrec miotashaitpalsed aince Pierre ant i tiauol uc-n1l.ig 1 ieunpccd.uuuir, ai]be:orce nutai Iothe iyranny that rjoutes hîbât. Jacqjues Fîicite nitre one; au.d Jaques Cocat-tor. in Iru loi. d"!iio ;:uu,'lc-ii, ; I<l C i I.ît thieday tof IXîii #iuîlt nety. lie wùuulul rothe lajttin-t e agnaniiiity sft'lis seul, lue titi oct vwîtb 1 ui..:"] nui ou <oautliiiil. ALuit i:li'dteàà 1<1']self iraithe humillerat waed, antI thon thînît that drtwhWluisua iicfront Pierre u ou itntoutlbis ,i lli ut otail painliiîtnueir coeyi ci i vtre iee.%ecrt ii),sitibelà. it nia. tIho b-ut ourîhobe which tireur te itil thbe least jc;tade ite,uaàs ie only sluIp in the i sdI aura ch. olupei n.on thit a slrîpraertogtbep..moilice. Nir as it otheruase. The eves of Fe. 0 ;.ud.l tpe snnlierre'sjcoun- il ct awitInel itaenargnireithi.u'urblicite bad sioieîidoptionathe.taiIon, asiJac-ques teh il bcIng ttc nttiou cfthetatilorte10dis. servure, unt iî a," seui~iv uu <re budteneol e h etatILm es taith uafrea' _vv_ Sudducly thero ~ Irurrî titeir ciorisî.1uc uveln Unit plays. sud ubet rrtîcal clitonier toJacques Cotat. If w a rumles hi;Jaqae ognizeti the PREAD PLASTE.RS. selite ~là akouielr ta lreiîi al, oiii bs a Bitle, Eiicita liii]l oked itb lacer onfis bodyu, ho votutof elicîte, aIt-cit lie bcdr! er t eard it ut ,r uîrr "idlarisotol aide ntrul ." aîd 1lýI.lîui)ip'a lr' hly l.iugand [yiaîg,. woaId take tie ititert deepisect article ýinitIr saigli a pitch. Atiotler minute antI Pierre ti Wear alitecai rtgtiii'y.'lioc rui . luulli ,ii' ie ut]iv, o ,thtlbhsfuture corte, antI habit it worthv of ber m-lu riiabttuticto the aaiot.,tlloed t-y hbifs e, vite. IpERI4ICE flhlTEILqt il ,ii 'iplyeoiuuOyirainiuunou<r LuIaig t lt iit elated t Us ber tien. As fur is houp.tat hcuulass uf the avanttaetfacuagesner, heedlnasa id it auiliuiiiulg t. lvair î,lil.. v, c C:ltler.uuillai. l'uiihieecie. siuaSe,,yea %nanisteal, meltea ra9Le t u n light lte cricet b ler huabanîl dotent iheti an caruken cchit Liartouu n, i i '"uiè iiiu-uo i J. lIuit' t haî Kt htluept ok'eluiie'oeye.. %Vtthlleerejiingttheugtspil.uniackily in ber batnd, tpon ber lard au. w,t,i uit ul i: e- 1oui ' . î iuil, lle sface ut iJarcineucCotant wouuld rray hînusetiffiuely - a s o îLe monice lou ai. No st-ep ver bled wttih >e'eri.i-uluu, t r. ivii iiie oble fliecuaiacipillar: bis vestnents noe basred,d& murecocoteent;a titan tid Pierre Chaitielle.'.11i rIr aah .î (<ro-, i1bort leioî, at tuai tg.Lehopuiîmte, sd. î>tsi4with ahuionrdbd ue..f tl n«d1ire - D:iecroi-it ff ýooc l. t Ii t ' ifue 'And'aa e bbsked un 1he aistadutaltcitete o ut M- ïl-'ye.7.liant e.Pere at iWtOeW1néSitsa~ut.51arr. lire inT--- i Lîlr, i iii rielit u nkcep haker'a wcicd daugher voulu] laegh ira bertanbo $l- a vigilant eye te busintte. Wi iro aeguiaMM» <tChocela, a guiiuUlîi ci1haveeoil.tiii eici(,ta lleLw heart, lait]tire foikatof the village vl osi VI al'rilagaie ichen yecîr n'onils are trou- * ii I o~Fiil,<îo. nnluleittilyCiOu tcerligerat bî nnsd"saud JacuecsCocat lte- i .ciooenite, 'à'. Iàý Jacques Ccast the Years cent ce, antI Jac.uie. Crà ait r1'T iopt thc' ,iii il .icuîils'. aalex-blunafll Adaîn et titis tual'a parad'se. ForafltaboutLirit the smaenuleusuots tif Une ruorlil, aitd riticitteoii br tile it tire eouth aliolimeratlle Elysiaru. At Iength the leepirng the spirit 9f l6w youttlu, wsa llitue au s, L EDA CH EOY e*iai ccil ! tcevoudly bu- eyea o!f.larquîius ('ucattire, pened aitdilhe sa ir,* . o 4'8HEAAC E RMEY i r.ýýLhreuibc-un cîticli Aumeriraru lîcire loloanneea,. lt nas the iuy rot a dua7e Oneouutemno en!a&, wadrg a noile ortienr :uý owi wirahe efie ton t-a t p«I ç,i r bacuitn l ic bavieinoeft lunteprle tif lis heurt. sndtciil hettCglaryutfh oit m iifrel 4in 'ç lIrem,,an.] tltiothig te !t4 us. dauff sun ds be ni, liie I vuii 'uor tî.uiugtiu illtutitisti La traite, diii tLe hurchack artay lhuiaetutoIeeruDot1lapin t i ,seqes Cocast a.s ait. uuug ilv t ratjy hy tprwra ! Ibu'g t)c'euri.:ran il- danc'e wîtb FeErîta, the baker's daugiter. 111e dfraly tartied !je li eieub4t- o.]vi luhr.îtfi-un o vmîcec la, i li .1%r notice ol: balutlte t-eain sa iuviuig,9su unmPlYin.,- n.on "For lbe lavea cf the saintsa, if Yenhave t, gir. N'8 ELIXIR OF MIEALTl-I, pliu, tiu-u rri fr. irt ia ,îirwichier-tii.'Te n.mtdacce tay bo et titeir weddiag.,rue a pinc, f fnuff." relnrIcOforali, t >, îIV, ,aihi'-Ioiirtet iq 1e-"Irecolari t .-aIl everîla, hiitlîey wouul dani-e un ts@ ,Tire fp-ýave? oceeJlo tr ou rbinaisol- m m-1r.-h olen-calcrouuîîcg htolîdi.. le, îlle h'cactutaek. lioycu] ly &,'ut, o r. eledirhe feroadside. mi a ute ocs~ Uitintr pt. l--t izueoc, tit Sir Ci. ilaiIlît aiold hie wu- uvn eut anuld tfit cut)iiligb', *ýItt eli 'et', criCacaut. -"ltre, udrl reguiar ai eeoi o arri.'ctea t e.u.u.î* -uil 14i" 1 ci ptetLvtlut e aim fas. tul o. snubcniyiî ax &aire iSeci ,ttcry-bl)olu;ci iai lt bave urtu] ai i-pot a cie-r -druio scattered bty Lis meeu. ' ],got at" a theUicsoldier, *'lk ai ~ le t îî-il taas tu rate'iieîe uva 'T'e lancera are aséeeuhlerl. Thefildulers ~ra ale u]sr-Uu eta utbt a, auueau, ad 1 U - ue nt auti-ut lîeniouuuiea tir jroviirn sacurait.JacqusCiast, ho aillta glantes of a 114t ieurutin.bot bt-utii.ij "owtist>faye e u-, iî- rî'lu'Areureefor thtii-l eeosu turu-ilutoacpeacori. air te ituflrt Vo~it g, indeed, Site nie Iuasuiit "said ad.] le uu M1b r. EtNoahn WeVbster, ùtut ,otrs, ucii!tre triurripitof a gladuleneti cIaitft lir. fi Frato lirna m cu rre. tnlov; tal,-.ctyiiffn ud p-;cr :itbI- ita ut4aie accloîiur'ata litai outt'clin,eIlie batteier'augh.- " Wtt aIl uy lheurt, 1fay aiain" tria]ed 0 t ne; t-uîlc . iiu.iittEt Saimuel ter. A!ready lie bas tais han]tiron ter La cI îua-t n ul h ia eiaecrloople rhdicuoî I iurî-îy utiii, bct-)e* atritiy shetu a gigcitu Liicitu larr] inger, rvitla viceluke Ithe. tusrlâ outlUti, iuoilate.l n'oterain. Gond e-peneaed b t-c :u-'a!i ,g Ilrei.-eves llrivh et puieet, grilles the gloseof Jacques Cocait ucîd ieas.u "eudaeely exclaimet Cocae:, îvly, liitisa ainoubis pattoor. A laugt lataIYeu aree rrule êrogftîete." Yu au ye- --u.svi e t110ili'ere eof ex- trowns ttfifdlturuet lapon t-e nîetryînnkarg. a~sc"aiwndt. cdo."nIvt a.Iajjjj ad jjj)e-,Jacque:Cccat, nith lightningnh ie ho ves, and al ve to iiaytrathtl"~ au wic, hue cii net cearrieM.en pii ;!u n,, i, - oi uuSic. %,it iraare ail the blîcciallii irbdytnloaits iuolanl iJuqeaCrt UILLA. CoMdS'Ocî'S C014. doi, W,âaeui v, i la.,w Ilche c-usc.raul :Ss.rc lier-uCcule Gý,oeee, a rival cf sixtfest, Fte'urh "Thmin* God tfuis' rtc lerh" ýACT. There a u e lter per a Ï- -.lr iehrwt lceee,&prat1 ,ga- 'AlmialmnhveauahofPteknd ,iu uîaî con earoeut Crieal tot lui u-takery olua ,ae aui] on t. in. int, andtipro*taoIliag froou tweerî rationu {iera IetctJettsCeah hGt o l la gai Caui.a'S, Yeu c ii il flnity. iiti oisa-lunb,, tands betare th t ilnr. -__ i l dosRat raqaîre pariritg. T iie f ritt.i oiLi ii c-Iudi o-ords ary Nev'veltbe., ,.te souil et Jaqu@s Corast je:,recIA i.Blnltn plto tory r' --ýuoiahlv inpuoa <o î<loul.i iliattapre. migru ial', leu] idsmrlitating hutteho, nayht-est. a n teO lo ecr.lyin' a recel on.a k a..mE!reui i.tng o-t ieb .apole roîut.r:mnaîîr eTrtng alean 11e iIII, andtI eur hi-n iran heurt de t "t toit ithtOhoheen.Ife @a w tcluingo 'STIAL BALM tl.eur r.vn t rader uil~ tei ugtiedand ht Louicdvaet, ye podt~isons, ta h ti ci tiand feiin h aiiershe 1 iPoeaue urW rar e letcpiles, ant it tory ani - tama i-i;(XetIx îoîbi"elicite, the Ilakers ttagittet,"aranredtg cu-otli -91itralil-'atosbugh e& rent n fwl r iueiiîute tdistincion@, lieruene, ail] coitceyuigr, antI pnltin- her band P AY iiiunaios truiten tiutgh 114 eay the cîîidu eutoftii ltruiai tlIes long ibc in hîa-.yet ni-rne fruan the outrage] ucetof tu-t In vit tua B.1u --n o rogi., aae..diiaîng levere, t àg 1 tchalirue wva -ss y te lHedidià t pay-mntattention t-at ; t-ut in a tew cuai, nglîîaes ctcrecieortis Balcuf r, ur allce, that sit Ia" . It vla e 0C i ffao m iuaatalue buuked xcuti airain, &ai,] uaw ditiuiet ci ctwl relurr-r andI cure et once.- Vomi'obeut Serir-'. the puniobhuîetof 14< tailor. 'l'bu unsI heIVtlc iny<thte Mmnet p!ce, tse ni cii-i oid aiureaiarc tspfly cred b t-y lu. RUTICUSt. hcart c-f Jacqueà ('ocast.le quttetri n elte '1, TIl E - -o.---- Seymuur, 901 l vu, I -i3. «Libs lpistoguny ai dospair antI îaaudoned 5 voir$ Atnited aIttiplie tonuiterwtleinfernatisa ____lenatic. ;,- 1cuptiinu, anm ien mblgel bach, amialooleuil op *m FrialhltJacquescollat!Iwbo wallpit i ti'etrail, hu roun lia t itamWChang"ul egain, snd the ulepair of a iurachbaekla !Who cctnpau&oo-hal 4urnuedth îe -word ate a lvve-brukeikuabliat, if ace.upadu" by eveniP t ' E .AsoitWat m treiglt-tuckeal. rinC Uo . W i.epoat nt t-t aflip enrveleil great.. JLCOQUE COCAST, tîimig fer a jecit, au exc.ellenst jolie wcuth a bien q, !Y. a~uirtoeînstyt.ed icdara s* 3S Tli U .Et'usc PmfL)e>n5i. bartl. u&oJ stu, Jacquots Couat, go home i atthO, and St900 soc utirye]gt honte 'topay tlb. d l a a.] gitful rentede kRelance. *Thi.<k Unti for tny bItch! rie] Jacques saut -n4 Il lecaia au tigîtuaLie ntui nter& printer. W. cisa a gcotmaoy coulti see 11 ta Csisacsnkis ~crast, tbî'n len on'r.a uld, ecaupe.] fn'Oiothe soi nnlow ul e taliker'etu s esdwî h~'t nILraltj f pîlyucg hornis "c Mcriun 1-'eau, lte tfllex, W114 aaoy untîL.aseu etacpsia yoci. atait lruswo ICK'S VERMIFUSE-mv i' leîrantmcocaeglnot oestsU i. tiicnlle.t yon h at.-mt g eoy , amiL4u ' **N5ed agk ait ccu Puiatedha'neld- cl iciatulreun or adule %Veil, tice ai lis haveo irtithneal tirea esougli Pour jouen- levapon vouu sir siop.-har.t. hr«é et4tCue. ftru ime Counoty. (Tibey bcd bacspariaib loi;C-- . -go a vld'iî t eataht-iîLibark." héur âule e t uu unse. ansi dety love. AÀ 'boairetgeter, 1Lad touaiti dumpa <ita a hall. t. ,tuck. and ois r mihy fui wortis of t-e apî.ie.s, eoliibcg cquets Coteaun, feor. er* Dtaitulbrd paaeed.thls. " l'tu Vladte e10 cethalle 'st gu on so vinatl, *if iut. illo'ed bs luZIerheeled ncsupanti, viht,,on lhi lrad once more takea toiW*ses it e , 5Zau,"Said th îe r"astie-but horsi't, un.ur te irtt aI tou. ha-I saroaln~es afl off front easaeated aimétîng t bis corli. and 4 a hpsghhiTh" sksOw'aà4the utii.uer land neo in» iusl 'b lLNE*iS.-ere eff.cisagp th 111. .rchaarui, lcaving illir teirdC. am culble' uulter ouii sneiasil a pDuayak mas ujth 1e %sengetre of the desplcwlti. Th& etiruile, blieillcard rlithe tcuncelcome gu<s& Ile W=ma rticoedlaag itrtbiis grcable Uanocar ~~ ~millta u in lur'n a criu,~ i~ i eer.tsu tabihîg.vèen te quai tekohiau. it h. main"a. sW' unt reu aîtacti.w orift ad timen « ekeies u Of e ria.Mttoshcf nnst rao, Iantiln'ma ait ecltnn cd Jacques Cotauit, ibe buuifbec, agent lais"y wkartapesa ua.st u i.feew id tsai clint tbaheae t-y. Afiarîba lapne htia hGigte m Jaa uiea Ciraot gninv uP the. ieing playhi ga»xmo-plaghted aseaideulavrouti rqiUaFeu wmpaauuthe tiller et the land] amaweisdm'Sais. idi -u t fofr tcatfacts, »a f . cs iliem loe.hewletibecr->e. *ww sid oeM.acide #goder gas aacnstuic ai ftai. 1-lir *ultsp. a ti,.]. -tl boutii. tirir jes,their oapegmet. mi.ls peItahimesr .eYi-Dtipaug - vu4W ugit. lun~* m-ow nruneeu de jyu £uppeo 01Cali ferosaauteeas e traied lhtteroirga itracif Ier est.at i Aderthiait, w. teit'$00 tut.b h e le« ci'e eteergoage thIàWim red?"' sim thteiothevi SuiJrlOres,11,5 oiaze m - imes'etef cr t Utrîipg te;hisey .h.o rou cale liiiprye Dte horats. But Wbchai ost mMraa. na;" Wthi tbemp1 ."(SEaimuit lugb*t.li diner,bhtacof-ifet bncug ilu, p uy eete ita itlith aiuient. ti.. eer îcrtrcdLienm - t-n aiie ra e ldea -ait;ui" s e pro&c: 1 iltluuspitr. -- theive"rnie] id de.itln cuical inlui ea' 4eUi"" -m .1ttjeaertale l t- ou-t, enmnp <f ietoicty 0" cra eea'.d Cocottalcs's, JC*IC.-qbpaeimr a ast aoê la;alecuur lsade.vt eeptbunsa1(us Megu tti w*Wa-n.tm ttl- -- <iu orie- . t- ta n4 patolei <eti an ymwpe<etiUas5. u.i wsmcu. uiWiauieeseii4uawllulwaedak/ caan iot Of fintcgu-t sai'lm a ' as faprouciant -âcte tuteicixhef Iuwge -n-5me ak r242* 'r; -s S S il ,b iu u Te frlane a. .Ad ýpa*nuzbrî toeho inetdin tie imagntrectiena tu À Avilla"e scutpter havien ca"euioncrus' !the jSisa naziveau :-Paret. Atrn3 e~asIcct a lole'uetcne viitt ti. âu iln f s an, l. prptuiy di vied unt, l.eeisudioi.otu, sma=lgptsa vig u04tino heavemnly reproasthtatCv . s te 9.aènreation ntenuet, se that the trope sd1 h emloyer eu oe.ing hie imedivork, exciamat, smcema each otee segular .er ae d icet. w Tei 1 men. dit u o eter s.miag thd fee.tua>tirdniae.2od. Which ait.Il te cultiva- wvan s1" Ta wnithielt m Wr&eiidI~ lei d * 16nuri h l a hon iét n,asne shali 'for ay s -taer MWaaéngel iithout oie t' penel.fey Peti the lict retoue,, uuci mp the & 1% t hight condtint.. 'J. A elcul- A a4 g ie ratiez hon mai.]lapon the guide- fonÎsmure, vhic i nudes sassitaitle gaiIaoWtruuiWVelI, mileis. l'i l< feor bomse fe.d.sg, andt a pruiper bah f n yinrs got IlaUw4.slt ya au i liquie ianeo, ail vhueh ar e cessar. 2"iee sd th11, Wp111100i.r tsu,' j g easy tu cbam inu clhItextrtuos utaca. ;-ma hsu al pu i.L ucrest an autsaeat lie aPanvet- but il umut divuui the ecreptilu4.u .t t.tu hsnbt ny hord*," repliai]t tin Uthe near tige toc. fiorexemnple ; u.- _) pet servat. ~-jg&fl maehst tiusesanidt!se inte aloatoe, chebever i yul eoidenu.iy netigroseseo «Wtue «ona eyl te chups." be noemu>' asi a perrlasent practcclit-ewia lime villasrequireul iège. nil. Beju. The e. Vnua iM0g~ a rbstle telle a er-Y tat-iebtset eansutaliéettbafaewnd tithe abouta Idim.t i ht lga Maui fer Ils. sneul ss atire entîre promtise.ue.tP.sak- anctp uejI.Ts aisi i e e. la .at gre. c taba ail toilesnlaur tethîe 1i-y mmd .tigtlte coilaI nct psy i "44 'Weil" tuait chz l~eeasiipints s"0 e a par. aidt t iliurs f1lnciyogglen a mas tt el o HelduIl dilmt bled lis Oot m fl5ta m1 w 7'nil7aidt i Ymneu a s. t us.ai Am. l'Il lqait. oeksubw romniubcebut Ice aoourfguag cnet-i - seie obIderynester sucoel ci otier cîitout *reh masure imsing beau appliet. sud tisy atu. ornl sver.holad lie allcved een in tht. naug e ptaizn----- time end of tht rotation, nvlec the heuart cf ticpeliÎ bwà B" lent la about to hoe inioetiulely restcro.]. Hts ADDRL'SS OF T'F - 11 D AI) NJ . Lordship aiset on-idete e te lnohupart cf the cUlury0F VICTORIA COLLEGIt TU- arable lnsoulu lhe in lwrnittste oodethe pr'o-'IIE RIGII'l' lON, SIR CHIARLES 1fI1 pet rregular stock, m.ît ital on coua' for every GOT, AND HIl$ RPLY. tbree acres if stabe haut ini.neoesary; and, -&o ;«EdUtar f& cChratia uua urddaL - hen this ie net permaneut kepItlibrougumt aie M enSs-Ili ees fti is yea, satextra imaginrrshouiti ha ted lu ainte-. IY'.Gren i smi t t*efflut'qor .the bsu - numit the fulncueg Atd;ta he -sRigh se. Uit TnE IERiTnCovut7ECIY-A Clergyman m. 'haitrles gigotat -Ibis .11epiy. lThe Senhlttt - siding tnt 30 emilea distant ft rAj, ries lalely rottaîied thlt mter petotf Bir Ciarles bu. aouipangied an is uatonal visitatnon thrmîughisuegel's Reply. as <511 soihuitfeeling expnossed ho parlie t-y ont cf hie eiders, s. el prky c caris a s hoReply ni iceExcelleney Sir Charles liMot. wocns wuitin the distict. Whllt oit their perut.ea'. . aubitithaste s' eek's Qverdiese.lire- amulatten., Aciibaît toît hoe revorinca axeP.t-. ~ îa t ceurdst tute b Sum«tef t tait oIt lady chenu they nmouti visit in the -Cfter- lsrdnn: e rat bissiocary I'sevetsa tut- cocu, anîd livingnjoyet ocnm ae iran asIl cotn a. saxisthe a esloya t< oIIdiot Clumihlui. lce IL portin of t e god thiegs of tiei lite."* Canada"-tuu pu'per tesigcatioo aaoplcy.oi b> .2i;'d.,ater placing a nuorgel iefonetbee.im Uper- Sir Clilee agiagnbut viaicil ha esta c iii. tune thenu exrcaaveîy un est, altog ile grutig- helliti rsuour buidv t-yDr. Aider lid h. btà ed eeery bt-hiey saJalloet. Tlioy agreed te coenrnercatiets luit tIre liapesca Geereoau cultivate tlueir appetilco, ai.d Iaccoediugîy iiietas ilbas imretare hobeenlb. th âoet M Janet " as buutn'ry.iuts acho." Ste gave them <dAer-c nevsps$r. Our Chorcuutb fcvs, lbs a bearry nie!cutte: unit ty anal bye placet beore triomphal] suer caiumey by livig &w% Mmd tien a vathi'et e atatle., sotdsagitodiy collof has, by fis Divmsm blsaiurgi huseWlamma butter, antI sait, -Dean salua, airs ! no, tek' peccemfuh luseaumle etf aliebitt oretcpboil'ioa iometbing le do ye fuite." Tltty assreotlier Tim i. nleM Sa ntaiin th le Att-as.tu tbay ceuiti. IlutÔncoiuitem "cul sotconne StrChattes 1Bug*ivt» o sspendait eIo amani a auI"a. 1irotitendcodcf her puccieus roli, aie ex. vite by the lueodsrs of aontChou'm15 41lb.in 'laimait, e Gode maie, sirs!encmil fasiiu't vie, feelings expW i hie is<u.. tias cmunteeuus f peuw yl" Tba Eider augeret ber lbey couit set o -IIIufinoui w l inscrite but p g du te tere leigvîng ., andI t"y fulile thLie preo. a = ne=1~Yin-Ihow rgrateftll*oe becsau mnasa by coînpletehy devnnrtog (te Jauet'a emaza. 11*10 ipartial p uecten d fh8-ethui agent) a basket fuiof btest. the cnpretending ring a peei eenpallaed dtrleoicet %«I bes shoieton cf a t-sn, suai hier mih.ney ros, c'butter,, hit>'. lt-ît bd ac uil edberm' for a t<rtghL" The Yoars viryltrain1 'mitauster, befora bis deparliuo, tlJaetd iih P ber itregoer attendancu et ehurch, lantmatie îVictria oop Mgq Bs 1 beur pronaise that eh.e vocldlha present nexi Salir- bath. He lectureti upon the Paumaicenom"- Tautu li r i of 6%lic thousant men vith Ovlusses.and tigreCE.ALUata Crfas. of au dit-es; and hao._wbg healistefltelaîotirc~y m-t lisueml imo' Oy é eû<t &d4 «su derng tti iecnurae, ne soign erd menio e. <i M <s»ql of -Birifi NWA Auaer'sse40. ile elve baskets "fof utfreagsests, tiWai.4c «4< #Mntsd te bar test, gte tagi h1aeiiic0MÂA JI L$.5 t Cr"' Arcbylia.] t-en 1Iluere, ti e adis Lac et'~- ~<,c< -(Ayr Âtvertiser. -'oure qftheppeutiu afiel etrpe iteertfelt gratitude fo.ir ."by GREAT'I' LAST.--FiFTEEN MINES Si- your inpariuiaity anso ae,, yr# uc r. - MULTANEOIJSLY EXPLODED. re.] pahu Canais, so ur utd»> 'ay m Devea, Apnul 8.-Tbisastlernoon, ut 20 tain. prtraclti and eti aa e futuen viti Di. uos paut 4 'cîrk, unctiter ofpilhteuse egouve vicePreurinc-whicb ha ton vase to i ati tbju ~ up" of Duuvnr Clu, 'wml(uoder ltoc e5 lbe utkun--ms uma pe ss Imas anfagement of Mn. Cobiti, thiemcgiuee-nuclief vour Exneleacy. 'I'ie cuamates vhlaiyom oftut ihSoutb.Eutaere Ralce>' Co Emtau ioa. llcny bas hoîeetupc. tue lem.tla suatllutcliootoft thtRo>yal nerdpu.oner clocha ce arsplacad emdeu Ou 0r uifu nuesît, and Meurs.WIVg*lit aU.]il "' . a. cknovluigmne. ceébtants) bave excite] emul nitmetssfertit.le, eceposin irsect, sy.p"ty, jici feuht otld5caniosoffat Lydiiee$ -- six gatit aIl les ware potilersalien avm e ~Ie dStation. Ths at treveil succo to thaeeu"essai ieeiluee a u n o orhiguc !y ucceeqfuil in affects itelths uspsism tIheti<41t.s Wueàmo(teW»i vhett, citu the tournons qujnttl of 18.6 o. bet e ls Çuh nCamati sd wU tim on< uf;u)uodcr, the tcsli'uctien of < 'l cle nk.ulervent praoir tluru'I~tln Clivasafmfeclet on tLe 'Mit f J ' amif. and aiOI, mal liedv nely sumtsiuet mati bm ht ians.of ct-alk ueaucon lo.tay formeti fuhd Jii >i s5lctuino,-tmeî you maa, ha te. tte bae of lime ante clifthe cwon cf I& hicb. tu miloe t t _ t, t e elandi ot aur fathbea's, l tbe deptils of 90(0 fée'. wvuoelovori ly sblast -ylit rh 7I long spareilta lere amil> taid cooisisting cf 7,000 Ihu tif gunpodçte tha j e t 2dî the final issu. oetuIlrby &&It.- ftieprudenot blisiconulistet 0<ofapsard 41( log ~5gS~e l and 'e 10,OÔD fils. cf gunprowde. uchi vmsplan e -$v s . -balïqd by 9rde fthé %&at 15i celle or chautier., et priuper diohanes aie along o véowaGooËý t the bu» oae c a lk y chi altu bu eharao c hitA iel ? tS placeteut, lte coedactng cire. baing properl>' açit utret foritio. ail were firet off ui once,ase anc tb forerc'oie. t-iNaOX<GaI caBalinote mu it bast lb ly an àappmrtles jven. a sg te. I t-ylhe junior Rogineter. Mr-. Hg«; viici EGERTON Rn*WhEmUN aigu aultea eusl mucanteeiguiiesbj ingaes ?'otpL cf thievotai ttei-yt anyenibercfwcaroauat- tache.] to it, dt ei single uetto of aielbsad. SIR CH~ARLES BAGOT'S tEPLT. T'huis blisi,fle ch.eluerà4es, c airuetrisei .KIswaan, MeV$451. t-y finteaboene cetnose erusokse is c dit.< - &-1 have thc humer. by cmamset <the ferenice boing liat on the peses; toceauase 8RiglatHQI.Sie i ssago,4m kw, la laage quahuu ityfchaeiko"d Puttthrii ti . a d rcaiptsen Adreos(nthe olati MAu projectesl lit ho air tea acousitraile ditance FaelI>' siVucuieslig, a oylaho Tht quanlity et chaflk rernoved t ut w apossiile> h LWai ue e lm mIen meîta he i lt iay ut prooi; fur se danse saEg vrupreu eud j wu t «cniaru bollo 44mhi lte ahysa Llow,.Iutt he eye coud matpeaeo . eteeman., s* Prv.ga.em train the top cf the t sfi t th ottes., It vis loch i.sed, th" *m asolu dlaa. ituvver that the. minis liat does h l aitu oup"-emoaIt ls~dsm duty, front t-e treions toc.. tbg i sats n s g..vi1le- tha'vaoe . Ii.e bii lévas-luit kçis lreeu ist ~ Jis cf lent.aic,anti tI. jar.,cr«eitiin U si, khE~m ei & .1~ ~~ top o cfliripaobetDw a mue esittrineappean..âge a re jW-i poeealy b, 1kg ofathe auce ; anti cseJli, ai a Iquarter, tu ve, eVna e pistes of the clii kept failing,,aid il vasaxpot. tons juesu aWtaum la 4Wees toid tbat otther pestions ernît co aue do-v th lm e~cse r lio eçnà âm kawI dM course olîba eveoing. - resect, ia or * ea àeM ie« km , hdes. "eta estion as tl igos t etf Round, me te e1.is .em u Ulm" Lu111 a M as t ana fua uns nrggeg isconeaie. îee, liuu ý acces le Dorer sera crovitudi e sec aux nez - - t . finira" vequit e sg.gs.ln e~ T ho R4.,5~W<57 u tlé ecgun reterro.] tàýa. lits o*ça ho enailWp ani d eft hei bmcoomI>'liai seugagIgke4ê 7e<sersuaVirtC.qu whlitle cii tte top cfthe clii a"don lie henn sav ra*il eapH. g.Iqe ilo baeréste ca r neema itqg geep Q s. d o siavtqu la villaupeejle. l'h. vsiter çoe rta cnsum jpISivels at -Thei1-t*eIese Dsgm ae e bs£ai ei O îles. goure otec ra eeno-0* e CaifoP&, IL t

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