Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 23 May 1843, p. 4

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-7 * mike 4*h. edel4 lM h 4 uusi infa$d a "'us lbutj e e Wlth ieb é 1*.ihelf bp.aes. kusmu is .elrhu s t* eb Et à~hugbtume .U4U1 b - u.Ssuoe ib* uwg49usli Ubar. effi *Oaandse saitandLlwleu p11. euM i,rtawii@OtMe Iatpbyociatowldproooaued tant oeilywel4 butan l.taLity's M'ile do cure, but it iu l ise 4tI tkh.w cy Iital hat il tu by tGilepariflng irci'os the buld t illy oge hebe I auub. lFri * b~ CHAULES omu hg4r" tiet , NourstYaah INWksei ges D OCT. DSLA.T t. Rrie&Lis-. iuai &WUmuuicluauçiMMu Scecîsse, il ware.ied t c«e teu esuf. ut ess ICRIe-1 tirlesa md aii alA u esf.lthfty .corî1iag itg airectiose, aslteh.iewiling l ~Io .tte t- ecti, momAet hbaig~q4Al uattirh Marier wiàbff*im4t Place aber.e W »iel"u are bhtt., . kt Wbad of VHAI1LII liRA lMo, Nacs taae4 t ae. C nt.gâ ucv , &4Y»4 Whafrta Affint. D I. L t~uBill=R5au aa c inla cur utDyqw-soeu ni Neçieu 51 en; tley -re pftubaiuly adapteti ta veinre ti ee diatssie .Oaipkiuts, oet y irgeastlvy plysacîug, bat by 4iweting *0 $uybleu. 'n e rat mSake fflci h. sa 9belemqta S9f l itDypePuYoruy ote àuu r.aug <eau dbily R.ab. cori Ill foai4 fu$idtuin an ie el# witb piar Xiavà 0ciese. WIaueptiseus cphsls estt, «h uyeiuady tueasoreus, uuder.ry atfdit- joa uedo t taua&é il more 'o 'lî aBitter, tatbe o Ciarys actiag ut a tuerie, Strerifuhe (thé digestive orgne 3849 tiut csta petroct., tbwr ftactinues u nature ds1ed. il act il is 4«d tue celicaco&tao in le haieditese es alisr ta fem4de-ls, whieb ti'aro mre cqtetl titteck ne,. ibutakeuugoy Oth'er cause,. Tlie d aimai itiirm oetbltolSaxo, and pemaeao!f edmltît*Y hile- st p ouLcuuirelle, iso h. u& lfert Isatumu ite seepen..crce g"esibeoeit m thieos. ie1,îvuescenaee teini feyers, santi Ier avalte disrder,,ilrestiores steatti; end inditvid- Dai ufictud euh Yervasu Itealtiee, and t'Oer akru<aewuti sevnutactao hve iWue fx&wIVS.d itsrmed4. p For sale by Cli.iLES HATfi ,Princen u (.t, Kiueson. Ceautocx & Tr.es, Ni* Yqek$ Wrsâts ÀîeAiet.. J) OCTOR ALLEN'. BALeAbt o.i: OAR. JU, OUND, LIVERWORT & PLEIJRISY 1100?, tl o ugi, cled, runsomapticaâ i ver comianut. 4 Cemqunpion i a disouse eftea le- cretly lmrlug i ste im ftt leurs bi,,foetiele iàt tirat cemplaiit oft h longs; anditI is glaga il cou b at4use Seu ieud ucuebsia. lt eks aitil thekr longsne utgo sib L .4sotla is.séetoitDiait la Dr. Al1=4 ïR -mofL[ewot Iimdiioe bau provaul eeu the "Canueerroft 1%yu1 'u" (tu le ait seintkimed Witbave aasori =1. te bIta h. baudl of pelIu Lier Campliti Caedal.-D Allm'-..4ear Sir :-& bav uued jlehr Bahausof t leuned-, Liverritau llenilsy Itea,iasri y pralcie fore aume muta P&uaimdfi the wadocid efect .im ei ' ea à t vl pmrIagom aeelaofLiorcog plumt srt eo.au,1,i..1doe uluu* ccen- Me*,[ i tute lb, p aileud tht<sealy. Reupctfally, . 0. IRtcuison, Id. D. W*Ëk Luuge d L-tai et V"ie.Ced- Muiy Elîza, eiet datgtet etCoahin . Aaia liatsa*c hmd <cas wek ucue. thae ecf il =11 . enrlf i~ i ge #0 emnuure Mnt le. 1JOeagb hausase..oftoln&t in- Icetiel until h. wus unab. to upeauitenud word. lier medickl adrim egaia il eau blaopWotiouhethe wua in eendumo itisdl a a*reasonabila h1p reitit b.e taietand ofber recerry. Thi lirai alIti t uch sAecomeced tig Dr. Allen%, 0it 14.et *uc ta ilset*nut ait heoriffy Il nt-, the eF.tauàpsi!ew&tPtO inia su!te reguineat buitorlcsoi!mealaitla ' tdla prfert. Il frre tem &Il gemow.p ilen t r tiffl or s'wouk finegiTht ah,.tlau trucaceiletmy d.ugIt. let'$ èaut. COVLn1. ADAMS, $afit. Mate Asirishinq EAeta tof . Alln'. Bal. amm. àA short t eun id lady came jute aime l.tre lmge aW=e 4 De. Alkca'Baisint of WaroirWier el sd Pfidii hRn, a er dbtargli s ai4 aiarimeai gos,.M u-t tain... SMo lduct brisaale ta le&re ber bed'W , tOunenvell.. 1%0 ouba laitla bouti. iioe, &a gre îlte meb"4u.sselcr. 8h. boa m. 1tn*e*bsmlliiébel four dys before uie va. 4ella loe, s u i aciu.lly eatled et ac",.sert ta ibae.e aideniret ils bar ii. A1. Irfltt îVtN« k, ;àzbiy CIIARitu etggonSreet, KIU»lo. H.I. & Tr. RAE. JNGS TON. . U-ST KEI A.. h£"Wiw ometuat of ss. Aetwý W im li& Thre aleve Gouda titis usay uEher 4* ,bcau peechmmse t tAe Juest raW e tw iii fseda m tiai 1. liaI timy nam » Ktotn, Apeu 4. >T4 gu 3, _e Jeut freu ~ and Poaoie HA, AeiasPâleet Cocave Grau sand Cral1 W . p.gaa as. BParla & Ratte . aWCrd, lUd Lm., fler anal Trae FIRM E L!UsiS OF aVERu 5.Itf. i0eyarticle inteAeIad lt. Clve. îotby ind Gardnonom.~ PltiTar, Rouie.sud Spirit Tiarpentunt lFurinera re puiulryi' &0ud tuitM& 9 exainenofor nent iesttoeparelisitsiao. mAtera sever, at-ice will b. Sldt lew "eu Baffle & LASUBIL »Itre Street, ington, Apit, 22J1 184. FOkR SALE. tau lenuealad Tarred Bigg4a CHAIN CABLESm ANCHORS. &c., '.,Oakutn, Blocks, andi DecIt Lightta, cepe bimnacle Larmps & Ship Lanîbora i=uli uleti Linseeti Oit, Paints, Turpen- tine, Tar, Ros#% & Pittis, Speiesraa Shvelu-rouglaî iran and steela IMPROYTEÎ SlKES'S HYDROMETEP.S, (Made blq Dring & Fage Lotion,) %witht ta- blen. dc. couîpiteta.. andi gaiagig rodt, c One case super-wr Foorlirta Pieces, double Jk single barreis, pocket and horse Pistolta, pertwm&lîng, Shots & d 1oces-Powder & dr-îeking F-laks, &-c. &., Tise aboa'e articles are a part of ast tP rnoraon. ia are new offareai on lise mua favorabl- termis. bMORLEY d- JENKINS. Kinagton, Maerri là, 1842. 48e FOMR SALE,c AT thre Bubacrilser'd Auct.son & Contmisionr AStore, A few tiozen Fancv Chairsf 2 Fier Glassoît, LoukingUlaswncuvarions Sizea.C I W . TU[RKELL, A. & C tM Kingaton. May 2gth, 1842.- GROCERIES FOR SALE, 2 Puuatheans Ssr 5 do G -i ALtO, Tobacco, Teas, Seigar.. COnfee &C. Tise above wililiLe uold ciemp for cash. WU. TIRKELL, A. dc C. M. Kiagten, August lIOll, 1842. )rýlji o'Pookt, copris , itvariety f ion. for thse p- thm riisEi ËA3 Air. ARMOURl & Co. IPeRNITUYRE IFURNITURE! ?111F.Staheeiber intmteu ale ehi. Fria"d JLandI the publie aI large liaIià* baumat bvjxneur.en#villa rSeQt ita bes t; lialts.. pqMule l tme urtisecomaaasi 111 .e*iJtkn hînbwill b. sold lots for-caot h wôer alieb.gsarmiteeti fo one year fron lie day ni suie. IVM. THliRKZlL, - Kiiguab, spt wj27,18 EITcemnty ot landed eise ra- Ex. Iti' 'il, jenrite second troneetaioet 1 Er-nest Town. JAMICS 1HOULE. SCHOOL flS 2-ft.I'ow6ing Scboril Bookp, ail tfwhiare prîntedth tîitare front new stereotype plate,1 sot a géootipiper or Colonial natafctire. anti suebtantially IouiaI tur ue in Schtals. Their prces ara aucli asu aienaisie thons sucffltully le compete with stae Uniedi Satma altiona of imilar WC',ant Io epet iit itin the power O I.-1'b a Caaden rinter, by Peter Parley, lis. noir. lid. 2.-Man&Wa'a Primer. 3à. 3.-Tise irai 1leRding Bock, for tl ienUfci Scirals rolai th é lreAlphabet and Proe grouie L*seoi,u n thc Long ami 19409 Batuthe voweW ~2j» 4-Th. Second PÀuad-9gBoo,,loer tial ff>u St-hoàt,cont"etuiigpe ru i<I0*OR (ho ProasuiaeOdo%: S Ceueosnaut andiptisonga. sudtaudmtide & tiio cBruma su ai oft». V.tkt . 4 5.-TII.' rAgliela Sellirsg Bgoul, y Williams Mavat. tL. . 70d. O.-The. Amertesa Speling BCo014 by NouAi Webster. %LI 7.-T . Cnaaspelling Book. wii nov e#m. b.iasmentuo byAlexand«evidame. la 3d., 8-.TIe Eglioim ileeder, by Ltndley Murra>'t 0-TiseNew Tetametît. Schotel Bail le.lu 1 -Tise Sisorler Cateebitati. Il Il- d, do a ie vi.pese. 71&. 14-NAaAbr 4tattut f Cà uh Zed fbee b. a1Iýw*t~ c4 Dlluet ie EghaA i msags. ali e aiIWmi.e. procancialiîse. 23 o~ 17--Walkiagu5VU'B7MD' .Of.ttbse.tc, RsM.-, .1 o»1Aia Y. AR Lmgptou.jyIShl. ' voumd a a" a*v<iXod rub-. S Mdimea tu nisaertiC Buta. shetliman sai 'rt plates, .. tpe, Brase, Zincm dé 4 UoAeIa0dani Boumew are of ain os Md tim Shovleaetsteel sp mZ commmlipadr cytîheeanal 1kygo 0banauostidray FEoM.b4te, icttre aiéuier Chaîna, Sînitîha' Anvît& Benomwsamai Vires, lmasure Ienm% ogIronsa. L, x. Ci Itaîlie ofa aiperior qaaltty, rsa. daseant itant 1<ail4a, B .hrseNaïfs,, race cn, pit aildmi Oawe, Hurvoa Teetit, Homue ShSes, Cuam a w*ggotr B««e,, &c. d&a.. .JatIrues', ZA]trsusTRS'à-4en Cooreuu' Toe il% gmet varletr. Englîie anal Amriran Au. ge.aLocha,. boita, butte, il nge,-, Seatas, Glue. Fila, Smilim, Warding. Cabinet Makers' anti Mfiii Bava, round undi iatti r,raaitPowder, bIasa. ingunti portng, Sittt tf ait arzes, Iliùcunranti eb.r- Lampo, Leadint, Lite ta. lter aud Trace Ropo, lied tord anti flanroLtrlites. .lseeaataere', sadilers' Jark antd Pen l<nivs;î ocitors, Iazor, Britanae rietai Tee Pel.. Drilannia, Platedaund Gfer-tata Sitror Tea, D.s.ý sert, mai Table Spoonm, tr's anti Jupanodi Camdletkep, Cintpîog aititiseý., daire. r PAIN IA >PITSIWU Baul White Losai, dry nil in oil, hst Rail Laid ditte, Venetian ltàa, Fpiniîti Browa, bIne, L elloar. groun inlaDot, Vlley Debra, amp aw rand beiledLlinaeed Oit, Tur. poitine, miner-aI anti veesrtIse Tar-. Pitc.h, Put. ty, Ctipperst, XV ndîe;a' Gloa iit izes, 'amiu anti dotier Jirusraes, nttnel'â haie penrls. An euortmest cf btars anti veoden CLOCKS, ighl day andt 24 hoîtru. STO'VES of ail dk-eiptiots.. Stri a pipesu. A lare>assaommuenît ofplîain, Japanted asst lork 'iN, WARE kepi out bnd, or- matie ta or-tieaIt shrt notice. lA 'aIES lPOWEL.L. SPRING 00008, AT E JUST orenel t ftw misera estabilitent, a *1 o t mu oet of Whit. ni colurud Dunciable Bonnee, 'ioa sD.zasab! Hlse, unm Otused t îery loir pricer. kmaekil"a de laine Dresses in ail qurrrtiee, AWd a large variety of allier Slpring Gueodi. &eadlemn'u feaver & &L f lap,of cli qualiier, *en& andi Boys' Clati (Cape, du do As the gubîraribeu saie u.aing their stock aof Goçda et grextly retiaccd pricee, in additun tu> tiser frme ver' lw oces, tl.ev would inte lo-ae aetinnitndinig urrl;uers tu their Uar" r txta:kf C<r. .N &l-A very bea% y stock of Londaui andi Mrgntiffltr Grdexpct !ed ii b tfi r.t repolat traiers frian Loutdvu and i Lverpool. J. & B.11UTTON & Cu.. K1gl. pi 7, iWV. SPING GOODS. r[H Subcrihtr hs jubt oj.croed et his T 'reai Ltablslrueiîîs, Vellirtîoi lwilinga. an extensivre assortmeutt of*STRlAw% DL)NNETrS, of the latetit fasiions. A Lso, A few cases of genlemen's Beaver and Gos- sutecr Hats &Hlat Cases, -hlidren's & nwnt'à Cioth Caps, and a case (f fushionable Para. isla Alo, a fios packages of P1',nts of' t"s ulwet style, suitakle fur the. Spring Trade. WM. WILSON. N. B-H.> blitsalso operre t ht is Wace- hItuse i:, Brock Sr-, an assortirnrt of Gouds irpoid liat Etil, exprVl for tItis Spring's tse cnsisaing of white and colored Drills, grand Drrlfs an'd Gamlroon, Molesk,.ns and Liners, Cotton i Hoic-v ant I laberdashuiy, Peitit and Cottons. An. excellent a2sort- ment ot'Carpets otid 011 Clottts, witl. a vrv genvral asuottweit of' sedMtfable DlVY CABINET FURINITICIE, IW-'a. WILSON .4e L'hcup aceMt tlChaesl, aril jas gol iX1mil j11h, ,4~. e, thre bet. L SIETl GNLW. rpiE Subciier bigo tiareltoitor-m tthetint- ,i15Sirrmie a0e-aa ilt ..i -iI icrneemlly, itht e bas rentavet is Fu r- IESt wî a frslea i.p i erecteti in hianireal Steet, tiM rtîa hurîm thc j'yof Shetland.SIiXVLS, mideinthic t:1-- cernereof Store Street, atidaecr leahie. 'rihlades'a i1lies , htn ofae thlie i-, texture, sud Grener-yStar.- -aviere will aea'.se fauaitaaxe- the ea toir...:r~Casiatia. airai assotiireul cf READi IsADE FURNI- 'i- r .a'itgreatly mtaugitt ciler i TURE,ofet b lraIquatt.asdtiitât'alpattî , ,t £s tnab.iag ruade Ironit Ib imit aStiîirl prces tasuit iotentiiug urchan--- ndmd y h el;atyo tâ oa rocs o c a 1nerAre!5 .ou- t oaaimai a iepesrt- i ia -a, parhi iat tpecclfe't., muitea te a ek' a caîl. As the Subscrý.t, - lueoný»aBanlY maetarC- lavramg cey a teatasot as sainple, any lady turing fot sale ,iàtale aier, (bey catt apetiii ii iting 10 auýpply tarul rvth thea ar-icheailI -:.h- - .-- - - - . -1 .,-poase tiake an carir rail. Kingston, Jan. 1641. WAffE-A Varsiser and I 'lIisber. T. o. B. CUIRE FOIUWORU. e .A.FAIINEWTOcIIS vramtittSt fi PttEPktlEo tri B. A. Fakaetecte4 Co. PiUabwek P a. rr lAIs pep tinO bas nom tood the test ut JRsererrl yearla trial, andt lu confldenly re- eotmendeti as a safé and efiectual inedicitie for etrpetheg ortes front lie systei.'The sceux- amtplei succesu that ha attisode i tsadatmintra- tion in ever case where the patient was really-. gilce. ii worm. certiîly rentiers it wrthy te attention of Payalelanu Tisbe proprietor banasaleeil a point te arer- tain thse resait mof itu uue insmicl cases au ramej wthin hI. Irmolioandi observation ; andi ho invariably fuict lt peoduce lie mot uaiutary affecte; net uniequottly ater nearly ailthse or. dinary prepartions recommasnded tuS Worms b.d bçen previouaiy 1Wi1ed ta wûheutbo eab uast iteaniage.. t a tt - ?l W - tifieatoitanti utalmuuho< buadreudaof Poupee"a hi pune tta i4U lfheo urt UILetofthie aei ia its opperatien, anti maay ha adisct.ed vis peefe« saufety ta te nmeeloaiatu ant. Tb$ geanneoVermifuge 's ov W sPmup iW iou euffleViia.with tliaiir o ie~n Cu.glau 0 FtAItNELqToCÇB %WRAMIMMaE."und lbe di.ectgeo.acenpenying euelm.Vint have lbteg. omateofithlie popiate; ayaeaicense put plaienot vicIa au iaigmtieref wht*l mol orrespond with the aboate alusciplasu, i. net my Geottine Verm~ifuge. Thte subscruber deemu mtl saaloly te uaulseh misea precautians in ordur te gtird tsePublic t,,ainst niakîng aiser or-m preparat "ma fur bis doservctily poplar Vermiftuge. Tise aboyae medîcine an be bad at wl.oleaal of bir. C. C. Bristol No 207 nintut., Butao IN. Y., r in New YorIt cityetf Mensuruiadiey, Ptelpe & Co No. 142 mater t. B~ . F'aneetoek & Co. For sale in Ki gton by Ciartet Heath. N"bl Paliter, awîi J . Bresqr. 'rbe publicam *rteqtjuuiupeiu e" ticle P, ftIiI Ieuontufait in ' ~ua.aTaiseslekS." *'1'btfariliteiay aotmespialges e attase ie .et*is I elienlt rumdyth.ecly eoeua yflc t.bliu i te ha vueyperfiesltr teonuire o B. A. u., terku Verwifgr anti eaou 11preparalobt -i.ip 5 uga ios, o ing pia'iiar Damis. THE TEETJ! 'l%.KJ2tTMîî TUE psusaa. qpoI iaf AtATIOU- RE beut iti, otUO41e the raot iersdslaua -UW dcegaie«tully nonvwaeti of ilï aoitity, maue vate eedaeco tee #oie of ahtr25î» < hote aiftlb. odgatire. it . ecci, ibat amihac9tat.he tccl ivU actaide- cay, but remnin luIli te ±e*nge 4d en, ýwit tlseir naturai Wear - amI saie-im "4"0 oce e ejfgyjss4to4che, (daiut cinna et patta) huae ar ec ee nê'eortuaiiJr rnrddl Jst» Is'e papuoidentifrice e nAmerm.-Abd ie concIs. mien, mr ete i i theesfa- a geW nel of tetb, aemd govubaea4 a uc et cue ~1cjmissuue..-tusorr-4n' a cois aw-.rqau t,*raST *Wu ntt;a 11MB. iean~ ~altiueaq b~ ittâ ,M ahieutbe laa.a u~ WMI. WILSON. DEOPI,I*'$. daaiedi*di o f the Waerly No- ai. c, to be vruît?,leed in60 nutîbers ai 9.1 p'art Istoft Iis excmielgly cheap publication ha alreaaiy bee duiiitsbitad to subiaceiltra, antd :.lit djenuw reaaly for issue,a id Maeblr ' tI RAMi.XY, ARMOUR & C. *llJauttar#. NEW AUCTION & COMMISISION WVAIIE- MOUSPE. FUIHE Subacriber rtepecttelly informea bs ALfriende ant istepubic, that lhe bas coin- atei lte Ar.ctiun andl Ct.tuat.atan busines at i ol istand tu itStore Street, wbere lie will ise rMea t ail tiares ti r-errie conigineuts. k'r his long roieatdei iit Kingstont, anti generaiatîtta. lutge athtie country, ho ca>tiaerely truâts Le w il betesi ewtrauaacl Isiaieàs bte eaatisefumtioh of il partiesa ocr ared. Additioasa.Siwmeu &».base. ugsfgodalm- ts Red i Btontbelougisig ltuW-. Garratt. "tq, ti- .asp* g.1 &46mea. FeeguSt& MeGiibona Forziag eudalliahelà nt. Wnn. TlIARKELL, A. & C. AI. i Nnalo lay, 184U. N. SUBSCRII*B .. _o1,The 4bbeLforlEdd!;Uoa otf @OU WALTER S4COTT'S NOVELB.1 Tiiswork waili iie contittueti oncesaterttighti Ireaufler. The frire ainl3t. fpet Ntslteea irumber iu ilustrate i iti th ihe tsat eiorf the art, and, ltogether, il is a work superirto Rotty- ltag' wiici iras tome rrany yearu past issuatatfrein thli Pesu. it ln tu e tatuiO f10in te100 N uit. tserg-4hiei'will be inlthewiiOre 114 Steel Est. grariuqul by thie meut ettîitent Arlisi,, iîl 2000l be.anttr Wood Cute'. Soute canceptiomî afthse exertbona aof taeBrittu!î Pabl;tliera t.. proiuro 14,£ Editre. in a ferris wothy ufthte G reat Nov. elist,nmy b. icarceil fronaie t acst ,&& a te large auni t eo M ,t0>sterling haus ieco apprit. pigoetifethe illustratiotns aloi.' WILL AL" fEt IStIto 5. l3, orTHi E DLE'8 ARMOURi & RAN1SA Y. AdnrraL. A. il. AutOUR t e,, MaAihe.. Co -spsMay also ire obtaioer fi= bthe ilew.- Mastra T. CÂE'r & Co. Quebet; Il. Pcoaîea Toet;A. 0aAv, Brtown; 0.(3.f'rtit & Ce Perlh ; A. Divtout>N, Niagara; Ceâm, Lait. AMIU1iCAN _NWS LETTER e'ND 81u11OPEAN 1INTR.LLIGEIcBU. Id Tr e e et" lia piTee adtmtcei Cal. . T 0 auv Newspajser, r.ow ,ularri'iATen A. adauaaColisut. .4 %btch was establiabeat i. e4~S42 isreulaty pablisuui at [ivrr lin 1*, 1e- i -g ieitt by veri'* teaàà pi iin o any pertin Britaim tea ay part lat Lb Umaet States, -sud ilaiesding féature t u gwe,.o aïelglamie, an arcantt f ey b.porti tnrentuiites atereret iniiGet Brttin, alu_1. h&i -nei'tl betwefamlia- uualwg - eacb Stease ttlyi, thetiser un politica or cars. c-&d hkc ie ilbminat ostitMi ie itemimu Jet earie w dA s i b rie temes uwwl. sot m erlâmàPcam..fll AS ' ce, C a f eettia-Aipw Us.u lie A.itsule-ci the VTe CgaaTA' Watv ruts'.4 uthyef lAssea. îto, syea 3 btM r , w.-4, 1841 tI it' ~ iii -, I.. e, NE'W GOODS. T01 T ll0RfoljoU ~ - D., McVeam, erdat TiW..CI}ouu. GH BRlll c11L)rvm u itCR thtb- aulo tue C O'80 Fg w h ulcielsbu ape uetactmeat id<f Wiaerscafii cosisime<BaeBlukmBroe. W ILL Stand tbtus :eason lit lrîlt OhimeGreen anti Gray Diamno e avers, Pi. t 1April,'ndear lia' rt lo. irui Cilots, of ailcolours, Caarmts'eea, nîu lii . Duea-aina, Tweedfl. Kerseys, BueIt-ekine. T E Rq S h Aise--A largo varetv ud Vestiris, Figered Fur earî Mai r iilifheSý an di Pli, M acînstliC uatit, inude te urd ur ; i t it ,rama ai ' C ,,6d,~ ' agucat rsriety or hieadymaade CAhitg ,tl, f6.1.ts rtmmltCt aî'oe~ tape.liraae. Cravata, Stocke, Gl.vea, Shirtaslut;ip. îi N » ' e Catîlar. Mufflers, Deawers, Stick'-, wltis là ee haliU;t d u ai t !swa aii sel! chcsp for cash. eal .r Kitigita,lOct. Su. 184! 1 E D1 I IL p. Il NOT1ICE. Stregi tas tZ b ue, t-r* T IIE Subtriatm bais juat rutîivel trîtOO a' " unth ie greztiaî! tý tIre outîdries, a very large assrîli.etî ccî~îî)Da-t, t ,'a iraind .;sin, *L.ady (Grt't,"rr of' Slaves îtf ail .ttsol raaîigofc f"Ier Duiibv îtri- CookinuParlour. Hall and B t! t Il atis te 'n Blux STOVES Fra .' t lIte,r I- of lise latest. inpraa'ed patteras, aviicîtailI by lte limtorîti lîrse "r,~ bus aold ver-y law fir Cilb. Blierhujiltig ithe eerti.tetl - htr elâewbere, peuse caîl ai riret aid establisheal byrild James, (titrrt I Steve standtiand iexamine tle assortrmenrt and Dam th ie tîitîoS -.I pricma. Iurussetf îLe premett cv.t, JAMES POWELL.. Yeart h, votntthe Qice t. jý l'rir.ces, formnerly Store Street, I ereigue, StIsttti, î rate; titre wt.' h h t. th_ Kitngston, Oct. 1812. bî idtb les tou t oi NOt1t'~~ Stweregni t o itsle- rJ~HE Suuscrers are r.otr rece-ivini tîteir- ua le, itr,, taIl t.itte iia.k * ttI sîp ply of Dry Gortias,anid tre l;IaittSili - UtLa . daiir expect i~e,, Magiet" frctm Liter- i.ttr '1î%aarpt, t. .terminder- aftheir stock, a. ltieiîwil l hi r Kel, aitîît ta ati. Le. Jislicaed of on lte usuai terres, aet pîri- ITt't t i î;, .Jr,tt%% es corîsidmrably lower tItan tause cf last eit,. ' .;ltutti i Il! Iljrtt .-dI So n fi e o tt ry , ru ts thitat i,. son. Set rtgtii Il't titii d R. H. & T1. RAE. a.aliin',-suti ii-,,. Kingarion, 24rb October-, 1842. Elaa tSrtltl'tit', - E.IGIITIONFOR1,S43. .'...., ttvit lt-, t~ rIlIE undersîgnea. aill i îe ertera uts r1soi'tic I ; .1 ~ î î;î t I sagea teumaada, frees the parts -f-.îer aeoti;-arb: 'îtrr 't,- tr, pool, Dubrli, BkIelfatandi Ltondondetrryi, etli r- r,, 'î,r -.,Ir f~i1 i. etaatiud tlawut hy veSiielm. te mai1 ne xttS;tri-ig, llti-.. , ., andtu u ba ieil pnvtded titis ber-la .tr, rail aud Ineati attlfl'. r lie %toyage. as te'1tt titI tY to iiew Patgàtger Act. Ippliattuii (tl'll, e. ter tl) be pîîst peîd) tu lii Aaitna' Xlaais EQ.. Krgltttt AND Pl'tSSs.Ttl0 lt . L'AN .x & BsatraîtRtî, ueber, .,genis !itt1'. Wî Byretes, il.r'epot u Tf 'ait titittl,î'l, li.t)î,%' yXii. M-tuBEKELLY.,,CollecIter f -t,- f Tr 1ilî a',i' rate. Ft>tîtt'l0t l hdt-tvt'U. - - t X. Il-11oiey erter,- atîtialita bat ger t' -1tIti n-v il t.i t.ne'I.1- i k aive p~laces I,-r ilt11 siunî, if re1arle.l t- r Ile 'trl-1aIik';.eI ac'taî.u itue t.r-us t.i g p.-eiýge t-y Mr e cl ' nt le Il t, i (i -tr, i'r lIAr O.L F itASniAGI.,FOI 'llPniNGSIIIPS, atîsl t i.ttiilt Aduonlter,!Ue :, 210 IÜ ti6- 9 Kîît', i tl F-' l Cotýttrder 1ear-FIrec. S-____ I'ndar 14yemri. 1i1 -D ) iE a >.utr, " t 'Ue isel ttc le tost d taI eaea'u'ttia, and i ,ltii, i i.1 :1 . -t fitdin tber-te,water. lul ad m read-euo lot 61e ur,' naill aîit"a.., the votytage, as rtvîtted Ilttht' Ae Pï.aetctgrs' tue tend, a kl- ',t,'-tt ArtJiflramai ~rt ili.rhop. 107-11t1t'j'a- tritsfi, , I-Jî ~t re ai aiti loltiî'e if - rvItaitat i o i : Ie:,. iartiia tîthola f ii.;m iiirludred ini te ablie ris-. h 'o r so t i-y (,t lic, .1,' .B. 'hea mitai recult.ertait tanAwait IKinigston. arc, that liere giail lte on;it îhr-re admtpuft-eu. i gaste ever! liraeltns regliter. I'litalueepourri'iO'.S l' )i11 e Ilrlcad.sf uJT, tr cf <tîher tfond elqutoalentl tîre- hR. M1. 11Ciîi'.-ît-tn te, ah-ail balieait eut t. etrit admit plu- - rr-parD et uat!l ,Xtri t ,i. ttt day. A grst ec ar-rae ef accainotidatinn Ili thIe for'%Vrie. "tt'itii . ., betglitinfitie dcts, bartta, t&c.,ia fr-ovietaIe1r, îcaîted by'fîle e,. as weil as strict regutlttt .oiiiàas.ertIitl:i'g ,and taie, and adunnýitttîotc:îi lt r. 1,,, insueig the &seawotltie6.i tite ctisoscrit.. cIi tfvar-:,ý5iti-.api',t,-,, ployai. Theu e auss ri nInch te e tii siîgage pliîtctf. lft i.t îu tt ir li -':. to. te c-euveyt.mce of P;,.etigirt-, .Il ba rIe w tir% s ' tî iih.t- et it- : atiplttyntifirtht lpuarinte iv M r. 1'. W. Ii. tr.., li, ie icr i. oi lvrpol IL..Il. ÏN. fi. t-i lut Dit M.I tc-,'t tQuelec, I11tlb Novi, I142. -aiti iiere ttre ,ttdy tr. lit ueit. t'rt TO SETTLIiR$3 AND OTIHKRS. Wisi ltuitlitiofie'erlii-- ING T'ruSEND MhlLtEY TO i-' sld by cttte:a îc- - l TiIEiILFRIENDS. Kifgalt 1119 CANADA COMP%Na,tx.uugto ai- TO SitI-OWý'EUS & Ml lT fu lrd nveey tacility for furitieraiig Stîti. slISibctrtIt-e.hi itefit in iti6 Countrey. wili RE.XlI' arîy moatio 0 ]E i crle - r-eý , 'Ilooey, ne malar bola amalth ieailleont :iav e alale Warehret !:trt tt-- tu any parI of L Eglunti reaî.,foiai, 5 0 plis. bleacitei Cà,,t, :N-'Itt tia 20 do aicNo e, Frederick Sîireer, Tairont, ,'.lib Nov. ltIt. .50 dé, dt N.sl. -Î, 3 ISTRICE IVE D ;0 d o a ,. runtxiv OStAimes an auserratent (il lai iot 1»00PIECES 0F £0 PAE, Linonu. and a veryantierîrreleofSI, tir 'cLtattInee¶-rrîiaa tnlga.4-carl, bltandd Cliii; l-iick fet ite s" icuevj et' t3ià. y ,Jtiià,for l'etdatits- WsALTrER EAI.ES. TIs a tate gouda wtl le sot t dit. i QmrySreor apprît. vri-Ntté at titidayt N.B.- totts WM. t re i h hot rwk'te iV est notice. 2diehn. Wajioae trch l.Stroîl. li iigstoitJkiay 28, 1342. 2d ONri SALE,13 el , ' Eô î6i-1< 1F TuE flUBIICKIBE p. &JNS S"Ti- LilUt. 14 Coilu beat Etîgltit C,rdàa, ~I. L-itestieied fur cariîg1 1ail Eruplitînît, i i a .im~r 1 ..l'alLaut PFare e PIaItr.lÈidç1, and e&lctstaity cioaîîng 2 de Il 2 .0 140 do kl~ lItetOn~.eÂ3f mai eçnea.g i je ~ te- 4die ý i 140>' i ,.krn. 4 dn i n.a - *ii dît < u c o si ie . g st i bu ie e t n a t la to , d e i q eC oi ) dAi, Tua &Lotion 's atinireti saa tiost rgntiffilaCoulTas suie teatîhisua I ee.ly ctreineti for lisa rruee ohle u. ,~ in lei,1ts ad pilyiig lte ukin tiof e 1)1 vii- t- st rl sfpton.fQi4r't e1414abe.aty, anid 1cf 7216 inih, 1rtf 14:în-, tesiotiug t to iih ilr gree otfpuity. 10 Caeed Su1terfine Stiad il~, A beaulifut ara beailttfisi domplexii te i 5d 'bateau Lafftte %Vîrtt. Priaie efal sLo t1.it", iadluthe-rat'y cf thite. 1 5Bores lndred Cito, wiear er-vrof il. 10 oe aroI a Ag Itr p 1pearqaice im thea bul r-contnenda. Sdo er. n,, tiose; and tie seieautifirirag Lotinmpuriftes té, aieitL'mn iul aiaiand rentaida ail ltimple. ll es.Tan, 5d - -llu ill,- Suistit, mmii fignels. anid prodaccea a iseauti. - tui linoe. il ilatai unI!coitacatil a ld44 h4e .i~Rap.Baf arnuirThatcE et 1,cr taller.varî<tma bretlseud etth ibIt qv t' Gffltjw»sG'wiiaise Bcd this ti. a'gltfisi te GriTi 0a S.te & mad ti 0re ai l Roughlne&i4 l'impies., in. iîM(N.tA ~rupSpt.a aloifuSàon-act.ftbe faceasd ÀG.A4Cetas- t hmu-JI4t. iscjaticmsry recommeend- 14N0TI1CE - -~ ~~~~a cc gI ~ ao ater aliav ing, a il T UB tQric ,somdttt tise ieiit lvin ble proacl Ie tise nal'igaiion. te onuaertalte tise tit", ~or Sui >: Cla 114 ead, 5i=mcetisre,.Gonds of aliescriptionsIS blvOenr el T "1$J ia sçwen qiare and alLke It t E 1 rx J). -plu)n, tl tirevta -el, cdo Ae. 'A" 'CU AP TL.Compony Isefi US S t'lier advftn*&a»hia bf~r5 tt pulas itis60,ie"eat ttmsî~ifi uaxbuc-s.1- -".- i l isA.1- eaeneana l iur eMY or, e m .at e i saW u M# i4,@vou rupUliy. us e Ji blusulr ftotr clvup jAec rs.l»keîd omaestic.ad ittti ImmA»rn l'y te Ius Is He aum. u eat t h 4w.bave RingtBene, Spavie. mûtruil riietalby n"e, -480~ ý pain iEz- t- ilbaudeiiglirrd - w aîs~ di5tu âia Samisais, e>eedmàetepaitaf s buthe -m . aele'ir. Iimi Mroep*rIMIEALTH, mi" Puasuetfan etor amy "Mipd ite ,u- *à by xyie& les. t* te o- fil. IA,%,teu u m.â 1 hou. 'ANADL oiA.oemey*Rmin the Ptr"s sUa~- ma uoura o neta o-h.. ficm r-a tu filou j", a taW ..lire le !11 wwliàm 4-19ffl illiat«ýfflui H 75, %_1 el, ' au ge ýr ý*%, v-tu;-t tom

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