Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 6 Jun 1843, p. 2

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as..,the subjcte cf exmation. a" theii rsdqaiile manner inwhvbcltheii student. acquit-. Si tii.çmelves. The, Clamm..exmoel, andtheti."dos of ex- arnimation, wu »a*folo.,: FIRST oA.-3,d Arjrbmeic; *Lin >o frises; Virgi; Algeda; 2a.I Euglisl. (Vms- mr; lI Aridnndic; Greek Roadri Anient jlsùgy. IhI.MND i.Ar-Ge%,naphy; Ûeisr<*d%&e Retder; *Phyt.cLoy; eneo; do qi «C.oemery; Iiaory of Englmdnwl ij Titian oir,-Latin Reader; * VirgiI 4- Liry; H ~kTo ic; jsgEW( ùkOrmur; if ~ ,; 'a.w. ioe.jBialicul leg's Erid-wes of Chrutfiaud4r. A &"laeffaleut of the. exauinatien would fer excemietiti.limite of a anodn" yCaminuâiCa- t"on.W. wifltiierefore, confine, nursolveu wtaa tew rmarks on th ii.ti6rent departments, enti "ge. only wmoneof the . rntinteresttng ClI»".. in the. CisCut Dirportment, the. examina- tions indiceet n= c.cu aqlsed"e"ervyf paitacular atentiote xelent mode 0 n strgetion ailoptei, wlucb appefrs well calculaieti to e tk.irougi. clangical *Cholea, t« w hy a fondato or te metmiextensive ciaeeacal t- tainnents. rou theoelle Stlien. ta make the stu- dent perfectly familier with SMd i.cjlés of the langoage, »ai Il ai ta conduci mte- mgbthe nuiacourse off dassic*zl readîsg. In Mathemal ici, tho minute aid accucatO bc- quaintaace d'tapisyeti by ithe qedente Wi thOi bwncee ls topdei, aiindantly slowod i oability otii. Pnateseor. and the. ntgi& thougii searcinug eylteni cd inmruc-tion ta which they bldMhen ubjectetr4 1414a*J4 'JIrdher iahemauw,î" deserve prtieWUiae tko, io aequied tbaelve js 0oa *.'§cite tb.int- lutte», aCan fo <r1 ti heocoe mini t ftii d@. tinguisiietivilore preseet. .. 1 VWor ft ifthi.e ljre~ eharacter le th titititcu & iwaàdeuim ta the. Waal@ of the. gr.at body of thi.e o.atouay, ni. direct attentio tiiheclams in Namu.e.LPkulosophy, mliury, P1'hgsiol. Astroaom>K> flitor , We would gladly enter into detaîl in regard te thc.. clame.., buit our-liaita willnot permit. We canant pe wibont pecigly ticing four of tIns, nain.ly, tlIce.intheti" - Eidens of Lagimdsiandi British Coaàitubo.."ad "Hi c4a. Iliory." Tii...four were under tiie <hiTge of the Principal. Tii. çlase in 46PaMy's E&i- iens e fCh *i, A» *" excitetiti.amiratiesi c ail preseni. Iros the mrnleteo.es of tforatun enti trengthiandi vigour of intellect,tiiep lajead b the youflgjeitlemnflwhocepeoit. i. clasesin l uor were depy intereating, fron tthe numberof tuilenta in tie, (each clam. containing about fity,) and the. grea valut ut the mS.W. canuit etimae too higbly the. importance o introducisqso n able a 'tdy ioto ao Institution lke Nictoria Colegr, ic le specially ailapted bto th instruction of tiie sono of the tmn whocompoe e bone andi in- ew of the. country; who are te go ont andi fl11 the. moit important office., aid exercice tiie greatiet influence on the. Province. _Mow im- portant , la to priment wo the mndtof thae. young onthe. xamples ef Grock andi Roman excelaen, andtu t famiiliarise theto with the. wortiei endi institutions of Britain-the bot "oel for Canadian mon anti Canadian inatitu- tioni.. Mmy hundrede cf youag mon egfo feti from Victoria CeIlq.V filleti with the. pirit of tiie great anti gond et cor fahier-lanti. anti quali- fi"d tu conter hoo, oun them différent urmits, andi, ini their evral spiieres, exrcse an influence., migbty, Iating, andi boac9cial on al atounti tiew. The. clasein BibLicoiillitoryminclud ali althe tudentil. W. canput speak toc bigily of the. idea of thus makng the. tutienta familiar with Barred I listory, thebeel Aunadtion r clos, & proLcticel biblical kmfledge -ilbas, b.eathe lwUver, e.evrl dbh",I.e tue .Mmeu t am., delîvoretioit the. pSceng âabb; aie., in the course of the. Sessio, taiig them -through the. cotire Scripturem, anti placing di.. tmctîy befor titrAmnds the leadingz evonti, transactions. & place metiotdi n ioiy Writ; mo furniahing them witi valuable, praCtical, con- .coo-senée views sof Seriptute, t. bc acquireti by .an uthea'toiUson. The protectiogecrare climei b! the.exibi- tion. ubich ttsuk place in the aftermonn ot Tiiors- day, in theIii etiodit Ciinrcii, whch as illed t. overdoiîg. A immber of original Emavs were delivered by the followitmg yiaun., gentte- mon, on the. iubjert annexeti- Nomps 'of abidegiu eritig PaÂIie Di.siumi in V g~,U. CoU front Oclober 2114 1842, Io ApeL 1 1 No. Sdenotes perfect. 7 excellen; ôOve gcoti; 5 gocti; 4 mediuom; 3 poor; 2 bad ; viny lad ; estircly nigleciti. la the marik system inbmdotiacel. Victoria Colette, the acale of Mar" or nuebs . te - tutedlnom 1 ce Sthe latite, baise ia y vlan Ibl ae i.lu!hdl~sadia'se Eacii esso. iin aaa4eta ,g to iamnrts; tua i .. a iemm e vbbeini perfeccty red anti r.nite d tsIa.ieUy8 r p- ;' 1 ijbleant dé.e detaive, s er sir ite *k pusraffioor lu snuvrses fFitog It ly % S *fimUsat,4 e. 4n.This ceunie i pursuedt ieugiiestiie n- tire Session ; t tise xpatiet vel'ichthsuan totl f île..menimark.s i ati" by the nom- bero mtlenions; tie quoient sImous*8ieavevige mseritnumber, ia emu pavicear a umty, fthe ti Session. Thea;aerago nscutoer itidicateis lt student's knoviedg-feet istntiy .ely os far as te hm u arsuead il. D-meril marks an. recordait apaist Il @tu- dent. far violations of cor pubiatbed By-lavm. T e m et lfe.. stutienta ' icame bwne deaneril mark» lave bInn n.pcZor Who lave faittuliy pertormnet I al thoin dution. dg6 viebave avemag ettut lai6 in aIl thir atudied, are an- nonneti et the Anneai Examinuie., andi pub- liiebetlin on or more 0( tue publie Journil Several nuisev Stutients meaiaisii an equai sanding vitilthie aiice-aesdting ame term ; but only tiSeeWviobave mantainedt tat stand- in i-bth ltin.e of the. Session an. pablie- ,y n'ra . E. Ryzaaoîe, Principal. Vitoria Collegt, May, 18a3 N. S. TU»s. tmua<.iintsd ia<>irill ameat Copy cf île Adtiress ettho MluelripaICo- cil efthte Bathurst District, wHise acellency île Goveruor GoaaL. Te Ilis Einoedcay Sire Chmarles Ttcophiltas Met- colle. KahýgàîGrand L7rosa o t eetln able Order of âe &dh, one of lie=r Msjid Monst Huntnera Pnivy Censnil, Goiertier in ief anti Capfin Geisenal in en4 orMe PrinSOe f Britli ishràAmencandi Vice Admirai of the.saute. MAY tT PLEASE TOUR5 EXrCELLNCy. WE, Hen M*Seiy'i titiful and layai Subjecti, lie W artien aoi Municipal Council eoftthe Bath- urut District, beg leave te cougratuaati Veut Exciienry on Yaonr aseau.on 0< o the Gavena- meut et Canada, thael ti.e*s1Ya imenticg ausav. [do' Ile cana.vijew" e tise Wreimt cf Veuz dutit',uih.d anti vortiy pretiseemor. We rejeice.in tiihei.icn I y IrlcMo@&a-s ccus Majesly et a Statesmin ai' eur Exceilen- - y's iigb cisaraclin anti extensive ixperleace ini varions parti oft iis gmst Empire, hintuig errMaE q m al"a &&wusth -9ate geai District, vo vaa<und B ta - . . .. sa thse enligitènet ièpnluiseof the Britidoni- utien au latell expreseti isy S i Robrt Peetandi Lord Staiey, l Ii Roue.etfComonanti icteti uren 17 Van, predeccew, vilii bu carrieti ont by Vout Excllenry's Administration, lier.- by giviag confidene, pe anti pnc.p.nily te i bis very inleroetiut Pnovince. n ic Prom the tieeervedly higi atm bvi c Von, Exceeleney ileiti by aIl parti"s in Great Bntain, ve hope Il clasee yl erdially cOite n upponing Veur Exnellency lu the dîsciarge of Your arduona dtiee, avniing ailt anticue oppositio, îier.by rnderiag Your Exeellency's EINGSTON li~ftÀLI-ThLS~À~, .it :1 t - Arqc anthe i.French aotroemers, tint %Wcsu. et snly juit graxati t ma : and in toth Lâd TIi,.. et the. 3*Pm 0<Apel i, Z£mie ogt lbu afond ii imp.mdk eiiitviï:esin whcb the. ceset vu» bave i. .asuh.* eun in a direction 1 ' cona-Ib dm,*ga$ q t i. cente.-PttlOnlltii. .tbl e tepiier. à wtiuld ste le4the eoMêet elube. tte son or grazeti h qarae-f AuvOMa W* emu ieuffortwenty cames tioe.own WW,*etede, wbereiu»Muaofth ou Toey manity ; jet not a wod in board atout tiiet beyoati tiihecinewhere tii. Outragea bave boencomanuitteTho..Woeubiee taave0ne been 1aitei by the. present amiistraiio-tIiey Ve.ti iMYOffilciaisof tiae Cchiim's anti confdi. > dtru e the. country to anireiy anti On. of tii. Magistracy heançig tw the. cli District. actmîally tieti an unfoatunat. msan w a horsels tait fer nomo nominal ofence, tilt iho ai- mont tioprived im o f lite, andtiuteconcînde ithe inbuman tragedy, «-t- i hm for a radical, it was wiiat h.etioserveti." W. coutil mention maffy instances, ting the tixYs Of miarule, wiin Inagistratesa mura to keep tiie peacacf tii country aL.d prteet tiie lire@ or ber XMtym @ubecta, beautel armetibande of aimausini, andi initigateti têcm iteiprpea'fhi cf tioeds of savage brutality upon thuie >«Stcl oppnons.But that day bai paaied awity, and v.fretytrust it will bu forgotten evut by the. sufferr, ieaamunii as out formésr treatusent et"ad now a prooti tentî,nnny of the peejie strength wvbu n mpeti iiid t -»Mber wretched condtionof Unted Can a. Publie improvemepft is rapidly ,extah t self from Gaspeto Sandwich by istana the utiit fonritrict Councilq and 'taeDst otf Worâ,an fudswbjaiiaimly ami ..n tioumly timpoe.d uf for Central *im ~ l imitt of ai by the. nid systean wb4 9#9 t into the capaclous maw Of Clerks'cf t »' P.ace anti other gre.dy coruerantm wiio lat(e*d brat roveid upo. the bald Bartugt wrog fthe i pockets. utnboueur y.omamry. M.ýý Wiiover vifll prefer tti.nebieainge latetti of iieing matitleti witii an evorhiagg dt. hike "Penelnpe's web,"' neyer to e eat an u d-.wb ever will prefer te borter titeir rightm anti liber- tiena athe ab rine et religious aind politic bugo.. try, the menner twill tiiey enjtiy the fruit.s ttË . from the, olti trseecf abuse-every Dul;;t i » fthe. Province in doit-our i iit * public improveua.nte negect...nd if.vbut dtiae w rais.eor voice aç..îast sncb a oiit of political jugglery, te '.randed a.usadicajieanti De. publieans-trem to wour heloved i Qtueganti ooaanrY. " Tii.1 bave awnthe wind, i, pthe. "Iilteap thec whirlwind."-[LI»don Imejuirer. NAviGÂTtON 0F TttE WF.LLÂD CIL Secne apprahoension iiaving bemu nifiestei by atern cf vessels, andti chers interest.4 in i ho tradte tlirougii tii route, (originating, noubot fromntthe many unfountiet reports respecling it, met afloat hy individualo concerned tiih busi- nemi of rivaI ciiannels cf comoiuaicatoaA~h the "great Wesct, "ý tlat tii. navigation g p çntefaî tbi. meaaon would be limbus te continuaI aud vox- ations obstructions and hindranceo, t.ta c pe- rai ions cf the. workmeU ogaeion the.new wnrks DOW in Plwog e iaoco....tbe p4acipal eNgineçç ti char~e bas deemeti it expedimat te r t'v notice, --tbat au inter(rfenc#oa the part cf the. contractors willlbu p.rmiutet: the. navigation muet preceeti, wîtbout regard'to tiiein imierest or convenience; and if any ti.lay abouhti ho cauied by the contracior. or poisons employ. id by iiu. or by the Board cf Wcrks. the. cap. tains are requestet t give information thereot te the Engineer, wie asill inimediateIy removo inch perons fromntbowhe --[S.Cathi.,Jour. raieth* TA... COMMERCIAL. bloqTxxkr, JUDO I, l1048. Buainosa generally continues ver7 inactive, bot butter pre, are procureet pulic @aie titan Po-Adecuisti improvemont ins 4ijiteti in tus article, anti coouierablo sa"sihave taken plac e t 23m4 viiicbprice tvas nefuamefi t~large AsSisNe trneecto cf comeuience. Poli amreffard at 26» Sd, aqd NPes27a a 27à 3di ror abiping pancels. ln provisions no transactions are taking place, anti prie«. romain nominaliy ai Our lent quota- tions. À public saie cf tuTas@ et Qaiebet-, lu- portoti by thse British Colonial Tea CcmpAny, took place yemterday. et the. &torciestof esure. W. Price & Co. A large aiaorfment was cffa- eti, coosisting cf 1025 packages et Congo. Son- cbong, Twankay, Hlyson Skie, Young ilyson, ant Hymen. Tii. Teas vere of a superior uual RygRâo-ai, --Anma,' iaria.e. Adminisurmion peaceini, happy u& pmiporen. mc;i- -i----b.a.-rî Hum, -'fi .otradScenes(Signeti) ALEX. M'MILLAN, iyutt ee o n im n yte Tmte HUR, he atra sceus.W*drr OIb,àw Distrct uha appeareti anxious iynbutuniling ta BuLL, --The planefary Syti'i. <di onel et iv. île prin.. a i inistioy wvo ieli. Bics, - - The Mferinla"t. Dtt ouiPnbThe follaving are tiie quanities meolt, anti lleouaiN,, '-The Eduîceatital Prospectf q htMay, 18I . U'prie§obtinem. <uiitauli. COI>V. 4rrseii. iakbad.n WR'5IHiT, - - 'l -Kingston, lOdi May, ISU 40cldotefine lackunei SeCng, 2 7 BRsOUS£, - . Mani the .4rchiteri uf hua awa St259 do Tfink aor [gucon, 247 KERRa, .. gcet; or, imseif. ho absence of the Pivate Secret5ry I ame 14 i do doi] 2 WaLIR, -Thte àpiril qoftiquiry. irectei b7 the Governor Gomeral 1ta ra t 104.doTuaaky Hysco. very supter Sctuo it -- Ziue»w o f th lnuilitn 'ut.aie hutitidreoffuca iboMeai - 10 de Hyson, [very fiee]. ,Ifcses on ~.Laie, c NaUioIU. t pal Counnil ofthîe Batursta District. transmitiei ___________________ HiOWARD, - - Thse e-r1y Propagation f the irough Joui. RUasuÂx CeiUsUxs.%-" Tbe inilliant career Gls--aWar.1 ibave tue honer ta le, of Muscovite conqueî," says Dabgariuutla*. 2sir, reusO tl.Servant, !o viii Peter the Great; aimbougistheie unt. Tii unerons audence vwu dolighteti vith (insi> J. r.BRO'.VIRIGG. mneusirne, tii not exceeti ' 7&M rgclaphical the. talent, originaîitly, anti sicuence tibsplsyed captit Mifitai a--"-'rtaîj square miles, ytetireir effeci vas te lay the iu l peabers.Tlicy vene ahi »0n90W.ti, ta a ALEZ. M'MaLiii. Esq. rndi voek (e oui ascndancy ovec tue Baltin smisonltiaperiniio. WcnoWîidtn B. D. P-gAllC. W andthi.eexaine. At the, tinte cf Cathiiem's an. haveser, fesea, nticisg .FIagins, furoa' a5 & cession, our diominien vas pread oser ast orea ferviti eloquene ; the inimitable sein of icb uîa-' ro the Wareu anti Municipali Couruil of the ofil.917,000 square miles; anti ber reigin wam tiv humour dispiayeti by Kerr'; -the spiriteti, District f B.ttrst. marked by the. açquiition of Conîlant, Livouia, animating, trutîful cuasy of Brous; te âne I hank ycu Gentlemen for tIhe- isi enti- White RossaiVeiiynia, the Crime&~ Asopu, imagination, anti pure & levtet tmof t iluglat ment. vbicb yen express lovardtimanianti <mn Otisk*a alarge extent of lerrilory bueso 'nthe anti te.ling, tiui cbaracteriued Welù; ipns your nongnatilaiionm on my msu.pllota cf the Bug and Duiffsten, tbe countny oeth(e Noray es, fon Ihm exhibition efdiihgnt renrarl, irili- genv.rtment. Tartane, the. Rabantai, a.»d part cf tue soti- îunt imagination, and pover of argumentationi; Whi 'n li.eply lamnt the cause *iiich led wes cout ef Ameica.j and lait, nt leurt, Hea ir intietieep-toned tate beir tof my tistinguhsbediProdeee-- WIenPaul amendeil ihiroce, thictam ofj piety, Warin pIilanthricipy, tich imaginuaton, at an,@o. anti 1 am sur. uhat you vilmoaru vithlme 'tii. Rnssan empireoft viuelabout ,n..flftli vas fine patica tiit pervvdsi bis eaye. the fatal errmnt visicbmees dailj tealeo str, in Erope, amoc"pt ta 7398,o0quane ibe;1 Te Exhibition vwu elirdd y the principal-@ ast icisu l us i ith arrcv for. iis de. cadrerie isiriet.vway, hburv. trone orefenlio eentennittg prn en on ise geaiu getîtumu Pante. 1010 ver. addidtetbo un. Digiietig visame namu.have 1al boivisenI. pliwed, and ti sontially concun vitI 700 la theyi. .jl isî et the EmpaerrAlexandier. ilere ver. lu le poblielymoeatoi l <tudUMZt hWle dise ii-hWIib Y-oentertain tuai my &a"ine ftipfcfted, in tus yîsr 19q~ and 1804, Ormif, 1ingui.bti e= vltes iunng haIbou.lbu for thse <lvermna, by île support d01( ess qe udeita yiuisIuTfln tilignce ati goctdcnuuet- Tir)bus. vcre île danarge of uy dtis., loupb.u'l.ltmueatiboueacquretheii.province cf Ealzt= k; byt oly limu in omimber, &asti <ieu bj Ils. Principua>l igivng confidence., peaefràWmryad lappi- cf Frederickeal. fin 180, theIi. ii.-of A4p&i îims.It, au the gmytenof gving mixes geueraily mes ltu hs intelesting aid siupertaaitProvince, anti West Dodinis, a aitr ai Tanro; the uçty1 bas nt Iteen itufeti fr lnrv.êatioe i.atise cf Scbonbram. inthîe saine year gave Mm the1 Instmtution. We canantcose iht effering a Fna.-We, regret le bave te record a very province ot Tarnapl; anti by liai of Buesust, fcw remîsion thlebraracler cf Vittoria coh- serions lmo f propetj, by fire, vhick occutre tu an1812, le obaiad Bcsiarniu aidpurt oftMoot- le gnnhy Tb nltte sapais-yeteid usriing about eobt o'cicck. The davris, inclutiing thie atle cf île Dnsbe. 9 hyab Coll e ,0' utehe pe-a Collese aa ted lanea erigaa.t iin 4. Es ' Bakery, andi the Tise Rumainpoaiseions ho Amerloscompris-1 mn the vante of tise ram, alhmalng that kIrti4of 'iid ieing bigi. île »gU isald"np@con et an area cf 504000 square mles, aid extuid-1 educatio, anti in tuat maner, but adapteti toaittiai yn-tesnoet WUn Mtd 's et, ai itatet in the lYkpee ef 1921, ta tise Sha make oound pratical mena inevrj tieparmisnnt iiilery, Mesurs. Hall & Omals u" facinsy, degre. ef nartbernulatitude. Bj the pcace et cf ife,-à-aund Liuyeri, sctr Divines, tant]J and Mr. Cul'a Stands tactery, Il ituautdontise Gralishan, in IF313,bho acquireti Daghestan and1 =hscans, blenchant@, Mecianirs, & Agricul- vators emge atthie font of Freticki Street, Shunvaus; andthtit ettieusanta matie et hie con- butandtatequaliiy them u fr fllin the vrari- Wver, ted y.iMr. Culi, vo Iarea vas in- <rami cf Vienne, gave bien Pelant n ils exitiag1 eus cires ia Society vitih oneur ho tiemeelve.iured fon a feu bieudreti paria. extent anti proviteti for île cesehon of Tarnapol1 ati boefit te the comtuuity. lu dîtesnot, et Anotierdurs.,lue undemWstan k piaue about te Amerris- The liniatie ubici ho ceneludeti enouse., senilt demu ot immetiately qualifieti fer am o'clek, à.tas. bacir of Spa"anaAvnue,ubon viitictheUnitedterai.,Wn.84. anti GreatuBru. lie varices puranit, bat litaye lie fauntaition a rivreli»e bouie, a stable, anti a herne vere' &in in 182, extentiet bis posesion@ in Noth for garce»e in theus, an fan as le conaistent witiî isomt-TIN«bas mt bea aileeta n patina- Amerlo., te fi fty-terr egrees. forty-one min- thie nature ofaàLiterai y Institutiest Irt anner lare..-tP*trwe. utea nautiirn latitude. scadt em tortis patfeisael rhbs'oer% but it Tise coasiquotice oftis gradui accumulation laboure ta ssv tentbe fovî sevmm ni tbatet Thcvoathier c=u"s«e.ta bhaveq'ummeaso f trtcj s, tisa île Empliier Alister bo, oly ly cutivatia ieiteigmsdatheegsmatiail.a esiti, ireg anti gasaconeta biol- qn.iatilti te succulasia a iovegutj a"-a cluutsg isetmts muifcBsgà lt y id.iag, mei ueismijtonceufot oregta nomisse ven a surface of 76W,01119squareRnlie. Te leNtscf mfluary Bd = , »Jni W-.gemeeam et an tam iii, sailad 4k et lus , 83, Illiant caleer of<th preneant motea ehWM mit bai"g tirtmin&is vith ir. ud éhw mmie.d le-- sit-at-chutreaesa ti N e lse. ise th i. PersialrprovincofE. 0 nv aiNakit. memaiily. It velI daiaervmmos e.iit' *0ieassoaeits eiiima, oue.&4bay4 ati ven ho m" a v iii an area of absot lOM square vior. .eunty, ton vkâ" 'lê glu alm- dm . e ala ai sl m4ole m iles. uhich nov tsituti Nev Arancets, and hW atet -meextensive esf Nlmse, muraie .fart ve ame incline ta le1.he inh Meafp arboravisi squireti ue te t ru.est of Twk i-j cinexiomwitl amy reliions a dncs.Ia..là% otPanmgrelusad tiink thi. OMshM nau aaj i $.i n aj lo~m ; andthie fortromauof A"pePti but tise Principal and t-Il cihaguea fabtMmty doe lboIsa of"leu.- (tnle q, , Akalzik. asti Ahalkalachi, ta vuic atuniof0 #boit putianidthlim lnstitttron canai fbit le cx- -aboiut 2» 0square mile laattarisoti, ifier.w ert a poîseIulinfluence in pvoesacii tle betI lu eee a t tise tecat esUt.iacmaly b.î exteret iniom Turhsy ly tise ureaty <f Atir ltopmà the surbo indm uJob-. lt ppc.n m eeint. ta P@, in 18»1. Kingston raIb. EuOel'o%, TtSDY, Jt NE G, Wa faeWMOftbieprovincial papers haroereapieti an ai1116ai. tut e London Fotreign anti Colonial Uq,1.v. ,in vIwiel l3inaa,&Ad its afflirs are dis., 8 e.Theartieebuaie.. aîtrîbuîed ho 1k., QWatoe, Vice PraidaaIeeotIqBoard tif Trade. Wblht rit wam vrttu.m ljbienor mot matters but littie, for it cotaini noiing original tan Ca- nadian affairé, but in meroiy an abrîigement of tihe long yarna ibat lave bInn spun by the. tory proe Of Canada for several yeari hart. Tii. reviewer's tbeory i. ithe sain, as tber'a-îhat a]; tle difficulties in Canada, tietete tarbellion itlf, vere caumeti entirely by conciliatieaon the part of the Ho1me Govrrmeot, anti bu attempte wetabuIisb tii in the. flimsy mode cf the. tories, an familiar te al vIn bave reai the ir papers. A fnil imisverte ail ubeir nonensei on thii point haieen given alreatiy in Lard Durbain' Re- port, te vbîcii every persan may reter. Tiiere vra.nme conciliation ber. the cuibreal,. but it tailed, becaus i vas an partial anti imperfect. IL titi et concele ithe rue of a repreaentative majoriy-it diti ont concade ta the. Canadiana or Frenchi extraction liai ahare in the. goternmeoti vîicii tiey Lad a rigit ta expect. andthiiretoce ibis halting conciliation taileti. Sain.Canadians vore Piacati in petty offices, andi one or tWe in iiigbur; but thons, attempn api 1boy up one&iori twoi veakene theti.go-eroment. aigteti of 'etrengtbeaing it, by rausamg thions wba iook thiaï.offices te te negardeit as traitors heir party. IL vas Dot conciliation, tiot>, usa. pra- duceil %ho. mifficltion andthte otir.al, jqttI witoldinof ni uat political paowviicb f*»a the pipe'& rgIt by the Constitution. if lhat bati en coecoet, the difficuiies voolti bave endeti at <nue. Tiie reviewer romenis, .itwever,that the. con- casmicos thiet bave ion matie ta the -4democra ic PriibciPiem" cag:,cibu recaîhoti, but that stroagi redîatonC4 muet b. made ta any furtiier extpl. ISQII .Z,r that pimcipie. lie in evtdentiy afraîi tiat ii theommamctateprinciphe,"lithe Aatonà's rad ilvlI awallcw up &Il the roils cf the tory mia- gicîsos. The ' detuacratie principle" n Canada in the saine au it is in G;reat Britaun ; ter. are checks ttai t tere, anti tbr are greater chiecku te it borte. Ahi tiat tsasaket ins, bai ibis princi. pis bave the same liberty anti power ber. tIat it bas tiare; andtiehbis un.-grantei, the people are content. It i. accu enougi te talt cf retult- ing greater concessions when tbey are dennantid. The great source tif the tory errre i a Colonial goveroment bai boon thiv, ihat they arere afraiti ta trust tie people witi tiat full meaoure of liii. erty anti pover grarntedta theto by the Ccnâtiiu- tion. Tiey always 551 nomte bugissar, nomoe spectre of i. dialeimperei fanrv. in the eshape oif "ulterier objecte-," whîik triglîteneti tbst frot tbir prcpriety. antidnered tiiem fr& tili ing the people j'ltite. W. ihiinu the people tnay b. trtciwiti te fulexercise of their meuti tutiomai rights ; ant if tihetories cao bie brougit ta beliave thii,. uey wiiI renunce thoir pervouLs, citi-maidish areroftthe i. ienocratin principle."1 Tii. reviewer ciierishi mie etf bese bagicara, saying, " tiere is stilî a revoiutîtanary fainm anti a loyal people in Canada; tiser. till exisis a body cf men wiose deaigna are ta separate that country froin Great Britain. to overtiirew exist- ing Institutions, anti taenetaiiiaii a tieucracy in- it." iViiere is the.pronf tif this ? lie givee none do» mac pretendtategive any. Iisa agra- tuitous assertion. copied fron thte tory papers of tbe province, hîke aearhy ail tic neot cf the arti- cle. The. taries are tiie enîy di..atisfieti party in Canada 00w; tices île rertewer aivat tiem? Tiiey have giren him gronds <trIL in long ti- rades of treasonabie tuf; dioses the, riewer take tle a.m e b in earneat 1 The opposate party dechare tbe.ms.lveu cententei vitii the conces- sions ubat Iav. esen matie, se that it muiî le tie tories tInt the reviewer tbinke are goingt te rebel. At ail events, h. ogit te bave furni»Wetranme roe4 lie F--.tî5 ifhqta. dta, h 6Mvak in LoiFft Canada, bas deerTameMmmen maaiiedot witb the concessieam that bave beena Mati., so tbai aiisea of a rebellien rom that party muei b. mtinguisieti, andth te onny pros. pective riiels aimeti ut hy tbe reviewer mont [e the. toriets, fur tbey ans thte only discontent.dl Party. The. politinal epeculations of t tue reviewor buse nothing te recemomend them-tic7 are stade and aufoundeti. AU i isstatemeîîte anti argumeents lave appeuret ini the toîry papera butor, anti bave beco nwered again and affain.: Tbe anly point verni attention imi tha, that, in bis opinion, it woultinmatlis sale te ondi, whaî bas ben dore. He regrets Iliat it basilinon done, regrets tbat Sir Charles Bagot titi not resort te a couap d- mains, n la Bond l'eau, but bing don», it cannet bu renaîheit. anti ve have oiy ta bidie the naughty mmn anoulti couvert Canada mm aa nepuilie. H1e basnoct tld us wha îley are, nar anhene tbuy may be founti; but vitinut toubt Major Demie in on,, anti O. I. Gossan anetiier ; anti the tory press is in the secrets eofithe prison lionse. fomrating ite tiark destgn@., In commercial niatiena tte eieer in nt n ftan utray, ccetendimg that Canada sheult iebu tr.at.ti ai an integral part of the emapre, anti ite protioce recoîvet mie Britishitsafree cf doly, on at nominal rates. On t"i. Peint w, nteeti sy nothing, as it sn atmittet omn ail hanta, anti ail tlat romains in ta art on tise prînciples tbat bave boom avav.d, vbich will aid the Polit-~ irai concessions in uaakimg Canada contentai viti ban lot. Tii. Statesman bas copiedtheii lettar that ap-i peareti in the. Newns against Dr. Ryeropo'm ne- marks on Sir Ciarles Bigot'. policy, end bai repeatoti on. of ite fis.n tatemente. The. letton, apeaking cf lb. Episcepai Moîlandisi., tM. it-i siih Wesleyanv, an!thiiseattachai te the Canada Confèence, saidtheis latter ver the. levtait in mmibe; andtheb Statesman says tiey ar e ooy ese4gltii cf the, iole. IL id bard t0am«yt liow &»7 mon couuti utten mach a notoriou <ise- biod. Tbo EpioScpal Metisewit ln lsp..- ..pralu< naupereti, about 1ýit) uPQjp ffl ;_tW the Britishi Waiieya about t» noms; bmà'li meulbera remaning wih theii Canada Conoerence aubreti about 16,000; yet the latter are nid ,ta bu oly enve-ightiia cf the. violo by mon orIc pretanti te Il niigiiteu" itheGovrnno-Gen- oral t Th"j may reit asuredt ta .kiiov loy t. atiate themoantithoir ligbt. Tèreare many ailier 6<mie statomenta anti abeurdties la venl t papei, tiai gît, sud desemaiug stipuart fmoi thbatue Ici viant t te adressed. IA paper was pubLivietiat Port Hope somne yearq aga. but wasdtiscotnetie. Vheîter ticpresenu attempt viii su5rýzed rma;ne ta be seni.Fromto u- pe- oelar bidlaon i las oumohat umuecîdi* >lI leutylbe devateul t e. ~*mî lfi Dernc, imclurltpravement, and ti lliiib more geseral1 notice thse veny -gv.aî tvatlsft- us ti wîaîcintuure lias endu ;ýe* ibee titunîr et Ilurlia"u" W. copy troata it the fullowiog Lia. lice cfe TIIE PORTS OF DURIIANI. Sn litteis hiei.Geogmaphy of Durlmuaonder. atonal witboait tihe Ceunir, ttat naIi, paron wander faro t ftbeîr way ini trder ta rearli tiçr vniasdvîuoxtos.Travellçrs unacquata. tedl wiîh h de îrcat localittea are toua frequent. ly matie to beleve thaït Cabourg id the.moet con- ventent pint for thet tn landi anit1htfey are go-~ itig te the tntertor, andt u. they are persuidoti to adapi a route %whiiin involves an unoeceiary expena. iotb ofcime anti mooey. iiere pmer. sonts are bouni tir Peterborough, Verulani, Fe- nelon, Stnitblown. Monagian, Cavan. Emily anti Op«. Pari Ilepe a. decideulla the muent caoarui- ent Port ai ubîci ta lanti. For miiould tuc7 and tiaCbourg, they wouîd lb. coeipelîe-i to pas trougit Port [ipe on ibeir vay, anti (ne the. vater carrnage talenat Ihope anti Celaergt the man)tey wnolti bieput ta an adittomal li ftteadMorley for lte aeven miles landi cas. niage buiveen the twe tewns. The.sanie r.- marks wtll appiy tih Port of Bond Head, for tituse wba are gaatog te Clark or Mlanvers, anti te Port Darlin;iota, for tutane ubs destination id Bevuanvîlle, Dailingtcn. Cartwright, Ellice 'or Naripoos At tlm ta latter Ports, antid u fort Ilope, fa@atwil b. seeo by an adyvetemet, ut% auql4qr coluinu) the. Rayai Mail Steanier Anienica, andthme steamer lîîioti regularly raIl a mis te iRoyal mail steamer City : -riront,, occasaionally wben requim a tu 4 d. We bog ho sol ici' the rnotice cf cor onîpun. perariea te ttove, antiMent that ihcv anli cali utteîiieoii te the stateiceet as tie taîiv mateinîumany insanmacs are productive ait sera. OUR 1058 anti inconenience ta Emitgran iatf] travolleré generallY,waube n i l ufrard the onae, andi canenot easaly recnicle tietmoclverutte f Odier. The. Corner atone ofet i mew City Iltil anti NIlarket liaesetivaitlaid yesertiay afiluemIltiai.î Hia Excellency tlie Gateroor Ceuseral. Tie areaiber via unfavouratîle, training tecol of tse lame ; but etill thpre wat a latge aumter of pin. sous praenta, andi a spIentiu proesstuioe, itl- poacdft e b temitera of the Moritair, ititta- tions, the ire, Hlock & Luddi'r t'itpii'e.. tf e Naliainai Socicttee, 111 huti otreru t in iiiu Mlediral Genmeiînie, <entienietonahe Bar andi thue tlergv i liter roeuie tagustmuato. Ilite A- hitteci & Buliierith ati imnu ta.il, NMay- or andi Sheriff, NMajor Geiietal Sir iiliit XAat- slrong anti thoeCarriaiin SUiM, IlIt EmAioltv thte Goernor General andî Suites, avlh a (iii1,rl cf honor iJ the lFrontenac lîragtoms. Tiit sîreets ancre îîned miitit troopas, andthle flaîî.l o fle 2.3d RegI. attenîleil. 'T'fecerctiitîiof hy- iaig tle atone waaibeguta iy a saline cf 17 zauis, anti floisiiet by antcier, Ilits EuiellenrY pouriuîg on the, atne, ortu, atne antdioui, fraîtui ifire stîner Gubletf, hauitatg adjostea te mortar witb sil camer trtiwei, and lgven tfhe >ton@e ilirema etrekea aitia mallel. Ila aras v ciolte atone ancre inriecetiparchinetlaon au%(tuichtuer engrosseti Corporation At,, thte nainet, naîoo. et the officcritofethte nationalf vocitites,é, r ia,. sent coins, billeaocficteCoimmercial Bank-, copiea cf the Kingston Netuopaperm, anti an Alitianac for 1843. Inotie evenimg the Corporation andtiruifi a tite mumb'ar ofaoute a betidreti. ntersaint-îl11,s Excellenny with a sumPtueus dînoor at 1)aley's A boy san s everely burt L.y the faîl tif eaine scaffoltiing. Amoirgthe comuicalitietoftbe day wvo ce mea, ai miitîa efficresws ita saorti in oa itaîttianti an uribreihla n te eher. Wbefi mon goa--a = "-ift»hymuanot stand a àioer cP irai, heu soutti iley stand ire. Tfue weathcr continues tînsaootaale, aiil colti ortii or noth les ainto. Itiahi te O to Juine, but no signaetfeumrmer, fires are stilî ne. Cesaary. Witbio the pait tbnîe daya ane have bai ropions raimuv, aniicit haserelieard lia ,rota. ung rrops. There liane beeti trequont trits anti emow boaers in sencrafitara of the nuattry. Tiie steamers Sytienhamn andI Queen have battî fieen raisei and floated te Qitefier. Titoeeere tIwo bodies fauati in thie qoen, makteg tires hnes lesit by thte collision. ai- W. bug ta cail the attentianOfe Cap!ai. iota ta tbe îtiaertieent ofta Partin 'aii'l a Fliiaîritg cnd Grixi .1141. It s nttanet iun a finurishing aheat grnm, adistrict,us t a gpiod home demanti, anti bing on a navigable river iu ham euery faciîity fan exportimation. Tii. City Caunril cf RBon bas passedtihîe folloving r.soiutions on the sahject et a frail-r'ad istaneen liai cîty anti Canada; Resovet-Tiait te preseni cordial feelig et amity anti goond undertitaidiag uhicii subsiste betaneen île tee siater nations et Englanti anti Amerina in contemplatei iy us viii uoiaingleat satisfaction. as tenlitng te prOmeme the <rosi in. terests cf commerce, andthte mutueli aternounue btwcen nations ciamehy Unitedi by aIl the tien cf enfumatanguage anti common intereât@. Reovet-Titat w. look fervarti viii ronfi- ece ta the coimpletionf, St no very distant paried. cf arail-roati, uhicistviii serv, te cOnneci the important ity cf Motreai anti the. Disrict Of St. Fracia-an extensive region in Canada- together w'itis the Valley ot the Conecticut Ri- ver, vitb lie cj of Bo.ton-affording as it dlisu, the nianet a met direct int-esa. ti Englandi andthe, nortlornpari atEurope. RoE.Iveti-ht W. vouit orge the Govern- ment o! the Unitedi States, & oftbseverah States throaigiiubicit tus railr-ad ment pa, tea ad- vanne, eithser by thomicîves on tbrugh tise Ve ny of ccrporate campates, the. completion oa important a publie vork, aiicI vtwil Intie an exte.ats.4sction aet Iis continent., fontiing pat faequiring large suppllies vitii die sea.iio"d tbreby pnemting the gcati umtertanting vIsicl happily saboit-a mutueliciternotars betwenn uhq varions portions Ot titis countzy vth Upper ani Lover Canada, andthlb intercala of commerc e gneialiy. The. tovn cf Picton ce-tain- a populatiofe 1,192, andt township cf IHallhh2,322. 't basn tire, churcliez anico» cha 0»on.Lady'a The lad .' 1 nS-C Curi.îr j", a". r ' on Saiurday. f'ulaao olet 'lt rtoi thete.e. ýot IfIll , ut,,vea. atr antI dtmhasri'l tfhevîîonu t Irlf apte. The Ols -ta'. liacîigtuJla le lte t, ta 1,'t, ta ' Iaîl i t itre I a fiait lu e H. li. frigite %%rpt, oîd .l vent te ea timnera 0i P l t ly o etltlte sicmni 'naies cf Sir Chtarlet, ai ifi ARRIVIL Oir Taigi l, FIF-TEEN liAx S I VEil ijl i M t f R rivet ai Boston vOili uaaa fle. sfhot e rp itai lUth, anda tercAie tneil, auti ahala, d.aI, tCiî .; ' tt fax. jDg .By tis arrivai ste ti,1,," ti, lfth. atL omdaa to'-t, i Tho etatuuohp B' t.i pool in tetu uad a hall ditvs .If a Tiero s u îta cIli, "r.c! 'rtteQkitpa and hIfi î-î ittja . i An al t;r. tirse i'le 'l t ,t Liuerpui, tli ai ~lte .Xcîî~a t.c i .-tolnof iala,tefidt laea ii a- terin nte it,>.'. nu *a-a, pappe. FaneIr Etai . "noiar fipualin.ieta. î. fa' oeil, tiiotiga iita'ui If. ' n fair i rea intie' au,', .a ,a l'There fhll ibau sme t. ar an,,u u. Fratire, andt iir erccaipa ir, a ilage te 'Qi it ' l*r. T hue htuLoar u.i'd'ax aoy natr t .îii.i.uua a be ntiredei tutu'p.I,'os f tics, cottvi.lsa aIpana, 'itt a te arln 'I. orIthe 1),ci jtut , iii a le i, ,t ilLt, Lu,;;ai. Th~e d il,,lî . u iae K 1.; a scni tf ie ' ,,u'h I1-1 ii'Y i t Partiri arc tu n i t'en igîýt' ot nathn lever. The lait Lv îrpt t'! as. ne, tie. ever knu. ti i i ltdO ii i braugilt iacutarti l'etrial an lii' (rua ruç 'lTe nioveuuiuet inroucin ttio euh riî tari, titi Facte il :igiantl. A Idii rutl landillard in Lui nciain.hire t ii l,î . acre, V ta ltspraitu,ï it. c aI iau n t lusauld ufi ntea tI ut ci"a. t i l lia e Michaelhaittui nî;ni'tI. dite.l]tin Coiý , ir i toclIi';.'i, lIi tevrc,,oni'l'ai'sd:.I, Tlitue Ioa a ou.i he rm ri uc M nettetrenttrc c.i t a Iulaito ,1 'Ititt I'lft t freat W'na, ar £641f0lt 1 tan.rtat .-l I pitîtl i oaa tit ita., aia.ieti ite dura tt,. a1i ui .i 'lia t I l Tie Court'Jeurnal statea liti mnc ~~of a.,, dteaau 'ithiai thee ast fuir datas JuIlus aîi.. rotideraile aitiut, haiee nia atat the rust4)m.hnal Seuanal tl'tttalticmta bete îîaîîendrnd front fi., rauitirtît111 quence. Tboatiicals continteti a alita itv etit. modir effort 's ontumittam.'rila Clardon, lutits sunaie-ala re i laany Ei6saler's, tit, hiroiui h t taawnsItatibofiet a tmttimuuialiit nie. VeRalris Antd Charles NMtinm as ii uti prict ipil p. au tut s sen t, t't-.ictl t 1îayiiar..ei. TIHE SRI'rISll PARIi:%.%ll Thte muet mportant defiate lutt . rodin anhle Iluse cf ('onimvtafi. nui mlt toaha place tac thiS!h th a',aa" a o'a Budget tvastlait L feue thie Ifcat. " cellair ofthe Exniiequer. St'ir"il denelepedth tiiitiataital su: cv Yi,, laerita at!y oucte isncthi if-'î ,a i buredeiiouutraleui, evenv Irancte ft he n wnl its hnerepltaonforlicte ts; ilum taliofci. In the CîîstoIcm, eslia, flniency cf £750.00i iti. i cut ti protics, Sm Robent cale0alaiteri. £47,hfZeruioo rv bai cnly yiehd.d £4d),W00fO- fai in ,ho. extent of neanly toi millions. Fort tuie lroet.Tax has tarm ceîcecalthitet Calcolatuen, andithe uic mecteadin ta very niIportuitefy, aid the Cacarn tt Ivoer ot rulcuf atout upon. haie etet lantisonne suto. Bu tar tissee mnburu emulti nutbise hean aiticipat-<t t hey bave bucu very appropriately ter actuluaindflcietcy woutitihavi bberpt4 Iita anti a haIt on tie year. Lord John lRussell WadgitteanatrceIn perlant ameuidment cri tic Canlada Cana ttans. Mm. S. Crianford iai Lroughtt lorvni fan Panlîîmeuuamy reti)re,. piitpuito - fulhl reprerenîation et the peoipie. Sir Robent Peel, in anoter ta aquwe by Lent Jocelyn, relative tue i ciou lie Geversment. inten etieaparges ta jeet cf têtsIrihRepeai Aitaintt tit cuptatie tanner declarsi tie determeu tse Çzevawotp i i tbh e integrty tof tha 'oq lisai migisi. i MnX. Vallient, ad Irought forad i& nlit nfor a nepuaiof tIc Carneloiu ansver te a question s tata the etantr Goseeaai ee baieei, 8u nidI 'ildnothing n"Il ta Ète- Tb@ baedgea, or financual sataemett 1 firvard iy the Chancellor ofthe Ernhe Goulbun, on the @tha. Ho referr e thde altcnatian inuthle year, rota uhici it aasnaturil thi ion jthe amaji0r articles the. le, saexcoededthet . stimate, l@boing 31i,001). .....ainâthe. consomiptiont of tes la ln -*billiC a ga r, te, ê(ie.ee.and otiir articles %% lticil j» lbe veltal.atirutn c.h tWeooMupti0 hai abs, considerait mmala~o tly luiii.erevenie.-, rw" ". ot ton, vas al,» v"agrea' *ttrade vas rapidly revitti tfr - nir wvib it laboure i Ti ef' vCIiOC <totoexcise ltPt Vear Tii. actual revenus deriveti T11. grealer portion or tits ,ghaJ*4rbuted te th, deicîcît sal W f lttirebdeficiecyi of heprceling yer. Ilits (»<1wb.LPeel) anticîpateti an tac kgy of one shilling aulgalion on bat the. actOSI resuit o that tluty fhi igiithlon. gentlemnia thta Othe ritems lisown tg the aijife oe.tlsaated ard the aczua! rosu! tegeteral result. oSir . <Peel ofilte reviet £~0EI47,40.00- theactuel repei I ~eaving a dcficieary et in tion ordinary revenue ot the cet hua, bowever, a', liat e tieducteti cbo.raniM moiter. aioutitimg itu rmaucîng thse defîceety to £1,21X ,,a la mmato circutanre tîtithiepr rirte te lin erder to rescue D sch a poitîtti. I Wall catir ~ ilai pnialure £t7', ,but il ' h£50,~ . hdbeeîireceived. 1 bmt we ser, thaI the produce oif lit vcliamuit Ilt £5,100,0w0. T. .1 aa us m1 tefcienry of £41.0 ~<foroBt tbere wrre two tatiorth: ilib".liebuprovideti for, thaîugh they ubicit couldti l(t ccu r again-ital W ) inthi.e puin unfscateîlet (Ca t te East Inda Cîîinjiaiy. better that ui counttry isliîid pay yin t it instanice. anthe lie îîîy ~Mideu by China migbt lue carred lia ccii Ifs ijl tiitprptua. 1it lîtteft o t ii ii 0 ;.te the expendttiîre of 1lite rar, libutv tilstmby a vote cfcil Iitu! dl'î1iiid% nid &by ibu pa3trmll -111 tuu tlita. ,,im.,a e incmeuofuthtei. rthcoquiîig vv j».0004 and ltheexpendairiraa tiÇi,ws, à sa aurplus revenue oif 7uiOi001. Rl Stisepradore of the e rîlmo ettie g7 tror19-0000001. Last el t' ,m trIebis sourre tif revetiue %s as *)1, but cf titis 1.75S4 00t01, arume front tlîr ,us cf fireig o rnm, wtt ehiwav riii liiiý li t îftig Ibis Nvoir. Ti'rie liad l iî te the. ordintiry ite'ini nI pttu.iiltu and the surplus iii 7( 0,000)' vwasi ui le Mneut SportuinW illie arrears ait tilt surit eau the istitemieftlieu had te ]av b fosimua. ItWvirusone ic~uh i'cip~eifil lethe application. li f i'î f olidae I' jet tantîus quarters fi)r a meiioaîîîti f ta, bit îecb a state 01Ile rvenuîe lie rouli mnait atmmediate 1036 te the reveitue. to ait appearancesi ther iitglit arui ieaily productive. la e1aiy ha a queostion frotitmlorîl .J. Russe Mr. hbOumINrsM id sttiaat unoreduczion ucl 1 'isnu contemplaiton. tir. Liioiratvs ked Iiif nulleraian îvi tile place inte dîttîns on augar. lgt-Gount»r.staaîd hehofall ticmtenti, e aOryalîvritin. Or,. HtTi-rasked uhetber attwa, in!-mur W«ues iii.ierent ovtitke1'irce atnd a Tfinhr,-1rr ofilite E.xrha'iîîer vai, uild (e gaîdeaf ft tvriulîiietathcei'.. TiV'rentrai Agitîlainiaru lai! a s tum pohit iii mtuesouif iefIi.Wegutelmi subet ftemabaiof the. Iuke anîd -ItSir ht, I, Iii Duime cf '.'el u t t iiualtiie 1 tarenvt %%Pte qilla. aware 'Il If.t-tnV- deaatiit anditnl rýina.aut uîitierttIn Oetrr, r if aini the danger ai tut t oiug liat ftn it. Evcry attenonall fa*etgîta ih1î.jot. anithe Uovernment tenttis cou steut be I e bi.tlssOves if ltàntne t hen.ev.ni.publiir e M pattempt I mde te ditunbi t. il uva m'ntin Ofithe Government to maiatai aiWtmv tie. mtegrmy eItie emio ri', andtiho iha lil-t liss,'rveld recelve esory aid trout l'a aoif itn su' týi.ng. -ý.r R. lPeel drclareil iii; t 'n fie part or l.a1.avlie' was empowaomoed0te-ecithptitl wila eapreisemt by tue ýnerit),iianti lj 'q'illture in 1834., îit roofeit tu e igt, b' rel cf Otsunon. Tlh. (iaivrmnt ""0 awaxe of the necesiy ci promervino Ptbu eace in Irelanti; andi aithitugh t tly1 'l'tliti te Cal for fresitpawerafuer toit Me Ït thîy wulti mot -uittl frotnt dîtît e.ultae n.reity ariu, , ii rier tii put il Ile titomnpt i the. duameaderment oftheiii eî (lied cbering.) CHIINA. Theointelligence frotCanton is oftw,' *aueli, Iboug i tt envers a large ipaco it &"" iiapiperatitre correepotadeoce,, uiicat, at.beiag given ailen li. 'hecsubstance i ittîsiin tbofcllewiggmommary: Tue ltest date trot lloig-Kcn, la Fpbu N latters 3Pper te bave proceedeti saia brily. Efeepot, the.Impterai cnminimsitimar, Putetite sir llenrY i'otîinger lte ropy < muteamairtion vhicii he halrereîved front nalCeuncil of tii Empire resp.ctit te at P.n à'aantiwhirb convoyât] ion a~tbat Eltanr. lise Governor of Poub 'dLiie-iig, bâti bein inaîructedtei ho ne l;l tlaifiar the perpno.. cf iovesitigatinir sisal9tacP sMd expreaaiy ielareti, tii litmgii deGewemOr,eiiouîtibu oundlMai altb eijnalet te have been pefrpotra biaiil besen~t OP te Pokin and i<c50 Imslmetjlu ths document thse Emperon 'Pfteated as governing ail the. nations nf eu;a pretension agiimm whici Sir il, = whed sieinrte te tender bisi. ckn, el. fthu* procedings inrespct t ý " o atiti leeseta prcelainatian te 'a si . itefature of tho pne. , 9 eveueland andi China. the ee ea, esed8eand the ativatage. cf g 1,vr lkyexplaineti. Even- in t or ro ainWM representing tl.lB - air .mintly." ~O7POWO"gr lad belli correspondae «d . #;geetios in respect Lete ao le te - - but i bey dechared i tiemnmul hgve mocn information, fer taant vbet.I as underbtondtihbat "'lm«tid oult Ilbu continueti et Iunati Cuen . aq-1 .

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