c.t.i ya tanth hr har i, i- tli driaikL I lu rpec .cn le 4V ad puasei um thalaa aid ?h '5w tahe 4103 th f, aacu uing ut, ihsi ltô P lire uS a ag a th dauitehi gain aie i't talî ane nuk ta ina f-a. tia ail Pilace in fia uýrns S air t - t -r --a t- i aý Orf Sr, t; iwa cht-a-t , C-I. faecCruw Z rente A1 larga i aibt, griien i ai- a. h- taienit se-c dee aIliti.u ao a lanar ili. rc.rpen u aiuaa.n tp ait cire. s luit! au airal ', R il [AM Fl , RWisa, t lira aa Excl it il.a £a7l lioan. r gIver h o-a dut te ncsoi .ipa aîlcly h on calice triad2 Ci lit ""'-W the a doler 1rtIy of trmard ru LA mte. iSi t. b.e Exn n lin t rel la lb p I (I 's e e A la. ai -i 'a ni fia ici ai' iii ir --I i.-- I r ir.i la fa- <t la ina '45 lis -- ar -ni- api ~a-r. n--a- -e-'- k,' k E r ~aj irai iii kit-ar eau 'a, me haute lairî a~. ai 'n-rît il au l'aen In~ et iaa.fî ~ lahatc~ un-t ~ fi -m. mia. ~( tt~ ut-eu ait I Tar t -Itti 0fura.îi httt-nrd ~ s- N Par n '-l*ueni ta~t.n- iili n~, hin-ni-t nalier articles the los, . eThere are vaincus rumoura respecithan i nm la 2Z<1ew llI sheet5e is-sealy ssho T CE J.beog 3116,0111101.Ther. Ps" Juisnaldes Deli lato~ ie~rae ,-. ~J N E , ate in he osimptio tais t.e 0the existence of acnprc t vàbwEpel-pe h, dh udtlt u i .Uwsg V ~B& )tTMI n t <jds slaas ucolnssty d ainirayl ni ruiart f îLe i il bten sitta Mm .Ime t bis , moth rile insobeiger, tobacco tm. hIamin Uboir- a"tiailarre Pariane et s d.eM *mj y enga.» hh&Na Dit it CRUes vryieten e a a d tler articles w h" c raere olal grand es f 1.he na gd.* a"r e deullhostile 00« ~e hu a, . mibbe ca 8» ya. i le0é Irelfare anal coufoa t oftheiPa- te its dventuii9i'68 --hcebm citied te ' s' reaff luussils lente. in 'n'o pbis v ofWle irîle crid na.Jithv ~~ ~ ~ sOurirsis siIbM rluoaiersete la E m l« dCymim emss la Iis smi. ibb»eb... agrandlho-monrtel fuar flour. T muese ranly l inasherevenue ariaieg citeuital a inmsentary mehliana nin z friervon r .~P5r Pbh- M..d sleMail Il5 ît ntrbieninxp unpi tile full enrCottonals sisbm50 great en e &ri AI bu eaidea "7on thebatiks of a navigable siinclai do trate wosn apidlLr5vtaf t im he tibmheinfluences nom al m.,rk c onsurui- dy, the mlai. ,. Wsil ,e.,, Lq., lais Nasga- f aelotb areica.îciur s, therodci- from excise luit year won~am ~ tcF,.-'iil pd4 .,.c eî of ld Tkegate potionof hisdial ]mg09 n th foeig demnB or Oe pincpalMan baving fromi £2000ta £30001 porion0< bisaIdI- ig s f expte lreban dlmaai ficart rnc HllE Subecribers have oon ndeitImfo. voult findt iis e capital iiaduceua ,,lasttribaato te thse deflcienry of rtesnxes tLs alydi0iise bu te- 11ttig franctise ueficency i the ensof the country. andl gnn a paralysie to in va ualile Trorkcs, several Of wliclafnhrfraio pyt leE itf tibm pnceling yesr. iau ighi taide, front mhich il coan iener ecaver, unlsaan.10 te7 miidisposeofet reduicedipricea Paper, or the Edits ý f t4cTas-oa B(i . Peel) latcipateil an iacres»e core chango tailes place in the Order Of ilatae McCocbs ictOuery of Commerce aatl i o et raf1vjTiaaea ,semosc f 200»1)04 auimig freons the in. ALGIERS. Commercial Navigation, letesti-diion. 2 Jn ,83 du,! ef one silling u aill O n Irish The Frencb have saeved alother ictoay in Vola. 8 vo. N T batbfe actual resuit.fut iat de ut s Algiers. Aftôr naucb nuirchiag aaid couter. Dr. Ure's Dictio ftils Arts, .Manuafac. 11, rîght lion. gentleman thonai ent marchiaI. sied Imns 01upmaerds uof lî s, trcat ie.Ivl.8o - Ieu a l b e a it e m sei, s h ii v in g t h e d iffé r e n c e î e y h a v e g m c e s il i e a kn.l s e yl p f M o x . B a d s o o c e c . trnu S& t , Ea x e, M e n i n t a t a i n t T h e r n s , 0i Westîmatedan ad tIse actual rosul, and Goai. Bugead ta u n nseciDg lthe Ci of îe. iîhrand e s o Din iagra a I vol. rts aam e te aa en ae ielenea r Wooad the reiratI resuli. auet lti acfiery wbich," lie maya 1vere Waitî of Smirl. Peel of îhe revenue for ofcnsiderablm extent." chose îhe aput on "mhsls te Theory andl practiceucf wvater tics havitig legal cdaims %gomnmat s. 8 13£4,,6i40,(M- the actual resutas hc ewlciioty alhoul eerecteal. Thiss aen Colir Paintiu.g, a.lv.îe r mevrasselt eda ~gIp00O.aving a dsmficincy of et.- mont IlI doubtiese affolrd tIesereul rench.en Burke'$ Peeraige andi Bar etgie oaiflic rouais. flic diemdnary retenuetif thse country. s sufficieitamoi of gond humerlt ealite British E~mpire. 1 voll. J.t . Thmas ITCIblN b. aieaer, won ta lis deducisal irom them tu endure techances tor at eatone Seîcîios frmTW11ng8.s My l Ju, îI Nk i,ý ransuiioimores-. amounttng ta £ Il- im®ral i'. mus. Di a Ses, ii nd rus, îelinatula, B a-homas,ala 0;, Kiuignai ir lfealuing thse deficiency ta £1.290.000. A London commnencial travrelier vwu srroed DFrace, in I o. ivo.te T'njf Neayl.Di, 4.Qu-bcCeolon fntuate c umtne t h r e-at Calile lust meek, wbert ton boitles 0< &otch raealds l vmlns aiCarenîy tvol set te aore2 Hemn rffrtd t i nrerte esue hewhisky wme.fournilin tecarpel fî -cVrysil ruea sch a posaiti. Ilaetinateil pleadeal ignorance of tIhe excise la atanHob 4t., with plates. ,1 prflfid -Jues £3,7a'0,000, but of tli ~~as nlb 'pr wy r raticl esen nie agastriles fineal iciilson's Cabinet Maken and Decoratar. Wiitg 11,500, or £o, ,,,r2jJ, lhad been receaveal. h vas bacs £2.5. 1 vol. 4to. 011 mihiehi mcuriîy w;Illl kwg ý,ý baaîeer. that the produce cf ilie in- INI)IA. do Carjsenier's Guide.ivo.t. E Mfin prerywrhtta ,, WOUImount tr£5,I00,000. Taking TIse Overlanal Mail from Iodla atnd Chinaan1isa'uvoly.oOra Biai n rea n iotin siiua e n andw at. o al tiierses lntit accouta thiere voulal riveal on the th.Thse aei front Chi na isr- is lenti, yul oroua nriin adI re1vo.nvclrsapita te ditoranada titis 1 ri1,piaua deliciency of £2,40D,000 te lho riuels laer than tht reoeveal by way cf New ad i uemsegmig.1vl iuIf pl nteEio fttsP ý fr. lBat bere tiers, Ivotchoe carges Yorkr. Thiere are detaila cf varions miîîtry elle- .th' -$481 sof ithe 2boutsaa Pelio, ,iiile ucprunadeal fora ihiaugh th"ieyare ;ations in upper iodis, but n"ihi i ifWes i_ Quainand Wilaon's seriez of Anatanicalire. 2'aý i plait cuîld not occur agai-naanely, Portance baul ocurreal ince thie latî preomeus ad.* Pists, wiih descriptions. trproes dii-- Tlepnerysfl isrd l n-tttpun conflacated et Canton, vices. Sir CLaies Napier's Vi1ctory over the ei y.osph Pnca tteD. ol t. i56sa fil) t e E ast Ind u C om pany- H e A eer ns a of r e d. B e lla A nato ny, , vo a. Svo . W a .N T8 2 0 .1 laiter tIsi iis counîtny prolud pay tii The trinu mai cf thse lai of Apil brintu a Copea S5 gcal Dictionary. 1 vol. lino. UAT UES he lia a-ntarce, andlthenonley au i confi-nmaion ofthe brilliaat succrisssotS rC" edBoka edewr4b ia sn IIM.adetîae t tiq e )a ata aigbt lie carracal ta account. Napier an Scnde, in tlie capital cf' îjicli tree- e,.hnmeo'a m HII i detie otk w-oeer tu bs aIocrrin-g tliemeturest anal jeweha ta an amaount cousiderabiv ex. brmî u snaillastrations. band. TV the le, tant Winîcr, in hanTi tae exproitire oft lie r-iar. bail uaoulud ceedingoonenMiaIlionlhave beendasconcreal. Doubla somoily bonnd i0 fancy cloîh. ceieefun cal ait ivole cf crelt unîl liquidaieal as Lavaebeetf eterirecd if this treasure traie ia to Dr. Adam Clarke's Coiniiary an nid anti Tuesday andi Wedlaeaq13hn,14 ,u~l ai acplyetîs rara Chna li b crtaidredpnzo îeaey LrdEllenliomob Ncw Testament, Newr ediioth, (6vols, ai the Kingston Race Course, ander S, MI t taie cf tise fotthcoaaiaiff eîr ati hn sdeclareal. accriliag to i-amer.in faor -tfulei RayaIlSiextra cloth bounti. FIIST DAY. <j), and lias expe ni !atri e lil49,387,0001, gallatiarnay lIant von tlicr ty cf Ilyderabial.B.ahn' ~Scriptre Resaaa.es inPalestine lg*1Purne Elghty Dollars-Tva mil a surplus retenuie cf 76000!. fIe of. The mater bas been refera-c inlthîe Quen in rout itu n mi leot l oe t i onsondi aia the prodnui-e aoftIse raataii for the e n- t2iuncil. lInle mticn time the Gaveriior Gen- MutSna niAabePie, 0a.1 i iosi vcll aua *r ai 19-00joi.-L.ast year the Pno- railan deciarcal Scinde tu b a British provine- Mapl 3 vois. Sva. Fultcrane'-.tennubcirad ,thirs son rce aif revenue va. 20,750,- aboulical aelavery anil, anal appointealSir Ch 'Ia, roesan y llm. McGavin, 2 volai. à2nd Panse Tbirty Dolars-One mile 'i trsL.: 7r0001 ni-ae frcs tIse îm- Nopier to be file Governor; saldrean ie lancl a ."oits oiidii -h pen te ail HornsaownealitIse Midhar _,f f,%reigýn riraiah ch vasnalliklacY te ail transit duties abalisedie, and the Indus open Noes Tranulai in Europe antahe Eat. 1 tract. fîrvg ýn,«this r-i-r. 'risire liit been e. totes hipas cf ailntsiotns. TOI. livo. Entratlle lo.. , ie ordilîary ilcita ofat einiitureo f A uagatifcetit crtlnetwas seen tlirougliout I- Ternezs Butor7 of tlhe Angle Saxons. 2 SECOND DAY. un i hie surplus ait dO.OOOa a-as avail. dia front thé. bcg.nnang of Match. anal angaged vlu.ov.ti Ponce Fafty Dollars-Ta-o mile analrit-r it liai-arrears aifi vhiamh the attentrion if tait thraselroiomore one of toiltte XVaýoa'sChurch Hisicry. 4 vols. Svo. ojiente al] Horses omnea lu tLe Mldland, r niiniîcca. a-barls-deilrea t Isu ecum a aielîteai dward anal Victortia Districts. aý: tri e iimaîcaait- lie Ici tlay bhore tLe eîtl-a propaîsaîioui uharb set thIousandi a La fa endi Works ci Loi-ciBalitabroke. 4 Enian~~ce 159. J la e n whîi cutepellea lifaaaaîta luughrng. volt. Sm. 2nd Purse Tmcenty-flne Dolar-Or aipiai iviiiruhii i-ne male ti Jaim Il is stateal i a posaliiht a steamaer hal Boucietîi British Dominions in Northlichols, for hosten lborne. r us ynrrcrs rra emaiileofitaxaitioaa, arrivedal aiBombay front Kurracee, mbich Aawrica, wtnunerous Mips anti Plaies. Entrantes milli e made atiobîn Natai lcaapu i'! ilia- revenue lie muId lna broughtinellgonce ltu e 9Atiiof larch. anal 3 vls. 4to. day proent;uste the Races. ' yauer arn-,n ar evlao)ramelilla uric li aaght mentiaolIliala iatht cf three di-hlla laiten Asmcdeous or "lDevil on two Sticks," il- J O iai-telas ti tIste revenue. celcuplace Ietmacni Sr Charites Napîirand telb. taCoy ol vSec-i i, alàpperancea they tonîglitprove ul- Ameineesaumbch irte Britlis acereitircersafl. Sengston. Capy. I vol.184v. 1 aji . hr wîoînofianLr J eui, iu h grIn » ome otIs aides. RprtSlcipehe fWyndham & Hiaikision. iaIo.2tua.18. - ji.io rotLodJ.Rusll. sadtin teBritishs Geraimvas laein, but Ibis Iivi. livO.TO )MIGRANTS là 1'Hj i Pr, n -oral flot nia reduclian of taxa. paîtie fie reoret mas net croditeai. PresaqentsMeagea Washington te Tyler, ' HOSE alcai-ous cf settl'ein thu ar- -apai.'lite Belocheee bil ibromna achainsraitus. 1vii. vo. T-u"-'--' o BE LÉ"ILg ai-niai. va ked if nlo alerilnonvate lIse lidus. mhîch they mantdaiedmtmnaisy fur- Sp»4n's Lufe of Wasinagton, 1 vol livo. E sintîna ELVL A n Ille- drties an sagar. tuitiatin on bth aides. lier Majety's cbip Pia6. trat of Victoria-are informedtMt !itir r'a eid lifaoad nu n utenion tuNirarod.al. srilwo oshlsteamers mre about te Barurgeis Histor of United States. 3 vola. scriber hu a anumben af ,y-,;t,,trai, force lthe Belceches ta leai-. thc river open. 0. Pats TOWN LOTS, HOUSE ù are whicl theLr it as inadid tuai Tun REiEAL MOEMEXT 1'astIzLaNsm-A RsoaLrnz cMtsi mtaPrrtfrSl rLsmse-frWB C.,homo e4 intrtcaria a c'lire antalnliait great iîuîmier ut Repela metings continute te bu Rm-tas or noD eii ihPrrisfo aeo u-f hc i r ni hr )tu iara1-e vni bi alin varions partta Of tise country. TImof W" tr ane rMl of he .-iberiersai bctIse mtmkitnilag ere lianes anthe 4h ai SIli. llln'a View cf the State of Europe dur- work, Neat Stock, on Produce, in Pa, b r i3rera-aiilgond mainutIse 7tli mt, an tLe Ctrragh tof Kil. i ig tht Mitdle Ages. 1 vol. 8vo. B isas -i lira n Irerani at anas ipilcr of dare, Ioil attenaheal Iy ir. 0'Connel.-'be aie Intrôduction te the Literature of Eu- LOTS, improveti & unimpruieti FA ýàýitlieWn. - Wegaive arusuitance numî,îr.aof tLe hlign meeting are nul sîtaicu; rope in Fifteeth, Sixteenth, andl Seven- inte onsisofTuro--tg ,.aif c \ln Iluki-aid i Br aihe.but it uppeairs 'o haro been e ver-y large aune, in ten Centiesi. 2 vola. Stylo. Ha Il t aitiiU haat ,Dith rieuo r ai \s!irg'a nialtua Is -n sprîe of LtiirdouLter. Tic Mayor presided, na enl aan iCihaitrc oV t ri uvr qui- Jre l airIlleeat ru IitMr R. D.Brown, . MPl. anal Mr.Bornerai, M. P. ýowîtta ista ea epaces. "<Od M7iaesd, Ne o udaie andi Western,.. iýirnaer lua ciat wnti ta ersunin l. O'Connel'atrain. Ater erais 170 cHalls," Bute Fields, andl@cenles ilaDti- n atof mliicb, Le moulaldispouse tr n:i4er ttntion inOlaer ?sîî Repealers of :Silgo enterttuined Mr. (YConueIl al eost-lîtg passages in Engliali Histo the mont reasonable & accommoalating -tuEuf ttentionrelaid u teen iry i a bsnquet i thse llib.-niaon Ilutel.TIse raost. ý'Jlaid Poeihy ie ni la falinob-nev f,'t.adthe-i-ertenubi p' uentry - of ~Kikdsre. accondiog hoelite Pilat. farexcuhal. C é4 ka M iuss- qsvby profie. * nunta*Wt&ie*M t lr .bers that et- stuh e " of Geoni s the n ui.nofehle TidemVil. 1cl A ýýý"vtepblePuseem outIsa vneil, Illonge euslieured te behoway 81. inl rgO, Lvoa. il t-s madfe lu diturbif.I a hste on rn i ril»ebit».avi ob . Scot coii, y FR N R OEYEARS, wi-uni--ie u ernu ntt tcliliraiain ~Zin. f ia cfobliera analPoicte vas encenrat:dob ir(olOtinOEORM R y rua i the iemi-iiy. adfrosllno t lIseneighiaorheoik.bLat temeeting mas DMost Ir.) 3 vois. <cap. lino. lTheTRIP-HAMMER WORKS, orderîy. Afler vteuseetiuîglif. l'rom Parla-dRAMSAY, ARMOUR, & Co. ted in the Toma cf Belleville, Victoria ral lri!riîIti-tnetIe ar c lenMr. Steele were entertainedal ta publie di- f ieon, May 31, 1843. tect, contaiased in a large Stone Buildi 1 $eiîLr upperdpart ai onithe aret ofelierT. iý io re-echo thl, s runt e i heti-nd.soiuse. TIse ui-aber oftIroueain a lai uprpato wi a civriT nrnrr~.a ci- ti --cl--itIa.rOit~Iritiafiasin proestef increase. A batialien PIs hINiA ND FAN C I KAY ION BEY. L a, ndi her machinery, that mig i-raid lan tie 'n rîuandl liyftle of he Sixtisth Rafles arrivai[al aDiublin un Tuesf. U>,MSAY, ARMOUR & C 4, have lately aonvered hoe any other purpoes-Cai ,r ait 84 l ar u I)e. t e agrcnmat a ;toO e eimnuta arc oxpecteal frocs Làkceivedau anextensive assortimet oPanFIl c,ýIo nK ot th ii in. 'ie oe r raig ts.Eaganhl; t-ual ibîse i rilanal, under enrdersof andhkcy Shtionery. mieh ihey o.1er for Sale u10 aie truieioiadttîaui î lfey acghe rnanan te Eigaiîd, banebeau drecteaj ta te- a ver moenaepricesl, among.aas attier Ar- ALSO, 1mi rltd adathuhteywi an- lots olwn aecmrmi Ait Excellent Bmw Mill, rua-n air tri-ah riaiers, fcr Ihal pur- xt'vuaSttrio atnar Âarn- AatrBos-egrJu-as a bey~ ~ ~ ~ ~U cîîî a ir ratdui aen TRn Uoocra -A mont a nu.lisjusI Ieen rmade Soçîk. Cash Boules.Bill Bocksf, Biotters and-Ig onewlupenDg , ae a rec, il otise, ana tp bi y lIse ofci f lier M.jesty's cushnis, afthIe obsrSubsiary Beokm, ef voros ases. RuhInga ot "> fi ze dsnaibe.îiasranîof lie eCipi-C, large quantnty cf 400 baie@ foreagrit manoiui-alalalndni.ner, coaveyedti thlse ,dowin lte1 ChiNA. coudeiaporîeul by îLe bonnîe of listing Baothers, Wîtraur, Prsx.-Siiper Royal. Royl, Ms.- Moir. ffeicetrnt anon ls t o rt .tIeseiap Niagara, frac ston, siiira Jited States, dianDeiiay, Peut, FoIlandl Pot,, oivarious, ci ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fot ia.- ,a atna fnlge!î n the St. Katharine Iaiw-.lit happeaonslIse qauatses. -WANTED, aagf . tavrsa uraispaie astu esry a-as passeil i tIse asate oft tfirin, for -tcPnPRxa.-Eeaperor, Anulaera, w go r A ve-, andtweo grot ir' becaia 's e aîbaanotfcations.t wmrefacusiag îLe guenilte varehouses of Dci ElephantColombier, Atlafs, : ili t AKMIS ecai"ýed vritlaolier Blackî , iiaylour and Bell, et tIe egai quays, ana l imetaorSpealya , i i edi k, ~i fe triaiuaag uimirt hales vers in courbe oftIransit in ligitena b-tc tagetfuemaie. tat50Imlli-i ar sy urtlternfoilrmation, en ritl lefrua Ilarg.KungusFcrury lnging tlafinat;establsallcenî. TIse diacoer, a-tts.Bosa-f ieent asmes, li 'If Per letîcna, poil p.td, of thu Propr Iler ppýr nhaeprceddsaif.waam aide throaug!htIe simple incident aof neihtiekioeestinutatanal plain. 1 ielleviloe. le-m Imreal commiosioner, lid bale b.aig aride1 ath Ie quay of tIse dock in et- 'xaaatc Pâ.rxx-Froccbaid F-.«"siaMot. THOMAS COLEMA ra Nir Ilint-y fVtanger tLe cipyoait art aben the officar antIestincsalil nts-.MnbSnd143 t i-i- v hri a l L d riccîeved fon ts thbm ho oponei . anal to n d acrI piece tri hein ithe Coieoaxus D o.- D e may, FPess s e anal Tiene. - luclo Illie Empire respecting thebr ianal f" .'l;ark Vlul liaachester." The 400 léîatNaa D.-Cammon Bromn Imperial sud C HA MPAGN Ri Fa-iriia, and wuhi aconveyai] thehbiler, carL cuutaiuîng 0pieceof 30 yards in lotral, anal Crown Gray. BlASK~ E TSea nal f r sel y lje 'r ila Elnuia. tLe Gonernorof Fokion egt aare iinthle isandls oftheCust1Q IASÉtiole"Imponial Crownlja 1-rno the iri aaaoftrated lain he G AN,;aor Mrî'acRrvs-Tie Klkenny papereson Fany. vrmsTHOMSON litCANNON. rc,at- hexrsy (ii;ne fiteciatngt iifgin. an accaunt o f tIe capture tof a formidable QanLs.-Frem le.a. 1te24s. Bda. par han. G- A. 4- CQ ta; alîpreîydelaeatht fbanditaîla, a-li alnsix moitIs, comuitteal ihe tirit. Eugiofts M ay, 184&. 4ie- Gaiernor, clinufal b. lounaiguilt -mosi sppalliasg lturder»si la iatanal lie neigh- Srrxs. Paaa.-ln greot valeOt>, BOX«edna eale'eal la lavti-ere epr peinateZ borin5 countie. It appearc theres eIidence ho Couls. tl -d ru pteelanali-eiolyshow thst thep aiurderedtheIbmlaie Mr. Ge Irge I.ystoCnAED.-Rogal, IiUrY anal 11gb- hata d thce l.Emaem n w5Haiy, fiahnstamn, andallebr tienat ft ine te ubelamer. i as r.actna ail tIse nations cf tleb.ody, ta ai-aine al Iraes ot tiecourrier. They IeîaiTr;ure& Virril Cmmxs.-Printr 9 anetis-, a ng'anat abh Sir Henry aime a mraereti Mr. Morimeor, in Freahoeali ait. a"al imal, Superflue Enactaieimls, R-hr raie hrrio-edtois anndeepist te F - îg Iiredtal les inufor a @soaf rooney for that Thrie, hait Scssil&c. Tinteal GilleBlack Bot. tiseOt-puriose; îhey miet Gen. Kearney's steward, dled andl Enshocsd. addrlitesod a proclamation ta îL e biceretl a poor fermer t !Ioyrre, t nooneay, Uicxu.àaaou.-Pillesuaddlait Pemaleg, eo-f arabisiisenyarad, anal they clooid tb.ir saguanar>' rorison'm, Arolâi's, Waikde.l &M Ter r r hc Ill sif la .ature of thse presait career iy aîîecspîing to assasinate Mr. 55.re. Mmanuactur; $Il andl Este Pencheo, Powee N A I IE etwean Etiglînalanal China, th.isie J enlIa i eL ,nrdii anal tie advaatagee ut gied LONDONI NAxEETS. lnlutandas and Pacliet Ink GlaseesPoc"st O ULI 1 eair, aepilndaul n o n m - Iii uaMay 18, 154h. Bost, Bealing W1ax, P£lie nWa eu>; Walie, BERS iilll e nceaiioelai ttsC the a- rxsa. rc 1 i i Abs.elitl. iloiug, ne arrivale. sao. Rsdormloý;Deng aBIllkech fpîtiiî Mlle lune next. for lise excavi- in t-n- ipcenigto5 sours Ibellial 3s.ipr * Csjialsnâil.h Ir rpetnig the arperer -lu-M in rW miArsemaik aid Colverts ofthOe Lake ,ellirlsfi*'leiietl,"Coraniarket i atnifier irmer. lu Floe ultile iuM'sa xes Color, a" l loessCotonri NPeila uu l ic. Luise Rond. tý iotnmgeri i-al orresondncedoing ; let sale 000 lb in abond, ai 20t. f~h oroffls o nu &W Dramin<.T fenaf r ttid4 s ienders muetfilein tthe rniprer oat rrirceaanî.,askaug tliaitforlu.n-pyBok. anal Slip-, R.uleo It ai Racinal, ies o ilih May lehboiton app inrepettoth nw Thse Ottawa &deauR1 ForwarJiog Comnpany iPastel idQ., Baxes. Muthemt" Ice -tmuete, tailbheOffice et N. H. fBairdI Eq, r.; but ilîry declareal tieelyceIlho dsslait,, adis businessclonaition Ibmvaioley of isa.s; Wrting Dents san Causes, 1 or-ait the Office ofthîe Bord of W- lae err-h inarmationi, fur vaut of expiration of theirsagreement ie Meur, MId .Letten Weigbîaanal Office Fyles, &.Su. Ki i etican f was unalenatooal htIa the pherson & Cra« n raDmcer nezt, Themia: Kungama, M ay 3th 183. .tt egbl iila biec nid, Mon- - iia- 000. g1ven or aîate tie Fuir par. Pap1etro oe», miii h Juste, ie lats, d10@. tio cl heita, aid Dis- eheats. d, Prince )ne mil'e nu'a ench ,NE, ne fleur- EF, Dia- the suli- ES, :uldti'e- 1-riglat symentl TOWN îRMS. aigL-- -011, or le ofon ternie, Iah un- -a Dia- -, irn ring. a, anti of theJ Rivert :) Arz ijuire, ýrietor, îN. office on- c- irke. id k>' à andI ,e tu te x- Mmhe te b the met y.r*l ____ ____ ____ ____334 pubuaibIo Sprug G.uI FVHE nbwhm. jusi receiesd, & la DOW MWeUi . wo allese a ey hiee mos Wi of the. newe.î fàeiesandl benutylce L The Gad& having bee seIectod by expeced Agentts in 1kw Leoava. bancbester aoiClandow markets, yul ho fiad wortbv the atten1.we of é e s"n* wwhîng tb Iay oui ibeir noeey tu the TIse prices f tIse gonds are msiezetrmn..47:ow b .ait l e .6u dent la u p'?rcao an f tp hol m t a faulL. WM. WILSON. Kingaton, May 3Oili, 1843. PRINCIPE AND CHEROUT. S EGARS NOW ARRIVEIi, andl fer sale THUOMUON & CAN4NON. KingatO2, 151h May, 1843. a FLorit- Western Pd profia- wre beimg ricinaitv, & Ie il is our. The nv renile- a ininveit ait. For wio rti dock loir ,our resi if ail par. loch par- hoe Ac. I N coauequence ai hie reiluction o' Jùaies rL by the IeuTaift. eauhacriber la sel- lng bis stock of Golti andi Silver Levers. IAnchor Escepeanent, Lepire, w4atiahier I Watcea, of new and tipletaditi patte'n.9, duction from former pices. heing much les ahan %bey Cen 1e bought fer ai any other place in the. City. As Le is consanîly rec.eiving AUl descriptions af WtTaiCDeSof îLe aewest styles, direct from the manufacturera in Eng. land. France & Switzerland, uc la enableti to olier a larger apsartment, andi ai much less. pricésat retail, 11aiay other bouse in Arceri.L GOz.» WATCIIES AS lOW As fwaC'j, te leva- ty,6redWl-#r each. Watches :ad Jewelry exhugeti or bought. Ail watd:ea w!- e keep gonti ure or the mon-ý returned. Ail kitnti of Watches repaired in tAhe eu Mnauser aad iarranted, ut ranch less than the usual prices. by one af the boit vvork- men ini the City. G. C. ALLEN, 1 r- f Wathe 4. Jerei-y, Whuirsale 34>tL% Wall Street, Up-Stiers. New-York, May Ist, 1843. SPRING BONNETF'S HAINES FORSTER & CO.- LONDON WAREHIOLSE KLYVGSTO.u AVE receiveal moe. han double blaeir usu "'a a Supply of St-am, Tuan anal athe BONNOTS, euf varions btnds, cocspriaing suom ut th. moat novel a-dual utiftidscripiur. -AL59,- An extensive assortpneni of DIUNSTABLE & TVUsCAN RAT.S, mith Toscan Ti-inbmangs ta match. T'he abovo yul consisI of almoet everv qoali 17. anal Ol h ofeéreal Whoaie andl Relail, a prce hai defy LII cospetitbon. N. E.1-Ginlmeuxs, mhite and cntouret Siram a-ad Tusan Haic. in greai variety. làiîtxs, FoUSnIe & C'o. roulal observe tic tlieir Stock et DRY GOODS generally, mill ItnanI to b.ver>' extensive anal moîl electel, ath.>' are expectbng ila d dit« t1o miai ibey have slrseal>' opane, a beau Miti variet>' of Subteble GOODS ion tIse Seesen by I"ul.uiiesi Bpring Vmba 17> Pisen teobserve LoAicnoaWÂaxitouav Priscéc e u"t (liàe Store Street) J UST eeo 1us8l e eCiïïïte BvOeL Superie FWok C.tut Superfine Dresu Couse, do. d&. Newmarlet do., de. do. Ridleg do., Deeshinido. SUMMF-19COATIM, Tweed Ceeuo, Gambroon do., Cusina., Drî doe.. Jean, Black aud C.!i ,jC"eesian dc., BIaise GrauCIe"' Linen sud P - do., Bromn Liiien do, White ý roma Hollanal do. PANT.41AA4nm7 &5orni éf t *S1'S & S.TA oqf e*ery description. Stocks, Bosoaa, C1aii.&BArsu, CravelBeqdane,, Gloves Zt,. alan, jiasi openeai, 2 cmes London "l~i i vry maperior qitalit>', and al&uy ber. articles tio [Rumerous 10 menion. compris. iaig nmarly evsry article of Gentlemen's weano apparel, mil of mub ic ii b. soldal t ver>' 1cm price. N. B. Ploasstake notice, ihiu je heOMm establishment, andi ai tIese stand as tiaI fenrusl>'coeaucW dby AUr. (). Rro*ai. IIERY COJI. u:r-f.shioe mTaihothing hieecu lca b 1 ui sma and despsicb, aid si rumsashle prime, ai abs ah.ve nameal establishment. THOMAS MeLAREr'I. Kingalun, May 30,18lu. AT THE "iox suLttt»ima PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON.~ PT1ESubecrahers beg touintéras île înhabi .-.t ota fKingsto, santlîle cutrodiag ~cunt-Y, tIsaitb.hy have non rectelu-althoir ftoek e newM vg trteAscnat nt cf ltbe mma~'0s~Foot ehnable 0a&s Their Stock oh GOODS constsalmecia Mary> ..' dsrp in latheDRY GOODS lias and asIl buas ia-es beauceiroit to le Oel for Cahanal et;Mali Profils. Oie>' m -ili l outin»s ta udhsre te tisesanm. Tb*saki Sto iis Séesn.havinau ..par. hesi -Unie, pocaer>' vantagee a rme, ed seme m k gnat m. o te fst -@i m *d at bit CutomemWin le psrtectiy uiMW wl idi t.e lmk«4en.as mail as Oiaecx- aardimary L»W Prime t ib m>'acenablel ho Suit J. & IL IIUTI'ON & ce. KiLsoN My ZO?3lis FOR FAMILIES Of OENTLZEENBaI V. . S 151 miE, ate head Cook 10Hie Eucelleqcy Bit C. »agot) 'uses sssfalOUMentbss) u eras rHMS HOTEL hélmg ontiraly uir lsbeau &W tai n asstyle, w ich t er Mumecmad etfCrt, caMM bh.e «clekl b y ser Outil. sain t he.Proviace T'h. Table Duete heing eeiirlyaidr île parintsidance of Mr. J., lthelee asY r-ml>- pou its egelàm hthas tegard. île Coiy ad the varieî>' ofiiiseppi>. <iaeooemmfu nantile C. f e a o ay is acmutdm Mnde. styleseMyaticele cf 'Ottea entu gpi axteuL>'C'ao te d" fi I.eà uPbçecyW NtC ii e hie, eea ,mau a the .ftm es i.e Reaarsieu )parus etLud. TeW"la-i uhaas ni i lifosea Md"s a-m Pava. Kiqagaîas1148y çPlo 10 SPRING GOODS. HES lSuboib" à@ la1ediataI lis: lteu Faimb= 07Wellington halcin a.s n aï~o ve "menuct cf$vSnw oO N S f t)»Imitst fashions,. At g. . A feivra a-sor ici geeins.eve end CGîta- camer Hls & Hat Casaes, zbidrea'ar& me',i SalS. A I-, a e* .pea-kages of Prints oai e' nouestos ilsuiitaLaiL-!ýc ,r» ýr't'nite. W'. i LSON. N. iB.- lNe liaalsno openeti at-Lise 'are- boause in Ilroc r ean auuormert aiGuscri impnted llat fal, epreàmly fotahie Spruag's8 i-adi-, coînaiahiaug oamiite allal coluarcaiDrilàk. êtrand Dril aîci Guclirtboaiv Moleskine anti Linens. Cotton HoS.erv aasdi ihaahrdashety, mient oi' Car-pts altl!Ou iliah, 'aith a w.-r%- general asortir-nof a'scascanablo DRlY GOODS.t4 sc NVEW SPRJNCGOOUDS, AT yage JUA NCIUITWJEIw,*BmurSî: Praaeu tct krMm 1UST orund et the anhise emtabl,.hretar.. a- e>larevi alioorttent: of W!ie and coloreal Bunetahie Bonnets.. ChiMdretia Dhilntalile BIt,. Macgli Dresseo n Very bow prîceg, Muanlaine de lAine lbrea. in ilail qlualiiég. And s large varieiof ether Spriag (Gonds. Gentlemen's Beaver & Silk ilats, of ail qocltiep. Mell'* and BOSoa'Cioth C'lm, do di, Au Ibe subscribers aie selliing their stock îof Guoda ai greitly* reduccal prices. ini addition in- ihen, (uriner very lew orices, they woul invite the attention tof inteuding purchaaerr tethear large stock of l~Od.a., N. B-A ¶ery bcaests tocte of Lortn. amal bfaie.hester Gcxoa., expetenalb, thse Erat regawe trlzL]ers froffi !.ouadou and Liverpool.- J. & R. 11 UTTON & Co. Kangotn, AprI 17, j843. Bookt, & Plain & Fam!y Staioaarv. r1'! IE subaicribers are aanw reaîexvigtlae'r COprns Suppfy of W R*rING PAPERS, ACCONt B 3(1 ýNq,FANCY STATION- AI1Y AND B0OKK. t- aI ihîltey wiauld beg tuS ratI the attention of thie ptaklie. litwlll bo feturieltb ho exa'eeainglyvpOreal. and mrany of the artictes-at prices coni-,derably cheiper than for- merly. Tlielstock of BCI100OL BOlS, andl 11001<8 ge"erally, as att prelentî,ry etnie and ta Pârtia-s Purchaaang an quantiuies, a libetaIl di-cltint yl pho ile K~MSA, AU(3R& (cc, BA LES of fine Mucha, 5IA few cases of h»eraehirno, Cuaco,- Eu de- V ic. de Dautrie anal othet Liqueurs. i- A few Tierces briglit aun a diNftiscovado Su. Lt gar, 50 harreis Onondaga Sait. W'. IIHPSOlÇ 'd Ontario Street, %àfb May, 18«' Lt r~iie e T JHE buiness lîjîhierto cavricil un hy tii Idersigned, will ini future, by ithe 1. adission ai Mr. Charles W. Brennan, a$ a- *pi-taler, ho conducted %under the. rame o' C.. -W. Bienan & Co., D. PRENI1'1S8 * Kang..eIoa, i pril, 1843. GreatRed&a 0f prim.a » W HILE they rirpectfolly solclta oni- Yasce o! . libilau ppoil relieivedby, i ierprederesatir, . . V.REN1t-AN &Co. h ensainqic ia. 9 f...fRp..g sortatîoais, tIsel ii»ctm*scîcou -Weabibbdy the * th i iaîat,to o1 t*iieft presét extensive 1~TANDSTAPLE 1DRY 0008, r-8 80 e rce ogreeîly rsdaced, tual lb., cannt fu) ~rsn~r particularly wortby aà, .reStreet. Aptil, 1848 a Very superie deveiptisê of FrseUg 4ê1 Alec, an asetÉmunt Of Ladies' aIeRubbe- Onte âes. A large assortaiaent of Chîldeîs Shosu & Enoti aIl of winch are effereal ataunprecedel bo* pri GENTLEMEN'S mda sRubher OVEic- SHOE:. juil receivgd anal for sale. Klngaton, Apral 29, 1848 Yo CAITAILISTg W ANTEF: TO BORROW froua Un,,, to Tir oe Os*sd tP*gb&ik 1W no* lés ua dm ten£»0', pon aruple Freelboldi securty, for the space of Sevén Yftrt, or n leua tîmo as may suit the. berrov*er, on whicla lge latereat andi a gond bonnes will ho ai lowécI. 'or furtlier purtculare enquine of the Ledisor of tis, pape r. May 1, l".. NOTICttY.' A LL ersns indebteal tu the e late o! tht' ,ymt te r tv suk aod ia~tir Urg etr,& Ktgeo.. Udany ptieron hegving claîrne on th u ü, ij, plasPreceat 11* a âme for liquidatiaLo )Iudoe' e immxot hirectY five mites of'tlè Welland stIî cluaI Me DeP cet ; èm Iai fe if4msegîr &c4i: ais: Ameditet over tiéti rel&ità ]River, suat ltiofet e eksai Poqri Dii 1o6aS4,8t. Catlaarities. Allaniiorçb, mand pou Cuhorrvo. Plang andi apecifSt&ons «,nI.. pec allor ithé SdiJuge. nez%.e itht et tfii, Office, or aitithe WglbaiidCanal OfieSt Carinim. Tenders talie eaind "l n dcr for Welland Campl. THOMAS A. ÈEGLY, .a.aara ef vi rks, iK.ngmon, sioencaid cmdh a gu ,n'Mrî1s.mi IYUmos cribr a.ou, .31 km hei ext. =IWW *eztoslj hveraller b *111 kw -40 *ma* nm".owm»u m eisac. Amy s ogsonwe eemeee.Ta.. .i e:t -ffipdl bu a sasse th*!. a- Uoerd IT L oe»Dem Umm loep Fi« lrncm I 10 MeeIO M.M ANe.10MX acAIOSM W, AWii -- ~l s . a a -. I i ~I i I - I * I il ~I .1 ci WATOIIES AND JEWELRY, F-IZ/ 59 - Wltf. WIL.WN. mi 1 1 à 21 a 1 11 al «Wmm 1 8 1 a 1 i 1 7--x-