Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 6 Jun 1843, p. 4

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KINGSTON HEkALb)-Tt;J1)ÀY, JL t , 184à. S A r4K P .R OF T H L M O T O .- N C o A G I I L T W ' tai.u, pfm cncleelet ar viscdilcored 's Iauui c. sto. iiiltimeerlyOcUpI lb' -!,a il o¶ f I c" cPill. Thi un ulatlnnt and %Ir. Cus. IS#rsie gs' MJu sp. p.csfcl cocfldoccsinarte l ars cet b>putifyicag lb. pku cf eccpes'i atter«ancd Castînge. tclO"c'i.PlcuagisPointe of amieriétan Casticigu. wchih W:.cI n-m r:ry en 1 les.sfisic atlnfier delcîrri- il cfgrot importance ta lb. Farmerc ecicr uoi recii fi"e r S 'créeim: e end aime ep- durable than an>' oller Casticsgs cc.r. ici'il. S ce etecclin; lice spcere of IBouc Steel Cern, and PotatceHo, itec ai'ccicen'c r- :,.e..Iiancfs .crnuc iptdeeShovele. and Dangr Fork. I 1i'jiclle.Griiicdocee. Grubhur.g Ho.., and lrush Itlu4 oieaWeil ucdirîî.,il nu.. m-c"lc diu"r,er5 hîseko. lif th, 0m1st, r tcibfn ioucure sport s due aI- tAmerîcan Patent C'osc't"oGrass and Craille 1'stil'i te tii. liW>. lI il sea, uidritcd ia'sSc bacté. icflite cilthcliaediccîcu' whirh i l reteove Mu- ~nglisi Bcgin'o Scythes. lii Scici 5 5' ii ruwithi~cl oeaketi1gthe husici> Rapiig lioncks, IIay Forke, & Rakes. powver'. 1l ioi, nccélotoJluit ther ilu a reci. Trace, O, Logging, andIlHuler Chains, prit le e nre télleescl.mini antl Ilie ouev. l"aîeet Sleep board. Iti rlu cVcn.ertai tht nureinuîz silli Li,bc>'«a'Bcd Cirril, Leadiccg ines, lter acnd Trace pil s'il? rc'av' melinrhuly, sîcilthal .v'cîinius-R,. iy il curesi cy>' crsevenc'isci. - uct e1m. Ililî LMEUs rPaie.Iqý réascaoo tct 'LtME.TS OCpiVtesta ne- iaaevunls,'tle htîîowtuotldatteet ie ldistive - irou, Steel. Nous rand Spikes. tcgederu.l£h orsd1 ne. ats ebi tt r isdgsieeer>' article i tise Hardware Iie. Il lil sou acil icr.wn !bt liiy's Puilahave -Àtm)-- .îsred o'uieuif hopelcusa i hirliesperucus Clavier, Timoth>' and Garden Seedué, fven s, len lit ic,8rt 1hysiciascuhàd pronournced Glass, P'ait., Dis,,Putty, Varnis. !Icerci icyonl al! bliîmln ineans cf eli' f. Il ilinos Pic bh, Tar, Rosin, und Spirits Turpentice, E uct cuis sveikl ai itac i li'ué Pilla do rure, Farinera are paticularly ïus'ted ta caîl and but 1 il ic.le)unertool h"iw tice>'cure; and licoL examine fer tlemeees beote purricasinisie- i lu ly ticir plat fain,ý <lsct ait dhe 'iocdilit u heceas eci>' article will lho Sold at low Prios. tieP r'.iiuiC ie l'o s ta le.ill. 13r- For sal Py BRIGGS & LASHEI. CIIARLES HL.¶ITI, PincesSirect, Kingdtan. Store, Street, Kington, tàpil22d 164. CaMerOns 4- TYLoERNets YrO SA E W biesale Agent. ËO SA E D CT. DLAMATRsu'nL'MAiO LNI Patent London laid Tarred Ritenu- DicEXr cAnd Rcciorcc A IC INDIAN SPCIFIC, ASSOUfTED SIZES. i sartenieci te c'cre ailcnatra cf cocreo Rieu. -HAIN CABLES, ANCHOItS, &c., caIdes; aild1 a.5. persanrs wl'c p corêée aih. S _ Oikumn, Bîeks, ancd Dcck Lights, 1 t'ries an d woui se Ihein f,'huflhs'accorcn4 10 usCopper hinnacle Lampe & Slip Lautlsorris, d (]tactionis, sa as tac lie vill;ng lu estii'y te the ef Double hciled Licseed 01, Paints, Turpen- f,.cte, witiccut bpni:etered, diau have the parchase mnu" rfie lfrom ite iuOuvcrfU alnu ine, 'Tor, Rosira & Pitch, are, louétil. cj> Ta hitbcd of (tHAlLES Plicghs no't approveid peu s, lIE%*I1H, Pinicegý Stree, izsli. Spades andi Shoveiu-xstroccght iror and steel COiSuasr c & Ta ccýii, Newv York, blaulc,4 %lictrsaieAetc A feursuper ior IHog Skios for Saddles, D u.!.llVsiii I ThRS ar a ertain cie. IIPROVED SIKES'S RYDROMETERS, 1 f utDys1eny aldNc.rvouà AffeCticcus: tlice>'(Mode by Drine & Fac'c Locndon,) with ta-4 .re p ri!icrlyadiopicil bureicceve lieue circo'l5 bes,&-. o Oltaàgugn os .omplcii, éciel'hy ciculuicli>'phyicinf c,îî t bc. op 0, tdgagn oe aîenzticrinc; lis sy.iem. No greater cccîtks One case ediperucîr uwig Pieces, dulae ain bie e' il.4e ,Uan tu suppose thal Dvspe1sy, r an>'; à-, single barriria, pooket andi horie Pitols, enler ,iea. ringdi frun deilil>',«cocu be réicrd jiparent waddircg, _-dikn iii freqq-nî foicril actiaos lite bovets xiih p**- Shict B.uita & Potice-Powder &drcig -e-,aive n.dictcsu. Wliete these romplamnis exsl, Flaâs.s,&c. &., ne 's ytc'n sq lready lao ceak, and esot>' a diit- The abose articles aie a part cf iast flal éuai'd-se fends uta malie it mite sas Th Bilers, impuorttion. andi are nosv offereci on the a c the coéirii.y, acting as a touce, tenglhen lice otavrbeem. c ,esire rgtuîîuand as-sl Iheins eta îîaîtheïrir MORLEV &-JENKternis t.litceuain altrediiu.ed. Il tcsei is nd RL Y aîlKN lii h.- is,' sats iii fléole diseaseu ;ecccii.r tg Kington, Mfarci 15, 1842. 48 cýs ' thon tosîs any o cr 1ae 7Te ageil ail FRES1tR GUND PLAITL'R. ii fliutiu esr, andstpruuýs o f seed.ntary hie- EPToconstantly on Land, at the nulccri. ,t4 liotéer .i évhcerO slo hl' irsîreilfrsm ..U bler's Ml, intiétle seconsd concession o i 10u4 îfaitpîeit, iccue expelis.nce r enol hetfit froîn ' rnest Towen. ti 'ý:i. Li.c oitv.ié,ceicce ftc'u foyer, sIl riher JAMES HlOGLEýw. ;eizc'lcsisrdetcil rteres atrii;and inlîtccis- _____________________ caleIs llel uoîîh Nervos IIn lir c, iPoclil itButter for Sale. in"ieio fthie nets'uîc> fuiclice, h.cei herm e,îsrcl cre! h i.u is reiiii. For sale hy T tic. Ware-hcuue ef W'M. %N*1IlAON, ini 'l.IIIiHÉATII, l'irs8tii»el, u Aon Brook Street, o feus' ferkcnsFuitable f or CaOrIStCK &T'ERs, NWor1ok, 1Cumul>' us e. 5pril 11, 18. %iitoscçîle At. ît iL D OCORAlýFN1 PýL.NNl(IlioAR- ' NEWT GOODS. ROliTlot con,c4u, ccii, cnuiIIi& P lEJRISY D. MeVean, Merbant Tailor. esiit'l7it. Cosipilisil a ledceiu' olt e se-i TOULD respectfuliy ric Icî lectoic cretll , sigci eF)stm fut y3eatn before ticre w thé- public tu lus rupetiur assoctiumnt of i., lir saI coinlilUînt of the lîings ; ansd in tbis Wtuiter StulI', conisticg cf Blue, Black, Browîn. tacpr t cou l'he cred .as cf-clealy oeil as certin- 'Olive, Green ond G(ra>' Diamond Beavers, Pi-~ lasny allotier dcccasi. Lt oit 1.rsonsl>' the lots, Broacl i oîc f al colcure. Caeuniieres. a,, ti f isuiiiuttil eluer UneesilyDo-tékuns, Tweedo, Kersucys, Btick.skin. 1 él*i'ct,l, l'*, in toC sen s it 0I cDr. Allen'Is ÂLo-A large sariol>' of Veatirsgc, igcited Bii.rn ofrIiverwortl. '[lis în îCîieh'pris Pd and Plin, Macintosh CCtals, macle co order ; and ,'vt-c ilie- ('C.îoq'urer of Plcvici.în,"for whicc a geect varuet>' cf Ready.iîiade Clîthing, li'ats, sil i iiî suliýe aeiîidanb ralctés ins t ha ' 1 1,,rares. Casats, Stocks, GloeS'rc lieri of tsc!sr Clar9, Mluflers, Drawere, Surn, sshich hoi Lîven Corncsaint Curt,....Dr. Ici1 -Dlesr ai oeil nbeap for cash. Sir :-l-no uni-i* viq n 13îlur iof liatholcud. Kiatoa, Oct. 51h, 1842. uvis 'tanîd 11is iiiî ot,ilué, v pin tire fer ma e meellis t. wtla' fouîi i a'cn!enfuI .efect: SOMETIIIG NEiW. il kàm alA. -Isn oit'>' f Itufi 0.t ilsîtt ases11 lE lberrib<trbas fou ale st- icCe'lt vriy .upiiît vircueu été the rote ofLié et Coin- .L Store,W~el hORIon Buildings, a mallip- i pi. iss 'ai îsa.ltands.1I iso fiongit.-rcot- pI>'of Sht.lcacd SU AWLS, cma" ademtte EShel nielré il ta tht îîiuîîic ulaiulfîcci'%. iand tlet-, whiclc are of tic. fleit texture, and R.uîcfctJ. D. Icc siSN M. 1D.lice tiraitimportatioin lto Canada. WeA aloi L'siu aî,oi.Vlve Cure- Thie> are an article greatt>' sought afler le NL'ne Eh-za, e'îi lcîi.itîs f Calvin J. Adamc Englarid, hing macle frein tic.finet Shetlacul liai s~t*ri toie ecuk lunga oice tic'- g,, cf il serol, andi made b>' the peasantr>' of tht count- yeorai, Icd geiseruilu' a rougi, pale rnuicteneuce tri-i a a ,a oei l*W L es l.biiig hswan, c ug c- aving oniy a few sent assanpe. s>'y d cael uitil sue wai un.,he ta speak à andcîcmord. uialin. "tca uppi>' herscelf with tice article will lie, nicidis 'laiser !ave iutase Iisepinion ththie 1leasee nake aicarl>' rail. M WISN sva. -i ci. l iseanuclthat ne teasonulc itie M.VISN ceuldl hiet"r!iaedf lier recoévor'. l'h.fitI elion-st., 2d. March, 1843. cila-I Mlaîcli cli.co-esueceil csuug Dr. Alin's ' TIIE KIN014TON HERALD. lInl î île's tisiiiil .e soit iind PeuriaYS Regitl.iri' filedi n LONDON. b>' Mr- P. L- R ail ; t ' -ilrt lita, ci lier wao 's luhcebin; '~M OD Agent forlthe Aierican acn sie rexiiiceulfer aie :îdlbail, adss i ulerfet. nidinNwppr, liii u ceg iv iev , I aci symfîns f esîsoîc 'a1slii's or ucak .taiýnNwPle Bris adFoig 1 scnp.'Ut, cl'colaciue ccentcf i> daigi.Newctaper ad Adveriitg Agenry Office, 18 ji he bovt i a in acourt oniydauh.Corniill, (cpîcits th. Royal Exchcange) lr'g oasr. CoL.aIre J. An OIc, Salem. Ordere.Commnica tionis andl Adverbisecnts, More Aýtlniî.eiclîii l'l-cii out Di. Allcî's 13l- fr the Ki.ero'n llcEo.LI, wéll hae receiveil at ii.î%-5shortfint-ugo in l,1 lady cam otont cthe shove ll'letablisihcecst. lte te zý bo cus :ecf li. AléritsBalsam co _________________________ IlsisîiciL'vrw.ottandîl I cîcis>' Rot, fatlier M. SIMP'SON in thauking theics lct da.sgl"u', wic,Pcie sait, ovs îmesî garéeinluton- w anIs of Kingston and ins s'icinily, for tbé àa.ti M'.'c ie had seltleeîc able tiruve lier cer>' liberal support lie bas hall, voccld bhagîcave hied ic siseseeks. Thie oll lady tlcok a saffe tie1 a>' Ihat lehauastaken the. premnises ini Ontario home and g ive cite, lier dauguhter. Sic. lied ot Stret. beretufore ocrupieul ici Mr. C. Haies, and tckea it, mesîlcice hbct four das'u Ufore si.e wcas pcrclasd flus stock, ici addition ta bit own1 &'l, tu go ciut. andl acluii'31 ce'led etn'Ir sîto sUbifhnieca noe meving tran heoid stand ic dîý.,tp,.rfective <ured. Suci, der readr, jctics Kincg Stret, comprsîrg ever>' antilc onecl.d ! e se aicîî i its havisg Iitei. For Paie, Tra, WjDta aand Spirit Turadt, wc tuand s1 rcclly %V. A. 'Tyler, 88 Rat 0f -yho ehst description, snd wilI h.e sold at n: V Sîrec, Nec Vi rk, Alu, hy CIIARI .S Othe Iceatmrtt rc. iikATH, Piiess Sreet, iigton. theingstcmarket'. 2, 16. E. H. & T. RAE. - K aeiPl.2 fl Witolcsale inporters NOTIC.,.l 0F q~II111Suhocrihar, ho gratefulr.urning B11î185& ~ DRYU0O I Ithanke ta is friendeand ustui»mesfor tice 13ITSI &PO MI119 RrC#018 luhral support afforded ahilhiei huai- KING S TO N. I ess,_ vûuId beg leave tri intimate ticta i Wil- t ant impsoic bas purchased hie stock icn traits, -- .1UST REý*CEl ED. landltaken tise creiseasaîere ho. vill attendl .An Lere, sie eirtcteaint0'f 'promptl>' ta tiserr iner. Groceries, Liquors, tTheker, bschrbfela cfi<dnt icireceaund- GLASSWARE &c.tc. &'. Icoiupetet. attentive, uprigicl, lononuabls, a&Bd Tc'gellcer so tIc a acipertu r and ie;teiîive sent- itroll weerthy of public faveur. sud -would tire- mentf 1i ,m o hioia. L.i e 5«ft ict c acntinu. BOOTSc A-NDS§nous, "00 rPAIlS OF 'INIA RUBBEIIS, .lecu, lf*.ociîo occad Ch Uren's. Thbe abusve t.i'xIsii ith mccc cllie. have licai purrliýi>ned t thec iowest rtes and will h. SOLD ODE ne. SIitýre'îr-t. Ne.Qi21, I4'2' TifQ.1MSO.V ; d.'X&V 9CENEZI 8SMXLN 2N COMMISS;ON MERCHANIS . 3,.ard,.cB.digo Ti HE îndersigcsed havicsg ciiiered lto Prt- &nerbh:p cctUe Geneal AMeny and U--i coicîn Bu.ines$, lcder lce abosse rame. tve,l sud 6crm, ini nfferrig their servires Io tîccît' friecucle and. the PUb7ii, e; tuo cacoiit ticeii that tlcey are ncw reaci>'tu transact buimeus lu the abuve premiser, on ltce mut liberal tercica Coasimente enîcusteiltu thei wil mess. witb ever>' posible deîpctich in their dipposal. JAS. THOXSON. JAS CANiNON. Kicngstocn, oct. 184. AIERI CAN CIIEFSE F 0-R Sl I te Subciher h i!iiaeiiiG.A'A.l4r ianc-e cf Ilat liharal support acii e boue ra iedai heretofore. CHARLES]HLS - isü. FebVi. '5 l R JAMES POWELL Store St., Kingston, June 22, Q. NEW AND SPLEINDID CABINET FURNITUR1E, .18 Clicap as the L'heapest, apid au good as Vice bet. te ib- JLlegeneraly, tat he b ris mved bic Fur- nitre dreRoo tohisnewbuildinig, receoil>' erectel in Mlclatreal Stieeî, tiirîldccco trom the cornerrcf Store Sreet, aud ceir te Mr. Tliicd's Gioer>' Store- -where wii lwayu cie fosinu a te- ocraI assrtment cf READY MADE FURINI- TU.RF, cf thebe hct qualitu sud latest patterns, and puices to suit intenîiing purchasers. Persucuds- roua ilf purchasiug aie respectfulli uv.ld te cimhce a eal1. As the Subscriber ce cocîsanly snufuc- tu.ing for sale ani to ider, (bey can sperdil>' be suppliced wiil aiiy article they tIes> . O. 37YMI R Kingson, Jar. 18,11. WAauro-A Varnisher sud Pllshec. T. 0. B. CURE FOU W@RIUS. c...FAdcUlSSTOCi" 's :cm'licFUGt., B. A. Folcustock 4- Co. Pittsburgh, Ea. T l118i' ep raton has now' alo ul the test of seocrol ycans trial, andi conlidenîla' re- cocîmended as asale ancieffectualI medumine for epelung worine frein the systein. Tie mccx- ampled euncensa tcat has attcccdcd ils admcinistra- tien ici Oser>' case Marcire lice patuenitsuas real> afflcctei svitlînoirrcreraunl> tendersa othiiJy the attention of t'hysuciancl. Tlhe proprîcîcribas criade il a point te ascer- tain tUe reauIt cf ils cus. in suc, cae. tas came ýwitbin bis Rueca ledge andl observation ; andl ho insariabl>' fouit te prodoce tic muet sailar>' effects ; Dot untrioquentIy ater cîccrl> ailtlice or- idinar>' preparationa reos ncued for seorme mci beco pnevioualy recoctcd te setîhucac prin- tieant ailvantage. Tis fiet ib a: testedi tse as' tîficates ami satemente cf hucidreds of'lpst- hl p. P - iý a;6- .1- it rinecointu>'. and ahculd indune familîca alwaye te Recp s vial cftlie preparalion in Iheir p"'session. Itis milci jit o5îpperatioo, andi ia>' ha admucal.tared aviti perfect aafely te tUe mont delicate infant. The gencîno Vermifuge is nose put u inl one onte vials, witic Ibis imipreusioin upon tec 1se FAIINESTOCK'S VERilFIGE,"e Mth éccýtjt'.3 accînpanyingeach ir il have the suq- nature cf Ihe propnictor; as> n eiiie put up in plain oaunceo-cals, and lice signature cf whicis duns net correspond silir th.abose dusrciption, h ciot ni> Genoîne Verifuge. 'lie aubscriicer deeins it lus duty 10 use tic. above precautioc iin oudair hoguerdtic h publie iagainst cuistakîccg otier wornî preparatiocis fýr bis dleervedl>' popular V.ermnifucge..i The ahove medicinee aci Lc Iaciat wbolse of Mr. C. C. Brnistol No. '207 nmain et., Buffalo N. Y., or ccc New VYork cit>'cf lesrs. Iloadlen, Pielps & Co No. 142 suater lit. B. A. Fahnieetocc & Co. For ale ic Kcîugsu-'î b>' Charles Heathc, Nolde Palmner, ac.l J. W. Brent, Esqns. CAUTlION. The publue are caiitioned against a spuriaufar- tiole latel>' put forth b>' a.wonllcless couanterfein l New Yor cil>', wliirh le repc'esenled'to belise samne ns Fahnsock's." This articl lisuenely w,înthless hoving nrie.of ch. virtues ef orx relient n.niedy, lice cOrly'securit>' te thecpt 19oi tu l'e a-ci> particular tic enquire for B, . ifoe- toek'o VercifurIn d arivaoicl ail preparationsaai 1icig siîc'ilar naines. NMAON*ETW O DONTgcA.'ý THE TEETH' THLE TEETII iclTRE CeuMPARAILE icOxevaricA»r T Et act 'us proveci, and tise uet icredbous Âaneloubting are fuît>' çOâvicereMf il grioat utillt>', as va have thee evidsrce fnu* tice sale of about 2&OO0 boixas cf tlaeL>dotica4vctb- in tic. past ysar. Il in ascertaiaidfrons epeci- ence, that vices rseed, the. eetis will ne«> de- ns>', but reicain Eil lb.h latest age af man wt.b tiasir natural wcor; atcd ccore--tn l ic 'i f cases, neroîs toacoiý,(tb.aI clima ojcin) iras aE once heeti etlectually nureci b>'tltEmont sion, chdenrorice n the yiil-andy or cate- pipnlhretifr wicee yro~ ua ldy o li- man, a>'., ice icidividual that valu..s àam- iful set cf teetb, sounil guris andi a sweet reati more thon ty r ente. thal wiIll ie longe esti- lut. cf a box of Dr. M. Ilitrlaccks M setie IT onis!b'Cîira hetc Pice BEAVEIt RATS. Kingston. SCAS"R Bes Londonc Black sud LGrey HAIR ! -IAR! BEAVER RATS, of theu Laest Facei- ÂOE-WciA- ion.MYSTRT orIfl eTr AT L.A4i-. tTHONSON & CANNON, R. STERRY'S HAIR REGEN~E~R G. A. e- C. M D1>. sterry>, aCer rnchc attenlicr tjc ln- Kingston, .Apri4 4. portant subljeot cf prc'erving lie base ajr ina. ci' . eientse beanical and phyeical, bis ahi. NOTVICE. todi roer an article wb'hc is now afét eith A L peson lnehlclth Ie Subecriber fur lthe grestest confidencce foc tice loilet. l, e hst Il.<oce prchaee aIhueStoe i Bath, iili lbincg ever dcoan.red, for its seftening pane. pluse cIl mi etta e net he Store in tnting qualit>'.to proucea gonhd iehiair- Kiegelo, as noother eeut cburiseci b r.- te preierti ilfrein faling off nbeu n bae.la receci lice amie.appruhenec-lo reslore it nhen bal4~s hbas WN. WILSON. taken place, and tri prevent il froci turs& gray. Kngstos. Ma>' Sci. 1848.-"It îwmore rourishing Shan ponlun pat'cu ___________________________________ ml, or Cologegrw aler. It le a beacutifsi asti. TO LET. for ladie' ourl-lt maRes tics irit oftlid live- 1, aci procluces cocomîrn sbriliincy: Tirou- AnisPcs.ssite Iîvat isux»ti-EL-- ands hao eeteul ts suPenmor itues i,4excel- rr HE OfiS an sd Warerocanset preient lance. andi ieeu>' ucstance il stands icallac. ,& occtpieel b>'tire s'esciberset footlcf Ihim an infalible cure ln ail afrect'ce9i*f the Prcncess Street, (f4"ce ySore Street.) skin on thie eac--» adrilufi&C, 0; Ever Thre p-emise ceclikcons.Ieic îefamlysshd bca!idplied nilic a 4 cf 1, most adeastagooc stand ini Kingitasifer ec- socl tcat byits appliicati to lice bhaind hair gon a Wholeeale Dry G' ods Gro nIofchilden. lice beautiilami oruanc*l appen- ryicg ir atiuam 1t dage of a fine Ieaci cf hair, whlccl. s*ure bas iconnes.Fcr natxicar. Ply 1i-appuied nmi>' hopreseracu>. HUGH CALDERa. " 1r-Fer .a.elc- C1aresIlektU. F-fr'ctsSt.. klieouAjril 18, 1543. Kiu;tou NEW At'CTI(>N & Cf)MMISSIONIVARE. ENIG .RATIO)N FOR 1843. 11Ot'SE. Tf-IlE ncdrnîigncd su Il give cuders idr us T 1îlE Suhecriler rcnspcrlflliy infrins bic .1 ceages te Canada, freinlie pots )fî.f ur-n -frucods and lthe publie, that lhe ha coin_ pool, Dublin, Cuork. Beifet, and Lecidusnderua', qincicilthe biiclioin andl (tnîmiasieci business ii o od ondseaourtbyv scecelcu beau ricot Sani lg. f ait bis od s tandin Store Street, wlieraesui l'eb oeil tub.iewe!l proieli-ti lîcutice. sater, fui.] ready ai ail tues tui ececve cnnognmîe,1t Froin andl breaci stuffeu, for lIce voyagze, as reiliuiresl li Un. long rieidecce in Ktngston, and geiitualknu- chie cîcu Passeciger Act. Application (J b>' Ici- Icilgeocf tlecoeuntry, lhe coiidenly trutetsowihi ter tebhopont pidc) te b enabîrd te tuaisacl business 'te the satistaction , ANi-cONoa MAi.-A]fiÀts Esq, Kingston, te of aIl parties concernned. ilRas4 & BaoTiris, Queber, Agents fc r 1'. NiV. Acditionnl Sterage bas becen rl et theel Bynnee, Leriior t-, Red Store bcucngrg teo Ibm. Garrlt, Eeq., dl' i %V14. Mocat KELLY, Colleclor cf Cust.rai., Te- recll>'in earof Messrs. Ferguqeoa& NcGubbol?$ roto. Fuuwardcng e8tablshncoct.- N. B. Mone>u orcers tiil aIse Uc given oii ii.c %V'Tc. TIIIRKELL, A. &C. bl olore places forpmmall osa, f eqoireci fi-t ic Kingston, Taa>, 184W.- accommiodation of perns s aking passge b>' %Ic D>'trne' ships. T-MOR UBSCILBE RS. i .*r O PSSAGE FOR SPRING SIIII'S, No. 1, Thce AboUford E TO QuiEBII:C.. Sm WAL ER Boe Ta ~ i làLverpOo-Adults, 2 10 'T8 6 Tbis wOt "r l e dIt toaiDOne Dcc' ilgit Cilares entier 14 >'caca, 1 5 O 1I bireafter. Tice price ia 3.s. per Nunm echi Infants under I year,-11rec. nuculer is illustrotec ini the biihest et. ti.esFnom Dublin andi Belfat- ar a r, tn soa orli mpei .tean>' Adulte, 2 15 o 3 8 9 ticg-hjbbas fer nuan>' yeau ald front Ucîder 14 years, 1 7 ô 1 14 5 tics Press. It is lia corist cf 100) te 16 NuOM- Froîn Cortk & Londodery_- hrs-Iiene su-il ha in lice niolo 114 se iEn-1 Auits. O0 3 15 f0 geacse,, ilthc ment ectitent Artiste, .d M i sUnder 14 yeans, I 10 O0 I1i17 t6 ti C uts. Sociecocncepti of the1 Tice veseels te h. gnàod aicci eawcrtliy, anid exertions of the British PubItliens teue linfourni in harticu, calcn. fuel andi iread-stult's fuir this Ecluion iu a forme aorthy cf h. Gaa Nov. tihe voyage, as provideci by ltce New Paseesges" eîist, miy b. Icanuecl fronlice fsct.4 bt tiec Act. jlfth occcizti-h Vicir'a, chap. 107-Hoiputl- large @loinof £.40,00o tenlig hos eisappro'- aiadIi eadmo-se>'of even>' description eutt 1 priatoil fer the iliusaions al.nea - in, Iiîided calice abocie rates. WILI. ALSO B ScEatNto u. i, 0Fiit'TIR ICLE's N. B. The chief regialatiocRisn Isosuiv at antitcid ccc, tUaI there ehil lie only ihrre ascînt passer-. ARIMOIIR & RAMIlS.A il oelde. j ers tuscever "ufivetonoregusier. 77atoeound A. Il. AllMOUttR & Co,,Hlamitcl. oiefrecod.atfnftc.rofislher fond eçuatitt there- RAMISAYt, ARIIM,)ITR a& Co., iîguor. i Ici, usiI hdelt ot to ecadnlit paicuecgen per Copies mn>' aisel'e obtaunec fron the iiow- u ci.'.A grent prcescse vf accommaioun in the isdg Agents:r ihgl ftha du.nks berths, &r, s pnuîviuled for, Meses. T. CARtY & Co. Qurbet; t c a.- wn iel s etrirt regictaîhuns fer ascentaniuug sud Toronto; A. GEitâ, Bvtownu; G. Kzsi & Co.i"iiug thue scswrtlinret thbbc 'se'u- cial- Perthb; A. D àvrDsox, Niagara; T. Cat GLnao - p tido>ed. The vessels ut wlcrb , vl I oc en don. IFc'r the coicveyance f pasiengers, scihl b. îconge Charlts WIInlr'ba employeci for that punpose. b>'Mr. P. W. Byrnec. cf Liverpool. IL B. AMERICAN NEW9 LET 'R IQcebeo, 4ti Nov, 1842. AND EU5IOPEAN INTStLLIniYIL..j ffi.O ON, ]LOTION. Bslerged tc the exeni af Ten diti i c- n..EVANS' BaaîUa-aryIoLOIOr.. lOiniti. T.IG HLY estue.ned for curntg al Ertcptions, j -IL s. 4sness, Redues., andPalPipeeo tc Tp HE abos'. Neavspaper, taîw enlargeil Ten u Face, NeeR or Haude, anci effitetuiall>'oeaii t cditional Colucca.m, which was etatiished tire complexion andi remossuag ail diseases of the in Jli>, 1842.ilaregelait>' puhlithed e Lver- 1skia,. poel expressl>' for tranismission b>' ever>' team Nothing cotributea s0 rinch te 0cr gencuai Ship saiîirig frein an>' port cri Sitain to ayl port succasei n hie, as an engagiccg firat appearance. ini theUntced State, and ils leadung Icatur islatu -This Lotion i admired as a inouetragrnt, mid, give, ai one glane, an arceuit rfeeriniicnrlant @aafc vasi, and greatly esteerued for ite virtices peet tiat bas cceciredin i Great Britcuu.Eiarope, ici cleanalrcg. saoteing, andi pcnfyiug thce skie of or Asi, inlise icerval htineen tice mailig of1 ail eruptioes, se inhatioeaste female beaut>', andi sacic Steami Sbip, sehcer in polina or coin-1 resloring it te a hcli hdegeof puit. tcrce-a correct anil comprehensive ShqPI'ng A easutift mc baItlful cicipLxion la tics Lntis nwnhichmwll b.founi a failicful rkcrd cf! pride cf ailwio pousailamithie eus'>' f lIce. th.'arrivaî ami departicre cf. Ameiesu neofeleltt! Who amedeprivei cf il. andl frotn ail tbe British, European, sud As'mic 1A goecipsptrance in tire but renonaoenda- pors-lisg-ether wiih solide. oa sncb effaltiees .tlion ; andlas tic. Beaulifying Lotion purifies thre or d"ster s a n> froua timeattite Octur--O skis, and removes al Pimpies, Blotchea., Tan, complets Prie.. Curuma, in iucicthce reatésti Sunicurri, and edues,, andi procicces a beauti. cure lu takecd te --i = ý a o t 5aJg1tlse i-ss sIs.y-aicoeld ue, lous descripticon$aOf Acuerictan prodacc,4frou tb.ait muet uinquestionablê sotrce-tics cocubiccg, Gentlemen wcPI aisecfinudthis a deîcitful re- Iun alitenct, s Newapaper. a Siippiizg List. and medy> te remove ail Rougicuese, Pimspres, Ring- a Prices Current. ;.seoruis, Spots, Raciness. Soreneas of thce face sud The Ancnael lobecriptien ta COIAIL.e I LI'.' osa, & evar>' kuuc of eruption on lb. surface cf Xtii'îAcurnets Naw's LcTui-a-u a12& id. * ie cmnbo'l i.inparticularl>' recommenci. tein.Orders an Subscriptious vilii hore- 'hoihtm"gentlenle butsa ater ahaving, as it nelacci aI an>' of Mesurs. 1'ouzROa-s & Co.'s illi prevent tic otierwise certacn effect cf ail E EusaOyjiuica n lb. Utcti-s Sa-AESansd cuinensap in tucsing the beard prematurel>' CA ansd in Boson by Mîener@. Reduing & ge eo Ns'Aet; IHalifax, Mc. Belcicer, t. orSole li> Charles Heath, Prince». Street, tlnne; ontrea.tlr. %Vin. Greig, Boebeller ; Kington. St.jubnci's N. B, Mr. G. H. Fanet>', Moruic N"troffica; Qaeher. Mîr. Ccarles F. Fori N OT iC E MNolain-strSel St.Johic's Newufuîccdad, Mr. HE Subscibers in grarting- reriewoals :I'Combrey, Tiumes Ofice ; or lb.' malib, sent T ~ for any Peuit of tiseùr cuswomer» paper ditecteil tu the Publieber, ocdresse -as foi. j lecomrg due, fa-ttm and after t"'t date, vili lw:-CHIARLES b5.ILL&iER. chargea comiscon of 2j per cent. on tii. Tracceatiantin Newapapen Office, alicOurct rue.ed. i Southr Iecu.,ereet, iverpol R. H. & T. R.4.E. TO SE'rTLERS ANDo (TIIERS, WîSîî ugte. SI prl 83 ING TO SEND IIONEY TO ~ OIE TIIEIR FRIENDS. 1.Tr NE Sssberibmes Dowacvrecevingticir HE lECANADA COMP.ANY', axictiie&Pf- JL fell iunidyrcfl»7 Qood.,&ndare .Lfrd ever facilit>' for furtherlng Settle-1 daily rzxpectbcç ex *Magret" froua Livet'- nient ici thîs Countr>' vil LEtnII'lan>' uum saotc rcaiie ha tcwbiois l Moue>'.ce niMer hZ esicicl the o uceei oaa>' h. ti. erean tw 0 We au>' part ut Efnglouti, Ireianel, Socthasca, or Es- a oe foa ieuultcis c îu-si to9eà canadacom up",$t Office ces conidurbly lever tfiastissseOf lent sea- Freulerlk Street. Toronto, 2»1 Nov. 1842. Isn.R. H. & T. LAE. ""IXiKsFi SàA LE.- Kingtoïa, 24th Ocltier,1842. EBS and M EMORIALS, Lae, U(t e aI N SALE BYW. SIMP9ON 40 blie D eussn other B L .N K S, lf. îit O Northc Shore Hersiug, Nec.1 eStiel>' fer sale aithte lUerald Olfu. t Ontario Street, *s-t=h '2,1. flil th ad s, su 'si .s;f s i A tIselico, usesk 'î c, lierusu.îis5Ils, . silcîcesu. fils, cii .u.ît îots isu. i' Fr sale l' tSîi î.I - Kîuîcutolo. D . NI. IIITCiCi :-ý'S s ie., andl adgciileni Il t is iusrs' l' reins ('l Variua g-', eul i-st ' ' '- phasît, 'fer lui i0.c c-ifbmilthe i wn'lif t boaheurI uiel'Ii ulîrer aitF, lias ir'nl r r! XN. . 5. 'fan D,. M Vt,- ai cher, arceîîîaîîy nIls iiu. urs i-r i trallion cf crurnîs. Vr Suhd l'y Chanles tesibt, :isc,î S Kinigston. HF HESuhacrîhar fisfor@ua1e etls.'iIiW T ale Wareciume iiiIroktte" 50 pe. hiancheulCati ae, N.. 1I: lt G Plaire, 20 dis dcc Ni. 2, udi 50 do di, Nu. 3, 1s Neg cli di i.. 4 & 9, udo 30 do île eri.;& 7, île Alec,. an atuittinent oiflrsaca l Liniers. andl a ver>' supenirlarîsrtltDlS f Bunt-nLacsarlel, bloc cil uc i e widtba for Pends -ils. T1he ablioe geuooa wili ha sel d'eup r or lipprov'CilNotes ah !X) diys. '2d Match, IeiM3. Dr TUnE AiuIsCItIBE 14 Cols l'est Engusii ('crdagýe, 2 du cf 1l iilb, 2t0 Faiboma ce, 2 do "I i 1410 dýI, i1t 4 do c2 ci 140 do dii 4 du 11 21 Il140 uic Id. 1 Haac iser lches,w 20 BUis. R.find Cosi l'or, 4 lîbuls. anid 2 Cnsko hlit 9 Chain@, vue. I cf 9.16 ichn, i of 3.8 inch. 1 of 7.16 inch, 6 cf 1-4 inch.' i 10 Cass Superfine Salad 0it, là do Chatesu i.afiîle lViles. Io Bosses CasciedCitutii. 10 do Macaroni, 8 d cIe r~ ninelli. 5 do Italico l'ale, Rappee Seul!, Caendieb tl'itcis. varions branda sud cf the l'et îussî Sotia Grcîcd Stoee n c G. A. 4-Couencioent Kingston, lOti February, I1643 NO0TI1 C E.- ~rE'inl çerii'rding C'oPu AL. wiii be jcrepared on îL.e opeiul tice navigation, tu undertake the ttils Gooà sof ail descipions taetweeo Qi anl Ingacon diretanti intereediace Pi las 0cîec Queic andl LakeC platn, and vice verua. Tic. Compancy bega tuc Point eut 1150 liai aslvan Mtagsiis lune Offeru 'a og 1 tce dela>', exper.se a nti jun> a ' tp sttending the ame ar avocieul; a1 saving lin tUe freiglit, cluth avise 10 usoal port chcarges ait MoînteI, Quebc, I4tLh Ari, 1843, irie Wecil'o PUBLISHED EVERV TUES' Br JOUI! WArL951 At bis offce lnSt&= Stitee4 i star1>'n5 X"" 'nolmeue Ilcel, Kiogmm, whmt.&Il aidais yuili te th.ù ll'recce w»U lyateualelte, 01 abl *a575 ce advaaM, and s5 Vne ice il el h>mail. Edhloi. K 1 - JUST = ridb>' the subscrtber, sud vI beh Somlio le.for .I.ba geeulSvutso f COncPrcce EcgisSwedleN ,Rusiae. sW Three 11i.ers1B. 1Isor, B=k arellasslIr. round snd square IRod tron, hoop an&u bard Iron, Blister suci CernE Steel, Sheet Iron and Tcn Plates, Sheet UCpper, Busi-P. Zinc and Leac, lea. hoke and icisk lsettlec', Saucepaccu, Slewpacs, Bellied Pote, ani Hollow Wa Ofca il sort»; gravl ad pis hea oI, cast steel Spd.. and lOlovestem eaSpades, Scydies and Scythe S-m nruire and bay Ferkae, bu',coiltrace andl otier Chma!o-, Stiitbe' Acvii.i;llews sud Vice@, Fire Irons, l)og lu"c-. Aikaxe, Cul Nous eof a cucpercir qait. rose, clap andecu Nal, ILB,B.hore Nici, Cross eu, pit ami mll Saiu. Ilarrow- Teetis, ilorse Shccu-, Cas* sud WVaggon Boxei', &c. &c. JoiNyus', Cact'rrTits'Aiç CoorEis' Toz.s ini great voccat>'. Ecglisis ami Ameican Au- ger, Lock, huits. butta, Ilinges. Screw's, Glus, Files, Smith@' Wardiig Cabinet Maker' and Mill Sasas, round andl baif round, Ponviler, bhast. iisg and sportcng, Shot of cl socs, liracket and other Lamtp, Leading Lune, lialter atîd Trace Rope, Seul Cord and l Hambroe.. (Ruder') table Knives andl Furka, buceau', shoeciaers', aaddlera' Jack and Pen Knives; Scissors, Razorp, Brîlannia mctli Tex Pets, Britannia, Plateci andl Gerinian Sucer Tes. De- sert, and Table Spoonu', broas aan Japanunei Candlesticks, Crirn1iig Mochioe, &c. &r-. PAINTS AND PAINT mTbiulpEIL Seat White Lead, dry andin ii il, boit lRed Leoi dito, Venetian Sed, Sparih Browen, uce. greenu,yellow, gc'ouncl ic i ou, ellices'Oclire, Latnpllaoc, ras; andl boled Lineeci Oit, Ton- peniîic, mineraI ancd vecytabie Tar, Pianb Put- t>, Coppecas, WVindus Gînsu cf ail siesu, Paint and olben Bruahau, camel's hair peneilà. An r,seorment of brues and woeden CLOUErS, eught day andi 24 bius. STOvES of al deiicripticcîs. Stoer ip'ee A large assortdîîcnt of plain, Jîipauecd antI block TIN WARE kepI on bond, or madl te ordor at slient notice. EIGIHT HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES 0F LAND TII ,E TIOOGI RD CENT IIORiSÏ, Te lie disposed of lai Canada W «#t, (laie Upp>er Canada.) SOIER]Pit< % Ire *llf *tttleirjg*UIUgi«aqtg 14WArExcd stown, ear Bai,, AND OTHERS Fcracc Ilr E, £1 O S. 60.. to hMrei, £pIo iii C.i, HUIE CANADA COMPAINY frer about Eirecr IlrNizrDTnocsÀsc ACRES OF THUR L4OB' 6d..I the Groom, foranr,r,.j 'T'Imectioed i the printed ict cf this %ear, %% hch arc i Biocke cciutaiouccg froua200to 1>000roilfrn PCý' N'. A cres c si tucaed in the W estern D istrict, sd inS atered Lot, contining froin 80 te ; l t e pt 1 t-£ 1 - r Acres carte, situated in slmotit every Townshicp in Canada West, un tenoni, it is helieved, the. ost itd ndeau'ply io re -et libecal sud advantageouu t bat bave yet bec made public. By dhii new plan, the Comepany dispose tP E«DI t<R Elý of their Landes uy way of LEàsE fort terren otTEx YE-,is,- ueeg a ob h No0 Moa.Y boing roquhfw.downI wb ccc te 1wali mtebrh Il The ~ nrts payable ancaliv beingonl equal tothe lnterest upon thce prescrit upqet valuioe L. (Soran e, -Lady-0.1, . . bf Land--thus for ez:carcile. aupi me 1041>Acreu-, being onw wccth 10.,. per Acre in £50,Idce lutcrent e.-IrDm vInre ciiereori e £3, which latter u:m. nid no more, in lthe siountcf Rent to h.e pid eah year-fullpow. Breat," (vho %a" r-lO ie iR tt.î or hing secred to the Settler tu Purchagre the Freedcold and cake hie Deed for theLaad lhe orcupies.retla&c irc'aai-,, ut aîîy ime durig the Lea-e, when tiot conveniecît to iioseli, etaftzlxd advance upen the. prelienc* ly the Imported Hernec".rrîr.' upset price ; and cf courue, lhereby savîng ail future payaient of Rents. Acsoluing the vainue tu> tbe celebrated--Wcoipe'dr' e bossau hboe. (l09. per ac,)thce advance required for the Deed would lie lm. 3d., if paid witbin th. dam, l'y Icnported IlShr .;c firit fine years froni date oc Lease-or 2s. 6U. per Acre sdvance, if paid subsequntly and previous by oId Jarne, (Im;cnrtuî Zrresrj tac the lexprtî f the Lease.oth fmul The Lade offered (earepting oniy te 1Psrk and Tow nc Lots un CGuelp) vary n price front 20-.hDam "cf t h oe pe Iloro..H z Up to 13s9 9. per Acre-the Rentso pen which woulddlhe respectively au follows, vi.- Years cid, wonc the Qce., £ a. D. 1ereigicu, at otndtrer, , eý c t Upoci 100 Acres upset price Le.ig 2s. per Acre, "jie whule yeariye 0 12 o "'id no ess; âalliresbch lkh..taet u' R lent would Ule M-ur. bh ties ot cf codi ý: Do - do - - 3s. do - - do - 018 0 Sovereign eno i D o - d o - - 4 s ' do - - u 1 4-0-1 4 coc l r, net a w i t C - '< u n . Dl - Lo - - 5u. do - - do 1 10 0(1 hads i, of subvî.1l . DO - do - - (IsSd du - - do - 117 6 aticcgreat niutcu.,ir loue; p"- Do - do - - -ds 6d do - - du - 2 5(10 - r. Kelscy, ami le lcise, Do - do - - Me Uclct - - do 2 12 6 i os ci.,r î~ Doc - do - - l0s. do - - do - 3 OO f îuîproving the breel14 hî1, Dl) - do - - Ils 3ddo - - do - - 3 7 6 the ouitr, tra.î,tirt,, Du - do - - 1 le 6-1 do - - do - - 3 15 o Sover0'.îiio.ni il", Do - do - - 1390W de - - do - - 4 2 e - aiol ' th',.. ~ ~ . lit order te affiarc every asaistance ta ccc4atriecs acnd provident Settlert, the Caxn OcU'Àxa' Exteu-ýve tb.ga wiîi receive any Film, nco natter low Pimali th ic.slounit Ia>' be, fors hich their Setlers»naay net kind>, sot e rsilat bave icricedte wanc, en Depit,-ailowîng Interecut t the rate cf Six par cent. per annum for the 1 atientîsi,> t'laip-!ti S Fauie ;butit îî,a nlîarly nnderstoeîd, that thce full acrount nith iterest accrued,shall at all limes bu reaucIilbc ibrd,. ,l'ur et the dtspoal of ilie Seter. vithnt notice. For tUic purpose the Coinpany bave opened an ».c- i lie incureed il oti , , iI r o caot, wtich s tcrîccd -Setlders Pretcîdent or Saringt Bask Acccaut,"-tbus aftbrdi ng te the pro. .Tirlusi'e., * M sîient Settler, every facilty lora icuflulatccg suflicîect money te pcrcae lthe Freehold If lihe PlVftt&I'l ;il. U Laieil wliccl lie Leac.es. wheccr lie cîcooses tec do su, sotîin the terni cf Teci Vears ; but elssl 4'ii'îs 4; had Ilarvesto, or onv (itier onforsccit icfrtunés visitim ciîbas ualways ilce anont dejsue.îe'l, IA 'n~ terest oreru;d, utnilis dispoai to 9cîcrelî,m.T( Tho .aîculîare-lie> t" UcciI poFed cf cpolice tCoixipiy's former pion, vi-for Caudsîvî rlyAC10. . i . One-fifîli Ca'h, and hMallieini five eqical Aaicuail lastlîcents, witU litterest. The Comipanyîiys l remifrom Canaoda a outi oî f îîocîsy, however eciatilie ancontit, tt aiy iri.>~- usw eic'elSIllIîs* ùottice UcitellKiîîii-dmii amciEcuropemcfree cf ail charge. Thte Compan>ny wlaiso remit anus snýt I aO iraiýl.re' moneyWrErn cIroji aada, 'y Letîcers c'Credit unpnî Ieir Coînm issonera i tUe I'rovise f e , e îeetohe l 1q1 C. 1 r of expense, thus inerugthe bentit cf« thep reccium cf Exchancge tri the Emigracil, and i il-, î.e '11, 0c.. f. 'MIl. caving bi frontc the iîicons cnier.ce aîd taoo equeît los arsi ng fronti hringi ng hiiiilîy w,: h h ii so;Itsccl lin cSioo'1,~ in coin. ;les;.I 'ii The Comnpany, seul, a vese te ccomuc0.icaEiîcir.t liq as in&no ai mmc iaie une foreriur fun d, 1j, i t %It , t u will aliow Interentli t Foucr lier Centi. per ai nusci, lut lloîey loft witii thicifur an>' lieri ct ina . otiere lr stts. tîcan Ninel>' Dav,-tilei ciiiev, hcu ec r, liig aisaet cct tîce Emigrant's uls.posal, is thiiit i o 1i e mient uepar:îîc'ct,. u s Ecerv Lcîcd ci i*N}oii.sitioN'upsîN fXCAe. auddiirectîin, ibat cau porcésibl>'lie useft'I tce inieci. 1-' vent ai1 i cI. icîg Enigrante te Canadn. selite readile fcvniiiced, firre cf ail chargc. l'y applvîcg., persînoits ;,r hv l."ti u iii'!, letter, te tbe Companves Office ni Englacd,-Canada.ilouse, St. Ilcien'. P:aco, B'isioaeSre, ~ ic'î i Lon Ion. pl lIltlf The neiv prnted Lis.te of Landle, (whtit nay aini le in cievery lsot-offlce and S'i'r I ',a. ApyOci' h..s _ da WVesQ.>accdan>' particu la rs, ccay c <ltaîoed, S OSFF. o I tAI:c , iopen oapplicatin (if lylelter, )îtîn,1eI'i i'.. Ilot.paid> la tîce Cuicaci'sOffice ot 'or)li-. Fi.1.1 ý CA.NAOA Cocîr,%Nvn ' Oflice, f'r.cocaIcc-STrcîn. igr .F I.c, Toronto, 17th Fehriîary', 1843. SNUFeî T"'vcis -iii' tic, cA-NADII %te.!t iiteno heIl cures boul, Cilt fut c li liueblandcicaîi SSc «r wc-bedl fiel, sandthe wa'Oiiari bsct. and turted y.IsCl' y tîtîsi a in he h ci oftîce pahl. idiultIhe cni orcfdat ~icpower swlcicis w0u:ds ai1lir.ao naturer. Froi L:I.bi uni ui n suotîcoitsthe liudsotim s terte nouge. ,»o)ug .. .y Weeoi4u mal gilfs cf siecîîculrc rnking un ~iflba.They love the fier>' rus ,Maimfig eases gudaus gles-ser, acd tt ibcitba o pen tOiet. lari:cc ods ,,eliing river imb lits gncuic gtilfe. s-elmaire b>' passcngsRais abute, the redondant glor>,'n encjoy" $6,ant icnbus chilli>besd. Cý'y itveru loua n el open in the cri>' hittit. ti"their pla.ted sli.2thu . Th' rsvuil' ,btk!Y qiciesitul al liche ni.il igg wr5l #hale, nous- gliceii- il, Ile Qut', .-,'er s surface 8o sc'e, andloî" cisi g:,cerinq da9ol-fir, cci dî'cP iihl ii th brawniwatOn-lieo te ali te". lýkie. the brie( sibi.atti tut cli iu, *oer the fiels ;thce laboîcrar sil-- wiil. hitugtho hiq e lct hiÎ S.eaaiit- .-ie, tbbite tUe heatbage, al dIlu le' tretcliecl boalde lice lor-ulcisce ini r thalle. b-a gray marin, %Vîli ulifltl pna atee ils liîtanillg liy ils itn, bultl.os je Sfely, te tho dus or fieldl. reps q utsjîcy bioqscinui. Allihe svtile lîurmur froîeint itrt 'l h r iril c olitiiles a ; s - lt u, - str5,s; ni'e!S, andisirut, tieata :l ileiliny wayo, brUin iie..id Crr'b >Ai is0a lt agîsudrroîî ouý- 'tam llecl îe, iacitruaiAf cagur fi.e, trablic"hu i> i>' tla a 'i 'te. t h1t Migici' ainit cdKttiill, bUnz ta ,. ' tli t rare ; Su 'i t r.is' cIi1y -s i.Intg'it, bec!',iiiu ncr bY u,, î t s'poil:i bie .gst'aînîiiclle'iu.-l lî'îssI1tee. ins cthie oe, o w- o 'cýi ineiOO'I IliceIliesisiRi(A' i i i it il .i,tuetonsn K buiin ste. "; -'trr Ia'i ccof, i ofr -ttui !ti r-'î',ca w i i rry. ls'i,'n tc l,and i. Ssii CulOt, iti 'ct i r r" tci 1r.ig\ih tIlle raIe a' wil cua m.iielionder, pansa-lotIn. tnqîc:nc Yilee-arc ece, oaie hatt il,,roerecre tr05ii m'i, andaît thluus.'Cry i. iUN . u heOhgrrcterimr, lu'id. iii bolr utît lis ,r fe'.ai-p i . flt Am: r., atyîn îil', alg-ib * buinesil, if yeu have on-lt le the fil finles; if net., eeek aune.i. Lrrtls et ci "ra 6àice upic u r icissinuctlermorsir puli &alal Ont Wacli %gûOol bat 1teuefenul>' clu georcisg raya at nlon. Faroi vit utbefote yoec est it, andI tue eberili 'oh dpireve in cfYisr supicer. l'ruinsueye soihdilugese, and4 ycur crelutuirs oh Rturupt Yeu. B@ temrpernate, and poor pl' isIll heR ini vain fir, yccr canîl un i -LLn. If you havria e-il farns.or a Ira RiiiP"poot70r famnil>'i niddl a hu-idt 2 pesr 1, ercpital, bhanortented, a crua yeutselfblcl an purnuit of Stata me rater iots iu tise 5. t qU'rP' S RmIoRITrr-Tlbit wenirvuc s à tMaR,. -vustas ons, I. wiuî,îy elsblilsh If1litceseespacident. -"Raphia" argues: Wb>) terni tIce farr tUe cl ceaker gcx i.l' fes, aspersion, fail>' ycolt ) Uit ilI1 wbon siridl>' %tourmaperplex, liw ats' taia y ce'can bide tic. lastI ""rd fcl f ralon" lowcr tiycoet ! &ruive as Yeu Maýy..-elowhst pycucar- W'uln-i, ith ail ber faccts rcifpes'd, IlsIUtilI hiadouble ;,., O M.n t (w Sl'ISEtltCAIltatr.Tice Porlntioj.' Anorit 14thce fcllowicg, sheiug w-at itl ie for m4l'ia lite ic a - preetîiamen." 1l11l., , ch len a#ne U !', inquirecl a yccl "'la friand, willom hIll ealled upon sud fou a" e itas .Cianchor. an ne5t el Il fit.wetî !-;bcat'@ tise mtter !" Ira PrediCaMertL" h've àSo paid my bourd lieue six week hI tIc&Û,Ii hY.ficMY ea>'do fellow, 7yen O~5n a-i èlth Lin c.tie cause 01 yî e>4 btl1do! tke>' von't allow uuul te ha dci 1 POY MY boaard, sud tIc.>' wo't ail enb1 mI eule UP Vl sas l - f ave Yeu lima i 'Tb@ eeun bav appan S n w etîal fat théCit, d ticreifes veqindicaotion a lî555-V au wiv ir'çcre 4 -tc uts ---yS& 1

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