Kîuq 0kmz CANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICALI, AGRICULTIJRAL &s COMMERCIAL K~INGS4TON, CANADA, TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1843. ýOi t H enryr a 81114, conil 98. roveti N»te, 1M Tiie i ère co i ,. pîîîray âge' fýt'c .rb y~ tiè fiet, tate. bt t ' taak îuid i îtueiandi ettine1.ta lefilsius'r tu lease lits ci iternduirauuotui te sreitre. Chuarle Ci itur I tiiiouv iiii'ct eeapPiuiIy sit ru e-unî"tctl iru'. l t mtotitl-ous héowtise E:ni1uu-cr uris ued hiluaself in #lus r.:iuce- meni't m iClou! ng Itle pnuti. u;..ee of îuecihu'al ne-ci uts n, ti uwl is lie hlitl avec bacc reuuitrk. sut li l -Ie nuis parfcilrulutsculous." uaya (lie iiuuitrtauu. 4' l h ree;td intu ise ronatirurtiuo ,ut tluuttke anti watrleu, ; andi havingul ound, atler repeaeul tialA, taha ieirul oct bruii anc two (ul theisi to go ex'ictly aluka, le relecteti, ti. j euiv, i, tuià mixture cf surpruce asîcil as regeta. oit isuiutn iolly un ha% itule utowea ni nuteni tu,, & hiîir ouitheie mure vaui alteiuof I lrt nt. iu ruaikin d tll u a pr"ee un uiturie.ly of aentuisent coiicsrning thie protuiunti andu ivdtieie ilotrine% tu el gui.'Thuts aetuut Àui:litsentitoeut.î u nuo facr rtrie i-aorecrt tatite trothis ubcu 1waii c-'etn usre zu'luuiulv e a'rictun stittiâIa. tîtug thu' inn i f ppr"e'otunz teeit.tetnts isy thse cuivl iwn ' adr Im irtilîuspecitul ou" hie Ie. luIti id l I. itoun htll he prinrupiva (utftise0 lt'S io;uun lu'u it O uinie mal, cuiîtsiel tunnrel it. n ~ tSpi 't. The Grand iqtisiaî tir inftuiuei tise 1Eýiaîçuor vf tise alaiiunz iact. anti a'-uuuvLit is vul ' Dfau r i. Cezails, cf auult, raîi. ii i hlu.tnccsr toe e(randtiInquioi- tir, eclatiuia t; ilIlavun 1then @et-rt sîy vhs5' lu.e in eatdcavuortigtu r(xit oui berc-sy un ortier te tiisnoacr t lasti tiat the tdrtcter cf îîty owtc con. estatuer s a to utae." Ch'lalet uIuuutls co unauiereui theoProtestant" ,1;te l erie4 ncc il u(.;> iu.veli, buttf tise i'ttt utu!fe irul lethe s'ýrtitriîuuf itle vstipo-i rus- .'uu- lt lî'ul l..i t)liasuutn fintiier muchi- Liuutiutîiu.flic l'ut! caria- ruusedtise civil ltber- iun'u 't S hi iitteplins of V iian, andl i, ahi liut Ittirs l-uuoi St. J.Iovlielutaduisues I'hilip t'u luruunvuthuceeeice witlu lire andil wurtias more a!tetttic tius tîsan thie putucal 1h.rtzan, ,4 lai~alIla. Ieîle iumi, tfueu'd iut thtie isul et piiul ite Owie uualv hale o e te iifurtnere, aund is lia 'ue-cia mere muiuu'eu1uetly followu-ui Ly tliat nmureis %s il toe 9iuc{îif a -tisity of i deruiii.-"The ut unit M Doit Tinaquis'ttuualee cutis- taitnse viuuv euuus ttera cri thus aubijerifroua I 1u-,~iuu toG ranuîIliisitor, tish inil-io (uf Scvilt', utlutchlu iitIroirv w i glu uîputuîtii rai :it 'o- atit tultical iu-tory of Stuandnult.ow iuurtionatir.il ciaracler ofIlier colle pouple wis curruped anti uegraded bly iliur iigoteil anti tiu'e1otieculi'ns of tise Aututtan lune. 1 aui my Jaar ei, tsar trulv youri, Il. WIItutTtj'. Tue »cele ea fiafct i fu iti tJsid.Ci!2.Tnc 3eare hl ilu- UI, lietu r,.Iminru'utîrua R recallettitu cuir î"""îl 'Iy sa sâieo he tehstLadfriuni teeth Rsti5stt tci tt.e-ru. a enitlemmi Mlu uîttu-t ri ti t.g n t'ut usa 'i w FoULN D>- Cuvak lit ury gviuJs ir.t luie .lia:i .t huOcciiat. j,~eiaenti volscra'edia le;trt-iroken "- eus-'b rk.Is F u 'itr..ut' ,pu di firse %Viutlt a gallontinl-car icii itu I il E l'TiiLia i. S I'a.t't . s.au t;tL:s.voU , 1 ta1 - îtaral gariiui'uits ant i iîu telaitciîo ttDt ttt *fu calllat lta1excte nbeerv'a- It 'va.lbttai eidant chat île Tb W IlAeT . T1lS Il 1 S T 0 Il becrredliait bieetidiverteti faon' Tlaelea qîtento,.,daîly bs'.oriciuieniolre dut- ute, Cosautd lati t wn'as mteniei.tci fuculof asolution.st. lmîa oincfîuun i salit ii e ,,,buta s a tmivy SiGv. ulav'nig PbiieoPiy teachiarisy exaupe,' Pull,niseun tie in n0ueday nut is ls cir- non bas cOtivta bartlitate, &a.in prcpariuuf e eai. a,;. as lic curiusity te uictrtousply lise exanipîs, ilioncontets #cs vtlUt'tir liyu ts uarideitce. Iliteen, sr ane oler isarieti, anti intieatale -ae,5t" ltiva nli âfromth îe <ity, dtiver iite ise uuaautndnuriic of tflit Ulten iL ,tiune, lto rtters te theisn ida u.l tise ciscrusha O Ot a isectyonace befoce ta- ttles cf îhe Paseî duseatiants cé i f Iudîcar esly ,'avli t ii -luatotis &boutiGreeco i tunie, and pleiiv 1-lratta disitin tise cmerning ,bu l alune iLîttnry a tuulie a tcu c fi i/. .h sicuni ,' sialin'assent for, antd 1 lad ta e lutise ein tîtat ouc lectedcvu'.itrinan. lHenry %Vheatii, itîtrte. uuul hue anntetmeu. letton, (waiîis levitu Font fur, nie'LAu? h ru t cketrouri tise Nationual liutelligeicer,) fle ,e~' tic tmanlleit noces- otertuciv c,; a aery cliarsnng stury",v'ront whiiih t%' î ,plîun)îvlitiies itiiestiirun." mlosey C biutulul niaitaisan een drati rocpecîung - tasi s uu.ha t.t ivasrantfur. Csîle' îîlii ssicî.n Visai, hciense t.î tat i. anl le sent nie te Mc. relt'.at btal ory t[.'.Amuer. r, hq ut liii ari uIni t runuiay 'nru ' u' lîu'fu. ie.liru mu' 'c i i huot thsewI ilm ls' rfr tutu .'its Eo I7,u'iti t usi 0 t t i cie lnVout Belinui, April 21, 1l.1. bru C ~ îly Ilear Sr iu,,it viil! l ltîi!t!esaurAcollant I bute dloigtt a p'ut ir f lsluflei'fou r bu iit i, .ru .t' lRobeîîrtson SiilirM r. Inu vi[ - j ia u s itan u'ui Charl i ,tV.rc-ile'-itn_-tht' rit- IZ v Ioin Y i ulei. ii l tu ii ua I 't nt, 1tItr lufi t'luir't' 'itoit! ,, ,cýru nlii>. -, urn.mirlub.y- " t ' ia.tlu r rn.'uu'il * , it ,a ri lt ' 'ut rtt 'e ut .ts ial SI, Uttlihpy ;btt 1 ns'ci.ttu.l sg ;"ltn.Vs r til ti iCthI lrie entuu!r.,t utity tise qstiu - 't y u "f iu~tt' tt""Y faltutl t] er litfi idi rI ut ier'e! uc ir ' -rs1, li ut il rK'urued h usîn t tîtu ' l, t eu' om . A1 ir ruu'."'t t ;i" jeruitar- i..t ut Ci i e' t u. a! suiv ut", tutifurÙ le iîtu sitvluti ef a 11:rieluAlî t hIle n liet ftI isiitithtt-,ilt ut initg tt ur tctis e oi!uoe s ti u i!fuîte ia uf au$i, hu~i1~ lia laya 'i r'uantd'u"tusqîuîlpracturas ou t1t ail ýt tuta feu' tut iise,. It vl-ioeti.i luui titi hol ei jiutIi a biate iot *triidi. l"L'o u td ' aiLui>ii'tiinitel i acrly dp.rived Lhuir I c . te ruuig ily v'ît ioilu0ll lic tu t.'- o(î11.L.u ailiaeu tues. 'j'ie ulotny ut 't 'irs lui ti f ut tut' 1tutice-le iu; drnanticalivclosuti ly iuhareeulving » fu .lti.tvk niuutr"t ,nau -ili u ti tta hate tiniecbrtuon à lui uzit. OssLijt. u iý;-l i et, til, hall.Xv'rd;ttug tu uefl litoinr, the - u!:e t r vi nt , ii.t ler a un uui.d iia rtiestr uI ii t a ti t i v t ~uss uea i-Ierces ' uaitibSulu .aîui..t ,lu! ilu uv-el ictuta. vrti'ilt'u'ae 'u'ýveludi -hi. eàilcatatleri'd and placed 11t Ls tidi tf',! luaertt'teiut c lipeul. A ici fluueral teplintille tlîc'î Ietncedandi ,i*iý 11,iînan Intikeiiuhair, atutiC uinguilii.i; Gwa >" .L tii.. voiesouitule nlnrgy assai rý gn;y tandi ra,a icr- tsho pu'e,"l l'eu'flic rrpeesu ofhis st.ae sAitour 'tir s' u ine. h id listv'î ik dreur ani t' ýcisanchi iduors urce suuî; ('hhls ;Itut iii u u n ut".aatiitlly vfni.- reitatidiui fintie rifltlii.coiln. thon rose anti 'ti hirluv i i rl ute oretucedtlu-i'ct, %ut eluu'u lie îttict lu iglut fla à tt ' tw rbe'lu iev tU len ut oltan" iuuioltn iiirttaa;.1 ci mincit7 la cup. tT -resenu ate 'r ii filee velcf île paie t iihiaeuateneod laUlutltion as. le ici --!'ueo Itiilte tua; nug bale. simat il, iai vu luiti'uuuuîèedu.. taly isttieloeil h7 a Luiulibu euulune o lusre. ulrtculiii ly iet'u'P', vlet whcid e ieul o e aicSepteiler, ut e-uti hiolîttulel ltt i s ,îuu! d titi lttiS. ii'e.curae of des..Lr ; fi 1Autei. ig l'eauflui-ni ifornu'uîi u, t ece a.ltt, tipe erat tîtuis, thi.ilier netrti lera tr"un a Germait Iraveller ipwen uiag- uti sbok ttfiseichaîiîty plt- cd n nuuisng sustorinat roseturetue. n Spaitut ail. i e al yl1girlltiuv, antdlier chetlncoule c ul bo a a L.ulaus ignit I>on' Irtutl, tilu!tSitetigîit nlier Tiuas ;eazalt's, wilIkniout î ne flt aleacieti tIuil i oa ian W %;i lu alî'ionîi auther cf an cusay on t10c talatieus ltw'aen iuiiýipetuiea. i'flio i uati leutitlij tise Il. ît Silain, mandMry oh Riglaid 1tu je---luiits,,îloter tu pobltvlied in iitlei- 5ltucuit.,oni tisaRuoyal Aca- lu e 1 fa1, se -r*yiti a -oc. dmy ualu:îuy ai t nut, vsas ieeper liiithe rài sou.i nuuuî flic sovi y ou lienruroyal aru-iiitu ca taut fatulsi oýpierllutin. 1- lI ttJiit lin tisae iu Ou- Chs.dilt te 1 llui rv'tir. .!lu o tue witîta iistory it a; ftle uttsrale ot Ch:rleut'V. cro]taisuaabL du a l utcileatli, ii;, ioi .ir- 'miiiihanti tuîîp idocuîorgna iumeants cittaiteti itu lià ru usmd lier-ici . Ilti. Plt. 15. îsýf chiuvonha s nuuw ii file P0s. au ilt Ii ncla uttutmoîler h Isceel esuuii ii rrliaate ieatan'.epleuu. Ih ln oi- '.ttltl tue or tix y.'at., duwiwtî u ue illi1 i. y lairf' !Luit;mritur .tr t'us ut~ ttari tu cru'cuti r.uuag tand n i o i /iut îJauei. The irm'aipart tif tisamonk, I'uutPur lile 5Vll.e, giingan accolantocfflic E'uiparar'c abidction t l. ý Ohu!filîohier, mnitntuti~llue at lcasusel, anti is tvoyagetui Spain, foluii7tu -itifle. c!a intiuy Cu rtu n rintulîavaiiit.itiits,asutl uues coitifcr ittei. v.isttuti ctttitttbut tacewn tii ail " inittiit,uart5ýts isitarraie of the saune andîttt euluîet. .. smeu0u,. lus"î c in titutenbe,tiiis nihtise t s ie u' cclir uti le chiiuny ', andilalndul sg of Clas ioil i lte truiun .ioneu) lît a*i<. u Mue lochuel t ueridtthe hînarul, sai a pertitdficueautlur itasncoueexelusmîn u.. sot * i. C I 'tOti ncu.da,rtng friauti fliait dïdoumeutnitetof unlueàiuiaislo at'urity, bui& tC e taut vi .,muii>lie ub'ke opent Wiscl arcireliCy utulausu ta tise Suttieb t iut. -MoNtuiir, gîta thus il)hum ie ltoriafl, mi bd~ tt I. isi igril. lnunircy toc, h se;chs îat then Eupecor's daughter, Donna b,'rlul t i'ulies aci. Gi i e mJuui, amidownIfl'rinceoJJlin oflPouteunlit, b v. ututiserRaget uitSpain tdriez the absece oe f litilipil, pfeu ltt- a ti uhfie oher.-I Willu a u l'Iiîiders, iat i iitrucied hDoit LouieQuijatia, Lt-!b lten.-ry aut. 11truilacunba niai r-sinun sud Don Juan Vaquez de Mutoinât e tis le uuriîi" prîtate Sacretacy, ta amat iher a tiiriadr-w ail tuIc chllen aroundth îe iauly jîounlsirespeîîittg isa tate c ut isbleaIh, Wàiutetiai' it0cud. 'llie fâthern'as Ilita acuttios, lu riît- esaîmuuîeant iaiPiluori, ttlitt aitcifeidaiifor a ieseaat, trcy thi.ig us'Ii'tu passeiut Si.. Juuitis. 'Iesse I h.t tut thir uncea, it Iel aiudâhruai dedpa.tchue. are i.11 caecully 'roseracd lu tle air. suveti,, apparet],iity uuiillv'ent tt ail chai chito-ii uit iuu.cuas, amd 1)t!, fonvc1 a GizaI5 Id t t ait. Ilit ad iati ramcet- hîtu' iilu neptcud extrac rain flocosen.Illitea tuait t tuandaui@ise tlurreti cyes mere alis le se tof the coî,snpandeuica buto'ien iO - ttthe ftuau if bcse wre araidteoChsai tles andtilsuîsnatm lilp, tuesother nauîbLra of t.i bIi rrîtîu.tugronup.niso %acreun'atdh- litefamly, andi titifreai iistinguuiti persan- 'i ttsuitle ofutîhe ilying uifant. acte out îhe thute. Amiiug Close tuurucepapers a' s; .u utu teuuf s.lente. Nat a Pound several Itteîî froin flie infant Don Carlos, *on E' it itul uheulte hlte girl isad of Pl'îlild,1. unfonlonately calsbraied in ptietcy P5i1 iv atusnn s.îuîg sl,:te boec's tîracs. and iun hisuary, tun CIireV, anti frontise loter S otu' rpulocf tisaciseisol tatethe itiaiatt'e Iutur, Ruy Gonez de Silva, lu n ,j 1 ; whliu aaiglit alîmerng utaisubiliehaLesiale ctserronsurail ici&grantiseaanti 5ts.t ti. îlîîauu.I ,a .lt is traintisefitalf aiS i cuaca h ca i ut L'a eClaiutet. 'u,:oiail tliaitisae vital îparl, Tliese trust würbhy ticutituta t3 dinotit rauit Icyntial; quetumumi til tae x-Etperedr, ft fc he Î71tultuuiai us tuiiir mwed.-Siiuly laviig mutia itinoatii Iiti uii tise claier tiI tnsluerahie tu us as seateti, mnîiut l. jltue, or assoiaieil as a lay brcerurin an lS ml c usisie. - h.%Vile de .d ?" e'1'al .etiutg n-il tise moiks tif ilat connuutl. t ieor iballe uted" usasthe Cyvecldat purturpaleti ceen 0thier relugiuuo ticu vn' ttli, w tccitait, as ai exerditc. 'I'iuor total sie ico rempetmiii, t'ce t Ui tat't'ofaI1r lutte o ne. e>traucdinary cy due ocitlu tieral olteequauea. ce- t r t' îemr n rd, tch .itog rui. la*etiby Roertsona, oui1I kuuaw i lai autboru. ut tit u tue, liuu'ttecitg as hoeleetty, suibi ils cf tselî tcong uegative pro ngainsî 'C tutu t th, realty tf tîlu e lur, "as iitanti utncouiu.uiu "t. utustt a kuinduarteil.ady came i, un auy tuat suparaitila ecr auggesetita a at-il' 5j- ab fon' iiontuvin lWire, et antlisioctertI ancy."lit eau fiii ttc sup. cffitleachlt. SIc Sud paeiliat the neipiucblc pataouiarec visot 'r;"'i uis btn ut is.'r autgul iieial d'aut n'as lts report dtily aundrcue ifieu. îa1lot, '1' ,ýlu -ure iprt of the bale tall tellhe Queuen Ragent cereyatt uf Clatie'. i lurvttmnliittetifor ber buIt th isalu- lie. seulia h hi.re u tari reconnut t e m"itt i l tre futltuiedtic@lieatler. uitut e rcinstuncas precediug andti ittmmiitg tut .l lu i iintreuuuu'tt in sscishli hi'aulath. sntiul havecl airedtuluitd aie t iisciun - .atti lucitia'spoieof tue6 ._,r ean.it.ki c vi "I, titiL:clu s utt lt'aia itO wy tllvuîac n tise iraie of ail, sive t lasupcliatidta lice ta Lc.eils.dia Solution, lu apîeor. MSi traouC in t i-C r.,OAet l'ýc) u nouv_ ahsr)ifrtev us un,.stO ble la le cc S utteie lit, rci-iui nieouItise geît -5ad fitu iav satt!ui plysicut.uula-t t t srhil !apietýe !Vonliae attyugsc hâviilui oproe d il." nlobectàouu dut îîla titlt', sidail nuatter ut tic @(,e tillereasta tr attnan iut nlucl Càrtee takkus111 b n t u Ne ne'ocd .î.lrumdit i"u ' ouvst et ituenst sait aidiuitiprtafof lite î.t-v nhu bl.vvec spauzlitut sa licg altugnuller nltrantu indtsi ua'1ly ai. 1' l tut îniui a ustui aten. Thlu uc cuiicutts ceitain iosllma ua4- tiÀtrelta i i tt I" doce t lits homag cuneanU'y atinulea I ure 'ta! u-iu ,t us N aise-tise uffort ,, dsau i fla laulu.J pet..utitii vax.Osutrausiusa..t 1:lit,, via;,el u>ituuths itur uit, ta erc, Pr -tivi'OtY Fisunings andi Gerustiis. o' tus' ii leirc.-u'env Ilut siort, il aiupi' si-a liti laretai..mucilcoterc ut t agamltclcah>*ta tiil i5JUt PlSLiiitiuwu!..t o$ lui ti4tilt tl iruutt- un c uut n, ;itf oLe a t . tu aid etce.l îp- t ttl e ustli tuu ude tuttoet i i-tiuýit aIn ffat. iure t rlect st1-4àaitiia- ut/, tut1i.it Proie là. ýuii atcit uhattI-eIiitua tise necu~aIua.wlu'a rujetiuut if uicsait mu",!e t huitîSu c-'wTmîr ut tÉ Irnaul ýtuuIacit. -fChat. liant jiorunal. shp of tise G'urp sofuîî't.,sit mandai, uy Mr Gut-euetl atoe, Corisuer, di %s cil uuiteinxiutvitof (hu.ucre Kt1p2,ir erso ai-, lu jp.aredfrein tite eaide'nct-, tisai uthir-'ed.i-ti nu , ipanv uit tuioî,uteliercr,.mita waggiuui. pruaseilag tii a (tun. .euns ter tise oIa fIl-amip. a niuosecaîs pare uiî'n due decease imrîes np n île wav_,utn. for tise îurpttse ut cianging 1hipsal, ansi, ly a milieu jerk, lue vas tusîiî îutî on tise ersutut,.tlif-rey cauitng ociauaseaii oth ie Iriun :letînt] n atut iftepne minuts. Vec- MIDLAND DISTIC<T MU'NICIP5AL COLiN ClI. 1"u floving By-L,îws paseet11 11tLteIst s' ittie Counu il, ioiiig te» sanv'tîîutud ty ilii, Eurelct.cy ttue liuerii.r Geical, me i'ow lay tienilecture ouc reaulers. Riluufi'tgîuu le Sîlury rof'Piu/nriuu .Strre'!ur. WIIEREAS t is expetitenu to mal'.. alterations in tise huttes uni Salarias ,iu tue District Sur. ieZ -il trcted sy the IDistruc ict ouclof the MidlatidilJustrict, conettutuetianditastinualieul Iy % rtiie voundetiir thee utîtoritut cf an Asti pas- seti min l arliaioeut ou t2li.ada, chtiti'tnA Act tai uroe;iîle for tise 1-tter ifernal guuunni. mieut u'iii atpaît cf tle lPcr'nioc %taites furmourly ruaruaiutedthettaProvitn-ecf hiîuter Canadiu ly tise euialuisuuîiit of Local or Jénicipei Autit- ert'iuei tlueau" and t ieîabrely suuacieiisy suis ottiuiftise sane- 1. 'ruhîtue clause aistnit By-law Na. IV. se tir OB celitue te tle aalary cf District Suru-oyor, fronaud alter itie pasiuug utftt;d By.La-, sital tua tsaaity-fiuse pouiil. cucmîîcy per naîimue), fur taling clutrge ut anti oeraeeing Dstri pro. îery and repairs ilectrin, anti attaiudinth e tte-ivuis îf tiii'Council %vslieu retîniceti. Il. Thnt iii ailcasees wviere lits services are reiureti fuc ureeyig cratds, or to poîfitrin n ork, lu>'d urt the Couicil. lie s&hallecallowet i li- ina, hilliigg pet day, anîd ilat such chargus le lxil b lie îetiuîonere ai whome instanceiiue int eiliŽd iileas uuaia îci receti y île Couuttei - [Signedj, J. MA1U~S, hlau'udcri. j BY-LA'b'V XV. bm .îAliersviga rt-crin S'rbool ))buii ipe ahe 'fswnâh ps tf A"ph uliAsuwan, Csaaudera and LIo. fsviitîtgh. WRKII'EAS il la itîsreseacy te provitin for tise bliuiig andi repairing otiscisol bouses lu cor- tom etiool diviaions nithiu titis Distiuct. te henactet, L&c.. I1ilust île suan of fortyjlve pootuius@hall b. lvet anti roliected on thc rateablii prcprty witbiîà tls limita of Scisoui Distict number une, it tise Township of Adciîthustovn, for the pur. ose of building a scisououseuiue eaai Sithuol >is trkft. Il. Ail ho i urtiset enacteil thai lte aurnacf altiers piuedts tan shillinge ho colleritdinl Sehorl Districtî cumuler nin ine tise Townshtip of Lasnghhorough for tiseupurposes ot repairinth îe enl-ia bouse in sati Seiool District. t 11h. Anti ha t further enactel, tisai lie auto of tan pouuuda le lerieti anti collectet lu Scisuol Dstiuct uumber tva in tisa Tovnship of Carn- dee for thse purposeocf purnbasiug a site for a scbnssl Siua.; atudia furiher suni of fifuy pountse tan building a achool bouse it sauidivision. IV. And le il furtiser enantedti iat île sun> et fifty pounuts ho levieti anti coiieclcd i Schuol Distticit umber two in tise'Township of Lotugis- orteugit fur the purposu of builing a ocînool un oal tScisoni District. "Y. Ant ile il furtbsr coacleti that the sailt animeho ratet euîually mian tise assesasti proper. ty i acis of due sait ScIool Districte rsspec- tîveiy, anti le lericti anti coliectcdl by tle Col- lectouni of tîie saiti Tounships, in îhe camne uranruer as us nese by lai prorudeti, andi by île.. pnld lu the Treaicurar of tle District, uîîdsr tise provisionCsand st aricions ofthe tiaSatute 1 Vic- toria, Cisap. 1.11, togeiber nul îlhe expence il! lenyittg, aseeesitg, anti ccîlectuuîg the saine. J. MARKS. WaVect. BY-i,.XWVXVI. 7,0 ceectu Dy-oaur -Nua. 1, "osvd 12,1. F'rnoury, 1ltu, oatPi, he trate of asesseaitfoc île 'b"IEREAS it lmexepelient ta epeal lte iret clause of DyLaw nnuubar 1.paseithl2îiday of February, 15ý12. establhieliîg tise rate of toue pence in île pounti ipose aIl saseaset reai anti peracital piiaperty wlîhun tls District on ils as- sesseti value thereot arcording te the ratas by lais esiablusheti for geitîral purpsusss therein. Be it theretere enacteul, &c., L. Thai tiesiii clause Nie, 1. bu andthîe pou. us berehy cupealeti. Ilt. Tisat.tise rate ta o e eefer eatahisliet anti coeei el alhofitied ti ion. penny hait Petiv in tle Poaundl. on ail rel and paeonal pcviqîety am iilin the District oitilise aauesseil rai- ue tliereofs accerting toilhe raies by law dcaais lulitti tocgeuteralIlui-pSes. [Signet.] J. MARKS. Wacd-uî, B1 ' LAW XVII. Foc greuuitig na umf mSsay fisc reirieg a cran/rtiî,,es eut1rederituk.ueigh. W Il .REAS t la nec.aary anti expedien mta * sunuofut iorey eiisulti be eppropriateti for the titcI.Ttcnueut of roadesant idctget;in ibis Dis. Icittlu addition tullhe ortunury statuta labour. I' h tisheretuare enueteti, &r-, 1. 'Ihat theint sif0<ten pounda bue appî-apnls. tf tfrainthie District funtis for tis e tpaîri#tg outa ecrt.ttun bridge t Ciamhor's Mills in Frederrcks- bureît tittir tise directioni of the ('ouîcîllinru af tai 'l'unieilr,,and that Ihoin warrant to tle l'reauret for tuhoepayieent oetbîe satiunt le li [re rcinti,] JMRK, IVartiee. SF eau. oui-,£Extra ,fy'. uîedrada,Juai 21.1 1Aririv.ti or dieCelmbÎIa. 'lIt ilsiiiaarchved t aBIouton ou Suotiay nurtistg ah-eut b..I1 past savon u,'chia. Wr are iiieltýtu a sfrituti fr eu Exura v.i tnte eus, usiris rcau'lctIheu'. lv lime <isieruutet meeaen.. ger t;ti.a naciug ai Id s'tîouul. Lord tuhj R.eeiuà uaon Camnabusenc-nbave pasutd île N.. 11 - - - .i~s... .,i s - - t - ~ - -. - - s.-- ~ - s - 17/ 59 I o~wswou m Umm 0a 339 To P.Nliréorus, jr., hýq., Corsqtlondiîtg Socccîary u! t'le National Inttute. NEW 'RsuIt'N. MACuîaN.-The odittur of tise Rtchuîaiid, Coumpiler n'as present a ten' duys sitice at an ishiuuîot o a raapueg nmachine, in- ucuilti lby Mc. àMeCornuc trisu icisidite, Vit- gîlua, the operatioitof nîtutis ie tdsJacuisea ini s riecet.nuuui.er of lis paper . Th5etmachuine, placeti on eaal whle, n'as nieos ty tno isardes acoundth ue ry fieId it w'usci'îthe exbitint took place, aisa quiel pace inak.rg a Clar passage thrugî the grain as il uuucuaî, about liste feat îide. 'Plis it dii witb vuonîpletetiese wii t lenuimpassittle fuir tihe cratile te ecuupluulu. Theistmachine would effectnaily tieatnuîy tise voction of tise 1"Glenr," n'lo las isen inuu tulles le'.guiie, the subjsoct of Manly a lutty',,ory or pleasant puea. The wiseeis of lIhe muacinue iep lu constant motion a sai, with edge andi teailnt unlike a reep luook, wlih s as e dautit l grain an it ishorst anti for. cedl agaunat is etge liy a revoie ing appas'aius te- seuîulng s seune reel. 'The grain failsi uptt a led tir jtatfortn juai lehinth îe taletis, uherce ut ad rakeul 1, band.-'l'lis raktng ci tise grain an'ay un the moûat lmbttious p act of tise puoceus -so&arap.tily dce it accumulais that ih la tilIl cuit te kenp il prupecly cleaceti. A" lynrNuonuv Mu'%IPTtN.-We have seliotn ben mare iigisly graltitidanti ansacthan n'a suera a duy ortwun ine, in examinew a machine u.e.l te plait n'is.tork cuvera. Ws bat olten coeuted tise patience of tisone usa ctuiti ait duwn sud quîuely perfuorai sudl a job wuîtiste fine ma- terial usant foir saI porposa. Wo coulti imagine notlîutg mInIc coult req'tire a greater amtouit vif patience, anti veruly bielueveti that an indtivuiduel us ho.etsuiness it%'as to brait!i%%htup-eio'.kg, anti vis, tlluintiit nuishout uuurm'iring, migît, vith propriet>-. dispute lthe palm of patience wuts Job. Blut ibis telueuon las vaniaed ; fur n'e have learnoti that uSat use titteinthtecment tetiaus ialuur imaiginaelt, le perfutrmeti iitli the grestesi puesmuhle sallea;îd rapity-not by banti, lut lîy ènt.cimery. L5et thertetder nu-k at a whip-stuck envereti urith isnauded fine lituien tliread andl ses if lie nan imaagmie, a prorana Il v uhîci any machine but man coutt i gve t.>utsheaies sonS variely of poeioniicaisnepacuiesaantibleauty.'bei it ix doua lv usood ant i u. The prucese cannt le descruiet, tsItisuuglitise mchine in ail anti simple. 'lbuspunuie iich beldi tise tireati (14 in uumiiuîer) arec carriud opene a biaop, wisicl la itltui ravolve isy turîiug ao sial crack, anti tiurung uts iataltticoa, lise"&poouls cuti oser ce.e tSucis antidu'itisunexaclly in the f.11. cf a figure em' laying vtiewaye, 1, ilicu procesetise brai àu.g is p ýruîcîsa. IL rcqumres isut twe tulitla,,lit u camns macinue, tui Irau i atises teoýt n'iipnl.uu k ! Tisae o unl e n nreslu-ti cas stittfy tiiewtaîav-ýesly vîsîtuuug te macine ulasif, uthucli luis>' seceu au7day,itnsmotui, lu lune cf tise rvui ooer Bartui & Sttîitlu'se ouge tool titi'sI AuJ men ctttndetinul thi, May ho seen a ma- chine fucrturnigoui wiip-eitou-.k. Thse procebe us curtue, theuu ita uepla.et.Arougli piseeno wssulîeid t;tnaui uit0 ua vsisj-wtock te juet aboaut hall a %ituitt-taaa rcqttitiuig lut alui (Arirci', uiuafis l tu lue a uspieaduid b.alueti nbp. sOluk i 'itlàdI .utifacilîtielltsar uisasuiag the0r- gitg mtutîciai ttedCaputy tiâsu 0tian>' caued "aisTeiit.-l'le nauutlber t4perdons ulitiiuctued tbcu_,hi inuuuî Suiitu t '>,ediiemdtiy, n'as llUJh mnaug ina,!, s.ii tti cupenuîug. 5 7 .si.-'ur-arý e -mtiw tut 'tut v lupeaiunl dili;'lth ie ttuuiie, !,tiluhe ii I aucy arti.Cdnr, rusnaeîuu'au;t,&., giv;ig aO lue y a'5sueacetce te tlW ,e ý;ara tstuuutitseiui.c Aà titfe sandu-i tIgît .,fa iuilu-wuatuul celteel tu in tisesari- tus -u-uT)hiled, st tue uipoceti bIterd nul i etv bc ilu. elutertil ly po2 e vt, cou unior act T.îsitcs.""'ay 1t. SC'ri tnt.-A 'l iing Stotvthilin, b tue iitsiie ai - Sisarpe, COsnuaiitet suicide aet itina, Fermry utî1 Sîissl.îletby staiuin.tg ittait litovgi tise iseasci si a fîîwili t i.e. bic. Shte Câake ~ t', 'îîtuuu.atuue sine aL faul, andl nie ougaug'ed Ra a.ilel k a tuc. C 6tiuu'iiîre, a go.,u ' ri iuu i laut -isutil- îl.t'. i lut n%%-i saestIîuss i siccuasiuej oi svo.ît c i ltt. iugj rut. . uev.ilycitme'ci, .uJ'adasluit a utute it Sctlai.l 'uu i&; lt ýý it ý ut ad.ivtuue ut]itsi i autaitiaîitoat lu.liv- !sýti ti u ri, uoaucuai Jpayi"ý iiýlu itte ws ea >OFug L.in iif. ci., T. Iu 'Lu lit'ius tie t i . t % il ti itmili 'i c. ix-it [lu.ie tras il. Vut hF 'rtLke ( ,t' ut tie e tite fi c, clii ilu'. h luapr thel t ie ry e .S tti 1t ,, i --c.] tt f4d& a tÇnMalans. The liepeil nmoveesco.ntinue ini ireî2tid .andti t ,t-inru ee .. encicedeli frrxi these c abluieýi Chuicin i Scoilatti. Thse newe, e&iuily fn'ui Irelawl. !8 of bgh imp..rtaince Cc-slt 'î'?c':rlt7ý appears ti, prvIvaul in ai] brxn- lc h.,of t rids. F Icclanti absotrba tthe p~r;sent t umpit. tise ev clusive attention of lIbo British Mîniýrro iti sthe Bhtipbpetople. Thse Repeal !,movenetit continue. tla male thee annet g.igantie fstrides, the n'isle i cntMittin a fearici state of exc,'eînent. and M. &o'lnîeli, after tuueîtin_ Cork andi vartions nuiser parts rut ,4eland. hbat;ceturned toaIDublîin. During hisenobn'm in tès provinces,. hundriredaio thousandusbtf Jus racuibtrvinon coterregatpo. ti t bs bnolk, ae*i h rrrea soiYenbWea co.tannou, ov,âti*n.iront hid oisteet uni il hi@ returt. lie ait. tireseetithce, auev tery occasion, in lite Muetin- fi tnîinatory strauu, cotderniatory of the Briti-is connuexion, whielie jainceti out thse meut uni- meauuured vittperattion and ridiculer aggatutt Sur Robert Peesl, the I)uke -'f WVciitgon. aund Lord 1îroiiham. Tuie great baik of thse catholuc cler- gy have thrun'n themselves li.adlong t thie niiwentent. Thelittie pruncipaluty of %Vales hua heen gin. inz ffoite uîieasinoeo o laie to thse 1' pvwersa ta be." Th'le ruotliei portion, inIie esp)ecialiv, bas been thse acene uof a sertee of! utiu, whiri sh.lo% an uli!iraltiuy toile of fýeLng erionkat thse peaqanitc. itherto tiscur tepreulatuiue Lia't iseen cotîtinel ta mitinight crusadesRAaci'rit tuuH.- hars andti uli-keeper.o, by hands Icf c2îfederatei hluuurr r',iclpi t 66ite'Irca and lier 1Dautu-ers ;" luit revently tiseir holuiuiess as becoie iire su- dactun, àr.4 the màa.iutrates aeitas iit conutein- platiouitaoplare théuf t*!lhcd dietlkts nndte mti- ltt'iry surveillaînce. S4cotlnd ihaî been the scenle 0<relbgiui %OVP- ment, the utost imphortant itii s con..euuencc... thue Most extended i n itp ramiîficationhs;wisich liai tsi.ei plat'e.rince thse tinte of thse Refoinaticin. Neacly ifloinnîtera-tlie huart'. blmotitf the chuchi. cmbractng ail tisai are meut dieiinguish. ed foir iearnine, talent, ad energy-have seceti' eti frein tise Kirk, andti hrogit thenseivea topen the voiunfary principle, rather thon soîntît to an interference litn attere of discipline n'itit the ci- vil pow'er. IRELAND. AIli oes appear to bie torîîed ta Irelaod, airait- itsg wiîh muet itutense atîxîety thse reâult of the inovetuenu. now goiiig on lIeu. The tiecidei stand taken by tise Peel admictatration on tlle aubject of Repeal does not seen ta bave causes] any abatementlint ite entisusiasto of1the Repeai- ero, andi ie have accounîs of tiseir meetings, large andimal l it aIl parte of irelanti. kliseti- deiit, laniever, tisat O'Conneli-the master spirit of tise causge-im vincig witii ralier more cau. tin andi circutnupoction. fle duos nel deent il expetiient lu puahintattece ta> extrentes, Ua. h koisfuIl well that Irisis peuple arre very urn- puiseive, auid ame tnt yet prepareta to uèreg. tuaI revoîutiot ,cth any huiofutaueas. AIli th etroMpl .s r iithIse badaof thse fileto tie Driiish MinisUry, dite of an afectei calat- nese, are it a etate of great alarna anti inquiet- ode. Wîitb an incane metila sh«of 0*beat Wax anticipateti, andi witb almoat a certainty of a still grae alt ff for thse year tu courne, the Go. doexneot eady preparete tameetIlle trenieti- doue exenses lays atlendJng a civil *ar. MucI reltance la ev.iently placeti upon tise Queen's forth.coming visit te Irelanti, tu stotise anti soften tiownthtie apertes of the people; but iiotiser such wililie be naffese endis upon circusntances winch urne alune cau tive- op. Nntn'ithatantiing tise absence of Mr. O'Con. nel in thiecountry, arbor e lesu een attentiing varions meetings, the Cornt Exchange. Dublis ai the weekly meeting on tihe 22d laIt. n'as denis- ly cruweoil anthle n fuiiy as mucis excite- nment s et any pressions meeting Tihe amouit of IlRepeal riii" was thse largeât n'eeitly ratura yet annonet, havaitg been £703 189 6dt. Tis tncluded several Engils retune, anti £133 froin Clines, Coanîy Monagsan, aillereatihe meeting of tise Repealera vrac recsntiy intecruptud by tise Orange farty, anti a poor Mai nameti M'Caffray wss nnurdered. Tise meeting dit not terminaI. ouitil neurly six, but the large cont vas crowtied ltu the close. Al le Irishs Forts, casiles and battiementa bave beau inspeciei by a içcaernment engineer, anti ortiered ta bie repairel andi placet in a atate of perfect uîility. Isutesil th*e prepanations of governmaent are sncb as woult idicate tkat a civil war le not far distant. The luisit Irish papota etinta lilanaccoutof a nvLrc between a party of Orangemnand ia body oi Repeaiera, at Dongalanoni one the l of May. A bsoge aras raiseti, anti many persans beaten, but no lives w«r cete The departurs<of tise M i cLes Iront Ibub- lin, et 6 o'clock, on Moeeday nigil, ars -prece- de by tise«uailuob-aaaemblage, vith an se- conipanlunont 01 yellingm4 grasalg,"c.Soins rintiegsubilequentlinho: place. Sties wer thraset un police, andi tifs' orowds.vsrs dis- peceti by thbue citis, iho usedtai ir batons lmfti!7. Sn'azAu o Rmsmau.-Tse iiband Sistein bas latt4ril he«ti spreading l t a great exîtinl parts of "tho woties ut Duin, ceatis, Long. ford, Cavas, & Monagbae, Tise Gaverlutteut, lit couno o fae i'evnatlon receivei, bas imet,- tuted inqulries it the varloits Incalliema au toi the progesa oftheslystee. Tise repW a fair it Cork was very Lrillianl. It le saidti h upwar.s t f400,10pêfmo awere con<regateti on Ibis occasion. ~'ie Itiea mail bau arriveti vits accolefrein lrtdia tu tise 2.1 Nf, front China je tint 12.b of Macel, Tise alLiure of iScindie were tranquil,' tisough soe troubles bati takeqý place ai Sirsiu, andi a sersaua ng agemeit ad besau fougiidai CHINA. Tise deatis qI Conlser £epoa' *W the oitly itosalit Canton--bot fresil attachu eee fx. pecîed on lthe faawoisa.u Major Malcole's arriva], Sic IL. Pottieger wuasta go tu Cauton w&lb tise rattifcative orftabs îsty. TIIE 1D1iTtS.IPARLIAMENT. 'The day &fier tbs satiing aithLsait steamsr, LoUrd Saniley lnîrodutsd Certai. cegolutiOd ns cl tise Iloite of Commtunse, baasd on tise lanç.alkei of mnesnre fur tise introduction of Caçaduma dont andi vieat ai a lixed duti ef la. jWerquarter. An ap pie oftiuacoctdIbtisa iteasre ha.spived lu the msister; bunretis of Lie Llliassrsworm la oje aSeir aaiet i, and them edit of thse day us=htScRbrt Peel sn.paicahy de- clareitsaiunie»,titeIIeaùy gentlemoen-~ swaliuwe ti iboita, es, 15ued reigu. The Cabinet itaketitheur existence apoe it, and Ibo 4tgicultoral Party bl Do altersative big tautip thse Mcdicine vaits wcvfae..or eaucuilce bir fausurîte minifter Thev prelerredti i.. onr, as a choire uil eviiand tth.uw&ng tIseir ConaieL bestr. So..-,îo sve appeacauce, -polre «qîs l te memaus uc~ t recorI-se1 tissr -0*eotvae 1. lutte a 'ër, Wh" osr. tokey P t hesisît ,anti priiesised i 1 Jr ~Liae utueretmi lb. lîtu.cit of tise qesrtiýn ountil exproe»ded by.LW $u;tiiily, and ttien tisey san' notiing iun ijiias eite appreisenssnn. Buit not miecely on the gàin- itii, utai-bbeoaa itis d.sruptam a~pJ~ tise oti r aide ni the flouse aras equaliy beau tlZ. ciati. ver" et4 sct of 0tlie oppilon oý1fu-i ed and supprit lfi» tise nusi èqeije»q fictives. N'e ques;isa ite I een brougît Il. -'4 itarliaiii.ut for jears.whuch basuancompieî4y otuiotanued, brolien, it fact,.nuprontsupara Imaiiwuariutgam %bis Canadien Cara illii. Somg argued ta tua usa re.grad]e Mellureje iRe- Iguise, b4ewesu gi&lun iItise United euIse-. f nAt tise country wmuIdbc tit'gged vitis tie pro-s dur or thse %Westn States. Km gled.igo Ca- nada--tisaI tise tiuttof 3qto baltviu1 u caniadien frotitior wax aitl ttttsnhune. as mmpati pais'eas Macbeth'e atr-daigrer-tlast tis.e xtenat .1 t tie friuu titr atls.uc ed,tlie g 'r eatest et i ti, fse c'ieatiiug the Custont h ,use ociceto, sud ibat on, tac ast prîtet ti in" irent, ttko.corn lau. migbt as unI le alrolsheti atogutlucr., Uthers contendedt tisite Aumicans waulJ regirulte îîeteure as a îleciaratiiin that aur re-. stictive coieiuuîi-rciay ?ultcy voulti stili h. pro- of ut l ailialrç.colk.1noebcconfipdto Ca-. Z Id- t tl if Li i U n. ipq eqtuestéd îIeon»me bu ian, iîîtuat bc coîttededtu tem o; andtisat it. n .s itny opeîîîuîg by us& lack duor" a. ro"~ Wh ihdtheia cinitr3' lid nvt theocourage ta apsa un irnt But these trongeei reasien of ailms assiod by Sir Robiert lPeel hisicelf, nantely tbat i. va aL îîîeaar potbielt hie C;tîiaJiusts iad ti titIr herta;uni xas tanda ws Iltheke"t pafi of cor colonial ;ïmtîttrt-,t n'as deetued i s. rru'sary to çnciliate theem. Ftg Ibis "muii'rioa ise nah uîaply tAken te task by Lurd John Rite- oei, Whoo saiti that 4;rrcdît.g tu the aboi1 a!f tîne Letîtiof theis# ierninettt, it 'ag oniy insces,. sary.fir a calony to ruume up it rebellion it order to get wisntvec l it eiL Mancheliter, wmiesicisne sdolomedtieta.5t4. cceîue of constant outbreak astiý diecontent, bas been agaili eqcualized isy a tiuturlence. On. lu.. 21th oif Mal. a part, of tirutn ltilders quasosi. led, andtwocf thetostrippet o flgit.' A poice-. ntait ltîlerfercd, anti nas tiriven off by the une, Who appearedtelucoalotice vuth b«solil.qg tiîeic intention tu crrate.a. tint. The polices, ro-. iniorreti, rame up t0 tbs place, uand wem, aaama,. tiy tise joint efforts of these eltiiery »Wnthesoubli eiuetn back. Fur the third tiit),1tie Moieus. tecedt isir force, antidpnL:- Capte59Os. cd it capterîng soins o u .1.édr.ta riatIlt tie courseof tisesamoexpongi *Wbî attempiteti an attack upoq tsepolice r.,a4 in ths e ce se nmeserions tuacisief vwu infiuchei on the bellilgerents. A fire brustieMit dti 24th nit. ai 1àoes iAurie, wiîich ulatroyeti 2W0 boneqthCa clic churccb anithe tolsyo WL ,Twota m persons Wte by tliclaÎitf à;prtvea el. ter., The Augaburg Gazeepeibisisetise 6hwiut very improbablie *tory frein a latter dqisd Cal., 2lut uIt. .uating tint twe slips la..vitI siola bld been captureti by Brlitish .osrs 'the. R£IùSets, uttise latitudeo etBaal.. LII tiue captainsof tise slips hlbebu bangejt Ilh mnain toast. Thse tvaslave sIips.w#M*serted (tise boadisi of tise tva Captaine stifl à-udn from thes man oast) by tise Britlis creu,i tise slaves estet aibterty. This *I.n, je~ .s. tu bave utimiatudthetbsslave usmrchats, , Theise .u bf itis the saines ftiiot iuuitafeu lu' ise lt its pretiecasser., sud ta be vssiy esssttle4 as n. garda tise nîqeaUce# h n'll pursnq. It usevidoot enougis tisaiSpain. bas veri J" gotegain ys eco e btwoiiau, 'tie sets eier.. A mtan, itagssd kdwatid liyl, qçoIuki ie, Gourai Posi odilce, bbatue«nm &'w wSl- %-,, ai. anaà charge of appropriating tla iMUn& fIbm content@ Of tisrss .uopsg qt1ers. eons ea(wiç n'a tilcectedtu ta Ar. Tioum aCor bat, Bromyard Dos' n, Ilerefordabirm. The iHaguem Journal annouaces lI a. apei of suiainacimesutiquake vas fst qrls tise sesa&tBiezyL Retidenlvy is viii vatsr. visic is l bout 30 est»despsbrmi-u tated, asdtwiaonte W t trovu .ni4,=à4 u parts ta tisa haigisiof six fin abovot " a etbe,t vils a noisé. ibat litid sai!nair fi 01111111. Theske hon Ibunsèide.fi -aui et1. uql . usas, but t6s wa _çottegS~ pg ist betsrîld. Duriplbetw 0 ys .' *e4ueli pisonoaàn'noni pwars Of 10Ilsl s ý wese ernî i n theise k. Anoler eonspiracy vase ai te bave kene d!w coveroti lt lb.Tur sarmny. viici luvuqr. of bis brother seuse oe ,.p,. Tise dilcultiéslbetuea eu tka&» pot* ar e aemîng a more belligeret a uiesd *4 audiatlo ttise Kurepeaw Obi . veenot teg lseul. ousistlked of. WeRu-" mIappmar1i w» #Made ae sfeouthJ promret inthtiusubjugation of C>01110L Chtarles Mas&ay, tle mortierof> bis viat vie execeted aet.Glfflov onu rpd.3u vue. Ife lilt a latter siaire, letging lue gui. T!JRKEY AND EGMP.'. Privatq hutera fras, C '6tlui,aete*;.fs ý ni.. aaté, tisa? %îbley .1 friae,' lit. pm"«#,ff Syrien freabooipr, wbe laed Iýte1y iansdedaer san scort le Ils ottomnan e-,ta -à" da .N- @out" kanak ou tise fl DU 01s as Ihlu1 s. pesaI. Thse lasha metDadd fjd Moisfe Trebixond, te ansien tise quares.O h reapmetà dagtiseoutrages cumutîtted by l.T at Korbella. ilisisup Taulemon va te hv Constantlaople ce theS Oi tbat a file bruitsou eaI Msgae.is b 20l a hicb eonsenîed2.%M0 hop of"--,d'~~g Mosuithe g11 ilguetsaWrs »Viso, Wuthesjue nevertiselssa. gmaîlnaet asvaral l d (iii BpAIN. Tva M inWaries bave fiies in p"iie Uns li MeSeting oftthe Çoten--tha iu eillent «e Lopent. Thé lutter vas ie a istjmee, and praoeing tueab I ~e ffl1155 or bis eiuhetrsaient' lîie thueale d'mm, est of une or tvïo ot bis ssis iom 3" W2au Fiediutg th*'lipoWeilaty o1 aglegotbet,' indoing e as mrn lIe c1«49 aiue ta~.u ii ile Nosiera provines.. Tise Madrud jiuals« Un. 3 vialneliaM a! peele h ba pp.,z.4 ,a s t iea as th, vie1.b.d~ bll s iet. Chu i.,_ » et tl»uei'le kai et on um1« 1of 7ý