%îin tion ~c!4ê CÀNAI)IAN JUNAPOLITICAL, AGICL'rUR -IL R.C MlcIA1 txxiv. *LIN a. WiV. 41m;pâ(' ty, C.e 8newîy lu eve, ubleil wit catb, P'i, UNIS!! ungrivalc a ouvereli.gn letuai 1, .Mre ror.tary able t. t he criche Wo atoruad for t 1. 1l.ireme tiry st., 1 Ul0. it , t, o.d many i iilli 1' u.; 1 -Uv S h~ii,~tUr ., nId and wau hearty, ala ll s.Wal i, g el q,(uito coatcrte-.. .id frea froc J irriie, Mricf thrIepi .h~ aI ii Ju4y. bilau ~s" srak'd thce a, andl lhe aigh ti sal rte p te labour, rufresiad ferthel ~of eticlark as it rSe athe gaie Mli t hepluugh, aud bis wf at fi. 11kaetage le front of a groure, , yrutb tbey gave up thirr ot1,u 0 loe, iselureof age, and t tbeu dubly aTd up thec fiat wit a n rlule or a tear. bw,d t tsthuugit, and tige row coula ,,j yrIat he warlil iw h of the t. or roi rt1C top Cuiti ntre arirno hare. -,1 ad rturi*d front tih plvugh t10bis a dom an lier relit lbe rcpoad froin ail eue, rke adhs youngslers eouretcd were ther. Mo'J b the Aoor witen the ev'ratng was jichilal tht. auolîeape worc faiiig away, (om the cottago, with. gratelul aut- UK, 01 thn1IrI oiring 11. Elle OCnO %fine. U»,4t of tPe preud, ichuooulillorok kui wth lsorn, vitt ittcCottage, the gruî'e andthec wotigt tb.6 riches allad filliei ofl ite, à., t., artentmcîut, lkc u it>andJhi., TllE~ BUtTER TRA DE. lu Tilt UERCIANTS AYNL) PAL»UERltU l ANÂtOA. aili Le ai.ttad lisat in tigse bard limas,. it y oheeary lu tira atatention0 e% ery alui caÉ lhe produceilW iîla adoVailtage in tq otai rily asea meagas of jaytruig debtg, peohaanr auch goua as the population ; ad t i really parrful te lieuthes pro- rEsOureora tla aawnadi, hy lthe cars- Maler of curiezr, fille itg. Rala se<idiaa tn siich iadi scharacterided several of our xoductet.>1 l his in peculiarly lt&e case luwet te butte?, whicli. 'i lge il je Lin, erlly p'rrduccd article w. commerce in ry, and! inot capable of ndellaite ex- , teen prhapa Ici.. atterroed te titan lie. Tir was; partly arwng tu the exor- daty of 2tt. per cwL. wlicIalte motter hquierly eoacted upron colonial as Weil b utr, but which la nuwgaudiied te rP,- c L, Ir ratiner more than id.par Il. 4-1] buter.v. ilsIt ltill remains a asiho %Iaîket ùlain deiiîîe exte,îî hfure un, vit W îi rtiprt up ail article te suit te Our cuâtoirrerâ, andi nhi, if o put upl, ei PaY wc l lir. At pcent tb. boit Irish Il butr rcoanandh ION. pertcuit. in the nicrL, ru ilet Canada butter in gorte- OSioerail it Worth more titan 5. ; yt la gbible rail that wa cao, if Vit chonse, bter of aigla a character au auya arr trd of tige prie. in the. Non- irbet &îrog 4d. tot5d., a apressait, il t Wl aeck pains to proajuca an article a B.onlritain, duubtleaa bring froint9d. Ilr raabl, 100000 ailch cows in Ca- oarr f whiggr tinayloerequirent ta sup. te rd thonielvegg witlg nlk, butter, 1, laving thre pruduce of 200000 ta I, r Prodaice would bc very large; u't i. lteY uluîlgive alagrtageof't ýj'tn. 11 uer e year. Thais, th igtrin. hi.ae q'îLlt.> 2ttO 1)110 Legsut hîlltr. r. Aî,.iI. Vî'd aititilrevenue o,..hi d ;gI îI ,f dior-il rL.r~ ,rii. t ia nt . P'*cI.a rOrsti, t tg>ntrldir- du. ~grlii Jry priin thge itr. lii:i tre egtilt :g at er firogoé t hey1 aht-ul Le aI leu'.t cîulraly pro. tiIoIJýýk * l 11, la. It,,tu hi i1.IdIr o11 1 rra I.J£rrtuîîtig 0 lrp1rtgfo theuu ogtr .; expurt a nîuiliy, C.nstatît, ojî.y .tuI IIi n c for ie. îî brIr;as6tîril al ~ligrebiiter ru îirIcýd soiý, c tC 1 hle tur il Aebc ot vo 'r';I r a r~1 a or price, or .ated allad la "MlItUe -or rin;r. 0 r,,; l,1J at ctl e prioo ia af lo ioia niggder thIo laet. A ,oirtu le hept, snd thie rait. »tldrvceJîO .- 0-1. theogt iacProcasa , attr léIlad &, the udc oüf p.oehnga '6't" thr~Ie b rt breeda of cattle tir tihe * OULog a'. rtypubiuLIw, cape, i- r . u r, Eaoy el ir led tTIr 'ierylie Igdri a vepa.rateLfrir a and.a,.reà tht , g t'itabuleac wtlui a raoatceS "i taeiinte I .00 gir eabcnalo t'.iil %';O hi it 1,*tarroin.u rnd hanW , à il au.i r allatui bottr au tl asOiua KING%-TON, C,%NADA,- TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1*413. L OLD FIRIEIL AND OIS VIFL ai.. la * r0 ,:,,MU refui'> U.11r fr.î gh herbe teet.and ouaaront vcesu10mnt ànp iu't a *.ti C IId.' orr Lu Ittter. tituboe of lis callaag-tpplraag inathe, alab,e.. !- Tý r.ýI bbY,ý!4 itkrv. ina pace inAndhiedutebbwere perfuritirýd, tbj primcipol j iroailand lr.tli"r,'rglvC«arrîre iîr.re,' lii, orai r t s vîsteal, tige erawratram n et or exa$oued, hie zine P oirtr, ai tfi erolo ori, g rfure the andthte aogs itdor exerciser>, Gurriin'. tlime till' o erra. iler rrlgte dur,, ,er 'deja toëaseein 0rearaug tantie animale, andit allaât' iii ejîutl' I(.the 4crrlotýrilir fr,îrr i, gaid turc mix- lr pcnýn i ar r s hc iit6thn aaotrcir ilr.til'o leoore (d tb nt conrg n d soid ef, «,r wiilaere broogiat lu hmuit]vibî.rionu crgsdrawbkii.. uttlir. niqi ries ritul, utf 'arere. le was very kltul irn Iis oeai foi. whtt'i m-idgi. iC.aila tIoec rr.ncid. The ;r, ttri adileal runiderably lu hie rige, hy oreia otituldthon ha hept at a moderato temper.. waîrirag et il for fie aaighboring gentry. (.- odataire, anda hould net «enced 51ta 56 gegrecs rt dot c uaiadtuo,.sud laJ a sai ajlibrar>. cgl Farehet sathrnng bogani. Tisin anoir blutke praiasaially traaitig cun hre flyrirte éauto fi r mmer wonld ho quatte cool, sea liet farmaers Jiect, irha liM1rsor>.. laliagtiese re.ur. geaoraill.mt nljuil in lihe nmmner seasarra eep ce witinîî limae?,*Ilu navet foulil hie. tii:.a rrîrg tige milk and creain as cool as llaey cau, andi fer hQ;àuY on lis line an id uacoor oit itclineij te le, titrs purpose te> shoald, if possible, bave a miik viilrthli vi1lage aiefsuue, or cocoth stl, irt.a ie boue in teir collar, lagged ail rouagalwitb tail. eirrept oa "iglaays anri lîoly eI-ya,4'as Otonos, andl hepl eaiît Witlawater, thte canpora. At Christîgra e, Ensier, rend %Vbtsuntidrr, wilieuc lion of lwhich cole thge lemperalere A-ondt.rfully. ail tige eina1 Lyes oaate tige ntoireaxpectod tu The doter of tliisceflirshatald l e a oie eof dine and iperar>the day utthe lvn unt. Abe -blissa .heir" d aiiear n e repe, aud aîloing Agthe inbabitanîs outhtic utle parisainjr geirl iWtilaior in anyway ttaanter, shell on an>. se.. te M.aAntttuod wrte aiiiosoei al cf Ilacalab';rers Sunt bo perneitteil within it, oberwase the but-. ulteettGurilcn hadl ut little or nu trgou- yter' wiIl ho materiaily injurod. Ilavili bo fugnadi, i raeeagthe garou, as fat Pý ttoy tre bighly beoedcial lu put a littho colr> waler lto cgncecruel. ladeed thtey wcre exrpeced 10 a.- the.paarsictithlie rikin in ommer, andl bot a- ra- i bruà t'iho ahoulil atany rmliae] odi asr- tert an wiattO. Sie chtrn te witoio milk aftar siretoace. 'ligoeee tu h ie pieansss, part. L ad ouritag, andtiiii thue way ta prol1uce thre treat.riga aîud iharoes camne tran a drstanice, andrri ooie- Il dest quanlit>. uf butter, but it in ltceinnat labari. tintai ira aory fitainidaulle hodiar.-tia tîý,e e- g one. cansiUcw.uld surointerobis tîastea-'e tenante le flatter sirorajl hto carefully gathoreal frein the and her laborets, atnd arniirrrg tlîeu wido esticksv chinrn wi>g tbe Itanil, andl te tait aqueecil ot; itl-furlie rover aelired iltent bcarry ire, a it ohrould tuer, bo adil washed in cold hard etn arm-% irulil prescrit uct a eurnourr id aw- i waster, wrrlu.ut oinaiaing long irn il, aand ho wark- orful phalaox tri the on airr, that titey geu.g cl outil tirorrnighiy freed fronthlie prrtrice of eraîl>. rottrcil ithout l a triuloe O anlk and ai er; i ahoutit! thon ho satted làasfui- "thougla tiiue mercifta b1 Iis enamica, Gurdon t lrws:-Mr i nupond of fine Liverpocolsait, pier- waus ot prpular wtht hone who ougbt tu bava tl fûàtly cdean, anJ fourcince; of fuel>. powdeted ibeau hie triuta-hid taliow-labôruit; on " esO- o a iortugar, andl wotk in an ainace. ofîtIn inîxture tata. lie halal tinosol!alouf tront tlàenu, aid nov, tk li, a pouilt buter. util tor.uagily iitcrrporat. ofrean.ed Ibin bte cricket girouaial or an tige ai a e. Boîter madl.ila hum way will prove delic;ue. skil4 aile>, and tl 'aom exclangod a lord w ih in, There snaiothr excellent plan pracliaca n Ire. tomexcopt upoantihe dull, in abîcit buwas 0, langd, aiticiemiglt ho trior> witb advantage i int' , engaetathie lie. cotuntry., if grounal rock at conat!ho Sotiaîebn a bahoere taiail te tige eie rsonItor countr>'.or 000 - noncefine rock sat, andl ote-ifttito! peuple are barn aiLbtieitaorgaa itf ec or a can oune of salîpbetre, leoîwenty..ightlcorncert of strungi>. developeot. If lie! du nOt oral Zttre flo butter. Conmn aAmiart aiatbas silbtaetcs posch theituelves, te>.aalw a jiaipatbise oith , i itritirla injure butter. If tard sprirg wter lieuse thaI do, ana lobahopen a copiertdcaa ift rnne procutable, butter shouir> b. madeio ~tO fuch uofaiteep do on aoe r ...s-u a ane. ail waeing, as ofit rater dissipatas snm le fin. cesanry but odiom guarairan.8111 et propemties. l'erfect cisaillions in ltre Jiato.Tige inhurets on lie Mount Whittig cate et e. chutia, bande, anda evîry tbing Ibat Cornes luo wore nul exeinptod ftram titis febing, andal a- conact witb butter, ine euenlially requteite. lbogbtiroi would bave oupported the kaoper, Ir 3. Butter packed in atone jars Ur Crocha Wittlsoiail aatl Lie if ho al heurt attackeal, yct :h kevep baul, anal that for fauily use, or fu. tsale dn Uaey wriuld not bave inturaucal im aitere a si.n- e the neighbobritod, atigitt ho so packsr]. TIraI gLeenare ais set, or une field-gatu nattent. Tho> lui wichin ta ho sent ta a distanceohulal ho pack- îîaau.gîuîohli uc c ar rtono n i ed in casrs made au fallown : white oakret saig Ie bt ilaIo1rolu ca nthi h aro or ls adan t etaves, eblaidl hoioed r> ie or four boure, anal a duty lu aiseiargo, anal ho dual il wilbout show. hbc iwhe lin loroughly arisal made into airtigt kg. ingfavor rafrio. flefun na thu toncoatain froan dilta IOUlls. Ti haoegitouuai feftow laborafetioI fi ho foaung ornal ie col un additaon ta a fuît compliment of wooJen 1Juoes ho touk rrway hie poching iaplementa, and hi, baro an iron hoop u aoci ana. If bOited $claves warzoed itebl*baht iho cauglit binia a second lianqh cananat hoprocurealthie cask Abouti] lie illeriengrogedil itesaie wsy, fieaboultitelle bin wth boiing ranter blter being useil; andîl al up bolote lire mater, or sonneiter magistrate cashs, bterebeiaig filleal rite butter. shoruId bc un l.nIltabonid. Itin s aily ta ho cuaceiv- lboroaigbly soaked in culai bard trater, or abat ni, ed= tiie losnul apopular man. Man>roldai pechaps, boter, in lear strong picirie. 'rhe have qearrelleul ritia ti i n taeho"e efgettîing ot lare aboulai tbon ho lakera rien wet, and te himr ta igt, but ha noyer gavaeIthera opporluni. t butter pacheai in onasuboitiandl bard kai irii; ly, fur lbe noyer reqaonrgui tbaaeeurtauni%àtte 1the bOritiéin a cwatet ifoola of e tte sors o4t> a usmq r*Uy wtacpleç.-.tieput- G Logram !4uamy, as differencos in oitheirérepect bouseaf c gassppong corner of lhe villaga. inateriall>. injure lbe sate. I a ilala O. Wletber Guiden tounj i cetU&gp,hualde r a gle aperation, te butter sitoutl bu covered i ath il wlas in t a asile, and rata distance firoan ltête a dont stroaag brins, ta ho portrait off aiten an habtationsbis lUbfelorto,liai and lonely.. or adition usnamade. There aboulai ho a gaIt epace ahether hoaiennor> ita duty tetaseek a b.lpa.a a lh loft htween te butter atnd tie iaad off taits, aienîtfor bia, 1 canoot proenal t0 say.. l i tr whicigateitalho tuidwitig straag clear bhuilatcertain tbat ho visitar itoedaugbter cf àa utile SiE brine, introduccai Ibrougit a hale an tht' hoad, farmer at th. batiai i he bll, bhtorein the ( stoppoal wiîi a peg, whicit ia>. ho lahein out or-. cottage analtir. huât of lte river. and &fier a diri aasicinal>. for a font dayî, andl if atlysbrinking le* rucha aaan bet acknowledged seotlaoart. cd1 appoar, mre brina ho adalea. Country marchcent» whoousually receive buiter fron farinera, i quart. Gurden had arival, a taîl, paworfuî fllor, it ttilles f a few paunas ata lime, igit have a rel unra a a ali public bouse, kept by bis AV putiebeon, standing je a cool place.tfull <'t brute, f.ther, juI on lige brdera ofthlb. narsiesand to ai,,if possible, rîlli a lump of ice in il, and close tlotie evrn'a banh. Hoearonat ie live. hila Iror taerails o! butter lnte ., umoli lhey hvelirboor> b>.fiatng aud shootingnid tari in teCu sufficiant ta pac.. nOter, and alîheagit te Rebargeï ilte obns Witen pachoalth lie ehoulal ho kept ini a wi.ualled, dar>nul boul of. lccosre ta sel! tsst coo celar unil iteotoît ! Sptiber beorespirals, thonrasugoaerally a goor> supply of toi. sîrt solcoler ntl thelmetio pte wicb hI lanide anal brandy la ho hadl wbinover Giles Od 1 being sn amarktOthe utta wi uter ~nlvrtrelfenrtlh nir rp in exposier> wtcn rardeal la summet beini.eex. Hndertretai a hcled1atipP' cesaing>. njaaaos.teluthe deesp nsifihr>." $ho Bueinly jrionas.l na owrddaeurig Long beotraWilliam Gordon balr a'fie fait lBulter aedirocîloan itI ae acolleetetiont," an'a poping te questin" la caller> itis lent frontv arions ececllent alhorties, ratalai 1 doubâ p fttiopbeclat, aout ais> ar yi lot, pleie tit.Britiehtlaite, andivilain ils char- mnsu bratna t1a uri>.ber cousin titi acter wuie stmbliisal, ho wruietas et a baîf Giles ; anal in Ibis retiteution as it rassupporwea$ho, miore titan te averageofo!butter an e crby ber fatisrrita loir> upon Wb betr jMW ai t terhie neptew as bad mon, and al lVernua laac a 1 ami gentlemaengyour obedient ssrv't, urbanalropoaci ferlis ge roolie Itenga the JOHN DOUGALL, jwhaee psaIfr i auberibit i tit ProuceMdcemissm emhnL Oh! lianalla>.andl hie soa Gilea ter> the 5Pri Muonireal. JnI>r 1, 18143. lz r.z ncl> bécataso b. ras a Ieeper, but 1 Ncsr..qeapera ,rhicla circuaie ablemcugst occeuse b. noyerinsd la lie gaines & gramh. bloc risi ar reperluuyreqsim o r D.he a îaainccattiod Mth iera. andhad u.pun more titan in o leve. .D. uneQOCasion wrnedr ib of iet b.daxagerwe>. laieb stare incuring b>. barbarie- ar haut ctgaeas ocf ita, alU binaIs, and ncanraging sinnggling ad poacit. daisa bariitI! ng-Ttu erfeeing ras fnt dianase reniain ce lte>.board t t oai tteiceptedtuilierai If TiIL A~E..KEEPE U WAT. May Handey.-Gildsireall>. loved r> u, if te anal TUE AWI-KMUJMI 1FIrE. çm b.hosai lalve an>. womin, and Lie fater quit A TauE x oaY. *aà aixlutath h"ditarryber, for I a i Ast n-e quitte.I the precinects ùut he alise bouse resSotte; the paneipil nuei wait.ana>. bis C nve tiurithueaniportr serter>e thliste ale u 1otheiar, hem*as a steadt, toait,@m mter asa , t greut t.o.-Juirathaila u zhoair ban indi>. b>. t eand milipoie oponi> of bis ieappiroval of lie .lgeWitt banud tul oaîitire a sor bus alaae.gt t4aiii!rmin tIi nit te Rorbauge; te alter raz thatMary., riv tins. Auirs. Stetuaosl put ceatain quntruns 10the ti ami chrlilet ber tattir, *oiad bavs a faim. 6 hinga tt-rviciuag lige qualitiai ua certaian brtb aand dreil jiounila or mure fur a don>.y, whiabiho I jtoliiert 'vlirchlias beeau, ent nt up tibo rerntilicugfawl aod prove sery bservitoablin laricruit. a lt ite buat, antr l clicar> o!fsai dry cordiali iuu,tlird aaîagcd forceâof utbis fanilv.. Mari urauLlinareloc'.inr pIan and prirnioing rost, B>.bis fiblbr'tîailvoce; Gîtes niialig lttinoppe<r. Nt winchal bau nurogmed t iroan te oaaraaobLutan' lrttlv 10 tasec icousin, andlgmai nemormi- o! nt~ ternaus iquarter. Asilthe cdi ii raiera oi is oabat frt tu anarruitîa; imu.te-ad at ifteheieper. le slitu tu iefy a tW>,I lauglt i ledl neyer *seon su haul beeti forbonuldn eculet tige bouseofethie un. bead rfine a bondi, or su rr:jestic a face ini my dCI, andoi tritsir inclination te 1)> eu, Illteshn T it iie--ccrtarnly nort cl o tr'ioa afigure l'o tIraI Nart)imi ' iat bhouuund Ai certai buors ha cd i cotopleuely eat vaciaingeiautLoma.-Ile rai lit- te Poulîr>.yard, tir thge otchâ.i-yd nu! i, ,ciee ntg crallyti entîdouble, aned s4eaappearcialta bhe lisonclerel gee doutawnt thitagrodauf", tc ' 11 tvatarîl ara>. aad tutali.%I uteljuoil t.i supiport theao ciLd con'erae nitia ber uncouMttlo lic tel- e4co veogbt cut lis u01.1e lrîscn. Ilir elluulrlers rs-rvoaie and iraritabe et tb. notion of bimc reun.danJ riare Iraolai'.arnis lowagandu ios chi ert- ai.fusei, as ha ftj ellhasiould bco; ae aie o ru t -;ja bire. lIchaail osa, sitruailu ni brnveiluod, and lcourage andi aulbige ritabiity. La taie& ieer- imua b. sonbrit enitubse i e L0rtiriaiti uixuLahel.wer il glassea ofut a.rg spirale belue oteteWl I Loft k ext remities-Thle ttrnî o! bas rooco wos deep lIae tarin, which ras aboult ro trr.efibrta thnlle dico and relieronus, aintI liicye, fur aiu ull mari,clear publc huase, anal oî,dnay hela it a ndaitihe Il and irilliaguL cottage.ont t Atier Iics. Siertapoetlbail aicertainca'&IlLits liv Loeping bhliagltigebidegýerowo-ll WenaitclMar] renta, anal ui-iieil teualoa.ty tm, nua tokthe-wattgut oboreataa d unausenti;and crepi araad Thé our le.uvo, anl returnel lu îth.ebildreu, wabut-) a -spln%se . without hetog tdea ius.unelftheîL acre tempiog ou theterhecae. bVlàile aduir ho cue eall e ai twuspaeeig %botthe priso- iser muotier rase igagoinutlatheu, ru>.frrcrud lini 1I <05.lt 1la allout ralcieaongilrtasre is MW Tbii waîhed L arrceard. I laroulatige aootuaaty 01 hide ol aint tioPaty, ta rile c i l iaahei- lire (-ur beun, orl.toc lt,etlier tvu luestiog truaite tu traction oftttlae erw -grionudo. ut [ho caurue o!thue puctl'iu .luiato.Ioo epo ttlIy a!ter lae Lad ionit enout of aiglaf, bhoatral. liai t. tie 1.l ing itigi li.tory :-taleMary cr-is tie gestden amil gaiojte lho or- lil Ila tie oî'euil inaruua1"uve the rtarce cha, tu puti up the ebrtich ftitheni nd-f » alec wbolice, La I1lie 'aaId, % iiegi in on lt,? luhora aare aie uaaally aid abiut t"at hui. ]y ru, Severu naa'Oiwbagiks w.ougaiaaeil, andl iaut ver>. Tui illiraber ras baltlite ngrk of a cnenit. gelii tar fruotlie cunriota oen ivtog h te ami sbouse bMary sinoteai wb.n hoaeti r nestanding balteaproU rast Lullf. st,1 e attocrt wbicdubisautenfur ber. 'Thbe celor nital te ber fac>;; lmail, avilar te Main.rly ipArincacapied 1, lie gaaauo.kacpcr of tee gitalral art ess. ste deaaauda abt bsiaes e"i àluriat 'Vliielliuutg evtâted. brun iattblauiatr. and bair bu dsire4 l aitait lMons Arout hurt>. >oacs Lîre aoperioal o! tbtisLir b bshaprienilOle ia~- 0 OF~ nmm 01m i' MM. 10 1 L A- l I a objunci. - 1 nil i os'ay-Pa fuiope wn lye lu as>. un tatt hata' uuje Gale. tait l.,:y .. . îgîae lv ltir hlool rudelar lht-irpi ,tiirai., L a aid lt titiulaviteaetly, aai1lwira A isfttige>. barit froargtOe r e.1nrLet.- ile d .Jl st @Pt but after gaz, aun tci tr 0r atee ,a:uu1e. adranreil, am it lt abit4h r haut. *1 z4aa.k hak -el.aij loak, tint'a o .tori a10L houa Iono,w tigit tatu - n aagrn ' ;vcu,. trrisa..-'- liajailatejracuiclàw t')affrllegcr," a' y'e& 1do knien t," ..%id Gîte',. pidiirt Icetth, said sbu-krrog Il 8fr-u t ._ utdrst.oi aCcic~trothie~' Idu ho iut. ViaU preferret Wall cio-tejrnIoveclie s py-tn ye u , il uiiun 'CrsLaî, su- i Wiibutri8 Ia py, aorisau9l0eproual avrbearitg; yoa eilly s.y s, blicusuaiho o, heepocuipan.yn itt suchla ayou. %alas ivi h~udganabing àadaoy, sud âsauirgti wu a-o atre isa tintag, lm bul 1 a r bare bufrre-". I lluiLb! tlaiigt f!nar e rhirut !,,staid M alsweir" Crnlanuert Gtau' " b>. al l Ca gour nd îadli. fia t woilborate otnirdrtnk- bi ir, eanal lothislohepet satui a hece camte. Ai Laidthaerords, CGies aivaracei etialisloueconis, andl iaaspireosaralaer îtte'rits a-ria l tgiot pm.teaa6ion ut her hbad. Mary. rut sbitrouhfrong iaer lutn r prixiud betrin', nI w tl idîsiagitt>. repenaîciile s icnrUdE hali u-ed bhore, andJ enuaed b> . usarîug bI bhat nu argum*nts La coulai use rouiduintaiar tehveuteat101fuor'Williaan Gurdiin. *'D>. aave»! ttaen,saad Gni-, eaider thriug bis bran onnai bei wn4Isl he C. rail>. apy «hoilJbave n hautIfur igibride, a labelsbc inifim her bc May. riaithte Casuà en"gi aifilrqmll>." Mlary gavezane frigilful scrutin as ht o 5 arfa! cuusin boundegi througl tige gag litt itrurd witb ber lut tae arma, as ltugli sherb lise au niant, toas! ai tanberturartlsCt 'oea. tbaîtkuvethoide oa! lbill. Ihon, iuc t attha dreadful fate sbe ras crirtai uagtlear u unleesa seau one caine lu4 ustgace, for a fer seconds sitelft quite pcv Jo51 tii Ohe neacieni lb. shirt cf tIre cuvas aur collecIlsil toc mrengib, andl uliore a cry orrl, tintal ieâ aae>iin biscaret 10 set, tleeirè hurt.Mary hbail fainleel; aird as id bli'ern a liant au> shoca avec be(ic, Gobas :d tite a»ai al. Faatr anal bournsuececi, uPassion; bbisnteiaicobleol mmdcc tînt, ail -L wia atout 10 full b>.btaestudi ofetbis intjure ousia, nin bot feila heavy band>upuIl honider, mai r.veiceg icithichuewr ac>C I repec'a, e sisieethaf i tae meaitun.g e! Ia Le oW. i G dies did net moirer. Thte Ire srang mue zred ateadl>. at each allier for a titi, butl Ogtb lthe oYe. a o au hfelt bh alddon oug quaileut andl saiaohbinemththe gants of th "Scouadrol, yen u@bill qniffer for th"u,~i MB' 5qatusried loi&" a"itefaing 0 Tipea -br "e-y- " siali net tueelA Ir., riehe Goe. Ila8i unot youtu yit-mbc e e r baIl bu yourm,"1 "Stand off, Gules. stand oIE I don'l aisat, am len, bul if yau la>. handa on me, 1 wi uhie il, Il ard Wllagia, mîill ndeavoring t Gills risheal turiausly auon bie focs, a apping him hurola en nl>.as ha coaai, sais hlm by hie jacket clair, analdniteoul bjtîin. a, hurler>]ibisentbinrasa ine adistane gan alir>Gilet ruainl, andiagain vii ltahe ; naneger> d itristang bienof aitli ut ittan i. ie hiauî>rait, bonever, ras sancre eUC %@fut ; te closed nili bis anlagonuast, aao4 çel or>. recere> fro enabr siran. , ca mr tir aPaOwrful nucu-ie tivald ftanlber tend- ruggling on lthe e ani Iri lcbatns ton i * a laY 'a f te. nan part uni 'teeaL,',Us t Ste coulai nulmarteani a cou'- net sauve, but kapt gazing aI the talr rihglle bte bar halte one facinated A igtlb eepeneappeaired ta hoper!ecl>.-sti if extaumier>, sadnl et, raisin1 hlisaoh it hîI lase., tJtpUcspaiol a trike bin a ablar ltha au thsIlele dispute beînsen them forever ut>. gQvs a strill acreant.Gilos larner>Ct Lu lapon beor befote the blor tel!1. Titis wls tlu hlm; fertliteepir, who bar>iadapte * rue uat!pretending te b.cetrcaiatsd ta froc nusa o itej a!versmIs gmspon bls .echcltaui ant te bis feeu a"nI inoche>ldorn. Te battie rour> baye been rendre>, fier tIil id et bath men ras teatel uunrnlaily- @PMt et MarY'eteians, andal peruuandi picing self betrocthemb-ba! nul ber father. witc t heur r> o ctrerurs, galcpodalle sa", and saitala ltse cous. o etitquarrel unr>titi raau of tie daugloler. Marrybriely exlaina w aat lai tappenaist d thè indignanltalher ordore> hâtmnepber la ýt the grounal, andal nvez lotiseumesoieicsa rails lii arc tuaiue& cf Mary or toi uers but cuil1 ip ta Guidon, ho tl bien, bk Icash anfol cuai, Chatbt e naid havaetbu ange upo l bisa iehoere basugur>for il. Itundien mm*lsa id iaiijaai, bis wrta 'Th parties then miparated. Gile rel.ned the Publie bohaeandl tih ksponacarueopaale r>. a hdb fater la lieboise 7X oneeirerams: liaS" day, Gileeloft f66 in hts foaiaaz vasaa-m sa"]cutter of ne 1>té ttstous boiden--and elartel fer PoWn'. ad Point, tlience up lte Avun lurardi"BrIl. l vesaI ratasrnealthe caine evoDng, radlaid. r ilciperati set of rufimans, aerreara it taire. e u'qs n lb. beach uioar the Rorharga. 'lc niglil aa âne anal elear. tugaaah rut u't ltaaacialn- niaunor ou4 bis collage, Jiawotiictllotr any siuspicaons suondu in Liue MOt5u. I a-ageial-net iv"i a brinca vegl. Ilote elsil lia cassaient, anal bavaug ied at lis rataiexifeaguuaithe b u u. Il Itivit ellW"aï naI 1 he up su laea,,but do âbarr i salpiiag anti ty nrais a.ttleribumi - lw W Cela hý Id oepaeftse tigresaile tiie hb brIneot lbeari lCit" lheie bt *bua e all iiPro.. i baomea. bus rite wnlldiatlq muaIt. aknuaaofutMs>»idlayiaag lude for ROe ta- l ept beuira i. !ofr eacaltruite; iodee" hi ac ard lte elable-crluet aitlte bMti di trelve. Je turne>eon là@ mide, nid claaealhb.seyee lau Lpi thmtbho mîght ho up isu lme lia go hie cir. 'nit 'nIsClit a hlelegt dressa>.il ar hc Sdos a SougndI leop, sebonh ra"aalt> report oeta gXunit Wik tbe ilos hantie voa-.ia cevort batrieren bis cottagE m&ad the ont. Je aait up ai diressed laineass&& a. aehh wruida; but Wbitun tirei. s,àh.buaes- eiio. ho ili al]ry1.1 ,io4 aIl qual rge.r srou ru. adiltic ev woubld il tauri te ,f L.indon lu lirsI reg tI. welling tint.ST tuer une!d teur's & rr ionabbo Printsa )ricr Ti ni ii tent o!f , tts Spa ,rcl Di witit aV aimli' Di itîso No. 14. l ave theouiglr per1v uiea'raiaiti, uiital iI ' Aidtige otan Wtc firee!tie bgo muidi. jstreui-,th soe uarI> . asieao«Iliunl a i.ar p aur. " aras, I pt.age, Gie. Hudaie>. ? ka tLe pau.la.fyasrau aarsncobrliad.i.-! ~ie i.a- i',he cu.eva5tihreulcibt. me wa ýeanaeu Ia daaeeie, liaW ulunago. -ol :'ltti t.<tC-- et ~nd al o.ageui, asb. laieserved ; anu iebr wuli lite CO'verhg'c lIthe geaio wreiG- t..tli abau o f'itlia lu> ie ratai j Mte eit" eah ' boblugalos . sa tt.1. I ., cc,'i tuI, a iled rtog rt.oived 1J Ililr .1, t )i4 leuul. 4 Le aitent abîci ta n lat otbA ' url,. f hdge pri-The ltider kro pet., niai na tintl attacked',-. serves, & 411 4110Wai ng uari fais jgul ,it.Id j.&'.iitevoiNtillu a vuer 10get Gardonept or ban li me ic qrià.kty r,',î,.ittollvcut lCtIi.'p-i as. ,t gita-vow nîy oetjer.and aJît te 14 bub and. ar" wrtehntinrrg 'liepn- ,îtI r',m t unrutqtryut thae alir hCUçrtitan I caI-" ssiprtta.le, aun carur.J el-Vro't'1, n ,'î. hie As lire ana nia"0tas tui trotinet, %i aimaeLtle - lifpng recipo utaittbealote a .Wilt lbthe hast.t.1lire.. oy for bpti1. Mle langag l rîgetttopo-t. jl>u.Oarit o abtassures at]o latîtl aI ia cr have el l'y la btsîftalu o, orbe utvlrr ai tl cure fur a canicer.' rrua Igafernea-alo hearukai Jin, and the i';y'rn 1tht Tairerel e ut4a-rel analpouDiigtirl , aruw nanaara"IIIcv, tu +te seero co-ct Laitet; hlaensrta ailtiagli a cIlotb anaddrI, t& noraon aeu! Jrag. Cul *,poae c t taiac e aotien aàjitl. Wilili Ilistr-e w it haisfeue, hMtuîin op-se.larger thanub 4irnç4r #$id pMnsa uttnaa riconta bIna aîtrurdiaoora iiionltetemiple, ttiÀ..li a oai~ply lt;, it ralîgave acioc!à pain. Wajuse iaai ug r nle* fe kew f - iL. rl-va- im bt se al ond hiin fIr eai ii't tt aIg",ulie ne lpb .atIl aaime"l hi a reehbofok"plit iesaOU, a-aste I ae- ;ed-blasin i.ledul? eCI i Moue, alta Iier>. iicUof ý wb>.e .~ ncu s94 soliassi l bun,aq go ipmiv..à, lr tair asgaa'gIrll t(Mieuep>iià âiraqsm). pond teeon acob.ictaa.i loft ft- de it'y iiI ra - rasd ;te, na dyil , tpOe. .p -Wnan poPatnt udOieturLg h ',lI>. Plastoai a!nIdat!>. aaillbeghalealIp lluo ait iiî ret~t CIr antsneoalinhe tewh lio tha nral piocher jituvat00su tucago t a ploveeig bal ý, Gujiir:o mtgitt ts nie-i inlg ltb inh Il,, pataent roin frtà iughaglae, il; Mays,,bi lite' t0 lie !Èt -i cl gnt o fe ur bisan'ar, tlie A. Lfana e uut."eiur,.gfr ai ra i nIs r t , a t t i t i . . M u r a l a i t l , i nt j 1.lIt r j u a fa i li h l u l i l 'hobe a c a o u r t a s d u r i n m heatrn ser-ei, lJ Iim n i iitiri t and: clier, U o!uaulentne b"t cm g,04 liievp - lir Plit ouI Lo uu.alr, tbet ruad.id.i.It grep qal9 liut 0' t'eu .t.aoe, ilî- 9Lithe u.iner the j-,b rsas ntabceanau' lguldecsajo and èerA , çlS- si cte ht leCe;susnaliitaatgdiugl ter u ork si ed burîrîsto. ihavo proveal titisae. ho"tre!onand useg'lt testeward's cuci ofa> ait an.roi teh frallY axpedtinir t00metacttîtporary tecofartle »A D. WI4IGAIT-, frogues iia àgIr> ts ull tof ,. cttetand nmarkLoinuatis iwt.17hI il- heipers' assitants. Nulune WUthra"'idauiu vn C l iueir. 71 iq2 ir. aý nc tsoa in te herni u Chi t soiaeltank he Tre. f aeraig ide oii ar olueà.s and lais stick, andl ralhoai ap 1tulb.elteper's ltt cra! maerg îgaast- s gi pbi~ ba, certain -'rî ad ea ien botiit fi u onte. fiai' eorqgenerqI knowieJg.-jI,'u.u lieAlbaoy A lita le apauiel, liait tih cîir Wlaid tgar Iis lil>. Autterý. cars Lu cureat( lte dulempotr, ubre lbeiiad -. 'intin i - bise lI p ud sap titelpaseal hrouglh 14 » D ai -'P ige Naie,~l 're the hlamibarn thaesr"ne o..ti. 9îTYr-ay op* iEcprevtiusur'laiet, ut tti e eiketa ul el eaerveuy pia haat igit. t be ai 'a-anul ttagaaicrs tt,-a.4curc6 lCete Wh4 iis elang Welty. !15 th~ a Iatousn laiapeaa n Of 0 aroogiaut. 4» Th'istiecaer = = th> le adat ma thilie ducg 1 am ImPiqe Gogotl à )aïd beau biokenot au l ttow amýf.anckind. year le>4Wto opfàa o at.nilt aws be ie Iilsvttm a calit 4iber, ket4" biuterast Ly4ousi, Franeo, dad in 1379& aviatmis ýw ovroid(tcmb ek adaetybheeîr4 o s'if oti *15 hehr ( the alog damia birougiiOm bosms, undl mia 4tm l 18A asIcpbWen açe~<atf-e4ri~ qiq nIt, mita» bark, anal Clien a a doaiul lork as Masy heosier[ b>. Coeparng the 9saqw aw- en Thinl. inglitI lÉe peuaitdilU a #iqil lad ét "a n he asprebnîcoliect iua ci <M uele if iota a gi, or rua againet a deg op i b ut lu"' ej1 tbporgiu1il uIti, ptuathr w.ema ebim ho ter flloned lit, anal fonad lbbowling eter ad turioan ritt 1lrnLaborslae. in irhiaog the faeso! bis houper atubu 1,ILOk Paipsera!f Ibis noblc ctbora.-lastaTurns. A a.sti acu asihacoulel flutény oft lis nenr, the IMPoaEnSTEao KO ànTo,-w@ r!d admira! senttem hoa the spot, snd arelered dIlquaittCiait>. i'mProvanlsadQ bemoiew4 PIMWdlOq lisil taa>. lb.eroouadei! auldun ltate@ Maiung i dailap Victoria, oe sof!thlb. m ailiClhp u faý' £'od fut Iliong iedho. impraivial staenieg uppsaI,>e, by rlill amia la liera, ai have smeil on.wb.a tenaebois- tM.hîe acciejlnts .hinm freuua ltuap* ha, Ufla,bhe.4 r>, Who retued te quit ba side. - Ios e veseloiettmu,.ifleanes.m Mye>b ve ent Wicn Wli"anGondes wuas.edlcienîîy reeca- Thse conrieias e aver>. simple, a" 4ea"h ai erod to guve an accoaIt fbut tid hippeamal tu asily!placcaluoa y.veimpL, h1t; sq te bse ovin>. muenrsuaedi te Aisaover itii pat lgIa r amspLX amilte oa. b-4~; ie petratot o! the. asage art, but nitacut ouuo&allacihtoWb"niacàt am 4 yiag fiis. anA4 Glos tîndatlehllamIloftthele otqrf in a br# upac l is siaoie, asa eameà qi Oreq,ip i&Ittuer Imforaiacanal figei. rwo noeue nbat. sr,iran" pafil .. mght a'sr~lg aven lete rtet fte par>.. nege e iboel w h rdiof té eprffl. ~renderai l i, ae r>.lls a ua, i, aaugll =~-ie!~ a b pa 5uu a elitevais. bave b.:..As lsgoieas blie qnUise plate inta iUié rooder.io..J .Lstaope ý W, eil, lb. ras naaciad 10 Mary Hanailey ; aaaj allde ail proia a iiun uni Iikm «'r ivr> biaig wron iaauimuuali eraepis< liati. lnnediatil>. upon te mpbmd '. . îmltuqg,h tatce aglail, b loa ie holeft Foglanil,-ieaate& op. anetane o!fte hit4eipg*, -Coq cpes ,tb on il liaI a rcguiar undetheepon ahee.,,jbho p- Ipriel pliceaiulan lb. radier bad-ie. tI4ub- Sponte, and poce>ina n ewl ail Xam g thIL.rauder w in oter diec. . T z-gency. nowvtun useo,aisas toilera .7!No 4:28W îg.upeg tg ILit sle, Chtal t a'ea hot. s.' ta thb.ete imaden, herevin grsaor u4aie,,o:ca., tCaoa b. ad b.orajir er tbis sol ra s, l a &aurried a-. ttie ieel. 2. Tiers cm i lupa msuneosif - mn edit bt ike ltaeit tumual ieoutlta mýt if ai&aue.lttaa Ibo.ela For trenyears, notbing occirreal ta initea'eo thbay.a oîbV it sîyJ4.lst Vil~ en job te pes aend piielsO Gardon an ! h b i e~h as iasily himan buiai a aor là y qt O rafe.-Tite uadicahspea, a straeç, active, an!ai audtfIn) a -bsen lyag%9 z0er - waîîing taelion, reîieving tic suparior of rnucî of Unacor inisode lhY!atf. 1It ae.,gaj~II t- bis tupleuatdot>., mcd ptrirasomale i math 0he einlcent iJ ~te~ lsl ,d af.-aid ta venture niai' b aan iitln eripttoat; i¶l.a au'ul fé a4'ijra noserves. a MqSffl ,q nieii mlana s~u One nîgla ian theiegipiotriwmr, *iente vine aoch te go u c brd ate vict 'Aàmt ut nar la>. r>ep Lpai tegratuittti 'crc~ (a~on èfPiao Idit, aur> oaangne îi iss 1, r caUi Gardon tron tusig apper. aa li uan<ptin ouutr ola qp e Chilattehoufêlai> stitug wrng I sgný wril allrd iaaievir> Iaa>.13o oui t gai..o tl*a tevifaut eut ls i tose . Î!19.. is8eaî i' eo tceio te Cs, slii IM epa tardo athuî -rdmo ta bso L e i ilent aIL l i'briSle am* Une~J ~ le Gurdaureatoite gis a tb4lieaeh s t Sprinte otit .e mimcs, anale, todaaedI.as. ali IWsprCogj fils O s i uilfkiuPerg"htalehsgum Jted wnuit litSomaion Càltl»d.bmg su ae bâton aiuh6 spIL-li. bd " gopbouet, but. theauin <lt. mit, allitgla ee wu au am ntlaundmeu ; adlra Coati ta bcq. oeat oshI mola#<iof m, '"a- ýg 1>, in casa h. boirai an>. Iidlu uab&atinJoies. Wiîî depregrtiw l ni avamer e -asasq la About smdnigtt, hlry.rehli'histeii, and lie k tesc Iêiseou pache ; regret al la& id loli bienChatasais wraueemto.W *aara yeusoes j e bwev.,Jby te â idtChat m Mhrwu. le aisptat fiû ml e tur . êe oue* ja~anid'Ts putsicilsnm tact sas or 94i EmsiaMo Ihagt a.iudb v iua .dtýlaemnr> ida ivei eutaosf loiae> Gardo r ~le Colubia ras rrqe& ed, men a casalaint) ", bad flot. "Y>. stueeyyl.e e Wib"Ira nipreqeti Ieo% a ciareroi ngis areime, f"VAnabas usaistuattrig. àuni oxpirienceaidit.6eh~ gling rlw"Irtai ne ý iom'ladsee.r"oha ýd las " e nul aiiay7504 l er-à niari. cviaeuliud un: re2eMlfi 1 aatiditjrv. service, »ana l emeny coP1 sd. il rai hbiavir mUcabaut tbai>s ndâ4 bo6 be.tly oge ana! otite, vqle i Gardon oil iee lwif eWtvtit nst îuJ1i.ýcaoir ,ylagîbi he Wis boirest.he0 am ai aliJoit se a iucifrot lte nso. a"d obew.i il Tieoter mta, seeitg bis coite fame qcd qdml alussi lise Le tChioa wCapeUs 1 left the bitattu lie, antelprooepeer a té nie. ie@api alauae e. t ram i e aIia J.W imemlf ibeau tlheilir. 'huas ina ligbl.rbsosecuitl, aa . 48 -1iae OnIya fêtr auns tai hie. esebsged& alpi tl i tsîlr,naade t>. vesai. !,.OLa .site o the fulel ruffian liai Op a gain, anaW eà;maieb. -We boas>. lmi asta. tliat04 amrvie -iu Gtad artsdmen L ai" tIL At hi. bockaid uetàmet aI ifmýtaqllgai beea g rilitiii tinoe incte te bsbol.pigpat ieaiPaunîos Pep ita i Thli ie i , uthkli ise ed; undMal', oi akbite *go cet lbqualolis Ihlir romas al a ll ir> iouleg la ratitl iber hu baig ofet i.~i e ot o an d eal nsuAiu t il u n d ut 1danget, bua I iain, lChrowno,«« ts ii . o h î ta b5idse4iaw i igsed 1derer as àlsbaougit laisa, aâ»&in spac iie a»L ii, anineluer> ltsi hWatr l aespsta telealo tinasiftkmdeu liW, ilsaagt I i,~ueor~yrg.Dul igti4 itniliIta ra letratama Ia oihan mfu 1<tli..Èi.-tIav <eea ieli Whr hoetil>ho siteremd b>. tlàl Oel eept. restera store tus climel>., ma Wlsa tith alae aueibok ber hbaal atr. Humt4 ip a- iesMer. fle Wud Csi uneabill jmras1î» LIsi 1ali U -ip. elrraaameuld luve, Psimsg fir toid gatil tle jacket pive raya uMdehraswu spiblot rouldaIve.hie. hiq etruack ltate <noeud tnatasehuc eeate Usll a tazjain &M. ina Ihi Crih1% lie. ~A" oe Lgrsenqeuusr h. eiéd fer bkeept osd D0 dIsaýabs~ at s sti, epqmeegur lin Csubi-, 4533f1Vas et Wa otin reat etu uler iu penseli nmae llr> c ooaevh piceait e or dU t~oi long le leave (hnden umaii* couragute grilte. te inaISubd w iiq liWi4liant Gaorde. said it ifeiwu arlàatKinir a taiUnd 1.wpl rW" nYOu "s u lai.yt bIrsage a,! ttewi ni a.>, S0i& e as 'laa reci.nry ns radel. Te0Ch4«, Xe a tened litea baili , 'tu'o'a te pklau* lr etfIegui= feà".ftm roiien il es laca-ibe -h atigenatthueegio, lb. oirvout ayatem.aooat hehil * Md i lne *îï-eise nraky'u eau bitu. I e aio hdil Y >th" Lon sgeme opare raiesna nve shes.'duteaatebonim, . Wu. iiPs--- rv atiguo