Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 25 Jul 1843, p. 1

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1CANADIAN JOTURNAL, POLITICAL,_AGRICIJLTLJRAL& COMMER-LCIALà 0~Ai. KINGSTONT, CANADA, TUESDAY, JULY es, 184- y-fine i Ilie 1>'iac bled swî I. llsiîrlleai 'Oereigo Medicine I re lhaij bm tian 11, landesof isa île tuth eck'a W, )resad for1 Princeis cy 81ati ireulil Ilue. It and snan 111 e0x tiii it, a ulOUIL li' Cote Uc;e trami aitaoJist e L4ku ilcluit iii iidcîinL X t'y di; sM ili,' tu .1 0'i. p rua lc>' ýcinppy' ictui'ni1 aui i. TO BE PUBLBtIh$jeHuis.Le pod uethent poiticalf duty ta correct thce raer. And ber., agai, we Smo XUUTOS- ha ua ~ xvzm ~ET* ul wok wthot ttir cf dstubaoeand w"iebon-, tu the c"aseof noproducers. their star>ypal fisb.s cf Massachusetts "*- Eeia. claIa, TRE A TIS E O N securest bitiie rcwarj of is labour. Thoit coliiltiugug-gu~Omuch ln Producing manufac- What jeau ceti 1""-Au eei __prOductiOse are tel. il heY are oclt sen, tures tbcmesires, as u utuperintendiug the Proin a iippery animai, cf the. constrictor spece; 8gICAIL &£ PRACTI[CA'L Everc> ePecies ut iîuutry tient incomnidered durtiouof oLh4t. Admtiiie h er t tlires in uthe e graeman in fryîng.paine, bein.u \7i ,z lN (C4 - wcrhy of pay or roward in productve nsmem.ther better payaient wben succesufol i huai- e. aeoeolf.--Hwaeelcu-*! tennsor ailler; and even that whclje fnt poid, Dns, for the. naturel tendec~y cf seciety le ta la, varenus wayrs-wjii b ocks sud lines, gSoîe sted frore its irst Priciflcs. such as te o sortf children or of adulte, in pay akîli boterthran bodiy labour, wmi n tlila speeare, and âsoi,. by aetting Ni. Grzze.- DEfllCAT911, Productive Of laeakh ie ad emiyweit;;sud in, appruc.ahçý. Bttedur e hosîli hseu a~ hmwith books and lunes mcii (DY V nfoaiON> îber.kom 5qui. e nvaetile as any otiier speces nul apprectaeitiettnt iot paid et ail, and, by the davy:igthoeigl as ears mork by thejob- Te Tu of iilàdustry. therefore, îuany men cf geuueataome. when ge h. hL m a± w& iaaa'!" [t aan imal wbicl: lm lmin di lieBufordThe. distinction of productive and uoo.-produc.. journeyiuen aechti ivtis ,ami thrive. inhabiethe slemd. anddsa' ecid af asillnga btick. tive laaustry, therefue, in falacuns; but t hm This law of remmairating mnet wherever et; qnkea excellent k. k. or clair chouçder."- An» THEta a meaeîg-voiu ineb.iîng. 'The ÇWodIicr la mie go. Thealternent in. a nonproduc.r...he le-%st aatell me uliat furtier hie mosof w soen maB'tb isXeth Ametclie. heigeoprailuces tuuamitdclotbîng, and ex. mierelyduistributea itheproduct ions of adres; rlsnY mait in n.scrv'euq,-îng bvave. aud whei VI'YT: Dcuai ratios,~oqiic hangieabletracaseeîs utl ife; the. uon.produ. but hise okisuindscovering iriiere tiefe refouler- the aaani,'t je i$ute'd il strit' os ciflIlto deep sWa. ýket cf Uemetry, Dceefiassu de i0t.iens are manted, and uhere they are "ct anted t.'-'MgL Wîtaahlba ""i ~cDF uitiou s, (lcetîa '~»Le latter comiprelenda bct the i.Lgient*W sud better paid titan thla sioricus drudgery of the a: attisit) et the miala kind, and in caliedhal Jaie Diai Ntr(,re stric P- lie 'osent, the grea:elIt aud thesanlialiest. The. sturiiv cim@e of men uho produced i hearticles 11lAci because it haute the boat about ohen t is inugtheNrendet of ale, ueuli.tselfin lua Jîipruducr, lin theai.tntt. theme' Ives. eMerchania are, porfith e irii. heL u.Unferlacate fitierme' are ofaten el Ilne uomtrMenesuton cal ale id Xe wurd, fur ber childralre 81foith. aoit cIaas *of ai. f flet the aucet jndiitiai Their 0o te sea la sitisway and bat."-" Vere are adDistances, Description andud e ser , d i ccçtb&tÀ. crir nanffacîarej artirloga. exctivenattention teacc lto f meaitîtbh I .. -"JuH. rge's aillasi, b1 îehod ieng a FîmplBowk, , léMi.vtir it o.proiiuc.rs ; the CiergY uiminishea the moral influnce. wiich, with thei ese 5collet! pîinkva, berause tiey are panidi wîîi rtiuli cme~ ~l oJi$raillcrs;th Layes ae linn.aidcf.et weakh. they miglrt ohorwsae ha ein faarilck cor, whicti lthe li a]liboat. HSie af bo .Compotes. wthp tti.uarob producers; the legisle:îîrs are uoc.produers; I1h. government cf ocety. But iiey hoid a tinges tlify juiilp on board iin large ruishers, andi fc iediffoecîiaffectinna cff tie Magnetian )are ail the judge, a aiîaajSiceemai.l- clîpîtn u uieta ad; oiinso u îkn iutemnlu i î a tadsimple rî'til ,i rc-ais, aiire, îuî1"aîîxcsm n d eustI= te. igle Ueproductive aud non-productiv'e clas_ crer vwl'h cratani, wien the Llihoat swits i l SUF] retrac in 1- ilouinr, bilne"rRti-tieuuse icr,îiiikaea ciioc.uters, Ce. liavi iiiai) lutîmat.e relatiooàip vrillé bth, and L teââel rights."--" iuery well;if you go ,J, 'd Lcr g te u if l itd n~yatelle- n. ;!*lioophers, men cf science, sud partaking iu pat cf the ciaracteo f each' .n 011 i tarate ynuoulit ele d. ie h.appers. iiCa'îîi.îîu, '1<0 odJOor., wai'.anîn, ilante, aud Omioaenou ther "Ass ac lam îiîy are pait bout cf ail-a ca aeyo t. aîr 0. i i Wm n itîte i], rt ")a i r!tioccsi fw hem arelmuy d&iciiliei1 yrewarded fur a vrT@ml uT ccnco.tt.Weceid rm neo iiWii$ 1 ,aîa c1ci' y!i'Vh îinton hue-podctvete>'emîlae ai wime tlc roocrscfrs mteuls 1'rnus IEÎ.-e cpedlrm nec are aidvose hontheproducera o unfa terit> papers, te f rday, a cueta 2Ap;eiiisîaho ni Ici !"y1,,e 1,, ! ya .î!- lîgbeusu d lognne; is leite.- -ni'l irîîî xchatnging manufacture.% im paid bat- hfineereflty been disciveeJ lu thepersoanof a 0 orIioirfliile mtcn "i r arnl.:rtry. 8cm. palir autiirs--pamphie- ter,il n ineytiîan akill in scieaeoripiaiopîy lad reel!anz lu one cf theo river aillagell. 'The d ~,'ti v-nlcipe'iîl ,îhN 'IeI leos 5rlrî'.îe-etk otag ail. Ihe -okiu lu sciecve and piiliophy, &c., in paîil foiloerig, paragraphefrom ,-Kin-itr!ecuk Senti. ~; otsifI,4,<~î~ 'f~ ' ',d-le l î,m uerkibarderlignîlir dreank- eicn hoiour-eepeciaiiy hy posteril>'. nel, giethe Dame andi iccality 1 .,~ î.ctîîi'nîiîi' "a lr'lIuio~-a 1îcr, "1lar, iîv îîhûr wmn imghttlh.traind lta Mille îîasrofoe, ie bout paid--aunerchant skil AGi Vy At -ucaaldnr 1 i LVel; ,i -a I . girf I f 'vr'î 'u' ellas âe-tw botter.. But agethe Morley payeont, andl spirîtual geaius isitatiti 0fassexpmcted gercd frtune bas late!>' ii ira &', & îiîl oi Qiecuta uqîrc, sd tetelu )0lio trbut cirepect sud reverence. caeetca facîiiy cow reiding iu diis village, fi S..iil,' i eh î'nl'e bc fotil felslPoý'i t,î. Site la protecîcal. The Cerate Au for iandord-tbeit income la net puy but 'midi prtakei noct asutile cf tie rumantîc, uei a le ntliiti'n f i-- le,;&] ccin d,Z'le Biiiap's wmcias5virai, parentp, aà iicieritn. and baocreateal considerebie seniajon il uthr ,ac'.iîOÏî altsnrengcl ~.'l ien î;but tle ilslo in saise protecteal - cignulity ,yialetiL&enteme t'Jamcs i'e, tate l rg vri f T piî~, Iii. jili j pi.', i.utîicr'v.....ere itans tandatjrne.A tGNd.CAAÉR-Voe'Ttan lmeraq f icelîwi cdl fCnuw %pinF tu i"ia crtif a gncSuri, 'îithe lawyer, fer his morît je more or lesu dicern- h ~01îan'ftaNe feinlSatnd riaîsorceîyue psseufITg il îattiî a' i,;, 'iaanaia uephyicgo Teyar c t e ejoorucysthie eccentricities ci sem lndlet0c, îcno I q ,iîl la Ctit)il b lt8o,îan'icnntrilt ieaued n ,i'i» liaud wth t eahyiral>' uu rt dersesi yprepertîls, tie nmtie. f bisaccumulated îweath 5,r. 6. bruid CI,.le-fi elaii thereta a gneralcoun ideas dlurirespecty et jeantminrespecbta icea dci han bui d te bis t L randPreodonWiWiliam lIen.t Etii' , rXuMti, 113.Sist. f remueraton, determîineai b>'pubie Ila itil m fan>' er i loi.Pono r. frsa lse, nesieg.i !ru iaPlOi btca leaiitc-1151ilda out hein muccihoLeamueprenaute tae O-uyears acce an aa"neo or et bhalady, oereàidefîce henhert atitis p1lace te, the Lie on bomebacS, fuon cqtiesepct f uai- fr cmysber;ps.Ms j a ll uea c l nti'lsed te a ropy rd flic,-,,rk. c ili uîgefor hi& ucu.eementîale ; and ho regulates sta nec nak inti slr pr fM, ~ al ia.I.bicii ue wi'rîte.mii Le r1'c vrd bha' Ihicta îhpriceas eattenmac regulates lie import sacieette for lhe Greeu moguisut fVermout. 'igrei ecoaomnuit sci lejt,,tu bring p a t"y!'al in olîîîi'a Oid epilt utîe ut hor i nustadar fo hile traeniling thraegb the temu cf New' Sa. lion ani cugiler lu a reppaclable manne., and Vv pid_____uis_ utIerlin tadrdfrte sic a 16tu wIci lias sadcld>'heurete the_______________ l____ , nt, mor'etehne fur lia-Otint, nnuproduciug lm is ~hi~road led loto a 'Piece of mooda nome fine tergaduton e - aiywiteefr i F- V . ey ïcLhaen. 'l'fe player tallesaàasmuea ie honcmiles in lengli, sud long bealaie oget eut of noemdont s erune.onhe lufamivl iseefarld t ge, and acie ecratur. But th. uufotuu. wbîch hliebogan ta entertain double whsther h otoplie. h uk dvseissld< bisemer- d about ottucu years of ag . Dly the o tstt'a di. H 1 P T c R 0 F m 1 s & E S. te legiator, san far trois beig paid for bs b souli]l h ieat ulit lte sigit cf a human babi. rection, ho a le docated sud pcoi'ided fer ni vaii ~ f. nie ,'t il iir eîf 1 vice, mut frequeutly ple xtravsgautly for bisa tln ; but as alilthinue muat have au end. no hautisoise autitliLe tteins the aga <of tweluty b scat, and i avtaiiy sbuaiid by th. oappeaite Parity at La t ihe wod&, sud the nut-irounbn e ie yte n lei o ne ao h o-i b.lîza Ipead sîil fIar. ya > aakeo'î1 u iong as li- reatus î. Beîiig n hanourabie of a firuier greetod bis vision. Ner tie rosai f.ive>n sudhieu hoelu 0thernpn Vl.ua.ofi întl iibîali îil;.1 a if jusfor lus %vife, gentlemen, lho ia paîd, periapp, lin cecu as atell, raw-.boued, Ianteru.jawed boy, probe-sesieandonn e roet re li osuftdoars. fwr !Ia ale .,î;îîî uying gritlemanoir lhe prîiviege oi being sru- hI>' seveneeon yenr* ofli ge, di gupttsoe" Theîvil s e nta 10miliurodlaru I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wldd li vraiun isu ca,îu tcHeue s conncus figure a te bod. ma'ÂbCgod euomsncc,lit ta him lest w'rckoo ,ii abs s Kiltet andaltba cca.nrcutheiv:de act. k in-. e inte legheofi&alour breeches mvas byeà Cnttiona f New ',crk, imaelfeuice-zed j li metollbu mbaeiai ipovrad el-auîp1y tiab 3ul foi . ..; Liisuepeudere ap. b y arraige miL liehe a>' abrusi ritew neut il. îy p.anseoii, iouandl reupectsbility aot sccicty. Moroover il esc Iilu16ip oe f bircibaurba, gratte vilue miýtelea esct Ii l iîîîs mgaiuiig'< 1s includes the departwent ci doiceotic service.andsuce ansd as for bis bat uhici ma& of A COII5AGEOOS WosiA.-SOMe moka a me fe elya ia cl,,a;cu.The uhole holiseiola of a great usa, thorforo ding>' wbie teit-peer diiug 1it bail once en. 8 Party cf thre* Or fOur WinuebagolIdiansn t. hi ýwe ony f Mis clcuatin.belouga tc i, from lbe great 1roprietor iieelf desîîly sen boter days, but Datm alas ! itwuatemptea tei Steal a botfromntiie Peu cf Mr- Gar. et mc Vsuaorruain, i MasvKial doevintathe iJueot nutOial in bis employment. out y the eliadwof cftse1g Wh.Line te -r-%t i eSau, 45k lPrairie.-PMr, . Uwmsffein meofath an o iv efrn, ltas ihe mmutiudues-ia or ofk L >51194» -'i~~~~~~~~~ - .1i utii îrGAifeinasd oia yrtpioa- muinu cIt to tel. ai su>' rate It vs iamifitg-altd tea aicnfswnted lhe lady mtte bat ifterr4iptoil e lt ii gi o nn ieii' lcing. arts muet pom erful y upoc pure mndc; il' le tlrongli tie aperture rail hiaire'- je abundauce uraoaea.Mc.Gedreite f-1 i .11t!-a il'ial 1 i met sîti Ment uciierpal ise t nîoletcollective. lStates_ etcod lsix tasys fer Southey. la short, lie mac but they didd nult50cm disposed al ebey a singleC "lme fl neat îeliectiveiy in basnde; ciorclimen net one of thé rougiîÊesl seimeus ofdiauetic mac. s'vomac. Si. ithen iastened isto tiheunec, anal amai ot n>'hop' tdi-îrctin, eilrtvvm inect; 'riersrene ueu leter sfcture tuaIever imortal bohoid. Our Iravel. the lsdiae mremuileal their attompts ta eapp:yJI raleiiy n pecte.î'uy cf soadger. uheaiette ing friecul fcelicg su itchiug te errapo acquain. Ibetuselves mihpork ; but tboy tead net suc.Ou n mad î iol-;oîlcf Rail1invo "it say- the wuîld; anad h i '-,.9usof Ilhe pre6s, matois tnaendii i ciudei pUcre fhega: .cedediii mkiuard teoîco boub ic'e a Mcc. Ur i1:ý,i'j 1. elle M - clve. epmak te nations aa d Ia'ailns. il-s i4lathbe hlre udbeund.G. ciig onadtheiteyliiandou el adyelad Ileat univorcal andu 1- 'iclective, fWi --,,&'nt@1eî Halle, w>' gondlfriad,eu you infaci me tlgm.~ nii lt hyrubtt.ld ela' 1îuîu" luI rtte, letoeailla belonif t10 tiin- lirciuclii eOn. - e 'hormfar it Ji.tateigtxlbouas 1" deemeal st ilmproper te part wiii bier vialtn's a~.' t ciaues leiuiîiîg; tie.goulet io5iviiluabzc.t afIdl Lbe Pein;c:a' !, Jonathan starteal up-ileaned on hie le-handle Wit .tme 5lilîle ceraioiy, and as.eaie diade cz,,lli ler uer ee>ýiadii ;claarged nucf ttharre]3lmut tm-enwd,thougb Vi "'"e pnîin'n he getcn ti noe, havîug snc corpoate cxîIlt lie, but pere';' . - .- -ested oceefoutoth L.e mkWcf i m l th"îe maregeafiap" @sie made e pret>'<"0 pre ned ierl n g tuhe naal lata i tîleïr deoiui cac<icitien. lauetic o noleg, and repiied; iwd -'à - goe faors l o e vdi ab s p. igof iwa i 'rdnlcontrer>' aspects, uo-productia.c induatr>' beau. IlIle loyoirslf! 5 < em 1 s. su1 'eeil cf aor; nte " viors aiboff s. e' a 'I'i4i.c kir îuy unfe 1 exultiugty swcre, lîfuil>'correspouads wml iniuael îf, mhicb ire. ean. Taintel cre fusasil nedItebeafortbe> cousiu Dcgcrat. c îeoCoot-t'si.i I .iî.eier to ulit ni> ineution, presfentie. For wiel con lbe more univemol thgn cut tie uiedsawaay-tbea 'tuas enerally rock.- foi iaa alaicilu iin-firaa, efro mid, sud met eau lho sncre partîcular 1 Wlhat ouedl four miles, Lut Dnm h. sun sirivels up teiettess <sichippi-g csseshie .t %vd to efure eau hoemoire soccal thon sinua, sud uhat more road aud do't moike moraetem. The font bons. Lo-,, inne 19.-The masters of eslips tra. Pt l'i~ciier rn'ils-a cu-eanin. mltary iWhai can lhe more ucited thliai telayou conîte ttiou hi, l ari harth b eatin ua ding t0 bot clîiaîea have founa Lliatuolmith. fi 1'4 i) ogrwuld yield ta Msas- aMal uhal moredivîdeul ! What alea oe. itack; but nId Hcsiu'a ioo. isenibe- standing ail lie trouble anal charge thatlhhe>'put fi let, public"ntiss mid, and vs bat more privato 1 Mimd yut. Yoal le sureleMot bils gaie locg afore îbemmclves ta, lu erder te protsct Iboîr violents' pi - iigeca le bath ertreumeaannsedacigt Liesp=eâer tc ge:thora ; taruil roupile critlerii, the>' docks andl topaides freim cufferiug by tie indlu- de nk"rdlî liireji'ecnuiian ifiudustryvulgarly calleal nonprnductive.. plague cur fradi octra nlittie. la 9cOiepgt iuoce of Itia sun, lie>' lane nut beuabeitemmr. e51 ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h eilî'îioaonufal<'n Tcproductive indatry la gecerally deuoms. our pestier crery day sud bis gala lu curerchard. precerve ithor effectual>. leg, fora lime do 'ta ou fit u mor îosîatisn.nateal IL. usefcl, the cessliseni, andl seforth, lho. Dad mosesthe o alorter Ibm sbcep and me ater o elgta ses, te tic ucl-bnoav emgeasquece, eaus e wb. ofait f î irai porceiveal. 'ae fee ien aaadtcu> m ae I vl udanil p5rtallanelle frequeuntl> fvllcws, tae tii.ti iii nite Ie huirri0h.t aiererile ment. tbe mant1 cf fosalbutoro seel *ho veetcf mun-. thepettricotafi>, ia a sin ta .uakes." tilicatien et ti.ses. tedail>'car, bas beau for Ci 50 ai' cade tie fat pardonl linger, ie aud peery ; me fode el Licec lothing, ha-. î1 ses e r nlndt i aeiuYugwee atae ots eoe amti u a vu u anoyd y a awwad aMs ali4 fr itre tek . n le poede. n de cf - man-pra>' te11 me icu it happons liai onas cf icLting andlstanding lhe vecass lcls& dcksr, of til m ettherin o lir fngr. nd uritue tbl th prcoione dormiegiyocr legs le miciter thothbcodier 1t"u la ige hopetetfkeepiug tho pic in lum s thes l 5351 ot herig o hc lngr. analpamuiaga. Of al Uic aràa% therafore, ulilch lci1neyer 'levsa au>'bLd>'te medale uith yan> sd hec pinaika frein arinkiag' 1%, appelles, tiI besu ne 1 ii-aiIkept s strict vematch, u ea supply fr the. demanda of iîtys grass tanglerse, mistur; butel in ayen l'il iowever, diat a preveetivo 1m damnereal su a 16 agrcutur i thfirea a dihemeciele's tellu ye. I masborni noe t Loir iickler request, soi compoiies, th diieive qtialiti.s cf mil ie hi ptli ivcudin fear of lisq-carriage; are thc second ; bul, sursuge ta telI.liah" miicithat wharf I hol a l pough, I eau g. idi one have berne auci ss"" lhîgtrialslabeel> ai the TE '. toitlait-, Ilat an mailickyM insmuet essential in moretîpeti.The agricultua-. fot in the forcer, ana l tigehr oun1Ma, snd et royal dockyarda. ILlmlacaleal glu.; yl cet; PI zeý ai labourer uneis>' hoiesaîd le ho tie drit in D lop over; hbes it la ver>' convoaieut uben 1 liquef>' b>'saIerteat; le available lu lieu cf ti' Milu uh the l îîn'sf out marrinve. cruer, la en liat ver>' accounit eccuned themats rround a idoebib." piîcb; seama palal mii it mili et oak, anal if Au ~~~~'i ~ ~lws n aniilîîugmc! u1 ~îî~ the front stand above ite; ho in the -"Ver>'y icsalhwmuci doe>our pela. ee] ae dock it is Dol hable te ai todaen oni as ir eve>'of ocet>, liealralee icbc>'tanl ulceceines i ver~Pitch is. IL contractae'ihec the sstu which eO! r-r.', the îîorst in peeket, end tlhe leasI experieceomla iThe>'doat 1esa al Iaige ' c u la ;;n.14liera eswaoeu b>' maer, 5ad expanuismi thî'munîilere ti. ý; ier niatioe il) tic luxcaies oflie. île who proviaelfoaianal thers' nc'rlsi'aart of lemu in qOscit wvh.u'hey sbrink." ILh ahei baueumployod lu ,ýraeinli mlle ue 1 i aie wîiiig w>' for tic people la msrsepmid ithan hieiuo proviuales bll " m.r'tfug impors, anad tisescarfagosae baiave Col VIT, plates tu toits it fromn. Au>' epeoucu cf icdustry Éi yaeeW 1prev,*w'soo nsn&o ra I a oudi-a "à! MtJ isva,ýirwuluirvui. i p trpsid-in focal et leant-than food-prao. ilti4.l' are 5--ýll, ise ceatednomseuleesto apitaie, au ater bau siceffeet Dpnil; In vid-ng. Andeten thlbmelvrpretsuiîîaema e w uîppi'bue Imilees 0,cr iuthat'erepatcbth.ro snalasbis jecapable ut b.laq rendenal detrue- ai r s ucntn hmove ihaguale a udi >' liour«.!îod ne al iredi>',tbatlibae.'r tise te animal i(*itlnlaa efece. sganmalhd.Of' decrtonsefo bîiiritoliase.iee te o e top griwi'jactutspito ;l'testbey koew'd avrm,or eecedomaseiisandteny le ugladletai- ed ibeenîpienef apialîThi 's la theLetteathe-v c'a l ild't i iitackoalanp." va nasge osbo&ts'boi*oas. lushort tdiain - a. JO I 'DUcS T fty, cf ticscae ; but >ei. atratuge seugh once Dmire, v'Oelappeir tiu ha pretty enter~, andalbotitld piin 5Jeflrey'eMarine Ginée, nus>'lha urneal the VILift aiot'%N OU)ES ifer tWAXIIINc '. tceMn . taPheeterta- sdlin; th ia >'ytucoaul affuTra a botter Wiai tîtiheoeati sorviceable acceui n 40 mseuiay usys on hbeaita ~P4nlnsPiers have enîploveai the aisîlue. for if thc aeiacultuirl labourera ar e c oral Paia u ' wca." $chî. Ilt i e do cel scrupletan reconieeud It flm 'Iia o a dctv ad onP. d-ansu ent inuiential cf lic prodlucielametlhI le The icuba. alint odtia1 ite ail in the belletute atatentiounIfthe liisrime fo t c f r c d u i îi' aa l Nh e y n s d n . th e l s d o m î. m a r e t is a m on t i o n t w i o f th e v i e s. T h i a ' p b a t i a i s e l a>'g c- Io - 5 ie t b a l-P O itfi"rt tle ciesiruat i i iL' ciodl. uo.praîluciivo classies, 'lh.>' Mle the nation, but l'va gol'ueLet e ut luel, but I1sdon1t <dlig ewt' r rii' îvr.h cuo -MIiedst Bsrout ive.isiThei:&prijuc ramtat"rin lu to ua." lita, unelels ke kowitest ntrons *ciel gcsao icent a s w ia bus Paia>' Wlilt mau marial uI>, jat lu cauerai more. paisl iatiet te Lotlilg lits Il" îf typhus lever, sud ca rtatil>' prevcntiîg iiie o in:0 h li t o a n fai c t ue s o r a g ie c u i là i a u li a c ires il t m lu t . o n a n he l'ofa n & . 11 g u e s s u I cî. i sa s b o rn ' il an daii n u t e>' p re a . B > th e fcic w in g ai ui i le w ie bo ds th e xhtinia jeaiot,'mn ta auunt orarcl îlie eaker la botter paidlthon the plouiglitnsu or lit.'z*i Op itiet'elle ]ous; baatmyunative place glu, Nyte c o-uedott rîlligex1-eoac: Plats i ia.Proaucer. SIlo proditces do- the seer ; sadthe taler Jsbtter paal thon the lcauive inpor4asuli." a ittie iaitpelro in a souci. uad pour un iilas Ortitl, an iniible feeling of picecore, eaver; anal the eseUn PerbaPs 'ltittisige "lThau you "Y>' tt it in al.eut itireaimd a mac-h cil iit itrul as yull juei ocyca'it ; a cepi- asI ahiaderstaild enda aîrrciale. but mok ofthe former coinetaoreairectiy home" ta111f ,îîicnthe uictibic "osdairee ca iaal isst> ai Oa ele cg antesr, the feelig&,sad in more aircl ujetate. *;dsbrefsuvrinwl mnu tie tii. fDoigiercrecil>' tstir ieasute. Theo'tues e:c; 'tu as aS" ulaguandaîc1 idon't le. pace, lie ¶euausiy etfuuîci Msy h. regulutsd Itittnia ninvo Liaciîan of tic publie. %N'adest directlY *mihlien, it grow'd mn uaer isilice." b>' Uoc'snmgri er asg I hequactit>' of lie tiah $bol% t; si ncarry it theicleancsd vie Pave lite for bils skill analdlii, -Mochr.bip ~Gc'iirJ~is by**o mýsr t-anal il ac le proservcd neas 1in fiuabiigthe mcdiche ieFrmetbfric c Giialb>'tu u a-tba'ea d&ru alsck hi" et Je i f ý'iulîl ,r mn>'getieratticns; l>heu.'iluaiigsinsi ucf i- ~iauiaiv ork diesucre cuan il îa on'e0Yeu i. li rr cvnige reulaune of gelrinctiaeta i.bgnmuaa 1 lere reaier-t6eeinsaC Jonathba for Yeu <ir OIIN, CIARACTF.tR. & l'REV.LENCE ma turnlaes vsith %hicbilLe lici!Is the hbug i mtiut the fariner tic bakcr couba lot it theiraiuter. 'a'o n't flui ii.equalevrc'o"PtVfM &ebmut¶gbied audiee.Ytsas llprudahe i.breal, il 1et net ltis e feirmerEiliat 01M Paml aaie.Tcuietstslnivca neescufI "ciIdstry i the mueoiisu unu.pre. ithe public deala--the>' Icee bat deprtmiemof t.ii get a t ee. wibl solaie a t in er ~ comîsrcet îLebakersutheeiler. Causi ai.Poler in ]eni n P ait P elonee-o.Ana lvfal se the£cotes"rîtrtheglleur aue le m. mCc"thîe AQuitheri -preachigAt MNautucelt sil. periaaietfa bUir£Ùfslaeoîftiie cicnwd anc e .l, nIated 1ifomse>'ingniucpuica te minnktitnth anue )ytlt an -'ý' of mduir- ishape cf ireai, Le svunat!rite asuale bigLer thanis Evecy tub mtedstaîîd o hstfbteom' A ndes s'iich ilt erigiictedaandd teposition IL nois t~ ie inunr>'d~idc iseI, ueho noiratenidre, berreuse bhos'<tild iheis h uai- gaiWi îumeaeilpsua id.aitkBut oiaumuppu . Intienoyear Il lthe laIe ev. Dr. elei a urento an caltelatanmisoncilie eagesand bhi ulI, ~ llie uikymongui it on'Titt s e h ' reUsiid M uittge lertrgCee Rti. mc asai, b ' terial an i itnu.A lowr ba clbs ocpa.su >'eY. iu man emaeqiikl,5iiaia o it ir'd tr Pnysaik. r ie.<sthbegaun CiIOirbt l oaa iviibepoile, aiîcpubliecicralttru e lai give. mt hti uim etftIL.firal-naiccil rue.<ctie- lsd;': )ica anal an lalunsinvisibe IL, je la tapubliceCaiticisme. lich iv the eia imaatikr.wmw ereyeumugeitosteley D o> nneigeie.tgking overuithe urgpm of aiasas, 4: t oiu Ciivcnebom tn Sk muter a smperort>' over lte man. If the hread v5lien 1I lau i w 'te eMidacilse npcmary an. Cvole practical uigtw sud haryw cccl Odym esgouulmado nt Entame IL. jeerecylnse "Whlw4sag1<tuimiiitoe h.uuien mb ieL ià bigis buscipr4riotes 6JaliCt cf < Jeme i bl teonmc iteatrsiease tiller . kablâeaothing of bhlm, W* Iss Wekil lIiss l'aigseeua. 'l go« yaubulate ar.se ai.~ inlt«Il tefoe itl, d ho Cn cle ae ca a * ri fr use." Swstulcs ioas c ithtiasenry 1'd 4 ate ashproduit figureWilaW* drecil>' reecive7t et c te mpoutvd'-provluleulsce>'sd v Yeua .inai ii l ubi>. "h> Otdiii50 l Yedhlu ya"fiieil i fo>t.te.lia 4T., tmAhi ll ilat, <C?> tae flium~îic.pual'ere. an o ngl as il cua leironga ie f ktqiet a'ty.i ilt larcpnpesbs chv ee l e 1 Tie celebratel c Tracts for th. Timnes," liedj tirul 'l'lat.air cusuteg Cawte .heir ttebi -their oriim in lte Meeting in question. Thiee l i a Bi, e preohatbLepali on dm lwin tracte apji.srcd ai irregniar inlervais, studl sre 1anita5il.- puitbe al atprices varying, accordung talIetb eut(ca, 23a 'ilîde. 138, BruJdo , qast> t fmatter, fromte lopnme ta siixpence. Best? fatvis as, a~2nd do. 10à., Bru dm cBs The tracts accu sîtraccAl geuiril attenîtione,frot Iloall iCali, l10w, 2uid 1 1~ia tie elarbiug adoctrines t1' « saulvaiiced; anal a.s Ilont f6Ewes andi lLuismis, UIZ . td il.IU.4 tLe tendeur>' cf aIl]cf tin î 'as tue atheticu- Iii do. lI0,. thanit>'ofthfeL.cisurcb, andl increne the iimpert. Dest Ramc over 1 >'sar,e, 2ad ado, 10., Brà acce cf 1ti, clcrgy, hy iuvcetimgthom it wîba5du 5.'. >special sacredneau .,f charseter, aihe cru claae cf lDent fluer ovor I ycar, 15sa2m uon. oigniosnasal, repi pragree among thete. 1Boit Breediug Sow, 15ae, ani d. A0eý Ever>' suaccessive triact bourgs belde, aud bohl- And o tdwn itrii crieaitâtloreasudapproachealnearertA anearer Detlt of Boerfloegetsli',ss- 0Io i tbe doctrineg cf the Chaiao f Rome. Tic prin. « o fBie stbchc2 lio eipsJwciicrs wmcm Dr. Poney,'. ie lRa' ". Mr. 2madixo.50. Wvard. the lier. Msr. Wîiiauis, the Rer. Mr. loni bel cf Chenu, ncet leua issu)0 là&.1004 Nemmata u ed ob. or liro otharet. The sericer2iialdo.-l. prcmeddtillil roscbedi Nou, e 'a udit O u t" pace cf <lieue!, net leu ubàsu yda opeal>'sandlstrenuouel>' adveattea Popiuh prin-e..e2nuadiio, 104. Snîl ai. lAs. ciplan, thai thb lubop cf Oxford tekcaecipou IDot spociteun of Fiat cf tus year'a f<mmii ae toaiager>us 1fantiorit, iod pot "aseluite thenI l btiais "Il d cu sen1.4,lJud., tia U fartier publication cf the tracts. The. liai cf Mo ntod h inse tured lleduAo tic serieî. No. 90Ocrested à e lep sensat ion. es 2-d i&0. 1e, iaral d. 10. pacial>' as il. mas uliscoterel liai il liad ccsîtrub. Pest I6 pair ocf <r&,5e, 2ud do. Sa., B de. ho the Ciorci cf l'.ainc. 4th. 'Thltpreniums ho ssadéd for pIe~~a Thc doctrines nom otlb> laPubyiea cn eperformel lu cari Tomush . .~s W h tb3 Pliseyte 1ueda>' in Octoer, aI i o'cdonP. M. i wbs are semetlimes cselTaatr anc eeclose- sueailauMount cif premiumi u W i .sl 1<' rocemble tlutiof nthe Romau Ceîiciue Ciurci place rctre -i- $bii tiiere ecu h.rdly liesaaIt, ra, met lmuîte P:ls rnn ffrn ayaàn r te Le any sesentisl diffcrenre heteeu tijoî. cie at t'he'.at hrti fre g an>',amimho o) fte f i Amoeg lie points e e idi the Pl'eyîîcaattach i icniuig a prenliuiu, shaâhali ible esi a special isnpuitance, ise1the assemaptKn ethaI ali t âei the lery o th Chrch f Eglad, n c!n-a dena*iolo f bail' a dollar. mon cirg" of th Ci rch f ein, licamu U1 '. uiat ne premion, or donatien mlt à* nonwitm toseet buCiucb f Ruie lurepaidtuaau>'persan ubo ciInot have 1b1 o0 i deacendel la s direct lice front the apoutlbes. nteicier cf Ibis Society'.lu>' !iyiog Lhsie 4bmorp. ria ie iviet lacalîcti spaeolcal succiasion. tion of tee uhiulingm. T.>' alIse taietalu tuaIaIl&Hcbildren, bapliacal b>' 7îb. l'bat tie proco. li ngu ofth lb. " e id~ lheetebiibed elergy, are regoueratealWhount tle lia Britiab Whig fur puiîcation, math s 4a %r'ater in eprinkcalripou thein; but lie>' re. request Mt aIl otier pipera iu tLe prwe of e 'une lO~u., the baptise o f lie miclal.jj cf ssblîabîng the Agricultural Societ>". preeoa ither de;;ominatiena, ahptiste eaI14 IY sng, also puLlisa tbi. îeld tisai Ihere le no c beof malvalicussulr thene B>'order of theo meeting. vie are ulîbout the pal. et ihe Church. Tic>'G. M. DE?LM deneunce lie Reformsation, and liook ficreard nili nager daire te a unien hotucen ti«e1 rch __ il Englanal and the Cisurci ef Reome. Tise>' h hle h.ccurt fh rouku maictain tiat tie Ciueibas au amîburit>' suc rie UparîL iete cotya aniouroafsuccsH tLat of thseBlutec; anal tiat thisélvereugu sad arions prc tu te i> o.fauslm. Is;1W th Senate are beucal te, submtete c liclus cf makitimapacaclstecetyf thie Cîlurci.-Te>' la>' but littie stress on hitos- or being general> airy'. Saiiada>' aoraiog lut, doctinal mteea miicli tie *angoiical cîergy me sere visited miîh a Ilaineer slors-thiamm in lie establishment regard asn acesoar>' ho sal- violent that bas ever bren experienced i r.-ý rationu. Tie>' ttsch much gpester imnportanacethe sain tfou sn torrents. There tma amoùc t thc woritiugs of Ithe leihara, tirnt t teIL. r aitîlôda>', uînse ere as tise forcie,. W. bave tireso utho inspireai evaugeîleta anal tiasepiaties notb)eardof l a ccidentaoraup v tf the aposîles. becudonc, lavola'hsionm hjay lseM.j 1 Tic>' bold, inalceilfltnt ire Seripterce ôubîSe.ti, of the 'Télusilp cf iatlgeri *as ixuci et ~~5uh lay li'ating anal kalloal instaetaneouey ne a eradb>'the lait>', unlessa ccnmpanied bslf maHsdou lldea'Fe e by lise exposuiioncf their mesuiui' te ha foun asletawdwadOeeide. orm in tic Bock of Commun Prayer. tey'virtnaîl'y s ntnear, e rojo. svrl'ijis > emIc tLe atouemeul, anal mct acide se fauticist Tcne emt~ wham la regrlel b>' tsenboules an the religion of the ieart. Tic>' look epon netisuon atà. - TirETmitu'TtlOF ZULY a I ne t..~ ey eaiellig lu theocbservsnce of ri aalce as considerable disturbacce lu John tieon remenies. TiC; ean3if hMthle bresal anal YW'?uela>', b>' tic foulieb exhibîiion < nqi ina lithesenrrement are ceuvortoa, inue- tusignia b>' l e nsateeeof thse lac' silecte b>'lis clergy jicte lhe actueI lsisanal twm ansud eigbborinoal, niho pupap.dmc Icoal of Christ, sud Ihat the secramaeue- ceira >crd' aaemcIlUamc titutes e kli of Continuation iof the tmemut I. eBîtiaeoft!ic hiyne. il mss beîienod ieat of Crie ou the cross. lu .nau ai i o r nslbil ed ea unj., ii iib ~hse.~su1f !Y*f<IJf ~ j% ~ilscicai mie expecteilibsi a.pMê~i Ilr. Pusey'bas e ceonrcleil topîsh berce>' cesditcc av ne.sdu. A leiarge romiaà by boardl of divines, suai seencealb>'the Vice l~yolecte ea cr MclriiIê' rilb 'Lancé0lr te t1wu years prubibibiufrpoci le fprcrouîi n au>'gaza iiy anlîblu the precincta cf tbe unireet' '.place. Au iu dai 7q aaii lI. rteW Bouard cf divines, six iuninuber, spralea iih- iteal an Orange Lhnl4erbi7cr rihand; h. mIO et coming ta a forsmai ecsien ; Lut îî ate- immediatlel>' stackel, but made igs ascape lai 'srd seeprai>rgave in tbeir decisioz, and were McBcides....Jeargua mer. larcesetd fslism unanimous in t i ondmnti c f the sermon mmndows cf lise boe; sIonn e citise'm.Ib iduUtig hieres>'. the people «t.ie, aida total eÉa fet Dr- Pume>'has seutereliea protscat againi et bouai, anal tbiseleof -lite wmcm apupnsbeeud Jecisiou cf tic boirdl analglis senteneeof the At dii. jaucture, Sieruff Thom. simisrtciajà iu Vice Chancellor, au the <round tha as h u y grecxsrtloca, seccedei in [nduein tie aIt icard lu hla defoece, sudd tatthe objctiuon. 1"lpe te disperse, itsut d aoiti; y>' erba. le. aIle parte offabims soma uce nuetclsperificl. AàluJy-. Andal à ritem aeeui t reqoieilioc, sigudalb>' about st>' niera ci i ltipréessb.d tg lie CMafrimtu -etttU :uiocation sud baclielors of civil lau, bas bec 1quaeraios5au it &b u.@pearS illiisiTbsmu rvaaled te lie Vies Ciscellor, reqncsting mes usuel efficiasi>mabpportdeai bio.. wbt Ïim tg Peint Out tchejetiocable parte lu Dr. dt' lms eaeltbiî.W aal lrt i. Pureys seruscu. The Vice Chanscellor haure. tetiisduenie5 for pubication. tg leWe*y ýusci tecomnp>'mii ttairr q oît.t"- uLsgdirac.uiltourtom tisai lies. amms.4e ure pasng sntence. be furniebod Drh.iPusey' tUrbésices eo asitsoplacti,- t' ttep rivately wuts tic grounals on misiis laccon- suic wbhan'. Oted etier the_ Une.~ lmeed île sermon. The s'rias. l i. onde,. me, arc ictsdY' iiac3ratof bheoebject o Umi.n cdm iihopubliséealjein a ls dys, anal ull i t . rh atbvmeeamlbb. i i oubliosexcite inienf t hteroI. Be>'us lin Ca""da1ITh.m t 11j e o"48118111 Pueyoi asmaeeutroriaqprgair nchurcbîo upmmbore; andl as for:1 uculated tirait utof12OOOclergy i s d aato obgutdfeelingsuth E Lu! Wales, 9000, or tir.. foeu r t he nOmiu gbtge. Itl laa rsnnrkablo fnmsl,..a 'iL " piscepel cleaF>, uilb lb. exception ~oefroua mèisri lnlsi sacaboulaidram ree or four, crid dciled P's.yile&I. eIrellanl, co"lus"e.thia the tvea ctive <Nibuil Msme, I o.las beres>'jela kingalaruicgpregree.it l ithig teunt aret linsubei. Oua j a sCm!e calculateaih lits .majonit>' of tis, bouris of diaboan tise ui r et ctime. l .. 'go, aI ebope are moe.or les e cply tined al m il. it. rmben lt t1 .tt ieaielvas rboee of thc prelates wom i mtet penl>' smi<i.c.trync a 1a di.tsit land frote that eteejjl lsune prniples are th isaibop cf Exeter, wisbut tde>'il.', Ilseir mlnnaierèsa"dfil he sisc)p cf London, anthL f9e t ie Op or oi mic-a-,nltiant respecitegouuic I bo#u M uong the clurches sud ciaplm in Loudois ins eititcd:- but wmihlcitieir adigstion -0~ 1le Puacyllo prchiu.epreails te the graal le kc ithem tue prf eey ' ir>' deirlinIg a le nt wili ho fouud Shorodilcs CharcS and s tunl>' An liascount'>' esc aseb argarel streel Ciapel, Oxford auuet. iactbltieluanc>'iJ unarconot Qetiis amiIs* lae clatter place blm.elid b. difeull te Pa- Bieiseparen i ae us an aîyu afit ibe ordo ue sie au>'différence boIvee., ib.fore' oemaeahip ép-l r ua bdw ed duat observea inlea Rouas- Cetboli h um e éould bhe pleus. of Meq Maa 0tg 48i nmia>' of tic Psueyite chturcseWs fflt dat>'. net cul>' te oie>' lie J. agi Sd ow il>' worship baubeduentablisisalsdla ail esosiosnal rais.ai Lhsln ueeu lm lthons, vo bolievtes.tI. erameut âdmnigw. aise 0 ineate the performascead t iet detg 4usekly. Woe aderataneil ilithil>' tte e su est i ewbbciJ.-[ia"su1iukalue ecl wili bos»un bregist belore Parlianseu, anlud -- - - . -! -î o question te bha alrrtmiod vi! he be. hg r A < ic> t c ié . . SProtestanti cuntry' oegli te be iiiled on to pe>' ___ m mè mdI mm £15O,00aeyeétr le thce tUbliabiei cl.ry 1 W* *Aà@«W NerLssr e ar neulcatimg Pop"pr~rinciplee, sudmi oeesving, The ea.era u*i *bitlui èIUM*Î %pibb i 1, idthoir places eof weeabip, lin mnct l o natsti sde s~ ime cuder ai oric. atîes té mainîteuthe lI relsal <h.uuieckeeghiaaa Wl roeetaul religion of the lamai, ette the eceeitutei s dios at epea - ~ ______________ becaese ho 4.2t. ios1y esuiwif P!MMM innovatiao ite lM. WaS vei ici.patil e mho li reseli. Tient, . practillacerjlu thé art saa tlÈ=bf O0td AGItICUiTU RAI. 'OCIETY. b i agtjeIem2mdlah.bo po Ait a meeting cfteli e tors at ei Iidlaiutd for jue.m e gfog aler icetisî *trklwbriqarai seclom'3r e theuilies ten.-purse aBer p-use es i t ,fL.aas sud %"ddnrto%, Leld ai Naparce, fi a rpmiyacmtlg I,1 4 ; ee a ey;M q. wmes con anted eou, Mas ll>'ih ly ~ ~ , h W e 1the Ch er d .e uf, o~ ppoiuiteul stc. date. Do aill 1tei eta". th" 2 1 let T&st ifiloune Barragar e, ll &111 tn. alded'fr aga htiew iea Leuten *iee!ey', lac ppM"ntaiAilit p Ie te@ godoiàùq, u u akql»* M ]r for the îcmoabip or c-iei. te 4 ! 0netstiseS U ilat l et psinnis le aw*tded Wftan lse fu h",=tip 5,1' teM ycsbip, vie :- oaL-e nsr; lib«tetps qh lit. Best, ofBre2w NIcàhfu s ~ i u tL.t -. e- -- -- =aise a -«, 31- Aw dc. tb. 8dW. ol Wer si %«, pu ?e, aires ual ta bé.uik ~,aa'a,« SentOf -th- teri an staer 2, tu bavMnMîbelà anlin, te 2d.î d.riemo51 cndi,c.Peei4t eatt',lt «Mneap Iaeqmti

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