9INGSTON, CANADA, TUESDAY, AUP.UST 8, 18413. coin Io --Iqqp-mr- 341 -NORf and fs 9 neCen hrret hel'i , lirialled a %verneu C !!ii Nu. 17. - Fem Grahm9 kbgami for tra. goobbed out, 1 It canntic aott- lie-Den- 1are the joys of voith ; the àassociations e f salng double lutter.' Roy took he h31:1(ddllar, aidii i, to par ,r if er ; I have g-A my m·me's T IIE PO -OrF Fi C E. nri t cani never lbe.'Deninit, alarmed and con- 1aug story~are tiger_!here, l a ,den ligt, ail promised tu execute tire c:niion4. A shn wo;thl.' by alla s EDGwicK. foundied, was mialier relieved when .hefund o-ut the bright passag of hfie--its pleasaLnta.in- ,..!ert the house-, the possibihiy th et éhe ltoo lght CoulJd ne pýierce uiitò the sacréedtreasury in the real lion in the way ; and after a little scolieh-itanecesino a lnd ep«ime> incident. And there, have a double letter occurre-d to hier, and thouigh the Laeart, une -mglit se e how much rtichler the L The faily of Jamnes O'Moore lwas a reputable ing ar.d cheering, Rtosy begdantoeeltatthrethesletmiisters .Iofmil rin, triai, superstitâion, the PooerUtile love-Loken -thre E 'jlish shislling*e nltlem aW3sbyhi, pet oey that 111111. branch Of the old and broad-spreadir.g troe of the lwas still twilight above her horizan. Shhad ieven deahitiiself, bwe t hei>r rot.ofàwrrow pluck. -was of inestimiable vsah-, it woiuld not be 's-j ohnstoa; by the euin u:se-aveýd ! O Moores inIreland. Jamneshadrmarried young, commnunicated the fol!owing fact".out, mandbec-nia .iiwerinig dae--n,eAein- rated] byfthe postmnaster. lR -y piue. • I will A:M this wileaoOr p-w,r hletefiend Rtmiy was n sptafte iecuse ftesage and rich, IL seemedfthait James (O'M reehaa bten i.gagrs freom another ,wrNý. Whoever looked bacit ask Mr. Johnston to lend lie t e Ontl)ey-how an imlpa;elt aid da&t attenure oCýbserver. While Who Can thfemrselves indullge in the luxury of vainly struggling againset the crrfent of Iberd pn ow hrua h isaoftme r h anI sea tanruyeI il.Saertrc hemdetyaate a pprunt t p wiesan cidroan tik t er åtngth tme.With allthe inidulgenicoof [hia lanlorr, wide sparm of distnie, and saw anyIthinz but ad her bses ndpropoed to the lady flihe. pos rOacil the postinatite, without Pustangb«herway poorfshould do without theml. Neither would it vwas hard for hien to pay is rent ; and his light a.id beauly th i!Sure!y, thei, the pour esile con.ingeacyt of thera beingf a double letter z hrough the crowd that surrounded hinis e Jetlmmy ('Moore eguided by others' experi- boye, now grown ato bie capable and industious, Irbh imay be pardimilthe halluciations of their for herself, andcnone forMrs. Johnston. ' In luiked lwith fear an1 dismay at thé aimeor ence, whicii has been well cafled the -stérrl- had co work to do. Emnigration is the great L1,- filial love. that case, uni'am&,' saiked Rosy, liesitatingly, newspaplerd, fearing tfint taerpoor little 1 if light of the ship." iSo a! five.aud-thirty, ha was tional resource for Irelandr. V031are's relatione Dame O'Umoore dowed and einkin;r heart ,- might 1 just borrow ialt tof your money i' she lhad one amongthiemr, rwo.uld sh:j Lt x-e . a husbtind, and fthe fther of nine children ; anrdjriends 0on every ide %were goiug to Amferic, turned fto Thomas. Manly a %eary fuinombhad] ' Certaily-yes-t top amoment'-it can't thaerévedle a the hay-m:-,w'. It sO happened t le ve,' sashisife expressed it, l"erre to the and ba ending haime letters and remittance, fur comle ar.dgafne sinceRany tidhnge hadl reached bée,&she saiJ to herself, poor people noeer write the milember for Clifton cunty nad beeunumkin, re Virgile, in Heaven-thiree boys 0oer tping those left behiia. A fewirdays before O'Moore thems front 1reland. At lat camre a newsae obeetr--ypuise is viery lowv-'ere id a speech in Congress on the bankrupt la*, aÎ3 ne tei fthr nuter than lhe, and Our Rosy hd receivèd etter.firom the husband of Den. fovraned bt a frieiine)MontrealI'ig n u-'nosaying rwhen U-. Johnson will be ha;ne-- that hie baliforwarded to is constituto B« es o-, dear, the beauty 0. County Crtogte i' itr.Te eesil nCndweecuto h rcaspce ht e fg t Liv. every nycouts •o ygr, h ocu hnat e tain 1 g,111.1 pr*aen le, monri a Lr that knew shre vwasthe they hutad eadth ost temipting accounits of erp nacra ay, iwith an unjusual nomj. ded aleul, 'you wvill have fno occasiion fur my efrusion, a ed ha f aiany ktler. li r trueit and best e ,L:at ever mother leanred uponi, the facilities fur isettlers on the noer land@ in the hýe fenigrants. The paper contjraintia. - oney, [ am meure ; 1 ae sorya cn .bi1yu rfins tle ih h ospof W'sjrr se Gdbeshr!United States, and vehemnently ugeL OMir prec ls o tepasegrs adamngtembuirioeinrn lterfo eI airthryo Tee erthfwo:pesafth h. edeà ple Thos who, uneasmabl, or, ifthey wi , to cmeoutwith hibls son.ý,and join themi. O'.-vas thle ua:neof Thomlas 'M-oore. -'%Ald sure Would"rn yhl olrbcadwe tyaynme fAlsis'lasrpsSn k, reroay, dislike the Irishl, cananotdeny that, M-rawsanimusie nedtemne mn ts hmy;*sadth odwoani'sI ooit ure aayierfae yd it isponmet Iradsa bdldn\ ooesfD¢,hrgnt"n er-intheg:wmgfevorofther fïetinsinge-quitethtdnoofn go together. Fore- it 1 ses it'.' Tnty's ocntm, and no other., and rnajrtidation at having made the reposicýt the and N\ew WoVrit.tARe&'r ihse had buee for the et- Crosity lto their fkindred and people, and in grati- seeing opposition frui thre 1wom-en, he imnarted '. 1But, motler dear,' sautl Rosy, %whoacould find mist.ken lady th)ught, ' it wras well 1 refused nsios* prt doberadi a nd]the croird!ebbed, Rs n.tue o n memk r b erofth hma fmiyJe, is la t teeboys only. lThey joyful:y' con. a ray of ligt !eamnii;f where ail wals darknee her. S- ii 'nâve rn)oi-I, ;-er, Jand then thre approached the table à:dd o:le@tly inu(lired if nGreo arbrl, who lin a kind manner fr-en- crred with him. le "madinfortunâto arrange- to hier omothem dulled vise,, ' caillCounty Cork Umomy %would have be-an Itaetfor somnething hev er ay 'ter M t euMore i, but h- de' hmM, ric, hy are unequalled. O'-imemis frthe sale of such eftcts aistmust lbe id full of O'31ores, and ara there not six Thoan- ceeand 1idhould not have been the wiser. The nov ithe poili statr was luist ithe politiciaan.A "d. 'ce hd a ji lious anid genferous lartdlord, left lbeh ind hau, anId aln the mfingiof this dutaylasO'Moores, cousine tel us, lor somietinithatdtcv ý, ier eli ù t Irih have aivays a lie reidy.' flot discussion was be;faun onthÏ bankrupt law, 1 d li!dhetrve e n i w e ft oh. rd ife téand daugîhter that, inoenedweek-, way, beidebour uown Tonæv?, manw.ihuma.iry Rsa n, -in vwilchaall were initerested as particuser er9dit- - unIii:,, -Ji h .y his four surviing children they must Le riding oj:: .è iså!! water, ' Ah, vyes,-but this is my own--I feel it Lto bc ake'e nctie** th..*".,J *'-' ors of pairtie, and Relayerelleted hber im .: b'l Iry, 'or bringIup); but fthera was a cousin, Resy listened as be would have litenled t t'à every uinrow of emy bones-ni) o lok, he OU what a pity that life should be miarded hbj thrice barfora bhe was1.etene, tatoand tahW. '. o , ;i'csick ly girls and a boy, to whom hig a sentence0of death, ard turnirg fromie ler father isaid, po-inting tu the prid ma:nie, • it's as likle wasted opportunlites of small kindnesses ! Strik- le r Sith replied crabbedly, Il Can't "tou*ait ý -;d! rbade hunI ilextend protection and supt-1shte osank dlown ou a chair paie and motionleusshâtm au hi:>wiface. Oh', Rosv, it is be and ing, occasions and great deeds fail tu the lot of mlinate, echild !',amI grumibled,'Ilpests1-Irish ! ... ir-ilil yN, Dallnis fixney, was to be sure IHer anothoerunderstood lher chad'sfeelings, anud m eart istrioe Pl* fw, but the humiblest has every day %ft opportu- Rosy di i wait G iu tes1at leatendlessfai - til eb ae a ima rtoate.n is W as fterhronsrrs adsokhdsm y,,in pite of having a weight of sorrow, of nity tu duo&aille liule favor-to speak a kidethe eee t e,.o Veha h ,ý * tm rv n al oad hnbtsbiesesi,•ue em 'or a. wh:ch h eboter was Ignorant, in the intervalswordi, or forbilear a lirsl one-to cheer withaofhrwnaxtisadhebde fhrpr c- Za ie yeýars ol, he had saved the life of the fur the good of your boys. 1 have not long am of adjustingtthe ld wom.ian's il 4lows and adin- anUe, or withhgld a firvi; to d omiething in ather and sick brothe~ ?fer e irit. She Lthei a r. ',: nl.Y!,% othel.r.o hedman n- ie R1cno ernt tn lnei yoditring a edof ht, tèh tea, contrived tolet a virtual obedience to the blessed coranatici, 'bar si, am rd-& IirR wo,,u d thank yeor tteooni o iet,' airtlatut tadaetei ycl e6 'lie- C rjrtdhîl iewoidta bt r Tg. ray-of oplento hber drhooping opirit. Thfe dav ye ont anocther's butrdens., look if there'â e'er a le ter f o R-y OWooe, or . ý .-rtl,;i,üonly soituf Sir Phillip Moer- ' Alone ! will not we bie on every aide of was bright, and when the title cabin began to) If recording, angels du wait on morn's demis, any of h2r people .l ý.ý --1- i-, , Lvly E' -:llen, was born with a you i.hý ave the aisaf coinfort that neatne@ssand order it id over the blanik pages %w e fnry,tetatost 8:uith either did not, or affected net to hear, i ý( -Y-at tm e e«iitainciiurably lamte. lHe ' \M sheothat 1Icmust lean t im h ave alwvays give, even where there ispoverty and sickneitearis are dropped. ir. Johnston turned lto til apersonwho stoodt noir initerposed, saying, - a. ,esF ek. aniid offanerius temupera. hbadl somlething tu lean upon since 1 firsit lay upun ihAy prop<sed waWkng intr Chfton to see if lher afairs quite uneconseiouse of the wronj @he ItLis too bad, Smuith ; l'il look over the letterd .d re; s.n.H '! olt-mymohe'sboom; he s ws aknthn hee erlot a letter in the poset office, h1ai donc, for thle Inish were out of the paie ,of msl o h orgri o o'. o whnyti, would f 1-p from i it %wasnmy pooir father, then itweas yole, iJemmey. * That!m mny own darling,' said her imther ; 'it her sympithy ; and our little friend pursuiedhler turned pettishly round, and siuffrng over a pr li , e nlus iwadra. od-!adtn sitntRs ht y prop-mny reit was the i1 was dreawring of jroatel pota- way, tstoppig ýonfly once to rest by the road side, ce1l(of letters he púbsed at one- .. at-i ut ethe estalle. Il iziru!ing p"- , owas a 1and cmfort by night and by day!' teu, and ust's a si"etofletterecoming-..chtwhere aslhe tock Dennis's last ltter fromt her • That's rmine t' exclaimal inRasy avoluntarilý 1 v iwild flower. m try-in Y sto on o so; dme *'And, God helping me, will still be, isther,' tblendtlBarre 'Ltai od errethe sign,wthef; Pt, boson and road it over, for tbetehndradtthous. at she recogized the hanaiet the girot glanedut , wit ýsthat grew un ,!a brck O a streaim that said Rosy, dropping on the fdoor at her Pmother's hi@ son, iwis away to the Indie.le.litfRosy, andth timf?,withmlles and Iear. Shte arrived thre supersenption. She blued at the aande ig , :dteett, 1i, n nbet e eta.ndlaying herhadalon lher hp. duear, whier<'s the tmonrey to pay for tha samiev at Clifton,fhaif a n hour ster the Eastern mail hronrie ocyadetne e e - .Lt titsif't channiel, lhe was carried cdown imto '.b, y daling, is it fnot you thial are prom.- 'Ilàthereot a shilling,Imtle,left of the had comiein. Tiie arrivai of the miai?, in a coun- shilling, her 'love toklten' her han] tre ng artiicial ponde, where -he would inevitably ised, and, ad I left aillfor your father, so ind!ie . iimail f tea?, try town, in thre greCat tvent Za "" . • 9 no,1Vith cagerniesi-7 lue bnc"dro vted but lfor the timtely :nterven- you teavre all fur Dennis-thji isI thle thorny wa y 'Àh,n, Rotsv, that sa-nle went to Cliftoni, f,. w:,re dues it nroduce @Zs qççh a in *Not so faut, weetheart,' said Péter, 'this id _iln dragged unider thelic o[ie egraspt, oftlie- Lif ha 11dneha1ake8ih i wnrelastii t l y mixturé. I would noýt rob! one of our Western settÍements, for thera are à double letter, and jsojenyou il ddo0le yuur n. aïownlIil cIIciýd, but 1 id stout actif andsotr " t...yu arln, but sure a letter woul be better imemibers of fainsitics newltersent out frmin i e y ogtt eart pre';a'ild; and 1h not (only took the boy 1 ow a a ll-'idjus. wOon's way,' initerposed wouidLabe etter to us aillthan gold.-Thiere's brth pULace, their fibres tlill trembling with the .Du! ymny!si orRy ned - iroin the w trb' a re hm ale t emy, ,flying o:if inet te cloudls, instead of the gold p ece Dennis--God ever bless Imu-- idisruption from the parent stock-there are ex- air, 1 cannot-I have [nt another penny 's"- -e theeatk cnd lai d him lln h b ' mile, tu' wah iug il, the beatenad before yen. %What ,gave yoauat parting.'Idies fromt the old wvol, to, thr pulme till am- Bmx mules I have walked fur this saine, air.' .- Deli wasan ad once taketo t eratlarms. the deiil .ggmies blurring your eyen, Rosy ? • AothIer, %what: for would 1 te': you in that i wering to eery bet oftho 'é,1heart 'at homte Ad you muât walk ia gi 1 ewithest it tauh',b ate wr'stt , sCan't Denn:s comte with usp!'drai our aid you sicke, but sure it wais ithe gold I-thereare the rmost Éaiious specutatnrsahulifyoucntpytepw t ah olt ,iand- cMiperngad whatutorreadinig, wri- 1 • N\ever,igsdc netl; n h' a e sw@a lver, fathier ; he is duty-bound to piece 1 paid for father's colfin, to quietIhis dJeaithere-if there be any gradatiube en this scale ter, i the rule here, every body k*owg,' and',* imprtnthewaspu uderth hedond asMa:. , EwaDets ithe nearest duty ire imust :,rui. Couid he reslt easy, the thing otpaid for, -te grediest politicians. waé turninig tu replace the letter in the grave ef fwortnstut ion vin h imtrt terbaEd g ener cd,. Ie,] go twitheyou, mother-I twill, and l'Il and his own Joar child having gold in her purse l' ThoChifton postoffice was in one etW«itl a pieon hute, lwhenitRosy lahd! hateofis armc. -u tnfered o ie for ary Macs t Et ardow say never a word against Dennis's doingOd's 'It's aillright, Romy, love ; the blessing f the of a large 'store,' whose proprietor was post .For the love Of Heavee, air?" id e,'g14veý ctraisfeonloeasurbeon the wpacs of he ga Jnbidding, and that Îrs aillhis possible to serve .Mas- dead and rtheliving on you ! Iff there shoul e.mse.Teewr w nrne otrss mi-methe later i y im td niother h tienr e, .f er'u lve nd teider .e wa woki motli tr Edward. Should 1, that love himn before ail a letter !-Pat boy, is there ne'er a shillinz t civiiaed egtablishment, one largo eor op h mMorn't fon hgnh 1 t Deniein a -.a.- .... . - 'A" ÏM tlt.thLfdT -Iifr~elâlütoe osé adhere, t '*Na na, mothe.r,l oandPa mmtechi, o-uefrmanar ,iestethte-sd ndtisltered5nW ,= greioder, is aunand becamte dimmifer, and hi@ afteriward wvith: a stronger and molre cheerful re- shilling wveut tor the pedlar--had luck tolhimn- imain door. Rosy fell intoe a tide entering here. ' It comnes from au ho nyieLýw O bodyreeebler. He was always leaning on Doennie, signation. fur the fever pille.? lier heart beat quick wsithflearand hop, and iml',' sd Rony wi di ilayL" um ei af ,e or limping ater him, and secumid to love the pre--ilionw isely and howtbeautifdHly Providence •'Oh, morthar dear,'interrupted Rosy, c¡t'a shle bagarr nsishe afterward sauid, tofet a chk- emouning into her c cee wbc ecm nsance of the bright, sitrong, cheerful boy au a has interwoevenu the reciprocal relations of the lucky thought the0 samte, 1 have ! Shte pulled in, as if there wvas a woleeloaf of bread in her deadly pale t fthe thought of juin the let« rplant loves the Inibe. r:,ih and pour! Muney could not buy, -but it fro ou sàasan a aguspended by a thtre Id- throat. She was unconocious that sell waIli 'Oh, please air, let me oonk at the u ie o l' se At the period wvhen our history of the O'- i;fht rewlard, such service as Deninis's3. The bare ribbon, f'oin which'its original rte color tstarted t on thic right hand and on the left, and Peter Smfith vouchesafied te ortatbrttil Moores and Rooneys begins, the three sisters sciek|y chillof fortune was his dependent, and had lbeen log 'ýwashed out. •inInee Dtoidfermaoth uileecaatoste etrino her hnan Teau-agi e% ,of Denuislhad married and gone to Amuerica, hie he was bund to the generous benefactors thought of it ieing maoney-it wase a love-tolken wviihi er beau,y calleJ facrth. The "estore" Ivas n D ueent, laded w;ith favurs and presenlts front Sir Phillip of his famttily by ties far mtrongier thlane any eblains w.e calledl it. It was When youe and I and Den- was already full of people, ail men , fo - ear chatacter-.,a we nu ,o hand--e pe le4%b. andl Lady Ellen. Dennis hadl manifestled no dis- ever forge. Lady Ellen w-as sure her son would nia went to tle fair-he bought this ribbon and ,bcary gróinankinid dg ner. rechen it a femniine otâice, liaiUnited$teofAm , i, pit ion to juin thlera. Hlewas quite contented pine away an:ddîne, if Denan i blehi ; and so tied round myneck, yu rememrrber, menjer it service to go'to*t. oaie pot-offc, being afraid, dif '1Can't ad oii tapW upitpse with the servi«ce he was 'ij, sand never left the ho p~robably would have done ; and a mari fous was r.y-seteuh birth-day-l'il scarce hknowr my- one of their witty planéterreonce said, of seemaing Peter Smith tuoss 'i t's plai p ri a j- ezItle but tu visit the O'Muores. ' And, why true and constant to duty than Demn nmight gelf ithout if--but JI'llnot scruple parting with to "lrun after the ma"es!I" ed evary]etterad eyou didat ead, it devoqr e- du you alw.ays go there, and never to fairsl, or have questioned whiether a hife so feeble and po.. iftatobring yolu *the comfirt of a le-tter--so kisu The .great moen of Clifton (Clifon hal its great it. The good-n turedturafter tal d rpd A nMakles, or imerry-ýakings t.1any kind ' asked fitless wiere worth preserving at such a cout. it furIluck'es sali, rmther, dear.' e, eegterdru nal, nwiht rcuetelte, w a u i utn ery Lady Ellec. Dennris lookýed straight upe, and Blut thera was no suchr question in Deunm' clear lier mnotherkissed the love-token, and kissed Pe'iter Smith, the postmeaster was depulint'he oket ad trigbimg lemil ot emavery g b:raighit down-lhe louhed vole side, and the oth- mind. He threw his loe, and Ilonginglitoago lher goodit chil,and poured out a shower of tears, newspapers, letterse, and parcels, auslie de ip odéni, an tng hi u-re nide outb- ,ntosk er- e looked e!eepi.lh-in short, hie looked with Rose, inte çne s;le; and a mas fn eles lre as teesaid, • Gtd Almighty's blessing rest on thema fromt the deaep abyme of the great leathern sbtac norW entt na1a ,l every way but :1his mistress.'s face, as he re- and constant to duty into the other, and that pryou, as it dues Mndever il o o'ekp l a.Tepsmse a a fsotsa inyto e U 's plid, Sue y ldy as ee Roy OMore. podertigth thng assetled Iis lawse, and rowned threntaillwith honoring ture and spare body, with a weazel face and eyes he said, e eti Sure Lmy lady hadl, and, with a womian's quick Te aovrspartedt. Rose came withle.br fami. father andoer I .I--sa you'veIHis sure Word glowing likre a ra'e. He felt the importance of 'lise r Wm'this e uere eve isbig day ";, ah edte hl isorLfDni' ly to Aimerica, and Dennis remnained in the mer- thaut these blaehldays all lighten up and belong holIding the wheel of destiny for the commurnity with all rnaner of Lai rspecea ma airb hear'.. After a litle considecation, se told himn vice of Master Edward at the castle. They and brignt to th tant, mn the land that the Lord of Clifon--of being the orace to nfammne the greaot, and lettersi worth ]ce-,butsIl i- Il c--drew fromtehim a afull disclosure of his wish- were too yduang, and too dro f bheart opart thy God giveth thee-God speed ye, Emy dar- voice of the divinities at Washington-the hera(d tfrom Washington wi:h the f anfof tmPe. e and dawnviing plans, and promrised to forward wvithout hope. ' Bc sure, Rosy, '.be sure,' wrce 1l n1,ll , of allmtnt, foireigna and domeresti, and the mendi- dentl of a Congraerant, w ho hadl btter lilt er thent, giving Rosy an eligible place at théalmterâtDenniâmsslas. wordls, - thvat por Master I ese blegssgo, the very effluence of well 1umi of ai guood and evil tidinzd that came te Clif. ing potatocn at bhomei-whty 6.%w[ji Is le castle. 1hat Denm s huldeaver leave it while Ed'wards's shattered framne cannat stand it long, perforined dutie teoll, like dewvs fromt Healvenl, 1-" S'à pS pel6 art aid tu have the gift te fMe, and these paar emtirants paaqurir0 M:ster Edw-.ard lhved was out of the question, and, awhen it pleases Goad to take himf to His n Rody'd spiritømrd filled it vwithecheerful ex- s &ee isoa amiU-stio. Titi.w as nothingto Pe- adollar [gr a p- s! in t i å 4Qerhirgarterfur Ladt i snale u d Dere is ontbydwrdt ha poca1rili beafter yoe, as faset as winds and pec a« hr w.Igtes fo tr Sist's iftto ee nt a ettt-t%-idi-a'erfrmte: hot lnu fatd .eped ceund hram , o by i g atitu d ue calwerin,,hae.loe' o u riis and er iuda ut 4 a garranged becom'g 1 ymana bey of its superscripties.Bét toil and hard fatrer lok forwvard to a. s theue tpitvohiea ut ohim rttd u loeshv :o4 ncpareanddisbe'rfide ai hé ed at herself iwatzthis requ = e. Champoil n could not read cheer and sustain thieés Who think of it by &J faumiy by Sir Phdiip Land Lady Ellen. lmultitude tvirted haie beuen cde t inob-trirr aecereda @sw eter facra w a-room h rgypicata g lif ance. Thers tdwnothnd yn" htand whn it' oades-teir mans ,l A wveek badl passed since be had seen Rosy. »cure places, without note of admiration. The given back by th little bit of broken ragua he tblg ndaries of Clifoneebtronown on t te nwzerae;au -i ilioed inrh, tage In thle next hall heur lafter hie communication @sweetnessof both has gone up to Heaven. glass, by whichtle tiai on a pretty âtaw at.tremleando cughs pareb ngt nuamveedandré-e s'eantpy;a niheusm 6- rth Lady Elenlhe Wal on bisway t het-h Teew bro jiid h er iKo elyih-eiii's*Ra ' s aer et r, yeurmorning honnet, viewed, while Peter Smaiththought tohiimselfor * ell, ia tiat Lmy business l' eaked Peter. Dennits that knocked, aloenedthe donr fur binsigned tt ise slight sketch ofiheir fartuntes does was themonly bad otf mouring hs ad bej e armotredow vIlg$gfaubugis ethrw nelabo :d buti iit i te faultyof u Congre 4We The flushof°'elc°me, or the blush fihal: Over- notpFormait out detailing..ste, by stop, their pro. able to obtain. 'bere's nu luck ma'der a black fromt th. land office,u "at a-hort"adDa eet" bar° e aud u'i' ç"i" P"rt se -- if, ww si spr ead lher cheek When Dennis kissed it, solon gress ; ]ed onk-as suche wanderers are-by bonnet, imother, 4 r,' said Roasy, 'wo this once 1 cani tel huit!Ah 1eierfr heamp de et nghrm an n domgfte eulegood, inth oorking pabbed awaiy, and loe observedith at ahe was paler chance advice, and chance acquaintances, and il leare it behiue-the weed is on may heart all fin !" andrt n a chuckle; "the wdw iPrth baven yu e i ofathe popl rtbof the m Veg und !la scheerlul than u.ual. the hbelleof casting off ld burdens, and gaining the sme.' S80 in kissing her moilher, and another chance ',,1 taerar w.e aeat re neet nd trif the-redlà ' tiure, Ueni ' sadth other,1rthese have now advan:ages, they reached Illinois, saed theregivingPatrIk wll Pat on the shoulder b" ealtieb&bi oè i wet i gpitaed othbe s thend 6f t--pat een the ly,;g djâas f thieyeatr thatyou have squatte nsoenw addaotsioiesfonsestgot nai -ecakiote-lf i h-ieali oyhliiaehs a-o ee i trrdt rmv teinrè.I iéeen stayil; aa-.iy trom ue.' the thriving slitle town of Clifton. Turach this ton post of!ice.., bate, ar nd ask.dshal, fthrhasay m lodfortré onteehfs Npaer ý Iludeed and that's tr ue,' replied Dennilâ, point* , lte0'.loores' convertible property hadl 5e caied at t hanties ofthe isterof Den. lettran for g Wi or grander. , heb, fot re e)uents ehem tNp 'uvrff Ilancing aut LLse, 1'Lourd are mui.utes beoi, and 1bee:) turned s (nto tmoniey, and the mney was nis, tuosask if the*ad any Lmoney to send furr .wafter whos your grwaia nte i Oh, Bosondbinoui itu w f the lom oao( r 1, aues are hours a way from yoju.' ineady expeniChd. The guidena Cloud that, to letters. Nu, the d no money, and na ex I now --Adi on Valuefrt-ewat ageminute-es, rr t ndinPmultiu e"s plaes e ' ,oh, itla getteg darkerth-u everellesaw it the ,pour emýigranýt's ey,rests overtthis WesternLuation of letters, ýyexpacted their hush wd hee is your onde forterposarg t' alhem re thipofilrchild an pt gity lete yet, Dena. Des.aii started. ' là it O'Moore 1worl, bad Lt L,,,%now Iebe.ýre lthe.e, and nown, from Buffalo in a sgt'a tiine, and if Ropy 'eL oitlleefowhadrw nearbi er, and rigL tdealy rtibeang feopriaitbLimir lpara ugi st-, that's to.ien;iatLte castl'e o-day 7 otat hea cvr oe r yhoettwodwoluattet L hngv ereog ybineieeh dopdhsha adhs tl'yuyred o rn hi etes a ii 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ il 2. td tn::daa.Teat 'hbetpay or thveilt ters idt all Ierean oudsn ,- hteopltcaabHasef..hsehat 1 cita Ný..01;12L. eaid sti! chms i-ý a:a Th rmes' ofun-toerbour hey fr. Wielta fort !aithIoght Royasset peak out-have you got the maney or nt, wrenchet, mau by la--there am e accoMb NL D. ,n. P1 nr yl'aidsheies. deSai ively shook head to their proposition. er 1 A cash artice, a eutterat this petit of- with double consciecesý a»o pen bookwt" -Nul uue of them. Ta:e first easoia Ja:acà O'Mo-te took ithe le. If was an alrdr in ai! the waiting Of a thon.- idenn;te es dwra ahmbe ' ibe th n w-adluc t itisyettovLtr ofthe couatrywand died. Hise de.t son, ind. san fth ar, t ofa La' ,could not he voluntail Grandti'e vas:ck sir andherehas nt ctanythes, andhons t rhi ir ied bre e . . tell., 1ing that ,harder %workIltha h haddoue at homne brooke oney T' l efîl lbue epet hee'r.m'totht es w o bthWho db D'ceis sconifounded. He fancial heonly mt itnsaler present retuni, was dýýe.t- Bu, oir rea.ler. e 1nt vet actluainted with lté rm> ahrsr.é tadli h trtd orar' had calestuofull, adel g nù. ot tu baie that feiled aned disuated.and lbe quitte.'the land and al',i lhe reasons of )c iRe e seageram efor a lot- * You and gmer must take itout in expec- Y, sei, loe lve thre letter iratme,; 9 inefrd thetre rilm àthete 4Pàr and seeut to) work onaa at aitoa. Patre ,ieleft ltio LM. It wvanot ,;t rdlmileskanuletLkireiwlher tation, Cmy 1 is in a single letter-markied , .4y la n Entfr lde ,asked Ro.y tu aalle do,ân IhO gruen latne with labor udoie--fr Thjom, thae vungee,ýt, hud re- : brothlers fate, buttehai lea,;i, by l ast and l'incure tof it-they can't cbteatnie.'he cela- mtiatdthe" bothbl, and thêrew théem on "thebir Limi. Rose t.ed ou a t a w hteapron, téraewaiemd in leeud !to u! ayar. nag.et epac.ro i, a 'srdwad tinuedl, fingering thre letter,'- ifthey d&the dowli *fiet e d' *they are wurth1 as th the0 but Ler little cloak oveir her .shoulder$, and they --wvadiscuragce, adwslidb a h hit erammlngala i ierd. it will keep tillcalledfor, mMy er. wet out togethier. 'Thfe entimüent of Ithe hut- lever, whloefistvict na t e disa ted a re. a poor young i èed.-G 't rg; ef frTbere are fifty othrf teetoeii ospn, *tts agantbhle,'epliedgPb t s e Le!, Ike the dseaste.sof ch!dhoodinsmsimplle, un- 'Thfe lýVi es etenJda tekndesiiterwrit swga le iThe4 n akd-he wkn iltorter a e oe opysie,11ttak aylehng b t a b - compicated, anàd, ttle Vary ng iu its SYUlptomsâ. power tu ur friendà-lhey had deiculties ofr' aisol u hesi ihhm &dm't s h aM de le ýTaksto you,, Rosy, dear ésaid Dannoissàit thr ow u. Th'le fe f a sater 1i4 at bae., a 1 yhln du tbt ' ThuasâOM. ' The poor child's taeasdropped upon the 'hn ' Iae cK oi:in ca 1ertigé,and £ban noLw tl ask *1o u lo lt Ome P," tse onlzy sigh- Lie of Of hardship and endurance-anaphatically l me I'ntre ue noeg assengýers liathe uwas ",e allelosing is bashfulness m tre fe etag, areroy l'il brwig ed in reply. . Sure thlat question wi.sassk otlab. a struggling >lif al e i o LVer srayhrbohr th ad leresa baak biin itidola- 'O yno&b de epae long ago as vwe cani e.einber." '. Tlâ second Sprinig oaened gloomiily on the. had -e1,ij scser en IDennis bâia aticipatei,thrpnedosndi. mg.iqkephr trsaefry, 'Aa nserd us a lngag-suatno, 'M re.Ilnckculd just Crawl fru.hie and Ih r reaxou d ber thre as sd careeka Ag lmnwoha ae hl dmn rn.tlterarreak hvecwa t "OeveryW Deuan;. lebed .t the fira, his daysIbei varied only by chareeltat hie w l aer, but lnat cha laicu dltesfonimtbe ihasoeo es dv'oin u hr asee#0 .Sure, au,.0 ;t was, R"Y, alwe have been cü;il:and no chill.- gis pour thier was aa hune, al!l uertrn .;a. A oger interval fthanipapcers, was awatirg the change of half dolar ; .Whi"himtrd dM:P194%e &imumserse:4" lm as oo asou evr ac, nvig bt ne oat Ltee dying. of trasêplantationt, an unie hdbeie lms wenhsbeiesha e aattention was arresed by thé j"tle hy's illeide the buildia*l A ameé betwece us-troth p ighted and all, and nu, Rumy moemnt ora lubjetct. Rosy did her best Pa-e,and if he re not in thre fi smi,setnosvk, and oinpnsa'ßshr hredw e n èi dear, but why are you à, dark !-you send chilla with kind worde, hapeful sugg,,e.Liu.- iles feit are of findra fetter fromth tein thetiicaiee ftletricit, ie hep tatdoranvdequkidelis-à-.t-- tu the very smutof ime." Rosy burît ito Lers an .es f --a-hear Learsavie kept tu her. toc pet ome. ,lawhei a great god id at child his ilater, anid let the baanre of my haltdesA.hadlhtLd" wai anadpase : ..Oh, sPeak, Ro"y; et'trouble hai coue tu you ee;î Many La àhe shed, whaflen heewMasnuo taie, Withe Wh al raidiy file maea- do.a pr orit" h â tr cham tbai ék id co__ have nut 1 a rndht 9. the better hall of It ! Den- tnti. a ht e ," the »muldering :o.?.culates ch2nces . îrapidly the pendulum Îü. '3le 1 4" kyou, sir,' saâILhebr¿-6 ' h miManntri lunadhghoh dab n;a arme was rund Rosy's wicai, and RSy pres- Thley wtit all, in truth, piniing wili imme-iick- brates. - the leer. -But 1 kav the hillta ic itemkelii reeieae aed the haud that was oue her heart, but shc couilt nu. Ro-.sy purgaitd %tâk for thrme ,tae itih you L atoopen the letter,«WirgabgseMOI'e -du nw.. - s ites,† not lutter a Word. Demawiped off the teair& Thetrish are *tea ridiculed, or contaned, ent passmg i hu habtationMe g oete pas. The gonfleur»an*aeier on ed4l s * btoa" "b1-«--w »*-îe ewith Rosy a apro, saying, ' thera My ife, do'nt fur vaku"itien g cmaable humes ethey htaesud near the 1to farudvæme of ai East- the ifanible M~. r's In ,,tes sa&,eti, the asalri rY 4WMthiit'Of a cO*ise pM aMge, seuid anyr mcoeaer them ! I bave maews toteHle fit beia 1 then1,•'The s mfortable hos«they era ettler. vifieof the prietor *edàbank-te waël there , asy's - i,"'f. 1 beetpleck âw trdhtt er yoti tha: wd'l drive away al amsor -sunshine have lk« tàhind te.'T ykos iybred lady, -apmsof the Atlandente, •1 kn.« fathey .I woen ,yad b kylah Je ein to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11f 1et wa-al-l d,. _;_fon d-risteya ,ba a... der awew& bk nam flfg e e -e tuse eb 4 ki. nlassd ee TO !E PUBLISH E D vEBEENEXT• AT R E A T I 3E O N OUETICAL & PRACTICA Arted from its first principles. DEDICAT ED) S PER MISSION) To0THE non. mes Edwin Boitfrd ANDTH:E S.riey.n or Brtu.h Nortb Amerie. ,iTEN,'TS: Decimlal Fractionu, $qua ,' Elements Of GeoMtry, Definitiot 4ibric Definition, GemneicalPr ,iudme tellNlature and Use cOf &4l Plioe rgnrerMensuratit t.do Ijtance, Descr iptIiu and ai turemplyed tu Surv einga simp cL!jd of keeigi a FmdBo mc(lbe Compa. w ith part icularob ,,,the different affectîO io ti ie MALgne corrct a i sngh.melhod t rul of Lind, lby thinn;,rl !l et C-uà , Lca-.1 fLa s C_;wa bf i oa s!y p 8n! lleam oere bvýpe sliMi o1trautuofthe nl;, coaend t u acoe )y l: de M ell andL toUTES,&dC \ii be pro led eon ; io d p r i &3. iiiil>o d F C tions t the V>ica oria L S aLew id onop fte r. nsw%%i uch diby B ,, u the t a:n.- --n-e_ TONLE TS &0TE ls n t SEOf U OE MEARSLL,Di r 1[-a e i fmord, Ot ,t sub- T-wfer ctoof is N L de j: , H ole uilding, i t S!t -'k, 'or Produe, in pg mnt of hrlo -Iinigburgh z- m,-D s ricts of itre New J tsthe Mdl\\ dotert,-alleo S-WE, aunud disose of or t n fiehracnormmoatin nguem -umbranc, o tes, wpit u thf eli s le ic ri aD is l Leare seveand eTur ýL1 1 LLRI t R yai hat nvd might be !a !ri r p r os es,--imCainges ,-: rJrawmg Ogs out of te ",tC "ll the n ill, o nt e r i v eti & wYtERsand two goolabd E teuitoternBlacksmth loa hn f ther btoenr ;IOaird, f he Poptorn ellenceof eeutinorkutes £Ibi:l capeentL e inan thert at etilatacm dale e - an be out for atiany othr ae ailr.sui tcEsrof er, nwest l ei & a itz landiâ %i b oild Fo -rer assrtmenlt ada uch o Itrtif a nyohrhuem 1, adChil %; , & ions. 1 1 si CANADIAN JOURPNAL., POLITICAL, AG]tICULTURAL & COM-ý1EltCIAL. cwmw m moumm Umm m mm mm tu 47/59 m omnimm Io mmum mv Io Oum mmum cm M iii ý - 1 il t #1 ti et