faevai mmdeasg inti.s.m Wrtlibah Inubr bath; £9 of disis v wiidao prbteipall lot armese teidsremi sisl, (thtsw u a Jexpesisdinlu selliag ecstisudamo ly tota a U1 fir55mgO.eeboessbel Ib ini homo1 - fi lbThe iant. ibirdid mot Of ethl e -me. 01bhWlever,) Easy bold lie arjbaitle cip«4a .y, ami th e o o baid bc,.as if ta anmme eil f theni.l «"y cash eps meiutilIy vo 'heve losisait gaui fi 60 vase M. E I.bm mumra", * t tgy.. Ibt fcape.-n oliissess',a . mthe. othet tbeit.-.ttin 1 brbie Oeilack on lIses708, *ide, eVWhm lon mvi esonongli sid ltàm dm lugW &W icrii d - y*te. c he enb ou aity in u <l ule wiel Ier. vessues dy oye ou oif l. adtecsthi"laids@mur&. 'liii irli ome - Cd0 &hemlier. ads uif fisesafeard avead t coesven »Yp»aticipaionsin the.Mm«., sllp tiet lie r«« SoU wu esbofydinite rtea R al.suing wus cmtiaiaetiiroupaIimate eSesupsuhlm alepthy. as blise a<ss er batl if te. bcm a nda -liesaies». aiveocf tlb pstage reforu ptomisdIot atyberif dm W"seldgovwith ia emm lbé Rrt tei reeca.? bisel j eu is e t lb lams -[Eea.er. Ne IMllastIis- 'a ciaataiebo, anid o haeg lait bal1ib a ir os e.of nuace, Vasi s. O..qs , .isu.o *thps, my eh. mes y« bave lbe living lots. THE LAT£ SIR CHARLUI RAGOT. t su lttevte ville. ee.' W*ame lavored iy tb. Collecter of the Port aret, iPd lileteta eep i,' site eeplied, -andi sitit a ccpy of 1the following corresonilses. "t1'alb addd in a lover voire te Dine.., Il wicbve tenis mnt, wil hi rosm by 0a(ee evahi botter 11e te geilaoc my lois token- aur ctizeas sitii grtilli es liteg 7 'lis lbe 19.rm0 shilling yeu gave ni., DoistratGovercri Gmneal of Catada wuas ongluf ime Ibt 1 paid imi.' Dessins opueeassiandthelicniester of GOnu Britain ai Wosgo u l ,sisdthe. lovei tokun vith a eusse, Iui' ng hicli perlio it, lormei mnay usilmalselain Io gtmuter te mens lias balenc, fer tb in oar cmotry, ami secursi the respect andi eo- itit Pmr issmigr$ Whiteha.!d eviierith tente of a large ealiaaer a ur peopis-ami ferleu' 1auacag teitammsou, ur usntenané iticun: lorr. r t it nov ie t tlbdasning cf a Taveuar Dirpnaa'ur, :un i IF. a'sWashlagtimi, uly U 1841& d'sl. oeu slrody in.New York. wviiilr DIA* BSII-lî s in i hPeumoIl oncloe.you Mon sP"a55tecenvey Rosy ami ber (àuil an aiext r ouma a fendermtiura ,W 4tbeliom vere over. Ie Englani t thelas.. eueret Sh e hv Wadleft Desanis a.or bicla vould eomble ini convuy mout forcahild oliuef lbefamily te .mtaeiib ims.lin a hart and croit cf car. <blieSrCaLEs LPgt e i îie ai , im,.a is uiulàsnideu cfMeYork, sore synipand mirespect raid is msmoory liyt sSii Ems1y tea heep s houai", l'aîrick ansi Tlo. citizen. cftiat ption cf Nev York titrougli on t 4 a. gs4l.WDua 'Mnairo viclihis romains vers cérried, amsi moespar- Ion hoItsicUelsct)e b altkatlua al.inhabitantid of Ovege for tise fuis bipIaOh5me nas l bicli th"sy rseimil bis romainsaid jr lad~.treated bis liereavei fanill. TU& RAIu4*w" ACCIDENT.- J. C. SPENCER. Tt affens lis ret ~lem*u rate lt t ths ea H.. tMcWlerter, Esq.. collsuion oà ta noirSchenectady Coulectroftise Contente, ses fa? m isselastroume à» 0wliai causeite s <>, «~N. Y. lm ron t hereports WIehal ead USW -CI naosumint. Tb@IRaI report et Albany ra.- C be&~sthfefr- -e re-e sua Mr. Mmro helt ohum jS 0te 150 lii... Tm 'egwr*daieal Lodoua. la AJet55 843 041515 Sensy Ies ieAlbany îeurnai of Lieutenant Colonel Ragot,.oe<the Greaailior Daîuriay ecing: Guaris. callei on me lantBiturday for tiie par- Acciitu cmrusUncauseSoeuacuerpois cf ozpreoimg, ou Iboiti f cbils motter, '. le AYtrun«l oA-.r MU UsamSMI s dos cofb ae MSir Charis Dagot, ail of the ltiLRoai-ecihisne etmach em tafmil>, ther gratrfai oee fthe respect shevn snd alarmme sIoreig lba repetort t y tth lmumaay cf iCharles, asidcf tlb cesib- a passoager la thi Schomectaly "tr fai cul. stags oaiiued toserdetbsuelves, ou oece- lision cipou tlb Utums idB emnitaijurail-roui, a" o f lbir iowurtbeuggb NewYok. mler revsshimg, Inusa s i- ihe demilitlon daI bh4WtMirmti tirevet Cokes!Usgot t rd Juins, and hl lof etImmu100 ta 180 oilasulai amn 10 isbi Tbe Di-erirel o U»Western train et $eh*@o- s oi'ate mIlyposible rUnie bis fsi ecay. mit i ta;dtonne bailis e col-tL.grief wues ie$Mlol% à*oq lb spoêtby );Io% ,5udpbu iy te lb ot, and fer slic ie bo m .eqfi toilvhep@'atmrope- tli nio cth b exitlof IlSilO llOU 0< a outheof m-d-b--iL-(--t-b-iolvà thiecident sesintense. laid aidersmn euat, sh" thsy «auià"a- .Fertunaîely Ioarrivai ofthtie Saratoaga trais or repay, nt edequateir aceteri 1 I sue sai lbtheUtica peesengae, et 10 o'ulock, dissi.not ny ehat 1 aurail Co«meldigot fb el sIelI far, se farait rerrded t hie kmof gratification Ifeloitat My coqntaymss ha 0oe ae. Tram the. pass.ajv.s by'that train, end mble in esy vay bto tstily lbeir respectte litsde- .tse fromi thcagent of rem'ys expresis, elie ceasealparent, viase fouiner offciel cotanexion arrire.! thitimoraine wvi have ttii u]' Par"'". siti thlbGovemment of îthe UnidStates vas Uarofet tiis <eetnstMy aoifatal accident. Tic stili bahl tite lindost reietabrance; andi Western train netl aving rrivesIletSchonoc.ioss naineomsvas noe e ntiei by titai. wbc of : athe peoper tietb a spocial train, couaistinglidbgosfrtnte osudigîe - calocomilîse, tender andi a lores el pton- ilence et Washington, withatlexpreIssionsof ter cerai, ses dsspatcited ftmScîisuoetdy .,., c doeaeuatct. Wetsari. A l.w miles Wevi frisait tplaco *iidiain ndatach *9 IWO train, met. Fsrtunately forte tives 'uet. Colonsel Ragot . maakî tat isfater Adf lbptshte i risvtol iltc rohainod andl babituelly aveci-t. hi. dylu: .-dav ptm«po,* he trins ere i sg t icthekindeet feoings t,.ward te Goverament eni eabOWsia. les moments beoe te lb liii- Peopleof e bUnitedi Statea, feelings vichi om wculd nov bu chorisisedit a a sacreal inheritance .The. cagidiers . et ci rainfsbtnty shit of liy hie fanily. MIIIscrutseai ea c b tinues and epei trmm tueir Tic peculiar emrneatnes anditraction cf Ca.. fi"" cuu..dUW I" »pidsl.anUcisirons loel Ragot in his interviw vilis ne, ad the fias os~gat~ poui catilb Sllas Fer aiseami kîndly tenisncy cIfbils communie-. ummu mmmb rles s U s5ai gnoat lt evotil teno, bave nme"- me luîr dut>' reepetfttlly eslO* ais 'i's e ., tendr Md spss cymî opnt fpeîlarty en 8=. aseVerte »@tae0eaotend-t, mg f~Unite l*euW& Md ki pe be ces et tlb srmt1 cstingsait-. me ç44A LCcuania.-_Oe Tbusiyte bt- - ..l95~ . 1 as mla.s sa ojiy vWoubeoietths ie. P aid ltheepe eoeas lie = . .' saia m,& Ie. lthelbperpiosicf declaring aàd&Fi- «In0. The de5Oatioct he .mm- VIO 51wu deni, eui etolneis *eoUIeisi y h be itMii iieau stRu e. rC.FadlOoso,- JcCb laling esteikday pssusrien id ~0 The Siretu7i -Ur. Perr» 1iving tend the ateamnteat wvieiritri v e 1st "0ot i.,e mus t minutes fluet Rosriez, iiasiuag. Ansbsditn.ae laalisjum' Tite Chairmen bieffy openial Mg9pmreeedtgt %Mlseen1t lplaS- a" rtice, an> be-at uP.1 ly ssnouricla tlie obect et the. meeting te le sdav them i latser pase -for *11b,»y ountil lit 4 tue de d.aratioref miluidel a las the "Ppie cf . V elate Aag. #st prevîeussti te collickethi-s ditecter's ueportl. Aus lafw ie t~êsim iof Ibis tan sas .ont' a@ seeO f tee& e slam*sînei - the boginninuof = 1a, le Wtinght par her. W. lcrnbatMe.Ve the -m-icasu. s:,at-'ct aoont e &4l cresof Crown tuendentv. eo1 wuias. eteayitres â43 cres in tbe e rondisrict, = III ici, ta catltsetrais for te, _ r, 670 ae-. Tii he quatiy of land W5t. dispasd oc under te nes leasing oystsm usas - .tff Ber, fremIn l qlot Jannar>' te 27th Ma>, MtORRIBLE SMURIIERS. andl th unth.Oftowf t l W al s 1. The Wlllave eldoin Waite record a more arnçi-- 1ge prilportioma cf the (" m)pma' land bail been noms adiseul blemedi csocf annuer titan lias tr- slorIi foe n, tteImigsststr ceaiioeape'pmtaei ter tisi~î rTotàa nou moey -wae ree1ut.cd tueble Put don,, an.! tt Jflueem*,%m4Eeg, alihiglily respectable gealta, -as ,smisfautar ta à,itate, th 'I"tie rnt falling ad hie hoes-keeper. AiqN MeiuuTGneur, bave due tkdus ca ilb. * JLUrOn tro.- aMouteilto ltilissa louai murdoeed, inbihlone, et Rich-i. £00.Theomuees Ibo f CI'tva u"serves, mondI11h1, cm yce..ge..tet, abot 16 miles frein sel.! ain bra Bd miMares, ln abuqs *aontsîl te Torat Tbileee wuva. rai mae bh bit. £81 i.ucips &aussCanada ïiz NeOie v Capesel, vIeont te Mni. Kiansersbous. b>' nenths erm£s £80, ,a e .sd<, <hIis d appointir.nt&on SnaiW.ut, (mîfaithe place lciescy au orqpared itJa OW <7empoOOJ.'ý,,i cateccupicul. mc penraca. ing aboutite ieunms. ro tlspmuli h. eslA i ripou iard bisg raie Ut. E.snsar sas fotal sasu l cenisgummoo#(*0difficstfir f cilSt in ne of et t iesharr, sIMIltthrsgh the beat. ni;pe bwt s dicta was ver Lrin e nom.P Suispcus imusuall es elaupo theiasents.it ot lie powmamit'4 b.lsti eon vie coulrsu i endma, and intelligence cf tlb uended lbhecntasasoeiftii lfost bswid iioM wvasfouvardisitute aautiacitis. e . hmr. The supposi guilty parties, iaercitva Binera!prietes ahsstaley q1wIo JO ovinnnamaed cDeomt, ad tieiu girl. were velue ocf r. Widde's xeteuand ..*entaineui toaeboire m inTusseaoneSuaiay tIsir desire tuet thisa imetioumva dbu m'ori,ttu hu ahlqkfetaha H Wt tu, m o re samply remiaereoula enhtrer avbieh thes l, ve tale&ablMee.Wckliout 1eW Li Chta ii.aa»»"me aintie thtiathlbdirectors ~. Ssaîsor Trsmas0 u ppraupl, ongmgd 1>' ver.dispositte oe, li them ee.t"ti Mri. Ceau1l> 1vie1accompemioi b>' igsmil , 1%atss...et vl teten oi< bCharmand lisHgiBa lif, proude to Lèvlsulain pr-Ducui ami te th e spuyla Cuiium ru suit,. and aureeds4ia appnobondinag thoe. . fer Widli the Clairma rettaamid tbals, ami lbe Asacrican autltritieswtgly aided in the arreet meetinig aijeun.. ci CiemsppSed muniaderautianal vîla eeuaîng aaailadable prouptitd saradcoratec1 lo Canadien tfficer. A coissid.rble quantil>' cf . Kinnes'i property vai louen la ir pos«ees Wma;--ssenal lnuMm -iled vith- ubalser per- t"hs miile busei euie gom nidsuff ba-asmo nhs.-.sduhebato sitb viels t ThHdug.le suppos. id psUea e(t ituii.hsermnder, ater bing &PPteasui ers buioglt badl IosTenante ou Mpeiay, clisse îey a=eiut apttvate mms- lio im eètoet% 'mgiaateu, mai have baen cWaute apol. Xi i euteunSnebas cusese castisvpl<excitemant ier-uba pe- ps ef ailtanks ai', , , , srongI>'exptss.iag Ibir iestation 'e thlb id riitm, siaci cavi. a iisaklh>'toue ed publie feeling. lImd seclicasesof utmrier rare!>' oceuamone ns. o Xesi >' b he-leeper vas altoc inm in Onud e boelrsicidereal, ber body doulsi opand pleeui uiraàtub. Sic appueel bave liea stungleir àa iaadkrcbief Ssa foumd itaij lenMllafateunbar aeck. Prom lbhe fon mftesss bfacule prisonci, Wheo sa villimg 10 give evhism.irespocing theso iinuamanderru,,and (rcm aIbar cmuaa- Oftmcue am"cbeafees sMM. ia of the Probabile motea Whlblinsemi lb. mme @ion et iesm,,andi-etlb putiiliis cooeta uiluhth@n. Mr. KinuatWuoin tors deig g» ier Mat ilubt wvagi ed i teuisi te demeeemy,tIoa c suijýFIeba-bommiui, Irns lie booke. ne gslky mpsess-emidt.bav oblei ad msme lassgi id Ibs, M n k odv 1tapet <bonehu1sl k i.s mmhil d POeand maouie. la on t P- peepot Mr fer w bdemaidiet if <eu d Mi heav* ousup% 'IL vu *nome-r essey ed là, 5-o ua"l lb sesaess~r , eudal5g meu' eleueelSesIV-OPlrda.eui ber boey de- pu-in tl bomle- Mfr. Kiaussr sotema Imps m usm 'clsc, ami lth e rantmn. me-an% . Coniite theb cUm a(tthe girl, oh à- tbmrb tlbbelt-uith ladoubilé, rilisé gff iq b Lt lftsiru4, mi 1lIe rbdj' Mn titrouintae lte kilcien rli b eo. àmilv" l'atad. )At. Kinocat lai ot duaslb uoaeMY ause ee etk eitiaviriz on!>'receicci Ifras 82- TheiMaeuiîp ACADIA, Captis P.yvie, et. rivsd et lthe wharf, gat Bstn, et bal-peutt tisa.o'clock, this aternom, Auluet fld. Sb@ briagppaefrein Livu so the lOtitc and Londo o the IStlcJNlia - Vegirsbote auJ the neva cf » a wmy ut.ss*O tvo eu indt in *on Ilies.. Nr.w Yoax PAcRsm.-T'NU'V York pack-. et slips Hacheater. Eugland, a.d Gerrtck, lied1 ruched Lverpool on lb. th s0d 10th uIt. andx thit nsthmant, re«p.ctïely. - d L*uncn-Tiis iàunch'oft ii. ifanmoftiaiton Ateamer touit Place at Bristol éou Wedmesday h lotît inut là .RowalHigi.m. PriosAlbert, Mes. Woa-Tli. oelirated oceist. m- 1 Wood, ater ber vasyeSot counexio with tii. BRes Catliiu in inrstsrn.d talberhba- band and thie Prtstant filit. On BundaY Wveel Mr,. and Mm .Wood teck pet ie the. musicali e bM&ea. t <Ctepuhorpc eýals, and Mms. ies bue.irtaken lu preside r.qulauly et1 tb. sow ergan,. ami bau juit issa huait fcr tha" Thie Torhigi Gweamusa in eki gsert. c dinarLeffots tbassemble sasamynif m'ou0 sceukw he campbteet onmstantinoeple eMd Sibithei. gat w va in îm i eoetry ~ ls e=rsago, amd Who aftarvaule pearuâet minmacbit matr sat snneCadly. liewu a living r rd ame Up<aLp __: atoig 1 a f usu tebs~ oe ~ ~ ~ ~ M w1gn am mddaS<Iun a w. < - blue thebmldiam At s II. ý 'nt ieuogaed Iirl- a . - iif eIN & 8 tl es a i te m 15.54 nem wu lIs iy h le e tto& aesuM by tii.-Jes ieni, issu tea attît m te moisi by the. vuy lisses" c aco mlb seatiier, Tb gaie cr09. mer pe oU. The lInitl lword bâlisu"les un Bs ea iiaaosmembere,, inthe. rlglt Hocorablei chai«se Ksal i shte, laieIdat Jutcecf or hais borne.! ln rescuiag tla lies frein tii lbe Court of Qmm% 5&ML. l did oqTii' bulle b"d. sicitu n e f4tcehagainst thora,,san a at 'bhlemud ill bis eue, iTIssaiBulbe, in sexti iuiubling theit faisnig m a L Signa T are>' R eiy.,Wie*smais amidliefiattng orngine riai eh.ei" lie e taI c A in 5 liedirbdmb.redetien yard vas sent alongaude, and! the flamms ver cf lbe inris p".il dy. ipeediy etangui@ite. LieutlilicemoSe an RarxDeomvaron..ie'Vtdudtihlb.guno'a mate, 'sure onatlb day fellosiag th, ReulDmmtmi jo ur mt e llofaccident reorai tc Melville Itespital.blini U yWkemo, etDM B e ylest. ad iniW tebave But- -iavael-otalien te the hatotcf Mr. Gaze, hemauew h ae w PMM he o m aster attendant cf be a ai"y's doreluiai sios Ibat esecua a iiMr. OlcmolI in de 81 - I .Sie vas an a ver> leissmate, bl bai m b&leVoe î10. vtoiles uleag&i.A ps. iMMpserer encrainei of lier ecore.Mis fons vu iomted capable ca(rt"aiag &M e sker Ws ao eeilI ta ile rerovesLAaagust = IPM chitr evasecipisi by Sitr a. EmuleSk. am'of<apL .F. BlIl ctofber Maiwty'l cagav, art., &adi a= e g nlemn àâie.roussITartarna ois I oboasrd lbCami a orntse TitoumteaMagla. Eeq, Mayor ed perdown, a afirat cies voluntrer, onepsi vit% Wteraiwnfttssî-u o mens cf tihete*s e aligk ITs U sa pe Lis heai in a very miraculeu couiscil, Sir B. bletris, lb.eligîl ReyDr. .Fo.niaiser. Ilie wu cluse tu tic guis on the ifa rien Rosu aCtbcl le ii.op 'f Waterford, and aid of tic bule ho".d oiushon the bale lis e sliele hast cf the Cethblie ory. The vari- aas llown down, itc vsisuricil acier oesocitla cas resttion»s baving libeau soen n M.patela, b>' vitebwhale force cf lhe explosion risa, lr. O'Cotansll aidremucu the maititudle ait Psser er bt; cter theuà-boc bai pasea% geat lengtb aidamidst ilb hjoeht cseuisg . crami-eauon, an.! escapeil the firesthat vae IL@. speech Wuas mpratie nisspt -inm the laing aucun.! hin. A coera sinqueit vas assaaheeciteîng andl inilmueeéery topica. but bal.! on boardtue Camperdova, on tise bod>'ao lbn are mde in tus,, es net le SatnaI Weat. conflient and iscidisa in tffl and lhi speke of DLITH or Tvo jMuEt F rnE SFrrv.e- the Repeal as certaintle b arrid, if the .James Duke, vite vas removecifrIt mber Maes PSli .>'lept vithin tdm iasand abstaimdsi ti>u's slp Catperdown itaMltville iHospital, dieu Lb ehligiuest rea.cis cflbM...on Frida>', ha conacquerace cf the. injurie. loe ne H il spsecit vaspri bwtdevteta ta4Sis. celve.! la>'theoilate explosion on hocd lhe Cam. sectnio fa ltter Of apoIcgY rein V. Simat; cas perdova. MiaYerker vas on Satauda>' brengi of the membaru fer tlb conaric is clinai t.eut 8ser. front tise CamPerdown, lut te aise ex. liniling, because lisas opp<seta th elonal pareil on. Sunday afternuon. Miso Santon abîli of tlb Union, isecuse b.e bilisissd that that rotmaine m'na ver>' precaibous statq, analbulaitIitlî mneur@ sould lib.injurions ta-.laut,countrieai, hltg e itirtained cfhetr recos et>. ail particnlarly Cta Irelani.Mr. O'Ccnnell id. ANTHERnuFtcE ta Lcuot-Aifui a.rplcdeaaa maceu li se.asunift ta rep ettecitt' eStrs'mran etafi reof a very alatta aid sii hat rather tuan ïaldeibts.LVb reidfnedIng nature, and wviicis preve.! moat destructire in agamni, lh ouali limsolc~..foumai, ho ap ls îconsqulinces, toualeplace in the extensive huai la lhe cours. of hie- sp -tlbu said, m"Ilturpetatine and! cil verk-e or Mesur,.. Johsaon & JEgland ccntiaie acetcajutl>' lovai.!.Irea- Pinchin, câlelo vreet, St. George.a in tiseLEt lans, ls (ir.OCcnell ceilidy-ew.iti London. Titis ire, whicl a s accompanie.! by as long as bêie pecveted in sea ides.! andaln.levacotetrrifie explosions.. completely doitrudy fttateal e plcy-hcsotld rejoue ta mmber heu tcfcctty. cen,.dered tuie largeat in 1,odo veak-be ssisci tealiav. borat phâ *nb>'an.! damagel bstwecn 20 and 310 bouses in tise France, Anastica, and ail ocher jutions ; but let neighisotitso, iucluding the Roman Ccthlic ber iuceritisat course cf action, as disgraeeful &liool tîcan tle Blaekwehl RaiIna>'. ta baruelf as it h. injurienst ta,anal thon lie TnE SAivDwici{H L tî-fept shave woulil rais. bar te a position vliidi vocli make heco sent cff by governotent te Captairi Lord G. lier the soi>' cf ail anrroundiag nations. le Panlstt$ cf the Catyulort frigate, lantte S.utl tai.! render bier irresistibll in tl affections cf Pacifi eaeclnesedging thc fre c iependence oi au n tpuuchaeailpeople. lHe vas reai>' te Kinsg ilaianaa 11. cnd lhc Sandwichs Islands nie erita te r thi e arts aidlads cf eight Item i tiaor an>' otlser conut> millions. cf people, but it abouldhi efor a coesid- The sxpsrinients siti tise Pcceîope steaua fri. ermlui.<1lear, bâira.) lgate bave besa mort successui. lier mxi:e H soua M airtedsb« vrdlfer ymoa-b fMe of steaanq iuç vusa@ti lusw:;13 8.-lon soould ive lie mncridit, but bho oud ma»e a " r bent, mer mai 10 àIsOthe mias laet, héiaie vtb ler, msidif Os lou lleta .---tth. distanc, bacises. Bleel kt le vo e" i.berthl ellge trthnatiskM nm Oug M iVeu mai. um thou feesflm ovo so, 11, he ua stibideoelnh I pra mw Muturofm e MMtutTsay ftâeBe ~Ws a~ , i"et hairbise t. met Nosé amW li Tuho y Tsi wBuse clhio thn Tenue, Betiaglam, MAm Cuells 0#al ba£lasi.oe 3 i bie i a u ribUt ift ofAuM bswoud be.çse em* tmiu l "* e " Éhbicd £thé Usai tuinu mouau ooi TmH&is daike's <lm"talà*GsMecofmth Meuth. l euold puts&H mli ar Ia iA crier ef Fresusiieof Caaati.. ssakiag.uumîpe sand souli hI" Imou liase T"asiaop làiaroe&.-Dlbigeg bquartez tat woulie boiard iite b ail of W».jmusstr.' jaset soas, cf v»Ise reportaili tagsifrirafer. la th esvning there sas a biaisant it -lbe elge perte, th entr 12229 alaeh 1141 for the Town-htall. attende.! lu' 450 persans the Mayou correepoudiag quarter of 1842,. and aainst 1081 cf Waterford lante chair Letters cf aogy sers fur tise sainie quarter cf 1841 ; et vesseIs cheercul rend froin the Rigisu Rer. Dr@. M. 4'li.1, Brosce, outsards, for freiga parts, titsre veto 1226, Ksating, KeW ne>,cd iBlake, lard l!rencl½ Sir acainst 10731 for thea corcaponding quarter ci C. Wolseley, an.! several etiiera. Ila the course 1812, and! against 1004 fur tesainc quarternir 2 - îýï t'luta , , h--!1811 astisemaltglorioas day of is i.existence. PBANEt4WS FRTEi R Ne i Tc.neE-Tlis Cour. Lord Stenloy aaid thae nocf île respectnble rier de Luîin states t bat - svater.jalpeo, trade ol chaof icety bail joineil the repeaI. Waa thicle glass, cuvercd viti a coaing of bitumner tii case 1 an.!m ade. te insrt into cccli chier wila bitumer Tic>' ssoitere lhe vas et ni*. Was lhojoints, are hoîng esanufacturcdal auRive-de-Guet met~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a suronie. >'îL Mis , tis hn1Ue These pipes isille it 1,. ass.ctel, licar a tigli Idusgrvea aid the Barons.,aneai lhthet sas dague. cf pressure1Juin tlaoec cf cast ironi aný trahi etimable in the atistocracy andI landed are 30 per cent cheaper. pfflrt of thircoutrty. (Heur, hear. "ild Great cexiet>'iras lIt in EngIan.! in dense, great vseim) He couli m nd wosrf~s tao;ex- quetace of tise noc.atrival cf thc ateamer Colum. pion tb. deliglit ho fit la fini li8se Mus. lia. Thte Margaret whicis teck eut iter pausacu gaejin. henpttbliclythatili. Tie as- garas as spken about sighty miles Imita Capt mli Bsii 1aj u s Mucua. oflxichanr. lear o th21*st, ýabout Ivo imys' roa frot Ofetl nsvaet -for the -pwtcf smbh aPm -A ----MN ---7- un kr R.asgrave inemteb o «#«, t« if AU M " Rr it Veire mot bésai ou justice Mini muki. The Cmiide Wbm b sm anfritises an Ai ts etdtmsr eoiai'ot-thé ls.A 10 rr feiills peointram Lois Star. social ions wuseblinesDublisv Ufi b.f igjee nidRaisnduc le i..*'.b« i biiassister the purpese of emiig 1Mr. OIheultie: ý2» i y hWGr&Of-P-It Ua Mhl abe m i Rchmond, "r i bs vies,,about the. reces t uoia. in bu the lbLofitis ParlRanent. Mr..O'Counsi aditinelàvery la tba HOMae cf Lardi «Leu te iquestion ni Ionf gspeech ta lhe assombl>'. Is i ob ailIrish- a*ies sas sebate!, the Dulie cf Welling cal £cdi hem togetiier thmt ay bosaof lb. ton divored i tuseif ofIa cisracteristie and i uta dilate on Irelmna, he satire toenteof vlnch portant speechi. Would teafGou! e ceaI.! cal! it iowed titt ever>- persan via tek part init, a cuifetO! la the course of lis. speechthtit consiienci thicRepeal f-et b.Usie.a settîsi Duke atrei tiese inordl, "alsmyse ioralle:'1 qusin-Tiey lisedcommcuce,nd the>' ouhl -"Thcoeil'rendsy stiit can Io adopted fle cartaital> have Rapeal. Ilie cotualermalu"ithtie that Peuple, on tise part of Goecrnniant, ia atari thieg wsa doute. andi frit, reaisantc. e ever>'lting like a bretrh Mr, 0'=onl proceeded te spae cf thc Iriis cf tho peace ana.!of order. ccd te le prepare.!- nation as mo aîl n d social1>' siperior ui n ol S 1 ors E un Rli-to cnooras oea.snres fer otiser nation on the faceucf te eavtis; and!, after thte prcact-vatien of the' peis in Irelanul "' procceding. et moule langih, te ,ikw tisai neiter Tise Irish Atm. Bill bas occtîpied tite attentlin Whigs not Tories %voull d) ai$ing effictual ýf tie Cqmmons for ac-cral ngits. Tite stcup. fur tiaeibenoaît cf Irelata., lie ag4i ehowe.! the sin "es nutermîinable, mincoener>' clause bas exceeeing granutpccsperily, auvaaget, wcalît. ieeti iotl>' cunucauci; lcwevcr, on ihol3ie 3 an.! iappinss titat wouil.!renit frain Rapeal, there vas a grand. field! day, aed alter lon.g de. lie (Mt. O'Coitnell) conchaileliy posiog a hâte thc Mîistrr gainci titeir peint 1>' a inajori. strng f isoltios, , ie t>' cf aevent>'.niee,-.tie question timing latea calld is .course of »iy.Ienvtdtiec- cininitte. le appointe.! tea nqaire iato thc stats eçtsraticnote l auffrde, smrnig lIsta againet cf Irelend. lb s atterl>' imposibloeren tu aet- aou-coniplia»Mcenuashlb isi of la pWry in ta do tem ILn-abriagement cf the icicte. Sir Robt. justice ta ail. Tise ast revoltlons solt forth, Peurs' speech vaituiseis-ike; Mn. Rneelck~a gLtut vuakib.pemeilybe %aspalia. Was sleuuent aidvindîctve ; Lord Stanley'a sa- ~t~~reima.!~a isbcom i froua o. tsnfactoy. Tic moea ingular drcamtance cea- i:e la.ind . eU e nhciat. eted v titi h aàinb, thht seyrual conserva- plc__l h Waite S adth q iememiters al et once espoueil ddoctrine,. con. it va. a;n,'tiod tiietilurepsel tant for diliate in regerdeil as oae cf the meut inguair île atSha ud tLIAWIs 9 and Daccounalle exhibitions of ereth, incon. At a&iin lu bilain W*tdeud, lent venistenCcy. andl long 5PeûIietf lnd, hie et an>' itft wa~ra ntflbecd jsIedilte i'very Other session can boiut e.e wa Cf b I.u~sr . èpreýd for atteutdîag The Irishmarmin !s as tm lprocoeaing sles- meoflthé1>' thron cumittee. in tlb Ionne cf Ceaimons, At a nioctinL forliai triaL C(eral Aaeembly, dtreniopposition beiag effri to uver>' in Belfat laut s.eeks aa aubscriPfita liai on lb.. clae. hall ef the Scotch Tr'e Clirnaircl"" peinmd,ad rieCanada wseat 11b iisnt! lbelieuse of lb unat rsilsilon 'le polva, as 8 0. Lord,. on tb. 7îis of Jul>'. dm ausat radizd. t"rand The icung PEmprosa cf Brexil embakesi et Tba Revenue accoc.t <u1 t ermaiNîplos, for Rie de Janeiro, on tic lut cf li>. lbe carrent quarter, havé bu* Mfhi.-Cos- Thbu affire ofîIreiani tii becn delaeuin lotit pao ith ttane siicl a t.v0lnediatelY Pla'- house.In thesliouai cfLords an the 14tu of ei. ts.ey au. saifatf, &alhoagit i'.h o ýlY, 1uon tic Marquis of 4ùfanriearie's resolu- do net feu ute affri Odà.çateua âi natldis- 1tien.8 tuat t h iaieo f Iriait magistrates sas tran. la tcCtethe cciW- uetanti ba i»iosilient, tcncontilational aaniait. - bean, dning tlb lut quere, 6! la 'ft 0< Iloke, iiasttmlns tties. îsmotisne as rrecWe £11a',01lantlb frmer, »g £14.,01C n ha l geottheuGovernoent, viulicatail the pretreei- latter alopeanentah.- rtf uba.e> d ingsa thie Irisht Chancelier ait great loagt, as us oeecmnaamke&. Wtltemteriait Lie(b. di.!ranecLords Broughiaim aidLymiinr.t, and dehals c Cie eluast!b. sntS.ca 1 h Iie r.ç.iMons vers negtvd sya irate of<91 ste, tltat tlb ait incruee i h ymr i tuq gona2J. £2,U22942,and on tise quatrtbb 'muis lut th le çgnou Z ite vas la tIle HUm01 Cam- anesming activent, £,e Tl 5 Wtot' unn,-beganisg u tii 411 cf July, cati anding parai, amidsit cetteint>', tlb Muitori ceitos l iti. poliey eifibceiea mendia in. hie develepe- It arase apon bit. W. S. O'Briea'& ruseîation,. aient nithuesnational rescu Iu hc ttibear Wc- ick sas-- dscesoori liieeita hlinger lauagai&-; ns. Thel thig Iloais sili reire voitalf iota a try andiexcumaerce. If a t bl noano lypaeo "D cn ite fruits, se ha" Du forauasttecltt-coikerrepaeeft gmn c- funu c rieailsi e.cemi, ad-aid5cono lbcas thse bdiscoatent at prennt piluot.tf face sd ioti -Gvrmn.priln cra ,sthaveteieers Saunarue Cic nir Il.M. ,rita < udee-ca a i i astrbi-iut.th.tefA-as e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~t &reh.an'iuac crigitoevien - te aethe ritteultltoî%I.-q, îtreiv-u, id quit>' mie tIse state ocfIralani, lut tait lireoal l ana! ie8n a vcuaisva, se baiTendtv i b>' r erying inimtioaatua ertatn e cridTe Is 1 onr L la ojec wa, b raryig hi moion tqdecarepraeetingsrtaci, a spectacle asnuhat ah. h à that lbhe rlishall noucontfidnce in tise Prescrit h afr,-lnecunSslît Jvt,- se miisr>'. With respect r lies On telle.etide cf colin Pîaitepy for Uic pp>eol te ci, id the homs. us-o ha.!spoken disapprosiagly cf cf lb licl. îl lie pedulif te (Govenrt te tIearumaill, admimîuplcation of lte coiurse Inet prepara. te bol.! eut ihope ta tic '- a purs.! b>' Gavernnent, b. acboedil le huipe oi Iralani, tenir, at aul an nti, lier ueo' j tMr. Ilcebue, tiet thoy would giseecfiécrtl e ie.te dsair-and tui thu epc ie- ,t lbeir ecrls b>' tiur votes, as the mouioe l ight pn epeledee.m arc hi the sresmetutl>',an.!ltate gosernatent tite tv V hIres s intel'arie atisa se friondly>' ourelb.>' coul. plâtreri. ic re.unicn uin ravoir cf Iri-lirtc as Het ,ertied liant lrelae.all edben treatelli n 2tutu'utasta ehave t.keai pace 'a coasnequence ocflle union viti, a more parsima. Iance Vii lle st is mauifeescI i-Yie Rete a. cmoua spirit thoan vouli hrbaeire tolserse.! if 1<anc f the (Ûniled Suite-. In fuvila-a],,; hseliebail bd er eus-aParliemeat, ai!qee!Ts hl îrrlsoaii Ill soun mttenrt ia roder te prove rtiis liiasraîity antouated tIcone ltiinilretl Iai-Lui-.. ft wtucis had lieren obeni lcvard îhat reuntrv.-. scans, deputies oti lue-. a ni le vas quitte impassible that Irelan.! cool.! lene- cf thse Instituta, literaa roeri, e--, te fit b>'te trepecal cf thte union un a pecucuar>' commander, an.! huiti-ers Ift1bueNt; In point of dvie, csinsidering tite eatab'usbtacents and c daputatue ft et a ,pte,,ai i M; hich asitmiust tien cf noeuoseu> maitail. At Roueni." ,r 1 I ea prsent Irelanai paiuh nu ecascal etaxeat aand irea (tria cf tae otierrisi-f bhe vatiir, ai La radcent criai,. ha.! ucapeil the properu tx ofor lite "ceIttal faudli titareie i: af ushcl the test cf the kinglicuta aas sutce la teh e paing cotf ath '-uiý,a ips l The expentiearcfive peat-office va,. aIo btrnmeau Rallieron a Stiinr lii %I I- - titis aide cf tic scier, ccd liens-as surirusc tan-ta- oprce.! loi relaisuî1 r i it-,n.1 11-- iv a.der sud circunisancestitat it coul.!bc s uutpaui. of tiese uitscaption ci ---------d I ci tittIreIan.! eas net laccalttel ini cpecuni.- apeni tiy etletav-s. t -iiia o n'pea f îles b>' tlueunion. crder Fantnîtce f i lîc,*iuuî. ir, rehtns peutentuahie patronage cf tica Itieblifer sedutuen, an.! ns liiiii-aî îs et Citurcitlho raid a letter te the Lord L ieuenant, 'cf Ilr iteCaier cf lcptit. ii- -i:- r- leasaing hlm mai libert>' ladispose <of Citugcît pte. ix usatertellte i1re~rI rua. î2 Il fermient in tîsat country accordirg tte recultit te nliofcourse, hta mua-c C-i'-.t ae cf hi# inquirica., as te the profesuuuusal maip lb. ruasse i nulin hual Ii . cf thc parliets. an.! intiîcalung teitsi t %%si cesu- . Ledata Rallaierte 5hoIII rc - sl nari' for thc bonefit cf elae Irisht Charrieutiuatilis - pIc thnt elieuli ltlue tragunir. îir-i 3- principle sitouhi blasacta.!open, and tht lie C-as Fevrsetucyuli.lrance abuiaI ,, an sihiigt (oreill ilparliatentaru influece ratiih ltli- te rlîî Ouisie %%ti ,âýIuiart sa ert itan ac u tpon euy t>ohler priarajle. Titis let. ne, tate tob a ndiem couragenî u:e, V ter usas written in 1811, ai a liesillon ie lit. Anerhci RP-tuili-. stian elie Amuinaul, t lIa tiouglit lie sitould ieho cnetcalied upen te te:..!rose agaiest tso uprapra,i,)ta t iure-- Iy it lintailieuse in self defence. t'pcn the cuiti.independence.- id Ject cf edacation thse rtglit lion. barroitet tsciend.l 'ie2Na1i.-uathua ueelula Ir CiarC- o e.!e the course purstti. by tlie Govcrvinaeîîe, aa.ias l oîu-a- nneb se ta refarrice te ttc distribution of Guaetniiietla h o.nwlg nml , le appoietmcntshlic ceaI.sasure te boiuse ltîatlie " *And nov, Enga, riuuînuI, ] a ati 1ý neyer eske. a tman's country' or religi,,it % yen soete nier-vuetuî g-a 0a1:, l'Ir, l. e coasideting Ilit@ fitnedî f-auoffice, in p.,7 i utuich cOitrthi-tti a ,it au--a if, -s ~. -.ie relerre. ta lte appointientil uf ctiraosîî'î entor. Caîlaolir, mil Iiaip a-,'l la f metropolitan pelure, lý.' 0[ elirtne -re Ihi, thusea te v tii! ;i ' t ba- . D itente.In ueth ~e sn % 'sa lera ho celectail tîîrî-cst tez!Saisettilu yaa ni, r-rui-'-aî a0 sdCuIPrlpoe. erci;statues in Greenwich 1lhusu1it. etotacmar l a-s-î - eurry elle cf 'ar fiscal n -i i lItrceocf our naval !ternes., la-eout of liea sditjoi te al tliu. -crii Iluiîali-ii-i a -a- i- t s-etc reIriahoien, a facelic sas lent sta-arn cfcfteo.!eîygo!aiuaÇ-, in autil afierward, ai-In he case aitsattackiun Ille'ap. c! tie rescurces cf yournr as-tu itu, IIIau - .l on hlm in c pubslic journal fcç exlcnding u mne aî n o-tlaeuîlaîn ein ri bonoerstoll weptell voit in tire ,a a,- u 'tdsi sesulastOctIoen ii ic l.ilberty'and country-e tail 'auS an lieri r- .lrtised, me iii ofe.! tite' venu!net en .enitututuc iearus. thouglitîsl suli, and gr et li hope ti e naltaictica cfbulepe spitil-vw eIsl en, 1>'the paint, ihr reviel 'ihrespect t h ostuto fsentand thes feture, ste woald sir yeran tr railway's lis hl ame damier of 1he prtety of if tihe condition usera teint Irelan.!sil. usdt M 4sxing mespart cf thie cuntry' for the beneit of àm province. Wa tell you, tai allea hi-n 0 theioter unies-@ there vas a ccrtainty teirI tIle concern, corne e-bat rnay-tria rnnje du ,i namîsar sotald lecusie profitable, for oulens ie oîco a-ebllyi si- i Ilit voe] nty gilie a sîmmutius fer tish oe n"I Ireland, that Irclani slîali ch a ti- ia afollusisi 1>'aegreater statu cofulapressien tihan th ittl icw ivsntandta't. eremedi'. le repl! Fra,î thn.Lu,i hî- ii nte an observation of Lord lowicl',cs, iteea'thitît " SirRohert Peel mtl'ee posaer faît, au r- the Roman Catolica e c njoycd equal civil safet>' Of bis ceunIryon Iluis awna eîîuîiuîcn riglites e uthier @otbjcte cftte Ces-e, ted boiog rigislinnbia diffsrence %v ile Plithe Ithat the oatlis vere go allerteit t lieunsesu- on the suiject cf lhe proserit eilauinn luie Id portions releîing taolranauitetantialion acreastol- His viev of it is rxpraeiltu uinuia-,îo i ,, isae.. itit respectutantue franehiFe, lie uvitulil seretbon îelloer-' Tlil it hulîl, S a- hi-cr if rerninsi el cae ieu bic>' hld centi iîîupois-a- ailInet meref>' ot Fbut lîhî c; tii Dr ci uvas sai.! ustlita large utajrity, bal huit niai c f wusrfrontlia% îng differi-d aIn l l iii 1U jcrity bcd net bnen applie. tii)te pasaluag cfa lîia tquestion. Lei us. o ilapiil11' -rcgielration bill nr te an> ailter itersourc whicblaicta e ti ext oina I ut1ir - -1 'f coul.! be cii. ta e hounjo asutoIncle. peil reont c f urie Il1 ri*.a- ac,;ti -- - î,le wusi allI.! tapn luy the e ot.eiet e for trila-lliabrepeaîl necti uit î-u, u a an Bath tan glue a pidge leasaii ilhtie EAtabIihail 1Cainerl,liînuiiog pocletell i 1, a ,:-i.oi r. clitrcli cf Irelautul, antd if ho lelie us ],alî.st jiuth e Vtlceart I :i. ratiras i-. ,Il-r -a. ýr necessit>' renuirci it lc eul,! nai iciats t.,beale,; luittie .eeir .î "! -i l id r.ciiiniaend tht elie liv îesprcting tint Churnli celadoerîtht ii lierca- a.- -cg i , sliauld ite modifiai, but blie hlie t&-inothing cf ut large, tIcen nr-x -t:on,(I r tal-i!ei au a-tit înrt, an.! b.esas quit. prepa-ci tu refuase suime of biseîusuîpariry, titr Iober: - u a.an>' sucit pege, eren if hie refusai elantil.! ]car] a signal triuriplu and a luri. ci an i a- ta lia 10m of poC-er. If us>' preposci ta neke andi fie 1 ie tise Ctl:lic andl Protestanat religioni equani in )O the rfethaut] if the r.iocha rruaalî in ovor>' respect tho>' ahould cet only take ",eun land l gainpaît srceit fa-uuîîî lht revenca, iit t mars perlaci ergaizatui-if 1ue rapeal tehishd Ciarli.<Seira meibas o tt ~-SISaligo on iacreuing, cr the Iaildiu-ud' iposiiuon aide--" C«rtailat>.") But litalrik iMy mensracen t PneilI 'y lîdrît. i-ail, foerJontrer te have perfact eequclity'-- îey OW<aivue rebllion--in tirelrcases "iîr I muat iulter hse Cethofic lîsiopa in lte lièsaOlliietsd le stripped un a vsteak frine of a Lerd.coric..exelude freni thecce t6 iasliefopo reputatiron, andi the approval cf lias rtwinc Of lbe Establishntent 'mutho>' voasi.!pet- *ie.e;In neyer staced tiare os ha, 'a ai ceire tiret the mnsaneaiggc.led t>' aeveral iîcu,. ment againat the judgnunt, it lnamy u. -machera ws nmucis more ex'enirive titan te>' meal>ai lt e rnItuof iniathîtt. '.1-à u iia -imagicci event." it Wen Caibolie emancipatiuun sasercoiitaoId toio,14 c-tLn ra I (uauuEi F, aJII le i vas saisi thaI the concession would trrn.lteu The arcouatsIte rm aaicr- lait iii tic Position cîthe estaliliie.!Chuircu, oauf ,!t"utiatis.aîîry-liisu pyirra anid l't0o rinu el trueteal the Calluolicsnaitoul.ecoi frget the piedl. att ltieuireflada.uila'a n gee to that effect given b'ut.epetatvn sutbrestaicfe tenatuleroftiruîayII ie a--fl h civecatei thoif c-nre..Confident ltr iâtt-'u-ciAi luita tt utFlpis ae riemi1 - adtlupon tdene plaugesre ctlughut i -aipr chu adertili a tjle etarar-it , him Itai itefeccaIl sailwihan> porîian of thi ve tIai i.Tes-n tîseîf in $orne cfit ie laris astical revenues. He dii net ulucrefurc uluîîluut pitîmes.At hante Ithe t i pi-ast inaa-ik ri igit ta mak-o his concessinietuthe peupla if fuir cern and mîent usera duli;anduau rier iland!, caidif publiceplepinon, livijnu-as expires. l pirtor a uear-e u- ierîs ail en ienlit hantse, sitoulul ho inifaîoroft uufal, a ftîiuiey etill ibuint, a ici.! aia- b h ilu icosncessuua, bc eialies-eu! t atialil lac ti-renut.i -tageusl>'carrier!ilIt cile t l .irbua-n lui l>' rîe aciunte fronat (le inai-arturinn'iI - titesesite nis heuponeet 1, iarlu11liai. 1lii. ara certainl>' botter, boulei tir uselinai.!c aOcntttea argue.! tIiat tIc repealof'ien tit,* m"uil and ahilBradford an auvnie cf sagey ta euil.!le ruisnous tealott ceuntrié,and u n e ut dapartmnents lias. becs made Iiy tise usieri. Ici.!, in Isstitan tvelve cenuitli a collisiotn W. hear cf no impreveint teactice an betwxeueii tit. irait distri-ts, an.! s-lai htirdaptatioe ca 9 WihJ respect te uta course lie rmeant 1e pur. pect munister. ho do se ans at a Ins ta cosa- sue, ILe us-uld s te, iet hosprectare te, 9"-A teanller cf funte. brun eIe.n put outi cf Pri Irelan.! fairl>- an.! vitIflomnleratiisn, sada et, csansaqusaily prices mtty lb.experte.! ta ails give tela ronaguero eallis aarsas stocks lecotata lesi..Ilathe measota wh.PicimIlt hoeuge t ed e. faorale Te lis becanie e questiontus hethoer ganerna propert>' lI va ne chianei teattnnîisdo an>' lhiag for the sorlaîen antîl thity cars and nmoderttiottand lai io.,fuir tihe Go. sliem.e'es lanteliehr cnplnyncnts. venrrnent the right Io ictîde upenta the applica- raoJl'1.TtWaiu- tinc iesutng las et upn he necaisril>'of cthas t an it mrne lu earncst. Fan soute asling Perlietuenit foer true? céerdaun. Ir paat use have bail favorable, Ibeegli clîanK tle cecesait>' sicald ariase, ho 1ev ttI bas fért.eateb; but Satorit>' an.! >'terday aiee leartance vas tue stanageât claireta lein> en- ceedingi>' lot ilâyo.-'esterdar alunom truster! vitle fullar posers shout tue>' t4ught ltermneler in lte stade ia th iciîatly a preper tea it for k. lu vas their finm deteroanin Thamaeneoat 74; but at lAnce inthtis etion la oppose, b>' authonit>' an.! be'pllve. t.ein, la thse naigbborliond cf Fullian, tise repeel cf the unien, te tic fulletueînt of ilueir enri' rosa in tb. shade ho 7R. Our arr alîlilr, lbtil vac eifficient ho adopt thie "'*c- trontait parts cf tht Uniedkinugdan a sary nisasuresr f precation sentit hetic'rfundl ebeetingly' of thme coring cern isrytat.T moicration unaerailing' The rigit Teon baronet buasbaen geu i n er>'fine.condition. sait dowm musuiilat very generah cring. AGES Lord Jonem RU38EL. nd ie iallIeard the LGEU upeecliof itr.LPeel vith imtislsaction, al- Te ars i puléa ]ier heinsAe thougit b. tiouagit ho vasrigltiet oeleir« Fb~ickgof hï b-lKdrmr u iinsef te baclinnried iotsa cvemeatisures on lhs 23d ult. vile ale.p ha lus -tuP, Il! tie aivice cf irresponsibîe partie.. Heie l. 00 mlles Iroc Mascar., b>' a divsionntiîde sitdue ltta thlbpemple of Irediedtai U>. end that mot eaprien votaI.!basse tb as u as i ' ehau th e pe ple o f E n-a ndo, a mi b ut f r l b ar cit r a i se la >'t e A ra is ai l _g toultir J. Greltteaandl SirkR' Peelî bail em t "neakcnr"iss b quilalled Mt thé queation se fat as t relatadI , o Iuebsgasa. aenailt lte franchiise ad liai eren<redit te Iinsell for -hit h o cdii net inspire faim vîth g-a uiffgbin majerit>' in oricu te carry Lcr.! St»m- d no. .ent rard à force tl e ep t leyr's *eîsrion bil, amoilb. uedltise a.manb. ücie, amdinlatlb aiactîie Col. Garyaitl elle snda uat b.La.! at mai aie i " l woi u aappouciag vitiotut lising peu perpetrete inusticeste Irsland, bes vinchit ees sons b.o affirmilitbat the ili ssau met of in. WhiIlb healriertnsass theag a justice, anal impli teliltit ban ca ml>'moter!Col Gssy ânt ilaloit bis 150Spai., tsud for partirpomes sIle tlb lieGevernniaat e t thie baid of lia megiient. la aa. vas~~th laeflc.l eubu ame genernl. The Spahis W asd f1mb 110c!r May' tc noled el, ,.nh asi.Am«ican!ls3. 16.. per lui. den ~ isiq cooplied witi, les iM RojliiT SIAKIN & BONS U »triseetnt er3'24.a R3s;a W~~Caiadie,31i a 32. . . uiy 1 eIran« 2 51 it. *Ti.-.. <oWisat trame vasflot quite RU films s bsWquolle United Stateu aand Can oftut article 9J!. ta le. pet ràljor hua n t the. commenceent of ;olAei Fleur usa. !ikewîse d Je _...Mntrsal Pots have again declmn SU6ias bsen accepte..lîi, us 9Mias saas c tt descriptions arc. pb.. {Dur-ing the prcvioua lwcel.5'ObL Spoutuiessold at 24o per cwt.1 FRANC17. the tari>'part of the. ueel. t if vamarcpori W ijemytheb Ki ng rif the Frech vas WWý .»iopmad. The reporte, wlîîchi t moelsepublicationl cf thicot wre itut ,omf suiîequenit>' been coufirnie.! or rte e atements feuh wlic ic heFrenrli paix 1w gare cf importance purelY dslciiiri.. wwo ini harrteiiestittattea' tir 1c lie '1101%i Oie auslbye ,oajoritycf.e, tic vol pthoe p:on of the Budget 2H1, agait rq on viit e alenuler tiareAil hang, au ! si Mrs the. Guizot cucendanev l 1.pne ed that M. CGuizot lias rsr.ietc Oue ehicli lie should long rinice have ailq evtdiffcuîng the eutl'Oritirs ai lio 4-91 t , lr fontict te refuse pasaporta lort Sp. or Chraorefugoe.. Tîtî rîlur il etetaopuce et evhicl, it May by y oe Who MaIy tiink: himplt qia bojo iati. maetlJe Normand, e celplîrateîl frrtur ilde about the firpt of .lîly. nt Paîr aitroprty to the amount ii 2t.ttO l.catinittee appointa.! tii CXlaiîir.1lie , l sicetemiîîated frailrcaulfroua l'iris tii t, i, ade their report t0 thr (luaiabc)r n idiFu ego, sdrecomended ftint ift s'tîîlîld a. WWssu Aire, Si. Orner, ad %Vatpi, a Jeun lu Calais. Tiecwould la ir.ii WWms Calais. t0 Dîtukik. Lktiermli Jiast Feven ia the cvening tboulaI rvirl, I.ý Wpet day eit eleven, and! itruar!i a it 5 in t p.lilsbnemeflfl.the founser of l"-inaiptt w inpPris on Sunde>yak aged ft-8 ; .aeiufneralautVeul tise ttlier dny on u Iar te proceed iramthe coffai. tbt calfin bg opened. it twaî- lu Mn.t t! WisselsMeoont suhave ÏbecnIliving 14vliî bW thoes. Il u atc latc foîr tnîclcal ai Ils CurirFranceis asys at la confident MW tnt M. Guizot boa. olered te portrfu lt Marine and Colonies te Court cf Argot sae,.eeftlu. Bank of Franc.. Thtis gent; lu u aleeiy illed thesautepeu. lis darquis of Hertford lias Ihttltut'tlpr jagu aginet Nieholas Suisae, ira the Chat, rd thsfivil Tribunal cf the Seine, tà roo ri eIn e cf 90,000francs rente..ntdil i wpper olThursday report the comtnfInc et d the trial op Weilnesday. tcreeing ta& communication ilde1,v r ota tiseAcmdeiay nI ciencesat l'aria, i i li, a coatract bas been entcredl utc 1 Was Baritsg & Co., uf Lon,iiît fi îi,,R, lie ai Nes Grenada. in virtup orf w ill Qulci ta tered e t teri lii ipi rîired f, tpmjected canal arros e ti1iuaof l'an, euh 80,000 acres cf lau.! liti.tlie' tait lband, i0,1)acres.in flic iijlciar offltiac cunir 1ni. IlriOg & (,'0- la.it, i- iîin the fir flote, ired tîte amotînt cf t)lI fr lte rail le pries of l18 franco par toi; lutit tic>'bla anl ifta t8 francs. CIII NA. Ir Iicnry Pottingar, ih is ta.!, ha. applie.! 1 ibse G,veranient for hie speeîl> recel ;au iegencrally eîupectcd ltaI b>'the Joen1 hudklttes»valltaboea&ppo*na1 Il eeldThe Covernmunt. fureuvr, M, e leur, la unifilling te dise nue titi aie <a M am sd liExcollency lviii, theo Tes n ilu wm ime lo n uChas. W. "Iini it ir si) tht iihsup ie.coatnd* ovi 1violeof tineBritis alinval itid mailita#>'(a Uns him bOur. placed in Sir Hênry'a hà"i PO -Majet '0 ueip Viren errituid a figloag freinBombay and Singlierse -dy the lO)tit crMai-ch, et 5 P. M, ]el ltalg èiga;n et 9 'clock, and cest anche becs I.iauls a lulte cIter midifiglit. le 'il as. signclized liy the steauhtrAkbarlfi busfe Zoes8Mai oisting thrce liglts-Lieui sel Malcolmt, wvite is etc royal ritilica tIduhe treat> ha@ arrived in lier,eand lande, 117!, c f Mardh. Ail the latter,. for tl, Idant,. of bMacao e es bt et llong Kong îisiy one newipeper. a London Mail n Jatiary blas yet Ï3o111111ite way ta !lacao. SPAIN. Wtordng ta tihe acceunîs froot Spain, pub edin thea French Papers of Friday, onl>' sev n ai cf tii.43provinces ofSpai fèmail uthfsl tii us Regent, the ciljr imporîce t74onjitl e ing Madri.!, Iadajos PatadSagosse. atis liti Madrid Was declardd in a e aut ru, Th ii k Wou bas eaton lteNation Mel e e ndr croi; the. trot.. cfrten. Aam':roo ed Galapaga, elPMiuo1 am $virent. s. Vant Haiewua on te 7th et Carmona de bcleL amdits gafta b ila. lit el he o oAcae theitirosi te 11Reoet vas oe the lotit et Val de Pun. inutel Priai loft Frage fur Mequinenua or 12'l, 'sith l 600infcntry and 2,«00orie.. tise lý h Zrb oquitteil Saragosseaet the 111 atalions. *isei io lainSpain la net suppree 8 ce f f the Rgent et tii juncture in b) osunced asuillanintu..1> othera il lbtan aproucet..Inactive ha certaiily 5teebut viaftiter Cthe indifférence witi h: in taclarsdlasbffint or rmal, eenla t flitrminc e nt lvianue neigishe. id is Mmi lied duat d gaiat lte Regený, ~Bij. previoualy faittlul,) jas7 vu rnord et Madri that altould iliendiza. hdWi4 and tihe reaato, snccsoed in discota. Ls t in tlatibsir 'intention te captaute Unse, and t e&y bar off taoCadiz oruoc ouail Zuabsm*es rangmeft it casijutes mi. ssian t iy, tnerrouly osceo toi apuaraiarccrding telte ner. 5 e & eifganeournual, that a fluidifiet- *eaPWaiof* t spe)fgtu"de, * dWsc. et i4 apr asaa tii . General. Ulsc.