Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 8 Aug 1843, p. 4

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C ANKCER O<F.TUE PlOUTU.- FOR SALE. BwSoeoeoîth froua cante, derital oretmorr tbst, pain in the bestvae ediiy enaita by a Patent Lendu. aid Turred %ging iew dsu oi Libby's Pilla. These cairlasantanal gaaful conpiaintsanare ai erel by puiiyiog tire £80R IC&a8 Mesremdie ar be"n m'e tid ereq0pp-Coper alac Lanp kShip Lantherus, Clu,, I;blsy's ffsarte etenîlîng the sptee o u ehuldLnea 1,Pit 4bair asefaloess by ltheappreciatien ef s dsceoing ;zthoei Ta *<>â & ie, P. sTurpeii- qsoblrc.e "r Ioi &Pt It ii noi vsfl nderatooab nous anchont soeri Plougha most approved patterns, et the mini idépendl fer their cors upon a ducrst- Spacies and Slhuveld....urougit iron and steel ieatien Io te aidy. It as new u.sder'tSd h ow iajs jofiaite s a*es naicinr wbîcta wili te nove mot- A fow superior Hog Skins for Saddles, bid acraitations witlsoaal veikeaiag the ghais7-P YD IE'HDR3 TR, power'. Its now nodersînoal lIaitthere gaareca. 7MBVDSKESHDO EES prs'l influensce btweo the aieda anl te betv. (NMadby Dring & Fage Lonsdon,) with ta- ~t t, neoar eJergstd 4tr'ar4ng with bii>o ls.~ &c. conaillete, and guaging rodla, V41Is uirenv mlacol-aI ht. O u ne-Qe casa supeior Fowling Picee, double ity ta cursal by perseveriîa;ty sog thein. It is single. barrels, oktadhr Pso, as. oasiirsloo i ho, mucb deineatc hapaag,es ne-. chanlostPtas ps uaoethe bca!iby St.t.s aofthea digesîiles parent waddaaag, folgaas, Shnt Belts & Pouchee--Powleu & drinking it t sn.welI baaewn Ihat Libby's Pilla bave Flnsk% ,&c. k&, torsai thooaon.ls of bepelest and Al bdees peris 00 The ah)ove- articles ane a pant of last rails riven whec tebist oi.bysiciatî uaI ronanealimportatun, m»d are aow offcred on thse Ibasa beyoasaiail btirn i anscf reli Lt.IIt s iiow anaoufavorsablieterms. not ,snly we< karown that Libby'a Pilis do cure, QJEY& ENIS baut i aialtountlerateoil h sw they cure; sand bai, Kn to.MRcLEY5 & 1843. 4 it is by 'Ibeir putify.eg êllect on the Woodthat Kingston,___________15, __18 ___._4_ tbwey resare he buoip tu hsustls. ID-Fer slabd1à yT R E CU",K.cE BEATU, Pinceos Street, Kington. 7 IL I & T R E C;ussaToca 4'Tva.a, Nrw Yrk,, h 1eý Wb.Iesaie Agent.. W C a O IMlpioriers D hOCT. bELNMATERPs hhtrs:eaa.siioLair-' x3xv Nanal RicumsaataciNnIAS Ssucs'c, J ls warenteal te cnre li cases a ofmuon Rhca- masiam; andam s> persans wbo p.'ers the a-. ticles and wiiouse tissu (sitaftl>' accord&ng un drectonts, n elu e wninlba tesiif> te tIhe et" tacts, wibbant beng eced, SIaathel.purchane mnont>' refated aIfrot athe plae sehere lb.artie lye bm'rhL, g>-To beha ItaofuCHARLES.E 119A Ii, Pincess Street, Kinziten. CealaTOsi & TeLaS4Ne. York, auEZTZU & Poar»VzN iT<Mons KINGS TON. FRaBB GOITUD PLASTEIR.1 K E PT constantly on lsaad, ant the subscri- ber's Mill, in the second concession of Ernet Twn. JAMES HOGLE. WloisleAta. -I NEW GOODS. iD a .LIBIiY'a lit i TERS sue a ctain rote i Ei I~~ alr of iDytiprpy anal Nerreus Afrctioas: tIse>' A>.lcean, M rhn alr ne pe-cuuari>' alapteal te raeyote theas isteasu'ng I OULD espectfully cal the attention tof upLi.ints, net; b>'conitangly p1dyscing, baslt ' YW the publie ta is supericir asantment of -ar-.nmmeing the ay8tem. NO areater mistais Winter Stullia, ccnsi.attug cf Blue, Back, Browsn, -sa, ho mamie than ta tappetet DYbpejsy,osny lise, Green anal Gray D1ianaoud Beaver@, Pi.. îtser lisOe iefiadng ion debilisl>, cau be curea louts, Breai lb'oths cftull colounra. casiniene 11% frqaj1nt faaCel action on tht eteet niais Pur- Doe-akins, Taveediu, Jerseys, Bnci-mkina. 4 tire medicinei. Wlau-te tbrssaipainte exit, AtSG-A. largo rariety of Vestiaig, Figared ent ssternts sreasl>' boasecak, cnd ever>' audit- sid am in, la, acisitosb Coats, made te criler ; anal tsi. iL c t-ndas aake itl nreso The Bitterss'agroat variehyocf Reaaly.ai"l thtieg, HaIs, -etmt!be csatrary, acting asaaniostrengîistn tii, Caps, Brace@. Cravate,, Stocks, Gioves, Shirtis, dii estive ongant ana us-19cs e Opeafeeni their CollanM uffient, ]raweens,Bockis, seicb be f'jbt.'sllsssenatuire ileigateal.l ors 1115 founai seull @selcheap forras. t-rh.ettcaiuussaIm ls tosdieaesleclihr to, Kingsaton, Oct. ib, 1842. ftsasbe*, shich arse nmars fitaaîaiestly frouas teai- ess ihan fren sta>' t er 'au ni.@'fa ged aaîîl TUE KINGSTON IIERALD. inuirit ef bob sexes, anal penos of siet lr iyhab- i S8hlegulaily fiîruh in LONON. ,b>' Me. P. L. it' pien*egoonoti'eineas, seho bar, suilenl i-ua .SII)N D, Agent for thae Arerican andl liota of aïlietite, bave e.peri'îei' great bho-a .ieItm 'Casaaliiun Neucpapei-, ¶iitiah anal Foreignt tlheaul. a aissiacee frai-ai eers, andcîl 'th's-NescateçiandmmAdsîerbaing Agency Office, 18 asate aissadeo, il reâdores alei4tlti.nd itaîlaul- C-ruisil, '<oclass elett Royal XxctIîùnge.ý mais alILcteal selàtiNeavos s eam-I ee, enîd tter Osdr-s.Ccui.sications riadAdrertitiemcaîts, deeamgsemeasls ofet ismeau fuftctiot, hsse becs fer tha KL-aa5Oseroa lEALtý il5 seathreceisesl et enaireIy ciet y tiis reaacay. et>- For tale isy ilue abo-.o Esitailiihment. CHAULES HE£ATII, Princes Sree,Kighia Ceusiocz & Triana, New Youi, hlT M PiSON lu thankisg theisaibt. 1 CT RALLE:N's 13ALSANI O-' HOAR- IO DLIVERWORT & PLEURISY ROdT, lticosghs, ri. soîia tlvetr osaplamt. Ceaisampti. -n i% a disease ofte. se- WMetl askigin the systein früdYr.arS befoae thpe s the last compiantot ft>r las; and ini ibis efeI con b cureal as off.ti ,a l .endl as certain- ljr Bs Vy dther disase. L-tiit fersifonsdplsy the nes of meditine, until ther lmg.s are seîîslb$y scai, uat s tls eaonreet o Dr. AllWns 'Bt eLverwert. ibis uneicioc bac proveal aefflte '<Cooqsrcr of Pli) sici..ns," fur whieh alil unkiîil wil .... ..'..e,î band ofi povidence. Laver Complaint Curci.-Dr. AlIra-Deat it :-l havenaseal ymarrlAlsam of Il-o.aiunil, Livrrwort ainalIVruri9y ltot,in ny ratire for osemooathu past, ud fîssia the wond'rfil liedccs ih bsliad. I sm fitlly stsied til i passseç ,ery bopetior virtues in the cure of Li er Coin- pl a cud eamptïon. 1 do çtron7,tytecomn- sam tte the pulic ssiIthie frlllty. Respectfally, J. D. Rtci înS014ou, M. D. Weak Long sud ilLois of Voire Ctiri- Mary Xhzà, e'devt dategbter of Cali J. Ami b hai solereai fom qeaklo ngs since tie age of il yeoft, had '.'erolty a rough, paie couiteiocs mnd bs o trîngîlh ;this valneý3 sf lurt8i in- Ieaelutilsaile was unnble teopeak a loud %%aibid. lier medici adviser gave il as lis o1iaîun that she wa5s nconsomp~tion, sad thiat 11 reasonatîle lhope couId b.e tertaineal cf hur recoviry. The llrst of ath Match sUe comun'ued sing Dr. Allu.a's Bei.swtof Iloarhoundl 1.erasrtaul I'ensy Ruetl; thet fellit il tiii iuio i ber was .taili. s eregauseil lier roice and lrtîeand s a aperfet. ly frec froue ail sycptons of csrrtînor steak âags.' lbmaboya r' a tru c icoiuit of uy d.uu,1tî. t rscase. Coa.vix J. ADAMSa, lm Mme stonishit Ffcta ni Dr. AInsBl mm.. A short time aga sFin d lady tur n locr lotte tagel a boutetir cf r. Allen'@ Ilalmaun of. lsarbosoal, LUverworl andl it.Žrisy Bcd, ft ber dieghter, wbe, sUi, saja, was ai mes! gone in coun- 4dmp"dB She balDot nct ablse ta leave ber bail a sorins weeks. The olii lady took a b'oitte hm@a andl gave it *ta ber daugbter. She lad net teken the aedicios but four days belote ohe wvss able te go out, andl actsaalty taled t or strire sauist perfectly curd. Sucb, dea t raer, is the llecd ofthis woniierful medicine. Net an inbtaiice *n n l proilcaed aIits baving fajîrd. For sale, 4h olesiai andl retil, by Wm. A. Tyler, 88 Rar- u1La Strett, New Yrk, Aiso, by CIIAR.L?.S DETI I, Ptilceas Street, Kaugguon. NOTI CE. T HRE business bitherto carried on by thse ýundersigrsed, will iu future, by thse acimssion of Mc. Charles W. Bsennan, as IL partner. beondasctod tiander the mine of C. W. Brenan G& Co. D. PRENTISS. Kingson, lit April, 1843. NO TICE. indebtuo ate Estate of the A >.eLmrndizipaymn.r ta Lashor & Sieven.. ms, ofa Bath. or Brige & Lasber, Kangton ; uni uap eeumalim iegcl e on the sate, vwall phas pasen a.lesau.efor liquidation. rTIImA8 lbRlG-8 L E.recWaoa.. SAMUEL 7LASHER, s Kiagaxo% bMay l16 184&. HA"!' BATS! HATS! CLAIRK WBI10H?, JiA T TER, Orposite 3Mc. Rourk's nm'Bu iling. Welliogtom street, Kinugston. la âasorunsent of Hatie, manufactured by hiesilf bou t e bst asatrial,. constantly on banal. BLA S 8P-0-RSA L E - IMERDS &Wi MEMM~ALS, Law, Court et KFRe % a otbsr 9 L A N K S, ik zretl O N SALE BY W. 51fPSON 40 Lbla Northa BSho gssie, No. 1. -Ontario Steset, aMini2L 114. U~U F~~alLTwenty-fivu Ce M.. ILCIOIMICK'S nevrlj inveateil 5F En15uZ be bout sartice Ocer dasovuru %y ocientiftce auainaEuropes or Anasica. for, thea @mi,.andal abita tel eet catacrb, dizziussn tir. bead. vwet oyses, meevoabeadci, . . siûanose., ti infante troiqaleilwih maus., partial abocIs Dr Pulsy. "ac rr For sale b! Charclesnlatla, Prices et,. Kaugato!. NEW HWARDWARE STRE. J LST receaveal bythe ssbcerberlad ssill h sold low for cia. ta ener, l seê-ment of FRONUONGERY, CUTLE 1,A", Cuu gpuing English, Swcdsîe, Rruian, and Tîse Riversa AR in, licaika retied Iton, round andl square Rail Irnu, hoop and lband mors Blister anal Cat Steel, Siscet trots anal Tin Plafes. Sbeet Cepper, Draseé, Zitnc anal Leai tee, baIns anal i Kettes, Satîcepaîse Stewpaui. Belli Posa, and llolliuw %Varc of al ctrs; grave] anal grain 8>suyaelp, cast steel Spades and Stiovels, commanun 51'adep,, icvlhes anal Scythse SLoue, monre and hlay FGrks, l, t.coii, trace and nîber Clsains, Sinitis' Asxui. Beiioews anad Vices, Fire Irons, Do.g Irons, lickaXee, Ciii Naila of a superior quality. rose, ckc.p and cleut Naila, B. BILhose>Nais, crocs ru%, pit anal mill Baws, Hlarrow Teîh, Ilurse Stiaci, Cat ansd Waggon Boe, &c. &c. Joi.xERs', C.aarraEn c' ÂAxD Courasî' Tooi.s lu great variety. Etagluals sud Airicau Au- P rt, Locks, boîta, butta, Ilinges, Screw, Glue, ies, Saniths' NWardiiug. Calpinc-tlMakers* andi Mill1 Sawèu, round anal bau rounda, l'uwad<et, b!ast. iUandl sporting, SkiaI of ail sizes, Braci- ct anti ot er Lampa, Leailing Line@,,Haler aend Trace Rope, lied Cur an sd llaibro Lina,. (Roalger') table Kuives aud F. u tebliera', shooosakora', sailalera' Jack andl Pen Koîses; Scisure, Razor, llritanaija motai, Tes l'osa Britannia, Plated aud German Sîiker Tea. Do- sert, andl Table Spoons, brasoandisl .apanuaied Casadlestielre, Crîînping Machines &c. &c. IPAINTS AND ]PAINI TIFFS. Best Whitîe Lead, dry andl je cil, beet Reud Loaldîtto, Venctian Red, Spanigh BIrouwn, bluc, frn, yei!ow. groun nalunoil, Vlo tOchre, Lapblack, rase anal br'îed Liuisced. OO, Tur- peastiao, mintera] anald "'abuTer, Piteli, Pot. ty, Copoes, Window Giasâ of ai. sie, Paînt sud oher Brualies, canîcl'ia hair pendis. Anr assortient of brasa anal a oden CLO'KS, ciglit day ana l 24 bos. STrOVES of ail descriptionsa. E've i1o A large assortment of plain. Japinemi soi bliock TIN WARIr. kept utbandl, t adce tu order at 6sbatt notice. JAMES POWELL. Sture St., ICnats une 22, I4W. NEW AND SPLENDID CABINET FURNITUItE, .1ls C)ap as the C9heapest, anti as gceî as fthe best. SlE Sihscrilser begs leave teoinformîbte Pu- I. lie geoeratly, that be bas removad lis Fur- citatre Ware Reset te bia nese building, recetltî trected in Mentreal Strett, tt.iral deor frem ltai corner cf Store Strett, andal fle Mr. Tibodo's Groer Stor.-sheti ll alsesys be foail ae- nuraiassortuntot f READY MADE FUItNI- TURE, of the best quality ana liaiest patttruss, &*a prives tu suit inlrnding purchasers. Persn il5- reus cf urciasing are respectfmdly ibrutal te malti a caîl. As the Subscrîhaîr in cciîstantly ianiîfac- turing for saleandau te order, ttsey rau speedily be etipplhac ilh autb a rticle tuev mac rrqoire. T. 0. BUTLER. Kinigston, Jan. 18 1. WÂATZDa-A Varnislier anîd PeiLeber. T. 0. B. Y v auto of susguon andis ts nouait y, uer thte CURE Fou woUnws. vory liberal support it ha, bail, wnuuld bc,,hease B. A. FAtINE5TI)t.K*s'.,4 s:tsUGF, te ais>' ahat lue lama aken tue pemiss n Ontario 1re.c.îu utsl' Sti-ec, e, tetifore occupieul lu>'Mr. C. Hales, anal B. A. Fahnrsicctk lp-Cc. Pittsburtgis, Pas. purclaseal is stock, in additin ate bis ossu wbith ' e is note snviaag fronlis aId atandl tinrT [li preparation bas uîosc stol thec test uo Xung Street, cemîrising aeven>'aticle constauted oi several ycar's trial, and la confileiy ne- With, the ncotuiuel csea sale aud effectuai lilunle far 'TcnaWMec, and Spirit Trade, eepi,uýg scociuia foua the systeo. Tbetuex (3f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . .. h atpclsuccess tîat lias aticaîdeu ts cadiistra- OfictY the vey v.et.,se'rpin, ands s-lis oil ut tien lu orer>'case %anhre theo patient austealti tht iovest umarketpiiet. aUiutl witb seerros cestaini>' tendiers ilb arthy Kinugston, Pcb. 2, 1841. tht attntiont cf l'hysicians. 'fle propricbsr has maile il a point to sesr T1hI, Sahariber, iu graefully return:asg invas-lall fou.'dilta prouuco the mont saltary liberal pot clllaruleu tendhutomis ferinbthi-eftbts ; not untiariucntly sfter aealy al the on. ýs otafoddt ijmat tin ut.eiI- dinar>'prepanat;omis recmmsnuted for avinns tad hiaut Simpson bits pmcass'b tus stock la rade, nn as a-creely rs e iateàteitînuth ennua antualien tibe preuise, wtese b. as-It attenîd tiflealos anal statemsats cf huauliof-ou epecta. pruunp'.ly tt.hoi rds-tr. hLr persona ins difficettparts cf te tbann->' Tfhe >ubohcruer foelg conifient hn recomen da- & -udiuc inresav-ytok ail ng Mrt. Simopson as ore %rbo lie bichotes la furt>' ofihe preparshioiuaiutbeîr jntesenin. Itiaunild cuuuapt"1etntleatjvc ujrtgbt, hononrable, a nistpeitgn n iyb aiiiitrdwt seehî wîlhy ofpaublie faour, anal soulil thue- eus ai spay te mu ni hd it isfatue - fore coun bis miait espectfuity acolicit a contian. perfet eue emifatutgehs ut ii:ufna("l sace cu lihat lberal support wbicb tise bouse bas ounnce viats, s-tli tuiu npe'auî.:n tiponuumtglas had herebafimne. ai IAIINMTOCK'S VEitNIIFUGIi"aard the CIIARI.ES HAIES. diretciusns acetepaeyiug oucb vial have flie ig. Ki-ugstora,_Peb. 2. 18431.nataure oftuhe proprietor; as>'tat.dicinc rut ep in Rsceieal fer S'at by tc .Ssbscibe plan cieai, candthe iignahore of.% 'uchudons 5 BALES ni tine àMacha, j aumt correspond siih the aooe deaiitior, j> e>A fewsesani tf Meuachisu, Cirace. Eu ilent inyun>(cuiase Paei-uiftiue. Vie, duî Dauhreeaseul cilser ituum rsh'lse sciser deetuie t bis aut>'1) use tht &.Là@a. aboie precauioma uain rdr te guard 'lie Public A lienTierces beigit anal aWkNsMtucovado Su- agamumut utistakinz other sara Prspa ahYama fui gar, 50 bariola Onondaga Sait. hi s ueservedty pmpular Vermifufea. i W SMPSON. ITliet caoeineiominuic lile ad ae t asimmue-ale Ontario Street, 20àh May. W8. Ior utMr. I. C. l'o 'stut Nus. 2017 UanaS t., Biuffalo 18411. IN. Y, et iii Near Yasnk cil>' of bM.etr hiuadiey, G ENERAL AGENC't ANDCOMM ISSION i Ptseips & Ca No, 112 ataer at. OFFI CE, B. A. Falauemtwk & Ce. 1' Crluh Loandon, Fuor sat lu Kingston lu> Charles U:Latt, Noble Oppesite the Near Royal Exchtange. patlmer, al J. Wî. litul, Esqrs. CAUTION. V)o.lrciais Crii 'V e-wsaRoemss, Pub.- Thui public are caittiunedlaguinst sapuius an. lie Lihtitiu', AgeriealulSd oieies, QIulw'ss q tjcle lattl>' put fonta 1> a svorttlss outtenfeit lu tise Usnihd X&-cte, PiIers, Publinsei-a f jNew York ciuy, a-icS iamrt-îi-tentsta W thec Ne.puapes-s ansd <.almon easgnerally. -&ame as Pbhalnctck's." 'fhus artic i leentirely - L .s î MIl O D s worthblts haviuug taneofitue virtuetof nca- P .L S MM 0N S collent rneîy>, the onl>' seurut>' ctîm u ablic lu ekn-eral Agent and tComm u*sst*oMerchuatta tusho vi'ty paiticular tai esaquire fon ' . .. 'aàues. IN ohllting hi e srvices te trio frisais andl the tecks Vesmufugv anda aria aihltrcisatiotas tia-- 1.Colonial pubîlin lugeuenal, begs tu acquaint ing sinmI -ale.. tlàea that bla notýw enaal>'tarecire orlesafor lWAGIETI[CIi DONJIA. supplies cf an>' kian sd quantity, iuclodiligata- FTHE TEE TH! THE TH i!! tieeany, havis, peiodicals, nswspapemeprinting ~~TU ImvOUAE LETGGTta ra5'ARAsTINi. snatetttala,.pefnoery.ana gondls of d' ise. "H aiaproveil, analtht mui incradulous criptiaa et fIlst-rate qualit>', et the ie; 5Uut .1.andadonuhbtimgara fatll>' conucei of its msarket price.ef tdis>aald ta Lraissect bai.. grt utiîity, au s-e have the eridere front ths "n a o 'slbllin. a-njeeda W~in l fabout 25,000 boxsocf theO (bettica, skis- pnev!onl>furnised .ith funais utdiafte e t ttb-in tht paît yti. r. lua ancttauaedhs-oua aiperi- er logos- short ia a arofereoc e homse sasce, tisat waab s'n e he l eetb vll ate ae. e London or Liverpsool~b for paputatt. ca>, lut remaun tit the hâtet %qif ar i, teith P. L. SIMMONDS seIl recsu'e tomigis5ent theirnuatttral W-earc;sud more-in thousasifs cf of any dlescription of mrnassnaixe ta b. solal on caser-, nocylmus tuotaarbre, (thateimmax cf paian) comssin,iu and upen receipt of the bille of là-ba, at once bean effsotusît>' cusealb>' this reesî iie silI accept bills drasen DIteshi, aItthtte popolars-aeiffrice in Merica.-Andin taconclu- mentheufor tseo-tbirdm thsa amomet-aoi- sien, sehere, or ws-bis Ithe yourg lady c- ,etie- auts t aisteciltealis tare vlnaset titb aven>' man. aye, thse italiidui* tisat slues a teantifui possible despath ina le bir dispoiral, alsasa W et of teetb, soinaIgums vlidai sacet brealb coducteal sluti dis greateet tteollute the au- me.titan fifty cents, Ihat seils. lue eeti- terestcf tlose 'mium*lutcf a box a[ Dr. M. Ilttcblack's Ilagnetie Au extensive knowsledge of genaral business, Odretima secrquir l ni - oitg readoncs an the W@« Ii-Selb>'Char!ea lIeathlniicmeaStreet. I .le, analma.U iumeaxtesiv'e cource of buti- Kiaiguica nes sig th.bsnsia colnies; tirele -15nCHAR l! tri ecraeral ps=Iseaa a taînislagent, IR!HE cuplerl!ih rosWtalattention anal jusbg- RA nlsc<sPO tTAy1q M-TUE GREAT ment, telU, ha trua, enaisle hum le gave aitas-YSTERY 50th515OUT C u? 5.. facio t thsewh my forbi wih ber L STERRY'S IHAIRRBENERATORt. comao.. Dr. Sterry, afler ranch aation to thieIa. N. IL.Past sendinig thome theïn ebilalren poanthnuî uject ut pre&eWnug tîç.lair after ma.a for 4salcation mu>' sitb confidience entruq t teni Dy xpeimensacheanseal anal pi 'ca4been ahi un Ibeir asrivaI te the careof iMn. Ssmnteusil, teaiiscoven an article whitub la aoferedai a î vIse wilîl unaertake to sestehormplaceil lu firattbe gresltmcculbDencfor th, taltai, asthe beat rate anal respectable sstsliulaete, see tbieg aven disacvaeal, fur km aesleing anal peste.. aven>' attention ahht iehopail tri t.hein murais, ttatiog qisalt>', te proiluce à gai tendloetfhi- ef erentci >'haene a ithe. l f tatprssent t frocs fàhltasg oif t wtbalnuls int cféenc Z bemae t te pblaber ofthe pprebedd.--to restons Il s-bn blsidssabas leralil, Kimgsuaa, or bu an y cftils. Cacantssu - taise place, andl ta prtiven tu tinmg gray. turp. vitb &Il cf vwbaaAr. S. bu baseu le long anal-"ht le more ateurshiflg tiran Piasatnz, aetique frequent comasiitaên. -oh, cacCole Pu n tier. It is a 6ustiful aarticle àJu», 12. for 1", tà' ea'I-it %aisn tse h4W sait anallire.. NEW BUMMER G0008. iy,aud prelssces unoiaahurnballune> Thon. ~~~~~'~~D . E IN N <>sdahaertestims aupenrv'am na eCel. W. a ciNaN & ce., uont 2 sen aumlenstail n se veIstane s t = daunivalle. c arecettina o »tm e eeb it -,,n seiallible cure a il daetoof ttise obis s i s t te b eu &-.as dan ikaft d4 . & c.E very " Ta siecb eybegto invite tautios4uan t s 42ats~I~a t4ei wi "Wa adaptaithe Cassisp*eeUh w" ui a 4t ora etillise, îthse mol ani hu n **ape- aivuategesot te u ssvesesefl et .ha oileial0 a,,ubI ett as tise puoagaf<f . aalCemur>' tplidu s>'h iiaerel PrinceSabt et, ] o S "> Care eat l1'rincess S. ftr «-c.sn..Je "'..' T= 1QS..Kin-t' EéG!1 IUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES 0F LAND: ouT.,,s E Te bce Ileosed of in canada Weist, (Il te Upper Canada.) AN AND OTIHERS. eseiail 3 T roînc.t:.lCtAA g)ýmpiNy olfrabout Eits- liciaiiuNru Ti[Oc'SANDACaRS OF TRItilLA\v I l Le4LotPcr i ir' Acreinenumnuteil luic prnte ;ît of.a ittis year, wbîch are un Blorks coutaiuliulgtros i I.ttR tetttte uîfl M"; dlpuirî s a Aces euehstuatc'd iii le teeterrn Dittrict, anal in Seatuered its, cootaiîiug fronti IO ti 20setlielIt an.!i;i z.îî e Acres tacb,!:itua*ed in a!Iiicu&t oery Towrnship rt Cansadla %tVî, utriîuaILilo bcluro,d.thireîmisti r Su. . i ba'ral anal advaîittageousuia iihasve yetbhousrosade public. Bsisitie ltleCuua: I' ' i li-frc1îti of tiirLands by %v, Y Of I,LÀsE funca terni nf TEsFA Slac-i, Noio n.7 b.ing required dwa. AipiyoV.,~t The Reutsa payable a on ul ybli i ngonly equal tetie luterettlà son ftic prescrist Cup-e v SuI eitt1 lie ti'i (I u. It ur 'S .* ILieiuafoIr o::auaîIlc, suppose l100 Acres, Loing now avntts10.4. per Acre us £501, tiei"l teresi l\.igsi, F .ti thoreon la £.3, wiic latter sin. andl no inuese, in tht aunouitt of Reutus e)bc paîd ca-h yearfîipose. 9 er beiug eecrured to the Solfiertu Purchuse theFrehodand take lfi l)rel frer the Laird l.'-occupiee,. mRi NtttI a rt asy tiîeeduring flitc Leari, ahet nîust convenient te tiuunoelf', at afitedad avance trpote:itlieureeat R. M. II1TCllc"fiî. n upset prico and o f courFe, îliercbv savig il future paynicîut cf Rente. Aevauiniiuug rte %auue ts.~teD iumiailCîl I%%-"i . -ma bc bon.abovre, (102. per acre,) tiue adveance required fur the Decil wciuid le le. 3d., if tr.iti uittin the for %Voruii. Tis first ise years front d<ae o.1I eae--- or-2s. 6d. pet Acre advaucec, if liail subsclqueuutly iii iui icatestethli3ii , x . Itu tile expiration nf tire I.a-'e. useà itlid îu1 ~~ l'ieh Landris oirereal (excpting cirtire Park sud Towns Lots in (;uu'Ipli) cary utnîuice n ii 2. s'liit.etsVarons a". up te a al p ler Acre-tie IReins ipuswbich would bie rüeapcctiîeIlis fliuuass, Vi.- plauitfr lo ui utci l,. . verbet ilias ibcoul) ui' c l' Upon 100 Aýres upst pruce biig2s. per Acre, t'le55 bile s'rxilv 0 0 12L)ai, d.recinIui . l t i t 13u - do heiuig flit sauàlie hI- i 'te. . lI.,uif,.ii. ~il ~ î Do - -do - -4S. doa - S--0I t ta .. llis l r ual:i'. Dir - do - - Ils del, - - rue -iur e.. _ %lI._________ DO - 'dou - -7rs.ddo - - do 11)I - -huit - ir; ILL Do - do - - (leUd l,, - .,-- o 1h os,&Plsn &F1;'i Do obu -- lit7à.6d mo - - dos - -'2 il ..5f'!l(j -o (Io - - 1la 3d de - - do - - i3 7 (ifi V t i l'u, Do - do - - lis6d do - doa - :1 15 fil ' At).s t'x ~'î Duso do - - Vis Ual do - d.li - 4 2 6i.lti AN[) iis, i, *. bn oraler te afflurd crery assistance tus iuuustrioteal dprassidolit Settiain,, uhe(CANADsA CmiM'.îssluCali the aile r uIîII ltll ail Ilreceise car ffe), o anlituer hl inaaltire amouut uîay blef or c ither SettIers vo u3 ii ttiilltli e Ci . i' bave iiiiiediate wauî', on .Deuoi,-allmwiaug iIntereét at the rati of Six pe-r ct, it. per illrmîtui fuirftic', aticleis fitlitxc saine; bout s cieti u niderstnal, that flic full amount scithi utercst uicrtr-d, >hah utai1ailitsba, iierly. ait tire ieposal f the Seter. sritl:otit notice. Fl'ut tis purlui,, iC C3utire .iuyî,a tpii il ;tiir. .i. 'luCr 5lii. I llk coutir, %wiils ter.iied tIder's Froviettor Suuitugs )Jamk ..-lcm, eer,.tu itr, i i:u.. I't;sjeîpi- 1,u1[iX)NKi8gelui-tx :- v idetnt Sotîler, every facility fur aciiieuiatmag rslific Cuit iîmuey 10 ;îmrîse tlu'i're iel.cid tl i iluruuîIi'mtaii L.and adi clhocLeai'.wisonesier lue citosucs îuiI', v. i ii iitflic erutus mmi ' "c ire icibref .ilîu m s.-oi. il as :1 !w Lid llarve@ts, or ais' cther uuifu rocen milfortures va m et il hbac aîaIwtle lic uuitiîî c~st ,'I i %Vriislauttest accnueul, ai lis dsp tl 0auuttt t I.isiu. s'-îu.Xl.., l'le Latîd. are trictuolbe duimusem i cfupimiatheu, CIoui1aos foirmuer a !.iii, Va a I -hi 1sliii l tIrluy N fT" : One-tifîiiCashi, anit balanîce in ise equai Anuuai Ineataicl, as1%lletirtî The Comupaiy ili rernîfroi Coaaauy Éturc cf mont-y, liisc' j .utiai'î'ti 1 t'l,, Il "y part [iIL" îu.ut î . i dof thetiiuiteul Kiigalonimi uruspe free cf ail chai-o. Tic Cmi p %%I. l ;il -;i. . i oe uil i . u 'l l ic j iaI norey froinEurope le Canacda, by Lettracf Credît Ilpousfticir Ci, iemi i-s:u'urtii.Iluitlie r imr iott'tmai. u 'ii.i, - of expense, thbus asCIringthie benefit cf tht preanitaun cf Exchîangei t a tIc L"iuiguuîm. uitth-ssi-e'(,,,Jis,î ait 1-.1iî1,11i iî. I 'î î - ýaaicg Lsiua froue tire îocouvenience, analtote eu lois n arlamng frin ciiimeig lit iri iui %, i i timmi Kc elii .. i, eyin coin. - The Compn, 'îiSveeIiacmlsdate Einumiateliiuuiii îîmu'.l'ufi , 1 it .fIlidý u..Is ctauu I . wiîshwinterest, at Four lier Cent,.e nur o Mu oia iiicm r.upt i: es1la m inundid cc mai -itiian Niuety Daye,-llie mrieîy, buover, heing atavaysu .1te ljm gimul's T "~I iîî"în lc' ire(mmlîuc ' î' "m icery i~Ud OfNFORMATION auro'< NÂ,aund direction.-, tirai 1 'r lu îeIi.ji .. -icIird lite, a% aîI,_t iti., l;u i s Iettter, t<theCnpany's Office m EuiuuCuuu-tscSt.ui. liti ,li' '.l~m , t.:lx 'u. i l . - fluentiis'printeil Lifils cf Lanîle, (sa-rhSumay i mi cccii ittivlî5.iu aiS". î<i. i iLief, dcil %Wedt.) cul ana- particuiatu., umy baibtaiuiem, nuEE os cnýtrito auI l'1itce:u (.itl eIior, iiI'I lioqt-paid) t iitîe Conitanv'e Office at Toi-dite.' 'îci.g î'1 cliaries Williiicr's E:sIlURATION FURitbIi - AIMEIZICAN N E WS 1LETTE R 111111. tilcîsgid silil ficmte i n i'r I -AT T'1 fi)N, A ND E V IOPEANIN'TE L LIGE '<LEIIl im',t <ii,, uui ic e -. l ac Sirgeiblt 'btlii!îla l îiu Eilsrgciileoltheecxteusl of Ten adduicuunal (c. ~ tml.,I'ii.I'iul i mii-i i' if atend ois'ai. tof 'il r I;î ii imhî i erL a.lci-ilr.î' ..uJ - a iiaire Nesaîuper, nw natclisugeaiumîTo rnisruo-r Att. imq ' e iî' i IIl : i 'i', J. admliial Cluiitîs. whilui -l e.tallîheil lme te P. iscii' .i..'.:eî ...1 i-mle a n .ly, 1,542. e reguiariy îhîalciodcilier ANIV M- ANuuANi SaleilI o t.~r-. .i . Il . -pooi csjsnoesly for transmuissioun ly ci ' st.îIli: Yîcst _1hîcRuTIuRS. QuIcii',.'ia'" %Vl l. W 5.i'i lui . ,, y Stiip saîlircg ttotnit ay port lai Bntaiti tea aoy port tynumes, Liv-'ripool ar tu-sI iinri, Ii .I1 ty in tire Uited Stater, anid itslcaduuîiq titri seb%1IuuMamuaKELLY, U!!Otc f ta ,j,~'.u ni 1" ialil m. ' gi%û ai fit gliace, an accouait cf esry imprtait rlltiu. îeir'c.m 1 ' , -errent tiratlisas eccuirredin iuGreat Britaui, Europe, N. Il Mîîoty cruous m-ai .. ill ' I u ie :i;.0 l;ti:; Iiiu ili buiLtise ntcraîietîroen the,!sai- ici * *. ..- - --...-~~~..e abvotl.nce (r sunall su:.uc. I ic 1'Fti;elC t'I.'. ..r - r iîrc-a correct sud compreliusuve Sii~~ii ~crmceii.v .'u.u '-. >< tmt.ir r- List, iu wtîlch will lie fould afaitiful 'recordlof i~~. the arrivai andl de parture of AmericatsVte à '£'lfe at î i Io A . SAl'm- .' 'î.-t'itîN; ii sh, inm,.',2 -anal ftoîail tihe Britishi, Enrepean, an~d Aiatîc O L':t-'.______ portï-togetbor witb tnotices of saacb c.iiuscl.:,ee tiu lir 'iAiili S'ef-1 ir . arrreucy.i-- - - - or disers as nay fro atrnete titra ccuîr--alIFrott 3 2 INFLI! MAT! '_' Wi'. CosumpleoPrie" Current, in sehielsthee great.et . Chi'L'-ur auatir ly3-m', ,1 530 1I lb cane îmu taim oistegise thet taintre'mcmt2ucfftie vn- lulants iodait13c:- f) î \. 't îousadt5cniitbotis cf Areianrr.dtc, ft'rm the roui l..l.u ad 13!'.. u.ric.k, anup i humi tutiffcelionable soitrcas- tius Coui i]-- Adulte, 13 t Iraalnmuiîm iii one .hmcel, a Nestapaper, a S: ugLi., lid Uîdc r 1l yeaiit5r, t7 ,I 1Il-1 r, a awIn '!ý Iii îr. C c Paices Currel. i Frian Cork &. Lcmmtimi,'11ora-- Tl ic Aimaial SUbsCriptioî le CuARLSairu Wtî.c Adulte, ;3 I0 9) :15 til. s 3..jiii i- isz e amie's AmraccÀ.qeNiA-sa LETTEiE eii 1. ti.6i. FUier il-Cl,. h liw (I) 1- 'rur.nmil.ui -Sterlirug. Ordera aid Siibscripiiouîasawihi horc- Tito ese,t i te cgoojnd imu ae u lVi bel y thut, .IL. i ci;c.l nt euiy cf Messira. Pbil îvoy's &Co.'s 'outid in ci tl., c ,a!er, furileP. l no îii n-syimf V i ," 0 EXu-Es-mu Ouat1Eras inic IeFta.DIe 8mEa il tic vcY'l"-, i i.u.iulil yfi)' - Nde Pmaut g frbeis oid-imc, tî;. Iiî T I i i s.eandl in fBoastnl'y 3!ilas. Reddiii" , & Act.fif.h a ls! esI P rc!c ; <e1 1 .e Iirmls e.'mc w Co., Ne-.sa Agents; ilfaM îr. Blcher, ','a] aI iidfli 'i.i;-i.sy of ceen>rs- i Lii; tlc'àr u u'm ie. ý-yI . Ltioner ; Motti-al, Mi-. ii. G reig, Eini.i!n.r tue! uicîî- te OXiiSt' a aiîr, iIl CSt. Juhn'e N. B3, Mr. G. E- Feuetr, MNîiiîg N. B. 'l'lie rti-f reguLit.oia i th'n vati'r,- p :. '...t 1h r Neia aOffice ; Quelier,lMr. ('hurles F. Foird, 1Lv iai-e h51 Iluttmill be ouiy îhree n,, e-irnn . . intistret; Et. Julîu'e onfmumtii-d M-'( ftir (I, t-v i e us tin s rt"it r'e-r. Thm1ile pounrd "p., ,ime..îv Ih, Ml:. M'Couiibi-e.y, 'Tuiile iOtlico er thîey Ina'.'hie-ornt o! i tiid- ittrjS,, 'tii bttir o iiiiI uthliu Ejiet i. aKiix.tm. rnlishe i iJ' dinectoal tus tire luh.cl'1 a!rLsed as fa!- i., saalhe utoult Cimt tei. i oA allý i 4t-3,.-i'tetr ti ~irata cuus o i.it.i,y Ly gii~t leot;-: AR.Eday. A 'gieat etcmecase cf in ire i ree'uuu u t t *u~r an-m soaertieirei. CIALiWILLMEII, hoight cf tiLekL e l -ii, &AC., is prou idealý for, S P It 1 N G GA 0 01) Ttasaatitic Newspapei- Omît-, as sae¶las strict riiuaic i si-luui"aimai I iSosuthu JciIu-trsrt, .I -ei-,-aL il îuring tic eait o!iuacs t~ire a'se a8au -îl Col. l-ri iju ~j'c 1,l'yodl '. srii c!-i ta~iivh rit : il creeT f.i.. t.il Etmii.î.n PLI L& NDA~ F ANCY STA Tic YE RY fmr tc ccm.ie -mf;ias'..e-rýe,, s.îbcihorha bldUtigaea i sxti, mcssiuu,.t' empi"yed h'r ttIl3u uor'meii'tl'y M. P W.BYrtionz, BONNETS, cI' t.' lateimit f.iu T A!ISAY, ARMOUR & Co., Lave latel.y uf Ii,, ci IL. R B. A LSO0, ÂLreceiveil ait extensive assoetict cf IIin Qale ,i tuh Ns,14.Aletcssn siiitoi5lcm - t and Fanry Statiîirtery, ushieli tbey offcr fcr Sale1 ,:Ný at ser>' moderate price, caiscg nmaiiv *hor Ar-: LOT1iomN,GTION. maenuu-Huits & Hait Cases, 'billc'u &t cle tictea the f)Ilowieg are couepriacal :-*11C,1 U) n ýý ' Areasr use.-edeaJe .t L.Ž. Diat..i --'LOUaN'. 'uhCiiam ncJ r.il,'5i. ACON og;-eýeý ornai., Day sol. Allio, c les 1,ackcgci mof I'nil.i-iJ Boolar, Cash Iinvks, Bll BIlia, Blmttei-.uand H It.uIIX' -tenea for eurî';;ëilr tupriý,11s e moa.st t>le, gtiialc tsi-rihm- Î! iil. other Snhsidary Boîoks, uf varincllie SR, Rb 1"- I-H C.'mir..cuue, Redîes,ýC1roi i'î eou' nthe 't u taN anda Biadinge. iF-ace, Neck or blauis5fortd e17etuailiy leaaîiilg WZIsING uPsu'rER.-Super Royal, Poyal, Me le_ th le z.iiad reiu..i, .iail mi .,cscs of the N. B-le buis aise pened i l utIl" ditu, Demuy, Pusnt, Plscap andIlotîe,ocetvarijouas kie, bouse in Brook St., ar, assoitîciri t IsGO ilualîties. . Ncçtbing c-ui:iiuteg ecornu-hte cuir geticral imported lhast talle eprcsly toi- titi., Spiili' DsÂtxeP.s-an.-E.peor.Antquarian, acht i lta neguiut itet slsrane. trade. connisting of wh ite cîmmi riIiredI)Dri Double Elepluant, Colortbier, Atlas, Eletcpnat' Th-m Loticnis a udmirat!as a iurat ru-t, amiai, d Dillhs and Gariblroulis, MslCtukut' i Inuperial, Super Rusyat5 Royal, Medium,, Demey; afe acash, anud greatl>' edtcouîued for lis virtuelss ~itectonIui5yadIabed anal Catnialges, nf fiuest qualities. i in cleansing, scfteiiaig, anal ptîiifyun" Lire skIta ofLhinCtatIcauyie lmem-me BRisToL' Bose.-Of diferent eizes, ana li eroptinn ijuaruiiostsi feuille beant>', anal Prinsa and Coturi. Aiti eiceielt ac thicknessats, liaiteil andl plamn. h eatoriamg jt te a laig b degroe uof ponit> men cf 'ai-pete aud i Ol Cistto, Mai misa TRAOSNO ioPÀAsEs.-French ana l isestuI tan- A beantjtnil andilheafltlsfui 'cuiaisa is ilthe geueral ascitent of ssoaite utactuntei. prude of ail wtaso mes it, analthUse euuy of chose GîODS. COLORED DU.-DeMy, FooIJap anal Tissue.;sWbo are alepnrcal tsof it. Wi'h. WILSO)N. l5czia o.Concullusnhilinahanl A «gond appearanco us thohLet recomatenda. pi ll,153 Royal, aud Croavu Gray. tien ; anal as the Beautul> ung Lotioan paiifies the pi îi 53 Mausic P.as.-Of varacus Ruliegia, Plain skis, anal ieiovei rail l'ioseMBoatelles, Tan, Fashionable Spriflg 600dw anld Fiurncy. Sunhun, anal Redates, anal produsceâ a bieait QUTLLS.-rrOm la. 9J. ta 25as. SI. per lien- fui bue, it ine ultaoiy confliet a lady isbouhd use HE Subscrjber bas tsar reccinol.I. id. d. at lie to0'et. T openistg Wo Sale, ai bier tVarC!,5ia STEEL PEus-lss 1grlat vriet', fBoxes aal Gentlemen teilI allie final this a aleli.ebtfnl ne- Brock Street. rtotdaiabig lhetail E1tabui,îo Carda. auedy te retove aIli lougbness@, Plmpit Rin~g. Wellinagton Street, a sec>' cbuice saimies P".uua CABDS-'Iffb5gli laiud 1î11 v~onfrme,Spots, IMeeo Sorenesa of the face anal SF8110 aGOODsi lnIe,. Gse, & every kinil-ot ernptioa on flb.te surface of of the newest fasbiondandca beat styles-. PissaqTise & VIS5TIsttsCàARse-P-inters las-e Ish, a hxb.ItLanparticularl>' rerosmed. Gonds hariog beeui selectaut bY ctapais- ail unsalSuperfine Euamaaselled, Extri islhogtl sste frinda affilr baving, am itiAgents le the [.oaaaor, Manchster and If;i" Tbsirdore, haf Sesalc", Tinteil Gilî5 I Black Bus-- j1avll pieveut tIs etebrsireaaecertain effttet Ilmaniats, seil b.efounilworthY the tattulltlcn 1daaIJaed ELnaiosas: S- ceunsaap lt te-ning Ltso bard preoais - ees i inig tu la>'Crnait 11Ctei mes!i - «W I~a,'a ~ tL If& T.IA. FrdsiiSitrot o, tis- i 4. t King'u , 24t Oetobas', 1842. CANADI "B 1E PUBJJSJIED Mi NO.VRMstER NitT I A TRI-.ATINV EoN tfflETICAL & PIIICTif bensnstautl'd frusn teis lirtt pr i liid DEDICA'lU) <5V PERNISSIONi To tir., loi. mens Edwin Bolafurd ANDTUE. ls sV75OrflBriti-h Nus-ah Assi ONTENTS: Decianal Fr'ari-ten., Stj psoEea laents cf GeeSnet-c, Dh>it AlgeIaraie Definitions,(eiaerem laseladi the Nature oui Fe 't1 ties, &fn. Trigononictry Menura lliit enalDistancet,, Destriltiuuiituand iirmentsen pîcyci n Surceyiuu0 acri, ueiae asashol cf ieepung a IXelul Il ysîaicuoCf is 'apass. saittihuartiunîtes- mîh on ellt differettaffetmius <i trielle Naila correct anal siniji,.- mieliii 1'l uainsgeanal retnacing Lii'-ý, bM-nyiici DisionnifLande by tiac nuiier.;il i 09 tolscIaiculat iti, Lciu-st imîtu Or i t ver>' poable fruui, euvd %. irii i,. ubtdate. l'ei me Puiai a-hihoeit Flit'm b' liii eraphres & Duagramo uit1eicr>eil i iri b wd>'orftht entir. ionsAppeaiuxa ill ho auIdlrut eiir, 's oadaleatienntraton tif tIhue rules <'lmImi... lady sftae aork, i'apetalîvîumi île ilM. asud IuCa!ien of bandul, s tus mi iýuu ry anal neefatI 1ritiuci l< l as syrieeofutlaivlliug, 'I'abi trc1,.' seNa. Sisnes, &rC., &ur. leTrestat ii intas ho iae1ît'wliail Ilue l.a ang>' oeful ta Gcnteirum uit lis,- l.- ioa cnndurtaing Cuitsa cnusitug mutt ut id ssrvtya. sial te thel0use-ri. l4 l.uatl 1s nets-tii an u l P raisun e-- lI sonk i ii hopruated me u it .i siu typa. Iteivili contaire ahmuit '200 îungeum s uâtf hboitetd55LBs. ubouit fis.. lise Brantoeicu, Ms>, 151111. Lticr of Nett@aps in lutire rut.'îuimp%;" aofatrrt îaametiotelIc tt e ulle ci-i wili be entitie l uacuspy 'i tIi' us,-rh LI Stulsenptions amticneotiatul 'n-V tînugisont the ~cCuicn. TO MIIGRANTS & riît. HOSE desirussoaf ,ttiugiitat.u usimiiug isusen cf BI I IiLC I of Victoria-ar-ta' tiîcutiut tirut.SU 'ler iaos a aauuuiuer (ul TOWN 1LOTS, Il ou sî,ýse PuRLL SITVf., &C , .uie e, Lieas-fiat avhiiî ei asuulie r t Ca"P'ainter, Manoui, or NliIi-as'rigl N.'aî Stock, or Piu i, payent, buîaitll)seva-ciaI1101 SES, TI>WI 5, imprsveil & uauiîuria.a'd PÂlINl- tswnobips nf ThiirlnN%.-Pitslur,,I.. tmlClaatham,->istui-us cf Virtoui htuil, Newe Cusl and NV,-sttr,,-all, li pattotf uvîicis, tue at-oulddispose cfa me t eaauie & ncccmanodatiug terme il cî,ear cf aIl ineuttthbrancc.s, %t lt jmiiablai Titles. TO 1,E AS E FOR ONE 011 MURE YPAR.Ç, lI RIP1-IA MMER NVoIIKýS, situaü in the Town ofutBeclleville, Victceii-icDis cauutuined llialargo Stone Bhuilding, ii uhqsr part cf selich, arp seva-l l'irii1 ,. andulOiihcr anccatety, tiiat niglit lu. ' ertefi te sny otîser purpoefcs,-mi-ding h e,&c. ALSO, AnExcellent llW iII, otietIer, uvatispatent l)cg Iri, ;rire casimces for drawin 1,1.79s out cf tit r, conveytd ta thse Puiiii, syn tiste Rive Te odWANTED. Ax "godSAWirxs, Sai(]twc g A i xi 111111acquainteI avith ciller Ilacksuoïtht -For an«y furtlter inforaiion, actmluiae- alettena, Poatpzid, of the Pnoîintor ille., TaHOÛnd~I)AS COLEMAN. WACJIES AND JEWE.LRy, LOWEIR TrAN IV VEg. COsaequence of the a.aduction cil duties .tlae Aite Tarea. thse sulacrilser is ael- tusock of Golal ecd Su!vrevera, Eaeenst, Lepine, and omirer Of ne- and spbendail patteris, jgu t Retail, ut s consideraale ne- fi fm«onnr nces, lseing much Itss ile>' -au be bolugatfor aitany otitor pamce C'Y As lhe is ectn t il ctt ~l'bons cf 1WATCsiaa.0ot e neuract direct frosa lthe manufacturons in liaug Int & Switzerland, lue us eltahît-al <Cslne sos-Imert, and nitrain-l lions at -etail, than sarey othr orausein rLi, Wài'cuns slots-as fr t n'a a imite.'f desseaeb. watelles anal Jcve'ls.y -ttil or bouglst.Ai saatess el-r- tri keep gooltimne or tise ttone>' 'h aid cf Watoheis-qsatard iiin te Lest Sud el1es.-arre*d, at much boss thon mes. "Y o,>' ncet the hst würk- Gse .ea C. AL[.N, o «es4-Jewelry, iWhntaaie ANTED TO BolfttoW fron Ont laTwo Thousan rounds, in Dtac ~5tlii ,a0u eo nuiiFre-holal - lïtn_-ttm 1 ux.1 J'. à Kinconn. 7th June. Iffl.

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