Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 14 Nov 1826, p. 1

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-BOAT onze, MASTAER miiidrr of tb. Sea 9a d presr.ott as N. evCry Tu»s,'av. lt 7 D'dock. A. MI. adai%,.Wcdnenutyp ý- M. 28th Oct. 1826. NOTricE. NIAGARA (j. the remaia.cr ,'f Sgara on the loth, th-nd Prescott toàchang at the T lotte wil unia Ktrgbtûib for the a.Y at 10 u'clock. utblav 91.oraîing t Ilo, 1ok ili.well in the ut 7 'dk on il. t Kîa<e:ston v.K.<cnfor rI<iIg ab. 10 r>'. evtetàing. L. i«ve ymnrning. and ehiai. Leave turday mor- ai Ganatque thre evceritg. .-vervy Sunday, 'ni. e regular line of n4 g-, r% are oceed tdiret t0 e pas.ngrr ar- w un Saturrtay, procercfing e'i.. of Quinte. Thre t the Carrys:ng or the CODf 7. r anteranediate mndesgene a îblic as pe ai rval- l'reqa Ott. *on Thors- lit evening. îng, for the day mraing nuîu-41 t"e5 on ci Sida>. gau-i relut-a iton, C any, bebhalf of mag H(tus. miiBaild- Houâmclold pot, and ai par- ober des- e-s aiinât urable as ail daims bd prompt- ORTIT, ýPresdm$ gKINS, âge, VOL. TULI (U. C4 NVMK 4 86 Àk -r 3- ~um. ~ C ê @ArnLTL NEW ACCOMMODATION. Goyeroment Contract. poag) pyale ixmonininavmof VALABLE ROPIOfoi 81t Tnd eilie NrOTICE iahbereby given that Tenders pAny person bccoming respo.uite for the N the FIRST dal of AUGUST, 18 Me27, dLhotrlct, inform ail perbs N ilbcrcirdatth oioisra payment of twelve paiera, saa reCeave eue () betweeo thebe au sof TWELVE a-' concerned, tbaaa hae bas received the StanOfieotlhesh s.aiDnrm41 gratis..and lui like proportion for & psmter dock, A. M. and TWO eoeck, P. D. wihI dard for «W dDistrict, su hri pared tu persn iwllrn O trcCt cequarry a qusa- naimber. lbe aold, by Public Auctio. s ase ebigheog examine and Lolp; are ail agrs and ryofwa for T ON Erveon p ontl en- est Nfo Papers discontinued until arrears bldder, at Khtuingathe 11Province et Up- Meaitires eb"c"I bc repre4itecl go hlm- rnted f-aeervc fte oa are paid except et lte option eitIhe Pub- per Canad, fer thlit PUPm ,with said Standard ; and à- i or epaf tme ,(0b.md mti Pdishe r ece edai XA"RORA liauaneçdlbe&ithorpena claua.oflte lIE subscriber hegs lseave norste T oey.> oefTeer wtb Ia odilxin prose r cie ipyaetetheAct relativ'e te -*hsand AL n T Public, that ha bas estahiallied a Des Brtish MUY)tgte btecniin 'MretertoteEdtrM5bP5PI UOBRRT RUIMARDSON, âne of Mail Stages between York and King. of the Contrant mal, beknOwn on applicatio Letersto he dior ustbe OSTPAD M N W IRK O lwror f ag6t c. whicli miii leave York every MovnDAet ai haOfiice, And«the sPeciOic tion ua Tlhese wors à» ituaid, intte Twnshi Mid44d an Tiiuà>bAy et 8othat, A.f.tanerCo tnmaofthenCmm Royal Ro nl En eeeer orA» jMWr o Mrie ai, e situed tho 1ms ib ingson 2 and 186.turf 0 W3.SD&Yat ndo'lokA. M. arin the-whereaeverY information rcapecting th,. pro the iMuge" Distric et the aid Povua igt of 2tI Agat 116 rnotibnxESflA? andSÂru,.ntyre thehe spot iroin ehere Simiand or SeAd fni E r t.. ua d a i Dst rict ueaofte mm Prv&Io*ceS cas fthe At relative te Weight& 1, avt Kinston eyc,, MONDA? & Tui. itla15 bc obtained, & c. nay amabc procà- snd x 1-2 cmaiidsuti ue ntSa W u lerllt en in thcs e eai erne i tie nt vn tish e ura.DAT, t 12 ocock, Noo, ad r.urn ou red. mmd74-2 ac ausmii ent insertion A e I./le*er eRcer!b1 ju<, faille5D T m SA UR A?,iD he ftr- o 'isid'lCCaune*(ad Td 1 e a lin s a u d r 4 Mr t ise t onMN t A ic ; -- ed I Vyaort- uid. T hat agil Store keepere, no,,. thelic forin Pre cribe . s» d sign osi by t o en i4d e r mne for thin iisertion,bo e ci ant ea t kil, a nder prer asae- Millers, istilleierButchr, Baker, Huck- laving fornished hinself with gond Hor. suffi oiet aurrtîil,-s illing te bûcome honnta en ine 44perhueforth fit iserion mette ealze a aPr elsters, and ether trading prsons. inliabitants ses, Covtred Waggooa, and experieoced for the due. fuifilment oi anv CoUtrnet tisat nd id. per joe for avery subsequent imuer- doms auing tuC frimé rOeaitrlaet-cfstchDsticfo lavaStndrnt-Divrs eoeps,5sureîîmhacooamv . ntrd sao 5mei s < tlmar, 'on. seet itotwrtetdieto m e.aiCaitl. i h tsmto oach Wtghts aund Measures as afores.-i, to merit a shoare of Publie. patronage. 'mking the ofeWho, Or an agent duly au- Advetismen5 wthot wittci drecion Thee wrks i. b. nidsiaeua ~<s~ihal ave been obtaised, Who ahg1i, after Sta.ge Fare hrougb £;,>O0, wti Ur the horis<d on thrir hhaif, Most attend aetlthe in se tc tlif rbd.a d cstd c e rl w ing av b upxert a bis-t,. li t o tien the expirationo fai M x m o th liter u j, stan tice. tinte f oPening tht:T aedrs,, tu give air eg. OrdrrfordisORtnuig avlegimenstFrerlnghe e Caep" ofda d) otietn dard of Weethîmand Maure, shall have Every attention i miibe pald tu the coi panatinu r-quired bc in wrifmg. ~taas, and tIbm cIter one ton it Iaof n the e etvd adIsetrapointed as fort oi Passengrand thiir BgL .wl 1 eTend-ristb eedadnor A6e ritimnt. for isrint cdlv wny-or ervihte»eay ld-albresaid, have in hi% posaesion any W. agtlts 6e rompleteiv osccurrd.1Tedrt urySn-. ildn e rntins ertin 0the day ofi'.tenî.fume krmiite re fr iite- or Masarr whereby lie buys or @cils aun Stage Bonis kept ai Mr. SHz&Bulgrîps. 0qar Sînni. B d o te orumgpTCC'li te ay f og casnctd berwih a org fr bearticles, for the meigbing or admeauremr't Yok, and iat Mres. MooF'S, Kîigston. De A. C. G. miiio.ianufactuie of Bar Ireis, wM four Farea and ni which ach Standard cf W. ighta and JNTÂ GE. Cmasara fie Mimo ad aner, Sac itiFriled , atrIt aso if are generaiiy uv-d, alîy other October 30, 1826. Kinntuno. Nett. 41h, ïg IL l4-GWIl-X MWhcbl muid aueraboinda sed y .cAr, thoan mach Weights or Masures as havt ------ OF graituIDUCBIMOtWD ter'a and B cs is hops. Wei provided afr.-c, ahhi fus-E aNcet ,,,d, al fof-i fr eervo&re woAD VEITIEM T xEECUT AT HEDEATI) TH. E HtheEALDs OFFICE. miMeuetindPsudsPthancaneurrec.smrynIbrîoolsernenBakimit gE Hansentte autactfoRthSbold fute oftalD egout t c<nvicted etaoe Aisy o or ut r OTICE is herrreby given gteailiperanns 'bet Of & lise idCnean IEna o of chichi ara virli aiti for Taverns or lare justie c- ea ~~ oe jt N omay bc willing tw furuish ber tontin the t irdncession e htfret Twnh WII1M WLS N ailemcicredibl ie meas isaitipenalty, to ramaOfe i eghbytig ee ewdh ESPECTUL",-L'Y ifo'us t Il. inhabitastu , 6" £owUS or &"B, gether mithi ailreaso a le coâta,%hall 6e 7 Tous of Ray,5am ltequtiete t ire in their propoais for the ai ?rKingston. tht lee lisutra'd &aWlantihe said an 16e surmding hewo klvied by fdaatreas and 1:a. Oftghe o&fnder's 150 Bsema asadnite on rbeloteBEhL rISdAyAi eC uAb "Itene Sebls onrormemttoe Am U aod Decembe ore viyaneri5t of AL antd vIh k-anti8.54 acres i h a iiTown,&'ip iOds,and in the dtimu nf distrass sncbtw A. fEwaTw, ihe fwhmwllgy GOOS. v=hie - ogthe ewihlitsfrmer stock. ofRBelmoatt in theNewCac 'Pti-cI, f r Plhait6e conamitmsd tuotets oBude f8tchm.ofretToa ihr ieon iigi [forsa , -Ctl stri4 fr bccomonIhe necemry information Respectimg the d e ,a sciig 5t5 V?3'salcmnih e onur. wi adedi iliI e given, aad apon Gant of the District fur a tirmtDot exceeding Of lit POUB aeclu, building, li tavr suiavne n themhich areciineasw . Eidiesof t Toma 2neSthth cahc. forcash orapproved credit;muost hhiaenxhutb aescfOgn. mt. For thse use of the public horsea at Ibis satilao, n* ow t &ýbe 182&6---- lwhich .madbefo d Superfine. fiine and cem'n L-and f od uaityml150arsa that tendersi cl ù rreîved et the Comms ClaIsandCisiners- -lamis Dankets, -n ;atdcondkbionmlly ha pai-petuo by SHEa IFF'S SALE. saria* Office outil tht; 28t4s day of Novrember U IUL E 8 B.. zetea i ds Calices, Cottoas. Candi. th'e Govcrninent, as fuallrervr:s- the con jln isr ea Do.S the Stone Building erectec by Mr. loba nus. euslinsHsnkercbiefa, Sisamia, Silksanmud dition bring. that 1the mOn, are neyer per Mdîni itrit, N 1aesday. tisa 28th Nto oosai l a oticed unie 1 P madenth iiityofte iisa Sais bd& Cotton Laces mand Bfliinetsu. itatird 1tasem, hra. succesive ytars. To Wit. 30LFtay of Novembter th,- forme prescribed. and signed by tee auf 911Battery, as incapable, in ils present feai, Diaperse Huckabutak. and Damaek Table Lein- The distance aI present, at chich the nert, di li e sold at the Court linubie, im îth' ficient bureiea willing ta becoana bonnd for ai being tanvertied te amy kuowa human pur-. en. LaLdies' Boots and Shoes. Fur Sounnats Works are supplicil mth Chamcale s ha- Town Of Kingston, the foilowing Prope.tty 1the fulilment of the cool ract as mal as 4 Po"e, the siabaciber oferulte Matenial lqr and Fur CapseaifUithelait fasSions and best Imeen Imo and thrcee iles-the Lake Ore as belouaging te Francois Beausoliel, scizeti the party making th1e off, r, eho, or an agi-nt. le. as eyDwsad verkasamumip-Fur Piauncingfor Pelisss-PFur ia broughgt ay matca, ive .illaa-and allier b6vivrtut- uf an Execution issued out of MiS duly authoriscil on their behalf, mont attend Te persa sdesi-oua of getungala- Glo, and l.ftea-Black and Drab Hem- anOr. su eNl miydi ts aai ajesty's District Court, to me directeilaham h inoopnnttndrte ae nhi>ogo i n g e inar~er Bonnets. Cryties super. Deamer Rata-Silk of gond Iron, la bromght by land. a distance thse suit of Thomas Markimud andi George ny expliation rrquired; and it cl ha a quaity of Iran, andl man>. thouammds of ex- Nid. and lined G lovs-Also-an excellent as of six milra-Ore of tihe pares% qualiîy 1IL Marklstnd, vis- condition of any catract ihat may b. enter- rellent Bricks, besides Wiuulow, and Door sortient of Crock -y. Liq&ors. Wines, Te- & kalown ihe Bnirish Proviaece, *57 ha hmd A part oILot nunabea 165. in the Town cd imtb, har it wjîl be-optional mith tise Coin rames oe of coulai, for mu eld o, Ire . Suphs ~ ~ ~ 4 au mdaiebaeaiufeRbewt canunfixed expeisse of atutl.îg. cithin a Of Kinstgaon, 'Vth a Dwelliag Routae therea i, sisamriat offices-in hargeto p581Jd Building Mos ai n tcie' be Masy other articles wertby thse attention of f-w hundred yards of tise Works, nixed eiecled.Forage f W ghd, e, te pBritsh ilr Th pu. a e an mraccved otsject Faair18d rva 6.ilcl.wlth whach. ma vellom ochre, s-ad earth. auti Ail personsaIaving daims an the above inoise>.ait lianominal rate, or in te ma iidit an bis purcbase, mnd tisa saine time te _____kt.__________ 18_____ tek lest!inii great quantitiea. land, onracay part thereof, by mortgage or ci eat tise panrcof 4%. 4i. per Spauish dollar, ramieathe Materiale frnt th- spot. Theae Works re establashsed uan Ca-om othermîse. are requis-id toi m4e tihe saine Any furîber particulars may bc kuiomu an TROU a DALTON. nt**ff %OOlrU River, a mile belom the Cs-om Lake-tiaikuowa to me, un or before thse day oi sale. applicationsaaib tis offie. Kingston BremerL)o If a . River, iolera.upted tsy mmny large rapitis, -Sale te commente at 12 o'clock, noonTahs.-1teriadi-s must b6e uaaed mud endorscdIzi tecanects omith 1the Rver Trent-the distance fJOHN à ata s r. elTsmder for RnHILL. '5 8lZYa - .i<, T ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D A. C¶ o 13~~~rn ~e~a WJ':.T. k<G. Tc it J is-t day iAu. mal aI the sainie tianle lsegs t0 iniorin thein, The limits of an dvrtjsement mi l 5s5&f 21 .uu.186 Commissariat Office, gust next, màIib. s'ald at thse Cuti. hat lie is nom disposiug oi bis extensive admit ofima enumermli.im of theaenaui advem- Kingsaton, Oct. 2Ttis, 1826. liatise Town ef Kingston, thse follewing tock or DRY GOODS. tages ai this proptrty. neither s I~Ao, Stijl&SIF'S SA~L. ----- lanis au belonging ta William. Crawford, ATVR EUE RCSFR pose of the propricar, by "Ir - -Méillmnd Distric't, 0 .aurday thse 6111 Loternment Contraet seizeti by viatue oif an Execution imsed stater,,eua,, hu ndu re pers orna - -- T tt . ay of anua v O t o i a e t e C u to ( n % B u h AM£ (03chas,îtotrou ta. h is Tc it6 os a 1wCur osii b n t i aets or fcixaBa respectioli>. invites those cho m'n e 46e<ve dia troubla of prsmi- *<fntohe flaigLms B iDN A E IL. te me directed, at tisesuit et Jaunes Nck- ïsnsd urhae t cUmud Xasmse That itinlaaI leaat aqat - - ngt aon, Sthmrîe f ibL-d, i; B-tuNa- E IA S ails, Jun, andi Allan MePluerson, vi- ispw tpardsaube trut alb. andii exaomni ne ttaacobn bera mmdc cf Nirt ii, 10ds nasncitrtis eyinc e la n a aitse Wsmadef b wno i xcoiusiaudonuf i M- OTICE ia bereby given, chat Tenders Lots Ne. 1 andi2. firat Coneeusisaof ÀRCH MDONELL. vertising offices in London, - ' outniKug. chN1 e lre m e r e e Ithis OfficromucthtFedicsugmitsevuaei- Kingston, Apail 1.12.Yonk, Phtladeiphin, Montreai, elat he suit of Charles Willard, viz: IStsoeneas - cntat o froiliprarementsupon them ; Toma Lot nui»- c4126 iiitele sarisfied# added t ist bis ý L tN.26, eust ad iacleS of t tpirun asmiiioned atcles fu sh io a ai exts ~hatrvaiec r Wusa cesa o S rtise Tomwn oi Belivilie. -ft nemeîoe rile oSai xStreet itise Town af KingotoU~Lts TEOX S SrIT , s t sePot tbe. Alprah~g~so ieaoeteat as may bc iquia'ed b>. tiseOrd"aNe.o, 4, 15, 17. 18, 925 and t h iCon; PPSSE UECORTHOsE K N S oNf Uppes- Cn" it Bar Iro and Iîft landi, or aum'y part theneof, by MortXage on cem~ber, 1826, to the24th D)çcauuber, 1827.Tisenl. N9 m, l4th Cou., Ram. , t AS just rereivedti he foilowing anti- Wara, and ai a price mucli lomer than tbae' otherwmse, are nequired te mais. tieseaine BRIC'K&Sdn ,ltsCn adm M ,ei clt-s 0, the lattat LONDON fLsttions, can W2 broughit from the Lower Province. knoom u me, on or before thse day of sale. CHAR COdL, . Cona. Hutingdoa. Tise <bject in selling, is to fulfil the con- -Sale te commence et 12 o'elock. »OoU. LIA, Ail persons having claima on the abov 8 auz, Gentlemen's beat Drab and Back cad lu tise bandasaif1the prasent prapriatol-, XDr îiamely, te pay ever dia preceeds te the Creru- eeOtoo- shorrf. XD. lui«. or Othdiermse are requiredta mte the dater,<ai Mi. Cha-le, Hyesoia oriinal 8es. Tise conditions of the Comts-act oeil fr. ain mekuomo te me on or belons tise da, '-irkdt PRO 0FP HATU rof hritncl ae seigHae torigialof Tender (te b.cmdeont in Britibh Mona>) of saIn-Sale te commence at 12 O'clea IM M orit., lacaoient det ai th the a-- A E.ay bc inoma an application aI Ibis Office, Doon. - --For futher hfes-m-tion, a _ Md i.mdn pooa mi enocduiJ.md OHN MACLEAN, 0i doz. LADIES' DRAB AND - we made teMeum sGOIJLD, DOW-dy ulsefss pecisdmdsgndb m 2 doz. YOTHS'. <HLDREN - ~Co. ha Ladon, Mr MAN.iH& at 'q10 Twentietis day saificient suratial, willing ta bacons. bouai~ .so.M> 411. 5e~,MO Co. inLoorn, tt Ubcr. iii Montef- ai Jay, Orne thousanti iglit hundred for the fatlilinent of the. contract, as maIl as raMy d".ENorlsFl'RCPS, . PE, o tuthesbclER inMonLtred- îseenm-leslat the Court by dia part>. making Uic-olfes-, mi, or an Tisa abose mle la paponed unll mou. MoostreaURCAPS, PTER, 1826. fanousein t si. m i inton, agent dul>. audiamiscd on thein beisîf, inuit day, tll second day of Octoberi-neit. mammlJl it12. ot n thes Twn ofemingtonas. te attend at tise tme ai peniég the Tendens. JOHN MACLEAN, 10dzOTIHFAHR. oigLnsadtseiet sbln 0 o gire Ryexplanation rmaquis-and SiitM.~ ['IL ihole ci-r.- purchased iroin tise àMamu. - >l fteStephen Milles. seiueib y virtule 09anmill b. a condition ofai ycoutract tliICir> Kingston, lst August. 1826. bi, M.P '4cturt. rs for Catsh, and willhacsoiti utcom T Er. xlai imeti out -oflbis M 11ys ce etered juto, chat ihe a iai e pinlwh Mon y' iow.-.ALSO... f olot Nlvlon ha ie Cort of Kiag's Bah em ietda heCmisra fi Mchareetn la exteuive ,ugât. n ry~~ond, miLa elil.a ieCBahomed iretti t b Comsaila fcs- ~Tise above sale la fui-User potnm.t i di ,es eaehe q ù« « geuwfrcion a0-isu'9whalthe th ie suit of PeterSimitis, Vi t- foi- thsearticle, chat inay besspplird oit s-Segurday. W leElvenlii dey of Novenlaar atB fbW'558434 f Hatocsino arwingthea ' T isy t8alo'LtN. ,in tihe S ian ritisha Silver Money eaIlitsnominalrate. sext. N. -Ca..h 1) for BEAVER, MUSK. Concessaion, and thse eut hait ai Lot Ne. l oper Spceatspri4. dStl JOHN MACLECAN, AT 'i SHPPIG FUS, 1. i dieSdicueesien ettiseTom - npanisis Dollar, or in Bil, aif Exchange tAT anaSIPPNGFUS gai.'IMerb % n heeh 1816.,orte oi on au Maj,-sty'% Treasur>. at diirty imys ~u OtbS-, 182it6D F~ebu art Adnoue18itt6.y haveof LMO?, anti 1 diae s-g.of£100 foreacl 13 du. upon K-' tue oh Ocer , 18M.poedmmi Lu lcvt t danucre tba the hav laàmOrtl Or Amy lurtherconditioos mnd partieulsmaYTe li teat-it day et Neveu. latly ecevada ras îupîy~ Uc -it a Stse i-1t>-à-i Rnmi~tie tisime ha inomn on applicatio mtt di.Offina . T esda, c Gacl e NUINd e S Vpyofte iha sgmnid t ub ortes rig o a as amy a ttha day of mie. Tenders muet 6e maled, and endorsed'6Ten. JOHN MAÇLEAN, GNIEbasmk.ad.T asaps"Of-Sale ta asce t telve eclocis, der- frierBuilding bMates-ls.' ases-il;g.ID. the Vt%. n th bandmentplac ini he Q. no , ie.atoe, Gm " 6wis enhes-, 1926. per Province, hmvmgma cracek Of gond mater 00 JH MCIA, uwdgmooa, 131h Ocahbe,, 1826. manat thoughthe ard.wber bids ma JOH MACEALEa" FiP8SALE. runnangthdough ob te 17.18s2s-e bid s ina>. a y ,I M id l d Districtel O N SATU RD AI rey hai, ai.. *ausuRi, ion saile b hst ALSOI O i dayw i-tm Adjmui htie Tammer>. a gond DWEL- FOR SA'É . NNDYUser Dsei t u ansetowmmaietb»atisée filo IRAMM, LIN OUSE aite stos-y and a hitmîfigh, HE North ballaif Lot No. 12 in the 3d vy.WiTEEdml Tnmns »eumt Kigson, ulv s~witisgéanteamoinsia the diait bas-,and aT Cneuo a .iaioil otiigb îair*,pectfllv liinrmatheas uLismdTeaeta hlgu . lrge room mmad gond ire plaei l,,pr10ar'.Api t11 ai fie b!2saKmpo5 l'tb 'Iid petotuigIsaAd E*iigb, aehaed b>. vb fatu aiExcu Î ESpart chichybc 6 md aille rKimgsteauJul>. W, 12.Nvmb Ibslase eanKg telM eop rgs Bed u H.e ietilieCut - TuE SUB~cutiBjrei-s. With the aboie i 00f, ats aii ,adeta isMtet'uCoea ýVuttutwnu opy h igwaife o wihwiimk j t n5lt adpoite te Nec Chac, mire house ingiePer SB", Visî ~SiUeetutue£u!eu persan math a fauiy. «b -uaifr TO STÂMMERERS. insts-uction ha the fallowimg branches 1Laea No. Eleven aid Tlairems, ha tise ISBS Appi> ho the mtsacriber oene e> , ENGLIst GamxA,,WalTzua, conscession oaithe. tqmsmhip e ihge". Joli tahe Elite aI1h.Uppe- ~suberibr hiuagbec appkstd GzoamiyAmîrauxîs,. W Ail persans bas* cg dimsaie a 07 82 a, rt he cill iraiofthcpr CfomaT..Aenmt aitise New-York Isailintiosé for RsàDrse, Boaapxs. Laids, or amy pus-t tsra > aiua ald.whowil Sifnrbcrinfrmaion corea. bd 'imwsellare requard t maietsa 'W WM. is-f casrectag m aigSlausem , sund aer Terni s.1kPar quarter, (MeWacludas fIiie, &e_,o aono berelied m ilie.teM INOTICE. Fý à ' mnedimenatsaofpechanRi--"#lgis - r- ate-uc rua611 'ac ~. ecomnea 2 'hi coeoemCFmummOAMY VTO PuC mc 21-i1- * ,1- 11 21s1d s OIT--W& f j c fi A fi-) i T][iEl plp-,

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