* TH~ UPPEU~ G~A»A HD~AL»~ US. smedium cf the public printa, a kn'wledge cf is death andthle attendant circumstauces, ssay reach tissa. Mr. Wiley wau about 251 A FEMALE VETERAN. yearé of age-St. Lawren.ce Gewitle. Mary Hyde, now living at Cberleybuttonu Lancushire, i. 94 years f age. On Satunday0 Sept. 2. she burieti the.laut cf ber childnen, COLONIrAM in- - tuU in tie whole nineteen sens anti one daugb -_______fi__________ te. Tii. day followîn she saiti. «Now I t lave burieti ail my chlten, anti my twe TOBAGO, JULY 14.0 busbaudi:. thanks lle ta Goti, 1 bave seen On Tuesday lait pusuant to the Procla- t then al nemoveti from sorrew and care, and nisetbyh 1 an ready tu follow.' She stated tiat &lbs mtionse d ybs Excellency the. Gaver-C les te sos i ti. rmyant nay. Mynor previoci te bis departure fer Barbades, t lostteu onoin te arny nd an «Myen-ti.two Rouies cf the Legislature aiseanbledS eldeit boy' nlie nid, «lotst bis leg m anen-a the Court Heuse for the despaci cf busi-E gagemnent with De Grasse. He died in tiie W est ladies. I was net sixteen when hoe ness. At 12 o'cleck, Hias bouuxtde Presi-y was born. Two were killeti at Guadaloupe, dent Commanding in Chef ad interiss te-f îwo with Nelson at d'e Nule-four cf ssy pairedt tither, accompanied by bis Suite,a sons were lier. ; twe dicti ut Chelsea, one and beiug seateti at the. Board of Council, having lest a leg, anti the otier an arm.- directeti the Provost-Marsbal te sumnon theN One dieti at Newcatle in the 201h regiment- Members cf d'e New Heuse cf Assenbly,t anoherat he ain paceon oar lb Tei:te appear tierein. This leing signifieti, thec dner ate lie pnîilaest bis arife thn Tn-tMembens came inte Councill and teck d'es dub;hind'he twai osbouis iei n ior tuual State Oatbs, anti declareti anti signedl anti camne to Englanti witb a Mms. M'Mullin d'e test against transubstantiation. They1 wben eleven years cf age. Sbe says ber d'en retireti te cicose d'eir Speaker. This9 final husbanti was ina the slave trado, but af- leiug accomplisheti, theyr returneti, anti pre- lerwaxds became a soldien. She wua ine seftedl CHRISTOPHIRLA IviiNs, Esq. whom t montbs witbhum t Gibraltar, and d'en they boit unanimously recalledt thde Chair,i wen teAunnia, ntilanet utBosona ~whicb bis Honour wai pleaseti te a pprove ;1 wen tuAmeica an lnde utBoson.IlMn. SPEAKER tienu dressei bis fHonour,t wai never ina the field,' mii. saiti, whhit tbe baille lasted, but 1 bave been te pluntier af- requiring the usual Pivileges of the Houa.,t terwards. They won't ashow tien ta plun- fr:eedom cf tiebate, acceus te bisHonour, ant i tien now as th.7 diti in those days: Ibere is exemption frein arest during their sessions,( a deal uf opposition le il now. 1 cana recel- wbicb wene accededt t, anti the Hous. ne-1 ledt tiie irst flelti cf bath. very. weîî. I tireti. Sbortly after Hia Honour commsand-i have rpaion tu recollectiti; but eue's heuti cd their sitentiance, in the Counacil Cham- can net coritain al-il wai above Charles- ber, anti epenedth de Session witb tbe follow- town 1 was wounadedt tene by eeof their ng Mnost excellent Speech, te, d'e iwo bush fighlers whe lay concealeti. I bave Branches cf Legislature - been tupon nuny fieldis besides Ibat, but nev- Mr. Presidentanid Messbers of thse Couscil. er ivas wounded since ; my busianti receiv- 3fr. Spaker andi Mess bers f thse Geaera eti awound in Amenica, anti dieti aftenwards r.sessbly. in En-lmnd. 1 was with hlm eigiit veans & Hi. ExcellencySin F. P. Robinson iaving three inonths. This veteran rceived eigb- quittedtheii Colony, the important charge cf teena pence per week fren d'o parisi of atinistering the Goverumaent devolves up- Pentileton, near Manchester. She ecently Ion mec as the Senior Member of i Majesy's applied for son. ncreasecf allowance; but Ceunacit. sli.îuefulte relate, tbey d'xeatened te, place 1 I feel Mont sensibly lie tificulties wbich ber in d'e workbouse ! attend the discharge cf thc duties altacheti Birmsingham Chronicle. le Ibis highly responsible situation, anti in- creaseti as they are by the citical state cf CIIURCH PATRONAGE. West Indus Property anti the veny important On the Igth Sept, a numenous anti rcs- measures whicb it new lecomes neceusany te pect" ble meeting was belti in Mn. Scotto dticde ipnm. 1 siiocît have consîieret My- Ciiipel , t Leslie, for tie establishmnutcf self altogetben incompetent teudo ustice tu an Auxiliary Anti-Patronage Society there;i thîs bigh station, were il not for tee. know- Jame Briti Esq cfRyeawina lhe chair. 'setgeIpossess cf ycur wistiom anti diacre- A report prepareti by lh. committe. ther, tien, anti the finin neliance 1 bave urun youx was reati, conaining a sumnany cf the quer- able ativice anti assistance 10, enab e ne te tion, andi orderedt i e circulateti. DUprotect d'e inlerests anti characler cf d'e Ferguson tiien proposed tbe appoinîment aqbolony.1 the member cf Committe, sund lies. being , Il i. a meut pleasing part cf my duty te secondeti by George Lyon, Esq. were named meet you upon thc present occasion, anti accertingly. It leing mentioneti in the wiile 1 express the gpeut satisfaction 1 feel course cf ithe proceedings, tiat d'e patron-, in actine wth yeu, 1 sncerely assure ycu, age cf Dirai. bld ecently iaen adverdsethat tuicnng the period I may bave the houer for sîle, these andthe doacjoining paisi te, comma4nt in this Colony, il will be my were %tnngly urgedta tforai Auxiliarles im¶st ardent wish anti tesire te ce-operate witb.ut tiela ws st .prprt o iwtb you atost cortiially upon aIl occasions pucaeweil sulti eagain b.ointher andtutetestify the ighirespect 1 feel for both power. Apologie j for sbaense were staleti Houses cf Legisialure. ta the meeting fie ii. Rev. Dru. Thomson Mr. Speaker andi Mesabers f the. General anDk ad the ev. Henry rey.- dssembly. meeting ispemseti.- collection in ai à i~yratsetnaaeaie~xhut tii. society wus matie t the deute. Tiie cd d'e public funds whicb are disposable by suai cf £26 bas. been remittedtut Edinburgi, Laa, anti il becomes a painful part cf My by the Auxiliary Society in Aberdeen. tiuty tu state te yoc tbat thene is no meney The paagraphi nsetcd in eux lait puper, ina tb. Treasury te psy the. public salaries refernting to a sermon saidt tehave been wiici becamo, due upon the firt Instant, or lately delrered by a Rv. Doctor not one tu meet any exigency tiat Msay. arise- hundrcd miles from George Bmclatan's mon- Public credil, boweven, emains unimpaireti vinent, w. have tii. bet acthoily te centra- frem a general eliance whicb I feel happy dict, am beiîîg altogetier a misapprebension te express, ou the justice of d'e Huuse cf andi naisreprescnlation, both in fori anti Assembly. substance, anti we regret liaI it appeareti in 1 an well aware cf, anti lassent the p nes- otir columins. We receiveti it witb tie most. sure whicb exists upen the agricultural in- positive assurances cf is Iruti, frein a citiz-1 teresl cf the Colony, but 1 feel confident en, whese respectabiily we considereti a that witi a juil regard tu econemny, yen wîlI sufficient sanction.-Glsgome Clronicke. Ncbeerfully grant ticse supplies wbich are Inecessary for the exigencies and credit cf Duning lhe rebellion ina Ireland, a man the Islandi, andt tat yen will take this sub- was trie.I aii condemneti for dsaffection, te ject int ealy censideralion. %vhom il was offredt tehave bis sentence cf , Mving this morninag badthle honour cf deati changeti mbo transportation, if lie confirming in tie nosse cf our Gracicals woulti malte some discovenies. Afler sone Soverigu, alI your Rigiits anti Privileges, consultation, however, wthb Iis wîfe anti it now only remains for me te assure you, fami 'ly, be.sent for th. officer cf lie &uaxdthlat I will always açknowledge anti respect andt ld han bie was xeatiy for execuliena.-tien, convînceti as r an tiat yeur leyalîy IlW. nuit al due, please yeur bonor," aiti anti attachienîteubis Majesty anti <mn con- he *calsly, "Isooner on laer : for mny part, 1 sitution.:willimduccc you upon ail eccasions, am sure cf dying in tie mitist of my people. le uhow a due regard for d'e Prerogatives cf Many a lear will bie tropped, anti sany a d'o Crown. song sung over me, anti my ciiltiren's c hil- Mr. Preaident andi Msmbers f Comsscil. tinen will talk cf my wake anti my funeral; Mr. Spekrat eaeic eiea but if I go nto foreagu parts, Ibougis 1 save .Asemblany emes:fGeea my life for a lime,1msit dieutallat, ant ide Ifel lssyuy l oii ormtr asosoupi ysrtgeswiliotenc in ighteconsitienation cf the many very important cloe m eys c tewaciitb.ssonin lihtPublic Acta whicii arc about tu expire, anti siininag for lie final lime on my corpse.. wit gt gv nuptenuo His wife, wbo wus present, wepî, but con- bou presumingtivauononpn fimmet i hm in bis resolution : andthde nexî any cf d'en, 1 am satisfi.ti that d'e tisse ne- day lie was execuleti. qmmsite to p.ern ib tis artimons duly wil b. cheflydevoteti, andt dai, you will net allow the Session te close wid'out the con- Lait week avery remarkuble circuxstance pletion of Ibese Laws wiich yen May dem occurreti t Feras. A boy enlereti a pub- necesuaxy for the welfame of d'e Colorty, and lican's siop, anti offereti for bal s g lase of thc safely cf d'e Inhabilants. 'wiskey" a emaIl copper cein, which be 1 anmc inform y ou tiat in conformity baad fount in uthe rnbbisi cf an olti wal in wid' d'e Law wicb reqwireo me tu appoint the. street. The siopkeeper gave bisa lie a Depuîy Treasurer, 1 have nominatei «I we drappy," andthti boy departeti. A Jaumes MConecie, Esq. le that situation, short lime afler thc mail-coac t Wexford anti if yu approve cf bis Secuities, lie wil arrivd, anti omn of the passengers went in- take 1e necessary Oaths te, enable hlm te te the sbop for the purpose cf binÇ I"ps- act in tiat Capacty. essed" cf.Ibat bath ood anti evîl spirit, It also becomes requsile for me te sauii ivici lb. bonest retailer was lawfully li- le yen d'e propi.ty of puùsng sono legal censedt eexpel. Me sbowed theietccoin, enacument ta give effect le Eýcciesaastic anti elaledthlb manner in wic be. obtain- junidictien ina this Colon7 wiich the ap-1 ed il. One cf the genilessen se poipentaient cf a Bisiop fer Ibe Leeward lài- ularly le have sucb a cuniity an y ai ayre.ntier necosary The Legialatire Couiscil of the Colony of rob4o beg ta return Yeu their warmest tianks for the #mecb,3rou did tbem, in con- .junction with ilp oth.w brauch Of the Ltgis- lature, the hoipr tê,*drstb tem, eon the opening of tliastiie first Session of the pre- sent Colonial.parlixant. They feel par- fectly asat2ed tbatinyUfipr banda the Execu- tive D)epaxtmepi pf jhe Goverossent w ili, notwitbstand4gabe critical eimergunciet of the tisses, (the aeriàomasess of which the Council are fully aware of) be se adminis- tered as ta prove at once satisfactorY teOour Sovereign, andte t prove beneficial te the Colo ny ; and tbey lieg respectfully to assure yen that ycu may atoll limes, comimand their biearty co-operation andi confidential assistance. The Le * lative Co içl gteamasure your Honor t aI.y ll 1eeIalydevote their lime antiattentiontoilecouideratiOn of the maiir Public acta requiring at the pre- sent moment either removal or revisal, and the Ecclesiastical establithimeft of the Co- lony, wiIl aiso receive from tbem its due share cf their attention. When it may be in Yaur Honr's power to lay before the Legisiative Council, the important despatcher alludet to b y you as having lately been receiveti from Earl Ba- thurst, tbey beg to assure you tbey wilI give the subject th3k serions consideration wbich its importance in the eyes of the. people of Great Britain ildthe vital interest of the Colon y with vhich it is s0 ïntimately con- nected ,douitedly require. JAMES CAMPBELL, FPrcuide'ii of the Legi8La- 1 lire Cusincil- To is Hoao* Wu. BRASSELL, Preidet and Commadr-in-C'hief in andi over the Island of Tobago and its Dependencies, Chamncellor, Vzes-A4dmirai of ihe sanie, 4çe. 4'c. 4re. THE ADDRFe O F THE HOUSE 0F GEIý14L ASSEMBLY. MAY IT PLtASE voua Hoxoa, In aniiouncing te us the Departure cf bis Excellency Sir Freeick Philipse Robin- son from the Colony, it gives us ssuch satis- faction te leaxn d'ait the command bas de- volved upon 70ur IMenor, as senior Member cf His Majety's Coancil. We are aware tbat difficulties are attach- ed te the daties of your responsible siituaticnr but we trust thaaistet b y a long expert- ence, and supporteti by a determinatiosi tc act upriglâtly and conscitentiouily, Yeu ivili dischange them te the satisfaction of the Colony aud wiîh credit te yourself, and that your conduet will meet the approbatior Of bis Majesty,s Goverument. We bave lately been se btie accustemed 1te lier. the language cf fniendship and kind- ness fnom the seat of Governmetit, that we feel mosi sensible, the streng impression cf vour wisbes for the happinesi cf the. Colons ànti your desire te co-operats witb us, On aIl occasions, in ils Initerests a»d Welfare. At the saine tisse that vwe deplore the lesa and exhauitod siate ofhe Treasury, w. bail 1with indescribable sataoàctiOfl, your asur-' ance d'at Public Credit is unimpaireti-this haowever apprehensive, , net- .-. YOUr Iuiî.r 54Sssumlàu t'oth. centrary) that Public Crtdit ba& been deep- ly afl'ected by son. extnaordinary Acta ol tbaelate Administrator, te whicb w. forbear now te silude. No etfort, however, shall b. wantiîîg on eux p art, te give btabiliiyta Public Credit, whetben shaken or net. You 1may be assuned, Sir, that ne consideration rshall induce this Bouse te depari baim the fprinciples which have ever guided it, and which bave always been dictateti by a sensq of Justice. Your expressiens of regard fur tii. Rigbt t ad Privileges of t'ais Rouie, baveproduces 1a deep impression sur minds, antheii more ese, as these Righls and Privîl ge e fhitherto te have been 100mcislighiedian. ne g lected. But we fhmdly hope anti trust, liat a non àEr& bai arrived. A due regard fer Our Rigbts anad lrivilages will beget confidence on eur parts-andi peace and harmony will, ne doubi, once scre prevail in this fonmerly happy CoIloý, iâès acted by dissensions fur Fthe lasIt tn yeus. W. are satisfied you -will, on yocr part, do every thing te pro- Smot. the welfare andi bappineue of tbe Ce- Sleny, andi that in thie adssîîitraton cf that part cf the. Justice paxticularly sntxusted tu your cure, Yeu will be guitiet by a sens. ol 1strict impartiality and, decitie on the mes- sure submitted te Yeu, anti net on the man. Altbough plot professienally bed ; we trust iSir, a long experience andi knowledge cf oui local Laws andi Çustoms, will enable you te decide accortiing te tie meniti of the. Case. k'«The exxema lîability ta b. wrong'1 (touse the expressions cf the. Commissueners; cf En. tqiry inte the. Civil andi Cniminal Justice el tdte Colony) wýhich markedthelb conduot el y aur predecessor, (Sir Fretinick Philipse 1Robinson) will. net, we trust, b. im putetai Yeu, for Ibis cannot ha attnibuteti te an errer cf IV Jutigmt aleidne.- That mind must r eamtrengly soks 'tutd iaâed, which caiz tneyer do raght. tWemus1t k a se mcmtcI ex cause fer tbe extrema liability te b. wrong, (te repeat the. emphatic wortiu cf the. Commissioners,> andi we finti it in the. fol- Iewing declaration cf lii £xcellency, sitting as Chancelloi-Tbat whoevex oifendeti the tExecutive, le lad a right to punish him in any way ho ceulti get at him,'-a principle wbacl. we trust, will neyer influence youi Honor's mmnd. This Hommassure your Honor, that they will soe eaor , un o- regret anytisa. «ubject td'e.most serions attention, andtul Gao], who, witii goed ancien , wi!I . accede te tic wisbes cf bis Majesiy's Go- te prevemut tiem fron drifting.-i,. vermsent, as tie sasse coult ieb donc with ativantage te the Slave anti wilh safety le TRE-Ri vERs, Nv.J' d'e Interests of tic Colenay. We arceta a We 'arc irforssedti al great ch3je, loqs le disceven the reason for withholtiin- bu ataepaehneann ie, ibese documents from you: Honor, anti cana i oldens. Mn. Frasern s cliued as prti1 only attnibute it, (to use again the esspiutic tary îo Moutreul, Mn. Collina, Junr.,, wortis of tie Ceansissioners) te Ihat extremae bn, who is besites appeinted Cierk~ iLbility te be wrcng wici bas avenmark-1Crown ; anti Mn. Coffin'a office of ~ji edthle Political conduct of bis Excellency lime Peace is given le Mr. Chisiraiý J": VeuxF.Pp oinsonen. fM.MCnci diter cf the Montreal Gazette.-NMr. At Yourappintaent o rfuMpr. ' o bea- bus aucceeds Mr. Taschereau as (iraui Deputy Treasurer, mects rfl prb-reta Quebcc. We de net giv.e a tion, anti we wihl take int oun early couý- certain, butas veny prob,ýble that )J,. 1 sidenation the. responsibility cf d'o Securi- D'estîssauvill,, Junar. succeeds Nr A:: tics propesetl by bim. bus- Othens, bearinag that Mn1. Chi,, CHRIST IRVINE, woauld be appointeti Coroner have Speaer f tse omss cfGenraithat Mn. De Toaunancour, Ativo "te lt'i .Assembly. place weult succeet Mn. Antrtcbtu. Kerr is prossoled te a higiier and n0re'ý crahive office inathe. customs St Qut,-îc, t,. KINGSTON., (Jan.) Sept. 16. w. have net yet learne t t whorn hi A Proclamation will be issuedtisi day, atien in Tire. Rivers will be gaven. h ybus Grace the Govennor, calling tie Jumm.slElccturq. ;rouse cf Assembly lei mccl anti procecdt t business, cn Tu.stiay tie 101h Octoben en- suing. it issurmised, in the political cincles, Fron tthe (Janadian Frrnan. tbut il.e Session will only le cf very few YORK ASSIZES. îdays duxation, as d'e geneal feeling ameng lie nembens secans te bc, tiat il ougt net AD VOCA TE TRI-IL. tei proceet i wth uny business, tillthde Orden MR BIDWELL'I aPEECn.coaTINCLI ina Cocacil donbling eux import tinties, shail nels o egnlmn , be annulleti, anti every fard'inag cf aoney, I snels o e eteet ý exactet under this illeen proceedmng, le fenmn yeu, httsi as fUc!ii. reftieti. W. presmsathle intempenate imsportance-the veny circonstance ut' v, writen, in the Royal Gazette, -nter d'e being calleti upon ai a special jury tu dcii:. signature cf H. wh oie letton is a tisane cf mine il, shows tial lie defendanîts were a ssisnrepresentatiins heom b.ginning le end, haidtot trust ilte a pclty j uy-yet tlu îiî will cal tbs sedition; we iowever Will it us ual a malter of the sain îploîalîcî venture te pncpiecy d'ut, if lie Hanse tees d'ut ilte d'o te plainif-moat cf thedkn- b ere nake a patrietic stand, it will gain a dants arc mena of mdependence-...n , t ttriunpbant victory avcr the Noble Lords cf bigb connexions anti ample ineas-.îut 1, the Trasury.the plaintiff il as a case of lie anost seroý lie Trasury.consderatin-bis business, lie proptrty, the. very implessents which wenee ieaoua 8v.Jois.' N.F.Sept. 26 of supporîing bis famîly, have been destrn'1 ST. JHn' . F.eti-therefore, bis ail as ah stake ina the PIRE. sue of this trial. This case, gentlemen, Iî A mestdestructive fine breke eut in the cf d'e final importance lu another point ci sKiages Routi aient 2 o'clock d'is morning view, inasmuci as it is tb. final minstamncein .wiici consumeti six or seven bouses (in tuis Province, of an attempt, by oapena;i,, -whicb resitieti abouit 14 familiesi lefere ils lance, lei destray a priating press, and t i -ravages coult ieb eflectually get untier. te b. bopedthd't ycux verdict will bc suck r as le prevent a sissilar necurrence- jet il te MiîtA&Mîcuri, (N. B.) Oct. 10 182W. seen by y eux verdict, uha tie defenaei, *Satunday hast wus the auniv.rary cf the. or au y oder set cf mena, are ual lu cons pie neyer te le forgotten 7d' Oct., (d'e day cf togelier frithe purpose cf viojating the tic destructive fire hut yenanid mucb le laws of the land, wiîhout d'e niik of a he> D the crcdil cf d'e wbcle commntýd'e day vy rcsponsibiity. A free pressi s cossuer. I was observed ai oeeof general ast anti cd, under eux well-balanceti conastiîtuon, 6 Tbanksgiving; divine service beînag per- au e cf lhe main pillars cf tb. consatitution, d fornet i n bedi churchos. d'e chief slay anti censtitutienal guardiai cf tic nîgbht anti privieges of the peple-. il bas been consitienciasu anc cf the great. à esl blesings untier ail weil-regaulated go- IW 74019M vernmens-.w, are ail, therefore, concern- e e in sc a cae, ant au ttack upon the f ~press muet be tci ail a natter cf anore thau y QuKEBz, Nov. 3. cntiînary iDtcrest. But in ibis case, notou. Lait night, at seven 'lo 1 i hecan y> bas the fheedom cf the pnesud the ma- V be oftheCour ofAppalsMr.Plaon-jesy f th. law beeu insultei wiui aa gh ber, Acf te orthisCfippay, Mn.e hie hanti, but the grealest pivilege cf aun Eu- 1don tivtolcte of tus citYloa ve b mnu- glisiman, the pivacy cf his bouse, bas bien duucerylectre u Ja, oe a erynu-gro syvicltted-yes, bise privaI. bouse, smenons anti respectable audience, coniptiiet WhIse cyBiisi anbject - lepnoleched by c_ f lie members of the bar, many cf the me-lmesnnarcfdeawhcfonist dis-aI proW.asutn. ttm ,cad.,.éê law, ena t 8-sotnasiof ashera v, free fr, aamlt ,nuanher of citizenas.Mr. Plamontieon gave pet eacnieai ieitdsr>el 4a very lively anti interesling sketch of lie' aretyen net oni, e te men, inea uchi Xvaracus codes d'ai laed alt.rnutelysueccetie eti as., t veex genpler imae, ina ordea Ieuch ocher, anti finally, d'e means by which cae, s i xmlardmagheesrinigi hi lite reguhar system cf practice lad nbenf- ralishoia iDalo wîmu, punaîy ie. mi ufectoti in d'e varions courtu ofjudicatnre in rcnet pnilviolesIlitu. ie pneu, th ail Ibis province. Iàim eprincipa ebjee s its blessinags, is subject tei orne evl-as long le nvyi . bmied s cen ceaI awa n owl.em o as um an nature snd hum an passions cisa, ilcîe 1 cuthuin beno îre ouast l.esoute degree cf alloy ina every of their w0 inTher aect bussan bhesing, some abuse, wiich is, frai obxyf aw. Teecnb u ils veny nature, nseparable fron il. But if si = , l . tu e r.nEmul cf n eP.s final i>-the pressile, t any tise, icentious, hi rOMcýad n >ýi i eg0oo elefi aandawuof th Jn i sufcient torestruin it t e of u d e a d t o i p a e i b i I g e a p ro v o ca tio n in a Iis w y , th e . law w as opn d tlemaW bMn. Plamontion, as a speaker, le lben-yeî 1 wiîî net atimit, non caua hey stands hlgh in prefessional reputation , as a p nove, that suci bas beau lie cise. The vluwyer, bis science in equally acknow- îwu esrc mi eadt iemju rletigetianti atmireti, andthle application cf pla t ionsrict Eito rsg aper acns lia- Xbcdte oselantiable a purpose as ta hcbl t isimatEiso aiesaela Pgratifiedth de attention cf d'e public luh e- puaisaicut cf enteven le tic infauin Gveuing, cunnaci fail le impress every oe u may b. ltaofd'e pillety, sld'ough (bey yr Myscî aletoprove that d'ey neyer ke ýr witii a juai sense anti feeling cf lie repect ydigo b ulcain f in ei anti gratitude whicb iS duceito t.elabour aanti thin ate sediaple. n esmn g î ,_ public spiit of se enîerprising a citizen. law, ycu Wisb violent andi illegal' measunea 1_MOT 1, o. . te b. reserteti to-Ifyen wisluthe sacred pru- 1 onazl. Nv.8. vaey ef the. twellnUmpcf eux inhabitat t 0 îA te tisse lie restrictive Iawi la the is daringly viotet-if you wisii to en- if Catiata Tnt.e Bill was about let ept in gourage destruction cf privat. propeflY L- force, it was generally suppeose t laItIcar- --or Î Yeu wisi te nin, net only d'e plain- à.liches cf Pork anti Bef tiuld net le auppli- ti, but bis fumily-you wihh give yor ver it edtio the eUnited Staites, on acceunt ict elfer hîttle ir.aos; but iyf ye l,i ir d'e caIlle anti bogu woulti bave te b. bro'I men siîtinag d'are ouiit ta feo, for the ag- oina uponathhooaf, anti a tiuty cf 10 per cent. nitudie cf tîei.attrge-if yeu respect the 1paiti upon thcir value. Thii.bowever teg o f tlb. uubjeetandth lbibty of the a s So nthle case, andtheboprospects cftIbsp=usif yee Wàk ite guard agui1itheb. e- 1- 1markel bcing supplieti withbPork fron thc currenace eofanaldisgruaefal proeedilgm fe Unitedi States wcxe nover more apparent in by placiiig a moltr7moraint upon a if1ay frmer season than d'e presen.-Many those who M!y 6e timiposedto te engaiii herve f rm fifty 10 an lundreti legs have d'era, ye 1auitamp upon d'as transaltoi 0already beau brexgil in. Tii. port cf SI.. yo utgb disapprobalion, by a verdit nr Jobns records wid'in the presenal Week, a- fraPledamsages. Tuer. in one circua& ;t neng other arrivais, Ibat cf four sloops la- Di~1ptec, wbicb lu entitheti te yoP n tien witb oeatiso»saaifsat legs, consig-seti te prnlielu seadnut nuieacy,t'eclarac L- eue cf eux principal mercantile bouses in1et antistaning in lit, cf -the defendmt " Montreal; whlch, w. undonsant, nua char- aI ley vee igorant men, cf stronag Pw " teredthdonslsoops for tle remaintier cf 1the siens usarçatrinsti by education, anti stifo t- season, anti expoct before il choses te ns- llt by provocation, thon. wountd $.'OI< gceive other cargo.. et a sissihar description, aple~ for d'eu; but wben vo consider a tioubly equal te those abovc-mcntiomet. y mo lja i m he dofirsh circles cf soietY. n jlu il possible tlithe fupueuu cf th. nelgh-atiwitl ai&Bieatvantagea cf.eduicatin14' eboinStates wyul untier aIl d'e d"matél- cloit resont te violence anti mob.hav, tihé ur 1gese0 tivanag, wasiing tues amials by--setnong arma ot tue law s ulntib.ie a- ving, anti afterwartiu paying a heévy dtigainoth hem. Look aise te dtho connxions ruponthe Worth of thoneanlmâal, be ysof the defendants, anti you wille11b11 s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ab h cmpt.wihAb.CaadanFomeA uc -eyprfneo tin m is C9- ,g au d'e wanton 1rtus, te go un îybnigdun dur1 Jt On the. country u it, inieud of putti PZm suc ilegol Pro0 signal for genexol0 ri in the c g anud ciaracer. 1 dtde ~hverdict fromu ye 1W ,nY te put yOn o be Olow)' arguments hich will b. urgde ausbilY d'at el ixoI oryor wui euc countrUy, for ths a spport cf that çra .li contitution, tme lad YOU wihl gîve a1 essonable daunages. Tu bd coq SUICI: on thb.the'e rmie .Tho", St- Caîlanh ciciaflt ciiI huW lim ai found ifehesl onIlb dci aller a puma hi in qesot vaubehl ena lb bo came ta bis deaah, ina fit cf imnaanty.[th bis fnienats, dt le hoas ranageti fer tse t ine. coroner, vas inmne tunned anivOr, tial cther business, b. Ce day, but vouldthebb der a gnosdenelictie shoulti net Pais ln -nilt and George Ad thienselves ; very le act tic part cf KINGSTOXN The papenu fot ne haler Heralti of the ' ]"oie.-Byr il appoars Ibat"C penc t ileuicil septomber, coatin andthon adjour viiene il vwsex aistera, anti wouldibe pros openet ils s5ion witi great t happmnesantire p"ile on lise tiiscussmg Ibepr Tue foUowvung etiby tic PredGM o Mexico: Cino predo Meicoto tie ArenI. The bar cf tb. river Art. 2. Hoe m Prepare dw 0ctn, wbo May euity of c.m Art. 8. WitI t cf Vera Cruz, b. couvenicnbly te Art. 4. H.ib riagewrosl, by c navigation cf lie fie andi Tcbuanto Art. 5. For b Of the road, Id poila a ineta lier neqmite landi Art. 6. H. st"lgtehoco-op PIov'ioially; a 5lidly constru Art. 7. Thc lait bouts hem sud tb. Execu cf Ouqaca, Saln raoud' cf d'o bar. JOBE BraNàD0 Goz Dm Secrta Tieoe, lot' ed. 'GUADAL6O To D. iKUASi 7erinformationý t i4wl effeet. -. W.regrt o«0 cuir power te <lv, of theb.etrB die. wuslying lu of vuter off PO Ml* plc, mant Of ber leing <et1 (»Ive.by bleTea P"al Retadl 01kfera. -<I COPYmiGir OF OOGA T O PWMV 1 UC RMMcoorna. FOI POMIM t4TO UROOUCL AKY TO PM£ CARCHIVS, OTAWA.