Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 14 Nov 1826, p. 4

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VALUABLE LAN-D8 FOR 5&&LE. a WACRES, vii-Letà Ne. 30,31,32, 33, and 39, situated in the ôth concession of the Township of Kingston. sud beatilully beunded ini 'Car by Colliu' Lake. ALSO, Lots No. 10 sud 12, in the lot conceusion of Pttsburh, va l e emile sad a hall of Point Fredcrick. The aboie landsamartof ait excellent qulity,1 Suad veli timbered. Terme of payment macle sy. Applicatica te be nmades t he subri ber. JOHN àTRANGE. Agent for the propricer. Kiageton, 6tk Oct. 18i6. N B.-Aay persan or persons trespassing on tlhe aboie Lands vili be prosecuted to the t- mont rgour of the Law. FOR SALE3, OR TO LET, A ND immediate possession given ; That CLVA MUAEX is A R , Lot Ne. 15 in the first Concessin of Richmnond, through whicb the York Rssad passes, one mile and a bal beiow tiie Nappazee NMille. on the naviga- bie River Nappaucc, contaiuing 200 Âcres of «~cent Land; about 60 Acres of it ciearcd and fenced, with a Dweiling House coetaining 4 raon the linert foot, and one large rootu on the second, which might asily lie converted int two or tbrec e d mrnem, an excellent new FrarneBaan, and Stable for 5 hors, a young Orchard of &bout 30 thriving Fruit Trees. a never lait7ing Sâpring of excellent water near1 the bouse; ato, au excellent Brick Yard, Lime Quart-y, and Sugar Bush en the premises-For terme apply te John McLean. Esq. Kingston, or the proprietor au the Faru--The crop in the ground and in theBarn, consisting of Hay, 'Wheai, R e, sud Peas. andi part cf the Stock may b.e ùad at a valuation. ARC'D McDONNELL. 3d October, 1826. LANDS IN UPPER CANADA 2000CRES, Viz :-Lots No 20 00 1, 16,17, 18, and 19, !ou the Or i Concession;, No. 14 and 15 in the 5rh Concession; and the southern haif of Lut îso. 19 with the Lots No. 21 and 22 in t'e 76 Concession cf the Tow..ship cf Pittsburgh. in the Cibunt% cf Fronttinac, Midland District, Upper Canada. These Loits are very valuab e, as the Kingiiton river ruîîs through tirent,snif as the pro. jecteil Canal (rom Richmond thro' Pertio, muât pas. in the sarne direction. ALSO. 200O ACRES-Lot No. 31, in the Bth Conr.cssion in the Town- ship of Cornwall, in the Cuunty cf Star mont, Eastern District; and 2010 Acres.,1 Lot 21,4'th Concession, in the Townhip of Manners, County of Durham, District of Newcsstle. The whole being tif the best quality, well watered, bearing excel- lent rî7mber, adapted te every agricul tu raI put-pose, and promiing te become ver.v valuable yn the completion ofîthe plans i'. agitation for the improvertiet internai communications. A ply to E ANGUS fMACDONNEL Bith, Feb. 17, 1826. 90w %alto> ON REASON"iBLE TERMS. 1 dwTite Brick House and two Lots opposite the reiulence of M. IiIBrscor cf the- Royal Euîgineers, al- so a ven valuatiie prolbertv, situate- lu the' Vllag- cf B .rriefield, near Piint Ht-n. rv. Apply fur termie tu C. A. HAr.EKLmAt, Eýq. or the proprictor. JOHN W. FERGUSON. A oiphustown. Api il 12, 1826- FOR SALE Olt TO LET, Antd ùn>ediate Po88ession gît-en. T HA 'T rommiodiaus STONE HOUSE. inKing Street, adjoiiig the- prentitsb ocrupi dilby S.,muce Shaw, Esq.-Apply ai the Heralti Office or to JOHN CURRY. Kingston, Mav 22d,182I6. FOR SALE, T H T Valuabie FARM in the pos- siession cf Mr. John Switzer tui Portland, two mtiles west of McGre-_or's Mille, on the road te Simmonos and. Na- pane. mlqcontaining 200 Ac a eS c7 lxczELIC.N? LABD, '70 Acres of it cleared and weltfenced,1 Withs aifortable House, a good Barn of 40 by 50 feet, snd an Orchard cf about 30 fruit trees. The terms ot payment willlie asyB. BID WELL. Kingston, lune 20, 1825. TO BE LET, AND POSSESSION GIVEN ON Tir£ 24TH< IN5-T. TH AT commodious STONE MPREMIELSst HOUSE and 1 8 PRMISE utpresent in the oce- cupation cf Capt. Raynes, ituate near te the Barrack Gate in this Town.-F.nquire at thi,£M-U Ofie a-ch- 18O. TEE VIPER GANA~A HENAZ». I ___________________ CA! T WGS. T 'IE subscriber iaîîccding te set aside competation in ibis Province,.li the- Fon dtsiy liner, o11rs for sale, POT AStI KETTLES, whkah h. warrants delivered at the Trent orj Kii'gston. ut 25%. per cwt-Pet asal codlera, Sugar ketties cf ail aies, Dutch ovens, bake ans S& covers. beilivd Pots, Spiders, Dg rcns, (Iritdes snd thif uîu4i catingawîli je sold ia the bands of Agia e t 27s. 6. per cwt.-'ýÀtil irons, andt&Uailil machine- -s -Stoves, and aither castings not ecunit ra- cd, wiii be chargeti at a preporhionate rats. oti produce. at the currces Cashprc i Kingstbon. iil be recieinlepayierln fr tilt same. THE BAR IRON, geceraliv, made from under the Hammer t the Marmor-a Iron Works, baýieg tar su perier tuedteEiglish Bar Iron usualiy îm- iortd-tiîe subtecriber expecta tuaIt the M1erchànts cf this Province will rather take: blair supply tromi luis establishmient, at the - rat- cf Twenty Pounda per Toncash, delii- ared at tilt vot-k by the quantity. than pur- ahase at a higher rate at Mout-cal, an initaz' rier quality. Soppiieti with gond mouide r, as the wet-ks noie arc, ail sorts cf Castings requirot i n the Province can be had tbereat.-and ail or- tiet-s atdrased alte t ubacriber viii bec i ma'diateiy atteudcd te. For tuttht-r particulars appie te Messrs. MCCUTREON 4- CaossUAeNi at Kingston, ct- ta A. MANAHÂN. -19- t foi- Me Proprielr.1 Marsora roc Works, 10th A-igu,%t. 1826. 1 .NO LICE. T HE Subscribet-s, Executors and Exece tiix of the last yl acd testament of 14it late NEIL Mi'LEOD, Esq. cf Kingston, M. hnreqttl'sitagilpersans incî-bteti te the Est-ste aither by Bock Debt, Note, Bond on otlierwis -, ta makte immediate pay- ment tu Mes. M LeoJ, who wiii continu, the businessa abusuai in h-hitfof!dt eE!,t.t,.. JOHN T<)RRANCE. CHARÉ ES IoLKIEN. 1JoHN Mc[.FO'D. JA-4t. M. LEQU). Kngston, 19V. A gist, 1826. 90!n6 DT âlQelvDâ m. THOM.AS »AMFORD, T HANKFUL fi) his tii.euls andi the pub Tlac ini g' n rat for thr very litral sup. ;moit gi vt'aita k-i si in lis olti rrbidence, bt g- lt-avea in intaraithemrnnoe, (partiçulinlyths Farme..s) tiiat hie bas taken and fitteti up lii a cctfitittble manner, the bouse 1Utelk knuwn hi th( tiait-ot the HIGHLANDER. "il MARKECIT STREET, neat-iy opposite Mi'. r A'aa N îtoîî'î atora-, where he hopes, by îh. inst strict attention te thtir ccnsfort, 4-c. ta ~tet - "ith the~ir continurdt support andi favot-' N. B.-Ex, tuent S-abliig and Yard rouai. Kingttan.D, c tOîh, 1825. MNýARKET SQUARE, KINUSTON. TI JE ubicai Ler respentfuiiî acquaints bis tîit-nds anti the- public, that lie bas a- T atotd i hs pt-tient Haîusc in the Markemt S'qiîr..4'- a T;%"enn, un-ler the namr af th HIIIERNIAN INN, with a choice collection of Spirituoîis Liqîlors, excellent accomodations, and gctad stabling. Every comlfort and convie- nient-e wil be rendered te those wbo ma ya. viorhian with their patronage. TIAYiffNm8 Ad aithera can be accommodated vith Board adLodging, on modcrate ternis, by the day, wek, or uaantIi. Kinatn, S D.n ('INDINNING. Kington,18thJuiy, 18£6. R ETLTINS bis sinccre thanks to ils t-ml adtePule frh ib-I encouragement whicb he has received ia the aboie branch of buttiness, for t, c litfour years, anal rcçtecttully intimates, that he Us REMOVED te tthe Houai. directly oppauie his Old Stand., eue dont- Eat of the. Mansion Bouse Hotel. where he hepes, by s strict attention te business te ensure a share cf public uppart. b:'?-NAVAL UNEsi Nits mcd RzGiuzEN- TALR miade lourder, on the most reasonable ternâs. Kingston, Nov. 22, 1825. RLAU AWAY F ROM thc subscraber, on the 29th of Novemt- Isat, mny son SAMUEL W ILMOT. 19 vet-S cUt. Ail pet-sous at-e hereby forlbad trusting, trading with, or iarbouricg i, as 1 vili not psy any dcbts of bis contracing.-Cîergymen c eiery denominahion, aud Justice& cf the Peace, are torbial marrying hlm., Infor- mation whet-e h. e , yl 6 thaukiully r.- ceived and aclrnowledged. WILLSON CONGER. HaIIowell, Dec. 14, 1825. NOTICE. T HIIS is ta lot-bld ani persan or perscna JLput-cbasieg four Filay Dollar Notes cf Hanal, given t>y the subsciber te Etsenezer Benjamin. oftthe Township of Kingston. das- ted thteeîenth day of April, 1826. the irst payable the fit-t day cf Marcb, 1827, the second the latof bMat-ch, 1828. tiîe ti the Ist Mat-ch, 1829. andtihei foutth the it Mît-ch 1830, as the said notes vere given for a lot of landi, fer vhich the sait! Benjamin can gi e ne hUele; anti the aitA notes I shall Dot Day. HENRY VANSICKLE. Portland., Ortober it, 1826. BLANK DEEDS and MiEMO- RIALS, For sii M u a 0,5..Oi JT>r Sale, A 11IGH PLESSURE ENGINE, ft ADE ast yeir, by Mm. MeQuftu cf New- yk.capgbisof driving bye rua of atonieSs ad Carding NMachine. Thees'aste stesan can bc burned on <jie Béer Tub of a Distil Pery, on the plan cf&a ia Amedea Patent, by which taro valuabie opeistions -r pertermed with one fire.-Por lurtîcr paataculars applY at the Herald Office. $iO11CE. susrbrhaving bren duiy appoint- T'E dinistratcr ta th. Estate of the late HENRY M'LAREN, Inuketeper at iii, Napace Milis, Richmnond, ie the Midîsi District, requests ail persans having clian-s against the said Fstate te &end iu thcir ac couRts daly attesteti; and ail those vbo arc indebted te the saltA Estate arre qiesttu t maki: immediatr pavmentotbe the bcriber. JAMES MACGREGOR. Adiaiarator. Napane, 25th Apnil, 1826. NOTICE. TrH sI ubscribers having obtained the contract (tir furnishing FRESII BREF for the Garrison of Kingtona and its depeudencies, wiwi py LA.H on de- livery for FAT Cd'TTLE. delivered at Kingston, in ail the. eusuinX Scasion. BEACH 4- VANALSTINE. R'Ing-stou, Dec. 5th, 1825. PUBLIC NOTICE. A LL persona indebted te the E4tate of the late Mr. Archibald Richmond cf Uic 'rown ef Kingston, Merchantare here- by notified thaï immediate psy ment of their accounts is required. Ail such s remain uascttled after the fit-st of April next wiii positivcly b. placed in the hands c f an Attorney for collection. Kinuston, I stl Feb. 1826. JOHN M AIR, J. ATKINSON, Ex'rs. R. STANTON, J. NICKALLS, Jr.) PUBLIC NOTICE. t A LI. Pcrsons having cdaims againat the- 1.Estata- of the late Mr. ARC HIBALD Rl'"HM(>ND, of Kingston, Met-chant, art lhoreby notifictd te pt-tawnt thean for atjust- iet.-And ail persans îndebted to thesasid Estate, arc hert1y requireil te make pay- nt nt ot the sevcrai amuunts due by theni ,ta '.he %usubtribers. JAMES ATKINSON, ROBT. S1'ANTON, -Eeurs JOHN MAIR, C xctos J.4 ME.iNICKALLS, Jr. Kiiigton. Decemrbrr SI.i. NOTricE. A LL Pet-sous haviag demande against theUi Estate of NATI4ANIEL C, SP.AFFORD. late or Bath, are requested to present them lfor adjustaient; aud ait pet-sons indebtcd t. said Emate ari re. quested te make payment immediately. at. ait demande remaiaing unpaid on the i st of July neit, witilb. plaa-cd in the baud4 of au Attorney for collection. FLORA SPAFFORD, Exrcutrîx. Bath, Mat-cIi 2th, 1826. xiOTrICE. THE Copartnership beretalere txisting. Tbetwenalc~Vater McCuc;ffe and Patria-k Quin, Merchaîits of thas Town, who car 1 iid on busine'ss unala-r the cime and it-m cf Walter McCunliffe,& Co. expired on the' 30h of Apri last. 'The buàtiness will in lu turc be conducteti by the unclersigned ie his ow ncame, andto twihom ail <I6tu due the- fit-a are to bat psid. WALTER McCUNIFFE. t Kingston, 2th Jui.y. 1826. NOTICE. . M3.CDONALD HI AVING taakt n thein brothter COLLIN M DONALD ieta copartnership, the buâiness au future, will lie carrieci on unatar the- fit-m of C. & 1. McDONALD. IL- Co. who %% Miiaise settie the business of C. sud J. McDmalad. CHARLES McDONÂLD. JOHN McDONALD. COLLIN McDONALD. Gananoque, May 18th, 1826 SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland District, ?fN Ssturday the To Wit. Çý .14th day cfNo- vember next, viii b. scidai tte Court Bouse in the Teqn of Kingaton, the. foi. lowing Land. as belongimg te Abrahami Cancil', seized bv vittue of m Execution issued out of Hi& Mjest's Court of King's Bench, to me lirected, at the suit cf William H. Walbridge, viz: Lot No. 12, in the 5tb concession cf the Township of Tint-low. Ail persons having ciainîs on the above land or éi 'y paît thereef are reqmired te make thi.unme knoov te me on or befere the. day of sale. Sale te commence at 12 o'cîo.k, noon. JOHN MAC LEAN. Kumagatsduliguat 1., 1826. The above Sale is po.îpcoed outil 8atur- day, the 6h day of Januuny, 1827. JOHN MACLEAN, Zùgsoo, d o s. 01824. AT PRIVATE SALE. O"NE Single, &W lorne Double Waggo. acv; &StageSileigbandseveral Single Skigtis; Cara, mmd Harnaass for do,-Double anti Single Harnass, togrtber vith a quanti- îy of flear Skias, Buffiice Robes, B-titi. 4. Aise, Horsts; fat anti han Cattie; Breeding àious; PIeCgha, Dr-ap, &. anti many arti- cles of HOUSEROL» FURNITURE. Ail of whiceb yul be solti onathe aa.st rea- sonabie tertns for Cash cvi. AWkica tobe made to M. MORAN, A. 4a. KiagatmoOct. 11h. 181%. 90v Çvotma zatr, KING STON. M R. JrMlr. TWIGG beg [eave te t-e- ut-n thanki for lue libe t-ai encour-- saient vhicis tbey have receiveal. andt aC- quaint their frieots and the public that Ihev coantie le receive -BOARDERS aima DAY PIUPILS, ah their house in Quart-y Stnct,. wbere the toilowing branches are as usul taught- English and! French Languages, Gransnuicaliy. History, Oorpy Composition, Music, Drawig, Dancing, Needlework, Writing and Arithmetic. Front Mrs. Twigg'a long experiecce, and the credeaitiass vich site has brought witi, her. (she haviiîg for aiany years conducted a siaiuiar establishment in ber native ceunt-y) îbey hope for a coltinuance eftîh'at suppora- which &bey sihallaiake it their study to nie ritj. Retet-ence may lie made te The Reî. Arebtiearon STUART. Lirut. Col. MACPHERSON, aud Siîeiff McLEAN. Each yonng Lady ta hbrin&glber hed,&c.&c. îwe pair of sherts, anti %ix tovatis. August 1Sth. 1826. NOTICE. A LL Persons iîaving dlaims againît the E4tiate of the iate THOMIAS R. C'ARTWRIGHTr, Esquire,. tceasrd, arc ret1utsted taulreaet the. arne duiv attestrd ta the subscribt r-anti al those w bo are in debtedtot the saiti Estate-, are likewise ne' quested Int make' immeduate pavaient te JOHN S. CARTWRIG HT, Executot-. Kinqatan, luly 10, 1826. NOTICE. A LL Persona baving dlaimis againstt h. Esate cf the late FREDERICK FIR- MAN of Pittsburgh, arc rcqucsted to pt-c sett theni for alijusîment; and i at persons indebted te said Estate.'arc hrrby requit-t- te mnake immediate payaient te the sutamcî-i bers. CHIARLES M( DOXALD. Exec- ROBERT RICHIARDSON, utors. Kingston, June 15, 1826. PUBLIC NOTICE. A LL Persons having ciaimus against the- Estate of the late JOSriU A ANDER- SîON cf the Township of' Fre:deriksburgii. ire herrby notifiedt im pent theinî for atd- justment; and ail persan. indebîtd tue i s-iid Eîîate arc h.reby required te muike payment. LUI7Y ANDERSON, Executrix. JOHN BRADSHAW. Juli 1. 1826. NOTICE. ASecond Dividend i vi lxb payable at the ouffice cf John Kirby, Esq. in Kingston, 'ai Tueàduiy th,- l2th S-ptember iaxt, te the Cra-ditora of the Litte Atlan Tdylor, Esq. and .o the latc irai cf Tay lot- andl Parke-r. Ju Kîa ALEJI. s T.Prîg .Jramtes. Titus. PAaEER. Kingaton, 2lst Itily. 1826. NoTrluE. 'fHECo-partnership heretofore crar. T ried on under the Firai cf SNIITHt e' BUTTERWORTH, as IUTI'RRS, tu the, Town cf Kingston, is thig day dis- aolved by mutual consent. Ail persons indebted te the cencere, are re aited ta make imnnediate payaient te INcItAS SMITHra, tho sas authorisedt t discharge the qamp-and those te wbous the firm ist in- debted, are requcaîted te present their ac- cmuns for ad justnent. 1 HOM'sPS SMITH. JOHN BUTTERWORTH. Kingston, 9th December, i1825. NOTICE IS herehy giv-n. that the Copartnership heretofore sub)si4'iag, in the Towîn of K egston, bt:tween the subarbers as Paint. ra anti Glazit-rs. la Ibis day disslved by mu- tuai consut-Ail pet-sens indebteti tothe saiti Fit-a, are te psy their scierai amend ta Mr. Thcotiare Brocket, who li duly authori zed te grant acquittacces for the sanie-mitA ail demanda against the said Psrtnership, arc aise te bc sent te buafor liquitlation. JAS. KERR, THEODORE BROCKET. Wingaîce, JaIy 15, 18£6. V- 'The business cf the aboie Fit-m vili hbc carried on in future bv the aub.mmi-bar, who fecel gratetul lor- past laveut-s, anal requestb a continuance of the arne. THEODORE BROCKETT. Kincston. luit 15. 1826. NOTICE. IL hoc baingany caim en he sbsr. WhitueyEsq.ofCrauaiac, ith u littie delay as posible-sd&ailpersons indebted te iDhm viii make Payaient te the said B. Whitney, viios reupI viiibc a s&ient discharge. Oct.20. 82& JOUX M. BALFOUS.. NOTICE. T NE CoPax à'Pbretofore esxsjng un. mutuel consent of boili parties diasoved. SAMUEL SAWYzp. STEPHIIN PHEU>8. Port sepe, U. C. &Pi.là, 1826M « u Mc Y mm or cibeavise, vithout uay spe. dat order. THOMAS DALTON. Kingston Br.very, 0OL . s 16. WANTEDp 'MMF.DIATELY, a persa vie utider- MM" WingPuushes. Apply te motm. ois;4,18% J. HYNES. THE STEAM-BOAr w ILL, duriog te renialcdet-of th,, S bon, leave Kiingston and ti ,t tuilows: viz.-KINGSTON. CevrYTuesd Thursday anti Saturdav. at 7T ock PRESCOTT, etc ty Montia> hA Il anti Friday at 2 o'cluck, A. M.' Vii, Prtscoît, 28th oct. 1826, fSTEAM-N-BO-AT lN\OfîCL T HE STEAMI BOAT NIAGARA{I IMotiet-. Master,) for the rt-ma,ed the season. vii leave Niagara on tht Q 20th, and MOh of et-h niOOtIlî-and Preiti oit the sth, lStb ant i 2th-ouchia, te int rveaing Ports as ustiai. Oct 10. STEAI! BOAT CHARLOTTL, Capi. Gidcruleve. T E SemBoat Chalotte viii Qu Bay of Quinte eîet-y Mondaîy àSt 10 anci, rtt.a- aking ber usuai stops, uillîmn, a1 the Cat-ryiiig Placc on Tucsa(;à5mot La-ave the Carryaeg Place atil: '*oî sane day. antiat-t-ie at Haiîownîî jutàt evcning. Leave Halloweli at 7 o'citcî5 Wetinesday aiareing, and at-rive- ut Kn c-arly in the afîernoîî. Leave Kiligstc for Beilville every 'rbursday mot-i iig et 10 0,. lot-k, and at-rit-e there in the evt-ning. Ltait Belivilie at 8c'ciockon Fiday mot-nia Md at-rive in Kingston lasthte îenin. Ce Kigton for Prescott et-et-y Sièturday mit. ning ah lu1Oolck, stappicg at Ganatifiqi ,td Bt-rkvilie - anti arrive An the evtni,k Leave Pt-t-accu for Kington evcry Sîalq, aad st-rive on Monday morning. Kingston, £56h May, 182ô. N. B-The- Boat motets the t-egular in ie« Stag' a atPrescait, anti the Pasànngari art by thal me-ana e nabîtu t proceti airet ta the Lower Prataincceaaed tht paiit'ngers at. t-wang ie the Stage lt-cm below on haturdat, have aIso an cppertunity cf proca-t»cdig i t-tct ta Kingstoni anti the Bay of Quinte. 'Dia Stage aise mete the I.Boat aI the Carrý¶a Place, on Tucsalay merning. fut- the coutel. suce of passecgers ta York, or itcrnuij placeas on that rout. The Chat-latte baving lat, iv undemgtas tbarougb repair, ifot-ts te thé public as pas 0 y. chcap, and conaitcrtable a mode of<trsrel. ling. as there iî oite afnui in this Provatta THE STEAM-BOAT CIP T4JX RE.,R Y BRLDFVIt, WILL start frontKnston St 8 cl4c wA. M. on Wi'diesav for Preis. Leave Prescott at 7 n'ciack, ... M. on Thîn. day, a-id arrive at Kingsiton in the eveilg Leave' Kingston on Friday nioriaing, for tht Bay cf Quintie-arrive on Saturday moniq ai the' Carrying Place, and relut-c to Kingitu un Satunlay nighr, cailine at the usuel plat- on ber passagc . Laave Kingston on Saidsq ah 8 o'ciock, A. M. for lue Cat-tving Plie,.- arrive tbert: on Monday r ini, andtiuCia ha Kingston an i'ues(atav atertaeon. Kalatn, lune 27, 1826. FIXE & ISLAND NAVIGATIOM aNii7tAMCg. Turpin & Parker, Kungst.nj, U. C,. Insu rance Company, Of IIar~ffod, C-na*cut, OFFER te effect Jesurance un behaifd 0saij Company on, Dwelling- Houai' Stores, Ware-Houses. Factories anal Buei inga in gentatal, Merrchanilaze, Hoasebod Fut-iture, Vesses Building or in port.sid tht-jr t-argors, and every description of P&i menai. Propetby, aginit Los, or Damage by Pire, rription of veaselb witb lue it cargors agaibil Losa or Damage by Inlanil sNavi'- gation. The ternis cfihrd are as lavourable 81 those cf any other Company, snd ail chia for bs viii b. iberaliy adjustti and prUPt l adWILLIAM W. ELLSWORTH, presidi THOMAS C. PERKINS, SecMltal DIREXTORS. William W. Eiisvoutb, Heury Uudssi. Solomon Porter, Redcerick Tert,, Jeremiah Brown, Edwsrd WsluiDIIN Mlerricli W. Chapia, Charte S. PhelPi, James B Hosmer. Prederick hMM$, Nathan Morgm TO LET, AndWeiisdate p.adaia>mgfe T HE House aud Premisa.s Iateiy .occupied by Mr. drchibald Rgeksoed, dedred Appy te GEO. îMlul £agston &p. 4. 1886. .N'oice je Hrnb3rGvel Lanid latter D. in the TowasbiP cd F?0' burgh, vill b. prooccuteal te the utUO5 ' verlty cf the liv. IM Klnpîtoo, Oct. 101h, 1826. - - L lm 471/56 COPYRIGiT 0F PIOTOGLIFI4 RESEVED TO PWIC RECORD OFFICE FOR PERMISSION TO Rff«PU<CI APP.Y TOPWIC ARCHES, OTTAWA. imesai 1a.2 wà per imC rte4 tfin re fora"4w wnttig. oricptoct I' WcmLI M rm esci t str'tics ulfilmcnt rty miaki muthora,a- e rime of 0 zplal-atias ltitiof cau) ia, that itm ri t-a oficr- age fut-ansi Rv t- at ts nR aibe par t lv tutthtr àiatmaitt rmerfur F ommisqarlat ingston. 5as mib the seM, laendenc 2, andti ky ie k»s d nopr he- fwài ">5dft ir AI.I U by be 'Te 'feucr oPugbicke

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