Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 5 Dec 1826, p. 4

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VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. ACRES, vi.-LotI No. 30,31,32, ne"( 33, anti 39, ituated inl the ôtb concession of thse Towenship of Kingston. anti beautifully bomuded in sear by Colin' Lake. ALSO, Lots No. 10 anti 12, ln tht let concession of Pittsburghs, witlin one rni* anti a baf! of Point Vretieick. Tht above lalds are of an excellent qaiy anti seli tirnbered. Termeu of payitmtie easy. Application te lbc rade te the smiabti ber. JOHN STlEANGE. Agent for thse proprietor. Kngston, thct. 1826. N B.-Any persan or penorîs trespassing on tise above Land il sulbc prosecutedt t the ut. niait rigour cf tise Law. FOR SALEi OR TO LET, neingiven ; That A "v;r4 rAl L o-t No. 15 la tht finit Conceamaun ot icluroeîd, threugis which the Yank Rosti passes, ont mile anti a blai belus tise Nappante Mille, on the naviga- ble Rier Nappante. containing 200 Acres of exceat LUnd; about 60 Acres of it cleareti anti feaceti, with a Dwelling Blouse ccrtaiiing 4 moinsa on tht first floor, and oaie largc: ro<,m on tise scend, which migit easily bc convertedl inta tsea or tire bed tmons, a.- e:celient nese Frame Barn, anti Stable fr 5 te ,s. a >oung Orcisarti of &bout 30 thriving Fruit TIrees. a never failing âpring cf excellent watèr nan the bouse; aa, an excellent Brick Yard. Lime Qtsarry, anti Sugsr Bush on thse pre mises -For terme appi>' to John McLean, Emq. Kingston, or tise propricior ethie Pati--Tisre crop la te graunti ant inlatise Barn, caaîistling oa! lia>, Wheai, Rye, anti Pea, anti partcf tise Stock na y becibai t a valuation. ARCID McDONNELL. 3d October, 1826. LAN DS IN UPPER CANADA ACEViz t-Lots No 200o5, 16, 17, 18, andi 19, ini the 61tj Concessioar; No. 14 anti15 in the 5thCoîscesion; andi the sothera haif of Lot 'io. 19 with the ILots No. 21 anti 22 la Lie7tîh Concession of the Tow>#sip ai ]Pittsburgh,. in the C'sunt.i cf Frontenac, Mit]land District, UpperCanada. These Losaae very valusbie, as thse Kingstron river ruas thraugis then, andi as thse pro. jecteti Canal fron Richmond thro' Pertii, muât piaslanLise saine direction. ALSO, ACRES-Lot No. 31, in the 20 0 th oncession ia tise Towne. ship of Cornwall, in tht Cîîuaty o! Ston mont, Eastenn District ; anti 2(, Acres, Lot 21, 4ths Concession, in the Township of Mantuers, Couaty cf Durham, District of Newcaistle. Thse ihole beiag tif the best qsaity, weil watereti, bearing excel- lent Irumben, atiaptedt t every agricultu- rai purpame, andi pronising to become ver: valuaible yn thse completion o! tise plains in agitation for thtehupravenent cf internai communications. A ppy to ANGUS M ACDONNELL. *or %ato ON RE&SONABLE TERMS. The Brick Lieuse and twc une Lots opposite the ri-sidence of Mý 3 1 Biscat a! tht Royal Engintes, ai LI s na ver>' aluable prnpertv,sitailt ia tIse Village o! B irriefiî'lr, ntsc Point Hen r>'. AppI>' for termes to C. A. HAGERMAN Esq. or the prapria-tor. JOHN W. FERGUSON. Adoîphustusen. April 12, 1826- FOR SALE OR 'lO LEr, .Ind issmed rate Pogaseion giees, T HAT nommodiloas STONE HOUSE la King Street, sdjoinng the prenlse occupitti b>' S-muin Shaw, Esq-Appiyý thse Heralti Office or ta JOHN CURRY. Kingston, May' 22d, Mq26. FOR1 SALE OU TO LE, F OR a terin o! years, anti poussmauc giveua an tise ois Januar>' next, tise Sta. Bouse la thse Village o! Waterloo, nese occupieti by Z. Davidi,as a Tavtr.-Apply to ALBERT Me-ICHAEL Waterloo, Navember 16, 18-6. 'ru BE LET, AND POSiSESSION GIVEN ON TRE 24THiNST.m ~ U H AT commoins STONE *MiTtDWELING flOUSE andi Il 1 PREMISES at present ia the oc- cupation of Capt. Rayseti. situate nsr -to thse Barrack Gate la this Town.-E-nqssire at tliis Office. March i, 1825. TO LET, And immedutte Poissiom giveu, T Il E lHouse anti Premises latelv occupieel Lbv Mr. .lrc/ibald Rsclumond. deceairt. Apply .t GEO. SMITH. KinZsiofl, Sept 4. 1826 F0OR SAIE, T FIE North haif cf Lot No. 12 ln the 3<1 LConctasinn cf Laborougis, cotaining 100 acme.-& ply t the Henaiti Office. Kingston, Juiy 10. 1826. For Sole, A H110H PRESSURE ENGINE, MAD£ liet year, by Mr. MeQiseen of New. myork. capable of drving two rua of tones andi Carduiig Machine. Tht caste steam ea be turnittiun tiseBoer Taub of a ODitlier>', on2 t Plan 0'fa late Arneia Paent, by whicis t.o 'auable opeosatbasae performed with one fire.-For furhetpart uiurs appiy at tint Henld Office. JVlotice je Ilereby Given, T HA r îny persan trt-spaesiag or cotting Tinher, on tise North haîf of Lot o! Lkitri lette-r1). un tise Township of Pitts- bsurgh ill e i proaccutedto thie utinost st- venxyof ise ENRY MAIN. kIÇ*s». Oct. loti, 181. a ¶rI~ ,IUba'EVi TUE SI EMM BCJAT ,ildnIlMoItdCA1471JVGb . 11HE subcribrr int.-nduî g te set aitie .U.casmpetiiioti in ibis Province, la tise otin ucry lia'. of~rs e fr sale, POT ASH KETTLESI cisicislhe warrants dtlîvcred atie Trentaor Kinîgston, at 23s. pet Ir-wt.-Pot amh cool* ts. Sugar ketties tif ail sizeaDatch a% rans, bake pans St covers, bellicid Pots, Spiders, Dog irons, Gritdîci% andthie osuait astings.wili re sold inlathe bands cf Ag. atm at 27s. 6d. pet cut.-Mtli iroos, santiail Mill machine- c--Stavem, andi ther casinrg% ntat enuitra- ted. welli be chargeti ai a proportionate rate, sot] produce, at the currreat Cash prlce is Kingstons, %"il hc recciveti in payment for tise sme. TilE BAR IlION, geaerally. matie frein umnerthte Hitinier it the Marina Iron Works, buiig fat su perior tu thse Engltsh Biir Irn asuallim-un 'aorteti-tiese ubciber expecta that the Merchants of this Province sel athrr take- tht-jr suîpi>' frein tiis e.stablishment. at the- rate cf Twenty Pauntis per Totn,caah, deliv- reti ai tishe onks b> the quantit>'. tisa pur- chase ait a higher rate at Monti cal, an infe rien quaiity. Supphîtti with gond mouider , es tise wonks nase arc, aIl orts of Cattings reqairtd in tht Province cao lie hati therat.-and ai or 1lars atidrrescdtth ie subscniber will bc in mediatel>' attended ta. Fnr futht r paticulans îpplv te Messrs. McCUTREOIt *& CaassbAN. ai Kinston, or ta A. MANAHAN. .1 gent for flueProprietor. Marmora Irais Werk-, loth A izust. 18. 6. M7~ansion House R ESPECI'FULLY uforms thse Puhi that ste iattads coîstiung thse aboe Kînigstosil.Nuvembe)r 6tlt. 1826. THOM '%S iAMFORD, rIHANKFUL ta hlm frituad uthe ptis JLlic insgenrai for the veny iberal aup 1 pant given ta hi iiain bis nid risitit-cr, bt-g 'leaive te laforin thrmin na. (îaarticularly th. »Farinera) that hie ha% takrnansd fitteti upii a coasfatabîe manne-r, the heaume latet knowun bv the nanse a! th, HIGHLANDER n MARKET STREET, nean>' apaaite Mi .Ata Nîrton'a store,.sehene heeisopee, ha. th. , most strict attention to thtir coinfent, Bpc.it. Imeet ts.ith thtir continueti support andi fat or- N. B.-Ex ;elicat Stataing sud Yard rocin. 1Kitigston. D'-c. 20tis. 1825. y MAR KET SQUARE, KINtiSTON. T liE subcribeér reptIal"lv acquaints hi- frïen.ls andi the public. tîttbc bas o ,aaed bis preseat Hou'.e in thu Markt as a U. a ra . îî,'er the name of 'h H1BlERNIA1N INN, with a choice collection of Spirituous Lîquons, exrcellent accommoudations, aci gooti stabliîsg. Every eonfort anti couve nience wil be rentiered ta those Weho Mra Y& vor hm with their patroro-ge. TAVELLERS Andi otiseracan be accommotiatei witis Board and Loding, on moticrate terms, by the day, week, or munth. 1 .C A D N I G Kingston, IStis July, 18,26. R ETURNS8 hi# micere thanki te his Fiends and tise Public, for thselibe- rai encourag-ement whiçh he bsas received la tise ibove brnch o! hutinesat, for t'Pe last four yeans. anti resi.ecttuliy intimatea. that he bas REMOYED btiste Hause directîy opposite hie Olti Stand, ontetloor East cf tise angion House Hotel. ishere he hopea, by a strict attention te business te ensure a ehare cf public support. ICJ- NATAL UNr rois aid RzGmneos- TALC made te order, ontLie usot reasonable Kingston, Nov. 22, 1825. RAM AWAY« FROM thse subàcriber, on the 29th of November lat, îny on SAMUEL WILMOT, 19 veart aid. Alilpersona are=hrb forbid trusting, trading with. olr hruing hum, as 1 wiII net PSY any debts of hie cntrating.--Clergy men of every dieomination, and Justice ! h Peace, are forbiti marryviag hum. Infor- mation where he je, wiii be thankfolly re- cévedWaLLS<)NnCwNGERe. ceveimdacnWILedO Ced.I Halloseeli, Dec. 14, 1825j SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland Distrct, N Saturda>' the To Wit. 10 J4th day ei No- vember nezt, wiul be soli, at the Court Route la tise Toans of Kingstun.tise fol- lowiag- luënt. as betoaging to Abrahamn C:insiiftr, smed tibv vit tue e! au Elecutitan iasued out of Hie Majesty's Court of Kisgs Beach, toause lirected, attihe suit o! William H Waîbridge, viz: Luit No. 19, ln the th concessien of tise Towswuhip of Thuniose. Al persona having claims en the uboveý landi or mièv part thereof are requiredt t *make thet mne known to me u or belore the day of aie. Salet. commence at 12 o'clock, aueo.. JOHN MAULEANM, Tise iioe Sale la postponed mnil Satur- day, the 61k tiay o! Janisar>', 1827. JOHN M %CLEAN, bisrdi M. D> .Kungstos, .wo. 6, 1826. T HE Subscr beting dny appointeti TA,.l,it%tratnro the Estate of Dot:tor DAVID L. MUI<RAY, iateof Kineston,de- ceased. rtequbts ail persons îndrhted tuo min estatetommke pAiymsrnt without furtbýr no- tice ; an I ail persans a hving caims aigailast s"i estate to.-itluit th-ws to PE UER M.ýDONALD, Kng'tn. Nnv. 13, 1826. NOTlICE. ALL persons having dmands againht îh, 11Estate of the late LOUIS TAPPAN, ;.requested ta present them to Charlotte Taippan for adjustmnt-atid those indebttd tu sait] Estate art: dtsirrd ta maike immedà ate Pa% Ment. Kingston, Nov. 10, 1826. ALL Ptrsons having dlaims against the AÊ1 E oai f the Fte THOMAS R. ('ARTWRIlGH*T, Esquire, deeaaed, arc ret1ucsted tua n'ai-art thr sami- dulv attested tu the %ubsr rib- r-;tnd ail those who arc in debtet] ta the saad estate, are lîkewise re. questedtu t makr immeïiiate pisvment te JOHN S. CARTWRIGHT, Ext cuor. Kingqtnn, Il'lv 10, 1826 N Orie E. L'Proshaving claims again.Qt the L7Arseo thelate FREDERICK FIR- SMAN of Pittsburgh, arr rrquested tu pre scrt them for atjaustment; andi ail persons indebtedt t said Estatr, art hrrtîby requireti ta make immrdiate payment te the subscri bers. CH ARLE.S Mt DONALD. Exec- ROBEI'R RICHARDSON, utors. K ngf.ton, Jura. 15, 1826 NO VICE. r ~HE Stsbscribers, Exé,cutors and Execu eTu ix of the lisat w ill andi testament of tht late N £IL M -LEOD, Eq. of Kingston. M.-rctî.n, rtquest ail ierions lttbted .o) the Estate thtr b> Buaok Dtbt. Note. Bond or otht-rwis. , tn maik' îmmedidte psy m1ent ta Mrs. M. Leoti, who will coitinur ie business as ustialin lia lf of the Estatc. JOHN TORRANCE. CHAR] ES W>LKIEN. JOHVN McLE.OD. JANrt. M LEOD). Il.Writon. îg-9 .îrsi,1826. 90rn6 NO 1'1(E. FlUIE Coptrnrrslîita hrtofore existing JL between Wàiter McCuniffi- andi Patric-k *Quain, Mtre-hata <of this Town. wba Car i-on buainr-As uînd-r the name and i irmaof Wailt.-r Ma- Cu iff , & Co. rxpired on th, 30tb of April iast. *rnr business will ia fa t ure be conducteti by the uadersigned in hi- en name. andtu wtami ail debts due thý Sfr. areta be pa.. W 'LLTER McCIJNIFFE. K;ngntnn, 2O'is J d%. 18M. H AV1NG tak a aticr irotntr (COLLIN M11 .M DONALD intu copartnership. 0à hutiînstai future, wail be carrira oai un.t the firm of C. & J. McDONALD t LYC.- who auji alsosettic the busincss ut C. and J. ,McDonait]. CH %RLES McDONALD. JOHN Me-DONALD COLLIN McDONALD. G inanncuî-, Ma, la I.lm -6 A LL tisse avig m claims n tht subscri. ber wiil pleast furniuli their accouais ta B. Whitney, Esq.o!' Crambe, wish as little tieiay as possible-antiaill persans indebtet Iotahi. sll make plyrsent ta themaid B. Whitney, wbhas receipt wiil bc a sufficient dusebinge. JOHN M. BALFOUR. Oct. 20. 1826- NOTICE. p Hz BECopartnership heretefare existing on- . der the firmof PlELPS & 8SAWYER la by mutuàà consent of bath Parties dissah'ed, SAMIUIISAWYER. STEPHFN PHELPS. Port Hope. U C. Sep 25 1826. A LL Peroîî having eainsa gaist tise Et of 'the late Mn. ARCHIBALD R1'ýHM<)ND, of Kingston, Mrichant, arr hereby> notifitid ta prese-at themnsfur adjust. nent.-And &ahiperse'a lindebted tth alidt Estate, are berrI,>' ruquitedti t make psy- mc nt o! tht evrat amaunts due by themto tise suçt ihat ust. JAMES ATKINSOIN, ROBT. STANTON, Executors., JOHN MAIR, JA MEs NICKALLS Jr. King-tots, Dt--nisbcr SI. 1825. PUBLIC NOTICE. &L ersons itsdebted te the Etate of !I.tise lite. Mr. Archibalti Richmnond of thse Town of Kiungston, Merchantatehere- by notified that immediate payment ai their accounta la tequireti. A il mach as remain unsettied after tise firet o! April nezi will poistively be plae-ed in the banda of an Attorney for tollection. Ki-ngaton, iStln Iteb. 182&. JOHN MAIR. J. .iTKINSON, Elo' IL STa&N TON. Kr J. NICKALLS, Jr.) PUBLIC NOICE. A LL Ptoms ha ing(amsag.ainst thr SON of tise Township of FrrdîerickLsbnigh. are berri! notifie<l ta preatett th.mn for ad 1 jumîmet; andl ail pet-aonm latebtti tc tht %-%i Estate are h.- nehy requiredti t . payaient. LUrY ANDEFMS(N, Excctitrix. JOHN BRADtiIAW. l'O FARMERS. U < -*il ho p>taifar any quntitv tof CFL AX SEF.D detivered at the Paint Siiop of T. Breckettina Kingaton. T HE suthcriber b.gs ave ta nform the- Psblic, thait be hais teabishd a nteu use of M.aiScag a betwrrn York ai King qkon whirh "iiillt-ave Yiork ever' MOO4DAY jsid Tuva-,DAT. lit ao'clack. A. bl. an r. ura a1 WEaNsEsD)ATandi SATuED'y, il' tis, ..fternoun. L.ave Kinpstneverv Mo~NAY & Tarils DAY. at 12 o'clock. N0on, sud velurn0i' WEDNESDAY andi SATURDAY, inS the lifter Having furnisheti himseif witb gond Hor se's, Covered Wagons, andi experieacet Drivers, lbe hopes, by unremittlng attention, ta menit a share of Publir patronage. Stage Faire thrusgh £3 0 O, uantil furtisr n- sice. Every attention will be paidti t the coin fart of Passeagers, and their Baggage sll be completely secureti. Stage Boks kept at Mr. SWaaatiasr S. York, and ait Mrç Mooar-'1s. Kingston. JO)NATHAN OGDEN. 0e-lober 30, 1826. M R. & M-es. TWIGG bcg leave ta e- tara thanka for the liberal encourgec muent which they have rrceived. and ta ac- quaiat their frienda antd the public that tlae% continue to receive BOARDERS and D AY PI TPILS, et, their bouse in Quarry Strtit, where the f.llowing branches are as uisul taught- Engliah anzd French Lan guagtç,s, Grammna"IUy. Himtory, GOeography, Composition, Music, Drawin-, CDancing, N eedlework, Writiîîg and Nrithmetic. From Mrm. rwiggms long t iperitnce, t.tin the credeatials which abe bas brought w id. fier, (she having for maay years conducte' 1 a 5îmilar estabilaishent linhber native conu -a y) thev hope for a continîsance of tisat supp' 3ri 5whlcli they shall make it their atutiy tou n se- rit f rence msay bc matie ta The Rev. Are hdeacon STUART. Lieut. Cal. MACPHBRSON, and Sheriff McLEAN. Eacb yotsng Lady te Lainghier bed, &c. !kc. two pair of sbertq, and i iiitowels. August lSth. 1826. T « bulding ciinunly konby the nain; ansd coaifortably fiaisistd tht (,rammer Scis 00i seul lie opnett an IloOdi>thte9 swaiasun. à« thse management ant inmgperntendantt oof'tise Ses.. John Stoagbtan. lanebose bioute a4iw -pu- pila ray ( if requireti) kg mecommoatieti sàitlh boarti ati lodging, on mederate terras Bath, Oct. 171k 182&. - Mudianti District, 1<Saturda>' these ti To Wit. &ýtiay & slJIaimr nt xt, will be moiti atisec in latise rown o! Kingston, thisefoJLaRti, as 'seiungiug ta Jte.ob Stiaser vrtert -if a writ o! Execatian issue 4'His lot jesty'a Court cf Kinag% Benc1Ys lise uirec ted, aiti sumilcf Chartes WullaWd, vis: Lot No. 26, eaIt aide cf Pinacle Street, la the Towna o! Belîvilie. Ail persons having clia7s on thse abute landt. or amy part thereof, by Mortguge or itisherise, are required to mak ie~u kitiaien teme, onor befa ibe d orie -Sale te commence at 12 o'cI Midîati District, làirday, tht 'leOWit 0 Twentiets dap or January, orne tbatneand eight hundreti rant weaty seven, wili be meld attse Court flouse in tise 'Toitn of Kingston. the foi. iowang Lands andi ter-emîents as belonvng tStpie Miles, seizet b y vit tue of an Execution iiisued osut of his NMajety's Court of King'e Beach, teome directeti, at thse suit of Peter Snmith, Viz t- Thse eat hatf o! Lot No. 8, in thse Sd Concession, and tise est halt of Lot Ne. 22. la tise uis concession, of tise Towna- hip of Loughborugis Ail perlons havig claims on tise above lands, or amy part thereol, by mortgage or otiserseise, are requireti to make thsme ifknown terne, on or before thse day of sale. if-Sale, te commence at tiselve oPclock, ..0no5. RIwuom. Oclaber 17, 1826. SIIERIF'S SALE.; Midland District, O N Saturday the To Wit. ~Jtwentieth day of anuary, one thoutuanti ght hundred ad tweaty ses'en,wili be uid t thse court House in thse Town of Kingmton. thse fol. lowing Landu and teneusenta us belonging to Henry Murney, oeized bi virtue of twos FEeuioLs iselâr eot 09 11114 Mâjegty'st Court.of Kiqes Bew h. to me diected, et thse suite of Peter *wi&cDlinaId and Chris topher A. nagerom, iz: Water LotsNe. W andi 27, ilthe TOIWu, -s! Kig«,s Ail permea avntclaieson the aboves Land, air amy part therrefby rntixttag or otherwise, are required tai make thse smre known ta me, un tsr beforp the day of mle.Sale te roni mncpet g2î ftu'eock. nom. JOHN MACL.E&N, 8hýerif. v 1 AK!ugao% , cuèbr iTth, 1826. JiaLH1OUSlM A. MéD OXELL, 3M4ST7ER. W ILL. dur ivg the ,maitr ,f sV on, ir.av.- Ki..g-toiaanti Pr""'1* iolhurbd iz aNGiSaTras. t' ' u k.A PrhuSCOTT.and vetry . a ' oks ani RESday St 2o'iu AM Pr.-scutt, 28'ia Ort. 1326. STEAU BOAT C AIRL OTT J, Capi. Oaideraleeve. T HE Steams Boat Charlotte will, ul furthier notice, Irave Kiingbtfn fur th, Bay of Quinte every Monday àt 10 o'clock. asnd aft.r mutking her usual stops, w 'l tr,,,e at the Carrying Place ou TutaaY o Leave the: Carrying Place at Il 0'.1 or h te saine da, ntd arrive ait Hatlo welli l. the evefing eaeHaiiowell ait 7 o'.I1.k 0 Wedaeaiday morning, and aranisa at Kintt« .arly in the afternoon. Leave Kiiag-,tcrý î, Beliville every Thurstiay morning at i~o o. clock, sud arrive there la the eveîîing. Ldve Belivilie at 8 o'clack an i is.ay mortiiti.,, a4d arrive la Kingston in the cveniog. Ltave Kingston for Prescott every Saturday rue. ning uit 10 o'dock. atoppiag St Gananoque nti Brot-kilîle, anti arrive in the eVei .Lg. Lrave Prescott for Kinîgston esery Saaaaq, ad arrive on Mogbday mornîîîg. Kingston, 25tb May, 1826. N. B.-The Boat eets the regular lisesof Stages at Premcott. andi the P.a&.ngnr art by that means enabied ta proceed direct t tht Lower Provitice-aind the passengers ar. riving in the Stage frain buiow on &aturdar, have aima an opportunity of pi Qcer alîtà rtct ta Kingston and the Bay of Quint" e. fs Stage also metta the Boat lit ther Cairrying Place. on Tu- 9.a Ly esrning, for the conv- tance of passenagers tw Yark, or intermeIaaie )places an that route. t The Charlotte ha% ing lait- y undergose s therougis repair, afrtî(s ta tbc public asâpe dy, cheap, andi comfortaahle a maodt tf traîvel. liag, as there is tari b fount lai th4s Pri)aisce. DERSONS willing ta contraot for th build. JL ' ing of a Brick,%leeting house on Li Zum- ber ten ln the third Concession of Ernest T own, Iorty twa feet in iength by thirty feet irasiddh, ame Requested ta give in tiscir propoussforthe mimne, an or before the first day cf Deceinber net to %Ir. JOHN BELL or ISAAC ]PRASE% Esq o! Ernest Town, either e!fsehom will gise the necessiry information Respecting the md building. EBrut STown 28th Octobes., 1826. TO BU ILDIERS. A tse tou Building erectd by Mr. loba SPýîtagi. in tbe viciait>' of thse Mtbsissa. g. Battery, la incapablt, la its prescuit forts, cf being coovertedt t any known hunsan pur-. pose, the aubicriber c&rs tht Maitenlals for sale, as tht>' now stand. Ta persurns desirous cf getting a largi quantit> cf goati builuding Stone, a morlerato quatntity cf Iron, andi man> thotssauds of ci- a-elent Bricks, btesides Window, and Dote Fra mes out cf caut, for an aId souag, tU sutd Building mnuât be an attractive abject. The purchaser wilt be aliowed six menthil credit on bras purchaie, and tht mr ime t 1 remove the Matrtraia froin the' spot. THOMAS DALTON. Kingston Brevery. Nu%. 6th, 18A6. Midîsati District, fN Wednesdaytlia To Wit. 1 0 JTweeatv-bghtli day of Febrar> next isli be sold At thft Court flouse ia the Toisa cf Kingsttui following Lande anti Trnemeals, as beltOt;, ing ltu HeldehrRtat Vaiieau, meized b>' virtt't o! set affleifacis, sueti out o! is M t iesty's Court nt Kang's B-adi. to me dinta-1cl St thse suit of James Niekaîls, Junior, Vit: Lot nuraber fiftaîen and bbat uf lot umbti'f fotarteen, la tise finit conesmelon, soutis ctt of Green Peint, la thte Townsahip Of Sophia 5 bdrgb,.41. Tise rear part of Lot numb cf thirtee:n, ia tise first concession, on tihe Boil of Qlslaty tast of tise Carrymg Piaci5 it Towenship of HalloseelI, containag ont btfr 41reti acres, im orleu c. Ali persons bavmng caims on tis eiS Lands, or mny part thereof, b>' M[atgatt or otistrsese, a"e requiredtu t make thse &SI 00 knawa on or before thse day of sale. Sale te commence at 12 Olt bock, nome. JOHN MAcLEAKu Kingston, November 28,1826. ,~a D SHERIFF'm SALE. Midlenti District, ?'N Tuesiai. the 2îI Te Waî. Çý 0 day of Noveut t next, wseulibe sol i Stthse Court Hanseit hO Towntsof K agston. thse foltowung Prtip r as beîongiaug ta Franeais Beausoliel, sei b' vitie of an Executica issled iOut O!fI 1 -Majesty'e District Court, to me dlirceted, 0 'ht- soit cf Thomas Markland anti Geor P H. Markland, vis A part of Lot amber 165, in theTo- ot Kingetea, iS a Dseelling lieusetbise -recteti. Ali persoas havimg dcaims on, thse '-b land, or any purt tereofb7 m0Iita aiserwse, are require-d te make tise a0 rknesen te me, vuor More thse d&y Of b. -4ale te ceumenue at 12 'tdCIOCk. Do MIHN MA(CLEAN, daî$y thse sixteath d oa!f3 cronber iii JOHN MACLEAN, Sherdf ' Kingetott. l8t Novembet, 1826. The CIEUJWH CAutECrîlS: Fer u a e 0191, OC PublicRecor COPYRIGHT OF PHOTOGRAPII RESERVED TO PIJSUC RECORD OFFICE. .7 IEf/Ci i ta be la - Aivel1?q reti cutis BUMT 11i wuil tMe.._r pounds tonvict Justire credibi getiser levieti R E tztensi OOOD farae a poses a cost pri Bomb xel ries. Mo Dispera, en. L14 anti Fur 'sonkmang Gloves ai Bonnets. Kidi, and soriment Sugars . e imars>'otl Fumers BEG Ilste Thy hava Ringsi TU, T HzEm ttjtrcctiêg tare of Sta ta4isngcri alîlutîoo,1 Paper. Baths Kunsta 1 terme. Public Record 1

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