T wim C4N4~ HmAW. IWIdoUOlflY daningDuk 1 JdidColoml eikie, br. Cauron, theo é, p. Mr. Charles Joues, and thets, bridj 1a0ced< ait.wlie aneDode1 asYankee Doodie Il alled for or A ,ca4dM au - oncould -up from Cou'~ net, 4 oVeryfaf front îî had -e D'd youm sosay thiuag iuthc conduct 'oPe WB ~ M tsiototIior outrage- utiR C ertainlY nat. 't viste ivery con- Klu' wu wsin goodbhaueour, and Il Il 5>11 but hinm'unbecoming a5gonZproje IA ntgr~Ic that ho ever jo ined the 1 i, le daDCifl- char . 'i you seany thing fi hie conduct his A. 1 DwOth1iof the kiwi: any mach Croiq imputatio OUI watped that evening, nac ii mr! fim, snd Mue. a malicious r.- GOem prwatanou.bis p Q. le the accounit of the. transaction you Pe hje just reid in theKingotoht Chronicie. a f1 anid true one 1 1 know it je not. es Did Dalgrmain lier. tili the end of 9el A. Tbey did, aI leait I aw Bons go pa ai s'ay. fiO0 q. Did the. audience part in good hu- g811 "oUr sud loyaltyl 111101 A.yes, when we parted, the bandstruck Mcd , dGod lave tho King." bly v 2 TO bd coeSsd. on tà been L.oWM GANADA. quel fend pROYLVCI.L PARLIMENT. in~ JKOUSE OP ABSEMULT. jc Tîesdy, Feb. M1, 1827. ber, Mr. Secreta! Cochrati wams dmitted, and tor peeented a Iesage fromn Hie Exoeilencyb pol1 «uh the Publie AccOants sud Estimai. for bolf î82r; also recomme"luiç a Ganaral Peni- Pari lesary; alec an appropriataon for £180w, in i oerdîmltf by Sir Frausieà Burton wyule ad-T aisterinli the Governsnte. NM. Sectary Cochrane, wue sdmitted stat Iritis the foliowiflg Mesages from HiesEx- cft, cllefncy the Goyereor ie Chief: le h rice Governor in Chiai informe, the . As- dela *mmly, that the neceusary expenmes of th iq civil Guyeriaufent and the l administration Cha of justice during the last year, havingeg t-' Am eeed the mmount cf revenues appropriae- fron el iberefer by law aud ai lthe diaposal of ,m th Crown, and ne appropriation havang tug bleu made in the laut Session in aid cf tihe i» nid Revenues and te providc for snobhex- quir pence, be bas been under thte ecesity o T admccing tie asaouuit thereof, being a sua Ot e! £J18 19s. 0e. sterling oul af the unap- poprited monies, according ta the sums atd in the e.tiînate subaittedte 10tic As- rmuly in the last Sessio n, and i. cels upon a tc A'.embly tb mategoodthe tisaourât BOthtf tdvanced for indispensable public servicesth on the pressing emcrgency of thease, asduer o 1140 the auount advanted fur pensions sndandI thet -evi- et oprovidad forsis vu by ' the -satestatement. " The Goernor in Chief aise laye before Ai the Aaanbly, a list cf sums advansced by him On cej)unttble warrante furt the salaries f thei oiflcers of the Legislatusre m!andlierA malriet .êcd expaicesof Governmeitforth0 thé lut Yetr, whicih were loftI usitrovieled for at the the dose cf the ast Session cf the Legisia- pec nue. Thee advances iaving been matie 1 tv hii tu coteisderation of thse extreme in- Y lu-c of withbluding thse fixed sad tcog- n'el ouied suies cf officers whc iad donc tisir wi tv, anti thc distress ta which uany ofais thym woule! thareby h va bace expose!, ho ma Ives it te the Aeebly either te mire 1 pod tht,. ativances or lu tacie suci coursee ia b îhey sisal! e fit for cassing themu le be iv 1uid by the persons wio are acceunt bic C:i fur them'" DALHOUSIE. cul Caýtle of St. Leis, Québec 7Ui Foi. 1827. pu- " Tht Guernor in Chief reeommcids teo C the Acembly to provide for th, annual ox-91 penses incident te tic execution of the Mi- ted tà c Abs making an appropriation for hol the ça f the officers ofthle taff cf1he li sformely, atul a&Wefore rie nes c mi- l tti'eîencie4'of th. denarîment; sud tbat b 1 flrtht ern flm ot escding £10-Y) be pis- o cd at the digp,)sal of the Gevernmcaat, fer I t- P'a:'.uSe cf supplying arme te> the mililiath :te, mav ho judged expeédient, snd oft$h , n:rc~tIer uecessary expcnseeuzuer lf 1 DALHOUSIE. Ire Ciftle of St. Lewis, Québec 7th Feb. 1827. Ta; 174 Governor ini CIief liyi before tie lie, 'memibly a seearlte actinuate cf thse Salaries had adexpeses of the officers connecîed viti @hi e I.gihtureaud io callîng tli at tars- aff Là' lu lice gre'tt deficicncy ef the funda as9 tO ';!Y raisaed anti appropriated fur this I P'ite by the Actt 3 Geo. 111, ho reconi- Wl tns tg île Assembly te mâté provision, AI] !ithtt 5'us r by a gaee aetmoaqt, boi fr (tie Payaenteof liai doS. cncy fire. tbeceu aPPrmpri teti funds of tise Province. Ho ttcq tý cails the ttention of the houste lie 1 ,'ntt f pMuler soîioriîy fer the paymet oiwit '11iof the Speasers of 1he Legisis- cc t'Il Cuniî and! Asemly, sud ho reoïnc- de ttd, tas the Asseably le provide for thec et ta" 'natsffcint ad permanent manner." 1 DALHOUSIE. Fog Call!c of St. Lewis, Québec 7h Pcb. 1827. ua ten ~!I~~TR.OTS. des Xrs~.v Y. Commseicd AitvrtioeFaM5. If 'ERY LATE FROM ENGLAN . v jýt Paciset eiipe Canada, Reçue, anti 09 L"i Sicddavcl, atrive lt aîevenîug frem bvp0 ota vtsls hariiag sei thaf- "f Jantar>, te cirais dates ineeusive,lie n 'týIf the Commercial Ativerlisorbave ItztCvivt4dfile$ of paper. T** MiDake cf Yack coîjotidsick, sud ail IlPtc Of his eecoveey vers dimpoireti 9£ W [a ait is Dropo>.intisa Chosi. Ho idîcedeati botorenov, unde! cDuSe i 11'ntce, (a Radical) sis itai met thé t. PParclit h Th )ke of Ciarsuce hem 4 bqnlante oaf hi.itreu., but none legiti- Mailte. T',e noxita succession lu lb.eitifaul cagher'f tise late Dute of Kent. lu lie thlons cf thaïheirem preaPtilvo. th cr* oule! devov. uponea icliaiset s"tlnd, whiohas Ieitimte o9ping* b, faue «"an-. dftttrwLds, as ig eut" hàtq Y.Iiutccl-- f -Y recollec.. Uil for «C Vn.. liva calIed, as of Muy know. mdia~ely- atter ierhi ps -" Rui [ld fr " Yan- m cugeiial tac hA- âcdvocated I question be- lsded -.g à quiz, Ing of indigna- b y arling for cali for,, ias rtocardt ycur- lin su quizizin.g liaI C aa tg 0-T" when Ucd, ittendeti itish gcvern.. esatIBritain? any auchi n- calIe! for'? believe. audience THE GREEKS. Accounts ritem mme>directions stili speak negotiationset 1Constantinople, beiccen c Foeigns Ministers aud the Parie, in la- )r f tic Greeks.-The Englisi, Prench, id Russian Goverumaents are aie!tea bcen- igeti activcly uplin tuis aubject. ULU VAL 0F THE TROOFS AT LIS- BON. Froaa thse Lonsdarn Courier of Jans. i. Imspoitant issus fini Lisbor-We have i gratification tbj- day ai communicating sà muet satisfactor>. intelligence vii tes- ct ta tic affairs ai Portugal. Tise Sir Edwsrd Bankas teanvemel arrn- e! at Portsmnouth test night, at claver dock, andi brought pumenger Mr. Black, jth despulelses for Gai ernmnent. SIc. loft isison on thc lSta, je the evcniasg, and mde ber voyage home in six day. Private latter, speak vits tise isigiest en- husisms anti praise et tha prompt anti dcci- iv measiseesadopted b>.Govornment. Mr. 'nning's speech bas beon printeti sud cie- uled, and thoetifoct il prducced upon tise uilicmnind vaeamazing. Il secuietoe p- rae like a chanci, dispolling ah once al lie leun andati tatisprevaileci, andI anime- Id evorj clams aipersons viti reieved les laety hMsag ad been officiai. coinmunicale t ticPortugue. Cottes, y'vinait vas rciveti viti oves>. demon- - ilion of gralitude0aise enhusiam. The extraordinaey rapidity wjth cutih ie succout of Englsîse!had rescicdth le ýores ot Portugal exciteti genarai admira- 'n.-While tic y vere culy hoping tb icai fpronsisee! aid, Britishape anti Britli cape had aiscioreti in tic waters of tise kgti. Tis ecflect vas celectrical. Tic Pyramus vstise only veamel,ce lbe ive, viici aItichedate oethteso advicem, ad iaaaded treapu; but f*uri lin, et baIlle ýip@, citi other detacients, veto mer rthe Beirlingm by the Sir Eciard Banks sie leir ils. Tagus. Tie condition efthe robots muet soon, re shoalti thinin, brirsg maltera te s close. Lil tise latent accounts tepresent teienm ing discoiafictee!, 'cicrover dmayý have mne ins centent vili thse Conatitsational T;Marquis de Cives was ai Lanaç ith 10,000troops, il cqusippe!, antidimprt d. Il theprovince et Alentejo, tise ossu eVilla Flot isd e!rpulat" the inssirgesats, mderthe1 cammuand oet Magessi. When lise 4th (King@s ovu) Rcgism.ut cl eot landeti, tic> vers receivei 1» tise pop- lae i tthelotidest acclamations Tic follcwing ara exirsels et privai. let- tenteceavcd b.tuis convoyance. Il Lisbois Dec. 19-lt venu b.hadifenît te escribe tise jo>. vithich te inouteligene î the spcedy arrivai of eurt roops bou bec eSiveti y tihe publie. Il Thse glocu sud daseuoucnywhieh lad sea iangiug oloer as, for tlentmifoetuigi are ai ence dispétue!, sud hope sud con&i mes have revive, naïf b ai. "Boalaya Higse y d aie.aDoe ho Minimtry sa" the Ciamber, aaree ualUy vsvm in the expression of tliigraLt nde te hieMaei-io onIy for bis Ma estyde ready seknowlcdgmet ofnithe ebligu. tos et Treaiy, bu for theSematracdisa mnpitude vilS vhicis eetual assmim hu folorqi tISai ackeovIcigessent IdTiche teM às .thse lv o No M of Parlasment vue ceeaumleatet. h bamber tisie oruiing, sud rsceivei viti pestet mhusauu '4Tbooeupnton atIe fwb * t thseos Wana ,of lie Tagu, hie Bnr"ismaria. se beeu resdily aeeaite biV thePartd gueft gerarusass, sa" i ilo b. eari effk en TlamoetorFriy. 'Dec. 25.-TIssyrasu s luthe anly ves- seI of the expeditien ibat jbas-auived; but it issiMW tisaitic= an:2Z -T. ip nov is tise effing, coupietoly cd." THE DUKE OF YORK. Il l is ii extr ert-*U w e have t. anouce, lia =mOi ebepes are enter- tasuoti for tie preservaisea* -iZ: Duke of York. Il C astated cen atbot1teon wbicis the preatest taliante uaay be.plaired, tia: wuti a vev cf keaping is sRoyal H'gica fire franc bodily pain, ne tartier medaicinesu wilb. sdminelcro ahum la arreat lie ure but slw peogreasoethie sivoterate sica e«. In s iov days ai latest, ve amy vida beertfelt sorrov, lthe public wiii leare tise melancholy lidinge cfibi departure tb liat 'bourne fromt chence ne travellet retura.11 Mr. Kean, th eugedian, areeveti aI Liv- erpool on lie 31gt December, in the sisip Silas Richsars. cellency granted uder request, vs have Dlot yet leariced. Nýdwizdi BiI-weleëM r ie.York thatthi-Ëp pasedtheLegislive Ceuncil on thc 121h imsant, witisout auendumont; nul, havever, vitieut smre opposition.- The Hon. Ciief Justice Camapbell, tie ion. James Baby, sud tli bon. Col. Wells, pro- fered teicbill of las eefoh ; andse! .arc informne! lie ion. Col. Diebson snd the bon. Col. Clark oppca.d il in every stage. W. perceive, by a notice ine cMat reu Herod, that ROBERIT ADAMeS, Emq. of tise Naval Deparînient. 51 Isle-x-oix, Lov- er Canada, hbe piblisieti "A cofmputation Table of Britishs Sterling, (tie Dollar at 4s. 4d.) brougist te Halifax Currcncy. and Ha- i.M. Dodk Yardt £inçalonU7C. 1316 Fsbruaery. 1S27. N OTICE is hem-ely given, tliat T-. nfris .1w ili bc receive< t aI ise Yard[fcr tise sapply of thse qoantity cf 04IK. ELM, AND PLN7e se une!i tabila tise Tee cleica, leccit Wit be cesa Oak (w ce of Susex, and nazi to imnd 1lai of lai. king» -sns, îs the Duke>of Cama- wFARS 0F THE PvNNsU4L~ Puiv. anticipated, the nove h-ou ils atient is decidadly pacifie. The prompt d5cided feasaires of tisa British cabi- ,asit regrde the invasion of Portual tihe dearetieeci, and the poes eof i e iii not b. disturice!. lu the seret amilles of thc French Chamber of Dep- s, assuileto dte dsuss te answer t10the ig's speech on lise 2"ofISeDecamber, tho 1 Wing ptoceedings toIt place. The ic fthe stidrees, viciswvasread by Pu ,.gges ttis uppori oi tise un r memerasores propeseti by Majesty, vitsout selicîitiug,s lier. t esson to feau, azy mesureo tramtho own. It vas drave up byM.eMartig- s friene! ut M. de Villele, and Directar wral of Demains. Thc esionrsmaka- passag ein iîin tsaiwiieislludes tothe w, an whîch le titis expreue:-" Tice cuand Me greeateat lesing of yeur rui, e, as thce rester atiosscftlie freedosas f tic e. Frene es tAct freedo,22sue!dhai cils affection," &c. Tic olier pas- Il hich vas lieught rcniarkable, aud ich i net ije catidreassof tho Peurs, in, tr fiest feeling in slways houer. The Ddon of Louis XIV. may alvay* rely n France sFrancs daop ots ici King"i st cf the-orators wio tavaired the assen- witis the expression cf Iheir seutimtents his document, siovee! thaI liey iait nsludying marc the. speecis oi Mr. Can- tise the speech cf Cisreas X. Ti ;uage cf tic Rigit Hon. Seceoary ca4 td, cennîed on, attacked; ane! de- e!, s if ho had beau the Minister et Mlost Cirietain Majesty, iesteael cf te- that cfa foreigu Sovercigis. M-de Vii- himpeit vas oiliged to enter on tht sub- of ti.speech-ue! taled le tic Cham- that théd expressionoattse Englisi cea- which had sel firo la the traie of ultra tia, and bildoccasionce! suci explosions irsn tic saloons andi legislative halls oft s, hie! beeu disvoweti by Mr. Canning ho corrccted copy oet ii catieus. seo Courier Frasacoai December 26, ."Ajaihantic: accounts frocm Madrid! etisa King Ferdinand!, ini conseqaîen<:t ce ultimatum which is beau presetue! âm, eequirilg bisete meswcr il vîthout ty andti ilout subterfusge, hai jusl rccog- i lic Coustilutioual Governinent anti 1er ot Portugal, has pronaised ta souci an bassader te Lisiors, ansd te recaive one athe Regency; te break 617 làkine! of totionts aise comsplicitly with lise Per- esc rébellion; sud to give all ether ae of satisfaction whichbhave been te- id of hia by Englauti." ais intelIligenucoe scoelirmeti by aIl the er Frenchs papers.' LATEST PROM CAttACCAS. We have received an exttaoedinary urs- ier et El Coiea. It iC e!tee!Jaîcune>. 3, 1827, ane! cnntaîis tise ftalwciusg proclama- tien froan Bolivar :-Cons. Aitcertiter. REPUBLIC 0F COLOMNBIA. SIMON BaLIat, Pieideet, &C. Consi- deving- lst. Tiat tie situation et Venezuela is extretrcly calamfitous for alU the;aartieâ nuc cngaged in civil car: 2diy. Thar 1 ami suthorize ta iue tie visiteefthle people, ande! extrotdinary powers givan 10 me, for tie alvatiace ai tic country.: 3dly. That domestit peace C aet once the safeuljaise!glory o e icRepublic: Iecreuc-Ist. No ontsaîl bëEroaccu- led net aidiue!ed for tise acte, peecies, aud opinioanm, whaci hie may have employeti cith lie intention et bruegink about a po- lit irai retors: 2e!. Tic persons, property> and offices ci ail thon e hm ve taken part in tie causes are guarauliedta t theux vithout any excep- tionas 3d!. Tic General ins Chiai, Jase Antanije Paez, viii continue la excercise civil anti eiitary autierit, under tise name cf s-- promo Ciief cf onezuela, viti aIl tihe pocers heiau-ging te liaI station ; andtheti Geneal in Cui, Santiago Marino, iC ap- pointeti Intendetat anti genersi commandant of Maturini: 4tb., Imesedatel>. ;fter aise notification of liii 'decSea, ns>.autirat. haPfemdent e0 tic Republic vil b.crcogasseti assai ey- cd. 5ti. Every sot of isostiity commitled alter tic publication of lias tiscrea viilb. ýoaesdeed as 5acis'eaganet thse mate, ant penisheti acccrding 1ta elaya: 6tis. Tie Grand Na ust Convention wiii be convoketi, eonfaruiably te tise de- creeao e ic17h ut December, las erdar te cote thc fate ot tic Repubic. Given at Porto Cabello, Jauai>.li. 1827. l7tis yeuo Idanine J. R. Rzvxvswo,Sccrtsry. INDIAN METHODISTS Tiers are conspised mmc to be about 807 Indieu Couverts ie lie Metieeiist Socielty in the seversi Misions>. Staticus.Tie>. are distribateti &e iullows:-Amng tie Mehawseanaise! Mieisas, Cnta Confer- enc,25; Wyandott,O 0 Cnrrue28 Cherokes, Toeusae. Cosifreece, 282; CrecisConiererkce, le.Tiesp bave becu braugiuthele cimreis sith a s oiryear - KNGSTON, FEBRUART 1W, 182. i ships Laesdà MCmis, we are auabd, dthueveeti, te peemou r redm vus Le.- It don date te the lot ha"w. The bMliintrodnsced, loto both houms Of t<J5flg5e. e bjaciOf ci b ib te pevfl the. adueson Of any veusis iv»,"à podo ofthe United lStes, astae<, MWIG dey eta ~.suitcmber nazi, fo o doses sand pas- y smrions of Greait Im, niao.t-tm a*0 *by mata except Upçtcr Coads- b limast ws u bahebuompe4oegud]Wa Su tury ; but wae iafaguadti tlosu kof AmbIy bai d domHe W4 à»SDCI "b d u enmscau I OoVs, eqaU@Mtsai de "slsta ie. ,gao" Sapue psiw iii maSuumwy. WËeutoozz -l AtThree Riven, on thse 3sit ianumr,the 11ev. R. Q. Short, aged 68, ande for 26 yeaze Rector of the Protestant Epiecopal Churth there. A IM E E IG of the Medical Gentlemen if the Midlandl District ciii b. ht-Id et WA.OLKER'S Hetel, Ksng.týen, iTueuday, the 6th cf Mtrrh, noma, for the purpos. of orjrauizing a Medacal Socie:y. Ail loeIcr.el- C.lly authoristed to practicr, ire requested ro attend. Ki. .g.tôuv. Feb. 20, 182r. mox woaEs N]oTION, 26M f.an. 1827. T HE Stttscriber is nov sendang down te thu gent Ofthis E.tablcsh isint. at Katiptêimt.B&lle visle, th-- Trent, Crihourg. and Port Hope, large sscrtmentm of its Wares .oetd Cssings, which, in qalaty andI mp< at- nce, fur iurpass tho Wures brciaght op frnm tht Lower Provmscr. Ttit prices andi te rune of paymcut canna: be compîsiurd of, wheu they arc comparted with tlcose of lthe mporting Merchanta-as try are in tme instantces 25 per Cevêt. tour- er, and inu noue equailit;g thirs; besidles whichx, the muecriber % il gurantre &UIlthe Watt,.uaderregulsf' tramaei-Amoeig th articles are Bi uffaxic' patent cettinw8 %tobroi, which, for covterence andI elegance, are not secrllt-d ;double end ingle Stove, of diffet- tut patterns anii ises; Po<t Ath frsm 70 to 240 Gallos; Sagar Kette or Pot As Cuolcrs. froin 7ta £3 Gallons; Dmtuh Ovons euh cavr.-with or withoiet m; BELLIED POTS, And'Irons of six différevit patterus snd aises; Tua Ke-tres, Gtiddles. Cart 4& Wagon Boxes, Plougis Irons, Siigi Shees, Smc.4-c. &c. Park, Wbiskry. and! ail kinds of Grain dli bc ueoived bere in barter at the Kingston cash prices. 1A. MANAH AN, .#grWfor Peser Me Giti. PRIcE" CURRENT et tbi ue SWetIWS Manse. lui7. pslattCooking Stovea s i £12 tenai# Complete, - - - £L 0I Double Sme .No. 1. figusnd patte wh ovS of 8Olbe.5 il 0 O eigis; iresfat uin le.it, No. 1 3à«3 81 0 i. inilcgth, S i skestves, . 2ficet do.<do. 410 -0 *3,2 &et3Mdo...3 la c { 4, liant 9 d. d..2 U Pst AmI Kettua ci ail uises at 25&. pur <Jt. AU eaVY MNUI Casioet a25à. pur Cwi. PeAushC4iersN. . s u% i à a or I t £si d*to,1 0 0 Sugr Ketm -% 5~16 ditte. OU O Kiis,~ 4 l ow,010 0 Pets.uicim D"O««uMd sud athros 176.6d. pr Eci,. ýl ;. A MANARA. T NOTICK . TR819stabsrlberbeelsgd*iya~ts Eicet.1tic [Minfl n-resm- us e.talc buJoHN o6TERouvof t&C Taubs in etHa»lloalI, ren f«.pa- ta"s payasa; M maiu"*agdsm iIaiI«C& F*mrasyg, . lu. musa a doart, to Tist e-1-the Brooni: trme lcnard. tcr tht ber% ire of this es. âment.t. tl iIt March nt. whii 'dera ejll lbe opened nt n.y Oifir. s a*'Gdock in the forenooo. snd itl ige tprice mff-red be con*itlered rrasont- amwich of the suit! Plank end Boma ecootracted fur as the rtspctlvc oMi. ay tient proper. :white) Platik, 3 inch. 10.000 ft. superI 2 1-2 5,000 6 Bnard. 1 1-f 10.00 6.' 1 1-6 8.000 ' 66 1 i 5.00 5.4 S43 ' U010 ' '4 '4 54 10,9000 64 * 4 3.8 5000 ' '4 '1-2 5.00 ~ 4 3-4 10,000S ' 1-t ' 14 5.00 ' eOak end Ela te lbe Dot ieu than [cfet long. tof the beforementiond Plant send ccwll bu rtquirtd taobe 4livrrcul forth. md the r. mauinder wj'hin six oniî,hs JN. R. GLOVIR, Naval St'rukceper. eltlevnmrt :coniract. LrICE ib lien by giv, n. that Tenders twill bc recejved ut titi..Quiice until the 4Marcis next, et 0000, [rom msuch per- s taa b. disposeti te coutract for 20WO Buna!lea of Oaten' STIR&W, P WELVE POUUDS £&CE; AlND Ni BMCR DOONS, te use of the Troops, 4-c.-jintis Garri. id drpendrnecits; the Broomaste bc d. don or btfore the 24th of Match, and raw by the 24th of A pril oeil. -Conditions of thse Coatract and the rf Trndir (ta bemde out ina Britis ) ay ie known en application ut this ýand ne proposa %'il be noticed, ne- ade ina the fori prescsibed, anid signed omufficient surets, willing ta become fr the fuiflment ofthe Cnntrart, ais oby the party making the o&fr, wh. agent duly autisorised on bis behalf, iteed at thet ture of oprning the Ten- ,giv- 50V t iplanation rtqairced. Tenders n.ut bu sealed, and endors- t Strstw, «-T-ntrr for Straw"-4h* s, Tender futrlironomu." THOS. HILL, D. *» . . Commissariat Offiro, Kingston, 14:1. F..b. iPn7. SF OR SALE, mud immee'iaîe pos. F sçmgion ! bWtwerft 90"4d i 100 oacetimot Lnd.in the l20 cec- IlMcession of tise Toensblp of Aiot- lchUs * wn, dii-. etly In seat of thse Village; 58 acres of e~ hich as-eheltI under a Lease f rom Gcverament for 21 ycars front Nove se- ber imct-60 acres are in a higi state of cul- titation. Ont t-ie rmniubsthîre are aCotu- fortabir Lng Houme <aquarted) 34 by Ili ftet -sa largç Frame Bara, wiîh Shrds, Oceibous- 1 t'. 4-C. &Cc. &C.-Almoane excCuent Wrl Md tSprint. euh s Stram tunning theegh the -pressises--a g<¶0 ed ue.macly .rnrioeed, > ud a yaung Orctsard, consimting of a varie- ty of P.iar, Apple, Plomb, sud Cherry trsný ansd a Pia. and aete r G ravas. Ail -hici, euth the St andai !Farming Utensils, ciii hi.dispom.-d of very le. For termes, apply ta Henry Causay. In. îEsq. of Kingatnn, ne te MOSES CARNARAN, Foebrosry, 1U27. NEW 60008. THE substrib.~emprectfully informe the Tpublic Ut h lias en banc!, at his .14 sta*d inGrLt tet a qral Assai ment of Wb.ch h. offrs lWtmale Mive vreducci prices for Cash or Country ProsSuce. A. EL IEYRR&P Kingston, Feb. 2od, 1827. N. B-50 AXEMEN simd 25 HORS£ TEAMS wclUl ad imacediatseuploy hy ap- .Plying te A. H. M. TK!II paper wcl coumaie u e g thse Sessonm ealysud accorais deti cg thc proeredkWnofmet iLegislature -, iis prictei on a large lmperîal sbee. t, ieur dom- lars liersamu, incledlmg , postage-Sus terwmteos har.ceived bg ulecgEORGE MILLWARD,ithe A"eatfor KINGSTON, amd ils mujbourhaod, asoby Henry Lmberp Esqure, athMd mel Thoaas ju. Es.uire, Msulm4dnuar ochkeîlIc4 W. L. MACKENZJE 4ebtcdE.hLM E. roue useit pi 1 sset tu 94rt. £Ieicr Miet. visas<M requssecilepruacaiutbeà hgo for W tei JOEN NcKENZW. WILLIAM LUNN Ma.tesmL MLb »sSêSt. beL w8 J 9U.EhT1JT~oa 5.ciLS b~ Wl!. OAI&AT~. K~gsma 254 ~ 3837. .e - - 5 0 444.4 'tre4U7 c,,real. W go C4W5. Lî CONVERSIONS. The couverts frant Caflseliciani le Protes- Thc Tressurer of thse PenaIs Benevoleet ' tanisra. are getling to bu very nuumeroue. Society has mucis pleasur. in sckuowiee!g- i « Soiotiimes they amouet to 50 or 60 in a day. ing tise receipt of a e!oeat.*au of Five Possids le tic coomaty et Cavan, alqne, tiey amountiem t.ou'Ldgo.5 ta 253 ci(hii 2 mentis. fonS.Jh' ogN.5 Onsadeay laît, forlv-iear converta roe! ________________ _ Tise thi r recantatien irons tie Cisurcis aizRene, twenty1 ai Cavais. One of isen,wcudreamse, was To tic. Zitor o f lthe Upper Cem er 1èrPW. a fifty-pounds fl-eiolider, va ted aallie SiRt, B-cUle! last clectiors. Ticeniost Rev. Dr. Murray Perhapa one cf tiheniest agreeable tskscii vas expected tiere, te inquire intuthc castii tat cars devolve tipon mlan, usvie oeca- of lhiC uaiuxpectad and!, it appes nov, ex- sien cài!s for a public expression ofciigeat- teesive impulsa of public sentimirent. itude. 1 lcag, thr.augh 1he medium o'etyur Dueblin Patriot. paper, ta tender ny gratetul acknowledg- ~ Farty-three individesals toe! thoir racan- menîs bt te Protection Iraeracce Comapanuy » tto atSuntiay in Cavais Churci, tiser.- .ethisda arfad u oncict0o ' by macing the total nuaier who have ab--:etelme tHrfri onciufrN w jure! iseerrrs f ppee intica' d C rcthe exc-eding despath iii vi icis ley char ' jurd te eror ofpopry n te %.idChuchgedi their ngent ie tuis place ta, setule the I6th of alouto, within tetc1mIelgit iveki cisc ion- fullameuni cifa>. demntifor nsy unfortun- ions as1 dreae! snd tiirty three. ai o > ie.Tea atuciamr Dueblisn Eéenuisg post. îranemduied by ratura ofPost. 8PRRLAI 0F THE SEFORMATION. This. tct, mc higisi>.honorable tothe Com-. Tht Ennciskilleas Reporter of Thum.day 1551, pany, insples, oay, demonetratas, my abli- OF annotincesîhatun Sîandtyrsoxî, eushursdreit gatianto tender, cqcally, nsy thanke ta their ]L» additioael concerta yull renotince tise ettois resqpectable agent, J. G. Par-ker, Esq. chici e h oi Popery.- Ca-k Dec. 2. I nov do irons thc bottons of my bieart, net Foranh culy fer tise iaeestv andi perspscuity oa ie , se. ani REVOLUTION IN ST. DOMINGO. rapresentatinne te di. compeuy, but for tue liet ra Capt. Oliver, ofithe schooner Maria, arrn- gcntie,,:anly and svmpltisisiag manner in 1 h ved si Baltimec"e, informe thtIthse Goyrerr hicis hoe bas complice!d ihlieir instrue- <rormco of Buracoa rcceived tue day beforehlet lions. loy admirably lhave ail concerned tou tiere, a despaci fron St. Jago, intoeming illustrate the ticuility of mach institutions, Office,I tiat thc Froench consul isat arrived thcrc vien conductei by geetlemen of expera- e-s s train St Domingo, cie stated list a revalu- once, benor, and! feeling. b w tion had broken eut in tht islanti, belveen JOHN SCANTLEBURY. bountef tise blase.Iansd mulattoes, ande! laItih lat- Kinugston, Upper Canada, wel ne tcr isse collected in elarge forces. February 9th, 1827. or u a 1 Mattietws eat sud as itoni otier ut 1 amrn a- uic Entais- beer s a. llectA Cp- vert, (lie eother ha- My vrecol- t lîstanct- s welte- y dancing indteed nentiofl. ýtt w ith nce ot .Van- lageti- icondeuct bulatter inder cf tous andi ifP. P. cemuior. premume te Parlia- ru oa. cal- le Bri- ,Heart& Othe"s; .'t ot e.- cilleel o seul5 1, sud * ehe- ire 'e- ~laue iiirei the. Il