- mm W»A EDEAZD~ M M 4..* -~-.- i ~~LêB9ELANDS 33, sMd 39, i"uin lahe. Sd commm Of etthe Tewmship et igslsmsud hoaàikll!beams ru" M y Co lab.. Iaftsno. 10mudlSu .in ealu oni( PitImurgbvitha mesMil M uabe f ett prerlein. Tht aboes bis ae et su eeilulqsl asd te imberd. Teromet aaumd as.Applihct e ho ma&ste the somer JOHN STIIANGE, Aget fer t* e pietet. mgmo, ein Oct.1826. W .A perses or psrsosetrepsm g e thes aboie lard$ vil b. prmSeted stinheut. M« igof het nsWa. FORt SALBEOU TO LFS.T, ex th in te fret ffl w« e rWw m ; ha bmWf bel.v dthe appnee MilsMOsIebhe marga. f, ble iliver Nappause, eea"Oj 2»0 Acres eri eest Lamdj about f6e Acres it clord 6sud feuo.d, witb a Dwel*flh oueq«a Maeg 4c Ventsu n th i«fléor, imsu os. r om. ou the. sacoud, wick MM gbtseu bc .Umsteda Wo tordithmeb.drouosaseexefeu Moesc *vebtht 1about 30 tbrMoqawUlet s, a Mfvertuant lgsprintget encolentvalt e M the banase:saise. et sueilentBrik Yrd.Li-a or dis propriater gom i the n-Th lepin te. trou"u sd Md i 5he 0Bu% 12ocf f ay, wbeat, Rys, sudPas%, sd part cf dsMc miy be habai a vsluaimfl ARCU'» MCDONNZLL. 30 Octeber, 182. LAN DS IN UPPER CANADA1 O~ACRES, Viz :-Lots No 200 15, 1& i, 18 î, and 19, in the.Ow ýCeUc,51; Ne. 14 and 15in the. Sdi Cemcernl and the mstheru hall of Lot " te i with tiie lots Na. 21 snd 29 in tiie 7th Concesion of the Township of ]Pittsburgh, iun the Coint) of Frontenac, Mjidiaud District, Upper Canada. These Lots are very valuable, au the Kimgtons river rune through them, and au the. pro- jected Canal (rom Richuiond thro Perth, muet paes in the sms direction. M.5, 0 0 h CRES8-Lot lie. 31, in the e Conr£-ssinin the Town- ship of Coenwail, ini the Conty of Stor. ment.Rstera District; and 2M0 Acres, j,« 2j, ti Concession, iu the. Township or %tanners, County of Durha, District of Newcstl.. Tii. viole beng of the buet quality, weli atersd, besring excel.1 lent runber, sdapted te every agricultu- rai purpose, and promasiug tol become very valiable yu the compietion otthe plans in agitation for thinimremnent od integual ommuuncatiaom 17A 1y h ACUS;ryDONNBLL. Bath, Yeb. 17, 1826. FOR1 SALE, OR TO LET, AN excellent tvo-soery HOUSE. situated A snear the Scotch Prerbyterisu Churcb. -nitere s lonthe premme saue callent WELL sud weli-fenced GARDEN. If et the rent wyul be low--if sel, sufcent t"e oes foipay ment. For particularu cqofra eV J, WATKINS. Kiugston. Jan. 17, 152?. ON RE&SON AILE TERIM The Brick floumSa sd twv ISBlscae thei Royal Engloutisai L12 sosvai aseitprepeity. iteui lu tic Vîiliaguof Dirriefieid, tnr Peint Heu rr. Apply for tenuas te C. A. HÂGEI&AI E.ortdproprettor. Es. r h~ JOHN W. FERGUSON. Adraohutous, Aprili12. 1325 milE NOTICE. çpsrt ssruiilp iieetbt etls JL der th i mof PUELPS àSAV"1. la amuulConsenl t heI"pau"is. Ivled. SAMUEL SAWYBEU STEPREN PIIELPB. por Mpe i. sq . tS~.% FrOR S'IL O To LET, T HATeoonrnioosSTONIL HOUSI A inKingStret adousuig the premui orespli bY Samueel Shawv, sq.Apply1 thea Hersid Office or te -JoHn C1198 Klugste, May 20-4, 109*ào. V- are req Tippa te~ sci. MGHLY INTERESTING Tu TaE a HEPdblic aereuetulylirmed liaI LÂNKRSU'BOUGH DROFS&"u PECTORAL ]PQWDERS haisvemmu extensie o u ler Yomrspast prmededdim. selves le ho ose off iii. .051vain" ro ere- "e cirer yet tiléovarti for the cuis of cougins. Colds a" l si fuc thus e .biet ad hmpicladiug toCosuueptluii. Tlios ads bave eperoaced tho happy ofects of bis Hau5iaçBoamm, amimy o e! iii.best eqmctabi hairebve olunalrlygit curtit- caie, tou etoff sinIcti vii mpauv cacdi ieftb tle mvili sallty omm" amt#jiiced mini thut tdismntIextraordlary sud mets- puts crs av utai0 etoreby thet maof et is eisncasesof long atsudiiig. n vincin Othear odict, .iad produoctilne rairourabis c tu . a"vinre the unSl ulli- lipiysiclaubii esenhem spuaiosl1a cure in an cass but of sncb as are incuruhit, thes r ut kWt eubut vitat yl b. g atly fth5iIidv dis us. of theu. Scarcely s cmo d4Cougtu, Pams a u sde, dt. culty aibriratblug. usut cf siemp arising frein usay h. reloivod'b, a timtly nueci tii. fHem- ling maiuau. Escin Dollar etle af ibis uitdiclutcootamu about 40 dome, uhici provez %hou te be s Champ medicia. commi- criog their virus. For tine tartier uatisfaction of thetmlle, die follhvlug Certillcates are o&redfe - rusai. NEW CERTIFICATES Dr. Meilcu, 8kr-The cause of iumanlty demandse ofnme te gir. you the foiiwing statement: bMy mfe bai for sx y.ars been ini a decilu.,aud prooeunced by berPbyi- cian te o cuinàcoosmptive uul, sud vas et- tonded lu. a seere p"t la ber aide, wih s Cougi snd di;cuity o! hreathing. Stie ws' redoced se 80w se ta bo usaNleto te grom lier bed te thefire witbeut aid. Ail hopes Jf her recovery Wu long becs gveu up. In Ibis irtu, I 1vas prevailed upai, su8%laut posalne reBou t. yt itliuut amy hope of suc- cess, te usake use o'* Andrao's 0-Ai 1 Dm"p." Site connm.uceul the use oftbdeun iu February tast snd alter usiug two bottes. to theastouihmnt aofa&U, in the menth of May fui iowing the. healtla ef My vite vas en- nfrly reatoreni, snd sincu whlclt, ber heaith and strtmgdh ivwre perbapi neyer botter.- Feeling a derp interest diat the public lu geu- erai oay resort te tthe samc remedy, wbea tliei friands or relatives arm apparemtiy, or evidently ou the briir oftegrave. te rebcue tin frin dihesute. Yoe amre tliberty te pubha tt hoit. 1 amn respectfullv, S&c. JAMES H. STYLES9. Rkiab*. DutcFaeu cw. (.MY.) Mou. . A1826. This is tueprtify that dis subecriber waià brcught very low by spittiug blond, attenderI it a cougit sud catarrh, and that uodiing a*>rded me reai relief ustil 1 commcnced ta bIng Anderso' Cougla Drupe. tht nue t wvhb vre the manans lunttho baud of God ef rosteinsgus &gala tw a couifortable state of hualth. And 1 do fürtner certify that the. vile of Mr. NathnuHentmngtos, living in the sanie place, vas sSlicteil giti a vrory bad ogh for a aumber of yesra and tisatinl 1828 ali itvas reduScd se 1ev that it was tbought %ehe muuet mm00bc iu ber grave, as si vas scarce ly able towalinfroier bedtte fre, whe e %he commenced takiug Andetam'sCouigi e Drops. the use et wuicb. id a &hert timee au fer restored ber, tbat sie was Boom able tu de a gond day's work. I eau cheerfülly rs- commesd ibis ateuicine te the- ppubli. PHILO JUDSON. Pastor of the Cbirch in Ashford, (Cana.) Aulitru, Sept. 25. 18U~ :r. POR &dLE BT 'l. 3. 16ARMSTRONG&e.. to Kings"o, Feb. s,182?. _____ e, a my t. I. E, uts at FOR SAL, 7j th insf efLot Ne. 12 l in the TàcSLcâoi d et oarugi,cnqIaisiug 100 aers-A-;îpiy,&t t e raid Offe.. Kegulc, Lilyà 10. 182.1 F'or Slej, mie filU SURSE ENI, MARKET SQUARIE, INI«rITONi. T Zsbsriber repealolr equeus iel Tieuoia midihepublic, tist he bhaoe Puwd bis preset flouseilutht Marke are u net aosTaveru, tader thec amueetftin HIDEUNIAN INN, uti a <holoseoSlillctia couaibitcmd coLr niesce viU h. rendered tose ho mneun&p ver "isawith tdiu parossge. And olbors cms isaocommodmtd vidi Hoar and lodgatut, s.modem ratwems, by tho dal eti, or »S*.D.CLINDINNINO. iagmw% ,»Sinuly, 183&5. I ~1 M AD as hmym. ty Mr. MaQues. dtNew-1 VeIDn1. capable of duilg lv. rusaofet1 etones sd CUrIagmacfine. 1i%0 s oos eau b. 10150005 isDeVi tW 5 1bOfaDwRiBtIrl s&e pluan ca laIAmerkemiateat.by vilin me valsile "opora m aepeefeemi vidi ose Ir.-or 1uame peru6ma a mly aI U*s Heral Oumic. X.atie. wIs a.~Gru L.uud ltter D. ilu tint Tevu'oblP tPitts- iorgh. viR be prcmected s Ioo te ut - V«ky ofIJNUT MAIN. mm alq«i mes o spuue for. uer Witt Isdtui un ce" amy d3t"or o4" *m my acr& làb)Wy asmeor ehierwi@co My peuw alrai vuuine u & Jà«. McAlui MAX mert th indebtt (0 mat NOTICE. Lpe osb*Vkig demus againathle stat auif ltI.LOUIS TAPPAN, qest 1te- thons te Charlotte 1FoA= in edssard su main. mmedi ýmeQt. csems.l<ov. 10, 1826. . ýYOTICE. .Penéooia burîg aites agaluat the sAtate of the laIe FREDERICK TIR- r o Pittsburgh, -art rtqouaud to pre- hmue djsu ansd ai permau ted tesaEstair. are herr>y required dLe immedièce paysme« to the suijuri ROBERT RLCHARDSON, taors. Effigto. lune 13, M86. SIIERIFK'S SALE. Midland DiÎtrict.1 N Saturds,, the. Te Wit. 10 firth da, of May neit viii be sold ut thie Court He.sem th. Town of Kingitos, the foilowiug lands ts belong:ng ho lijacinti L St Germain, seized b y yvt...! ait Ezevutien issued ont oif! imajesly' Court of Kiuq's Bencn, te me directed. at tine suit of George Mtiii. ward, riza- Lots cuinher Twetus inithe. first Con. (West of the Carryinj; Place) of the. Trowship of Sophissburgh, containing ee huadred and .ebly.four acres more or legs. Ail porsons, haring dlaims on the aboe. Lands, or any part tiieroo, by mortgage or otiierorise. are required te usne the uarns known te mie on or before the dav ef male.-SaIe te commence at 12 o'clocki, noeu. 8Ierff M. D. ngrlen, .TanvO51/ 3045,1827. SHE[UFF'S SALE. Midland District, fN Sattumday the, Ta Wlt. SI0 fifth day ol May nest wiii b.e Wat theCourt IleesO ln the Town of Kingston, tIi. fuluwing Lands as beiemgimgto IHenry Murney, seizail 67 vir- tue of an Execution isaued ent et His Ma. jesty's Court ef Kinils Benc h, te me direc- ted, at the suit et Christopher A. Hager. main. iz t- Water Lot No. 23 Towno f Kington., Lots No. 67' sud 08 l inse d Coucesiiion, Lot No. 67 Sd Concession, antd Lot Nu. 27, end Concession (romin àe sie, in the Tuvuship of Ameliasburgin. Ait Pertont having claime son, tii. ubove Landi, or any part tinereof, by liorh.g8*e or otierwise. are required ho make- the saue knows te me, on oir before the day el ta.- alehocommence ah 12 o'clock, nom. JOHN MACLEAN, K! Jso..auuary 8OL, 1927. t i. k. i r, ]M re<W*s tud the. Puark, fwe i h- rai enoergmt whib.bas reeed in Ïte a iscinet huiassa. Ur lte lut toutr ars sdresnoily is itiomtes tinatb. e buMOVRD t. tiensomes direct e poulebi hOld %a. e oor ho hep.., y a strict attention te haimes te ensure a oiare of Public upport. 0::r AVAL Umirmus and Eeu tem. Kiagttsn, Nov. 2leu185 ADVERT18SRMKNT. bertn thlude tiiudCoeim or e mst Tous, fonitvofe (m i M21b y ltVib. Me Usques"ti tine tbel* o.leb mm, sore tb.SM lu y wieti= ut"t .jom =-Lep ISA" nfu%%. the 1 Ut Otb.f p~cah or B»eo psitt 1 Rs~s ] fi Il I 8 I MKERiFF'S SALK. Mland District, i j'N Saturday the 231h To Wit. S%.r dity ofAprit u<xt. ai he sold at the Court Houte in the Tuais of Kingston. tht tollouir.g Laed sud Teno. mente, as belouging toi Bartoin Phiilips, sei zeti by 'irtuc ef a writ o! Execudion issued out o!f iM aj1esîy's Court o!f KiWs Broch, tu me Circcted. at the suit o! John Everiti, via : Lut nuuher eveteen, o en he s eidet Pinacle Street, ln the Tewn of Belîville, lu tie Courtti ci Hastiags, with the Buildigs itais cu rected. ,Nil persons having cdaims on the abois land,.orau, ppt thereof.,by Mertgage or otherwnse. are required teusale tteaine koîmouwn te me,ou or befe the day.!etbaie -sait to cosemce at 12 e'lck.. Doon I01n --MAC LEAN. Yoisasy22, M27. JOH-n RUTTER, B EGS lea& e te retu rs bis slsc re Ilins ne thse Ilailats of Kbn..for liu immedly oxertions linsauig isi proptrty st the lut ire lathe marknet place, at, tes peatfuully Itoruis bis trimuds andl tho Public gmre.i bat hin nomevcsrryl n lt ad- mess At the Store iateiy .eupied b, M4emrs NOLQY 15 Ce. Wrsi. e ofthe UMinet Iquatme. vieeh. vai beep sonsteuhl? om bandi fer sale, as usuai. a geraassorwtmmet ci Ladies'. Gulmy',sdYsl' Ji TERI FR007 Buaver, KuaP i sd Wool Ham.; FUR CAPS, Bonnets, Mittena, Gold andl Silver Lace, and l Tmminga of ers- ry description. The viole of vikhobcviiill Il atas 1ev pricrsa n thinu opurcnusdeluibrre for Cash, or short approved credit. lu 'couaimlermtion et the tom he isnlateiy uuitaimed, bc earuestiy solicits thase uho arc iudebted te îlot, tither by Nuie or Bookn, wo settle apitinoir respective dues for 18265; tud, ail iaring demanda against bhue. art re- questd ta prssent thons for ad>ustintt. tri CASH, sud thse iighest price psud for Han ing andI Slnpplug PURS. asgto, 1 VAD«. 1826. FRESU GOfODS. HEsubseriber, grateful tor puit la- T 'ars, respecttuilv iegsieave0 ta la .cinity. and tePubli c perai that birbhm just receired a very extensive muppiy o! Liqtwrt andl <koceries, viii a sumber of articles tee momerous t: 1detuil; lhe vol. of which le parposs sel. yling very 1ev for Cash oi Produce. MICHAEL ERENN AN. Kiiugdon, 112k Dac. 1826. t i Wland District, jN Samurdar, the. 12th To Wuî. 5 N.0Fday of May iut, .111 bc »IidM the Court Hut, inthe Tows of Kiagatlmu the fotieviug Lanids aud Terne- sieste, a belomg lte John Ryder, seized by virtue dta a eul isucd eMte!of HiaMa- icUyls Cuior tof Kwngs Seti, toe edirect- cd., et thet soit of b MiajahPur Vi »- Lut neuler thret. l in couicenlea of the Toupsibip et Lougntuoougin. All pers» esa arug aim osthe absit laind,, or a"y part ther.e by msrtRags or oolmeriseart reqluired ol t e ds ismarne kuiov te é, eon or bel'ere thes day gIsait -Sales t4amece et Il opeloin, urne Jeux. MAÇWASe iragt ,2m imma7 1827. PUBLIC NOTICE. ALL¶ssefundeithe . b.Eswae ed A bsova t mpes.Ieeha*,R" bear wiMediee 7mmOf mm" onmttled alertii fet off pa nuit *01 postiveiy!lasplScedu ins e i et ms AtterY oi u eectisu JiN MAIL, ' L ATUINBON5 El . STILNTON, C 3. NICKALLS, Ir.) PUBLIC NOTICE, ALL obmwhstlag dmmuis pnal ii sýo3 , , lsToouélp ed YrvderWWWnsiurt oa brm ïioiili epreentthon fer à& sal Liss ueberci qralte name psy.osrin * TO I<ARME~& - for eues e 1 4S D dMousias insh VALUABLE PRLOPERTY Foit SiLE. O N the FIRST day of AUGUST. 1827, betweca the boers of TWELVE r'. elock, A. M. aud TWO o'clock, P. M. will iii sai, by Public Auctao. t tc high.?st bilddrr. et Klsgtot, ilu tic Province ni Up- per Cânatia, IRON Wqj'joRKS.71 TlhIu e ins are tousted intins Towuship ut Marmora. inoeCoenty of! istingu, lu diîe Medand District of the n" Province, and areceteemned ont of the meut valsaNte properties lu tht faunderyhUe, lu Briti North America; and eue, Il ibsiuleaWtd, whnch cUot I ail, mider prepermanage- mnt. ta trealize ta a parchusar, profiessel- tis arisiug to Capitallisfrein gItet uvesi- utents of Capital. Tâcte worhks (*-n the establishmnt of whîcb, upwartis o! thlrly thnuand pounds sterling havoe beau expendeti) cousitot Io Furniics, tihe nte capable of ytelding tua tomi, and the other one ton of Iron un itic ewsunty'fùar hetrst, viith teecmssary build- juge caîwctrd therewith ;-u Forge for the mnufature a! Jr Iren, with fourF&resassc tueo Hauunr, s Sea Mill, Fluor Miii, uri Mill aud Taumery, ail lupelieti by w ater, of viicin diere n »a uouaut sqppy-Cdrws tee's sud Bacbumitin's Siiopa, eli provid witb tht e euamry tools-.Baiu1 fHum. aW fourten cemfortaleDvtilfg auistirsc of whid are weU udteàl for Taverasorlarg famnilias, vith In tino sal TovndshpuurroosngStbe vorn -.&ud 8534 acres lu thse adjt4eiubg ovsi, of flent, lu thse uwcC utielret. fà ubieh a deed inufte viiib. given, sud ope whici art luexiaut"le n sof Ot, Si C uf o!a good quality. ithI 1500acres q 'dn' grmsted caudiicsslin perpetue b dit Government, as fuel reservus the coi clitiom bb iait atthe work» asre «ver pci inittal tecesse, thi« ca lOC eISOycars. Theo dustauce at presct.at i iantt Wornu areapplied viiaCharceel, la ho twes vo am« tirre lls-dteLake Ot as brooght by %rater, l'e miles-sud cdi. Ore uanfol IDle b.saploye lalu be malil of Cioé Ibom, la hrougbh by laod. iadàtes et mu miles.-Ore ef dit pereatquai baown aintino britinProvince%, may ha ha se a su2slztd tapeuseof uisug, vidiu fev arntr ds o f theo Works, miii Ch 'w bici. s yelow ccire, Me mrd, sw 'l'hm WS m cubLb utenCrc River, a mcile below tint Crov Laine-t) brter, lutern4Ul dbynisuy lrerepiu cScm htS ue IaRver Trenu db cistaa b, lnd teotie Nenin d tbisTrte tins bc of navigation,.a31 tmiles. Tht à" tmaadrerlsecSut vili r adiatofise easmerstuao ff smamy adhi tua"cf dii.prqwrty, mis it tin. p 1 p o s e o e tis p o i t r , b y m y e z a er a i stteloe% te=dse aosdewirous su pi Chname.te tUstluwtpttU5tcaiw cave le roub et pelialqcl tablou beres mée oet teypersoviev plan et ds e nin ai tlie dWsreti wu tgç*luL edsLweril, Nuià ve et.sS,.5.lu viin, naIsU 51hm Umev . *kw"lh mjwu je 'esiM.dmo , 1 oq* . ..aU. %AWîjmZA M&b é.e htnuuuir I. Men or orIo aiwmv*T la idwL M.tpsl JsI 1, 181f FIRE IXItkîul niagion Insurane JOHN G. PAILRI 5tagdeu, U. c. Insuranvie Company, QI Ru4tbr, Ccicvl, 0FFRS to efikI Insurance on ti " atComnpany on Dwellinî H.,1<, StagesWarelioufts. Factorirs an DB â iugs ln generai, Merchanduzm, J~ Furi»re. Vends Building orw îla , dicir cargocs, smd every destripticf aoul Propeity. agnut Losa or Damage loy iRre, Aiso OU STEANM-BOATS sPM rvtry ohe celptimof o!vt55tI witli (luit cargoei .E.Q Lýo r DEfllgeAbg nam Vaj Thetlevmo itd aieast firaurable M tlnose of auy tiier Company, and ilt for lms. iii bcitbertlly adjuntul sam rta- l eWILLIAM W. ELLSWOR rH, THOMAS C. PEiis, 1%10 rýrDQ teCr:5j eno JM N"l u W. E u lieîîrY Hind,. mm, Porter, lodenicn TeMr, ulia Brw, Edward Watkin,,% nrkir .Cha-pin, t.baries 8. lPbIp% me B Huamr, Fredericn lsom, ban Mops &~ i. ¶ il: k ~ grd ( > rthm p VI i uch D3 e:l Wr- 411hav TO t'Fe$ kdis otMé «nc usèa gàdimnt « 'T - 4~>- 0. à let& -1 1- i---- 1 irti 1- --i tu 1 - 1 i - - 1 at tl ie re ee M 1 - -1 -1 IdHERIIi<'S SALE Midland District, Of N Wedtday lb day of Falaruary u-ext, gui b »ho Cnart H"ua0 le the Towa et Kioguoc, th et a wrix o..pli.muard nt of HW% Nb iesty's Court of! Lna'îb &âcb. tuome t1rcto at the suit of jasues Nik"ls, luwiicr, Vis: Lot sumber fiftecrà sud batl o!fkt sua fointecn u. inoe irst caucesion, soth vil of Groen Pýilt, li the Towtàhip of &bM" burgh.-A1se, The rear part of Lot riumw. thirtra, in die firbt concessîso. ce thv DBq oft Quasar eeau of the Carrymg Place, in il Township of! Hallowell, comntag one lu drrd acres, more or tras. Ail persoa bang daimis ou thetaboi Lands, or amy part thercof, by Mongse ollierwWs, arm rquirareto te ake d,.bus inon ono or befor tht day of ue. Sal e hecmmence et U u o'cl, k. noiom JOHN MACLLE1N. sLoriîd 14. Ligston, Noveuber 2,1~o SHERLFF'$ SMALE. et Boeàsud te se dfrcled. in &-v ofou SeLord tedi.ng aoaitJaf liesgier, 1 shall dispose o e fb.f.lswweg e perty. beloogilugtethue Mid James nme, et Public Aucties. aI the Ceu ourt Ris el, bTowna of Klagsemn. ou Suturday td i *MU day of Jus. soit, ti-Lot Ne. Bine s a m tainrTovu Plat ld Mon oLassol by Ju sad llagUtalIs ergu o utheslie C*b Stuart, line the nt CowetaWsof tbm Tomè* of lgsss1u i hloh id Town Plut isge* knowu and cailed by thes saie ud desripi of Stuartdihl. LaIot e Tr letbswio f s»d fotwe i ela tof t IDBgusAbÀ Jlm&sNe. vive Msud iees uin the lli" yb shere is nd Toutofgtheaeof t *c d i n 1 o s a " m m & o u e ms t h e C r le oa m " * lu <h o n id To v a e t Kin g sto n,.sw u i Sthes occupahleaoetJuples W. Arm.Uoi, 1 Seste teks Pla"eai 1? oek Netm. JOHN bMACLEAN. ip Ehgam, u*n1 er, 182. W o. ~ ~ ~ ao M eSl& eI5B<i~ l alOfl Lm L th.u King, fsg bosttiL-6du d Toi. mgio<j<ubU iwodots De Monte, uuL-I wsem br irma sd Egil n lu'oe XMA or Eeerve in the nid 1%m» etKIeGitet. o als to comSm taITvelvo Ao'lbe ME JOMN McLgA'4, ty Kisgdtmi ltin Daesnb, 1826. ud vu SeMgme. tht e aisuerL f~a d1 cem ee oM!=ln u toIe*g Le t ofl(. aiC "nranewlui o Tst' Mil ffryl ermi in e miiTewsofI 0 $àmSitt Io moue.t Tuvo .1e a- JOHN >IBIAN" or- .,ILER yr- II Prk-ht qsre h wil t ssle.ysvà e. lo e 1 W Creeg y m mml~M WROOustA mh ~ bisoePrwy Nr#in '. 1 td M ki lip 01 by kt tel a ci QG Ca m rk