Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 10 Apr 1827, p. 1

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[W? moi F: SROi ta ymnu'nt of Ivelvee )tt,.MIt49- rcw 2tis-and lu like proportbe fr.a greatey s papers disconintlue& nutil amans 'pid ecCePt at the OPtiomcE-tht Piub- p,,uereceived iu paymcnt, a the [rket price. Lcttera tathe Eiitor nusî bePosir PAIrs S; x 11 nC3 ar d under 2# 6d fiest iuscrltoti, i 7d 1-2 cach subscsquent inscrtlcea l'en lines and uader, 3a 4d fira ifstrti9tl. i l eaclî snbsequartinsertiolcAboie ii lines z.1 per liue for thet Irsti autat n, d Id. per lue for verY tb..qsmnkl isr- 4 lK» xPlat rob'acuo, SD amrted wîndow glus,4 l rie V».: hS s me Leather, 3W f - àVp-r HaaEiov, 4M tI.Pattory Shetn<s andi 1 . shirtine - 20 Pirces Sitenets, assortorti Vir'. 400 Famb:ny'aGraus and -Cradir 60 Pairs %vool Carda. 2W0 Yards 6-4 lkd Tick, $00 Lb>i. Cotton Yarn. A qqantify of Càndi. Wick ai Cotton 01<1 met Ythag Hm. ,Tvaakey anti Hymon Tcgcthcr vith apa l ausonmt,of. 60-Barrels Mets andi Prime PORK. ABRAHAM TRUAX. March 12,1827r. ion. Alvrrtisements vith out writtca tiirectian rnserted LUIiiforbidi anti cI>sîild aaco Ort-,rs for liscoiitiflhing ativertisemnents be in writifl Adevemefs fkor insertion to e .dciv. roti on tht msnrning preceding the day of XECuTED AT THE HERALU OMFCE. ~Os WONEU NOTION 261b fan. 1827. Hi abr ibcrlnov scnding doc. ta the Agents of this Ettblbintan'ent, at ogtnn, Et lita ille, the' Trert, Cotourg, anti art Hope, large assortuents af its Wares ,i Castngs. which. in quality andi appear ce, far surpassa the Wares brought up cmn the Lower Province. The prtier and terais of payaient tannon, complaned of, whrn they are compared tii - oeoftiimporting Perchants-as y art in soane instances 25 per cent. lnc. an n oue q iaiig theirs ; besides ch, the subariber wili guarantee ail the ares unlrr rogiiir trealment. Among the ides farc B*tifitoi'& patent ichi, fr c,nvinence andl elegance. are flot crlled; double andtinmgie Sioves, nf dJuir. t patterns andti miss; Pot tAsh nm 7oti 24o Galions ; Sugar Kettlis, or ot MlhCoolers, frouaY to 15 Gallons; Dutch ven; weh rcvr-with or 'rithout 4ct; BELLIXED POTS, nd frons of six different patterns andti aiss; es Kttls, Griddles. Cart & Wagon Boxes. 'ioueu Irons, Sleigh Sinces, &c. &c. &c. Pork. Whiskcy. andi ail kintis nf Grain wil lie rect'ived here in barter at the Kingston Casé rics.A. MANAHAN, X~gen for Peter mcGilZ. PRICES CURRENT t tibjt wairmoira MUarrea. Pitent CookngStoves with u- £1 tensils rcompîcte, - - - ç DOOStore No. 1. figureci vatrrn with oren aof 80 Ib.> il O O wcigin, Ilîree fret in letigth, ' No. 1, 3 fért 3 51 in. inle hgth. ,1 51 ý1&1gieStases,- ' I,2fett6do.do. 4100 13,2 fret 3 do. do. 3 10 ô te 4, 1font 9 to. do. 21le O Pat Asti Kettles of ait sizes ait 25s. per Cet. Ali lîeavy Mill Castings at 253. per Cwt. Pot Asli Coolers <No. 1. 25 Gall,$, i O r et11ditto, i O S 0a Ktls. " 316 ditto, O1 Sugr Kttls.Ici 4, l dittb, 010 O Pata, Kettles, Dutcli Ovens and owher warca, 27j. 6d. per Cet. A MANÂHAN. ~ami THOMAýS BAMFORD, PHAN KFUL te him <aentis andthei pub -Sulc in g neral for tise vcry lbcva p- ort gven to i hm in, bis nid resldence, begu Nctcav ta irforitheas nov, (patularly tise ,Farmer,) that bct suas taben sud flttd op lui a cOmf irtai>îe manner, tise honse lately knowvn by the naine or the HIGHLANDER. "' MaARTSREET, sealy opposate Mr. 13a Nrton's store, cher. lac hopes.,by -the niait Stict attention te their coudait, *C. te met wîth their continned support aà" favari N.B...Ex clilent Stablihg snd Yard rana. Kingston, Duc. 101th, 1825. M G be .16b*. maittes oashtav, ThaiVerteu'heuand eflentbillocs bore. Troa îasati<ac vodaasa evaflate. Tht huit atM. vis.., lms e »sw dcpiere. Ausepd tla.l Vis iits te Our shoie, That beaVefrnue fon'd on nture'a nobiett W"y ne destructive tempest round tbet roar, Ferleo! display'dnu thy maestic van, 1 ste tihe sembance oaine ertiuearMm! Tel ami tisonutinadequie te cear 11ie name-osem mi, of trualy noble beseirg. Was vaste, ýtisaistht coriti of vaters-wbert They kusdthy ptoc, e sportive eidi, Nie image ibumtd.fold, stihi et appearina As if «aCh cave bis meaory respeetesi, Or aueltiag, mm n atest%, mule, smroing sud dejecteti. GAR1DEN SJ<EDS.- lvIi Of intercou Wiîb fruit .7i7E just recrie-.d a cboare siaortmcnt iu goldent H of tie abovt. WARRANTÈD 0F Tvo nation LAST YEAR'S GROW TH, clere may Sare tisa: c b. hai as trasI. ly Mutuel AG~ Ton noar tc Toc far *pi That boat i andi evPrv other article ia the DRUG anti Centenuial STATIONERY lot on tise mout rrasolia. Tfel bie terma. sroâ Kingaton, Marels lSeh, M8I. - Sm An emioleu FIJESII GAFRDEN SEEDS. Asmyet uasi A new assortme-e of choice Garden sceds, for saie by the sabscribur 1t Store Stre-et. ORANGE HAYES. Marci 19th. 6w GAIRDEX VSEEDS S AVED by WM. ADAM ai York, Upper Canada, and varranteti ta bc of the bcst quaity, for Saie by N AM R Druggest andi Apothecara. Mat ket bquart. Kingston, Uiârrh 2(th, 1827. Wanted by the Su!nscri!îer a f.-w Barrels of for whfrh dit Highest Prievifl <l u« JW.- ARMSTRONG. Kingston, 19Mh AIoecA 18£7. ti. A LL persans are hcrct>y cautionetilagainst îîruraing or taking a tranafrof the following Notes et Hancl : vis. Fane ofTiuirty Nine Dollars cach, vaine rere lrc<l, payable in Septcînber or Ortober, 1827, 1828, 1829. andi 1830. Siven to Davil Ost, rhout or, brarer, of Grcect, State of N. York. Two Notes o~f Fit, Dollars ecdi payable in Sacptember or Octobtr, 1817 and 1828. gir. en ta William Cotof Penàelti. State of N. York, or bearer. Anti one Note- of Th-rty Dollars, payable istoc k, Nov. 1827, ta Wil liam Osterhout or learer, oif Hillber. Uppar Canada, by the mubecriber, vlan buasmnre- ceiact value for thue samr. 1na2y <>MTEXIMUT.- Hiler. 2I Febnsa"v 18m. 4V. T NEeaoeedtn Quis, Merchants tif dis Tocwn.v"a car i-.dl on buameas unaer the naine andi Iran of Walter McCtmiffle,8& Cô, ettpire t ntise SGth of April last. Tht butiness Witti*n fia ture ie conducre tir bv tticerignW la hlI ova name, snd te ilu ail atebta dosethse firm arc ta lut pali. WALTER ?4cWcuxFE Kingstoni 28th iiyv. 1826. adurlent n.,bt au thm .treyy uebt WV vettre ir *the crediter *lk Inîtqv andi Indulgence. Scavcelv asn âsante. said UT Haliburton ije ir kne.vu vlire the body cas takep cher. tisee.cas yrgl cotte; »ed tht best proof of-tibis ed ajethe fact, that i the returns Iately ma*t te bis E=cl lrxy on the state of Our jaila, there vert s<veral sacre there w4s net a prisonr-..not a feticr in use. lt vas aêin theCouty of *Aanapolis asti Mr. Stewart bore his testkmo. ne tg the sMmc tact as regârdtthe County iC.ambtrla.ttl. The insol vent leitr's act, ms kt t présent existeti. vasi fact a niki, moderate, temperate law, anti operates, saîi Mr. B. Decoîf, net so muçistg e iprotec- tion of tise Credlknr, et the 1)ehtnr. Mr. Muanoca uaidttat he bad i steii.d citis delight te the. higWay adorsieetisloquence citi which bis Learneti frienti frount po- ul*_aona a former day defentdeti the rightsansd stael tbe sufflsi oa ffilafeli o is, aMregretteai 10 see that eloquence. cisich like &.-isLW W dgt baie lhs km.. cede *gIê or M, nov brôonrbî iuto the lista- te àipport princapies at varience with hiumanlty. The late Rlouieci amsembly. te their honour be it tolti, bad svePt suay that odious libel on our Statutes-the attachaient Law-and hc tmuteti1 the patient Houa. would take th#a an as as. Pic, antisweeP avay thast remuent of a barbar. aou age-the confinement of the debtor. As a profeuiaenal mms he bad fsenth ie op.ratlor!e ibis Iav arreat. lu one instance h. laid men &a man vis. ball reacheti bis 8jtisyear, endi chose besai vas silvereti vitahaar" baie, dragged te a prison--ot for tic perpose ofcbtaluing aroper.l ty, for it vas buowc iedt none ; net for tise piarpose of paanising frauti. for sueb s'asuflot imputd-but beeause be b.d an industrious mou& aud it wuathouehîîhat ie, ratlr thon al- 1ev bis parent to rot ini jail. could cotoe fer- card and psy tht dci,'. Many etiser instantes cf equai severity b.d occurreti cith ia bis eva practice ar knuwicdge. Ht had becn la ia. il part of thse countrv, but h. bad nerer visitet anyjail and fouud it cnipty , aissough bc hbpid heday vas aut distant die* ne inocent man coulîl be confineti chhin the q came vaila as thet Ual-f, the frimai andithe1 merderer, ss a prisoner for drei. la Engi landi a Bankrupt lawc xisteti, chicis prmdeti1 that ifsa mn gave up bis chole property lac recrivcd a discharge. anti vas thos enabied 1 te bogie the world ane vwith a chance of surmomsting bis difficulties anei vorking bis wa te fortune. Beitite if a petss voe the re -arrrsteti for dcati n y Coety. h coulai petitioa to lie remowect te tKine'm llcncb, te ewh ich teevas autcht a 9tr vidte liberty. In lwc~r canada is. tbere 1 cas no isuprisonment for dezz, tnisthe Crecilior cas.veady te scear that he b.d rea- sou ta suspect, that aisr Drhter intendeid to alscsad--.sal». in the, Uaited &%ates and inl tht na'lghbouring Province. thty hati titan lva, imite te thear JaIS. The pestentbil vas hrteaadcd te in.rielarve a part-.ise1 essence aoflb. Haglasis *s'"4av 1 te do acay witls the. ssttmo arret-but mesrl. te usadify IL Mlthaugh he Wealdi concetie and guard tiscjast rigliiso the crçd- itor ; it caa surely net autant that the usas.. cent andi unfertainate debter shoulti be pls. tai et bis merry. Ht cntertained sne wMshte proteet arlme-if fratd u i vasd mtoedLet it b. puuisised vith the atss eee.m cau be te lic imprise iandte lbe depredt of GiP"q airoensa [Dré sspicloa.-, Mr. Uniscime "s.enter-iatgure bue lo l. to tii. pexpuaes of the bih. Me staula èêOse wcltllilately ocuein l lis o« paotiée (itoe doude iasyfbiasus ta ni ý.oe Of bis Chiot moives in biaglg the. u Amia. der their consitieration. Sai ebi predonsia C stos nrewsenupea thé Boa". ý Mr.U.1 aise ra v the bih Clase~m, by is»., sd0 commentait apon tact 4 v. ent o>aag. ne sali tisai it oertai ysemetianses me bar& t ship ihat an boueti but moafbumaae deuta miglt aeliaqsush b biscoe paotysa" ob- taisé thomé"uest <blésI~ taarehsse b m. 'bc.two 'sb - log anti arcin, iarefuse, *MacoM i lia dotai eatry f Wusas u noent mme te b. mulf e sa u a m i vsta , la m a. u m dss- a lsp. m'a " dlaaetite e ity wu «Mt é ete a *r bis qÏ #ve Wisat myoiras puspccs. Wbe as innocent m0" foreve, ta b. riineit,* m oU a dond i vcight nç MoM bit lae euhte- huer dou sud grees hua energie%, baveause s*. ori twO ilfbemra"sperseoutiag endossa..nécuebA igreat minai that latent sources grss. nase, andi Iosded every bide Las of cemnmarc-'lcasàa 1mb <bat spd 1union, the distant vide. r-sasmuite in AI beside, of rivai son, te rival si". offices of iireouru. allie&, to lia-m ininever-endlnc ires )a te harperpetusimowrd and fire. cbotalt h. cf adamast or noît. d f groct. or of duration. asureti henatl the woiman' in ofthe baSaI or ekser fnation, ait May eiat.ceur a mestion arén, it still could aisrc.ly falit mr hope. cf lending faut still mack, sjg er kis corth haît toltiltise tale rng ws revee'd a" ilov'ti, ciscu id ce smocr hoeait I du eviu Thonucenàt mot buRWeî ciel, Wayward cave Moere firas than he iid, aga! nat adverse fate A. rock he t.od-wbca ess oftrsoble cave- Anti fortune voo'd andi won herfroin her biate. 'Gaimîst vindand sud u bis spirit pmessd elate Of humat ircummtsnce--like thet new poerc Whieli drives tht.' sumrge, in dreai state, Wben steacn.propeliing. lords il eawn o'ev. Anti iss controla ber wratb, uitiag shore te We sac bm creck'd, the mandate vws hie Our lmis l an-lrke a vise menthsnt , ht insur'd tise whole froin rocks, froiu shosis and9 brembersq , . bm a m-sat.-of ernity. 0ogn a vIrae on an tanke4acu Ms, Tolad, a promise, in a brglit. real, Whre swro. douht andi pain for ecicr flee;C s ki lutPilot stce,.iug at the hein-; Nýo etormy am eau now lis Vessel overbeim! Titis frail usemorial fom an ankmnv lyre- Mis Widov'd mae-I dedicate t you: Faer ail che hsetbien, knoviag did admire. 'T'as unbougbt reverence, iles thas wushis When vo bis m"Ily vartes thus rcview. Andi mark bis probity. bis Worth of mind, t As iteei ta the pelar Star rams true: nie liveti au ornement te humas kinai And dying, left. if auj, equalIefo bebid?' C Liverpool, Jan. 23d, 18U5. for the puvri a< prtenrting fWiolàusarrost vas is en takou p ntwdm - uod 1 yîbatparit dîhiuBleaypetm wlanscdebteaubmuoted tea a estaie sm ceo4 Wus C0mpoeft re . ia trust deil te t iret of bis principle tesliomsaosigsing ta tisemsam hm sreal asti Pr SInapropffly for tise graeérai beiacît of laiscredioma;- tatis h. vas to sccar cootalordma b.. vas amudC rr,# bcvasu teobe rcletidfre* alilfur1 tbeM' duS. i.aw et érîbdus pffla Th* soqilgswiss eft te b. ospovcred teoeili thse vr. proaolaeaelith sm% due the basa&mpt, sa pg te Ibm coedat ite hir precoodimatieikt .easing tt hOomect augtmte wMupIt of tWbIsenhe..pers». te the nuaIi v% thte retikar costa1 aveu' 5h5alie Istictithe tciewr vauabouti ta leae tbeftwmo. Ur. ma hg ositi b *ppvomei4té *is ïrpw dlp. 4le bI&ae k 6 ., E$av*t mul b« îw 130M twmm b..aat IM y i b*t brt c. c mMM*1 hea tgt ow aqsOMýs'p andi b.euststi simE u w -T NOTICB. ~OR SALE, and immedlte poi- sesonaven. m beeca 90 and Cts ftise Towshlip of Mo-W 'iaua 'jwn, dirretty in rear <O'tht Village ; V Sac--f scf %.bih art held unutitia Le...' $ô% "'n (GOvernment for 21 yeafraie m Notm rend "" kit...60 acres are in a bigla steis cf cul- M4, t 'Sifion. U0a tht lremiaetthiecre a Cet- ctable Lni Homse <quartai) Sth. 2 i-tTo .~lFnm Barn; vita Stantlsoitht5- tw&. e &r». . &...loanexceiotW Il éant 1ep bprune. witl a Strem ro=alg lIv-b lie *W Paeile YsngUciraeomsî. isvalt* leOà Pt-arA 0ePlomb mindaw Dyfn , Pl 4 "ncane tw 'vtit Se disp«ost f v"r7 opS Celui,, Ialy t, tlcury Caagdy. ti citb «Q«a çri ie Lskerprr e i b ,s ut e-uW & Sb cultis t4ones, .tut co.sgireu hoctç*r, tr**..vnqulIaa' obeh i ttnla i qu r d b itdhts in- Iln14pîrare.,lt Usualva atpt tWeI,. hinrs b: day, itting on tihegrogud. , tis one bure oier the ethr sud bit chiui reaiig 011i h, andi, ch-as net as e p se assihe greaber part of bis tiaut lu smoking. King George Ill. oncc gave directions fotr clneing op a gate andi a ruastinh bis Par; of Richmondi, chics isatibcen frtetutafoot pas. engers fer many Yeats. A cii. a of iiiRal. moudvise fouad thse marI cuvn..nt te tise itihaitants of that %illilage tonkup th, CRUse for hii neigibhors. He contetded. that. ai. thougb thet tiorougMatrc might have b,a enigin elly an encroechment. ît had laccomte a piatsic propert y hy tise lapse of tinte. anmi b1r pvescriptivc riglat. andi that bcse uld cm. pèl tise King tu recew it. He- brougbt bie soit wi5hamat iscaiathig. loto a com tcfjus. tic " aniaineti lis procras. IUWM nRob% iteisdied in 1785. ia the r5tl year of Wbasgt, vae à prinoAl deienu f *». veut Gardensta"eina1731, aand fellocet ber profiesson, by priva. tenching, te tht laitr- ofilber lite. 8h. li itauich eelebr'îy il abr day. tlsat, baving ont cvenisg uspra ineti ber an- Cle, no lmi an acter than Quin cas erdereui by thse usaer te mabe an apologo te tfie audi. ence11 ber net appearing in the dance. Quin, via. loobed utpen anl daincers as@a-the ai" egarnish Of tbe -stagc," ut lest demarrcd ; but beingr threateneti cils a forfeiture, bc gtociuglydame forwarýd, n l liscoarme cay. thias atidresseai tht audience:- " Ladies and gentîtaien,[am desireti by the manager te îsf.rm you, tisat tise dance iitentird for tbis n;glat le obligeai te hc pustpoaded, ou accecn of Mademoiselle itolan hasv*-g disncated ber oncle &Icisà ltbad been ber neck.» DanusI,, Jan. 1IL SUIGULM& CU"E. Dr. Ansi, ,of this city, chose fortunate tures of three cisiltiren, hboedeaf sud dumb. , v bave airesdy mntioedg bau jost operateti vitla thse mme seamceeaons the so of fi. %touitl. a ker, ut Bt.gesageit14 yeam .We lad lantdc giutta ofWest Fiajaders thse dtil of ai t sop. eration, chicla took place os the IIthof De. ceuiber, andi fer vhlch the lad came le bruuse clth Nei f"ter. Tht perforation of thet kil ear cwu .iete inlates.th" fire minutes, sd ut thetstme moment tbe bel beard tise icbîag aisa catch a" thtie srklng of àlittle dog. the apesilicaof the. cte crw t _yns fyats bous, becaumse the lsd, toc deeplyatfepeai y lu ai nebeusatenomulai searcevircoatai Mm Mr. l=s. wlaMigcan, kerpea'ofithe Ex- chaugter uoseinluhartforal, aa mcf prep.vty and rcspactibtlity, stanonr aithse wax, rçestlili) upr conada, qon importaat business fortisatolU. Beîcg calleilby sane at one of the puabliclbomas. ana of Uicby- tauders instantly suppaseti thaït la.wcane, leis a persoaage this trie ceai Capt. Morgsan in full Ue. T:àe conclusion vas natiaral that he coulti secret. bmlacif htheir suplciua should bermaie knecs (oh. ba,. isthrre. fe.cpt dr , tit- dai bas ati everome 04ila pileicf Me. Moriéue, and Il§"recM bas moe* oi ae icrgtiulues." At mklidns<, that 4 sdhuer" they usherti te big bcd chamiler. w vus mable sumber Sftami>a futurs of justice, roumed bits fîres bis 'tressas te Sir Peregrine Maitlond, wch ldemjom. ad qp<. thiscstise dcirvery ta hhlmocithe lait, bu »a' mevrstoredi: Morgua. litvas biv»k thal tht ourmed pnrisr protesti thst h cas Mo h e vl N-q.. tbev cere l a erab di-ttbse ac lsi ttec » b"na pp s" t ad mgat resteged tteb.takib buple toi, oua W u e IW cam U"Mi e s fiem la lmaicf~edy a t rieru uipe obtauaed bisa >etesesr,Ïrclare bàah toch, alérti k out ttii poornlué, asé sr.ai- for the estMi u..- mm, ar.-.tht ïa de * tairi tht' nwoeeet fpuaJ ~ Màsud 4 qwý, ý M 1,-r-. il.:. .

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