Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 10 Apr 1827, p. 2

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f . AIEDiC.ATION COF BOLIVAR. fixFAi> QUAa-mxIa, CAaACAm, February tll, 1827. To Mis Exeelleuse>' tie president cf the Se- nate. Mout IEzcellent S-luI no fermer cii- cumstancem s bbth august auhhority of Cor- gres8, beuc ef suci uecesit> te the. Repsub lie, as aht tus preseutperiod, viien every nind has bec» disaurbed, and the viol, ua- tien agitated b>' internai commotions. Cal- led b>' your excellene>' te take thie oatef office as Presîdent of lie Republie, 1I ni- ved ai the capital; whencaa -1 vas speedily summoucal te theieaprhmeat oet hieaic"Ia Venezuela. Feront Bogota te this uit>', I have issued dcease uimporta»t, that I make bl- I declae i1hocftlie grcstest moment abat youi excelleaxe>' ahould ll h e attention el Caugreà te ho em, analrequeat tint biadj trou me, te take lieus into their vise corc ideraion. If 1 have oversteppeil the bonse danies ofruy aubhonty, tice Luit lies,. eloly witi me ;but 1 villingi>' cons.crhte evei niy inn ocence te tic aech>' e e epubhié. this sacrifice vas requited of me, anal1 glory iun ot iaviugdelsycil st. ;11 1% heunlu Perua, an officiai notice brougi mâe intelligence of uy elevation,, by tbt Pople, te tic Presadency et thse Bepublic idaelineal te the Execubive Power thie as ceptance et tie Çiet Mlagimtnacy oet he Natian. For fourteen ycars I fulfilleaiti office et Éupreme heait sud Presldaunt et ti Repulii ; dangers forcel hii. duty upot me, wiich ne lonàger existlng, lavues i libenty', horetirè totbe.njoya.nt of t pivaig lite. 1Ibecof Oeuf1w retsiocst %,r-cs$ qpc the situation e ombla, cf Ameai, azi oftet i e.vcvd ; "« rythiug oseasi flatter us. 'Tiora iet aSpun.iar4 wopn h Amneric"nCcaiait . P,>eic te paco fa rei1ned iu Colombie dut. the cuarne menh of thi e menfyyar. bany pow"r bafiehs recpiaîie -onupolitical, existence and soen.Ure Jo1wc te us- in the bonds0 fni,~shl a aust7.-A hr¶e portion0 the Aü%unstat arein aliance. vit Veloushia, assaixain ix ah probant ssaa bv Grat Btain: Wliat-mr.eau w. ho for? Tic vouaieftihm. n alene contai thim inesity of liappines. huurh bas béel propatasi for as by a bounlifl Pravidecet in wvomcu sbeas ort'euh>' reliance., A for me, suspicions of a tyrnsniral usupahlk test upon ramy niMe, .anald lhurb thgi beai et lic Colomilu. 4wMi~'jeIu iheir liberties, caussot. ceuidet mc vithou it secret di, eaiso-eq jsmefh In vain-de I vigi te pooe the exaapl or Wssbiujon as mmi>'defeuice; andl in,. Li one pn manx>'exceptions Maneffecî notb $gai"st he expenience oethle vorlai, vii lma sva ofeppredaib>'tic poverli 1 sigb liS te distxesuof mayfolle, cititeirn, sud the.sentence ttli saihs.@ the jodgemaai ofitpostenit>. I1amysiw aws vans tht iaiS net free (ros am nbition, mi llaerctpns I decirte extnicata myauîf (r. ah. gnasP ethm at a>, te (.iii>' el * . ~sfo illuquelde aalte mccm trie AAP IIA» IlIPO;RTA'ZNT FýROM COLOMBIA. Tihe National latellîgencer otTuesday, csatains tihe followiag paraqraph : "Recent advices frein olombia, bow- ever, from the Mout respectable sources, give out that Bolivar designs, if possible, to esta'lsh the . me form ozgoverrnment aise lxitbt cunryand in Peru ; teunie these Ec~lcm îthBolîvia nto a general con- t â~vand ho birnecîf1md Prcid,n± oves«te wbole f«r hfe, vita power te nemnte his ucessor. Hie intended, it is gaid, to carry this plan into effect immediate- ly aller bis return froin Petu, but ho foumd thie other members of the. administration se opposed to it that he was prevailed upon to suspend bis purpose, for a time, and wait for the Grand Convention of Colombia te con- suit on a reforta of the present constitution. Aller the disorders produced by the. insur- rection of Pnez, ho took upon himicif the extraardînary powers allowed by the con- stitudou, in eases of exigency ; ini other words, assumed a Dictaturship, in which lie aeted without the. control cf a congre. Siîîce that lime, we leara, lie bas impesed restrictions on iii. press, forbidding any par pers toele published which shall contaiD stricturmr on his praceedinga. Comment on such a ineasure as tiais in hardly necessary. Tii. gi>vlrninent, or the cause which dreads the influnce of the presit, fearà the. ligbt, a i~d m..y be presumed te covet concualmeni -for -dééds, tâtt if knowvn, would reflect sDo crediil oin hoeeWho commit tb.m.»l The. foregoing information la lin a measure confirrned by the. folewing letter froin Làaguianyra, te our correspondent, Mr. J. M. $anderson, of Philadelphia, dated March 13 : I enclose yon the. first copy of the "Lira," a new paper, which it as întended to publish at Caractas. You wîll therein fixai that the Grand American Federation is spoken of. Bolivar's resignatiun is aise therein. Bim resignation is bowever, or-Iy to pave the way te place himef a step bigiier, as there la ittle doublt tht fou, mnontbe will flot elapse, liefore ther. will lie a union of Perut, Columbia, snd 1Bolsviaý and Bolivar appointed President for ii1f.." To tis letter the Editors of the Philadel- puia Gazette add the following : '*We have lately tlxioteitwer thec« Lira. The resignation of Bolivar coDt4ins a- fui: proportion of bis usual cant about goodness and diïintereshedncss. Hge in a goud and a wise 'kin~g, and it l a pihy that ne canflot governý bis subjects without resorting te sucli dupiicity. The. project of a union of Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia, is higbly ap. plauded in the.' Lira.' Tlhe cause of liber- ty in general is not likely te b. advaiced bv the confederation ef military republcs; b4t it is generally mpposcd that any kîn< of government as preferable to anarçhtj." Tis i ntellig', ence only confirme the opîi ion which e ave long entertained of Beol itar. We neyer had any confidence in the repubhinisme f the man. That he aimsa the ur.iversal absolute dominion of tht Sriuthern Continenit, we have long.believec That Patz acted conformably te bis wishei in getting up the insurrectioni,n rationa. mats ean doulit. And tuait, th pr.tendei Liberatýr will mîcceed at ieast se far ai Bolivia, 1'ern and Colombia are concerned w. feari!,>tue probtble- Cea. Ad. r -o- -- -~ -Y,-- - - -~ s t lf' m&trmy demis, tual eustuwiels upon uîn "_ *r- aui.'eépIsbàicn. (Cries oft t b.e entitled te, for mny zea inluthe. cause of Otder, Order.i Ci liberty. Wiîh mach sentiments, 1 retuaee Tic' Spasifiir tigit It bis dnhy te cal t apain and again, thie presidency cf the Re- theelion. GtWhema te order. The btouse p«blic. Veroçeus anad lie nation muet i.- ought lu be utifîd tint nothing was meant t4 ceive this abdiacation »sirrevocable: Neth- which wauld becà& disnespectfuh ho il, as là ing wîhl be able ho -oblige mehou continue li hurtful teto tlIcipof the part y refllmted a ah. publie service, ho wlaicb I have slready on. HIe 1hadjestodby lhe Hou. Gin- a dedicated ml entis-. 1f: Andl now tint lemari's fi! t sucertun, tiat it was ilwsys li the triumph ot liberty, bus placeis usbcl- lbcIter ho hav, document@ instcad cf asset-v lime. right witlîin the enjoyment of every tionst, becaeu diffrent individuals might v ene, shasl 1 alone ho depriveai ofit? No: put diffliirc Iherpretations upc» thc saine@ 0CDngress and lie Colonabian People- are doc»umgt. ( co, rn Mn. Hume.) As 6 juat; thcy will net eoinpel me te au igno- the- Holà. Gaentlean eed to agree. with a uinioum desertion. Few are lhe days which him in tlt ahc&trprettii>n cf what bie had 1 uow zemalîs ho me; more thin two-thirds ot said, ni! imputation was certainly mearat, a, my existence han already passed; let me, sud aie explanation must b.e petfectly salis-t thenefte, be permihted te awaah a pescetui factory. Witi respect te the second part of f death lu tie obscure sund silent retreat of the. Han. Gentleman's speech, il was, w lth- f my paternem1 residenco. My sword anal ruy otut doubt, highly disorderly.t ieart will, nevertielcas, always lie viti tlÏ'Hume.-He 1usd boeu n ome lengli oft Colombia, sud sny lust sigis will ascend te lime -in abat bouse, sud, in thie course of hlm *Heaven in prayers, for lier continued pros- experience, bath had occasion te bring for- perity. ward, peti:aps more than aun other individ- i » I pray thcretore, Congresu andl my fellow ual, charges lu wbici difféenet Hon. Mcm-t cilizeus, to conter an me the tihle ot apri- bers were invoivcd; but h. would appealt * stsecitizens. te the candot et tiese around ir, 'vhetberf r Ged guard yonr Excellency. be baud net caretulS aveided any personal( Sigued, SIMON BOLIVAR. reflection. (Huear, hear.) Tliis,bis generall _____________________ lirhe et conduct, he thougit, ouglih te h.casur- 1 facient ho cacuiprute biss freon such a charge; 1 - LATEST FROM ENGLAND. but lie certaiîaty did mean tu tell tue Noble a Tic sbip Trident, Capt. Swaiue, arnivual Lord, tisat wviat ho had said l ieii xended as a1 Liai cvenrng fruit Liverpool, whcnce mie reluru fenis treatinent of hitn (Mm%. Hume)5 uoriîs cftici9t utFob'yonheticoccasian lie had rlludeai te. lieÈ btit Capt. Swaine brougit ne advùras later wue cbwvr e>,tua"wrtc t ramn Lonadon ahan lie Courier cf lihe even- cuzîcay" wouli' have, perbrîps, becu a bot-à ing cf aie 1itW .tet phrase tian îLe one ho iad made use of.g Bth Mr. Canuine sud tie duke of Sus- _ sex wene gradually aaproviîg lin eait.- j6£&nST E. Tic former iad a tresi atback on the 14ti, UZZ T T~ sud an adaitional phys.iclan was sent da.vn ___ te hlm. On tie lâth ieho as mondiasg again. The Liverpool Commaercial Clîrossicle MELANCI'IOLY STEAMNL BOAT Dis.- coutains a ghaomy pictume oethie distress ASTER. dprevailing lu the mauufacîuning districts. Weh1ud bare>' lime ou Sahurday to ana- * A loug debste teck el-sec un tie ieuse of nounce i a poatscrupt,iu the irlrrfem: possible- * Couinons on the It 1i'b. ou the subjeet oftbermta, the melauchel>' Jisastur which occur- Shie einigrahions te the cohenics, wbueri end- ted ou board et the steain boat Oliver Ellsi- yed un the re-appointmeraî et a comnilhee lot worth, on Thunsday uevening, nar ceulil w. p that pirpase. event aic giv ail thie parlicuhars whichî X Petitious were pouing inob Lh ot-sLes were commuîîicated le us by tbc paqssengers. 1of parliamnext upun i e aubjech ef the cota> As wc beture sbatcd, thie accident happencal aws, came for teaitr continuance, sud otb- nt sea, aboutlseven toiles this sideatfSeybrook crs for lhiri repeai. At tie siting ofthle behween haIt past 7 andl 8 o'clock.-lt was - lSî, d.trk, aud a tresh gale ahiaat caused thc .Lord King said leeisad a great nuua'ixr boat ta l'aber. - Most of the passengens wem, ot petitions tu present un lithe -ubjeet, fortnxnately bew, sud some cf them haîl e- nmoin f whicblie sbould prescrit te nigit - tired te tieir binths. Tho report efthae cx- STiey prayed tur an alturatien of these lavu. plosion was treueudous-ieoudet than the lie was desireus ho see lietu arueuded-he heaviest cannun.-Dr. Sprin- was standing could neot sec abat an alteratucu cf tinse lsws an liae centre cf the gentieruen's mulli c-ab- couhd in any way injure the hauded i ixerta-- in, anal Mr. Lockwoud iad teppeoituteb ,f hoe was a landed praprietur, sud nîneteuiha ¼ggage bouse upondeck, toget tiieirciouks of etis.propert>' cousisteal of laud,and lie was ton imuself and Dr. S. to walk upon'dei.-k. -williug te part with t h.e rn Iuwo. Tic Uufortuuately io was passing the bbolier ah taraI petiticu belie oulal preseut wa theienl- the instant ufthle explosion. Atthse me- ibtanuts of Dysatt, lu Scolana-the peti- ment lie sourd vas heard, a taumber cf tie Stioners coruplaiua.d tiat liey werked 16. ?ascogers rushed ta the door ofthti cabin, u uts, a day, anal coulil net earu moea lan ta go upon dock, sud in opening it receav- i- ô&. 6J. pet veci. They were desirOteaOfet ca volumu of the. hot smoke aud abeain, by L- meirag ah.ernetlaw ameuded-tbey vised wviciail upon lthestains vere more et loe ,e tint tie pot lawu ratlier tmn lie corni i5ws sc-,ilded, au4 tiec Mesars. Goodwiu, as rien- ,t migit b. extended ha Seti-ud. Tic pela- ioncd an Saturda>', sud a passenget frein t ien was then read anal ordted ta lic ou the Southi Hadley, iaine urîksow,were serious- ýd table. TLeotier peaitierus erefroua Elgin, ly, tbough,,il is hapud, nolt atal>' injered. *andl troua thii xcorperatcd trades of the Asthie meum rushed ie hie cabin, it extin- ,î Royal Burgh of Banff tthei.ne effectY guished the lighzs, and an appaling scene ,d la the, ho uae of lords on tic l4ti, lthe Mar- eusued,whichi was aggrsvated hy the p alps- Squxs of Lan ave gave notice abat lie bic dartesnca uwbicb ;bey were envehoped. would cail their lotdbhips' attention tuethie Ail were uearly sisffocated, aud would have catioliccdaimi, onthie 8a f Match. Frein beur, had net Mr. Porter, once tf th passer- lis notice, says lihe Courier, Ilwe may pre- gens, belieougit ilef te dauuu eut thie s- par. for a discussuin of tiat important ques- bin windows. At the samne instant, also, taon su bath hotua.s,, vieir sheail bucu-n Cajot. H-avens who was upon deck, knock- tertaiued by tic hous.etfCeusions or niet- cd in the sky-igils. The farward progrs t wl nal be denied, eliter b>' ils advocahea o e bo rat heing stopt,sie rclhed trcmend- r- or its appouents, tbat tic early discussion of ously iu tie trougbu cf the ses, and a cry of il lu judicieus. A question wiich lairc- fite mingled wiîb tie confusion above. sud r- udunt wiîh se muchi rritation, carnuot bc tee tbe bearh reuding cries snd groans efthie k- speedily @et ut test, one wsyeorthie other." voundean uJdying. Whenthie oberu ruai- b- The i ad sent a message ho the houa. cd for the deck, the greal Lady cf tbe kas- -y ef lords and tui tic bouse et Commons, wisi- seugers would have doue se likewise, uad - iug uacli firhher pravisions te b.cumade for ih net been fer tic calus rexuonstrance et Dr. - thin royal higinesses tic Duke and Deach- Spring, w ho sinensîood collectedan sd un- tf escf Clarence, au may bie suitable htet appal[ud vithin the. jaws of death..Il Wo ï- coniditioni. . shall probably go dew,uy friends," sailihe [y MAemenials ital been transmitheal by the Ilandl ve may better remain bore, than en- it Britisha ierchants tu their goveruent, counher additiouah dangers above." Asthe~ praying that lie siips with grain froin the smoke cleareda way, the captain cahleil al bd Mediterraneau, ivioi sl bcen detaineal un batids upou decl ii. M. Lckwed gaineal e thieChannel by easterly winais, migit bc ad- bis feet amid lhe wreck by which b.e vas Urmnnitd ah Iew dutie* fur corn. A& favorable surtoundeal, andl wss finit dascovercal b>'Mn.] Of teply wum expechcd. Wamlabuinr, by wbom be was upporteal ho [y The following scorie, bordrixug a littl thie ladies cabin, eut et wiich it vas the n- upon tie parl-iug order, took place in tie vîhi et Providenace he shoulal neyer came: à- lieuse et Corn, s on the 14th. Aftr a aive. His firmr wards wve, I am a s eta [y long debate ou, s motien of Mr. Hum.e# an man-uay tiroat is Lurningr-I shail not ne- en relation ho hie arrtst ot a Maj. Bradley, up- cover."1 Dr. Spriug flew te bis assistace, c. onthie West Indus stations, by Col. Arthur, 4r wss uuiretî.ing lu ils attentions mintl b. I u.vcral yes s ince, which motion vwu ne- expired, vicia vas at 5 o'elock ona Saturdl lgatived, -aflern"on. Not vas lie remus lu hisatten- il Mr. Hume proceeded In 'move, .aerùutxa, tions te lie otier uufféers. » for the varioslettonsunedoctaumsent& coun- Tic scene, as 1h may wel l e judlel, vas c, necteal vith the case. -ne leus frigliaful abave, tian appel ing be- c- Tic>'were&aUlncgatived vitieut a dlvi, 1ev. Thre voie but thne, ladies on board; le sin muoies le.wsoerltugbut them guardians iustaîstly put (heur mbo bee he li sumber ef commissions iucal Ly lie the. mashl bou h ich bang as nouai b>' the hé Duke of Manchiester ho Colonel Arthuar. ieiofethe timamer.-luto ahi, bout li. pas- n Mn. Hume said, he dacugit le. ere scen" te lie nunaberi af 18 or 20, prang eh hwo. aller themnd i 1has oui>' by teliuck and te Lord Palmerston nid, ' bat there vas oui>' decisive erder efthle caplain, that (bey ver. eue. saved troua being precupitaheai inhe ah.e au- DU Ur. Hume replied, (as we tough4 but tli gry-deep 'by lie prting of-thie riggingp id viiehe coniversation ivas carried on in tho, vhich vas betmuing ho yield tue iausmu- te 10W %a toue Of voac e ach ahe galles>' ais- al veigit. Tic sufceriugs et tii. e fi ha %ici')ta el..* wou-A l. b.b.*t t*hav1t- * a1-1 lieuxa---h-- o 1 9_111bei. hei il v t. t their assistance, with h:à two students, with, their closes, and a >selà Joi)% cotton for applications, and ui.dicic. asie, the. eider addtesseU lh;,i I lhe emexgency deaaandl.. Great Palaies- li lows: li.ardeld iau or . asrity, and akîll, and I I m aware ut va,,, tenderbesamw the i sufferers, as aime tha eofjmv own, aW* o hesm I.. Zr his pispils. Tie fîrem2n, howcver, died lain 1shall obier" tuuthine In. a a few bours. Before liglit, the Mlacdo- luf age. Ir~ish YOU to re"i icugli, Capt. Beebe, from tuis cil y, came a- go upon uMy frave 1;, .I j,1 o, I long, was hailed, and took the 0n aver Litîs- f-3rgeî ic'. Shou!Id suIe1 worhiti into, ta thé. laxding at Saybrook, Iwîi iiten becomo tibm1. where the. disaster bat, of course becolne, prospur your love! S!i.,iý, 1 z, =e.al knowit, and where, the utmist sucsuced in icîy ou>ect il 1 r îyptywââ mniifested, and the. greateatst cs I" 1 hvodune, a'nd tr' attention shovru by the inhabitints. The. ill rl"ery a. ladies ftom the. village, (a mile distant,) Ilis broth2r c.j;ad moreover, sent every thing down wbidh «'el, the i.î.s.xtx :bey suppoised would contribute tu ithe coin- Hollaad; bu !Le . muc ) G. fort of the passengers, and mihigate the suf- foUuw.vCi hiu es ý %lire. ferings of the wounded. Th. clergyman cf the ptradiseu fli.uir'H. -a tb. parish, (r. Hotchkiss,) also attended py anid del;iihttfuisaL ,c, v to zuingle witb Dr. Spriug the consoL.tion soughl it l, lier, t'ii z ofreligion. recurred, aid tuo wl"Lc!î tl A meaxengcrwias dcspatched ta New-Lon- breathe ansd live, th. rr, p don, to procure tie steain-boat Long -brancli hike n plant torn froin îsi.. ta bring the passengers t ho tus dy, and in the warmer brulI auJ y the mnen ue the corps ofMNLr. Audrus, the baarnms cf its enst'rf li -1 pidd fireman,was taken ontihore, futieral servi- cd LIa the n U111r 10 ru , ces petformed,anuioîg wlîich Dr. Spring de- coxisigiied. livered an apprepriate address, rnd tba body 1-0 reicheri .mtrrdm !,.. was then takien tu the burying grdund and pair; a VKiitt "'er 'tuij interred. was pronouunced 1% d&rrgt.ri There is but ane voice, and that of coin- the picture of lîja !,er !jve x.. mendatioii, amnng the passengers, as tt rins drc nîs;IxeuîIl' ii.i sLill and cste of Capt.. Haveris, bis t;eif-pos- cuver- Lw.â in îL-e cf q scission, decisieaî of Jmaraceter, and kiartuess original herself. 1'l'lie plitbic,1î. . auJ! huuranify lu tic passengers in gofleralo.ii ccvery, Cîltii u:îî îtb' L i aundlie îvousided in> particular. T'elicine- cd thattlhe iiglit lise tu y diate causes of the. explosion is not Lknown, miorte, ficli l t aukouxcrtt Le~ nom is the situation cf tie engixîcer such ars rcstored teulieîitli. LiLe <,,a ta enabte him tu givc any cxplanations. ton, thc picture of utter vre*,tLr, Coit. Ad. gain appearcd lbhis native pril P q1ik terci ,carus thie tlireshl o f if THE GREEK PROVISION SHIP. girl, and agaii pr<-IýJ bis bruin7'. The following is the article politely fur- 4Yon tee, brotiner, 1 aa t.î, . nishied us yesterday by Mlr. Miller, but un-1 whiit cvLoyc.xrt fcreboded Iî.s c f(artunatcly aItLoo late an heuir tae eruble us! yel, es I-!cU.V. i- My judge, 1 .w ho pUblisalitiluntil to-day. more.>' Tii. Chanceler left the banbour or Neir- H.- sunk almost 1fiessini th York on Sunday, March Ilii, for ýýa poli di arnis. o Romania. The. wind blew front îLe Souhh le ouriger brother now bec." r,- East a goud breeze. In the afternoon, the detc-rusîied Lu try the efieI of a.re ~ wind increasing, took lin he main-top-gal- was îeady prepared witIIin a kw ,. tant sait, and eingle reeted the foire and main- his Icur. top-mail. On Tuesday morning, the wind " Brother," said hie, I"you bore sur gIr'l shifLed ho tie souti and biew a strong as faras Helland.i Uenurrù breeze, the weather hein.- thick trd iazy. ish myreIcf yet foirLier. Du îiàt, 6ît.a<t At 3 c'cleck, P. M. hook recta in the top-sail. lead Lcr ta ti ait.ir utl ya ieur erIaaî. and handed thie main.-sait, jib snd spaiakuer, 1 will wnte * Our fiaternal regîrd illi d. and set the înizen-stay-sail. The squsl l i- iit uf lit,, criger bonid. Our Wurd creasing, ah i o'clock, teck in mizen-top-seil. Should 1 lie usure fortunate thun yan, r1 At 6 o'clock, the wind slalfted te thec West, Gou)'s înt.nie, !et Lier bu thic! and aày i< and beiîîg mure mudlera*4e, wve mlook the forever bl.ui ayour nion ! bbouil i1,~ reef out oft he top sail, aud sait the top-gai- ever, rîrtu.r:., tl, n ilt.rsen alsîjiir naWjrci laîîî-saih. At 10 o'dlock, teck in tihefume bctven us Z. « z. arewel ! bUrkrrep illà sud tap-gallant-sail. Wednesda T , commun- scaled paekct; ûpen àl lat, untî il side ced wîth astrong gale fremteNe'rhh West. fat a-l..ty. 1I-.m g-,iiig toi BataiY lvu At 3 o'cloci. tock 1wo reefs in the rrizen-top Liiese woris lhe iprar.; into the. clie. sai, and lat 4 o'cdock, hauled up the main Hlf di-tracteu, the îwu belga ailoo ho sail. and close reeted tie mizen-îop sai!. hllJloft, gazcd after hlm, aund mer luit Th1ursday 14ch, coînmeîîced with slrong more tea be eîvicd, th--n he buîîluhed rmx- gales trouthe North West. At thrcc in for hie h.ud urpassed bis brother, boahab the atternoon the weatber moderahed,shook had tcfrt, ini grcatnebs of seul. iîxI quit the reets out efthe topsaith, and met tic main pow4em did love for the wuman, vvbos le sait, and theî main top gallant sails, steering bail recovered, and regret for the brother. E. S. E. wiîh a fine breeze trout the N. W .w hom fie ball Iost, appear to mlrivi!-fn mu- At S o'cloek, P. M. tie wlnd eettled ta thc tery in bis brea;st. '('ie noise of the ni- N. E. and comnnencedl blowing a streng nage, as it îflcd away ini the disitanc-eetes breeze ; immediately took linltre top gai- cdho ctezve bis heurt in twdj. He recoti- lant &ait, snd br-aced th yads bythe star- ed, iowever wiLlé he utowpmt cane and atien. board braces. At 9 'cloclr, ~. M. two liun. Tii. yug lady-boýt iac! tint sîll reefe in the top mails. At 10 hok ln thexe hobesh showit by tie remnît. main sal and close reefced the top sail,thie The sealed pacicet was opened. lIto- wind bhowin; a severe gale freintich N. E. tained a fuland particular description oftt At Il took in the fore and mizen top isails, wliole ot bis Germa» possession& whbhe tbe wind blowing a perfect hurricane, and made over te bis brother, in case le towd the sca runuing higi as our mast icads, sud himscîf happy at Batavia. Tis heraîc cos- ever and arion breaking lin fearful voluna queror cf bîraself ahortly afterwars ai a over out deck.-Onr long boat, camboosein Comapany witiî rme Dutch mrrrhaats, hencoop, provisions, walcn, spars, and lin and arrivcd in safoly ah Batavia. la the short every tiiig except our chain cabies course aI a fow months afterwards heobroth- andl the coppers f our camboose werc waai- etr rccivi-d froua hlm the tollowng bues: ed tramthe deck; aur stcrn boat had carly " Here, where I pempîetually Iletun thil in the gale been hotu from the. davîtusuad t hoe Aioeighty G iver of ail good-ier 1 dasheal te pieces. The. nigit was dark, and have found a rlew conItry, a new holle;- th. scene aufficiently awfui hoa awaken even and cali ta mind, witb ait he mcro pilisare those who have spent tic greater part ot of a martyr, out long and uniroken at- ticir livez lupon tic ocean, ho a menpe oet he ual lave. Fresi scent, sud fate itseflI meut imminent danger.-Great credit, lu ho have widened lieecunreat et my féehilln- moset certainly due ho Captain Baiker, ss Geai bath grarîted ame strength; yes, srtiIh well as te Messrs. Riddle aud Bigelow, is thoeflîe up tie highest sacrifice to oui frield- mates, for- thec coiness andl intrepidity ship, ine lu - - - - alas jacte fals a leu which they displayed tirougli the wh>le of -but lt us the last - - - - 1hveti-rPbtd, the gale, and ta wbich, uxider thi. guidanace taince thler be Brother,I1 did Dtfflh 10 of Hiin who hold the wiudsasd tic waves take ber wheu thou werît romusw, hecatî 1 ah bis comnmand - are aiqe publie indebteal for feared mie migil fnot b. happy linMy arias. tic safety et their traxly liberal donations Bu sbu mibceve have b il nme yiti for the. Greeks; and passengers and crew oaf the. tionght, liai WC mionld. ideed have the C. for thuuir lives. The. wriher of tus, been happy together, then brother, 1 woiIl who wuas mouruful witnes ometti causes impresu it upon your soul. Do ait foîget wbich influenceal the deternuination of Capit. iow desrly sic must b. won iy yuuiai i Barkcr te rehuru ho the U. Shahes, is fally ways trelrit th deat angel wîtb the Mx5 pesud. that howeyer mortifying it bau kindus&»d tenderneus, usth b hi bcc thia own feelings ho relura, uxider now thinkcf ber. Treat ber as tbfondelt such circamatances, sad wiah ever occasion ihat, besh,legacy of adtear depated bulbei, 1h may give te those, persans, (if isadeed aiiy wbom thy arme wili a"voir more cabras- sucli tiere be) ho triumph over ths sanguine Do net write te me Wrbcu you are celebrallin expectationu of %base whe wcre lu Dopes your nuptial«. M ' wounds are jet opell, that the huugry weuld mou b.e ed sud the andl bledlis,;frcb. Write b ime i01Y nsked cloathed with tbeir bount>', abat it wheu yeti are happy. MY mct in tisi îil wi -be ituerend, prove the most expeditious b. suirety, fur me, 1 trust, that Gais 'Ku, De wsy of r.paing tic injuries sustainied by desert me ini lie.war.d whutlaer I havctraws tii. storu, anal of forwarding the objectpt terreal mnymehf2' aux bepoivolut t tiinsAllera e recet oft bs letter, dte~- brotter marriet4 ,e lady and eno1501WOon happy year of wedded ove.Th ~G ~ &JROUthe ed et that short porioal, died, u1(1 ridying, ohe fti ntrnsted ho ber lixatiad the

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