Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 10 Apr 1827, p. 3

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TUE - O4WA»A EDKAID. TuE oLUMSOL«r LuIEsI. [P1155 Ltw.W ~ Mgsn. 37 AS O@NA[N Bmmaaud iw " os.- slofte ÀÎ,Umtu Cembe wu ma' pumt puer, a aesmado m mcza«y hy bis d«etritY a pay, as lie titib>' btewlug. One oye- ,ig, whilit hoe illed the. office of Lord Mayor cf London, bo was busil>' engégeti at a fulI-baxard table ait brook.'., where the wîî andi the. éce-box circulatedttgetiier inhgreat glee, andi where Beau Brausael 1. cf tii.party. 1"Came MasAtub," snid Brummell, who was the cater,"-9wiat do ynu set?" Il 25 guineas," answered th- AI- derman. "1'1eil, then," retnrned tiie Beatu, ,have at the. maycr's peialJ only-and Se- vcn'a the. main." H1e continuet te throw uutil h. dreve home the brewer'u twelve ponies running, andi then getting op, andi aaking hlm a icw bow, whilst pocketing the CaI, he exclaimed, I Thank yen, Al- derman; for the. fature 1 &hall nover drink an>' porter but your's." I wleh Sir," me- pliet the brewer, Il that every other blazk- guard in London woald tell me the sinme." RaGEa WILBRAXAN AND SIR P-EILIP FRA*eCrS. The. late Sir Piliip Francis, who during inany years cf his le. was a meanher cf the. H-otia. of Commions, spoke on ail questions of importance, on the ide of Opposition. H. was tho convivial companion cf Foi, and during the short administration cf that statesman, was matie a Knight cf the Eath. Roger Wilbraham, who wasalase on the saine side, camne up one evening tô the whist-tabie, where Sir Philip (who fer the first time, wore the ribband of the Order) w,îs seriousi>' engageti la the middle of a yubber, andt hua accostet bima. Laying bll of the ribband, and examining it for somne time beore he ipoke, hc at icngth sait, Se this la the. way tie>' have rewardet vou tLat: they have given you a itti, bit ýf red ribband for your services, Sir Phiio, have tii.>'1 a prett>' bit of red ribban i te bang about ycur neck, andi that satisfiea ycu, does it? Now 1 wonder what 1 shall have! Wblat do you think they wili give me, Sir Phiipil" The newly made knight whe b.d 25 guineas depeudng on the rabhor, andi wbo tvas pot very well pleaset at the inter- ruption, sutidenl>' turneti round, and cast- ing on hum a ferocious look exciaimet,"A bater and be d-d te you." Russia bas always viewed with uisdigai- sed jealous>', the ascesîdan c> of Englisbinl- fuec n et. Councîla cf Persia. Sbe bas 'iot iesitateti to make il a malter of formai complaint, even at different periotis, that the. Persian troopa are coremandod hv Engiisb efficers, cohed in Engiish uniforms and buppieti with English arms. A British officer, Major Hlart, is Generaiesimo of thc Persian forces ; the Physician of lie Crown Prince Abbas Mirza, Dr. Cormick, is an Englishman. Colonel Macdonald Kinnier, the Britih Charge d'Affairs, was, at tb. date of the. hast advices, with th, King cf Persia, who was then about te proceedtot the fruitiers, te join the. Crown Prince, la short, the. whoi, machiner>' of the Peruian Government la put in motion,, immediatai>' or ctnotely, b>' Englils agents andi by En- iuih imauence. h oea>' h. remarkedtoIo, 't, withinavery recent period,all foreign- ers, except the. Engiish, were erdered te quit the Persian Territor>'. These are cir- cunstances wbich distur the. repose cf the Rassian Cabinet in ils dr.ams cf Easetern polcy.-London Tintes. DESTRUCTION 0F INSEOTS. As the season of vegetation approaciies, a reanark open the~ application of Tobacco water ln thie destruction of iusects. easy net bc amiss. ln the procesa cf preparing to- bacco for sose, s iquit ha finaly expresset frouah, whili is very cbeap, sud iighbly des- tructive tn animali ife. Tbis aixet with ilireetot five parts watcr, is found te h. an effectual remedy, for the. aphis, caterpillara, andi similar insects whicii infest fruit trees. thie "or gr' becLm. r, lss of aluce, 4ntd a 1ev, wa"L ý bore yoar grktf ICiîOr tu ban- I..t, ho'sccr, ~iheà r lirmn e. ýrga.rd wmil ad- word is rna,' e ! and My b Wise Inay decide but keep trus until lîhlbe Ltavia." ln lechaiie. ciaiga vine lie rnish d rti;an Wmalu equai an, vina lbc the brocher Irive furmais- of tht ca- istarue, accu- He recevez- e and attes. 0 ! thLt ihi ned. It con- ncaswbicli Le casu e toid la hetisccui- arduset mil h mercliants, via. li tht ards lis broth- wing unes: retuen thanks good-here 1 new home- teru peaure roken fraier- te itsefseen f My fieeiii ;ycs,strength te eut frend- te fails atear vetrhaphed, id o iaîî&ultO us, bcaue 1 in Msy aUas. .me witlu lrndeed have lier, 1 WOUIJ e not firget y yeu. and l th thae I whiclu yot as the. fondest cd brother, r. embrara. *oeibrati yet iopen, to e 5BI ly ia lIis will e, the edt' r C T l ady, a: ir h sbnd the thaI She liii Ive îie upc0 ,nt chw rac ',do f tbi -in-s vithoont an 4isuu te ow "«Tii. Eau le the prlsdpal riî* of aur "Churehah; n weadore neom but (led; jb. "toid u' ,ho cav.es his body we eay bu- "lieve tka tho Mican what haoaciL" We forbear froua fardiier du4tailas they would only Sive a neediess prni" to tis Petition, w. confide tuat wo have lwn te ypaar honorable bouse that the test eath rnis tocitos *hile kliii.!. our dcine. Tim s upmSad, wu humbiy smuait to this yoi»r honorable bouse, b.pretyo fan Adets tebis Majesyon the Prmises, and ln deing se, 0o believe, we as ach coni- suit the conscientions sceuples of many of Or Potestant foIlow country men as the. exculpatien cf car own faith: wben wo ad- vert te Upper Canada and fid the Roman Catholics in the. pessession cf the. immunitY which we suit, we feel inspiriteti te offier or present claims te the. notice of your hen- bouse, and wh.n w. reunind yeur honorable beuse that Ris Majesty's Roman Cathoiic subjocta of Hanover have been recontiy the objectaeof tih. Royal Boanty, we cannet doubt but yeur honorable biuse will deem tus worthy of being recommended te the same. We therefore pray, that your Honorable lIeuse will adopt mach a mode cf relief in the Premises, as te your wisdom shail seem usandi hoconsonant t te ispiuit of this ibrlage. AND AS 13 DUTY flcUND WB 5iIALL EVER PRAY. Amendment of the Constitution of the Canada Auxiliary Society', for proinoting Edacation andi Industry among the. Indians and destitute Settiers in Canada. The. attention of the Subacribers and Friends cf the. above societ>' la particulariy requested te the fallowihg. At a meeting cf thiimehrs cf tbe soci- ety for promoting Edacatiun andi Industry atnong the. Indiana and destitute settiers an Canada, heiti on tihe 29h March, 1827, the following Resoltiins were unsanimoasl> a- dopteti. let. The. Canada Auxiliar>' Society for proe#eting Education and Industry amoiug the. Indians and deâtitute settiers mn these colonies, establiabeti in Montreal on the 24th day cf October, 11826, shall b. the central Society, and tic Provincial affairs of the Institution shalh b. placed under ita direction and control. 2d. Agents and Teachers appointed b>' the Parent Sciety, &hall ho directeti b>'tihe iComnittee cf the. central Society, and shahl 1be accoantable te it in their officiai capaci- ties. i And ail correspondence with the Parent Institution whetiier oun the part ofAuxilliàr>' iSocieties or individuals, shall be carried ona tbrougii the.mediumn cf the.centrai Cuse- mittee in Canada. F3d. It la net intendeti b>'the. foregoing reseintioné te deprive the Agent or Agents cf the parent uociety of any part cf 'the power whicii tht> h ave receiveti or ma>' rpcive froua that institution, but te direct anti control them, inathe. exercise cf that authority 4tia Ail monies that mi>' ho reqaired fçom the. futaie of 'lie parentmociet>', shall b. drawn by authorit>' cf the-central Commit- tee. Sti Ai affaire that the. local Cc>mmittee may net ho abie te settle, shah t>.e referred to tiie central Comnaitte. in Montreal, snd if it cannot arrange and sottie tiiem, the.> shall b. refered to the Committee cf the. Parent Society' in London. Tii. naines cf several gentlemen wcre added te the Commritte. , *Tiie Editors cf the. Qaebec, Stanstead and Upper Canada papers, are respectfully requestedti t give the. above insertion. HORRIBLE OUTRAGE. Il ie ti ay' ut painful dut>' tiirecord au ict cf thi e mI tcolt-bloodeti anti hase nsate taI cr tstainetheti.character cf lia- aaanity-oae wiichisla ithoat a paraihel ira tuus cpury, anti--wbicii <resu ils tastartly attrocit>' mighl hoiti a consplciuas place mi the annals ut a savig. nation, On the. eve- laing cf Frida>' lut, about ton oclock, as Roert Watson, Esquire, ofis iS cl, vas sitin raa reonon tue tiret lbr cf bis bouselu coi nY> wiîh the. Rev. Mr. Matii- ieson, If St. Antirew's Ciiurcb, and tihle act cf reating s newapapet, lhe report of a gun was board il the wiutew, aud imunedi- ately tie hotus. vas fiieti tb smckre. Mr. Watsen startediup andi excîsmei" Wbat's tiaI," aI tie saune Lim. placie; lais bandi ulp- on is rigit site. On furet b.ariaag th. noise Mr. Mathieson was net avare frocn wb.uc. il proceedeti, but percoivisag Mr. W.plt is hant on is aide, h. laquireti cf Mr. Wat- son if he vas hurt; te whicii Mu. Watson re- phieti"1 I fear Ia=." Mm'..Watson, vie s feu' minutes heore hati gone inul an atijein- igapartinent, inametialel>' upon hearing etise arnahed into l" taoua4.wbea ber cyes encntereti a spectacle tb. offect cfi wich upon lier vuit ho mach more eaily conceiveti tha deibet. 61Do yeu tuie lie>' have killeti yen" ah. exclimeti vidi-a tender & aimionas àolicitutie, lowiiich be te- phluati" I believo tue>' have." 114 vest vaà thon reanoveti, vèn il was discoveret lat a voit number cf wvoaas veto inliicted inirais site b>' shol cf varions aszes. Mu. Mahie- son then gave the. 4mria, and' as speedul>'as possible g" medical aid. As one of. lb. aidt wu fowad te have-little moeha pu- etrate theii skis, anti as Mu. Wtasnvws cor- pulent, il vas opedt tut noneef il bati rsacb- ed the vital pat-ut Mr. W. hîmusehf raid h. fui t inla» ovels. OnSaturda>'auun ing, Mi. Waton raid the pain h.dam t telsU> abated, andi fosuat bianf able ternit up lu bis bedtiheb.meutsaugila.hope vr now entertaiuei fer bis recovery-in hi "W l6h. o unem d. &wî*itth.kssut*u. til di. a«ruoo, wiaesthe sympbocabeesme me arsming, and by six o'olock bis meti- cal attendants gîve t9 al kopes of hisrecov- «Y>. Mr. Watson hbmulf seemmeti aoner a- watt of bis dssgrasassidtîation than im" lub'hvin bh. wa«sroe!e , sud bore with cf the aiohbas Peneimawdthe.diaphinm led on hbis ui, Froin lihe dia= ewuî Le ..mark lwwe aumdr Co an'I. short dwmsice whçlz lias srerrstooti [Fronat theNational Gazette.] TO THE MOON. Wben the. gross cares of day light cend, And selfish pansions ceas. te be, How will the, exulting thoaght astenti Bright mystery, te thee! Distant andi calm, the. spirit-land, To whicli i breathed hope'u fondest prayer; Wbere aeraph winge tiieir hues expand, And harpings charma tho air. Oh glerieus le the riaing san, Paviion'd in bi& blnaiiing glew, When fairy winds bave juëst hogun To wake the. flowers beiow: Or shrineti amid the western golti, Wiiile eveaing's hala>' odeurs ris., And fancy can almcst bébald1, Yet f r surpaasing the. bright dawn, Or purpie suaset, is tby pwer; For death'a tua veilla baliwititirawn, At thy presiding hoar. Affection seeks in thy> calm sphere, Tht seul beyonti ife'. stormy> ses; And i md'. tee pure te sorrow here, Fair Pianet tiweil with thee. Tle bi h str a meacnityt ne, Tii> spiritual sway. CALIOPE. CHAP.- VIL. .à» Ad to dvaa,. Wh&at Fu " bf l reVed by Justices of LA. Peace for th*. dules tere- iaantoned. (Pasaed 17, Febru" p1M2.] W ,4HEREAS il ws expedieat that the. futlmtaken b7 .fustces of the Péace for the. services berenafter mentioneti should ho ascertained, andathorizet b>' law. le ilthrafo = d m the ' b.Kleg's mout Ex elet 4 by iwth t"i.atvice andi consentcf the Leg"ltve CeunDil anti Assembi>' cf the Prcvinpe cf Uppor Canada, cons"tuti d a embflib>' virlue cf andi undes' the autherit>' ef an ait.pa"ed le th. Parliamtai ti gat Baiseint i.hld 1an act te ropa, certain Oits of , u saelped in tha fosrteetlayear of lia Majosty %sreign» provuloat -fo« the.Govmeunrt of ithe Pro- vincet. Quebec iu North Aiserica, and, te unake furheprovisa forth. <laternnt cf the. "iProvince; Il 1asuiby tils.utahority cf thesamm, That firol*sud fiter tii. irà day of, r4ovmber noat, "*«<ohlèwiug feus, and ne ma", "hIlb -e tiuM , h.psa- ties psaastuUtgb>' Tikm 4f 1 0500ui tids Province, or -b '£*.r for tii.dus- tans suoeyks eringe oedblat ih t s'." 1%r an information aatd nt for ap- prehonstomçfor ausnùtdi aso nmeaer, d dico sa MdiPo Disçbaxgocf tii. h au ashilling antre Pou. ~êce. Infomation andi wasaf« r mu ftheflb 1Peace, tt.. edùuh asi»lpouce. and tua =03eu.âl Max pence. 5Zàiig ofthe Cela- eue sh, neilli gth%.pec .- overy war.aaau uauet v shillngant sêx pof on. 'erpn M', tbat 4s te pu rivfmaw a udvrrxu etumam thtee dshlgsandti ainepence. being, will have a maro or 1cm declalve as- c.atiency; and ti i latee allen lhe aazrrevpo- licy cf the possessrs of power, ha &Il go- vernints, to bestow officiai faveurs .01.1>' or pincipal>' upon mea cf thoir ewa part>', te lhe exclusion cf tics. of eqiual or superi- or merit, wio are in opposition tc tiom. To tih ooer cf lie laIe Royal Duke, il la admittet b>' hie political eppononts, that ho atioptet anti practiseti a more jasaI anti liii.- rai policy. His example, la tuis respect, la worli>' cf imitation not oral>' of bis saicces- sors li tie situation of Commander in Ciief cf the Arn>', but aise cf al sdmznistralcne cf Goveruiments. Our frat page conlains Governor Cln- ton'& Proclamation, offering a Reward cf eue thousanid dllar& for 'th ii.slcover>' of Morgan, if dlive; &, if naartiret two tieus- anti dollars fer the. apprehension and convic- tion cfis murtierer or murtierors. A free parden l ise eo fferoti te an>' accomplice who shanake a fulil discover>' cf the. of- enter or ofienderu. Tii. proprietor cf lb. Monts-ualHercld bas establashet sacthet Newspaper, outitieti ,'The. Nae Monts-ta dUt." 1: la priaI- ed ca got paper, andi publisheti veekI>', at 15 shillingpr anasua. To tics. ho tal. the. Montres] Notait i Is ni> 10s. a year. In car precediug colms wil ho foanti soen important items of intelligence from Souti Amerîca, anaong which is BoâvWr' resignation cf Ibç Presiteecy cf Colombia. The. Colonia Advocate of tii. 5h instant gays:- 1«Th ii. fuaICanstim uetiltion, copieti trou tue thirti United Stats'ediino a Morgan'a work ou Maseau>, *11, b. pub- lisheti anti ici sale at lie office tif ths ws-1 paper to-inertew, (fth April) at hauM a dol' We believe liaI Mu. Mcea4de's couuulr- ma. Mu. McFarlae, -dFitor cf dia King-P ston Chroaiclels entilltle otii. heaci c 8 viag prlulud ana" pablisheti lb. bat Cana dia. edition cf Mcrgas'okivaluabto vWIÏil " The. geum Morgan PaupUMe (bsaring the.-.New-Yorh" imprial) wvas ndata th. Chroalcie o«Ice, anti offoret fo«"sinl almeat ever>' atrool cf Kiagueon, asemil m lia. 4tla instant. la the Chromai. o dition thrmsanapology for ottlag'ttis eus*u' of the. kaiapping of Mcegaa," Wvh"ls(&&Yi the. pabliaber) iu n&t" yet atsalae. Rxvairur Iii the yma 142% ude lient>' VI, the Revenue cf lmsglaatva £6491% boing lb. uasalleàt suu cW idt sece the cenquetiand in18 a) e moenué amonte t eTMO1-6 largua o a nestlevist ini. Bitain. the. bous. of Ceaimons votait ho flloviag sous fou thei, evce of lte Roal Nov> in For Timber antibth msahuusls5&c. Soon Do. Pilotage, aivage bamay'fe Sigcu aacr(,lm &4. .U3 Do. MedIsul tbî àAý 4 - DO. Witasst.era00911% #q ,lDuI è a boig ii eidua1 ff~llmd1%b, -Afl Appîrg - £--9 froura ba ituM pct9vclm(u>'aot For ever>' Sabpoa tu, a witum, six Do. Ce 3 yards,) it i uppoMd' that a blunderbauss pence. pnlSa Do. De was the. instrumen t ie ise cf ira dia con- IFur ever>' conviction untier a pnl t- cheri missio f the horrible deet. Sev.,ral of tut., seven shillings andi six pence. Du.W the. 4Wo wegeals foeatin Mr. W'. clotues, For ever>' warrant te 1ev>' a penalty, twe Do. Gr 'and a ambrl a tut ite bas poctot, shillings anti six pence. whicbh ad strucii agaaist somns mone>', a"t For making ap ever>' Record of convie- DO. Su almest penetratuti it. There je ne doubt but tien when the sanie is require te lb. usturu- Secri tbat the teeti vas ap"~uditated co, anti edtoteLhe SciaLana or on Certiorai, ten sail- DO. lu the mert délibérat. preçaution obâfferv e- lo.ila.dock forecit wus execureti. '0X the. monda>'nhit X ieded a"s> n.ertheleaa, That ln aucii previons, a Part cf 406 wiadow 'blisydait t cases as admit s susmary procoeding hofore Do. Prg heen removet, se tilt a ýporeon wîtiout a single Justice cf tue Puace, anti whcrein cr f' coulti ha"ea full view of lin,. in Mr W's ne higiier Penalty tia tht.. peants cua ho servi sitting roem a t ai s saidt hut a person imposeti, the auna of twe shillinags anti six Do. El was eheerveti watcblng about the.house for pence oui>', &hal h. charget for the Cen- vicu some Uieo previcus. Mur. Watsoni hat been viction, anti twe shillings anti six pente for spending the ev.ning in a, friend's houa., the. warrant te 1ev> tise penalty. anti baibutts short time rctunsed, wben the Ill. And be il fssrther enaaced by the. au- dastartil>'aasin put hie deign into execu- thority aforesaid, That this set shall be sud tien. Tla usrlaiet b1 Iii murterer',sband, remain in force for four years, frous tue furst in the ful hlcuoicfie, a gentleman whose ta>' of November next, anti frin thence te Toi character as a privale indaîtiasal was the taiecnt cf tie nexl ensuing Session cf Par- pestpoî Most respectable-as a man cf business, was uinent, andi no longer.- marked principles cf the. strsctest integrit>' --anti wbese suivit>' cf nanuers hut gaineà W. larn liaI the. body cf an infant chutd hime the estean cf ail who had thte pleasure waa fonunt yesterdiy iu a fild, aithle euet cf On1 cf i acquaintanc-whit, bis benevolence the town, uruter ver>' suspicieus circumstan- P. M.:2 anti chant>' bad largel>' contnihutedtut les- ces. The. ccroner's inquest, weîunderstand, blo lut sen tiie waiatâsof th, indigent. Mr. Watsoen hes returnedthle followitag verdict-" i t suei dit net we holieve express bis supposition lte Infant was premat urely, hor s, andi aacreted eetboý cf the. murdorer; for as li e c f nont a- by sorne peraora or persosia snknaoeu.--Chro'l anti il gainst whom i. harbede ill-will, or frin ___________________friends wioso hanta h. could have expecteti re- the. wa venge ln even itsgentiest fcrm, tii. Viliau- T m H EA 0D Redee. cals Outrage was as unexpectet as il vas base. On Satarda>' last a man namet Cam- - - - - - - - - o eren was takesu up anti lotiget ira ril to a- KINGSTON, APRIL 10, 1827. w.ait an examintatioa, on a supposition frein Scsie a number cf cennecting circumstances, which, as they wilhc addtetd in tiiir pro- Tia DUE or' YoRic.-Among the cia- S pet place, andt heir tuti or filsity asertaîn- ractenistic traits of tie late Duke cf York, near tt cd, we wiil ferbear mentionsag. tîcre wer wwihhv omne h ilt f heisaqueat helti yestertay on the bcdy' cr wo wih aviortnnedti oi the sieccaset, gave es tudr verdict, tiat appisause cf tise nation & tie worlt; bis T-he lie was miel by aine unknowe persen. lautable ambition tu promoe thei respecta- appla Mr. Watsons funeral teck place yestcr- hulit>', improvoment, anti cenfort cf tie Ar- day afternoon, at twe o'cleck, anti attendet an>; and h mataiywt hc i d fKn b>'th liargest concours. cf people wiiîchin~ leiPrihl'vt bc .at fKn we have ever wituesset on a uîiilar occa- miisteredth te patronage cf île bigi office, Two sion.-Thus la a ver>' jusi criterion b>' whiici i hescwing appoistaenta anti promotions for,1an to jutige of the higi estimation nluwich witiiout regard tu lie politics.of candidates, Kins. tiat wortiy man vas heit b>' car citixeuia. or hbeir families anti frienda. -Tii. Phoenix Fire Chut> attesudet as a but- In ever>' free governinent lier. wili ho y, wearnug their black belîts Crn. political parties, *ne cf which, for the dîneo FOR «SALE, At the Herald O0fice, a feu' copies cf the. Naturalization Bill. Aprii scI. J4vu T)CE. lateEBEZERWASHBURN, of ilaitowell, E.-q. deceasttd, aire hurtby e qiuired te make immrdiate payment ta Simeon Washburn, of Halieweil. Esq. aise. ait persmis baving any drmanda against said EMtate, arc htrcby rtqtuired te present their accouta sduly autheaticated te the sail Simeon Washburn, oho i la it>atathoriseti te sets le the same. -. WASHBUftN, ASA WERDEN HaIioweU, Marci h5fd, 1827. 61r TLIE Subscriber hertby gives Public No- tie i llConccrncd, that h. ia &or, and wilI not, bceme reqsiable for. noir wil admit in accoat an>' eebt or d eb t a y> accrue in lis esae, or moea> paldta t, or recrived, by any pcrse or persea whcanue- ev e, rctierwse wthout lis specWai eder ine u'rting, sgr.ed by himself, an thatspecial arder sUhaý.qarnt te the, date thersef. PHILIP F. HALL. Kingston. Mareh 8tis, 1827. T HE business formeriy carrWesoni under tuis day dsaslved bv muuai cosent. JAMES MOIR, JOHN COCHRAN. Loborogh. Match lt. tmer. 6up ga TaOrtieof Upe -adjogsmai Seales, IR c tteia, Ç<w Hoin tii. Tocs o(fingaaaseý F4 Ml. l&W. tbe smmsibsr àa asthied Io recralepropals5 004C We- fre thetit *qdayof April t <esu f«mach penonsas sua>' b.dessius id .oîatlngte sweep the Chuisesta ain iTownu,fer sm. ",a froua the . ave peracti. The. prupaai to specifv the price.pur Fili. la e <m crisp- R.W. WILKINSON, Police.OMMce. gukc of th, Catmuqss ride oszs c etn f the Dlaesetld Tec Per Cent. upoo di. Cupiw Sw$ok sab. %cribed, taolibc payable et thMs oSe Masor bc*" *0 trot dayaf Maye ut GIEi, F. idOB8t nou s -aM.LT ww- Y 11*wý £RIodu te b t - 76 CATHOLIC PETITION. Tà thge Honîorable te Houa. f Representa- t tives, in Gsruîrai Asseonbluj casve. ed:-a We Ilis Majesîy'a faithiful subjecta, pro- fessing thc Roman Catbohic Religion, beg cve te approaci your Honorable Houa. witia unféi-ued assurances of respect anti1 rtu.de. At wuuitindicate an inscuxibilit>' le the feelings of out nature, if ave failedtot ex-9 Press aur hcartfeht ackaowiedgnients te >our bonorable bouse, for ils suppression cf tiose Penalties once recited b>' lav on tie prac-t Lice cf our faiti. Tbe csaims of your hono- rable bouse on your petitionere, terive di tia l sreuth frein tie incitent, that lie>' h.w'e arisen-cul of the. sole ageacy cf your 1-nu dispesitions, arapronptet b>' an>' solci-6 tationà frein us, oar silence then lais been1 Proda!ctive cf a twofolti utilit>', it bas givea rout, for thei. ansligated generosit>' of yens honrable houa. e t iaclos. itsehf, and il at- tracts upen this petition al liat notice %whichi l duo lu a firat daim, while yuur honorable heuse possess e i.power vo foît '>rfident cf is exercise te car owa henefut al we never appearedt t petition fur whal 'Nas concetcd withual reqatat, but Dow ,iit yu ur authorit>' as regarde en s la îust- eh, .1 solicit yeur intercesson, wiiero ve Can ne longer profil b>' your power. Th~e grountis cf or prescnt complainte are created bb>'tle exaction of the oaîha nov used as tests cf eligibilil>' to varions prefet- icnsts anti offices iz. tue province, thms cou- tiaa misrecital cf eut owa teiitts sud are ,asi it seems te your petitieners) tue saston- oici f fétd andi controversy-fasiy5 tue> suoPute te us practices our moula abiior: bal il wuuld ho tee mach teexpectan>'masurs ,la LIis greunatunleas v. int mppriseti ouir HOn. Hloua. viat car touela are,,vo beg you te accepl thi usmarsexposition, "Ive do net adore the. milita but we pua>' "te tijera." .We know the>' possum o ne hierent pow-, "er; but tuat tue>' fýeelan interest la us.- tven lhia present pehtion wi>l ,ihluitsat theteuît init.w, e 'yjour honorable hous twtghie sMe!stiie ie* "you have »wnaor bs sutAority; sea - icit ithe saints teo interpose viti Christ tuiugi Ue' have qo8hagcf is -D' » -t ailLen era cnps-a>foi ht4 rcMW"iofc "vour honorable houa. vithout liaft e ('or Sovereigo se opna>'We i issus .L'y famesters, 25 guiaaS (rreUid sp p:cr rcaIZcJ a Pom and jo, ua Rekau. ,teOhions of bel UB16 Tb tiisneier pSt land &101 i- ampassonate List, - 8OGO kliciency in the funde cf the rity for wid >ws' relief, - 105,003 Vidows cf Marine officers, 10,000) eenwich Hospital, - .250,000 iperanuated Comnxissior>ers, retaries, &c. - - 159,853 oprovements and repairu in kyards, i4c. - - 247,9C9 »visions te troops in garrison reign stations, for the convict ice, &c. - - - 259,000 :penses of the Transport ser- £3,643,454 Sierliag. COrreapondna.-" CHATHrAM" 15 lied fur want of room. DIE D, Fridtiy, the »Oh March, at 6 o'ciock Mr. Isaac David, an eh! and repectaý ihitant of the. Township of Kingston, 65 yemr.-He was a member of the. odit connexion for nearly forty yearq, Swill ho a gratification ti, bis distant [s and relatives to learu, that ho left orldin te &Utriumphm of faith in bis ed Tendw-~, f-r the Erection of a th GAOL 'n th, TcOWn'le Kn'11înùl, ereceivrd at th, couR r HOUSE, in of tha' 24ch 1ist. ePlan and Sp.tcîficiation, te ha sten b>' tatiori to Mr. TIIOMAS ROGERS. igstolb Archit. et. 'Saretiesuw li ie .required for the per. nce of rho-work. irstoh. 91ha .lprii 1827'. VOMAN S-rvant. *ho can proditce Med recoi~nd.ta as te Character. rat tht Htcrald office. ration, April 1014a 1827.

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