NOTICE. i rVHB ubctiber heing suioq te close bis -I butouaithout auy aelsy. *ain Noti ies il those Webted te him te, setule thait Accoumnta on or beicmth ie lat March at- miter dut pe lal those remaining anses- tl .1i b.?ut ltUh ands cf a Lawytr Tise reuninder of bis Stock wili, trot this day, bc aold fer -Casheor Prxouce. at vert te- duced pricea. SAMUEL SBAW. Januaryîst, 1827'. tf T llt building eidaaiykwnsuby tuine of theAcAdc:Miy at zB ath cg Dow fatly aud comfortably f£nlshed, the Grammfet Sceel s'ill be epeued on MondaY the 2Md insi undet the management sud superiiiteiidance af the Mev. Jahn Stooghton. ila sho5sbOi a feu pu. pilas may (i rmqulincd> h. sccoaamodAted siti board sud îodiug. on moderato tenus. B-ah, Oc. lt182. VALUABLE LANDS FOR MIL». a î ACRES, vs-e»o ûBS 33,sad 39, mùtuated lu the 6:1 concesson of the Township of Kingston., and beautifully bounded inlu ear by Colline' Lake. The shovo lande are of ami ecellent quality and well timbered. Tenuis of payaint =md easy. Application ta ho made ta the sabstni Der. JOHN STRANGE,. . Agent for tbe pioprietal, intcii, th Oct. 18-J6. N. S.-Auy persen on persans tresP&liig cm the above Landsa sill b. PrOsmctted te Uic ut- niast rigoler of the Las. F01R SALE3, OR rO LET, A NDlimmediate possession given ; 1%w IVIuAZkvmlU RaZX Lt No. V lu the firat Cencetsion et lichmoud, througi ,whichUic York PRd passez,.oe utile audj half below tbc Nappante Milîs. on the navigi bie River Nappante. ceutaiugni 200 Acres e esLcent Land; about 60> Acres oaiS ceared su fenccd, sitb a Dsrciug lHeuseconta7tniaig rooma on tht irst fBoor, sud one large room ce the second, shich tnigt essly ha couverte into twe or three bcd toome, an excellent nei Frane Barn, and Stable for 5 herses. a yrouc Orchad ai &bout 30 thriving Fruit Trcms. neyer failing Spring ofe eletatater ner tbc bouse jaais, uexcellent Brick Yard, Lin Quarry, aud Sugar Bush on the premises -Fc terins spply te John McLesn, Eaq. Kingatoi orthe p rse tb e cFanoilTe cnop1 bbc theu sd uBbcarn, conalstiug of Ha, W eat lya sd Poea sud part of the- Stoc ,.y bc h aluatioii. 3d <ctober, 1826. LANDS IN UPPER CANAD, for? Sale. adoolkACRES, Vz:-Lets 14 2000 15, 16, 17, 18, andi 19, the Ottb Concession ; No. 14 sud 15 lu f 5th Concession; and the southen bal Lot No. t9 with Uic Lots No. 21 andi lu t7t ubCaaemsieii ofthe Tesaaiip Pittsburgh. in the Caont) ai Front. mi Midl&n4 District. Upper Canada. The Lits are very vaiciable, as the Kaigei river nons through tic., and as the p jected Canal trom Richmond tbro Pet must pas$ in Uic saine direction. ACRF.4-Let No. Si, in1 200 th Coniiession in the TOI sbip or Cornwall, iu the Couuty of S ment. Easteru District; sud 2M0 àei Lot 2 1, 4th Concession, in the. Tosusl ai Manner, CoUutý of Durham, Disti of Newcastle. The. shole beingof a beat quality. sou watered, Leaing ec lent rimber, adapted to every agnecul rai purpose, andi promsisng te become v valvablo jyu the coiapletion of the plan'i agitation for the. improvenient ofinter communications. A1 y ta ANOUS MACDONNBLI Bath, Feb. 17, 1826 ON REASONABLE TERMS. ___The Biick Rouse and t Losopposite thc residence of Briace of the Rayai Eagiu.ers goes verv vaimabit proprtyV.utt lu the Village of B rrieflld, nar Poiut 1 ry. Appiy fer terrus to C.A. 11Â0555 Esq. or the. prepritor, JOHN W. 1PF.RGUSOI Adalphuatowii. April 12.,182& lit- kat is nd 4 ell rd evi ýni . 1 bai mq FO on »CI NI p ne iei fig Pr ,mrl two Mi. , i- te 'mli. THIE subacr-ibrra btnS diilv appeluted TEecutari of the lai Witt snd Testaý Iie Teui"a lOMS Ul, equcp*a' pet sons Iiêdeted to the Bste te umatee *c diate paymet;'.sad thoso baviug as41CMA agaiuat th i sd FBats te .bruiSg hm kft yard sithoct delaya PETEft D. CONGER, Blec.- JORN STINSON, toms Haflseil, Prty3 87 *HERWY'IS BAL£. MidintiDistic M LNSatrdi, the To Wit. $~tety.thutl a cf lun neuct, sill be soid ettlt eai 1%us in the Town of Kington. the f.hauijsd as belanging teIa eis Fkagerald. Seizod by virtue of su Executaj o setio. of,H* ma- at the. suit cf DçllBoieVI loait il.»ht5%,60, «1' MM *sst#y Par of the brokg1 en Li aotr 58.1intht Gore le To>woalu of .Sapbk*sbuwh. t bllb- tweru 612 sid 61, in, T.sumshplme. A11pt-boom b&v4 ag dâen tS i ibot Lanfs, o amy parn themal by Mortgage or kaslon or bot tir Vmeamh or etokt pWîd for gajp MAR KET SQUAREl, KINtiSTON. T ~~~~ 1Esbcie rscth qmm nt h frbeud anmd the publie. that bc bas 0c peaed bis present Hanse in the. Markel SquWre. as a Tiveru, tuler the camne of tie BIBF*NiN with a cholme Coll.ction e splrltuoua.LiqnoiexcHlent scc@WS.odatiomm aud «»& =abng. Every emfort and couva nienc.esilib. vrdersd te thes" sho moy ver him pith their patronage. And otherseau be amaodatod ',un nom sud Lodgîug, au moderato tomsw, by the diy weO.kOr month. Kmao.lfth July', 18«6. TITURNS h bit icem ethank ta hi JIb Vinda and t"Public>$ for th.ilb stmuuugmt whduh o ýba ecelve ik the. aboe brandi of buws4for t, lut loir amand reetully iuitimate direci hi Old ti i. o hoe hopm ,by n trict attention t. bau te -er a oham ofipublic supprt. XÀNAAL UrNt ouwa sd Raoaauul TAXmati. ta or"om or, thu Most ru»"sa Kingsto' Soi. 2, 1823.' 1~r Sala, iq1116H PRBSSIRit ENGIem am Md oEeNam. The asotff peér.dw To FAimeltsu %,fl eu bH M&( »1oa1 11Wt Ai . 1 HIGIILY INTZRESTINO TO THE PpIHE public axe rrbptrifully info-meti that 1 ANDERSON'IICOUGIH DROPStisud PEÇTORAL POWDERS bave triaila exiléisiaiu fer 8 years pas. provtcd themi- selves t e oone of the most valuabie reine - rites evcr y% dîacovered fur the car« of Cougbs. CoLis snd affections cf the lrrêat and léogs lesdiug toConsumptiena. Thons ands have experieuced th.r happy tif.-cta of tdii HealiagfBaisant,an-d many cf tie ighest reepctart"ilty have vélantarily given certifi- cate$, anme of which sili accompativ eacb bttit, that will satisfy every uuRprejiidicetl Lmimd tiîst the tuait extraurdnary sud uuex- pected currs have been perfcrmed by the use of this niedicine in case sai long t4nding, in whicli other meditine. had produced no favourable eUfects, snd shere the most akili- fui Piicaiiihad giveu theni up as hopers. lu s mot pretendetl that they are un iufallihlr cure lu ail casus. but of saich as are incurable. t here are but kw but shat wili bie greatly rele7ived by the use of thetu. Scarcely a ea oae f Coids. Coughu. Pain in tic aide, diffi e ulty of breathlg. saut cf siep ariaing froni idebihity, or even seated consomptions. but nisy bc relived by s tieiy use ot tliia Hea. ling Baisaim. Each Dollar Botie cf th;$ r. medicine centaine about 40 dioses, 'ahi-bh provrs thetu te bc a chtap niedicint contald- i t ring tbeir virtues. t. For the forther satiïfacticis cf the public, the followmng Certificatuaare off:red for pe -rosai. NEW CERTIFICATES, kt Dr. Molien, Sir-The cause of bumanity ilemands of me to give you the fuloving Istatement: My wif liait for six ypars beet 'a in a declile. and pronounced by ber Phaval &-icia te bc lu s cceaumptivt state, snd was ait of temded byda severe pain in lier ide, wth à id Cough su cifficulty cf breathing. She wa 4 redaierd se loiv as te bc unabie to get fron in her boid te tht ire sithout aid. Ail hopei t4n iber recove7 hbaillong bern given up. Ir ýw thia situation,1 wa prevaisd làpai, as a lai lg posilIe resort, yet sethout any hope of sue a ceas. te tuthe use cf" Androu'a Criuel ar Drap." She commeuced tht ose cf theil ne ln February lait sud after usng two boutles 'r t the amstiaihent cf ail, in tht montho )" May Nlowiug Uihe aith of my wifc sas en in tirely il, ed.and ince whic, lber hcaitl V9' an(l ars= h ere perhapa neyer botter,- SFveling a drep iuterest that tht public lu gcm eral may remrt to the sain,: re..ndy, whei thtir ffiends or relatives are appsrently. i evidently on the briuk cf the grave, te rescu týheçu baioth i sm.You art atiliberty1 A pulis th abve. 1 arn respectfatilv.&c. JAMES H. STYLES. Rhàebe&. Duicheasce, (X. Y.) .Nbc. SSIi1826. qo This la to certify thst the aubscriber wi iu brought very iow by spittiug blond, attende the slth s cough sud catarrh. aud that nothi' r o afforded me real relief outil 1 commenceel t Sking Auderson'a Cougi' Drops, the ose 22wbrcb wtt. the meaus in the baud of G ) o ofresteig me &gan to s c.afeetable su lc. d he4lth. ese And 1 do furtiier certlfy that the wifé ton Mr. Nathan Hantiugton, living i the a»0 )M. place, sas afflicted wth a vcry ba'i coui rtb, for a number cf yrars. sud that in 1825 Fi was reduced se leis that it sas thoughts mut seaulie in ber grave, &asle sas scarc ly able te waik frein bier bcd to the ire, wh the aho commenced taking Auderscm'a Cou wn- Drops, the use cf whtch. in a shiort ime or far rastored lier, that ah. sas accu able redo a good day's work. 1 ca. cheerfczllyi comumeut! thia meeiciue to the poiblic. bip PHILO JUDSON. Pastai rict of the Chtirch lu Ashford, (Colin., the Ashford, Sept. 25. 1824, tue- FOR P4LER BY Itu- J. R ARMNSTRONO &Co. re!-y Kingsto, Feu , 182. L11 in _____ set Cn 1c * a * -. - QI I f I t ai 4 I (h i I 7!> OWUUGA1Z A~~ NEW VACU0MMODi).'àN.u .d QU4INTlTY FOR &fLE IrY VALUABLZ PIWl'I.RTY 1FOR SALE. WM. GARRATrT.- ~iaaten 2.1Jau. 127.' N the PIRST de c if UUS 1827. 0betem the heurs of 1 W ELVE e KLaaas c 'ock, A. M- sud TWO o'clock, P. M. '1 j a i fm ,«e -je giclé, bu public AuoiS. ,ta .lhe highest -'~ ,iddrr, a et , l Uin heProvine et Up- lmu ga , !)Cr câawdsoPU HE subscriber becs leate taLwaf " M U MTE JIfA0RRJ.Public, that lie hasatd" I-, 4 W03z sau c i 'illls e cr irEEtIUL iiaashePli > ~ r () . 8 ,ic0<MlStagrs bttwelen Vn k '.x, IL biat 'ahe4 lstic#4 acttinumflg the aboie and Tavs%DAY. at E 'l a~ ** stablmhment. - Thtse s a rre tcatein the-Tolwnship tbru on WUDNtbDAT uulzT~~ Kmnga on. N."vntÀet 6tli. 18W. aMarmora. ln the Coi oy f hhtacigs, l in eroun ihc Midlnd Duatiçtof the sald Province, Lt-ave Kingctcn Pvt rv' M 1NDAYt N u'rICE. andi are rsteecued ont vif thc Most voaahi- Dy. it 12 o'clock. -n.u L LLPeranshavng dimsaganatditprapertirs lu the foundery Ue, iu British WFEDýESDAY and SVtl'xo Estate of the l15W FRED ERIC K FRu- Nrl mrc;at n.i acuieen. IAN ofPitsurhar rc tt. ie t lre which canut faiti, under proper mansage Iltving fur-nisaed hnef 2.~ [ANtem fo ai i stmgh a nr ud tpe rans me t, tO a i ta a purciacr, profi-s sel srs, Covîd w agag ar. ar c. et thna f adbattunt; sd ai PerOii~loin arisiug ta Czipitalists frouithtier inveat- Drivers, lie liepes, b une . v site ta said Ebtatr, are hcreby rcquired etac Cpta.t itahaît oif Iuhiar !r.a imuko asmdiae pyrnnt e ue slisri Tht-se works (in the establishmen.titoa Stage Fare trtuogli ,u.a ir.CHJARLES McDOXALD. Expc- siiicb, ipwands ai thirty tht:usaiid pounds nrt;ce. ROBERT RICHIARDSON, uoa sterling have bartn expended) consl-st of ttc Evrn attention ivili tt :ra r Jouie 15, 1826. - uruaces, the one capable cf yieltîr.g two fort ai Passengt-rs, tirdthr Kngà" uta 5,o826 tons, and the Cther ane ton ai Iran in the bc conîpletrlv securcd. SRERIIPS ALE. twenty-four baurs, with the ueceaaary build- Stage lankq keipt at Mr. :, SHFPbFFS S connrcted there wii h ;-a Forge for dte York, sud ait Mrv ori ; '. Widiaud Diatritat, Oi~N Saturdai, the manufacture ofiBar Ironiewith four Firsansd JONýAT1ilzN &x;;îLx Tg Wit. 1'. firth day uf May two Hammers, a 5mw Mil, Fleur Nfiii, Barn Ortober 50. 1826. ext, will b. soiý4t the Court Bouse iu Milsad Tanuery, al l mpelled b>' ater, of- ie Town of Km gçton. the iollowing lands vshicli thtrt li% an abondant supply-Carpcn- F I R s bleglg o ~ciU J. t.Geman.ter's anal Blaekrmith'a Shops. wsdI providedF 1R lez~ by vglrtuea Ee cciâ t. Gemasdu in th asy tooli-akmug House. and D iezedb steo zeuinise ufeurteru comiort able D'aeliing Haîuses. threc df His Msajety's Court of King's Beiîchý ta of which are si suitel for Taverus or large hLul XuIa"aigaf ion ls -w ne directed, at thq. suit ol Georgt Mili- familles, with - ward, viz:JO N . R EI Lots numiber Twelve ini the first Cocn. 295" LCORDS O11LAND J h G > IIEI (We!et of the Csrryiug Place) of the In the aid 1 awnîbip, surrouudithe werks iitouc Iaiwnship of Sopblaaiburgh, containiflg oee---and 8534 acres in the sdjoiniug Township JOCUT 0r Vis hundreti sud eighty-4our acres mure or oi Belmetît, lu the Nrw- Caftie District, foi Pao=I mo qýqO es. wbaci' a deed lin fe yl b. given, anîd upon ,Ai pesos hvi clim onth abvewhiclî are inexhaustible mines of Ore, geu- Insu rancC Companiy, Ait~~~~~ erusain a sonttaoeraîly c od qualî .wt 50acres of Land, or auy part thereoi. by mcrtgage Landgac editoail' l epta y0 taSbd oncie ®r otherse, are required te make the the Government, as fuel reserves. the con, "iFFERS te ffect Imsurance an behf f, same kuowu te me ou or befare the day -ltion balîîg that the sorlis are never pr- " aaiai Company' on Iwligla~' of sale.-Bale te commence at 12 o'clck uitted te crase, thret successive yrars. Stores, 'Ware-Houses. Factorirasai B4rhiy nec.. The distance at present, lit which the ig, lu general, Merchana.ize. Iaatr' JOHN MACLEAN. Works are supplies] siti' Charcoal, la bc- Furuiture, Vessels Bluilding or luinaptri, àail Sheraff, M. D. Iseen tso and thnee miles-tht Lake Ont their c --ots su every descriptionfI t ur- KtIngtoîi. Janurl 305h. 1,Q£7'. îa brougbt by water, fite miles-aud other sulPoetainat Ore usdi ta lie emploiediluthe makiug lsa rpry gis SHEAtII<1'S SALE. d Si g Irans. la brL,bht by land, a distance Losa or Darnage bg Flre 4, six mile:s-Ontcf the punst quality Altoan 5-rEAix-BOATS sud ever>' ocet'dc. Midiand lDisrict, ? 'IN Saturdav the krowu lunthe British' Provinces.oea>' be harl rpii fv"iwt hi agt To Wit. Çý.0 firth day of May it ait uufixed rx1eei fmining. ib, îto c s.s whîa hircaga î~ît . Doit wil hi sold at tIie Court House lu the fa-w hundreti yards of tht Works, mixed LogSaor DaMage by lnland Xari- rowu cf Kingston, the following Landqaswi"h which. la yellow atcire, red cartb. sudgao. belngugo leryMornyseze b vr il-ck leat inl great quantities. ain beof an Eto niusese eut ci ita 1 Thes. Worka are establîsbed un Crow Tht ternis cfferred are as favourarie,- tue ofaI4ctonise u o i a iver. a mile below tht Crow Lake-this tbase of any other Comapany,. and ail cihtî jeaty's Court of King'& Beach, te me dit e- River, iuterupteel by mauy large rapids, for logis sut ble iibcnally adjusted aud rrrp'-ý ted, at the suit of Christepher A. Hager 'e nnects uilb tie River Trent-the distance ly psid. man. viz :- y land ta tht Nonth of the Trent, the bead WILLIAM W. ELLSWORTII, Water Lot No. 2s Town of Kingsto.--of navigation. 1, 31 miles. Freîidur, Lots No. 67 andi 68 in the 2d Concessioan, Tht limita cf su advertiseiritit williDot THOMAS C. PERKINS, Lot Ne. 67 Sd Concession, ains Lot No. ""t of ulin enumuecracion of th m &avn-screhary: 97, 2nd Concesision Item Lake aide, in the tages ofiIbis property, ucither la il the pur- DIRECTO RS. Towsha cfAmaliabunli.passe of the proprietor. by au>' exaggerated William W. Ellsworth, Henry Hudisonu, Aonip of As haigasth e boestateniept. te induce persans desrous te pur Soieon Ponoter, Rodetnck Terra Alt er§ns âvi» clil»s OntheiL a ihase, te trust te bis repreiw.utation. sud .Ieremiab Brown. Edwand Wackaruct .Land. or any part thereef, by mortga e ave Vit trouble of personal inspection. MeicW.bpnOresSPhl, or otherwiste, are required to malte tht Thst it ta ett lesS equal ta tic repreatu. James B Niomer, Frederlck* Bange, .samne known ta me, on or before the day tatltinhere made orf it-an>' persans viçWiOg Nathan Aigria et sale.-Sale te commence lit 12 'clack, plans of the Warka lê-ft at thet différent ad -________________ F Don. JOHN M~ ACLEAN ve--tisiflg offices in lmasLivçrpool. Niew- SHBRIFF'S SALE. ffiuerlf X.A. BYark, Pb.ludelpblu., otreal, aud Kingston, I<igâ~toa, Janary d0th. 1827. cill be atisficd, saitate shch, thus tir-Ukllsnd Y oftu sWmit oaitent is. -umastauce is of conulieration, that thet District 1 sýr.ueot Of"Rs hljestyacoart Warka are sufficient te supply the Province of bing'.Beanch. sud te me dir.ctied, in fvair SiEt1 F s ALE. 4f Upper Canada with Bar Irain snd Irais of eur 5overegn Lard thet Rgging s iligai iMidalnd District, >'NSàudyUc2b Ware, aud at a price much laser than they Keaghen, 1ishaldiaposeeof the iollowing hi. To Wi N Sa.J day f spien -x'. an b-7brcught fItemthe Laser Province. perty. hclaauggtethe nid James IleqWe, 1il Ta sci t Ui0 Cnr ose lu tt ra The abject lu sellng. la ta fulfit tbe cou. si Public Auction, at tho Court Roule in te ) ail bcing ito.theut io oulae nd eue rlitions upon Whicls this property vas pia Town ai Kingston. on Saturdsy theseiltitttt a)oKnston ugt e urtowigLn n d sTen ed in thetissaudsof tht preigent proprietor. day cf Jan neuxt, vizL-Lot Ne. Nine i a Sr, nt i vru fa w Eeuts Pillipss., naiey, ta p y over the proc ed a te the cr- tain Town Plot lid ont o a d adb ea oed 1% Iau-a nua xcto sauc toibrs cf Mr. Charte% Hsyes, the original aud Nagdalma Ferguson te the lait e a eut c I -Ijesty's Court of King's Bencli, proprietor, sach sale beiug demtauded by the Stuatlu tht first Concession cf the Towràibp ta me ttinected, ai tht suit ai John E veritt, lujoiyi amount ai debts of tise nid cre- of Kingsgton; shieb Mid Town Plot ila geimewly vias: -naai ,aplakuesu and ealled by the sugme sud demeipti Lutnomer eveter, n te e3t ideoflitors.-Fct urtbct informaltion, aai - f tu*rt*iIl. Lot snulier Tine uidrd Lot umbe sevnter, ontht sat ideo toe made ta Pa(esr. GOULD DOW ad fortyts. iu the Toia f KintonAm PieCnaStreaet, it the ToucfBurlir ls E & Co. le Landau, Mr. MANAH AN, W, LOUs NO. FivesudSixtee« in the Mlifit, k thteo Cauutetiiis scibb uldnsthe Weiksor tthe Ibs criber lu Montre- serve. lu the snid Twn of Kingston. A"g imot thcren recteli PETER M'GILL. the îinexpired Terni f the. Lae te bcDvel Ail pensons having dlaims on the shove bgentreal, july 15, 1826. tint Bous. sund Prclmc. ituate on bbec hub >a land. oraypas'tbs.euf, by M.rtge or Resette lu- the Mid Town of Kingston, DOW in Otherwsse, aire reqlired te tuake the same sE IFS SLE tht occuspatiofa James W. AringtriaVMU kuosu tu me, ou or before the day of sat. chant. -Salet'O commence lit 12 o'clock. noon. bidiaati District, à<%N Saturday the Sale te tik place at 12 c'cleck Non. la JOHN MACLRAN. . To Wit. " LF tIs daof .1Joly JOHN MACLEAN, et iagot. J " 22182 . tetV BigèoteFRwigLd. nt. i s~ th December, 1826. le ___________________ ' to 'i scirbmWzd Of _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ sbsoga bonsSarai RERTFF'8 SALE. 94, SURIiF'eS&ALE. by vi*tue of an Siecution ssued ont aioifsn r1kWSatarday, thse -Sxteent itt l! ci. Midland D stict, ?CN Sacunde>', ia2t is us Mjesty'sCourt ai Kiug's Be eh, tui Distit JiJnemu, u o a. To Wlt. . ay of May niat me utaeçttti at the suit or GeorgBH the court iouggeinthoTosî sihi bc sold at te Conrt Housse, ln the Towsu Msaui andi Neil J. M*çjLea,72xecu- cf KagM@s, the foilowiug Property, by ttli Of el~o, the. Wlowlog Lands aud Teste- tors et Patrick Seyth, viz: ofrrd ii it of. again a ucofLau sivrdPT mont, sblangiqg to John Ryder, stlzed 6v Lots No. I1, 1 83, sud 14. sixth cin- d theKi dact o Ds te Lmsaueu4( rdvintue of au Execution isaurd outofRt-i es ofBinouhe ar~ i o 4 at et ubr Thee dIgen initho Micas de ettsueot cf ras dtn , t vm is: ct_ hairf 015, s.cventh concession of tbc town- fecve ilu 5h. sid Town of Kngston. Lot number Trel thet luth ce Ii saa hip of Loughboivu,-h. Sale te commence at Twelve e'>lýOcN- o f the Township .of LwegboreMgh. Ail persona bsviug dais oen the ai>eve JOHN McLEAN Ail personu hasnng dcaimes am!be aboie land or au! part thèreof are ne 1 D~dt igtn ln eene,12 . iaud orseypart t tace by uertgage.rmt e lc amne knowc taeume ou.r eor0_________tu___ kuoat m a ré Ue, n* ose ii .7a m th, laie oo mma e eot 2 n&lo h, oon SA LE. e- ~~~ ~ ~ IU IONdCUN JH AL~N Mitiltud N SX aturday the Wtmfthiilc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Sl ._. pea l cmk lcSlatttCut oi u ub.or 1 1 - et ln of ,n. n to led ta of wt. Me ugh the rc li 1