Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 1 May 1827, p. 1

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to VOL.lxeu OBI Four Dollars. per a eqol,*ti nm.bem4aggie p)3ta9c) payagbsxt=ùnlul aate iirtsdsli"t thet a"* q vuace.-ittitteresi o hirms ,tllV pers<on becCoeilg respoulibit for them em sè eyi! 1.tklhv ai-tdiii nam en oftv Papers.itme utlil tanýsr_ e ~~~~~~~~~lr of the roi(-K I rmucm fte ooy Prodce eceied pai~>~t, t ~ r,~Tek~ B~f<~B ~That your petitioners. bowever tinte the ttetprice. r*tsHedq kBoftw*. ionretr ta thse Editor muet ho POST PAin A. »tS3Bit* arri 01 R piitCND gitT1, tvai el hie Majesty's coomnpsionrrs a. L~tersWti McOXSL. uue, ~K TE DCXXCANDA KEA*D~ monet thm. have serti with regret and a- _________Weil_ fitted UP for the acco<mmodation0 OC1E O TTE 5h0 Tï E FST ROSE 0F SUICMER. tarte, thse appointment of mecrai nt w font- t1ic COAkflUNUTE um OF b i rmisM îs thse air of thse Uumer'a it tionarise from Ertgkixi. the creation af nev u- ralON OI' AL]XVNlT.eâr seul, util <a1rti notice. l'avet Prescott for uel1sorsonaexavgtsaen!wihs S x l n sand en tier 2 a 6d firat!KM W E .D N ESD A Y S and SA T U R T hse Stage will M ve the H ead of th e B ay of< ý »d this e t o e e 4tphyn s thea oeu ti lit reu ot ta tisa w s . v f peithaes he ea ind7d ou$ac £_eqinIfSF1f; QApe.t2 P;<cti every Tosaday Md Friday etw 10 M~nig Coaytt I ition eofAsrraee otgemdaid it r tcf Ues 4d per lime for the first isJO, 'lcAM.Wednesday sod SAtur4ay 9~ 2 'lc - tnd~~~~~~ ~~~ Id.pe tu o vruieufl mt--* * %er* audtbrenical orkl pubiabed ber ad d.pe i e fr D Ay baNu Tr amt uhore inthe hvep -suau rg1oeIiuet in thse .Coionyr4.-a . Measar, altagethir ont-. àgU Iun ,EeyMedy~8Vi *h etebusii~h plef lieue left. diff I b 0< f KVer M-dend I-«À -i biais kied et an t1d i claseso te ton- arJi1ertcleet ihu'rte ieto 3--îd $t'i05?e froue raswa) ot. an &!rivat-the 111e soint ehwet, etcass ies- arc i Drnwir..u G40lma 1 tbd adcagdac- 'tery Tueuava Ord~ nep.td witis glitteing chryaUlicedew. Tisat thse forcesnt circusmtane'. toge- 3A'Y » V &Mazu MSAT 4 e hau put forth ite have-.ajd thse nmmild tiser -vitb apprelieson that the retenlt imS- ta 1)e in wsiig. sfu -insertion t* be deliv- and Cannot lie delayed for any cine..~ by beansang, .0%tsbse <bou poste mal ho a prefudie te additionsl texe, al- -rviSe~~0 gts a fP~c* pi Oh 87 Wiit dry :%M tet drupe rendy ta.s opprossiv. #*X,~ roused your prts- Aeriemrteyo rsot pi onth 18he ike thse heasrt irn site aere onympathy tionsers ta a sense oidsgd«uiy wtsich th<'y owe ieanlng, ta themselvri and té thse iettleme-nt, and ini- puhCaiO~* ..-r.. A1FO CSEtht n :roemeqo lue lfsjbour La Itacis The voice of afriend viii aftcheer up the gîsea duced tiscu te throw themgelves for pirater- 0 I ester. 0, Hoah'd in the breait b.e cacis turbulent tion and redress on the vindoun andi justice of ar &VARY pusca5ow COM M IT_____ STAG FAE HOUIJ 1lO Soisdbytt aunvoc a eso t That vour petetioners forbear te detaift ATH EADOFFICE. STG AE'ROC,£ 0 Andl apotîtu and pure as the. ros'à i0t btos vour honorable bouse by gaing minutely isto AXC T TE HRL JLJST RECEl VED. AiNI) FOR SALE And a proportionate charge ta assy lntense mtentr fteisiuin ftecl.o BYTH SBSRIER mditeplsie.Bethe tleutght ta ke gvirusaby recapitulating all the measures cf which. 4 KM lgTetiacco. Ail battage ta hp nt thf- rials:vif the essimer. mst thry have fet tie evii constquences; thry, to e assorteti window glass, JONATHAN OGDEN. Y. Iir vienr the rose thea s modtety' Plis merly heg permission tui reliresont te your I t1~-.s~100Lts paiissleLate. Port Hope, Apitu 9ta. 1827. honorable house,-that aupreme poller lu(ig- ~~ ~p'~<.qv. 80 Pieces Papr Hangingq, The embleun of beauty, ofisaisor, and love, coil ose tehndof nt mary aesrs and of' COUOrof 4000 ydrn. Factary Siteetings and Offie of the Calara qui Bridge Cp«oyy For vhother it greva in tht field Ce the bey. civuil ucomps. edovefsilrr et prasnti o Pu0 0i' Sahtns, asotd o-'tI'ngagoit. 151h Alarcia, 1827. or. i rmvalatpiu, igid 2 ics Srtnel ss. e Col 'a As its louves am eIx5Iini iti besto&is cannet ho expectedto lte exercised at ail JIGIL ITEETIG O'11 400 Faitnsby'a Grass anti Cradît T a meeting of thet- l»ectors thsdy prote. tintes simsply fer the gond of the' prople. t1 antiY aIRCTIN» Tcy1he9,A it was resolveti thait au irtetalment of azREims. ftsit a bench of ju;îgts. removeabie at tits rutlE &iuc re 1rîisiîi.foied ha 60Paie aolCaraTen Per Cent. upo the Capital Stock euh Kinsto Match 15 132?. ploauc" of thse goazernor, untomtrolrd, unaid- LAN#lONS(UG DROPSme tat 20 ade4B uiirited, shall be pa able et ti offce no ed. and unrtected by any institutiun rceser- T NFSO'(OÇhav DROS an 20 bs t Yard m n.Tci bscfore the first day af M«y next. FOR. THE UPPEK CANADA ERSALD. blng tlsat oi jury, cao scarceiy bc expectcd PECORA POWDCtto RSn GEO. P.'CORBETT. o eueodsereteeifen fthi- des. vxîECTOII us foSveaRS aeat pro aue A quantity of Ca4ndle Wick anxd CotonVNN.t sur rdsrets ouiec its n ~le tste t eam ais tt p0 asa reem- S Al T ING._______________________ Sveet ietlse heur when the day in decaning habitants, that entier the t ttensive polvcers ,x e s v s o @ o ' 0 -b a k i h vestcd in t country fun..tie ari s, the inha - dtcs evtr vet discovrred fer the cure of Old and Yountg Hys.oniTvankey and Hymen TO LEr, Anl l i pedr a si s~ itants oi the' coutry districts art rxpoed to mnd ugsleCAtad tofcnmtins. thooefst S U T ASAND imnmédiate pc.seingvmts n mver as i abu eiuig encroachments on their property andi persei- ment as A OS.adLT tel Mrpe H. ruat' taxatien. Bor revient extravagant expendi- as a~riets~t have voîotndtapy ienfc OfT te 'hatoea sot« Major P. F Halt, opposite t r .Erâ uco h lcMnv tam his. lieniing Bain-,,and manY e< ise higist Dry (ood, Cireceries, C For termi mppiy to Whou thse sweet mingng bleds te their soit are Th -oith etiin Puul f turtiser soli- citmp, soo f ehitis viii accompli" scach And0 the W.on MRSROG à bantMihemm ; cit thse attention cf your honorable boue te TII htt. hatvii atsfrevryouptetslitd 60 Barre!. Mess ancý Prime PORK. Kingston, Feis. 28,.1827. An h ons ls ats mtUOathe iseat lasses they bave iuiasoed from the. ýTH, httir, hat wil sati& When huah'dier nBAATUX ise euhez a 1 mu"i in~ breacis otthupledge given by the çoverament ___________hmstetroriar nduex arl 12187; Whou eslirn tebre n fer tise graduai diminution of a t4ursidant pa- INSl, prcýrd t-ores have been performed by tlie Marding per i827y novetbeloosete r useary f O! Iis Mnedicine incaseeof long stinding. ar h eig sneo h wm e tINOb. oldby ~,-ton n Modaytis 14 uvnag.the coosequçnt depreelation and continually ravisirahir effects, andi viere the Moast akiti- HEsbrueaigbe ppointtil T r#Muv ail thu' Hnooeehtàd oniore. Piate, Coîd la tise beata cktmte devatie elmn alea htcruttslmil fid lihysicians hall given them un as hapeleme. Hsbcie vngsl aandl of every diminution of propertv. wicea Ji is qt pretencleti that tiiey are anintallibit T Agrnt ai the New-York Instituto forr p.aet W-are,_t Glie hn. rcey ae nsnftcoviv.1tspiuu be Ctirv CW"tn, iic"UtniiSa 7me ptu iotr s c'acav teee fiRv nta pge cure ins aIl cassls. but of soci es are incurable. correctitsg and curingStamminr.g an o5jj litIr' Car"tiug Kilcbe Utenils or th%' eMe sen tisert art but fevr but visat wiIl e greatlY impedhuiietmbf Sjstol. oniMsu¶i' Xw.e dloy tihesdprimbloge m.<rs er of es viss is «Ceé ther~'l aia"".i e eaiy'po * rlet'e b tie se f hen. carcely a tre, g1ves notice that lie wiii undertake thleI;e~ x.. Tts s eee sentst, tce havetrt cnomeriaimait raeie bf Cthe Cusge, Paif tse . ifiura Smmig.oaplctnteb a.Lt. Col. etiserot 1aeet,%nae movd uame case ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ " Tises oga Pi ntesd. if-cr fSttmrn.o ppiaint i ettswen mou" the ligist ispist me irretritsvsble ruin tise cireunistante of a cuof breatising. vaut oi sleep arising irom Bath, Midianti Diistrict..A pamphlet con at bis r.tsidtsnc on tus Tou a. Printed'i Bis besring, great part of the c.nsmunity. ulemiltv orevn satei ensmpian. bt alrin cetitcat-mcfcures, at the above in of thse particulars viii lie sssued bitfere tise (Per the rivera calin bone te gret »s est - "Trat heavy insposta aund partial roi- delâity oreve sctedconsMPtOns bu tarsig cetifcata o shretrait. en Colonial articles of export, toge- ut i..May he releived bi' a tituely use ci this Hea. stitution, may bo iten et tise office ai th"% dey f Sale.mir, Cot Vn-fig lalsam. Eacis Dollar Bottle ai hbis paper. IrSO ii muai. whicis tndon 05ab« hil ft tbçr vits tise vacilating: poficy of tise Cole- Cmaort Medicine contais about 40 dosesl, wbich GE.AKI Hna-e -M a iZ$C. eidcsrsng - niai Goverammnt. have discouragrd enter- capppar taicn your petitemer toh 18t acte. NEW CERTIFICAThe heurs bise 0=0 arma Sm. re"u Pr827. andvu greut at laiicsnd ailuclame oq$-a g Pon eilen Shi irThes causinu aio damayt to ea usinem aie tise ceprtti e CisarFor deathsce te gaivfcto yof tie fblic, go tweeD thent theeb bnquest ail muiiil bav- _____________________ tht gte ta ot tispe ret of t lui the~~~~~~~~~fotinre areoin beyondatt aml prepertoideliava «@Ç mdît rI be 1 inFbarlaadfeuigwoetc,~ 10~ls non paon tM. evNIORNgge, se B.tee<ot.sdsl imaIeos- mslsOapertaie otl e..tiavalste e*M M uiaag hth atiei ny ie a H E~ ph us vn drie rsl b rctabou e It m up Villageion .41 23- 827 etes hftve npeting plumes r it t m oltc a dd sru tv a in a b . h o i es f t e c a t e sh p b -l y s e le aoon si ns u note inst OCI O s r vln la t e i ta of th grawn t éa th ei ae r i n oft e Jo n r el l er , mir -mine cause hef h tma ith 5 soe s 0 h iti are iqusl ui tns hâaee N i ritr i i ' m oraipi, 1ts îs2e m u e to arle s ar «1 malpr p rto les ieand so mteng t gve ean ye t he tter.-iu ite &D Cams am n st t h2 yearsf Rom >l oa And~ bravo s oft eh urt vu_________________e________ofth*Col yë irwmF seea ad eep i e d fotisaî ie b en bee ia t 0er e onrc luor a h b ig i t t atelu of eeionm th ______________________ofthecape__ tesral in ~ a t échue t ted tiSs mc eed y he i lunate s. n me t is rm sstsr r os u i 57 for tisetm nt and, al frU i.at b e uhg é tinc o r relina smtive ae aprni was - lieabl Lagec Rouiee un.arf SIr 1wn an 848 îb ortagetts gi mfiao r tau ieis ruste viete tebrsk <th grete eac ebe tlre tre ine are vi etis ~dutos- epa eaki thtrsehe gulutai a 1brc qfld.f adéqun'ojoo1 a*te ,dlp. thei fy, th me. p ui an ber d wth ta immedc. &c pc.-AIso FOR exelen W eliR CANAD RIorD Andt every fond <lais wu0e.t' cÂP Ot(OOtB P tis fe tr u d e ethwer by nernw-; M Ca reiecfuIy and Sptinglt ofth bmanning Sh wu p lisà tgal tlsll mua tt i abavedoJoe. TYES prrnee- goag Garden, tcll eue fro Et.,s & .T N ho a# Btithe penieWreff bmwis esc visos *et, pl*ee1 e xptravaganc of-a'-- tiega heje th DuLn e. (Xbui. Y.) sude Knson, sg rar1d. onslstmg 0<5nt seejee te haveot gved à" hstrid Tlat crtyhat t berilser In GRisd aM fmusein amiM etherà GroW* *0I suiffin edti oasi thie- ist*Iil Md45 ma~ a.p intie et, borne tit situin au cas ai @po, slatiq Te.siihdisst N TC. ve' ie ge lgIsêe. e vlites, dearst. tes il .' C1 de 4~ dîteiise Ver. braugilî ree t, 1e b> itetgo b u o fi stelcd AS ishicis. v-i btised Stockr-b ev bmmdh &saan . Im i rit i -rb h t awâg e pr tshlorte maie e reif 4 uul ' C onecd ta- Fo'ttsalyeaoHene Caesuly -u.Aigv tavtiesl.ws ggs lraaimetaeiso. <d kU> I. Dros. Sntenaous'm cei h se o f t ue mis. <£gtc oteM el ano*faap fo T as oeiutf «* gid -iids elS <CFt.I*4BU. tnicthevert titemeap lfat intntt f ceW oau the Towshi of81 CR A 4, Atten tveosa lle oro< n fÎweetat, Itataof t se e it Qinsi .*o Jnli tsuecticsdscis jwy, A «ft'e NIf fustoing tne agait t. 'D c emrai en-Pu wdrtY mear AO tbcVillae 1 Noemee tis nofuing. pumoe. J& tal r.n t" ye.mA* *o Miooi eeor eetmi té'git % W h« Î! tfr<lyFebsnaryd, and sinii whstha Upr hs&alth 58 acres of whicb are beld eldar a Leur Nie g ierttw deh hein fo 7" *&et. th tdWot An d aritecytf ha thtr vuafNveiilen iyranmfd i th iseh baetm*5 dis!. NahnHingtent livhge tsebie m arne n PUn hLpiC e hr ms N I C * An altr pueimaetA tg et <rior Mdit~ YM Î' ' Wth U "ef f.l. fotal Lenneçs (su*sItmre «m *1e lOfl V U mown appF To ogit Honteé,am h aigbie i ~ éop> qnru*ml ryta ju a.b Cough1t1 one th'-iei "Mrmen frt Ifs th,' ryaey.wIR.ait tm à.bs mllW M.CPE F fnHO sretoei vscs. aaabr in.e J M'ME G ERl"'. w & i oro m r uii * e so - - -- - -gF 1 P 1IU 1 s tr.5 day te _ak I ca hery te oiugisu mutnt elA!?. MW*so lame k ~* iustnFei. ,127 fim..- __ A&sU *urevil Noi t. t1 U"i 1r JUST PUBLISURD, 54 bl Hlome. Md ., atmt~ .4dfo t n *Èft îéejon anbua4sm beemM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * cmi utl tapl sreamm ie ois~ie4 oo<r epo rt of; t h. e o , C a O f l n b D I~ u i a e s a u . . a i s ~ h p u > e u s r t * e r p a a u s b u q Prierf lCa mpbell,~uP.sisg<di mel sun tthie0<msewe siI Utaàly but attise £damim h~1

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