Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 1 May 1827, p. 3

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oi6 fIi : S a* lnW par1lu the- v &. e of tu a Ifa s t l; i- cf 1 tif je- eVuI. i d2l a- Re;e. [- te Mr. ch î,T ne the f the j2 libertyc 01o~ which st TheP~:~ year, . the 'New l'y Mr. -ze, asj1 situatiot, i11 shoulci Miy UII(:x- Wiàg eVer .g,i1 ot n'the bll te incorpora. lkeeueary Rt. hon. :Mto the urities. 1 nature »gentleman state.- were in- wa-first, te ority in the ;and secotd- of the SS. .holUe subleets ion of goiera- us states in and riegoti- juid net pas- 1mw Wb tistion. Office Oppol- Y lu those cte by was hig Pope of he foreiu Pope ad- ereigu, an- > t the pa- *Canuning) t that the ef-the secu- ocsocidd with the *b. ,smuch, etecied in cktobr, a spe 1 bo- ort n-h was id icone ir aemirm ing perrades ibu bom .1 fi 4# lies. h he anath.1e h diepuwhwero wusabou anid learned lrieadM*», étbo ib' *Ad Mail a ù heasWereweufouaded. Tii. ho kme sir, tu uic Pape oRsMuIt *n4 i*.Gni*aheroreait coPseu. robbery. mnuat caine tt k*4 <le reIY d.Iumt mie- 0 tcfirm tue emicisu iihOl Iy dl. a,.. usj< fe ht @f leýwik iu1. exped s4 omman Lhoue c ChrLh goshow that the a pectatai ta aie uf "* telantion f d» Motaamuafi"net wilfulIy oar iùr"Yumusi pros hiy ~i IU1QS~i:Hsm Mdlauhe.4 - <bledl t 14Ims - O f SeriPtmr, mal pr- Roe uwh, W.th respect go thai a«Wier bl, Wb*» 1 *tIe ty at of thé decalogue. HO pI.dg- ontantly caidupos -a i k, H; on. Friand fer -bà sat humelfoly >Y I$ Vote te> the.conidera- ha thet opinlion, and lie aas#ered by juf*nbMg @, tics'cilla Qusetios, aidzif at shoulil ha the. Venq.. v rould be Ut M o lPdfwtem .bto p.th affl l s. idu& ibis QUUSMUien-wsMrAc glikeanjeaPardy if 1g- respndeo 6it ta hVConaidered, whiaii. byne- aeb The Mater of Cihe Rolis-'.qlcotsider hat ghiving ii. esolàtio ehey wealddueclai.,<w ih the opiniin refoard. t was contziei ms . re ha co Ou ily Samy that th House cf lmae privjte letter--/ Cries cf "1Order, order; cea m mcangedlinàdeci. The Rigbt W. le, Ciair, chair."> ad 1 doutbiif ithe Right H. etenstdown et nealy haif- who are ;,na. Secretary ha* mre thaa ayte, n"t4 '.lockami" tlandl chmrs ftra &II next,-and ora4inal so we qndersicail ihe Rit fole. P owfthtliomlS. prtColai and lea rned Member ta sel) being in My ;t'Chnb » P b« re m idst the. Most Ivitt, hi iri possession. M crieon f" Question." He. SOlU- asogIatesi (Great confusion was created in th Houe 0fel "thei Holà. Baronet should iter di. awful ai by this interruption.) 1wotd measa, DOWstandrin the .motion, nt ,xpeci Mr. Secretary Cannmig-Sir, 1 de une x-ta tint cf aCjediuicy-the epediency cf ctly understind hs interruption. (In- takin~ ow"Mideration th e ene 1mw., creaseil disorder.> h lae, in my opinion, 015aà, Iahis 0J>1fllOlIpreferable ta the motion, -' inoît extraordinary. (Cries oP'Heau', he as 55 et aiproeat stooil. Order, ordur! Chair, chair!") 1 asseit, iis Sir F. Burdett mid, ht h. had Do obje,- E] ia public documentl en the productiorcttien 1tamis.the proposed alîermîîon; and he which depends hhjudgiiiit tube prooioic- furtiier wiaheil tu Omit the terni imeda- ed as ta whether or nlot 1 bave property ex- t,"l as many Gentlemnen did not wilh lk The ftia ecuted myraubuic dtty, as a Minister et the pledge themacîves te an opinion uf the. ne- crown. (fleur, boat.) With this viow 1 CSity of immediately reviaing th Lawis. wiII percei cal ljd for the opinion of hislm ajcsty's 1mw The Anaended Motion a hou prit, and Burdettî's officers, and receivcdit, not la znon-officiai, the Herse divlded. Nues, 276-Ayei, 272. Catholic c: but in an offi-ial way; sail Abt being the Majcrity mpi>mt sir F. BurdeWs. aj LoniCmon cate havua rght oreier teit. (Cbeero.,-- -.4.ur Perbaps, Sir, 1 might not have referidte 'At twettY Minutes te ive o'clock the ohrat tho- matter, if it wcrc net for the oxtracidi- Hous. djuurned. teari n.ary language made use of, neot in this Hous. Order tu gai or ini this discussion, but elscwhere, and on HIOUSE 0P GOMMONS. -Master ofi a differentocsiofl. I couta, Sir, Idid not Mr. Catie expect îuch language would be repcated CITADEL 0F QUEBEC. Who were1 here, rnch legs Cht any man would atteanpt On the 16 cf February the Hons. went in- ta impeach my honor andl honesty. Tho', te Coanmittee on the Ôrdnauce Estimates. SIR WA Sir, 1 raw to God, if before 1 came into this 49Th, lait part of the estianate", ta which ner in Eli Hautàe, 1 werc called upon te judge froin Sir H'enry Hardinge cmalled the attention of last, decla wiaat quarter thu attack would came, that the fluse was Chu îupplenuentary estirnate quarter (rom which it had proceeded, would for the militaryworksin t:ie Colonies. The undivided have been the very last frain which I could grant proposed this year was £l217,0,and Afetha have expected it. (Hart.) Waelthen, a a.WBgrteaterthan it wam'lastyar. The d (r Cu I ýtting this, ta me moiut painful subject, I he Master Genermi of Chu Ordaaance w-r NcolJ corne ta anrther brnnch, hat cf the; ecuri- niait anxiaus te diminish the expenditure Nca a tics. The thor branch of requirod securi- on this head, ilbore were certain military exclaimmcci tie related ta correspondence with the Se. works, whicb ît wu requiste, t any ex- father, the of a'ue, oucingmarimgs, ndugenesPense te Puit upon a proper funudation. The eace, wouli and other matters connected with ecclesias- heaviest charge was for Chee uew woz Le in great honc tical polity. le wras certainly traie, hat th. the. citadel of Quebec; £12,000 had beeauaan- Chat i chout lecurities of hat description which ha a ulyli u o hefrsieyasbok proosel wre et eceved Heun eok This year it was proposedl ta ake £30Ooo me by the M to ntroduce those securities as part of bis and for his reason; in autumun, befure wEfl- DusTalC Bill. When the Bill failed, bis duty res- ter *et in, it Was necessry ta erect a selid pecting the securities wms, of course, ai au wonk of masonry over the. works hat were the Magist end. He perfectly greed with an Hion. left incomplete, ta pretect them froin the geueral Qu and Learned Gentlemran, hat nothing was severeity cf the weather,mand in sprîng ah wai mmced by a suid or dont by Mr. Pitt, et the time of thi- nccessary ta dispiace hat solid work of ma- Markîand, Union, wbich could be canstrued ilit, o urefore the works ceMumeuccît in the f phadge c tbe Catholies. Rut it would bhe preceeding year tenld be centinued. Aofce cf Di, cliin;nuos fot a my hatthee ws Catgreat lois cf ime and expenie vas hus in- for bis rem( in the transactions cf the period alluded ta, curred in pulingdown and building rip hat followm. cAlculated e inspire the Crtholicq witb a cwhich wam ultimately of no use tu Chu works Yea.,3c hope, whiLhuforlunatel y LAd been defer- crco twsCeeoedtmie htCuc, . red uatil it sickened. (Hesr, hauar.) He whatever work should htreafter bu crectedw was aiso of opinion, hat et heperind cf tht in Canada, gliould be erected if possible lu Washburn, Unionî we ought ta have been particularly oee eason, as it was clear hat theiautooer it Esquires. cceiill ot ta aloîrany expectations to bu was executed, h. loua was thu expeuse. It Nays, JO chierihed, which it was Dot intended ta wau on hat account hat ho proposer! takîng Hugh MGC shat iy . he r. Hocoulhatdirlot hwe r 30,00 this year instead of £12,OOO which Anderson,i ilu ha ye tath fct Cht irrclyorms- ha had taken in former ytmara. l he. yeara d,rtctly, th Roman Catholicg in lrelaud tdii work, pe exPected, wouldbe com=Ple- ln, Solomo %tete lduced to believe, thit in the 'United Ced. Mmthew Ci P&a litmett their question would bermait fa- On the motion for a grant of £-223,552 Jacoab Geý vour-ibly received. Some peaple entertain- (extrnordinaries) for Cihe repaire of Warkae clined raCla ed a duubt whecther Mr. Pit vas warm on and buildings in h. Engineer departmeunt SoeP the siLject cf Cathnlic Emancipafion. He aSaomneudaPrad *(Mýr. Crniig) rexnembered as Wall as if it a hme andng roead mlddt umu iso ha haprr etraM.Pt' hW 9 which he mad heard, of certain works hat tempttitonu lim a letter fram Lard Cornwallis, statiiig were inonnLveCadmdmiatn;but Iba heCboghthe nigt crrytii Un ocf an intein ta erect m uine of forts on h. will he ses, but flot Catholie Emacîpation. Ho (Mi Canîing, lu the piesunaption of youtb, ex- wriver St ewe. H wah1ta kn * hu Proviai Clied 'hen abandon the Union!", Mr. vhthel thseprojecta were ht e carricil claimod, o, withoutany information boing give ta Sc.18 PiC rbucdhl, u o dueve t b r-the House on the subjeet. eud nMay ho buked. 1e carried h.Unioni; but aithougia Sir HenryHrigmnerdthttvs their romptg hie Eald ncarin h.q.sin fCah-nece-uarY ta forms a proper deput in Lover- asaem»bled,. iEnainciation, there was uno tribunal, Cndvara r~nCe.vsntaand herei nio)w et quei', tefore whch o (rta an.Place in vhich they eotildkecp a cannister point a prop xai.g iasflt uie rcar des ta o.C f powvder. With reset go the first point, intheDîsti bis firm belief in the ucrity of Air. Pitt'eintninexselC (rnsc aIn f strict, lut wk:hes and intentions. <Hear, hieur, hear.> defeuce as he lion. niember had athuded ta. clOl e cu îlewôud frtier ayCha b adl hoirsIn luthu course cf Che year 182à, a cosmission provcd Of th no kaowledge, for did ha beheve that any which bild been mettaCatcnîqeas- S. 0 ottir pesosihad ny kovlcgcaof any mendgýd hai ai certujitnpoints, wor s soulilmybda clange in Mr. Pitt'% opinion on Ctho subject; ho raised-btCe6eec o mxtnie al h ac a e with the exception of his determination flot fo -e a abu h ene tof ex astnsieCa eteaC tu %!ir ih daring h. lite cf the laCe King. luntempte Os. The eu nd udy nut ou. tinu ae ht, but irn nieother respect, was lMr. Pitt's of Chat eri Tr wich reqselrdlmipdinto alontintue mird altered; and lhe as conflrmed iii hat dOfeuct e ltywh ere aifa frs.ona e hu9ma ai opinion by the declaration cf a persan vho dstance. Wvas rescttmeudei thtfqurters mouhmetere had known Mr. Ptt welI, the lt. Marquisshauld e pwsro e nde a cd ua r ters, mai er of Londùnderry, and Who, in bis place in tue riarteru erectied for bd trocppiondc tavr hedi CRoeomn ts voiîi ntmrycotrdicdtea quantity af stores-tics. measures appear- bitants cf Ci cd M. Roe onCh. ubjet, sd sd edd te b. uecessary, because if au nemy tarn- beld mt Mr. h etimony the tact, hat M;. Pitt hadcdCesubteisadepleatroutvlgefI mhlsito edbis oinos seting tiaCa-wu situated, Che towu mustfall imb ils pcv- day of April Inholic h t bse dying d. pe ch h e r . Beaides as Canada wam lcked rp dur- ht ho wool1 la Pit, Ci ae onotheadC sec wi ing a certain perlod cf the year, it vas pro- h bR o' ~r.Pit ha mdo u ti.Chalic Question per hat stores should bu ccllected in places tien Bin ,ai in 1S05, and who recoliected hat only ire of safety. .nUpr8aaalewziCe1-t. rvn monthi elapseil beforp bis valuable life ter- cd to erect a amali Work on the maime modal Mr. Williu 1iuanted, corald scarce ly blier. that a cbauge a# hat et Qiebe, cf which un estimaI. mn, anil M 11,ripid had tken place in bis sentiments. weaahob furnisheil. ItLvas net ictended as Tbe ZNatu ti L'therefure pr<tested against he truti cf a poit dlappui,but as amiiga e,>jptwhr yi.Suu tte vetinCht r.Pitt bal changed bis troopis ad stores inigh± b.estbihel Paul PeOU 0)lnaOn; an opinion se tderoga'tory ta th. c oghr i, tdeeqem o es.lrmaia <aue rhih o ~r.Canitingu Plumd hirm- Lawrence, nOte itbing vas intended; b..- theitmeeting on inheriting fruiMr. pîtt. (Huai, fore m a rto u o o a are r'i~ he:, har) 1e ad been drawu aide freim into eetPart otal c!tne db.etaail D.Air tep s'îbiec - tl osuunecfhvn me-byC.M s tGtal # o h.duacai oelb l & fl d C I e a e . a M . i t. S n i v r s i b u s c u d h a e u c p o t n i t e f i D r m . n e a y utuneriu Meéting cf the inha- te 'County of Prince Edward, .WilliagaDocall'u Inn ini the IlOiwelI, onffaturdy the. l4th i,1827, to petition Bis Majeaty Od'gractously le pioased ta with- )ya AiMent zthe ii. aturliza- tpameil y hye.two Houss, of al Parlaent ut its lad Sesson, M William wuschosen chair- Ir. William Merril, semetary. àireliatia DIIwau dium rad «Rry. tewon.. EMq.. .P ritog at considuabIe ffloors9ok. An &;4ut cf h. 0*WAustn,spo*e apinut it. y Pr. Autin, »d - seçonded b! )te" Landon Mdil WilI.t C. ktthe Act pmu.d Mthe fth miguai ...8. nîiidd"mu At new ~ M satesl .Majestys du «bd Moorer, mpm adilhemdi * Mr.W. Meuh, "U seeea -~ C. »Mirnr »d lDe. Ait, eopinion et dlii met*ng, Chat bil, ioi I, if' At reeive ithe eut, un. Uh>ÏtIrfmmd dàupe, if na qy 4* and mos *qmilM. b1 attoth* A -ifnvita-~hm~ mal hv.tlW f.I P&W fok 1u 4,j er etey lIa1,ta ic. Th, owner cari huve it b>' ppilfngt C. Hi-raid office provo propealy, sund pmymg for Chisa aIveritenr. FOR SALE, AT THE NERALD OFFIC, 4 &eru.o. drlwerd inSe.&Jaut. Ciqe4 on cea"lof te.lauamtud desth ofbis RoW, igAmithe Datkoofi or.. BY THEREMP) .ogr4ILR .11 bc s»MietaithecCour *ooc Tew ut Kinptma. the followig LadM Ta'"Tmi mets, s WhqO: g te Dmto* Philîpo, msa mea twb srm wa uit of Euem, im eua couttHi* mjcsip'18Cornuai Kog'.8cmÔ toanu dkrecthedi&WCitet Jin E-ý&rrat vis: Lot numbcrSovengecm, oq.th e«m.-o f Piacle Street,;iCh.tbe ,no<f*fehtl thte Cocty 09 lfadigs imW"thsIdig theres mtql. Ml0 , ouusbavhl w u 16é .é.e rimy * t tbred b. o loews t ne,.. r en"Oa KgppOih$I.1827, Fornait ai 11*0J4 i GAIRDEN SEJ)S. U IVE juât receiveasi t-iiramsrtient IU oftht aboe. WARRAXiTED OP LAST YE.AR*S GROW*IR, ýwhee say b. bail as assii nulcwey oherArticle in the. DRUG tuait STATJO)îmry lismaon tb.mmnro«%«. bic tenu&. s A V.D- by WMU. A DA Mof Ya«, tLppft. b &OI »amdl, n- varrates M.b.cof h 1 , i .Z. . : NPALbMR DrOst sg Md Ai ssii 'Manket 8quure, "£amotu. bMatch 20th,18. = c msgau»O« f ebolftGugtIes steis; 7 ttehyubu crhber la Seeretet. MueI3ddm. - . dm, ' w < WofLMSAL,& Komaor, M'.y w,%»M. Mmfi sa, tbehoLB mifluî thaïif ally, repélied the. fiente and reiterateel t- 5H ERI Fs s of thei. tuoiiu itaperpetrate Che,1'imeku cf mn invmdiug muid ambitions foe;c,- Johnuon, *and Etias, Ch. Ne;,rc, vilI bc productive of th.emmsi erlan d siii'r d11 t N 'SA tut d th tle id a few v4"la aci, warning the. alarming enitaheaocoutry; çretly les l'-r. . î o:i ~ fiaa a f. Xly in te ascid ils evit courses wbich teen the. confidence viaich the. inhabitants jnezt. wvu! be 501l 4t ieLUwrt fiu-ýe lit agit dhin t hoiruntimoly end. 1have, for more Chau thirty yeirs, mosC aaI-' nie rou'n tif k iis u. Illeu thîy,,lau o0 vas a heavçssn, appead te die plicitly reposeil u is àMaest 's G-ivern- 1a. beonilgt. I a'th. .G anud witiice tbdiimna of ment; produire utror.g an.2Iaagd35t5ýi~bvvru ta » eo I.Tefaction in hiving and fdaurîhing : C f liii NlajfetafsC.urn of Kinz'5 Be. Alh.tu goi the ~ c Rad~evîtrdlony;andutcoapletely aestroy tuepeace, m i cid a h'-i t eý;eNil sboid~~ atedIosmt las,$and "nienbirmorly, tranquil utyand happiaitai, oedectsatiastu io'eNa- er oftthe Boumncâ4olie persuasionr, vhicnh have hatherto nnifonaniv prevailed 1yard, viuýb mve Mr. Viaur)itninistered the aniong ail classes ofet isM tmC' smecCs. Jlo r.umuir Tselve in the fir,.r Clo. esta Johuson who asf tatfaith. Moved by Mr. W. r. Barer and scond- (W %e-t of the Cas-rving Place)*O f tICý ar hat L. Rt.. and Mich. Monarque cd by Mr. William B. Leaven's,that the ' Township cf Sophiasb-ur:',h. -contaiiî. aine sutearc.i te satifer on Tuesday Pétition against Cie Naturahization Bi1,11hundreui and erghty-lour acres niuroè or dn whabve, Ch.eieder brother in diafted by the York conimittee, ha read. iess. x, conduscted thesuslves vith mu 'ih Mcvel b y Dr. Austin, and secondent by A Il persnah having dlaims on the above bave, ince th.e eecatian of Choir Mr. W. C. Banker, thm Chia meeting peti- Lýancia, oa nypr heu ysto-,à: lis, appearel tuhly amive te their tion hus Majesty that hlie ilbc graciluir ie b<rîî,b tl0ts tuahion. IL appears thaï they did pleased Cc vithiiolil bis Royal Aiment f(toiar otherwibe, are requirel t'O iaku ch" t te, suier dead.- Que- Mercury. thus Bill. sainc known tea me o(4 or taelure the dsy lisMoe by Dr. Austin and secondel by of uaie.--.Sale te commssence at 12 o1cluck, MNr. W. C. Bunker, Chat the petitien drâftett noua, ~R Z1 . by Chu York cammittee, with some mitera- JOHNIIN ArLFAIN Lions bc adopted. .Vre,-j i M. D. NGSýTON, MAY 1, 1827. Moved by Mn. W. C. Bunker, and second- lin'gtion. Jarauarej 3dUr. 1627. ol by Mr. W. B. Learens, Chat Dr. Austin CATIIOLIC QUESTION. and Mes. Publius V. lmone and W. Ticeutu"ve SaleIr -:stPm(d unthi Satur- Wuls af-civil mal religions liberty Merriii, bc appointeil a commnittee to m<ake day, the I9tti day of M x%, 1527. ive with regteh, Chat Sir Francis fthe cew yaltenations ln th. afonesaid JOHN A FAN motonupn h.Suajst f li *petition, ancd correspond viia huheYork coin- Sbai rif M. D. m ion upo t e S o t, f *h e m itte eou hu subject. Z ing deon. .lpriI 3 . 8 7. onlaiuh was lest of Mn. M. Dunne, addrqed -the meeting in son te *hlà J«i- favour"of the Bill. -ttt=I Wehve'xclde4â" ver] vd hynr. W. C. Banken, aulsecond- ic intendeil for to-day's paper in1 ed by Mr. W. B. Leavens, Chat Mr. John vo the interestiag speebhes Ch. , beTreamurer, ho receive Cse he o SireJon speecey)oatie Lbscni ' usfor Chu purpose cf defraying the olla (Si Joh Coe iao h.expensaset fan agent ta convey the peti- ning, 6 th. giants cf Chu debate, &stie hua ajemty. or 0O IR 1%BU O pittd agins eac othr.-Moved by Mn. W. Merriii, and seionîd pited gaiit aciothn." by ir. W. C. Bnker, th,ýt h. prociealinga CAPTA1N lMy. BALDïcf '-Y, LTER SCOTT-nC a public lin- of Chia meeting, bc publimhet in tht U.C. Waal stéir, fr,'n l' i . . rn'<m fnburgh, on Chu 2-s h of Fbray -era id. A. NM. 0 ~ . t"N. brp i a "Chutotl aid Moed y D. Astin, sud secondel by îIr'c. Pcrrtut 7-2."i"k %.NIM D * n urs- ted hiniselft if Cc h e tuotal.anB. Leaens, auJ W. C. Bunker, c<aN atsud arrive ai Kirge -'i iiic.it iiir- 1 uChor cf the Waverley Novels. theit the Chanks cf Chas meeting bu given Ccte a- mKyegstoat 8 oktock Fr.rlay niur..Iog, afonesail decliration, Che Baronet P. Petersuon, Esq. andate Cie hr' irman and Cor the Bay of tho healtb cf bis friend lBaille iacretary, for Choir oble conduct cri Che oc- rvi," ponviiciMn.MacayWIL.LIA.U MERRILL, Aaaivz ox S'.-ruRuiAy 1- kNING AT TUE ý-Imy conscience ! My vonthy Secrelarj. oaan.z g> PL&=, eDeacon, had he been ini exist- tnd________ta____________r,._i_,________ dna have beierel Chat siccan a C sud rCO PA Ye Ateu u al Kîrig ton c, lier y nlt icur should befa! me, bis si-BoD C M Â Y cliuu h ita- en.Su,,,!nli'r;, at ue k aid have mmiii a compliment pail A. M, for ther Caurryiug ltc-î, rrive ahi.-re great unknown." IS NiM jesty'. Govrrnuasent iiavang con- on M(,r.lav morntg, ad ratura ta Kizagitoa Hli aactd t 'te d, c i.Canad» Coin Tue-sdu-y afrrnoo.. CT TaREASURIR.-On Tbursday as, asuch ai Ch -Clown R-serves ln Uppr- Kbajuion, 1pr-il 1711t, 182r. Cf. luCanadîa. siute ;n townships, laid eut bt-fore rates of Cie. Midiani District, *i laCý day of Mar-ch 1824, as bave not bt-rn AJV TICE. tanCer Sessions assonibled, doter- deamiseid for-,erms of yrars, or orcupirtJ a majority of tire., Chat Thomas 1)y 'ritten or verbal lacence cf the Gnvera 1LL ptrann% i.'Ithnrd Ce the Estate of the ,Esq. should contiinue Co hall the'rient, or wtre occupiard, although withest M.Ahcf JHN lESAR, &,f the Townsliip istrict Treasurer. On the~ motion ny prtenct cf la-gai Ctle, for Ille space of of Kiangsteon, dccrased. art- requaied te maske Telui Years and ut-.wardls brfoue Choi6th day 1tmmediate paymer.t tae .stisacriher; enrd aoval, the yeas and nays ver. as '>f November i1524.-NO tICE "M ereby fChose harving claiaîîs iâagainsC the sssii Eranato giveri, by the Canada Cempanir, tahTpr are requtateil te pre..at the saute fer adjust- e. Pningle, James Dougal, John ;ons who aa now bu in possession cfany ment. Jacobi B. Cianiberlin, Simec,u Crcwn Lserbes which by tie saint agreeo JOB CAES3AR, Wm. Bell and Asu Wonden, <nu-rit are Ce 6e trariafarrcd te Che- Companiy, ExEcijroa. ina who may have held su-ch possession for ToeoakO of Kif *yý98tooa, iperuod hlesa ran Cen years bt-fore aie said) .p rit 23, 1lf!97 oun Camxin,, Alex. Pringle, 126th day af November 1824 without an>' le Gregor, Thos. Donisind, Charles %al Citie, or licence of occupation, or prom FOR SAILE, ColilMcKesuzie, John Carscal - S af a lease Chat Chey must either reliuquush tn Hazleton, Richardl Lowe and ainmrdiatcly. rhtir possession of snch Re- At tir bearmad Office, a fev copies of the <iark, Esqnrs. 'erres. cr Creut i wiC"he Canad a Conapani au % 1 ClakEsqs.for the purciase of the samne . undChat pro. Na rlizatton Bni. emuh, Esq. vas liment, but le- -osais, iri writting (post pain!,) accordituglîr April 3d. ig an either side. îivil l e recerivtai aY ork mdressed to mit. ruons contendt hat conviction et grnuadad on the value of uncheared laend of P Llt ongit tahav preede dnyat-quaI quuhity in the samne Township. t ugt a av reedd sn u-JOHN GALT. Wanîc'd by nith s-aie a feur Barrels cf nove tie Treasuner froutahbis situa- York, U C. 29th Dec. 1826. j g the lav requires no suci thing, as -____________________ * e W en by Chie fahlowing extructi frant CANADA CO-UPANY.. for whici the High,,t aPrir'- wiftit- givan. lcial Statut. 59 Geo. 3 cap. 7. J. %V. ARNITROING. "Be it etclail 4c. That it shahl T lais tqueuCed ah 't ali appliecatin for , 111iMae/i 127.<f l lavful for Cie sait Justices, lit thCe port: home of L'indu frein thie Canada ecie General Quarter Sessioits U.nîo..,ay, le made in writirg, stating NOTICE. or the greater part of thcaa,then The Lots drsircd. Stes-il Tenders, f4r ah,. Erectioa cf a assembled, tu nominate ilnd up- The prilae lu Halifax Currency per acre ~or u r ~ u~ )per person, being resideut viCia- Ofd titGtab m6u ni-ct, te ho Tressurer of Che said! The macde etfhîyment propeued, mand rDose the GAOL un theT- lown cf Kurtgbton, ihi-ch Treaitarer u@hall gir. suffi- The aipilicant's place of rtsldece. viiil bhona-reivedait h Ch COUlET HOUSE, riy in sncb mm as @halie b.i:p- Inedato attention will 6e paid Ce oril- Oustil nomof etthe- 24th mut. le muid, Justices &c."8 ten~ appicatios., and au answer girca, with lht- Plan and Specification, te ho seen by IIAnd b. it e-c. 'l'au ut elauliadlthee ast pri'ifflealchay. mphcu ot fui for he muid Jus"u, ofthde <gnd) JOHNç GALT. Mfr. THOMAS ROGERS. blek General Quarter $Seins, or For-*, 10/iMirch M£u7-."S cf KngtomAciiCa. ,part cf tdem, roim time to time iourtewl brqiedE hep- Ach Truaer iu hi. office, se JFOUNDITo ormnethemUll ereqie o.ti e. s ghah! sec, convenicrit, maid te re- feu deys um. on tic York Rondi, a HaId -a'nîecfbÀ>* 9rk. tt beir pleusuis anti appoint any A kerehief lun wiici vas Cie'-l ua sev u85l *m.pi 87

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