Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 8 May 1827, p. 2

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* $e", ~,* -, <.r. -. o ~ t treof he loaôiêwr s bat his pffot wu l ni vain, anid tbo lien, . -469.u.l4 ~1o I arig »b ol lnl b. iapted' , rsitosnw inIUtéa" indldi nby-the thffat cenittact. If . .,lscoqed in fortn,S seikSh~%~M Jrss Tivy ~d. tin, nti dedi utsüvod te the. to 01e, - wliacti ilwla , poed; icommoonçst rueetr uecnde bil e vtiva.I ~,n<a> tiem. ~b&s pt tze'xi"m. -A gcnta*n of tw4leffllb*hdytannotbe -3'Wit- et Tbali.IIhagw ~~ut sloasr. penig. pu we lviqàftantl*'îi-Pets; lu tii. dWýimé of i"is neqdtà a tit Torlaiila >o~t~ W rere Usî in botbod ime<a~brought 1%s pistole,, Pobadi b M . Wakefteld. A C Getlaan e uterac..utd it he enhe prmti led tea ablacbhit aeoi euflf ;betricz in whîch 91M talonts.If hbad or ukpow. Wilpise of tsesiMdéh@4 te - r Ilde of îhe, ai. arum ueldnoer itne, but i1: vu tvontr mînutuýe diîTMUner1b.- a4.1 ti. rsi merL. apin oddrema aPxbIiç onia. Pli has- l.a 'qi1. tiIbapey, altiih i Af the eqw <b& o~t i n guagwas.1~ous = t it o ugbl hie mouth pas .aqh baul ut Iflngb t. b. raldUam&W mi. asxnvmu,~ri~ u~sd4ll( L. caI wiivien= lbdy vWs9dawn fen i.caq- qIst . lae iil. îusabx r' Urp .K bb.aurm.eme deioy, re- An inqiaast viii be hold this day.W e isa casm, pould 'ppar obly tô admit Il ftir.d t li bs sndh r l oupe- ahratd tbat uMa xinr icusaoe I in bd$* pov ufavour of tii. ratedi naal.iFmp b dwcft.animall«WaM.x edn1que adoilmrsao. aT lvph. dathat in this came theu *iepdt til lettit âM theii.houme, fSt a m uch , hhtat 0 t wwmi m Iechli- m. Tirdi nte=dt "Flte otbe legisia- lb. srpuo f pemottig l. Ptitendroitb.dactmàl4 bépin thi.e rge witb tare fi aMi,' tost auadè thomarriagéof 1 thurs. T i r2. bu einana 1aon the preoeediug dey. W. hoe . isbishi a ItWto.q sei tal ayvii b awsraq1eportons mot te ountrnst ver. noearlytva u udro.'hii se: w.ii l . ahof s"cbfereci- C1VRI0UýS FACTS. nei.factsi se t* b. LiaI bre.or four et cus an=mi; andwv.@boletldb.glad te l*rn Chamborn, ii bhpl WIlks in Edinbnrgb," I tb. miniaterial pary ma!e c mote e an that the digustig practîceocf ballooing wvIna peangoffteett heNew Town1 WIt ho support thie-rijhts cf th. peelo.ilown .teatmscf lons and tlgers vasdis - iaviS beau,nDot mas!y yeamsg, gru mparicis M'Y consequenco ilta the ibe nois m thrnk contiuued.-EngflshPaper. and cccrn ields,vietlousthe. fllowing prac- à tii.:th.yareevs boy, in luact tireu. paadox :-' liMoe.(inGeorge street) tb.y are mudi 1.Pdymsrabci DEATH 0 F Dr. KITCHINER. ti. Mam of Feeling used fre"utly te sbiotc moa oie hn alnc.Ths' miieront goulus died rather mddeu- bm!t5. W. caus aitdtLeha anetber para-1 3OSEVR . CAVEly on Mluday night. fle b.dt beau affected dom quiy ar.Hmr, in the. Higb AN0?w~ith aadis resoret'tii. bu&an sd vu ms~antClurdEdiubuslgia, valpreached, latSuu-1 HÀYEN, tg spasmodie utckau o telat<inissÎ wo om cagieeny *t b.d ban d i tetn «wdea sermon aitiety eaioas 1.fTl,2Stti Apii, lu% piitsta eaudim e e .m.stimb k*otiWhotoeeih fort ___________of________________advisem, Mr.. Robins, éce! hu lacklohe 1M =àOELL&NuoU8.~~~h b. eeepted au ivtatiofi te dine' w'ltb Mr .~ la o oia oag y(ofct Braam on Moudy; and on hi; retu*u froin lb. 'Rev. Gren t s o h la bu nee of tii. FRox - rt DELAWAAE GAZZTTi&. di'-uer, b.hasuseized witb o-pasmm. At heeneit su1portsmanpw the day.-Edabugli 1 Andrew H. Hutton, of New-Castle, twelve o'clock Mi< Robins wàt called up Obaereer. Istell a toauoia sdrunkard, having boeu by Dr, Kltchiner's foctman, vhb begged hlm O LR ES cumed by Dr. Chamabom'u medicn., s trust, e coume instant:V,asabla manter vas dying; A writer in eu. the.Dover papernstates iiereby wish te testify befr nuy friends h baitened to the boume with a&l bpeed, and thatPrevioualy tp plartting bis cocn u at and acquaintances, the public, and alî 'fhnd deceased quit. desd; sn attempt te. yei.r, ho soaked'lbas lie.suppogei in a solu- drur.kardis, tle i.eficacy. of tlii medicine. blepd ii. wa. igefféctuai. Dr. Kitchîner- tien of nitre, but iud, viien meut of the 1 naà 57 yetis oid, have a wlif.and eiîhL had aLlen declared le Mr. Rebitis Lb.: be sned was in the garnd,. tht through Mis- children. 1 have for twelv, yeitrm eu a knew his disorder would talbitel off sud- tae abo.imd aod iiauber &Wsi. Ho plant- ba.rd driiaker. My usoul qnattiy îaterly etlY-be vas in continuai feua of deatb. A ed 'ear acret, tliesqad for two efwhich vas in wa about fise quarts of lîSuur a woeek- Coroner's Jury, before whom theme hcts its natumai saiate; mbat for tii. other two vas Tue lona of turne by my drinking vas to Lb. vere stated, rrtumned 'the verdict-,g Died soakted ini vater iuW wli.e lie bsd disse yod Worth cf about tie dollar. n week Ttho bv the visitation of Qed." According te.a one pound tofibh salts . Discovering bis sioncy vhich laspent w.ekly for rum sas new9iPae tateoment which liat net beau mstak b»ieuri-fit % degree of anxiety about ffl cents. 1wu mach weakeued iu cnntrmdicted, Ot. -Kitchiner inherited tront at.th. sncSemofbha.crop. The esut vas body, my limbe treînblsd, my eyeîigut tome- bit Fathis',au emuinrt uoal marchant in thie 1aîtiihe aeed tht vas t1aus .oaked came up himeaalm.sJaJI vas coopeiedy.y Strsnd, a 1brtnu ofetMOOO, or 274,OO-- tree or four days befortith other, sud vas dreadfui thiret oiten t.agêfup àt niglt and bhoforUerly practiSd aedlitie,btit bIl -Pea>iàDj qt U Igrbirdb, white oue drink. Soînetbnes u w. z and voui4 on il up for tome jean, *mddevoted km biie lattiIrraarem- treaten people li ate &tauinits of intox- te literary purmuits. i4. Cook'é Oracle, an quired te 'ho ý td a second lime. He ication eek g te qu 1ul ith dieu. My Esq on Teletp«aa large collection eft Ihon mad eer'ai xeimeeîts. Soane corn vif. bain. alreay borneand mnfred nal sti e, andtir~ious ocher vorksa t- the# b.d beenthua ieached vas throwu tea moue.than i ould -write on papur, hough teffla talent -andi hati theti.choie. f et ,,*Iich made seventeesiunsuccesstal et- te bas always bean a kind céampanion a subicci". .diLit mnlueri bhot'as eccontrie, fortile ivuleow it.W heunniediwith clii- ai industrious voman, was about lonviag but thore vas good nature lu bis eccentrici- et cern andi oxpeseti show. the wommm, quir'. me for my intolerable diankeu& is n aties; lu bi@ habits he vuas angular, but thora rein and bird.ceult bave. acceis te il, ha short, if auy one vantei te ay another vas vas benevolence even in bis follies; and founti that it remairnet untuucbed, white tbe vomit mani iiitowvu aiodrking, haan! s'îccssmtnlcandidates fer publie favour that.whvhba4 ot b..» thua ptepatet vai would most likely say ho vas"a'su bid as inl literaturu, muuie, and lie dama, ove invariably destroyed -Thisasubjctt la Worth cld Hutton."thbeir tiraI fertanat. step ta the kind beart, the cousidematiei o u armera. 'l'h.expena 1 begtn te taks lb. medicine. luliquer, the g9o0d offices, and timely patronage o e is imtrilliaîg, ai andIti l e1àscar "-cud tht the. but my uit raged se that a bile taking it, Doctes, mBalts vili bave ne injuriaus electe upen the 1 woulidrink'eft.îu vithout the. medicinle m..d. The. writer alluded te, sates aime snd get drànk. Ail hoe..of1 itadoing me DZATR 0F MRS. JUDSN. that ho a scl titis season make futthi expe- food omeometi gàe. But 'aLler the lait doue, By Lb. Mars, at Boston, trou Calcutta, rmnents vîtia the saine liquad,.upon viient, Ibegan, tea useile liquor, sand tbough 1 ve Isarn vith regret liaI Mca. Jadmon died rye, bprloy, garka seeda, &c. W. wish tcok -but hlaitheii.usa ua ntity fur a ceak- at thé. naw tovit if Amahermt, on thé. 2Sth of tmoin f ou riadns, the. tariters iu Ibis 'vic- firmeti sot, ôethde vboeeoffthe. wual qu.n- Ot.11 an d a iine. cof about a monu, and nty, woulJ malle Ithe experimeut, and con- lily for " a youasjbegiDger,," a hlr. chuant n1heabsncaet fMr. Judmop, sho vsmuukcat b.result. Ilaofteut Iii itim - bers calis it,1 bavaiu, aau tante for ardow 10of l vl~ b .p~~ tLnportne 10 encue, if, po»ibl*, Lb. tiret spirite, and bave mot=d xlâ om Visiie4 o t Li111.6C nemuMdvwithdm.hope b Lnthatslwe.@Lurhh, in order tu ebtain dink a drep sincei. ie M March li4 the*cf bolngfle.ta prov-eil bn the. ipercw t. of îillavbose *itit &halk tomne to mater"t. day aiter 1i îeuk tiii: lut pt ii. uediAk àe- U=msta conseiltte b. k.. uoeeibaof 1*-,.I.MeiL jouma. My bodiy nov b.giaa te fui vigoiomas ; uy Lhe Christi"n reiion. The. intelligenceoof batazti.:mck an. whon 1 traçai to pour Mrs. Judion'a deauh diii mot probably ranch LADIES8 HA*.A out a cap 0JcolFe & a e àil i " fet , inaMr. Juison dliU th m . of D .iier.-Gul. 1Itii. perciiied tint Ithe bellmes- fah.e dlya kov film andi sleaay, my oye sigt in mpro- 5.i-are'tI ~hittc yod. Ilc o taiht nd e a-R0NEBT LAWxzuY iuPiIERkiOpOt&yptuteêh ter and talkas uiit1ý M peeÏ éieqlumeti ratei u b th ,* " a 0 oieiA ulmi, Whin lmà*tI.iL gooti, .atuu% as mnuch k ea4daas 1 for- uou" I i5ILenof Pis,6iwbao àîîA*maqmeÇ0 mgIç s tag e oU lia ii ie merly *did le aux.. ak orn ati uy. rile «ceu ons &M i. .spraf ~ 4g.~1' btPiOkdt rus ailrsgahdii urygonids hop by one tldan t oty i a ppsn 1won._A9%ý4C- «Migni 11élU~~ flamoîoeinlie superstructures meou- cent p.; ar.wihg ses .,IsIkwit n r 0,3~Aiie P»off wth maOLted àupop thb dfa e. imuel wbo sto and ou A ferraI. Uth.iin Bye tii. au».ubau, oa*tbe w ii u t fmeh IPiodoor ,ep ÎheisI i."n a nov venld." A visiISisst.îyv td e u tii o theiipoison inju. rsuMrevimet.)epoei i t iir fidmg God for hbistu' taý»Ç,,ad hoe.i1 lladfrbaXnd e diymm ct neer<al b vbSiop apan, tao"ugJa i hWca nnot enter udo shWif ii doms bet keqpp Pe,. IeirîsyDVKI OF YORK. full ai, ias fi lw kayt dîmagreeable to les- 9eoiet u idca.L ý li rh- at 9mI umaeisri i r the peakk ,of take inaà cefof iialak- -atà ba Dlavare, vho are ruiinug 8084 a"i splt4 duo iaocmand«rc ie~lkOtdb e.40 body by pouing dovn ura ato thoi aïet l, àiÂt tlisPiiiw. lievasvery ti. ' ' a ~ES'~ - , throats. ~R Ur1.ma*, a"d rtenouby broma, diii a.li New-itls, April 18,1897. * lu of emaiOn. Fa1mwIly4>mde rne o rvh I crtity tint Ia1 uuise m oudieiso elWby bis A1dailN tnt np, b ibs lutte- Le Audrew 0. Iuo. humat te lime Datio the DaAa ut lYork Sing ovn, Lord Chancelier Loughbboregbtotl me and thst evemy fma t- uetlas i. s. lejupon bhi. relieieà* me , nd a-tlit u6551.if 4oLe irought te hlm.ainn wich M m u o e hii ia . Aliroai) s5O"M h<iséhbc and ta"illt IOPIij is haed akets * 1%8. RARL vu o"I M hai4IýîfRo ié«7d imzd statute ýo l»y teaie ins of the -WIýxamdioalfiih ' RILWAYS. PW--ýb" kub* te biOf.em« lit a46 f o w eru vas pet jutel The. Xnri of P-lenboro'uigh comminded in 'ada; but,*If àtany future tc'J pain and in Posqtugai, the Duk e ofrbiai- bave that prvince for an,, ofl"r r x boeoaghîn e Qeifny &c. Lord Pèterbe- ltg's domiînions, they Im eugh, obtaiiwsthelb.uppties of çhicu. i. tbuir character asa liens in tle j' stood isn beetithriftily,tatdily,diLulti > -tl*y enîierate h cbî. tothednke ;;u ivenvbshtever beldeeltdand thebomtev'asaq-î .-;s.~ eaily,speedilyaun bis service rein readflyý subject for a'elc k fle QIo 401P% »0iteParliamou ii. mjnidsltii. douhieti thea slaw bea-ng S1 le.d rbkopiniona."'Oiu 'dey, uÎuoù LoïddWber- men who tought the batties oi ÇCl n,.t bo 4j> smpail uam, fimiwug aUisi.duriug the last vax voll Ca',,i lt n*«"-mu , *,ji z- eon,.nilhn kention.- 4 very mule petition 'l eruà,;i br*v hiMde~i: Ma sedin e rirbles ho tien'. '. * "'Jng arani at the sided sdivo Il' il hai e nt, inibda i- ' ,rabon to bide bums.lf,th~ie migbt bot b. kan cm r %el.n he pOp*fl. holtp an i- The Agueidbv ai'Lnwpy ("r, 4as îbathiioporas4o a blbo.iwa tMçDikpprorugued, and will prolibl1,.~ oftManhburugh; ti, 41 '$e m rQiti it- ;-ies Eecellerzcy the ..vcIl,' 'Gis b . ukt fare iuIi itodbaine expresseti hireîin Ç bic.thte Doke ofll4arlboioe'e!-w Ge tîe-lOais inhbis speech upon lce men"I Su netîbe dovu ncb o b. reg"rettcd 'that îb. ouebfiite windows, Ili.*teuke cf vas ddpted bv Sir Francis Br, Maribooiab."-"'Oh, >1 sd a apekea -Le icitpemioabe held the gnve'S ea et lb.multitude,' yen are the'flube etflnot pursuetibyIH is Exaceliency0* l Msrlbomough; se knov you vol1 eeougb." fretu E land. The riglît cfihe 'es «'Gentlemen»" nid Lord Pnerbrbmuh itatives O a people te î1 PPOP tile tn, am uoîthe Dake eftirbe Il. LMt ne that tb.y payi elint le dmoPuîe(. Idi love," ho <oleti utt le rhi ebîrmn ;-gctthLb.burtaceti nanner en n hie, tjýe uI cf tbechair, andi Dov standing: <«Iam Canada bas been dcfrandd fa l a' "Mî! not lb. l)nketofMarlborough, I tel yen; vudb rt eeîtofe andt1 il igive yen Ive couvincing proofs ti seml atilvor, thos tht 1lam not: oeela', that 1 ave but a sin- ttoacek bc hvpos.,,,, s gl. guinea,"sand ho tumned bliapeciiets inside pere theii expenditure of thervî eut: «" t her ir, that 1 gise il-to yen,"' and eounty.-Frce Presa. uoth b. tlurev iL aueug thein.1 Upo e i.eve Of a great pitched battie whicb, was te b. fougbtthe e nrniin g n- ID , under the. united command of tii. Duke of Martlbooh and Francis Eugoue of Sa- voy, 111all denominated Prince Eugene) Prince ne came ater dinner,by appoint- ment, te ti Duke of Marlborough, and pct- tled witii hum, as becLiiought, ail thîngs rel- ati've to the. battle of the. next day. The Duke of Marlborough b.d t*~en up bis head-quarters at a unall muse, wbich bad a litti. garden before it, and a co-,ch round. PrinceEngou waa oived in great, state. In driving ont of the coach-rcàund, itstruck Prince Eugenu thattiere wvas one manSeuvre h. had flot notified te the. duke: '«Drive me W.k again." He ukipt nimbly inte thehbouse; and in the drawing roomn,where hobhad beau received, hefound the Duke of Marlborough Iperciiud upon, a chair, wit bhis handk.rchif urndulipa"xib!iç.,nQt the. wax cad.,c e Mid ] e piece or lustre. 1Froe Ni.Wew- York duercan. The. subjeined intelligence froin Cartba- gena,9 ici. but a melancboly view of the aof- taire of Colouabia and, Peru-whicb the arti- cle t. foliows it from the. FM. National Gazette of yesterd4y, la flt calculated te bragbte.. FROM CÂRTHAQENA. Capt. Shipm»a of the. Athenian, w&o left C&rÜtsngca, on thei.4i naL. infrms, tba the country was coiszdored in ratiier anu urot- Ued utâte- Theii. n"ireuideata had.aer.t a ieequisitim te tM aîdmirai; at Jamn.ac, fer a veasel of war te b. sont down'for the. pro- -tection of thein propery.-Th. appreben- Sion$ arase more immediâtely <rom " . roopu being sonie tir witlaout pay, adti.xe- tauions Lhât bey woid bon L. w=ib= a tIN.," Is rons Lhe dusim a oemgt %=~coa4* b.d b.nom mivW .e eta e.- venta iipers.Ti.picaloe t Colembi.au au" M th country, who do- ,hdbela ment prWs Tii.mam but Boum M bd ar&d e*M Raraaqudia, thabou 40 bamuela etthe taaessI4 - k;*Bmrows, whiciV4wsplwau tolad and xid seuAhoy. T1%estüm, beet ri.arved the. 25th of Match, Extract cf a lutter frcm Carthagena, mardh i,. « 0W ' arket biin a perfect state«of sage.- ~~ It la knowa tisat BOliva W. "Dnow d.ci.dnopponeufa Wé *Lpo reommed te apuiput of a- 1ày. ne déwe wiah te Sei Pt, in- tiedW. give no 4qoqt u, b. cauoieItmqitC r.fix aevlue or' toknow Wb$ * à4not -alubià, a monUbtce bave go bave ti.connu, y." W. ha"ve f ýexCto#'» àBpauishb"nd wbich the adouotýathe 904,iap Cou- FILOUaT13E ALsî7.-t A BILL To asdhorÎse th- al od0f C' art Of thk C', Resms in the .pirrucs eif tr Lewgr Canada. Whereaa, by au act pa'sed in tile tîhif. first year of tue reign of li, lite King George the. Third, ttld r:ct epeal certain parts of un zict pisçed i h fourteenth year et hua Maj;eîîy,reig, i4. titleti" Au act for making incre e:lIe'uîI provision for the gnverauit or th- prf. ince of Queber, ln NorthAînaericcr, ai i Malte furtlier provision for the goyeraeît ofet t.Mid province,"' it in amonge it 1, thinga enarted, That il sIzal sud Mmy le lawfor hm is Majesty, lis hein or cree.., te autiiorize théi Governor or Licutenxt Gevemnor ef cacii et the province orf Uper aMd Louer Canada espectively, or the et~. ,& miutai g av. evr» Mt dibesein, te nmke, fin suidtont cf the landi if tht cross siLhin sncb provinces, scaaîhlsfr. meuh sud appropriation of landls as therein meaitioneti, for the support anud mainteon, et.a Protestant Clergy wlthilh the saine; und t vau fnrtb. enaeted, TIi&t ail and etery the reaîm,profitm or emolnnîcuts,,wbichmigbi aI any iane arise frein suclu lands mi allow- msabaprepriated as a foresaid, should bc nplcabzuselely for the nîairnenaîce and supprt cf a Proestant Clergy ivithin the province in wiih the saineshould bcsituat- cd, andtaeneo abler purpoée whatever: And wviireas, in pumuiince of thic aid act, ach allolments aid appropriation of land as aforesaiti have trou'tiwe ta tins bee.n.e erveti for the purpomus therein netitiomel; vbîch lands ara kuowva- wthin the. nid p*o vinees by the naine ofet ii.Cergy Reset,. An Am wiverm e sa. idiClergy Rems We bave n pe part F"»ined wabte sud u> 1 s~uhv, *M t4 Mâat ot capital liii. is expodietil'o asatiiriz e .sale .fourin pesa ot such ciewgy liesrves, gotk thn- tes t hat thInies admsg kSm. sué mie may lio employet je lb. haproveuent oiftbe »uaiagPari eoflb.laid Clergy Reee, « ýothasise, lfor the . ppces fer hieh the si alé ds ue mie seuveti àsaforisiti: - M!IIT -TRElEFORE ENAcTED, hi the KING'S Moleu Excellent Mml&arr, hy nud vihithe ativice snd consent of Ibm Lords Spiritual inué Temporal, sat Cou- minos, in,"s prenuxt aclazwnt îaembled, aid by the anthouluycof thiesane,T11WiÉ iaâl asnd mny be Insfer fa hie Majqt,hlà heirn antisuccefcor, by »nY couisusca's or letton patent%,to b. etoLaI puipo. aie tid e GerOeat mso f tue Uba f nt- dem otfQrsuat buses o«ufi kdadt «uMaer lte puli alsrmni f lietaidpuuviac*i r hret of, era, te anthorwu any pemsoi peopa, uboie«orbody politie or carpe or km OlSh ta ho s aêalieatesnd coa'ity,i oeetforSany lmuaest.:.etrintere5 41art"Of the: MatiCi.rgyReffees il sncb c etn id pto,#ince, 'in sncbpan a5doâm at , uspo, undor, anti ba tec l Sula cotiitMF,"rdlsos andi egula±ioal,5 hie Me>"pI, by âzy sncb cocmiuion «i Il.us*zhqàl sâaUesm.d all be pWeild LIstai*iaWau tkfls t$ééby orto le pWi dsewlûou act maite er sale, shau bc appr#putwdapMied, «Wàulupoied af in ass y *6 » 2O e hiWmnrsor l athrp b, Weal ausbe premLribed in tât 11fl e O Mi bpn.,*mtof the "in- cagule h. a -é aigyLirret 1 therwis. es li prps fn hîcb tihe ul laJ ea s e usM meusdïa sfomeuuid, Snd fg se o2ly il thé egummoft endsi"upsail we cw m" » màé iguek , !1 7I&G..I Se Tiio lwoerom lu Mmeo pidOf 0 lavpu*hsietb ihsbelles, it o"ieM o,- but vosit tua t e là*sIsg Wseo et Z jMtkur «. -*Ag fp 4~~ ucii3d b<a

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