Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 15 May 1827, p. 1

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THE -TPPER C On. ms'rth n ktft îîc",i 5 Acu rr. if tleNurle tise u ýpany, l» on behalf ofl lts andi Bîxilt- W. Houbchlcî Wrlf pont, andi OIWilU of per- tti-des. a against ami prompt. OR'TH, ERKINS, M(Creiy. din s"yer be in a cec- uM by Johtn laIe Glas eTownmsip 1drptios Aeitdrt tWyle- 1Andi a810 <thO flvel. 405, nov un rosmez- luit lise X IR- tre- OiB, E\, als, 1pru im~ue Io0 luIy ahocrý * gtale: whecaaheComsnmosa omleely fvas- Iiît yw p o g ) pa alrix m n ise lvanu m- -ii , w henevcm a dim aolution take a pce :ý a s cae.te lioe t »c itéept Dollr, pr , CXClsiVCd ~ s, ltherefore, no eaggratiommin what àhauleels mhgaatî in fAcî -4lthe nnly chance for postag) aybe simîgronibl o h un l aid above, tltat thair roery being <Ispende oui thr coomtrv. it wantrd a lit g ui.<I n men erof tbecomie apoiail e fM 'e onttheir power ofgranting subsdies tothie cmwn." ff'a rinsrvent ntin iot fn pamn tevpaYp efficieneve0K __ fth ~"1~ h t mdd be m; and unie thgit AI, 5ratis-and in like proportion for a gicater li __"ai hie iepreaentatires o h, 1. tl ht eadtrdi*îru.H e rntan Ad ____ ~~~~w ~~ bave. ad that inauaymsg eauagb, beyu*titi have mmartu htwudcmaî iers 7 ini their banda, auw Uia& dibe (.,onk'îo s* N Fpesdiscontinued outil arrears CAPTALV 93. BILDW1' i fll esebîsed prett of foreign nauionms, thr c ouf itrc fl oare N paerscepfulatestheisoptthe sainepetit va» are aid xcet ettheoptin dthe ub:Wil stmrt train Kugaton at 8 'rloek which hbu enableci tie 'aleterla ta esigh ul on",e, arite sIr-t'uonof tt,- pf-np1>h biser. d*, A. M. on Wuudnesdais* for PRESCOTT.it.I. hsaii! frous theirUlberaluty alone tisaI the (Murh cheeing) He mcveul liseadjourn. Produce received i PaYmolits ai th'leave Ptescott ai 7o'ergck A. M. on Thior&.King eau obtain subsidila iand in thbe<it, mentof'hleR-porttjîl tise l;tof %Mut. Mareter ote Eiormatb.P4 PI . AICDONELL. Masterdaysa and arrive ai Kingstn in the revening.-.whems cvery îhing in vated by pecumiry estimas- Mr. CANNIqrG volatl n't co-rîî,Iain of Lettrs a te Eito mut le PST AIDWutll fited op for the. aecommation of Leavt Kingston eai8 oiack Friday morming, tion, whems gold is become lte greal soting Want of CeurtebY ilte Rt. Hon. G ulensan for thse Bay' of apring of affaira, il may bie aafly afilrmed. that ta bis Friend'.. It coutl Dots be cnnoi 1I red PIlU 0. A m ~ e vl!,mait u Vt licave a he whe dependa on tise wiJl ofoat e n.mithunnalural that ttose who krew th- nanv ex Minwlotlfrhrnatice. tat Prescott for0;egard taon impomtant an article, in, whale,#i' tg tient qualities of Lard Lave rpngoi lu.1uî Sixune anfiirit in Km sc WENESAYSam-SAT R URIVE ON S RD Oa4ING AT TU1E hiapever may bhein other respects. ini a state 6i le tdifficult ta persuade themselveq ltai Si iesadu dr # d insononWENEDASan STU aentaî ependence.» fisc7vitre nevragain ta have his as%i-çtance. an 7d1-2 candlimite,3qflist insertio n» AUat2'lck .M ;a4Kngli Aa ! eMLAau, tu the cam of lte King of Easgand. Te test of lte Cabinet, iowever, took opoti an bd each anbsequbntiflabTtiolir Above forPrcott on Mondays andi Thursays, et and returu ta Kingston. ait Sturulav nigisl. He has, in ltat capacity, and without tise grant Items. iveai thi mosl complàcresponsibilitv; tenlina d pr in.fo th frstinertion, il iA.M calling ai lthe usual places on bier Pansage.- of iei people, scarcely amiy revenue. A fow and hi& M j -sty hadit maar a communcation te dne d. er e for herysafeint iie-Liste Kiungston on Slmday'N, ut 8 o'OcW& hereditary dutiea on the exportaion of wooi, ta Lord Liverpoal'a corinexinus onl the. ub. ain d A. M. for the Carry'gPaearv tt ewlsch (smnCe the eblthlisiimetOfamqaiucàr) $tt of ait la>'li for milig ans admiumatration Avtie1C58ihotwitedietion ~ eUTP1 ( ~ o oua'firsg and relura lu IKitîgstous are beccale tacitly extinguiahed; a brauch fC Raffous emcotr ii BrtockvuendirdcGin onso. Mon d prl' 87' ' ee 1 hjrwn nidmnfain0from frelingf, of regard la faim, front wiicl are inserted till forbid, and charged accor- ohnt*q o ,d(oaKugteexl ~ atron iedCiCiseC whîch u nde harl ation waa hiLorlhîph ad durivtAltegpr.atcongo- ding!>'. sothqo oratBoriz u ann- ig8tonpi, 711 82.tf. nte mlreri., bs beenpire ud I 17000 î t Ocam Atahe ie u.thecdatfr(o smi Orders for diSCOntLnuing advertisements q". 4mmL glauib. Pmnciuid, om the ntar ne@% i gcat -I o. Atonthe clime lite e rumeaty irf bs t lo be in wrting. BOAT 0AU3 T MAfli - O U M E]M I duly of Ivo shllinirs aonevcry ton of Wine ils- atrn ieCini ' a i~pîe Alereisements for insertion to bie deliv- and cannot bc delbyed for any out. AND immediat- possésuioru given, tIsat ported; lte vrecka tif ships of arhich the ow. Frnm thtia manient ;t w-ix the intuiition cf ered 0 tnhe moruing preceduig the day of Prescltî, April ltit, 1827. cmmdossu Aeuil sîae esrmi nnw. Waead tre n M ,îîrs, as nlaaoa aha. mre.ur ,w-.t coin- pubIcalOD. TON DWELIN H<)SE. titrown on lthe can;Swans swimming oaipub. petta ptru9îuVuý Ihatthe is. uinii>tratjon pubicaio. SON DW LLIaiOUS lic rivera; and a few other femdal relies.nowrsaboutit bh. s,iid. H- l'npd tige House SmàL OIL AS13near ta the Barrack Gale inutheTown. For compose lte whole appropriatrad revenue oftthse vouild Dotnon 'i; r il fa ergs -, ta p-cuerd 1 l OR terni@apply ta King, and are ait thât romnain of lte aucient in-ta. tise xrui of wiqn. îstg4ii- îthe nieeqa. Or sveitt ucrîToN, Kissonil H. CA5SADY, Junr. iseritance of lte Crown." ry supplie#. 11; Il? ilnt 'hi' k0045 wag e Rfit P09 I igs il fay, 18t7. 41The Kinsg of Engtand. therefore, a nth ppnrtuiity n t, r unti. th - fitai' of lte 1ECUTFD AT TUE UIERALD OFFICE. ___________of_________________adequ JUST RECEIVED. AND FOR SALE prrgtvocmasigameadeuP-.e pense;. but in e-verytgmucle of îl.'«ruvtiona. BYTH SBSRIER OTICE. ping firel- but without te c<ncslronce ofitia rv expeome lbe liaditDit a retitiction ot 10 RY HESUSCIBRParlianment lise cannot minmtaimi tem. Ht eaui percent. Under lte calamuiiy thai isrtI he. K-gla lug ToaccoLL persnn. in<Iehlid taothe Estale (If tebestusw pacea and ernplovmen-bist vîthout allen thrir ehirf, minlte fç-relofilt-iirsucy 400Brxs aorted vinulow glass, LE.latui JOHN CESAR, of thge Townes um tais Parliamemst ho Cannat pajr the salries atten. tic>' had erxercisrd. he isped Ils v vciiiot 1000 L!is. Spanîis msoietithr, of Kuingstoun, deeeauîel. arc required ta maire ding lita. He cars declare war-but vithout bc vîsueti b> a vote. thse severesît tsat the 3Wf0 9 ~ P N00 oices Paper Hangingç, ' imineiatir paymenl ta tise subbcrber; and hia Parliament t is possnible for him te carry Bouse could paît., actualis. refmîsasg them the ov ~~~~~ ~~~~40W0 yds. Fuuuctry Sitreumogaad those hatviusg caims againal lise sautI Estate il on. in a word. tbe Royal Prerogative. desti. matcférvn r h atnin 20 Pie-es Séitnets, asorted'Cotr'mment- lkf a vet body woiuhlitnotGo ivsernaccota IGILY INTERESTING TO TUE 400 Falcnsby's Grass and Cradit JOB CMEAR, pluehit is msoives: or, if you pieuse, it in like a grealy iuim bla i, if hie aupposed tie hll ~lIE Phlir are respectfollyinformed that 60 Pairs Waal Carda, Townuhibi of R7ngu:on, Parliament eau ai pleaure draw olf tise valer, Me did ne01 undersaîamd tii- difll-ul4 cf car- ANDERSON'SCOUGH DROPS and &0 ad . uc mk 4r!.I! - gain, by granting subsides." tise sums alreacîy graott»d. Hr vat. gIdd te fETRA Or8 Ears baît rvedfremt an 59aLti s. fCotnd.Wik nd otoThere can be lutile doubt, tisaI. fron tthe lsear wu vere on lte rond cf Isssing ai f- extensive use fr8 aspnpoe hN. Aqatt iCtdeWc n otn CANADA COMýP.IN Y. tenuer andispirit of lord Dahousie'* speech eaI Scient adnministration. H, v.-.uid wtidrasv scivcs la be one of te mont valsable rame- B A T T 1 N G. lte laie prorogalie.n of thse Aaembiv, a dissoglu- hies molîlo, on tise urdt-sîanl.iing that ans ad. dies lever yul discovered for te cure of Olti andi Young Hyson. Twankey anid H..on irTis retitd thiulail applications for tien will ailan fullow. iftlie Coniluenta of minitration mhuuld bc formed befere East- Cougisu, Colcis ansd affections of the ibruant lishe purchase of L'tnda fror tise Canada of lise mmembera vito, for sgecen years, (the lame tir. and lungsleadiag toConsumptions. Thons. Ou mITRa" , Company'. be macle in vritum-g, atalng during whihthlie government bashauts admin. Mr. Cannisîg coutl nal pledge himself t. ands bave experieacedth ie happy effrecs of Together vit.b a general asakortment of Thse Lots desired. islered by the Noble lord,) baye sa flemly user- tisat. Ibis Helliig Bimps, ad mais>'of the higitest G .Tte price in Halifix Carreuscy per acre ted. néfainaind, andi supporteti. the igitt ansd Mr. Tierney~-Tilimoine administration lit repcablt av ounauygIC.er i ryGosýGmetee8éu0-red. liberties of tiseir country' againsitishe unjust and f4rme nîc jshics tise country coutil place cats, tmorne ai eidvil! accompallirtaCis -ALBO- Tiesealaide of payment proposcd, ancd arbilrary tncroachisntstaof Raccuiive power, confidence, lihe House ougist noltoapart viit boule, tat viii satisf>' ever>' usprejadiced 60 Barreis Mess and Prime PORK. Tise appiicauisaplace of rrsi.îeîce. volail actilsi a apiriteci mussner, and as mon thse public m<unt-y. (Hrar. brai.) nind tsat te mont axtraordinary andi unex- ABRAHAM TRUAX. Isuiediate attentio vilIlibe 1aid taW i- ad iepi>' ene of ttheprondof Oithi Re- After a few vords front Mr. Wlsltmore, pected currs have boes periormeti by tise Marcit 12,1827. lm sapplications. and aansaver given, vils arnuepeudence ey o te nd c fthe ir ackta Thse Cianceilor of the xrqesad use of titis medmene in casesof long tausdîng.1the t'abt pôsiblu dclay. restiue thoame suais fro. nt iih hey limIbacte lime vas certainly reeitra itis Majes.- in which omer medicng. liadtproduaced no T TA I ER R .(Sgned) JOHN GALT. ap ahy 0voetl ds rcpt ty t>osoulti bc advised ta fcim an Adtmiistra- favnurabir effiets and vtuere lte Most skill- York, 221 Mrch lî27. drvera 'o. ttoan sd liai taxIbru.ln ~4Tbýrr vas fui Pis siciauss iad giveus item Dit as boptelons, Hp E subscriber iaving brunappoNted Rallovreil, mit. Âpid, 1897. nu intention tel vote a shilling more tbpn vas Iti, col preteusded tisaItht>' are aniofallibte J gent of tise NewYork Institution for PORT HOPE ascessarv for thse pu4iîe eIrviue. cure in itI cases, but of suds. as art incurable, correcting and coring Stammerinx, and thr ' For, an tise suihor vibos.1 have alreadly TiteHouse lisun divided- there are but few but w v it ll iibc greatiy impedimnta os f Speech,<en Mns. Leigiss - N'JIL .JJIL TFCTORY. quoleti, very judiciousi>' mye.,IlIf thse Com. For lise Amenîlmeut,- -- -----80 reiived b> te use of hem. Scarcel> a tenu, gîtes notice tai b. vîlI undertake the Ir BROWN begs Icave ta inform bismuna isadnfot mcml triclly resermedta 10thent Againsiti.-----------150 case of Calist, Couihi. Pain in the sida, diffi- cure of Stammering. on application taoiistsi aIrians and tise public. tisatlise has selves tihe ezercisle of a prerogative en wviie Majaril',--------70 cully of breathing. vant of sloop ariaiusg rom Bath, Mîdianci Diétric.-A pamphlet con- commenccd manofactuîring NAILS of ever tltei bave e iatcedenda.othattillermgtt Ttvrbodiyt ulwa omiîd dubilit>', or evemi seaîed consunsptions. but taliing certificat.: of cures li tise bOve in- description, cf a superiorquaitv, ttisic i euicthcugbvmuint have suiffereti te sallre in il may bc rulsived b>' a limely use afi tusHeit. stitution, may ho seen ah tthe offce of titis vmll tell for cash or appuvuei bills, as tocie equalîy vittue. If any alter persons bi.. ling Balleul. Each Dollar Bttle of titis papier. an tisey e un be oblaaid ai any mitmufactory side tise Rupresenlalives of tbe people, hall a Preusste xatUondsa aige.se mediciuse coutains about 40 doses, visicit GEO. BAKER. in lte U. Stateat. rgisî t. maite au offer of the produsctMf thteORSO DNE protes tem tlbe a cheap madîcine consiti. Bath Ocloter 4t, 18f6. Port Hope, Jo!>' 3, 1826. flbor of the people. thse Executuve poiver vould OtiPNDNE crmug lieir grimlem.___________________ Frtefrhrsatisfaction of tise public, ____________________son have forgot. Usat il oaly exista for the ad. Betsecen dlderman ltIiie. of Jlem orik, andi t'le followiag Certificates are offured for pe- N OT I CE. vantageo <f tise public." the AMarquis of WeUealy. rusaI. 1i' OR. TUE TPPER CANADA REIALD. ftheuuis e rodîius kn ts peoson o lte NEW CERTI'FICATES. T HE solbacribeus beng about le arrange t0f ised ndmeras nte rcsn oftle s Dr. Motion. Sir-The cause of lumanity lte business cif the c.-partnersip bui- Tise Eilar'cf lte If. 4 Loyalisl. in.tain num- HOUSE 0F COMMONS-Marclf 30. celicbpratics of tise completuuu i tis te Cunais. deunanuîs of me ta gi 70YD.thse follewing tveen iteum, bereby reques ail persnns liav- ber of tise 241h Mareis, ins ueaking of tise pro. 0 a owre ateMrué fWi s teeno: My vifé huid for six Yeats iteen Iitg an>' clatts againsît teCONCERN. ta roatien Of the Partiauquit cf Lover Canaa IAC.TEPIEMNSE, Iemtv, for hi. conort, oui- cooutryvoman, the in, at deln.m roone > ie hs-p ent smomn# or before tise firat day cf observes lta tte cauad of lord Dalhousie,& On te motion tat lise report of lise Com- Marcins.Ts clvn .acp t cianla a e in a cozsumplive state. mnd vas ai- June next for adjusîienl. andi ail persans rCIpitathe prtcedingth pe tavte tt re moillt e fSpl ubo to.correspocdence whici t oo place: Iended W à severiepain in ber ide, vith & iiidebtedIci tise saine arc requesteti ta mate o iepro b.Asu't oe f u pi>' e rogte fup. prs Cnougisanti difficulty of breatbing. Site vas imisedllate pa. ment. supports in tis ce onietiu, umnne"fanlir. cr. i ngotlen of Ape ise fbth oter ~ >g osNvtl 0',1 reduee a irovas taIci alale Ici get rom K îo.EVANS & ATKINSON. spornaturdepneqoetieolo-ceiog muntirt is e sud o nalpron th ro"tse <,iR», lite îrmtonfteC log passage frontishe 1Nootreai ficrald.o i k. nsfot iesat vC o aîo s. ieCl lier bedlta tise fire vitiotau aid. Ail hopea igtn 16 April. 1827. "We cannaI avoid etpremaiug Our regret of iublie affaire. For 25 ycars tisea 'lvil ii~t y c ok esru.tfcInalt cf ier recove rv iad long bain gi vituilup. In that tise bous. of Assmbiy ildperaist in tai liea Veatl>'in armear, and inii1825 a Bill tiec cmpl.houtoMtht GreadCant! itItLa titis siuation, 1 was nrevaiîed upou, asalust -snse-- conduct by vhict, in no posib. onaenation wau passrd ta regulate. il. No les titan unites thse Western Lakela vitithtie Atîsunlis pessitsie rusor, yet viitout any hopte of suc-, NOTICE.cf evenla.the Province tanslbe tenefitteti. Tise 2W0,8001. marre nov requireti in confidence, Oçeau. have directedt Uat M dalabc sîruck. crus, la nmue use of" Austerbon'a Cougish OR SALE. ont! immediate pas. iav andth Ue coinstiîtton give te tise Executive éndl. lie vould as, confidence in whom ? n a Mermoir bce publiaited descriptive ci D)raps." She commencet lte use of îhem ITUF sesgio ten., brveeu 90 amd governiment lise disposai oflise revenue, muid (Cheera.) Becore. he conusentedilie monltis avepthe bitient drcto.o heCm inu Fchruar>' iasl and aller using Ive bouîles. 100 sacres suI-nt, ii the 2d cou for eitber of tIse ether branches of the Legisia- kev viso vas te li. reaponsible foitic mo- baeUeIor,>'drcinMtsCou b Ie atonsii'ntof il intis mai e ~cssce m fthse Township of Adoi- tve te gi-amp atIibis prerogative, is a breacis of ne>'. on tise rat imif lter. vas mach milIce of tise Corporation, tatransmit te you. MîY fiuilcvng tise teati Mfm>' vife vas un- pliaitTown, diruictly in rear oM the Village;. both." 1 vili endeavor ta provo usai 1505s- rooiss for oinsçrvatioms, and et aSive ..'a acia oy f2mwCodM tirely restoreci, and sinca vhict, lher Isealh s58 acruesof viich are belltiunder a estr 'tin-thatthe ltiran md tise ensltuseu crve.Nvrequiru-d for wbvitn tb h se emor, vîti a reques tisaI Yen viiilihe 111i trenglis vert pertapm neyer better,.trinmGoverusment for 21 yearm rom Nov.- <v oIeEeuiegutues iedpsivears efor. 1793, itad t eaI ii'150.0«W.plaetopsn tcmrelyorllir- a dep itersî ita tI e binmigei- iber ls-60 acres are in a tighiatalofMeul orît.ereventue," isa M" completti>'inithia 1,01 aiteepneinnt at, change of trus ocnertg, vite ià concecled vith aur- Feeling ade nettta h ul vto.u h rmsstefoundation. De Celule, inisiadmirable treulle 230s W.hllboes,-as e Rt o n. Gnteaam coutntry ythtie mont endraringtics ; andi erai may resort lotis. same remeti>, vison ttlo. nl.peni ie.are a corn- os thteeostitutimn d Englsnd. say%.."ail1 tille sufbxs n steR.Hl.Gnem wo xle ite oieietsrm titir fricnds or relatives are appaseatî>', or fortable L14g Hanse (squereti) St b>' 2 <ct foe grmnting tmcey imat bave ltaeit <mmm, e might visit ta put au endta te iis #source ofM vi tos.ae sviervead emieneteAmer- evidenîy on tise brink of lise grave, ta reacue -a large Framte Barn. vils Shedis. Outhous- in thse tousne of Commcuns :theI"ulacamotch arge, ht(Mr.TIrmey)aawDo eer Meauss plsdu Dae ta thae betrl c i a. ictantr titilit froun tesaime. You are at liberty to es, 4-c. Ic. &c.-Also an excellent Wgt lI andtiesthis ebjecti mbtiat oireosi&eation but -in t b treugis a Cosmie«'te. a elte m*- lan; 1 at 10 titeil es "dra isa t au publis the above. 1 am repecîflliv, &c. Spring, viti a Stream ramning Ibraugi tise cosseuence of& tain pregsel ta tothem Il th, émaiousf lte DoSe Mf>smberbmd nd ud D r l a ai b.entte t and viegiardan JAMES H. STYLES. Premises-g<od Garden. nesîl>' Cucioseti, latter &sudnthelb Commuons hm*r at ail limes ben voosire, tie aitogthert dispîited ttelr noces- brdtr'cauit u epc a ead Rhùsebeck Duiuatme . (Xi. E.) and àaYoung hrfi, coosisng ofa varie- san aicui>'toulouss ftis privilef04 thsAmât atvboitîrltseepnefAms se eeciennte tdstmsiied anti Nbv. 811, 1826. t>'Of Peur. Appe., Plumb. antiChterr-y tracs,teyisave neyer sufrored te lords aeaute make aidais geerali>' mugit tie diminimiied. At vme.e iiei bsltsivvî aie Ths ista certif>' Ihaltihe suissriWevas anti a Pine an thier Graves. atty change in tise momey bils vhicellb>'bave pret lLord Gratuville, hi paris, vas atoo theilluslriouas Congresti Mf1776. irOugt verv low b pting blond, atteniet i Aw hicbs, vith lte Stock, ami Farming mseultetem s9ma thlie lords are exptatd sim.Up tf00FAigliçmman. WU l I to1bave tht bsoeur te be, My 'Lord, viîh the wihacuhadctrh n htnotiig Utensals, vuil te disposed o M elo1e. ply sud solely titiser taoaceeptorrejectef is.. lte n.MLr i-ipogee~rxer afforded me real relief outil 1 cotamenec ta- Pa.r me, appl>' talHenr>' C&aat>'Imm. Wheii lord Datousievas apposfed te lte amec allatie hown ty 15e House. Tât! efts-"', king Andeson'. Cough Dropl, lteurof Eaq. of Kicaubo.is il dImportant situation of Coiatender in noie, «H tbey aïkedlied been gi-anted. aituiwe - CAMPBELL P. WHITE. Iwhîis acre the means in thse baudioM Goti Mlg OSei CARNAH AN, Uhifef the Province of Canada, . lit a <ai as cone wtt. ,it voeu tebcuoekery to Ta RiExcellene>' MirquisWellesley. of reitoring tue again tomacciafortable state Atiolpsuaiouc. of the I"a Assembtiplet vsi e b co.veusccta 10bejaugermélient. (Metch cheeritmg> I-f*mer of Ieaih. -Februar>', 1827. vote iîbe tppligee for tise administration of the gver.ete leant chance tIsai Lord Uvepl, mEENIXPAmebruar>' 27. lm.? Sni l -a-Ma 0m arioigMaetesv !9 ase lc

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