r f TH~ la »MIAaD~HU fi Tht distrees oftU"i"Ma - issies, aiew o<suceh long contin .. f .,whicb ltore ià ili throeghont lry go h - tie prospect of an eariy tr rce tile attetion ofi»eny uffering" liaha sMêw tate mg atf eAmer. ir a'rdinýF the only r.mainiag thance of etrifig theïr chiltren. Hitherto,the prospectofGovern-v ment aid bus doubtiesu hcld back many, andc poverty a vaut number more, from trying their fortunes in the new world; but now, that tht hope ofnational asistantce as grown feeble, those who can, obiain tht means of t conveyance, are fat einbracing eopportunu- E ties, as they occur to crosn the Atlantic. It is c.hiefly to the United States that the tido of emigration la yet tending, and the oral- t grants consist, in a great ineasure of artizanu of various kinds, who go on a venture in4 uearch of eiploymeiit in those occupations te which they huve been bred. Three vessels are, at this moment, cleared for sea at thisj port,and waiting the first fair wind for New-i York, with passengers. Onîe of these, the Camillus, carnies out, we understand, about1 160 pasengers-another, the Samual Robert-, son, about i0--and the third, the Resina, a1 smati ruiber-i4n ail, ai leat, 250 men,i women,and children, quit thsir native shoresi by uhese shipi, under a vaiety of circum-1 stances, and agitated by varions hopes and1 fears as ta their future destinies. In thet Camillus there are pesions of every agefrom the gray-beard and the crone of sixty to the infant ofithree months old. Several entire famiies, composed of from S5ta 8 individuais go out in her; but in a stii greater propor- tion of case%, we. believe, the emigrants con- ssut of branches of familitu, the heatis of which bail alrecady go ne ot, and having got comfortabiy settieti, were enabled ta transmit tht necessary fandu for the con- veyance abroati of their connections; tins, ta rnany, their voluntary exile wll be the antans of re-uniting tbem to their friendu, and ta si.ich the prospect mut bc a pleising one. The pasage-money, by those vesuels, is very aoderate; yet they are ited up with every attention ta the coud«t4of tht pas- -zengers. In tht Camililus 51. 6o. is charged for an adult person in steerags, and chiltiren in proportion; infants go free; the emigrantu lay in their own provisions, but tht mister bas an extra stock basides, in caue cf emer- getcy.-lt is scarceiy necesuay ta state from what partsof the country these emi- prants procetd; but they are chieffly, Pri are gieto undertanti, from the coutes cf ÈLanenrk, Ayr, Dumbartora, Perth, andt iis cnunty. Tbirty ndividualu oini the.Cas- illns from Hamil ton atone. FV those,who have been brcd ta trades, we are glad that the prospect of obt.aining readytfliploymfe5lt, on their arrivai eut, lu favourable, thougi ibis may net lessen our regret that the cir- cumtta nces of tht times compet se many in- dividuais of montl andi industvious hbhui, t-3 carry tlhir energies and abilities fas from the land which;gave them birth. Tht Samuel Robertson lu a fine 'Vssel, and the pauueanoney Mis sombt laishei than by the Camillus. Tbe acasina iras loadeti ;4 Glasgow, as fat bac k as1eathe iegin- nin of -the year, and saileti ou the lot of Fe1brtuary, but wu damaged ini going out, put back ta irepair, and has since been twice in dock. Those of ber passe ngers Who were with her when she firit saiied have ihene- fore no reasan to congratulate tbcmselves upt-n an suspicous commencement, but we tris4t the terminatioti of their voyage wiii bý marked by more favourable circuenitaui- ces, and atone ina some degree for tut irk- somnenesi of their long detny. StIENES IN THE WEST. Since tht western humbug hasm 1.4 ilo no- velty, ar.d ihlu ascertained beyond a deubt that*tht inflammatory coinage cf I the pro- pietors" and tht Lewiston gentlemen is chiefly, if nlt wbetiy, matie op of Ilsound and fury," there is a dispesition generatly cvinced te treat the absence of Morg» ain a calm andi deliberate manner. We no lon- ger receive paperssfrom every quarter filled witb anatheimai againut the'muaonic frates- inity. Tht ill-advised meetings which fou- tened the txcitemtiit have ceaed; andi with tht exception of tht interference of dema- gogues, in a few instances, in the electiun af town officers, tht mighty feyer appemrste bave lait the main of its influence. We are gtad ta sme the people corne te uder stases again. Haty and intemperat mesur.., While they establish baid precedeuts and tend tea the dismemberment of society, afferd fcw faciities for discovering the guilty. Wu do rnit beitvethtei fate of Morgan wiIl ey- be discovereti, unies a calta and dispassion. att procedure be persisted in. Blustering xnay mûte a $teat noise, but there is always more Poundtua substance ini . Our readers will find ini anather eotemn the preseniment of tht Grand Jury for the county of Niagana, relating ta tht abduc- tion of Morgan. lu was ascetaîïneti b-hat 3 ury that ho had not been upon the Ldge _Roa, and the appearance in Fort Niagara was sa satisfictorily sccocrted for, that i %vas admitteti as a certainty that blorgaisahami -f.ot bec .1-there . Attusse --t e - f h luei ofspilag rîltf5d teothe caret racla men!tb ont a mere ignoramus-a P prfect doit; thw t cutsol bestly intemper- E ate tiat thteciviLlà,iaf trerteti, aoulti plce bais own offipring beyonti thte deetily influence cfhlis protection--mMaso9i Record. [FioJE Tas Lsvza'ooL ALmioN.]1 CARLISLE ASSIZES.0 .Afectiaag Tridt for. Murder.1 On the 9th a trial took place in Canlile, whlicb exciteti so, machintentai fiai tht court ae croavded te suffocation. Robert Fox, a fine hale young mata, 24 reans of age, avas pîmeetiet tht ban, upon the charge of tht murtier af Sarah bis wmît, en the l6th of Septemuber test, by poison, ha tht parish cf Goafoti, ina tiat county. He pleadeti Net Guilty, in a firmte n, anti temeaneti hiauseif aiththt calte dirte- nemi cf a man avia hati matit Up bis mind for tie wrt. Hteavas misa arraigneti upon the Coroner's inquisition, the flnding cf which charget hat he imd adininistoreti a certain desd ly poison, caileti arsenic, te thc deceas- ed Sarah, bis aviir, avith imuent ta kili anti murtier ber. Thietaitnesucaileti 'as Mary Phara, tht mother of the maurdered waomara, and avien ase appearet ira the box, she burst ira- te a violent bysterical fit cf crying. Sic sietet tat ber daughater, tie deceasemi, aas marriitd ta tht prisoner, anti liveti ai his bouse ai Gosforti.' On tht l6th of Septean- ber, sic avent te a christening, ieaving tie prisants anti bis avife (wrie aas ira tic fai- ly amy) anti a chilti aI eight yeans aid, aise ber tiaugiter, mi home. About cigit o'ciock ira the eveeing sht 'ras calitti oui aitith iaeighbour's house, w'retsic hatipassed tht day, te tht pniioner. Sic seit-"I Ay, Bob, waiidoit ticedo herel" Herepliei, "Ohi, mother! cornehome, Sarah anti Margaret (tht ltte girl) arc taken very sick." Sie imagine t là. bs aife wuas eizeti aiti the peina oflabdot, andi, in tie confusion, he bad mentionetiber youngedt tieghter's came alse. She promnaseti te return avith iiis- tantly, anti be sait, -"Oh tie pon things, tieywaili ntlivetili marrai"g !" Tht ait- nesi ansavered, C"Ohi my Sera h 'rut, please Gai>, ouive, penbapa> us bctb5h. She ilI soon bu aveU." Sevenal ladies ie tht ceunt bursti ita tears mt ibis junctursofaIthe exama- nation. Thc Learneti J itie, andi, indeet, ievery pensera appeareti mucb mffectet.-The avitr.ess continueti-" Upan laer retumra home she found ber daugiltn s setcheti upon tif- ferent buts, bath sick anti voaniting. Tht prisontr'm nife saîid it aeueaulahor pain, but îometiing tiat bat been put ietthe cofike wbici tbey bad tranmamde thete îsick. She complained of violent thirit, anti .continueti siet untit aidraigit. Tht yon- ust daugiier sait they hati coffée for break- fait, mome of which remainet in tht kettie, 1avhici îhey biait drarak in tht afternoon, andi avere taken iii instantly ira thteavay sie hati .fount tta. The avitemimatie thet smie .hyîop hesi tee, but thcy bath refuset t take 1it, tiuscovering that it hati prtviouuiy tht àimme tat as tie cofl'ee avbich bat matit lt e'naveiL. Tieavitness tics carrieti out Jthe kettle, ant trew the rineings ocîmide imita th&. pic trou 'h-d icpgsaai* o ai tit, were asDbcted avth sickneu. , st rumade samne tea, whici ber taugaters saa- floavet, anti aime a -mi.k posc, pari of avhich Ithey huih tuait, anti the yeung girl appeared Dconsiderably better, anti fuît asieep. Tie edeceaucti nid, ah. avoulti finish tht remain- tic de f tht p omet ira tiheiigbt. Tie prison- ser sait, IlWtt!, I1avili take care cf Sarah, se Dyou go ta bed, motion," ta tie 'mincis, and aise eccortingly did go to beti; mait the fol- ieavîng morning, ai seren o'clock, arase and avent ta ber taugmtet's nacra; she fountheti ticceased wavrse, anti beard ber say that tht prisonts had arameth e pouset, anti bcd put somte stuif in k avbich -bat madet bei averse. $ho coieplaineti cf her tisoat, anid cotideut savalloav; aie grow worse, until at h. wras delivereti cf a cicat chUtd. On the -foltoaving tw a ysshe gatually gai 'reat-- à et, camILaaeg of a violent thinit, amd tare- il nei f hturoat, mouti, antistomaci: mand ycm tht second moruing aller ber teiivery, ashe sait, ira tie presence of the prisonen, L-IlOh, Bob, yon have poiseneti me-I mam iyý ding; yeu bave kiitti my poor chilt; killing -me as noaigbt te killing tht poor infant."1- i- Tht prisants anuavenet, "1 put mothing in lthe ceffee.'l The teteaseti sai, I"Oh,4ye L-tid; y ou poisonedthet coffte andi thew'ater, a naltic posset, aller another avent te bcd z- a nti avatever h aas wu ao sotted.me aiti e yubroughtit ifrein14hitehavexa." He a maide no ansaver. She tutti ai 9 o'cbeck oa ic h 19tb cf September. dSeveral femai. avitrtses depoe otit tie dtireatifial tête cf sulforing under aviici the etieceaset laboret on the de y cf ber deti.- r- To one t eu abainid, I"Oh, Mary, 1 ubail t- nover menti> I am d ying. 1 hope Go» 'ril glbe merciful to me, a sauner, amat forgive me is all my sies. I forgrive Bob, (tha prisants) b1haiI etit ailsuffer as muchoen émuti i as [havedope." Tliceerehicilestavrtis, eIra premeaiceof enotber ah. saidt thteprison- - «.rIl Yeu pôhasnedti lecoffée tb kiU me-ýana Ltmy chilti.>He deraieti it. Thtetieccaucu sO 'as only taventy yearsai age. »aWiltenpnioved tuat the prisoe.bougitl it = aortbof arsenic at the &hop cf Ma. & W a t bitavaq. H.e"mii litauai Leit te titi rate, anti a pergnse i n tlae ebap, tc The prisone*besrdtht sentence avith comthe crevenues of tht Prnvince, whlicthe re- psure, sud înImated a 'roui te radmreats thcem&]avants of tht country anti ils publie hin- Courit. -Provemient are refused te be providedt for, The learnt Jadsge signifled bis permis oui cf its revenues raisdt expressly for the Sien for bimte Wproeed. purpose. Tht prîsoneo in aflrmveice,iaid-<' Now, Stillîthe AinW!ox anti its Irientis,ay be gentlemen, tiéatlsfy you, 1 ain satisfiedtiet assureti that tient lu no better gro eandre nv tell ye, thai 1Jum, qeite avitiug tu give my for belieieng in a Revoiutioni in Canada, tilt for tih i bve îsbkneway. I know, than titre avere ina 1810. Tht people bcd gentlemena &, thttaking miy paon wife.s patience thena; uhey <ddflot saverve fraie tilt is xaottiimg te taking mway ithe lires cf their tuty; :hey avere msatifast in anaintain- the chidren. 1, man eady ta die for my ing their sîgîts; îhey diti net then, non will crimes. Tht Lord brougit tue inta thet tiey Dow, or ai any turne laeneuften, ap ae %vorld, and 'tii tht Lord 1 hope, avili taite cf or consent ta a state of uhings which is ine out of it. 1 hope for ne forgivenesi--l contnary ta reasan anti the constitution offthe hGpe for nneiat ail-I give my hife for aviat Goverement entier avilcia hey live, as es- I have dont, anti ay Gar> forgove me "-tablisheti by Law. Ht wau then se movef eut cf Court. GOOD FRIDAYAND CHISTMAS PAY. By tht Bill now before Pantiament, rela- tive te Bitta of Emhange and Promîssory notes beconaing; pasrabit on Good Friday or Christmas Day, wïich Bills are now by 1mw made payable en the respective previons days, it is enactedithat in &Hi cages where Bills of ExhnW Promsm'ory Notes shall be payable on ti#day preceding. any Gooti Friday, or on thegday preceding any Christ- aa Day, it slît-i not be necessary for the boîtiers ta give notice of tht diehnflour titre- of until tht day next cIter suci Good Friday or Christmas Day;,antI th-at wheraever Christmeas DMy shah lfallon a Monday, it shail not be necesary for tht boîtier or hol- tiers of such Bills, fre. as shahlie payable on tht prccsding Stturcimy, ta gave notice of tht dushonour t)ieref untit tht Tutsday nexi aller sucla Ciristmas Day. The numben of Petitiona presented againsi the Cathutic Claimu ibis Session amounted on Mlonday night ta 976, and the number ina fvour of the Cathoio Claima aanounted te 1,017. LOU= OANAMA. 'i s a a [Prom thse Quebec GazelLe.] TI1OUMJL, -N CANADA. Toax Auiar;,,És uatavpaper prute t ax New-York, and avhich ha a generml circula-1 tion is the Ditiai Colonies mnd tht Unitedt1 States, ira its numben cof tie 21et Apnil, eia-à itrel. aâ tie papers of Montreat andt Que- bec," te state explacitly (avhateeî ay jeho "tht différences betaveen the Garennes and tlhe Houscf Asiembly,) 'riches tht peo- "ple of Canada are ini reality, upora the "verge cf a revolution; for suci bas biera "tht bellof createti hese." If ave thougit the peaple cf Canada avent on the verge of a revolution, 're perhmpsi 'rouit net b. oves ambitions ta obtain the bonomar cf a pro1het un out cave country.1 SCll ave do ihimît that ave avulti bave thet courage la cry atoud anti spart flot, ihat the evît mîgit lbe avoided. Thase aingstt us, 'rie tlk oI revolutions, rebellions, îasurrcctior.s, disloyalty, 4'c. ira ibis Province, do flot believe onteavant cf wait ttiey say.. *Former cxperence onrt s particuimi saab- ject, ceulti ato- n ducc us ta thiaak, that1 suci a belaef oblained out of the Province.i Sir JAEs Cit4iG's Proclamition cf 1810,1 no doubt inddedd te Anericans ta betieve,1 in 1812, that Canada avoulti bc an easy con-i queut. Tht sacne Proclamation, andi letters1 aritten froua Quebec, hati protuceti such an imepremsou ut Halif4x, that tht soldiers1 of tie 131h Regianeuitorteredti home uhence te Quebec ira the #?ring, very generatty, cs- pectedt taenter cie a ction imeiattly oau thii lantiing hore. They titi entesrie oac- tion net very long; ailes, andtivti the peo- ple cf the country joa; but fightiing boUm où the sanie aide, agabmit ils invaders. Tue. suttssive lieuses otfAsstmhly repre- senting tht peuple oI Canada, have intietd bad constant differences aitb the preserat Qovereor. He aibsti tie n arahmarrivai, ta give him permaýent Revenue Acta, anti permanent Appropiatons; 'hich they se- fuet. %Wttsm-veuy variabt revenue anti avhute tiare is net in the Culony, ira prat- tce, tht main fatures of the Esgliai Co- stiuticar, ne indçspendant Rouie cf Peers, ne intepenteet Jndciary, no resparaaabiliy of igh public afficens, 'riait every aituatuiora cf prefit, tram the hliget d toite i aost trifing local office atisti t uring the GCler- "o ' esr e, t, aas a.ttti up oh having a lia aycvl xedture, grasteti as a Civil Liforaoitrng tht il cffmte King, because the Gommons cf Englanti bat touait it expetiefli te inirustuce thtt practice titre, on the fullIt etabl Mhacut of the contitution- al igits cf ltesubjeci, and ti ues effectuai gearantet cf tht =rvltges of the repretia- tative bodiy;ad, uethe Assemblyditi net agite te ibis proposai, Ris Excellency toundt fiexpeuttotepay eut et the Reven- ues reisedft Ithe e njecin itie Province, such salaries anti expionhca as lae thougbt fit ta. select .by Jteadvice oaIbis Ezeutivt Cowiacillons, 'ro ie 'ia aajenity composed et thceelves andi eues L.&cutive Oflicers, 0rejectetli autht le isalive Council, tht an- analmillUs cf Suppymsen up fur li tien.e- cessaty expeai c«otitGeverrament;natirag the lBeuse cf Auscably souadi>', for uuacoia- itituional procectingi, refusi tghe anp Pl .it, &c. l&c. 1Mà%celleucy ti." rndiaasm .aau n introulet applica-. tie.cfa arg ptopartia ofthe Revenues fomrmeni>' slaubmtte ta e tt c2atroli f . As- semblm- eqairimg h tteaIsovide for." t e- maintgIa matavuscomcere n t a"aa an- arraiaieaimate lia-h bis-asnce,- mtm±xito- tory taaitparties in tht eioyte- b. dis. 1approcvdeofM ngla" dandtheut upply grenà : lb thsiumma ceaierimable teaubat ar- raneM iteIlb. rejecteét, by the very bW drKlatp , t t-h precetasag year, con- txaiugte acnsa. te-A.oblyapp[yng th e. m e L-c r so e s i a z l i trg dir- cing sus m lentkiteuun O%3iOia oiflg te n'at" Lteue tlv Cmcil, ef several bille foru blic lm"rv. fi~ ev eaifr luestion -antiHd îas týk xeeîv# dotdmac ae, pbihci, 1penuite te. thmetm th" couatry wiuhai ofi b1 osnne mt i trr>'proceedmagoa. -Th. n. doiebi, «au sii" di&f.rteos, atase asueh b l Mte ta aetseno. paUL taie the pr9p«e~, lsniec- the. coentasa:of uerusectativeaite b. dit ; rp"eusdby the Auseua$y te- uîao"q fttàmta bepait, oua' The subjoinedtictcni have lacen laid enlihe table of the Quebec Exchange anti Readi- ing Room, for ut information Of the Trade.-Gaete. "lTht Committet cf Tisât have mueci saisfaction ira annoeïncing that by recerat cecouets frein Mn. Feloma, tic commeciaCil enrt aI Loaver Canada, it eppeani ihat hi@ mission avili b. attentied waith tht Most ben- eficiai results. deConfident hopes avent enterimineth al the neav cern but, plecing aur trade in Grain anad Flous on tht ativaraegeaus focting cin- tenaplateti by the original resolutions of the Housaf Commamai, aoulti, withoaat any es- sentizal variation, become a Lav. IlMontres], anti Kingston ira Upper Cati- ada, are ta he deciaeet Fret Warehousing Ports; ant t extentheu benefit of tic bond- ing systean ta the utteesi limita, pernaissior avili bo givon ta enter ail commotiem ad- missible under 6th Gee. 4th. cap. 114, mitih Provincial Custom Hanses on,.çiving secu- rity for tiseir deposit ira tic Kîng'sare-m lieuse, inaeny ef the freteavarthoeuiiag part ira tht Province, anti te Hilifax. Ant t enabît u te saapy tie West Indies ait ti lovest rates, fresi park ant fresi beef aviV be admitted, dûtyfree; as avilI aise fresh fi saav logs, fire-wood, &c. I I resFccitet the luniber tmatie 'ii ti Unitedi Kingiom, tic committet regret tua titre is no season te hope tiat it avili hi placet on a mant favoureble footing tien th present: an application frona the committit aI sij-oavners fr a reductiofi f duty on e loniaftianber, iaving met 'iti a positivé refusai frein tie Boarti aI Trado, anti a "u gestion matie ta tie President of tiat Board by Ms. Felton, being likely ta share th saine fate. deThe importation cf East Indue gondi anti aI French ailki, by irant navigation avill. ho nepresseti, hy the tuties beiug salue 30 per cent; anti tht import cf couacn an avoolien gootia, by a duty equal to tuatlevi cd on sianilar articles et Bnitis manufactur ina tie Unitedi Statua. IlIn conclusien, Ms. Feltes expresses hi satisfaction in stating, ubat Ris Majetyý ministersevince the utmoet solicitude le the. prosperity cf tht Nerth American colo nie%. "By ondes aI tiecommitice. (Signet) W. WALacER, Ste>'." Cominitte cf Trade Room, 4h May 182j IlTuituDAY, MaBd *tI" "DEAraSas-Ia returniaig you Mn. Foi ton'. letier wiici jeu put ini>' byand li monning, I have the satisfaction te ac quaaint yen , for thc information of tie Traté titia iExcellency tic Governos ina Chiot avwili ticetivice of tic Council, bh etei .minedto give tic necessary entiers te thi icollcions au Coteau du Lac anti St. John, t admit toetrsscb goatis, &c. as ay li îfully b. brougit Isorustht Unitedi Statue t thosa porte, on the importens tiereof ente ing i bond, ira tie form prescnibeti by lap that tht saine shall b. brougit te Qeebe .anti lotget in utht Kuaç's azaehouse, te b .subjeci te mci conditions as are provite by the 6ti Gto. IV, cap. 114. î remaui Dean, Sir Yout faihaful servent, W. FiNqLai, Esqr. KINGSTON, MAY 15, 1827. late arrivais ai Quebe, andi New York, furnisi usnaith English dates te the i2ih of Apia. «Nothing avas known relative te tht ap- pointmetht of a Prime Muniser. It aassaiti the utw arrangements avoulti not be an- uunced unmiiiafter thet helidays. There avere reports thai Mfr. Canning bati psremp- torily refuas"ett make certaini pletiges re- requireti as the cendition of bis elovation. Hie maudy refusai hati createti a lively sen- sation among the liberal can olpoliticianu?' Other reports 0 give the premiesship te Earl Batbuus. Mr. Peel, it is said, aili be loak- cd te by tht Kiragas the efienet Prime Mi- muster." Wt sincerety hope that Mr. Jasa- ni i m ybe place ti ai th t ea ti of the C a- b t o apersen, in ces opinion, au bet- tee qualiieti to disobage tht ties cfflPime Minister. _ _ _ _ _ ExdsoaÂrxzoas.It insamiii tht Goverru- ment inteaids tt end eut sal2eesathuouad Emograzaus, viz --M froîn telsad. 6000 frea, Scelaui, and 4000 ho«ituuglanti- T)aey mre te b.excluslvely wsamProM Great Britain mnd rlr.dtboumaau are ceming out on their cavai accomat. ThteLoaver Canada ppn it&ra ust hat tbirty tives wert Ioula thtsbipwrk of te Rb Roy, on the e19tl at, aboutit My -uWI b.loav *uebc. Tht persoi s emw.v.1 tMigrants frea flreand. Cicp<uia" oew It will be unn tat M Sl *lxq- toni am te b. 4ptini * in eider tatMiwý 9e m sp$rth wn1 luilu with piuâmer Ma,. inoo1 I, and tbht e4cers appo!Mete t.prata*i thtenuteting of tbWe'Ridesie Canal, riri i ainpa: lift,, vpoaig. heing pusti throwgb tele.e aue at ilayi - te me--A Ilth uli. The Cilorel, v re bas mie arrangeraments ff r c avide Une imrnediately ; ax .'v é tiat grour.d wil le broken e i sectioni to-anonnow. Oirc olo Ctowes, bas contracteti fer a the. avan, at tihe pricess and report ; andi ae cne told, th> i féeet takûtthe 'riaitleUne ~* termi. Thais is a strong pr'o f c k tenestetiness, and ahaaws 4PI~'s;ýV1t ' net iritendt t " lIny atrp"eb0 Government,on itiid:c WIiti respect ta ftae size (iftiý have no positive information, 1 tieetly believeti, that a t-mb . tion aili be determitied ùos. 1i~ :ta ing engiuacer is decidcdh- -f- -. tht work may be coieted it;,i f . years, anti for the fulilmment cf Li1 tiens, ho bas oc<r best 'risies. W .~ that avant cf roote precludes the hIqcmrtj, * everat particutars, relative Ut,3tle,,bjc>re tidetaking, with avich 'vo hzve -.: ly favoureti. 3 His Excellency Sir Peregi-îa,e - arriveti here on Wednesday, n, trcopeon Thunsdey, anti returatj iaa in tic Quenrston, oan Friday hat. On tie 7th instant upavards e, ctl tired vesacis, anti about threetluts- tiders, bai arniveti at Quebec. Mîmly *vesmets (aya tht Quebec CGazutte,' Lave Ik4 passages af between 18 and i2-2 d;w ave believe elmoît aithout cxample. s e I o hem bad net an hourla ca!trilly s;itj I from their leav ing tht Britishi ports .tai].etr 1, anchoning bere, (Qaebec) eAu Emigrant andi bis fmiy, who tbac 't keti et Dublin on tht I4th of April, arivd e ina Kingston yestertiay morning,hLýv1g made é tht passage, via Qntbec, inrahe scjt space of o30 day.. SCAStrALTY.-OII Fniday kL- !t1ichýýcj Do01 ,ally, a labourer, feul frein tme steelple etthé ie eew church (a distance of cbaut stverly oeti) anti 'as instanîly kilied. , Several Communications ncceisarily pmi. ,pondeti. ToatteEcit6r of the U. Ilerd. ht id tvidenaly tht best, (laid a gentleman who, witb a large plan before him, as peinting eut tht roui oI tht Rideau Canal) it hs evidentil' tht best, for you perceive i great proportion of tht uine i h rugh lakes, swaaps, senken landt and rivets, wlaere tht formation of towing pauha le impractcable, Tht distance on thteline is 132 miles, two thirda of which nature bas prpaxed foraà steas lt; tht other tà»thr a e cut cm- tuer for a battean or steate boit ta ps-»1 tecks art required inirtht wholeît. Now your objections te thteIaza at ca- nai itemn ta e st ontwo points--avant oIn tes, or unnecessar exptnse-boh ci whi are groundieu. 'C&nsider the cxtent ofih summit pond or basin, mort than 40 miles in lengh a mdiwn width cf 3J miles, ad 9 feet ardi=,ndepth-givirg usnearlyffD trillions eubic feet of water, whica wili le a neyer endinq source ta draw froin the dniesi lime of sumnaer-anti secoiid, ai te extra expenst, tocks matit be huilt, -6 it- île length mand width ta wbich, e a few cui- bic yadof tarta tharown out from theICca- mai. will not certainly counterbalnce the saviaag in towing paths, britdges, culvrfl &c. &c. necessary ta he fonrnand cibUIt tiasough tht lakes, rivera, and bays; and ià we take intoaccount tht uncomfortahleutas, deiay, andi dangers cf a batteau conveyifllt, tht wmi~aili b. evidently on the Bide ef the s=e4m boat navigation. Unuder Iew .and libe cen.i"esi I hinkyouwil t tht propriety cf attrocating the luger cO .Tins Sir, My icreples and thoniofif l gentleman wtt. dont away, and wae jôîned an bumpers. IlHeaub anti prospenity te Col. By, andi tht officers cosaducting tht Ride3a canal", aas the toast.J.I 1I reainl, youro, &c. 1 Kinagaton, May 15. Ona Friday Mortain hy tie Fevd. DOetar Stuart, James Morris Esuare of Broeyflt, ]Herchant, toe miiy elieut daughter et Bei- sy blurneyiqire cf Kingtona. on the uimtant, by Lt. Col. cornefie Vanalstine, J. P. M;t. Casey Dayauid ta Mus. Headibath of Marysburgh.- Cee. &t Niagara, on theii. mt. John Powell, Esq. laite Clerk cf the hon. tt Lei5la'rt CburieiL *VRE ommitee ofthe sotiel7 forpW'no» A lig tdtUonan&,[ndmstry, are nrtij 50 oeto.orow(Mal~in tht Lmflci school loeuseai Il o'clock, ta inq«ire iW stops shahbc taken in relationt W lb."sb mettof a schh.i on the Bnitilb sys.80 o(e ucati.m.-Dy requcut et tinc the rnCa rr il mmben ofthe committee oftbC Tn A ocey mreqaaeoded ta mtctinta*~ casterimSacheel lieuse, îe.momrn0it, P. M. JAS. MA9.AttL.¶I, W' Kiugston. 1» lai s827-~T sweokb.kfrt, .1 be btink cf UPPtrCia inil le beid a:t ce Eank in die T' <'o Vok n madtytb* Fourti laY ofitin- 6lCk . I IDOUT. NB.D*lIof Wr em icgrT<W éboue USIIOSr_ ft4tmirs ta tpu i Bak fur polibtim. -, -------------- Il