Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 15 May 1827, p. 3

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oe ~ OA~I#4A HDILàôD. tre ~ ~r it gruý2 oi ir<ý e~r'om îf cf his disir Cithier for t' . ut bUt is ~SC,>nfl -boat nu;.1 f opin.!on that of hi, epý)pct,, the Miserti,) r e above tir îave becn Li ', lt Iecltsd thse turned -a yorký rds cf onec but'. ce thousand sct. 9. bMany of tL, zettel) have hAdt 22 dayd, wliiell example. 5&it~ 1 cenitrary Nwir.d ah Ports ta tlàtir .iIY, who emba,- if April, arrived n-, having msade 1 thoe short space st blichael Don- he steeple of the .about seventv et!. ncceâsarily post- >C. 1k rtid. nmi a gentleman before hlm, was e Rideau Canal) r you perceive a Sis îhrouh laites, rivers, where the is impracticable. 132 miles, two prepared for a ita te, be eut ei- *at to pase-50 whiole distauce. l team boat ca- ts--Wat cf wa- bath cf whictî the extent of tht me than 40 mulet c f 31 miles, and ing us nearly 60 Wwhich will b. ik aw frein thse >nd aecondly, ea »mt be buit, a lit- fich, f a few ciu- out frain the ea- unterbalance thse îridges, culveîts, hrzned and bailt and bays; and if icomfortableuets, teati ccflVeyaiIC, bly on thse aide of n. Unider thme hink y.nwi l ee %g thse luxger ca- and thone of thse y, and we joiiied prosperity te Col. cting the Rideau the Revit. octor Ir, of BrockVle, dsugbtoe of lieu- g. ColCrneliuis àsey Dayland ta «rgb.-Coi5 1ot. john Powell, -m--I MILAD DisTRICT ACCOUxvuS. The Committee appointdi io examine th aeotîn)ta of the District for last yeat, be le tve tLa report, that they bav e KRaiflt thie iccourits and vouchers subuitted b dut ,ir7e iuTer and have auditd varions I m l anipcfl5tIOfl of services aendered inci .oSsions of April, 1M2. The claims exlibited by the. Members 01 ,,xjsembIy fr wageo during the Iast S.eioni ýro9unt te £267 which we expect of couune obe provided for in the lma manner. The claicis fur general services rendered the District a mourît as per achedule bere. with Pnnexedt! t £346 16 8 which yeni rmittpe recomnîend for payment.- Thie geiieral account current of the Trea si-rer exhibits a blance in faveur of the District artually in hi. hands of - £M80 O10 The balances due frnm varions Cole- tors up to this date, t7.clusive of that cf 1819, amount - - - 1477 15 71 Suject to a deduc- tion of Collectorsand Aýeesst1r@1fées up te ttis periot!, say- - - 174 8 il 13031181 'frli-n wjli bethisaurncf -£1ff3126J applicable tu the use of the District, and we have reason te expeet that the greater pe:- tio)n o this will be available in the -course of the present year ; front this su of ---- --- -------1883 12 61 is to be icducted the amount cf daims 00ow admitted and aliow- 'nce te Sheriff, - - - 446 16 8 £1466 15 101 dorut a quirtera salary for bIr. Udzag¾orlited - - -25 0 O £1441 15 101 This balance cf £1441 15 101 when ail coilected, wiII ho hiable for the payment cf ilhe loins negrtiated by the committee fer bilding the Gaci and Court bouse, te be paid yearly until the whole la Paid up, as wi as for snndry other contingences. leur committee do flot observe that any steps have yet been taicen towo.rds the re- covcry oif arrears due for the year 1819, agrteable to the recoMMendation of the commnittee of former years. Your committec beg leave te remark, that the %um of £126 6 6,1 receivcd for road Tax, is now ln the bands cf the Treasiarer, wtt ich they recommend te be applied with- oiit th-ay, agreeahie tn the Statute. Ïb'our committee cannet but regret to tate, th it tbey are unable te rentier a correct ,tatenient of the cost cf the Gao] and Court h.-use, but documents produced exhibit psy- mon(ts for that ebject te the amunt cf ïIIý5 13 2. A retition has been presented te your comnî-.ttee, by Frederick Keeler, praying for an allowance towards building a 1-'idge over the Salmon River, in the Indian %voods, mwhich your committee do mot feel themaciver autborized by the Statutes te Vecommend. A petition from tIhe Inhabitants tnftiletnwnshilps cf Ameliashurgh and Hillier, fora like allowance, for work done, is aise Presented. but yeîur commuittee for the cmre reasas d.î(!Une bringing it under yeur i:otict. AlccOmPDYing this report, is a petition prescned by Elias Dulmage, prayuing for an icreas*e of salary as Gaoler, wIc yu amm1rittec considering the presen't atate cf te Di)strict funds, beg te refer tu the cen- ,idleration of the benc'h. A general return cf thse amount cf thse AIssesarnent ista of the Midland District, is hc-ewith annexed by vour committee. AHl which s lasubmiited. (Sitgnet!) TIIOMAS DORLAND, Chairman. £pproveil, i.Sigmed) JNO. MACAULAY, Chairsean. FRINOI APRIL, 1826, TO APRIL. 1827. MidiJ,îid Di%Irict in Acrouit Cuis-eutit/s Titems SMARKLAN.AiD, Esqurer. Dr. 1826. Ami. Csrrency. 1%pril 26. Te suntir> persens, fmc collectors, l82, 5 19 0 do. do. do. 1823, 16 0 2 do. do. do. 1824, 6 1 6 do. do. do. 182, 3917 1 do. do. do. 1826, 16 18 3j "suedry persomus, fées assessors, 182, 2 14 O dododo. 182, 48 2910 « do. de. do. 1826, 42 8 101 "snndry persona, ab- sentees, 1822, 1 1 8 do. do. de. 1823, 30 10 6j "de. de. (Io. 1825, 18 17 6 "do. do. do. 182, 7 12 2 "suntiry'personsTown Clerks3, 1824, O 10 0 "de.dodo. 189-5, 3 0 O do. do. do. 1826, 3 5 O aundry perscn's bends, l82, 0 5 0 "do. do. do. 1824, 0 5 0 "do. do. do. 1825, 1 10 0 u. do.edo. 18&96, 1 10 0 "Atr'am Wood$ I.,- .bore', overated 1825, 0 13 2 «SamnueOgden, King-. ston, do. do. 0 9 10 2~ cash N. Harris for ser- vices, 3 15 0 "do. Win. Grifsa, do. 2 0 0 28"do. S. Wahburu, Esq. 4 0 0 1"Alisu M'Leau, Esq. CILk.of tise Pecer, 136 15 0 2"James Geddes, Sur- geon, services, 25 0 0 Wm.. Ketcheson, for se-viffl, ReatiSur- Paul Peterson,M. P. for 1825, 5310 0' James Atkinaon, m. P. do. 5510 O H. C. Thonason, M. P. do. 5510 0 «'James Wison, M.P. do. 580 0 « John Ashe,fOrei, Vices as crier, 7 10 0 ces aurveyr of rads, O)15 O P. Fleming, palet- .slrgasiiglazing gol, 12 10 0 Ge2r ote o, - 25 - Mill r snd IWallace, rPairs ta tise gpe, 8 8 li 1%. Randais, mcvi- ferm alm416 O0 ~ 0g~u ,iK tv in oertWalter, for- 18" 3 0î~o~ 0 U F E IDA1 D8RCT 85 isihingxops=ar con- fl,1% 1 '3 ÉH U M J PTE.LIDD ml" temittee oracicemafors44Richimondi~I C~1 085 0 1~, 4O s~ 25 9. 9 oJ'Asan- a- ' ' Asass . fflaDulma5e, sl-Turow, i d 4.Mn . fl£ ý oa.lI £ I . d sy as gaule, atian- 1825 1122 5a. d..Ï.i1d taCed <fo, 15 810CC H'al, welli i 12 fuioic 6- « ohnsa1l4'Leqn. Esq. 185,. 21 1 4 2p 2 9 11I47 8 9 $1ee foer thUe a" Of IlTown andi Tcwaabsip . Town of Kingston, -ýU 1 9 1 * i 7 e.in.cesass 70fur 0 of, Kingston, PiLLa- Township% cf Ditto. 118 14 6 49 >' 441167 17 14* if Pduofl ers for- 70burgh,*& Wolf Island Pittabuirghs, 40 16 0 15- 6 li 5 12 loi nabed gael, 44 5 0 in part, 18Z, I1310(O WolfelIsland, - il 3 1I 481jsi 5 16 91 CC MarshsallS. Bidwell, ~ Louhborti pr, oog 5 2 0 1412 8j 49 14 8i i.f.l8part00,3 1 5srlad, - 13 10 2 5 13 2 9i HuliC.T7msnS hisuao n ar, oes ownh, 216 9 8 38 7 7 25 17 3 Ir .Hj .Temn <'16, bu50 je prt,à.Amherst Islnd, 18 5 0 3 6 22 1 ~il 2 r H. C. Thomnson, for CC Amherst ý1and lne -. opuTon 5 4 7 9 7 6 0 1 -services, printing, 12 9 4 pat'826, 4 7 '0o _ Fredericksburgh 15s 15 6 28 13 31 182 8 9j 'Robert Stanten, Ce- "adn nat 182,95 6'i û Richmond, - 55 19 9 10 4 3 6 4 0 rouer, 28 O 0 «Ameliasbuarlh ie fult, n Cmden, - 47 3 7 8 1 55 14 8 do eesaisfo-12 8 l Thurlow, - - 116 1 10 2 3 6ý 139 5 4j nishedgacl, O014 10 Ernest Townae part, Si.dey14r v2 - 16 19 9 "JohsnBrewer,re1810pair-. 1826,18 m03 MRadou, - 15 16 1 3 3 2 18 19 3 0 a^r14 8 5 2 16 Ili 17 5 44 iniF Kingsten Mill"Portland in fitl, 1826,19 3 4 15 aMad, 2-8- 1il8 o3 s a 9 Bridge, 3 O0O0"Town and Tofnship . 1> 10. CC Win. Chenntt, re- cf Kingston, Vitta-. 6 99!2 6 pairs to the gaci, 9 1 3 burg, and W4f Iai- m Ameliasburgh, - 7 7 6i 191 89 26 à9 il. CCReuben White: m. and, in part, l8 , 269 2 O ô Huiler, -- 67 416 9 102 761 6 9 12 3 P. l , 5110 0Richn je in art, t2lSophiasbmrgh, - 116 3 5 16 8 li 32 J, 3 CElias Dulmage, sa- 18--6, .' 35 010o Haltowell, -, - 187 5 6 28 16 0 24 1 5 aias gauler, 2M. 0 0oCI "uat'weîî in tful, 4 Marysb h 4 0 0 10 l. 134 -1 P . Ceea, ,1826, 1 214 1 5 ~t- 7 P. 125,51 10 O " Marysburgb lu part, _Î2_7 11~ fT 7 I4 3 24 '. Carscallen, Esq. 1826, 58 O0 îgto,2t anay 80.(ind Road Surveyor, 6 O O " Fredericlmsburgh in ingtJ. NICKALLS, Jr.7.(Sined Emstnuei Waggoe- part, 1826, 53 9 3 D'. NC ALerkcfthJPr. er, for services as bai- Ccameunt received frontDymlr ftePae liff 2 O O persans non residerats 31"James Atkiesen, m. for Laonds owned in Officee fLime Calara qui flrid4'e Company, ~cI~ P. 182, 33 0 O the Midisîsd Diat. 119 8 lit Kn-,t on, 12ts May, 1827', June S. Samuiel Ogden, over- ý1'OT1CE sla ereby givetu tisat Tenders 'JILL bu soI(l un i'îîtidky, ,bc 22,u1 mat. 30 icharged rates, O 9 10 £287412 QfINLwil6eb recesveti at tlais office until Thora. W %lac lolowiîîg vafl.abte proptrty, 3."Tho@. Coleman, M.- day, the 21s cf Joues next, at 12 o'clock - m P. 1826, 16 10 O By arnount brought dewn, 642 3 71 noon, front such persena as may bac wiling Three BUILDING LOTS. npnsiMC:f July 5."I Robert Richardson, Error iu change paid Abra- - <e uo otat for thse constructiona John Stranc.'ase w Buiicliosgs., and one with CCEsq. Coroner, 1825, 1217 6 hams Woodcuck, 0 13 2 -f a a Hous 1ope at, CCdu. do. 1826, 6 O O Over charge on commission, 1 15 2 WOO»DX UEF-rOD -IL SO,- 13. " Edard Noblsfortise great tirer Cataraqui, front this Two Nouses adjoinieg Mr. 1. W. Arnuatrong'u aervices, cenveyicg, £644ilIlli "' etu peîead. T.~Market Sirrrt, and thse Houis occupied by prisoners te Adol- ______ owu t t poiead.To .m .Cùdnng iteXrr qae phustewn, 1826, 1 10 0 By arnî.unt brougbt dewn, £580 O 10 ',idth cf the river, at the pr- opnîeIouh t e citeetSqlre 19 Ier sla , 25 O o (Signed) THOMAS MÂRKL2AYD, 1.600 fret, the greateat deptti cf 'aster about 1 W Sm eraar, 5 0Teaurcr. 15 fert, gradually decreaskig Lt thitoAn Sat ic.e use and Shed!, Stable.anio4 tKinfsto,, 24Lise bottet ha - 7.guia r arýden, with a gooi , tl of water. in Stuart- 20" s Hfffr eries ingato, 2th prI, 127 lime atone rock, cevered wîth enly a suali ville. For ail whch regliar titlles whti ibe to Adeiphustowu, 'I 10 0 MIDLAND DISTRCT, portion of muti. vreu. 1Terme madie keewn on the day of 21."CCMoues Welte, for aer- olm if fto ueD. Thse Bridge intendee ta be built, is tu lie Sale. vices amnailhe , lero of atoe nc,,£20 Dr. hirty fret le radtb, 'aicisa Draw Baîidge,aed Saie te sommeece at 12 oclock, cecm, at vn.1. ic@ard Nuget, 1fer 0Te aalowance, £20 O O a foot patta of cight feet le the centre, pro. thse Prrmuisosaoccupied by Mr. Clîdinaing 4u.1."RcadNgnfrT xr loac,2 teccted luy pesta andi rails, witis a Toit Honse And te go fi um Lot te Lot tihi tihe 'boie arc s9 ervices asbailiff. 18 O To drawingAaemments, 66 0O0O sud gates, sitheron.cor atone extremitY. and disposect cf. M. MORAN, A. & B, 1."WliM.NcKa>': Co- 2 0 o Office rent, 10 0 0 thse tewest part of the filuoi-i t ta c six fret Kingston., Sth May, 182V. 21.oner AlTafo drawicg two Bonds,collectoir above tliabehwatr lie, Tse Bridgeis to 21 erces s baifor cf Rates, O010 O ,e aupported on rooden pite, (and ont ta soM7si68U MM= Oir sevie a aiif, 1 O List of Jurors, 7 O O se covereti,) andi cf suficirrit atrengtb te ai- Sept. 8. Join Henuman, evi- Extracts, l 0 0 toi o'te rasprto aSTA G ESan a sa WileneRe v. . s hay.50 ility, durabiiity, anti economy. arc primary - A L S A E 15"WilsoacM, l 1n,5f0rSiecial Jury List, O 5 0O lijecta, orusnaet ta muet tu bc taken in cosu- servic e as bail ir ~General Cecaus Returne, 2 0 O deratien. serices ls asic! 3 0Recordirîg Roatis, ô 0 O A plan aed specificatien of the nutended 26." Meurs. rnlad Postage, i1O0<0 Bridge is te beiemeen aitishis Office; but Macauly, r, v76 icepeseîicsna bsprvmdMb printing, 5 14 7 To drawing Bcc<l for M'Lever for 'iold any Plan or Modet b. given ie by 29. " John Petersos, rost removing olti G ao , 0 10 0Obises. siing tu co stract iLla au esti mtat . of Oct'r 19." John Moore, Adgt. 18SOte.r iseoaaslausyes rmYrSle adfi/ qofQrti. lot Regt. F. M. ter idepucd by tisent, if thought neceessry. SaaB- TO COMMENCE ON THE isUs 0F servcs 12, 3 O O Govrnmp)t Tsot y cient 5Wetie5 raIl bu irequired, 5and thiW P I L, 101Isa . Nov. 21." n rsfor Bridge trprt<! iamea ta bc stated inlethe Tendrs gven M h. tgenlaetieHaIcfts jc Dec. 21."11E ass elag, 210OUTa! OAS-GOSec. & rreamurer. Quhîstie every Tuenday andi Friday ai 10 Elia Duisag, ga- - ___________________________ 'clock preciel>', andi arrive at York Avery ler salary, 25 O ~OTICE îsbhereby given tu aIl proprietors, A D V E R T 1 8 9 M E N T. Wedneaday and Satuarda>' at 12 o'*iocko CIdo. fat services, ne- 0 0 N of steam-îcasels usîting te furaiala cesffies urnised NAVZ YOlE chessaies14f140erohettr Z , ss. Every Monda>' Mid Thursday at 12 .'clooki 28." Abrahams Weodceck, Mud arrive at the. Headi cf thse Bay of Quintla 1827. overrated, 0 13 2 fer the service ef the flovenunent, during the every Tuiesday and Frida>' et 10,o'clack te Jan. 9-9."CCElias Duimnage, gaci- presentsesson.forthe conveyamcef troopsbmg mret thse STEAM BOATS-Lik.r.. te er salary, 25 () o gage,clothing, stores,kc.frosj Prescot& Kimuge intermect tise FeL- 8." aviti1-luton, or mr-(M, te York, Bui.ington, andi Fort George. oni Fe.2.C ai Iutn o e-Lakke On Brie, andi te ttueeaiateu, in theffiagara s_~ ~ '~ vices as baiiiff, 3 15 0 River, and vice v cria, tihat Tenders will 6e re T O EL - w, Mar. 6. " Rob't Rerison, King- ceivediat this Office uintât Tisuarda> the 31st CAP TAJTHB YBLdMWINMwsate,. ston Mill Bridge, 25 O 0 instant. et n'On. Whil atart from Kingston e ond a 24. "Jesiais Lainkin, for Bs- Tise conditions cf the Contract and farrsocf ' t8ocokA .frrafenPeqeli abu eRcs ke' ot,1artmTender. (to bec made out in British Money,)CTT u arrive thcre au Sunday niglt,"tr Bsay, 15 O.O mas. bc known upiinapplication et this Oflce c , CcRob't Rorison, King_ n -yme xrs hertso tbnad'iave Prescott at 7 o'lci<k A. M. c Mon- STAGE FAX6E THROUGH, £1 10, stan Mill Bridge, 25 O O dcck passengers, haoras.. yeWae. Sternsper day miorning. and m-rive Bt Kangiteaiin %te And is propertiosate charge t anay interne% 29. " H. C. Thomson, fer ton,.tiarreis of 'Park, P1cf Flur, or Làqasors. evouing; Ieare Kinguten Tuesday mtnsing mediae phoe» - - services, 2 S510 aud punncisaanti bogmheadaof Hum. " t a oieck fur the Ai begaetisatts i c ieonr ciWmn. Bell, Coroner, 4 0 o No proposai wiu ble noticmd unlesa madie in »Air or QUMTZD, JONATHAN 001)12. 31."C Stephen Conger, ser- the feai prescribeti, ant i mgnd by Ire OuffiCi- andi arrive at BELLVILLE le thse eyeaing ; Port HOpe, April 9u1s. 18V7. vices as coroner, 8 o o en sureties, willing te becomé boani for tise teave Belluille on Wedeectay tuomng aI 2Z April 14. CIJames Wilson, M. P. fistllment of tliq Commeat, as weilias by tise par- o'clock1 andi arrive ai- P G U 1826, is8 10 ~tr naking tise oAci, riseh, or agents duly au. " 1."« George Emery, for thorised ce theur bebatf, muet atteundilat tise timesMi " A m o f o p e n g tise T e nd ers, ta g iv e aaiy e x p la sti. e n s y n g t e ve K n s u h r " I B E l . p R A pI M C services as aurvoyer required anjit ill ie acondition of aituiy Cou.I"D.PRDY cf roade, 1 2 6 tract tIsat may lie entered i at., tisai it éball 6e moreang et 8 C'elock, fer thse - MAuxBBW S IER amurtpad h cineptional 'iti the Commisariat Officer li GARIX6 "1~Ag%.t'olsEEWE mittea fer tise Court charge, tu psy for thse Transport feRnhshetiCi. arrive tises cm Fridzy moanag, uîeets th.eKINOSTONX & ROOEBTER House anti GaoI, 753 9 6 tiser in Britishisilver meeeyailils nominal rate, -ig h rsS u. o& "commission on 21461. in ether specie, et tise par of Us. 41. pur Spuii urn Bs rsAIKse;(as6a 1lle. 54d.at 4perct. 85 17 4 Dolar, or inBills of ExchanugeoMnHlajesty'eandsud uto HALLOWF.ýLLce rias'yT "amount cf balance Treasurv, at tiirty davmmafter iglt, of £ 100 foir net.Ici lare ialloweil onSaiuusdaY Mmreag E C OTR2R TmI?. continueti, 642 3 7à eaeb £103 due upon ise Gontract. A ac.a ri CKaý nte TEEIAANWL EV Any furtiser candit ions ani particilars Msy b.ie Io'Loksusrv aiKnte aU. TELZA N LLEV £2874 12 41 knownoupen application et titis Office. BIb55'55001.E19aaW07' -llise Tenders muat ho seatéti& eno sd, Kmsgto, May' iStis1W2. tiL @verMemdsy <veather permahieg) ateai Toa undries per accoui "ITender for Transport." osý CWp ; Md. Wes" esiaysaxecW Sanfexed, ., >64 Il l s ir. -, ZZGUT O@T P, b.onWdm" Balnc carid dwn 58 00 Dj. A .G. mliNs about inprocerd tu. Abaam& I.ilEvery sttectiosn il ho pull to tise s.ftw Baane ariei ow, 80O 0 CemmissariatîOffice, BI1 Perm"sas iicla ofl s~ae t I PASSENGERS. 644 ilIli11 ngsîon.,14t1sMa,187tqs atei preseat to issàme&datay fus Kiogsms, f. 2?. S 182.Cr. IIalf-Paq, Pensions and RetiredMOAOOUTSG*RDE4E' SXED8. April 25. By susount cf balance jdllowailyees r-u-willb. reoelred athriursday 1th mi, b as per accounit, 772 2 1ià Missosi t. M> liprw 1 £re" otTwn Part MVademinfu in,855 fodu, M. ,li 18M5 «Losughbore' aufull, "Misbrgh iàl'ad, 1700 ONOTIU:Ë a1 6 , 9 ALL pvei,& id ttjtiEttem 8040L.Vrg PITER TSL 601 1 re r- quiet-J no iake--iue~ SmUt 126 1 3 cuvte tagasme. i KiagatoS, May ,S;t182le p 0* ~j. 1

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