Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 22 May 1827, p. 3

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hAàý c f uSOrce, cf lVa of a. le fe to prute i8Cmvo, 'a y aven Sanino onve ver e;tue il, conlitegain OorFi- ur wOaîd b.gra- Trn an Ireea shitu a, tfl t1 a citi yOur ajb0. th rthese rasost co- for dia 0u YOli -malt,. Poion.n accspt Ihese tm fvCoure- yOur Fall- nsy pptctie preues h pur nait N. .lency,tle Lieu- ini tatq, ami ut. uncil Clunher tbe imndiate Nue speaker sud te a nuimber of latine hy de- Of EU. Bouse f ted for Stmôn, grmtid for 1 tianki attention payto aMy confidence bplncîng for Tara- - my carneaf go placed mv, and Wb" ch ey cannaI te- . Dg aMy 'mithout et dtb1ho- udeptbe - 5 lLqàu- SPictoil i# by the O.Oùn of wbed bY W.,' Yes- Imke tbe 'vutt m"tieue « if the &e osm mdiln at owdm< W A M- gmjwr ria o- io * àà a* *" k- '~'kk I th. establish.d Ch" i t a lt"m 7£nmmgj l iaav&Wav iut& 1 Pr-aa W, b,.sd = 111114Ate~ ? U T A~aoaz 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m D*IIaipt6qnoSm -fietuj dti. i ma..da" wi" bWy t«& he h i 1~ u aN Chorcli Of Scotd ThSe. khl:.amW uit. bis mwe muaiin the ped reaouable go a uajoraty e H. ktolizmetisX ~j~ pimss e el~iclistyod AIb&nyý; Fbmy bea doud for ane Otha e. uant so ffladvocat.Sfor the bill waouo 1.m f SieS W"'mIM lbui m 1.14 form, ats oebt.w.dwith tha'mpudl» tm1Vaad me. eetos"bill paue4* amd ailahid fer he .,'~, aey w jtuI karcaie- o. lad itmv«s 4 " Mjandiug cmfaatlve m , *&"*Mt a CM-vi. oir s timent-s of flbesaliyjou tm . idio. the. cu in thàlu e -c~MMn te bi, e u" I- leu iatho. fa a h o a ri ls eu ete ni, ýd ,muse they ha», thus upo . Xlua his ed the ye' by .ts9 'uNi "iOOi 0ffaya cient a it, 'm'sMd' renableoxpecoies th"w have béen ducia s. 1Th% did mot attompt goe %ca th. iifpdbto 1aton e * ~ I 10ointdnme4lureswhc a SsJouty of manrlagola accer- 32Slvemo, 5 ottlt,. Wh " ldoit4iudacity ta id>,us., I !u-IFSLIEVE, MusTER, ~~Trusten t fthat Aegdeiy ha"ve-aedis t "old014 11 shuhs.Vy penalty ef 1827426 vouais, 3e22 sitter. hcbVi& i.I C t If k 0, - ILL a umt a rae lagsne furthe tioned, bave beuoom e kta xif. & uPiit whachtlmY Voie igbmo aldboom repeat- Peated 1 would e fronti*0a *BaY «<Qdintie evfrv M~dyajTum of honcsty to the. Etabli.hod Churcli a- cd,) ahey .ld bave bout guilsy eof aupi- Tanu. ANAL.-4jJ,.>U94wua briath e v a 01eglieu eyg re d d ire appearo tak pm il ab&tat A10 oclocl; . y a d ,Jsd umg all classes of Diuoentors, and wbea ik tal eO's5e-tb.y dîd mat attoupt a conu-fotf<Tut.'h11' igseuetou geo ftad indeegiD 1qqwfh the cARYN LC hattiigoernru t ugeamtiei ~~h ~ ~'cre, and by th. Rideau Cara iai "day at 1 opelock. jaebyadedeladka us tice <r KmXiftffl elrry I*ucqdav al, cou, ail Coleg bav010<10rtng Witvafo u t hat *bditid *1for a merci- . teaic cndy o Ilytandin b ubtl .BELIL Cainegtie haet rmv a retitionfun hddaigsof torcmgj in the eveus Neotwiabaandi:kg tho rain i iy f thini- dt uthe r goo of Bdpt o pltha t a e, FrLoLVa ILLTEd.eenga front tiait W of taryr aà totexcindredfthe ragao1nwu ai- habitants of the Town attended Io ewitnm eu hît>a to gi diposi nt on ta aidifer F lt inIPy YTue4 eein dissenters frontitjs adrantages or itsAcade- vertently lu the accomplishmient eofh their liad I ppae ehtd Wte in whch s tatib aILUIA1I mical honours, th. majority of the Trilitoebue porpese. Fine andi imprisoument cn t h cmomnceend t of Ppa rk cf mcht A aths ntrrpo I at do or t r H A L L W E L cf th Pictou Acadeamy,. are holding Up aloe beh.inRaîded upon them fDow for whnu t tectmneeto oko uht htWihi Re YteILXNI. A L W these very restrictionssphici the' goécon thY have Onb136-vnd as mney la perhap- Magnitude and Îlfportallc. copies (go thomn iete aie) o e th t .worton <'veWrdfle*i4y n'or'uig at are thg atteaxpting te removei. eh dert otcf tii. qonsin, as ah.y Wore preventogi of alleginice required by the Unitedt Status, T 'rinçk. and F fenona o'î>k puli wh frot pekin r.wbich wero eagerly rought affer and read. [*eave Lmngstoa, f&pr render an Institution uupopir bchh.fe peigrTuber'pockesth, Cout Grant Powell, -Esq. ih.e. pofteiI ascîli pnt lpai ha pr oti.PRS omtT a*Guk M[aJsay hais Iiberally ehdoed ami te of Kig'.&Sn<.h i.expectod 1 thsiu. i.Clr f h og.aivQoçjni Jaite bl hc ai bsdsbet nyc whah aey rzamaly edredtheaslVes Wholuomodij>lie ofthae trend Mill for a Ft-ibo,Çq.ii 4tJae bil w cade t wbo ubers e hevdl"V 1 of >iCoAU Dot to ho unfrwady. pccnaai u lcetThm eyats impnasonment iz iboEs.iét e h le CfCJ0* hu r=« o bisow.gi &. As stitute on l1eHouse etfAssombly. - efji tapy auocJ.iyi. «nd [Ji tbencircuuatance!Y "dhi. heaies- nthhe __ _ _ __ _ _Dîn__ _ __ ~ eria (,,aurejected bv the fouge, or ho f ai y* ù ca,~î1 A C V L E & ient te a voteb bmproti~Pco i.deeiusWr ouni guilty, ami might at thia lime have berna ubjects in ail Acadeaiy, while it remains ini the manage- though the. trenMiaai i hecuipria, the avis" % MParts of Hi. majestv'u doinmiori. 1 thon GANANOQUA ment of these trustees. They have how- yeung lady iastill iit iwedded wife. éa aH ots lionChiaî, 1 b111 ree tcatte avPTIiop ki~ n d , ir7. ever an eanoct dosi, to encourage aduca- «It ansald te h. aie intention of Mr. E, G. M.Edtr SrI a itOelitema-tIRe uni iepose , btrice a rm-a7 tio in Pic ouand wil re dil co cur wit W a efi ld o c ai m M ià T u u ra i bis w ite, ter ofe t s a b m ent I perceived in y our pa- law ; w h ich w a,m , il lsanh u b.iI p 1L sa t the batmo Assd win rma ene- and tamoy: that ee be<iven te hlm by pee h a ntntapouto.ndshtl epeetd~adron THE CNIAUMA dowiflg an Acaclemfy, tters ta ho paced virtuet f a Has Corpus.Tis ,motion per liii, Ch uarian &perodt on * tho il d bc Hlm e setdt i 1jsi hog ,ioder athe sperinlendance of Trotte«s te h.will h. ruited by the'lady's fther, Wheo il meignae uaiz41on Bilthe Lieutenant Gotcrior, 4EUîàl pnv Iit.viig laid out sppointcd by bis Exceliency the Governor." will centend aganst theo alidity cf the mar i-lla esmeen n tel Naktea iseio l s Dg ti etnle wud e lii ainaut tipjan a-and VXtic edscat e iii <h' ofri t s.oa nage, and thus tiie principal ancstiimtu-crap-os recmet.wilnist- rtan !GriPitýuu", r becme te wilire nstr acselbe passed ta extend toaboine persons Wbo tawh!'ch îlary bav e gorn the Dame of Guelph. parth t eld t ga ftae tan a ti n w lments in the hinns o t others ta deceive and beinp cronsidered by law alens, sh ulil bre- ~ h n are I ~ .iF niy ISLAND. uhl avetaatgi niuiatheir neirbours as stii moresur-ater becoane naturalized in thii.Province, Th". SIualiOu as ense Ofthe morne deâiabie neLegislaturo oftahat Islaidmet on te lhigi8. righas md prwil oslin the Pret mc, ocig ontb- banks or the th. Enlisi mbassdoit in Paris adires- pi1ng Ican on y accuuat for it tron tichethe saine rgOsd r aBntsi*>t (e 20th. ut.; and by the lte ot "w. ecesi r egeet oi Xo uLetn n e who's conduct ini the ltwar (go nota- boru sbaetsan lprts e riiesh' of die 110grear brafnches otfi *file of ahe Register containing a report etflis Britanuic MRjestyu .3.t herofykwn tald al= r.fa ilsproeedaig. is xceleuy' opnin wh iPrboteisastants L ,Lgm ttal if liLe him for 'North Anerican o"nie@, adt tMemRilae r.) ofu upard is pree cogra s. this exce untrey's p enan - sequo d e et t ta pth e a in con- a stainwh i t fa British bO a& coliaittee t draft tic id of a mile a mi a hal& here s a cona ug SUC- congaulaes he cuntr upn auin- equnce f en e ah dit fsubject are caliegi in qutaoou, the latter is adireus." After fiisnumbers begul a ef eelo aube ilsa "'ech ines boudre Mocat elibetrty. 1edcaet too oteple lu the ey sofeve ne, fCemPunction, that tbey lbai beam led ie taGucip I tm WrlOo neda the dition of thie Isan-the liprovement et weulî ahe Ring oOreajt Britain ay," .-e_ o bsthplb e odf ks ' eva erter htteya èhws A niai£ Gelh fron atLerl.a " pne e h the publuic rouis; and recommonis aie estab- piegiTois' wer. I ta a5511bîtaite pardolual 'tatakeuy nticeof;o zuy imriui etioti was nie tebrll$ l ï orcseh li aa ny, stýýir miime nt, are beild. lishment otau InlaraiPotthe funig thecomylcas in Noaaew Srsai thae ly ah, useOf bils pa. Ict-es. it wa. ailconten ot., a tle h e , the8atlot asmvb"9 ci a uer t ah. topeu ofr cf an Agricultunal Society, ani other objectâ the-Ambassdo," the King, my 5155r teby eluns eu is o.1n"g tw aotns twsalt , ,Cmay eea ilaasa na smengeorHisEthelency's peech1re V fr yeurnDy mini te legan te prevail, ai&.i dber laiuhiece & da- os %es 10 aScCOqnuof th e tlers lii met f a lca beelil een scherent- e uhir gorart eh. pier fyuakii aeanY notice of their tisai; it asht how- reund, ami thora 'Wus no alternative lofet MWcys@iaU a meaesete ui fîlly reapondedian the answers et bo both or. ever on thëir nccoanî, but the. cemgregaeâ thm, but ta clos, thc Meeting. Dr. KeI- they hl ave bito htie ouss 1- brsiches. A différence wc percoive bas a- The follewlig carious ocote ta ew, Who aller a four 'veeka c ttion, have 109 tien read a string cf iteoluaions, wic hemftivcs.a crected, at thie vxl) aiceut riîen obetween the Council and the Houue of amuse, sad il& auahenaicaty ' ~ ny dca or obun t o ver 'viii, lee- to .Secith, Esq. rescie., ti w ere TCmay Asacmbly upo» a question cf Constituajeatal aq'ai: Abn t~ mot.,ievlue ed ad ut ,or my oherla W terR.meithiy Ecq PoiadebisTuwbi, cliT eîyDllr. aitI.eat et ah privilege. Tiers la bas been aie practime, U20, the, property of the Captalnofe a South cm uhic ander L a r soan fo er oand roudiahougi cneitiorJ.wer put i t. y Tanty Dolltroteis, dtliaitpofruth aà w. areiformei, for the L.atter te passait Wales trading vemel, now lying in ah. mach ciuiractrs 9à ted fon e er. Ful ote.nd r. Sith amni r. Tarnbpu tatj on li rs fonut teales. laScheol. i. lie apropriaion., mi tie send heiDocksM.Cas iost, maite CaptainthtecbilDot pasi iatoa lawe but tbIare ~.aidressei ahe meeting 'miti feelng and a. elc-.se owlIs h the. (onneil in one general bll, 'vilci O (.C ramplin) took gpeapainste have it otiers Who stand in nSdeiof its provisions, equence,ountil the latter'asntrpeduitaulnewhî wlqom tifou were compelc te assena 'r reject a aadvertised before le sailedin hi. voyage, aiwa s aebe c nuerraa o hetni'iivoecuilsaoUdt tg héerprcthab < itrdtaah WaiOLE; t-us dprvi tien e alcheck hut without B=mcc ; >the vosiciarrived et uI shO asl ae S d interos and nthitteatted Wusnb ngnaeulpr«n a..pim O iti t te oach raot e closef1h. he lac, cfand aie cage was -Dspaltte gtlY reereaget sel pe.mtln rpnlg co coftheolee art icila thUd au i= uIes.thAt p destiathea poiumient shouli betall tien. Ne' Sir conioct. Tic respectable para t f Oeaudi- arstiiti iandaîe vicimiîalof h a efltith at sey io ah.Doteaica t a se i ondre, aialeutcareo, a fouin ti posiiveiy idear. i t ae fthticworid once then wiithdrew, ami inteai of 200 sug- 11ouare. in le rnate vieini6t. p of tce, res lu io , t n t t h j ' o u i et e v ra v u se , ni n a l ie c ar o, ' to schlu t n t th e ir p ro d u c tio n à a tis sue of a lm h o o gi n aR e s k t i et t o i g o b a n g o a cr t e . lo iw trage f is. 6. or re the appropriation hiU-'"unien the svr about 20 bits, tie identical batik nof., for- uni mWseprêzentataon, uni if netore asas dathee ere net 50; mer bav iney ichirag theeami r aunas and servacas therean contaiuegi shal ming, togethor wt ube foae aaidznormr epcsbegnlmeatli ince yberee e nuet 5;pc bvesa liaI 50un- paya iethe liv.y range of tlet. asiOr aW the boueenof eva-u aÈly fmrub ir od ot o ypicla p p r ou es m u!ce w ilî vouc i for the u *eaaicty of the 'ber o t respectable a nes, or tiat am ea tl Pt r a Ihe seya rl n t i en sw n th oso seibyo li ocurrence, ter 'mare carotully collectci together, and oiiownsam -if ee4 h arisMy gep and severally received talir assen." The ixed on a-ic f prwiai gUmatevr o .aatment-Wieaa tihefirit amen- dollars subscribei uni pai, mt*iabsand. T' POmaage. firia question whicl tie House teok up afer ads ludaPo te Cap er ndâo;you etig s aldlt D ou î nîeaty fi. a retunueit uehtin rntu. mc c'Bli»e'vast !#à led U - lSolies ab ement fmod poi Ol h'à"~aOca. bat oa&-ra addrur, .pseag, as u rduce pi meatiesi ed the note cousderatio'.a itwutota" u matures uni subcriptieonsigtot #tha r.0 b. fr landvî in her. utite aboie; w e i r discussion a resolvo 'waset tie Bnk, ami reoivei soverein orl. n 1111 Bailssed by a few deluiogi imntieka, kiaowledgo or approbation, sud conuoqaent- agrced ta hy them n l 'hlci ah. ertion n je ma dtrmnc t utni mawtbai.lyreasgit aî.Wjiettrsp-.-fJHe MIHJor broadly mande " tint ail aupplies te h.e rai.-INTOLERANCE. 1 igI s cauioeg to h.tten my gtsturi, dtac.a orcolummtu 'vida j - JOHNiv's êIIcleor. ed or chargei on the subjeets oetah. Isani, g1w atoe ali pnm ur, Py olr ns, 7 5 gfr epu 1527e YrjU.C iiitheLeisilao ni rancite ~ a- Tesepect tint people, zealeuo for ene as tirent., 'miich 1 dasregarded 'marce lgiraiinstuaretbaie i a ltu-________________ iesty, are tie SOLEz gifi uni grant of aie relifiemsiouhd eauina. aie ouierniaturely, Md agaiaast ne-I didi », sth.ugh labour- iie, 1Itink suthciemt ha. been si teareflàt r Iouse et Assembly." Thi. s uceumuni- aidaccaiately, te laie reten- ang union a severe attack ei tever uniague, tihe calumsny snd muuncproetarjons t Nof-. cated ta tho-Couaicil, mi moine conforenceasdngtla Persan ea h.a fuit *ujg4 hbe- 10romfoVin iiy Ici ami accoumpoaioi a geaa &afew imdiviuali 'vioseaaiuctIliév were ufterwaris held upen lt--but 'v. hc- tenhve'qo, mtue of wt(on be ais n"ais ettiisPlace tea e Meeting, buavs og ot acit'uIyeoai wbo art elglie u Ue lieve ne compromise hmi been effecei at an love, 'viie ho au am version for the s. 'ea s anguifreina parozysai 01 @Ontyta e konterbiuspon=,(for T o f Adiulisruiom ce th.estateoaf bhm thle date et aur last aivice, 'viich reaci teallter. Lycida s i.desperately lu love 'vith lever (mat Of rage aus tategi î> tei .wor- are 0oe n teuible t .frd rtoaa-iesqlue uéasd, isebv reupr, aof ei th 7hiw..oacta.Urania, uni mortaulilyatas, Corian; i i.)titat. ;rss tealulnc o dn th.tnh' mithymve mr, n mdbs 70sicaatt ma.imeit the l7 i ns.-N ea co ia .os, gays saine ne, w hi eh et the tw e tatha ev cwm inutes decla iag M y w îla» n r ta T U li m m e uai tei r e n d u nel- bued ta10 e. s e e a ke mi e s n a ieg tost charmaing ; examine thec natter ; ie expiain aie mVerni clausesf et tillBtwich ID i ui sntiments, iLO.Beujc.1 iîY deaautdeber.Ajéua mil retateavio r wil promie ta do s., but te a ceWnty li. appoured ta santo obj"ctloable, k W'eas a-Si ;7WueYquieBs agale rosnit sain. ta,»al, bheuuy ________________________ 'mil pronoauce for Unaîia, sud mot centent- grecd, tirougi My luispostien, te a- four oh.'t servant, tsuned te pesen h eSfam taiersse m ed 'iai preterring ler ta Cerizina, ho waUpent ti. meeting UmaIl t6e SOh-*hin k THOmAs coLzMAR. . enadj.asin ase tate aMMie Marl MARTIN LUTHER. preter ber also te ail otier 'vomen. Hi. accrdingly teck place aj uni vTry auo Belle, May l2th, 182. b sjlesadaftlmu aeo h A new and very singular diseovery bas reason 'tii b. iu n i»sn an tint 'With itla 10r81Y attended-lr..(, CVVsIY a"i Mn."Jue. me . laîely beom made hy Mr. Lemon, cf the Stat. ieart.-Ratjl. Cauffwere severahly aoaaiam4.4 qChai r. oaTaElc pim OAA , kXl. >. Adisr «& Paper Office. Ho bas tound ainung lie pa- mail, ti. latter pomitively dacj4ieving, Ze. FztoHai'mp 1 Ay, 182?. 6 pers tiiere depoitei, a fine 'mni portrait, SYMPATHETIO INK. . W'h"u Mr. Cavsry toPa4Vbf"Ma ou 100M 1 '5PAateu1827.d6o colourci, oft'Martin Luther, 'vhici appeaus The toilewiug aPtlictionetf a moicen laydeai wauappouteà Ua0 t ;aprue o dladi tm 'ilTI àsaMd ta avelicn sntte nglniv diplounu-.chemicaldiscovery, Duas mor, befoe.been 'mas cretateexcSu. *14k itipooa ..ppuuaojt e .es*. ~ tic Agent ini Gerauny,tute e nglia Sec- cauamunicted teath. ptabulc; la a V fertaomeble in front et a.hot6'h< asa .InvahagrA fMià~aha~~A u :RL)WJ relary of State, Sir IV. Pagea, inaaedialiy superien taamy, as yot, in ue JikuReynolds proposedahe D»M s*£oaidd lm pnlie AT Tutbveben eutoust nW'un [ afterth diatenof thae g"enaReformer, in lssolve as malil uanaity et ýstarcl inlua h. roadby ono Breuglisea ~Schoolue r tbe S"à'et ageilte ve, beau .vsreiam OMMt DI .~.,g - 14.Ho i. repr.uenaei as icaleti in hi. saucer 'viti mol 'vater. and ume the liqul a.foti e Unle~statiWho..qÇA" humw-for 1 @26, a"i tic ae ueun d reevwed feeM.auk a perufcg. on _yno rac ofthe vmt na aproof etf heabusp Mauif hl sulings an m i u puc, aime Ciarg4 M g« &e resta en a bibe, ami h. lau a striai cL&ped wititig wiil appeýr upo " ah.pper, "a ithei. a f mongt profirbis826 "'IE seei aoma 1 =f« baok in one hani. An hou glass i. oe eletters cau ho de7eluped .niy hya 'vok se-,OPOr tethontartulu z more8arflUc ' e- idt cf him, unihi. pean d ink are on ah, lution of zodine an alcohel, 'Wh"et ey illeh t thtoueis sutblim eogtwy; o us Olamotre. clua la ex min i WtheeoBriilcou-ySols oter AGerman pom appears beneati, appear et a deep porpi. cOour; s. nra Ta .s'oi o <miaouos îaly m y discove nerel olet Akjsm.s in ,.Wuaer .nic ianamplificatione ate' vl etaeîtae eil by ah. sarUbthat mMi.ci ..uèdMnthe l<onpr.nphespro .onced duitg hi.s Iley caunot ('mbeai drYouh.mwdq et latIlaessi-" Pcats ra i vus, imorieni ues dian rubber.-Mwsmo. b e f&" y le ' aIbn angbtsgaraî etWso a f bi aditQ.rT i.~ . . ila l ~ .q mls. irtet b moura7. -, uA m WÀ eS I r r, aa"ne1wr.questegi permission te Msd l.aU* Z I 1oue abs an, A Ssrnm mlab wlanld by îa, &ppaa ctai0s.p fhathe pM& et el diactoi [Front ReWasLfiin Lo".] a Éiga a 1... ,2411M'M t MMae i teM fl The oaly casetf moment on th. Northi. ~ ~Z ii v. vl o à ur er, Circuit, 'vas tint of 1the Wskeflei, toirdu h.. I(OANXftb the abduction cf Miss Turner, unidta vawu KINGSON, MY l 1827bintrrupton.a KINGn hua eoposgi elbeut ah. sUghei" oxmt à" lgapuLoeté "" z% * On wlacihas sote hold atour feeling., h. 22,*11- Sff-. interruption.~iiim à&sei concern" the interest ofteveryparent t l' vewrp ~~ o dri <baat'iaruio cf and childinluEnglani. The tacts wore mns h *eauaeg uti.ta tSh CW&- ctobp» Ply tiese:...Mr. Turner i.s amaxi, W'ml 1ke me, le eMgspinge n th. i-'khCe-s2çceg byblt ' OAIflY Othes intua country, mas acqairdab.4 waw6flne nailri* mnly agmn vsos tlqal rais rau i »i ~ »reesa.ue.ym s *çita e' bs4Ugou A thoea y. t fortune exeing £2OO"I hy hi. om on- T saat, 'as un een0ba ppa44-6 aMa is auik i lhm_ à a 1 -- - *AU jamys 102T. 1 1- lke- l»V -- --

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