NOTICE. CA~~~~~tNADA COMtPANYORSL.ad1mitepo--e NOTICE.E WH aie be bcg anitious te close lih m nF so A n dgiinm tu<Pa 0 n- vitBou S117d eIay, a ai N 1b»5om e sM aj.'sty's G ovr mwfft having c n s esio f n .Iî i t ef 2410 cn fies aIl thome indebted te him to settle t<bre 2imz' 87 .. H trscttd ta Sý li. < te an4da Cos n la .1 :sion of eLonshipa nofe 2 co Accolints on or before the ist March net- iïatnvsuch of theCrowttlt»l hub7t',)n wîw', irn1cf tht'n Taofnslthe <i AJo &fier that period, Il Ibose reuiaining uaîbet- H~ E Suhscriber nnor %rand wn t<iCanuaxitaCniteiipl 'dtbfor ;58uacres of,%irhc ieare f <li e Vil.a tled will b. put into the hands of a Lawye L tht' Agents of tht. Establtubnient. ai <w lt dey of M4érch 1824, as baie flot b. t 5 crso ci r iedu<~ ' t' for collection. Kagto ulvile, the Trent, Cotsoui a n( ý <ienuid for- t...erins et yrers. or orcupic rn G(ovtrnmnt fr 21 yrars from ' Nvtni The euiindr e hi Stck iii tru> Por Hoe, arg asertnens o it Waes W writtrfl or verbal liceose of tire Goverain rr Iast-60 acres are ina i gh state of culi day, bc sold for C.ahor Produce. et vi*v rit* and Castings. w hichin b ty anal appicar ment, or wcre occupit'd. .lthoughvtat ai.Onhep ms'treae cn SAMUEL SHAW fraceitefr hepae t nflb fLar oe(,qua red)SIv22fc t at ai p 1ces S M U E S A W . 'e f er t ar ~ p .n arta bro iglit up . p0tnc M le sl teie f r he a1ac c f rt <le u aRo ie3 li £* Jnayt 12.ffrtateLover Prvn en Ycalrs anîd upwards hefoVC thi-£6th uda% -a large Frame Barn. with Stattli. GOuthus, OTC.The pricces and terme of payinent canno. of Novembere it£4.-1O i1CF ià'hertbs S. &C. &r. &cAlso auexcrtiîent WiVIl and . *MCDO.,V-ELL, îcr N ~~~~~bc cosnplained of, when îhey are compared given, by the Canaa'i Compara. tn aitliper pngwthaSru'unlgtiogthWl frdpfr<lecoio *ith those of the importing Merchants-as Ions wlio may nov bcici npossessioni cf an) preaisies-a odGtrden. neatly rncloseti, P SD iG agte~ii< à!tUf~ oil f a varie- buUdingCO~~~~1>maO -e are in mre inistances 5 1per cent. lo - Crew Ov rt'hC iltt i~ t< , E N S A Sa!S\tU~ T H udn em m wiY teFarmingnd innoc qDAYqqat ir,;bat 2 en aeoo ietanf.rrdk, heCo p.ytM.;Èe tAp le P;1dan C ery res an ofoteAaYabl ini h , bGae r h1nov neathtlyriber wil guaratitre ail th, and who may have eld such possessin for ind a Pine and other Graves. Kn-o nW D E D Y n ofteScdm then oo esl ah h us royteapro eg ia e e'sbfr h a viii be o ened on M nday 234 at.tutdbcWare.unde Vegof8Ctr atinew.tfor Pr scott on M o d ys and Th 1ur.d.n L . the management and su tendance of the articles are B,-uffmon's par-nt gth tday of Novrnamhei 1824 vithout any le Ureasl.vîbedso4 vrye. 1ev. John Stougtoni. n h bouse few pu-. ai atîr or licence f occupation, or proie For terme, apply to Hcnry Cassady. Jura. Il O'clock, A. M. pilamay1,freqire) b accmmolltd vtlr %t~Uobtoi, tie of a lauithat hey imuit cithrrelinquish Esq. of Kingstoan, or tueXo boad c.17/ 86 an vgno oeaetre hicb, for convienence an.1 ri-gance. are uni iminedîattly, their possession of slich Re,MOE CA AAN badadldgct. ono1826. e icelled ; double and single Stoves, of differ- ierves, or treat with the' Canada Compan% bdlhutw o brhaag euand Brom KvdenziGe'.11 eat patterns 8041 sizt'a;, Pot &sh for the purchase of the ane;-and that pro- Feeruai7, 1827. AdlptSown t h aan oai B dro-in Knes'n. i'il YALUABLIE LAN DBE LS posais, in writting (it paid,) accordingl! FOR ML& fr~otta 70 te 240 Galon; Sugar Kettîci, or grounded on the value cf acicaeed land of, P BI NO CEBAT AR = = «u A R S viz.-LotNo.3ii,31 32. o -hC uerfo t7t 5 aln ;D t equal quality in the saineTow tiiip.IS ih te Cau tion il pe soui gainst and cannot b e dr1ai! rd fr a y orie. 3ACrEÏ3s. tse nte6hOeswt oi ,-iho ihu ct JOHN G'r Purchasig teo Notes of band giqen te Prescott, April lt, 1827. concessioni of the Township of Kingstonl. and BELLIED POTSj, York, U C. £91h Der. 1826. Messrs. Gcogh sud Nowlau for ten pouars rSl, beautiill> bounded in rer by Coltina' Lake. ach in 1825, hy lames Mogher. for whkchFoSae The' abeve lands are of an excellent quaitj. AndI Irons of six différent patternis and sizes; CAN ADA COMPA.NY. <bey Receivtd Psyment frou the- aaid ~ZOL Wl &qs and eli îmbered. Ter i of pay n'tt = e Tes ta ttles Gridd es. Cart & W ngon Boxes , A E E G E . T o z w a 1& s es.Application te bc ma"de tothe subscri Plough Iron%, 51<gh Shocs, &c &c. B&c. T i euetdttataplictosfor Kingston, , JAl Mh 82.S EAEEST au Lt Nu. 9, 2Uj CGncessj4 JONerNG. Porc, Whiskey, and ait kinds of Grain Witt N1 the purchase ci Lanads frott the Canada W Pttbirgli-100 Acres. Agnt orthINe pore. bc received here in barter at the Kingstona Company. bc macle ira writing, statîng SH1ERIFF'S SALEI. South hall Lot No. 3 1, l>t Con. nortl, of 11, Kngston, th Oct. 18'26. Thsh priceirahHaLots ix Curreticy M ra fIN Saturday, the Siteenth day road throîagh the' Mowhiawk Traci, Twn N.B.An pronorpesastrspuig nA. MANAHAN, The Lots e aifad. eypr cr isatict . 0 f joue nert, viii besoldt ship f Tyedinaga-io0 Acrts. the bov Lads wli c poseutedtu he t. Aenter rkreGil. Of( ed.Publi Auction.t the Court louein the Town ALSO, mos riourof he aw.The msode cf pav ment prtap<ISd, and of Kingston, the folloving Property, by viatue Town Lot No. 361, an the Tovn of King%. ina a.PRICES URN The applicant'a 'place da resiclenre. cf a Writ of Estent in fayotr of Oui Sovereigli ton, enciosed w ith a cedar pic ket fcr.c,aicnar riouoiheCURETImmediate attention vili bc paid te itirit- LeSd the King, againat the Landsansd Tene. the' Preit.vteiiin Church-1-5 Acre. ILA DBIN PER(CAN ADA 0ftbri U lgUol8 Enaplcalnl ad nanwi ivth et'of IuohnTheodore De lisanie, -oiWattr Lot No. 4. infr-ont of <tae Norer. L N SI P " ICàolnap . jOHN ALT. Resdrvn in the maid Town mengstoii. Kngte-î cr orSae.te tatosibledelay. number Tbree and Vghteen ira tie Militar ly part cf Town Lot C. ira the' Town a ACEVz:Lt 4o aetCoigtsihc- £12 10 York,10h Mrch it7.Sale teocommenceu at Tweive o1clockNoofl. Application te bc made at this Office. ___________ Pte,isnt oekia tes h - 1- - _______________JOHN McLEAN, îTth Feb. 1827. 2 0 1,1,17, 18, anad 19, ira Double Stove No. 1, figuretd 9'i "LF'- 18E16eM. D th AGCncsi e, 14and-LitheNo. trnii ompaveu -ofHIgo SALE.Kingston, l2th December, 1826f . B ConesiO Ne 1 sd 1 l teipattui th ve en of 80ibs il11O0O0Midland Diâtrict, N 5aturday, tihe ___________________ 5th Concession; and the southern hait1f igtofre re No.1,3leath, 'JW »IWt. O0 twenty third day C » ro a.zaiM.LT. .C£M) Lot No. 19 with the Lots No.21 andu22in. in îengtli. 5¶IoL0 of PIOFeTY FOR SLZ Inlbc1NavigattoAIN uRe ira tne 7th Concessiont of the Tovwnship of Single Stve, ::1. 2 feret 6 (10. (10. 1 10 0 IIoust in the Toi a oKinjgat the Cori- -BEPOPRYFO AE P;ttsburh, lu th Cuuut~ f Fronte>aC, j.32 iet . 3 10 0 ioving Lands as b.longng to uhn Burley. k h'FRTdyc UUT 87 O NO A ER 1i 6 iticUpraatt hsi'.4, 1 foot 9 do. i10. 2 15 0 ezed by virtue of au Elecution , isued 0 between the hotars cf 1 WELVE o$ JHN6 AR Ej Lots are very valuabie, as the Kinglifol pot Aah Kttti et .al ases ai 25s. pier Cvt. out Ofihis Mjer-ty's. Court of King'u Bench, uîock, A. M. aud TWO o'clock, P. M. viliiKir.gston, U. C. river rural theaugh then', and as the pro- Ail heavy »Ili castings at 25s. lier Cvt. tîacd e-dttesuit of Harding P. 'îc moii, by public Aucun ta 'heh.lie iet GN0Fl jected Caa(rn'ih "n l@ etaPtAhCoes o .1 al'&, 1 5 O Wood aud Charles Lee, Viz -itder, at Kingston, i the province of Up- u"OFTi muet pasa in the ante directijon. 0 2,21Ltdtte, l o o Lait No. 17, errât @ide of the R.aci,(Lake Ver Canada.,1 TN1=ON ALO ua etles. s'1o ditto, o 15 o aide) in Marysburg, ceitalning 110 acr H AROA fsralC Conay ACE-Lo, Sga!31, in the 4. 12 dîtto, 0O10 O andi Lot No. 18 and the vest haif of Lut TEM-BO Isr£1 om ay 1uth otKe1esDutch Ovens and oýher varrs. o 9 s ocsiocn iea h 20 tnson theo. n-27si. 46c.eýatr'è vo. 1. stcocsson es bdevfth ON W O 0 f Harfiord, ('onnetticia, siofCrwlith onyo trAMANAHAN. Roc'k, in saisi Maryeburgh, coutaailig 150 Th te voaks are atuated in Mire Tovmîhiî FRt fetIasrneo eafo Lut 21, 4th Coucessioni, in the Township BoRFflSL f Marmora, ira the County ofat ira n saisi Com'pany on Dat' liuag Hoitae, mon, astru Disrit; ud 2<1 A res S ERIF' SA E.Ail personshaving clim s on the abov@ th e' Midland D strit et tht said Province. Stores, W are-Hou e, Fatr eand ilBiidii of Manners, County of Durhami, District midlauid District, CIl Saturday, tht' lands, or any part thereof, bv mortgatge oîr and are estieemcd ont of the muet valuahl ings in general, Merciianteaze, HDuschold of Newcastle. The whole being ut the To Wit.S" twenty irst day of otherwiae, are requiresi to make the saule îrepertht s ira the foondery liae, ira Britisîh Furnitvr, Vessels Buildinag or in port, and best ualiy, wll wtere, being e ol nex e tw o isonathe ourt Hg Louse knra'n tome, on or before the day of saie. North Anterica; and oe. it ib constered, tliir cargoes. and every description cf pet- len rmbradptd~.< ~ w iith tebuildings and improvemfents there. annaa, oralz .a ucasr roiss l' Losa rarnag y te rat pue, andpoiigtebcm e on te ia elnigi mas on ýatîoaising tazCapitaliats trasm othecrfimvsyeît- oarDmgeyFie su rauagobeoevey eeue, bloan onsWl JOHN M ACLE %N menti of Capital. Aisn on S'rEA t-B*ATS anadevery cther des. aitatioleruthe oupletiofl of tenailuenialsusti0edbs virete COUf anExrin 'sS/eriff.aV. D. These vanka <hothe establshmnt O f cription of vtiars t ih thele cargees aViintt comnctos eBnh o edrcr.a h ut f tht ngdn ach 20. 1827. ,hih, pvardetf thhty thousaed pounda sang yIln ui agtto o h mprêyiterlin hateofeeinternaid)aosieidtooftwetLohumrManaagstv'inWCouA ANGUS MACDONNELL. Hou. George H. Markland and Nuit J. .t'ln aebe xedd osa fw jS Bath, Fb. 17, 182&. Maclean. Executors to the Estate of the' SUERIFF'S SAL& Fuenaces, the mue capable cf yieldiug tvo gtoi lats Pal.eikksmyth,-IuiOa Ntckiis J<n. -ens, and the other on. ton of Iron an the Tetit frdaea aorbem __________________________and Allan Macpherson. surviving Ex-c'u Midlind District, N Saturday the tveuty tour houri, vith the neressary builai- The o n ther odamau al aiai tors te the Estate cf the late William Mitch To Wit. 0F Tth day raf Jtily ings conactea there.with ;-a Forge for the toeo n te opnadatcam ONREASONABLE TERMS. el.aisaloe efDavid S. Ksustdy san d et, wihbe nIai, at the.Court Houas ira manufacture of Bar Ia'on, vith four Fremanr oi es vili b raily sited sud rofit. ThBDaniel Maitiand -vis. . the to.ra .r Kingatan. the inulovialg Lands, , o Hiimmers, a Sow Mill, Flour Mill. Bath Iy paid. .ET.WRH tirai ~ ~asl belongnag to ThomsmSpahs., a whach M h1rand Tanbndarat %11daaal ' se fte oa Egneppa. hslywihte xetinbtvtteo a zcPinisuDou fTHOMAS C. PERKINS, phofstowt c-esHia Majesty'sCuto ip e trsadBacsihsSoswl rvdd&C"Ialy inte ilaeofBirifil, er ontHn.Al a a*onteabeve h eî t erg ourteeu coafortable DB veiiiag Hoahier Esq.ubeteragprithe, t r fiseatretoirt ake h i, Kutoragi aick.4rU31lOth, viz: nittd se , Soo otbr!sceSTey2i eg es, dIoe f Thtf oiuigP JOHNRW. F' S. kninwi to e nd b fre othedofe s et misr ftseale. L 1 ~t5ti h EatCn~doiofheTWiMI' Je l ihierptOHN MCEN afo 5 eet ocsino onage.e aïdTô*IîsisüPrvin es, msy i Jamos Baudesd the naeikau epts To ~SeVit. M.wDentvpofhiogla daygh.and &Ulacrées imte do mq TownsvihipNath~ aatMorgan. Ls mae he md Rils D irsing duN apitrdy ttA eo~mgU ti!" fev aded d ii cf tht bcWeu, n d sdfot.wuopeenvuc Vgt'.A TExie ntolris o e a thtCoWHitt and Tests- ccomoaid ii ansdb wprtterfanaeeuireuI o ihh rt iyeIloocrenso re, Sen-S HtN.IER audSixeSALKeMitaY in ovr ofKinitoa te fliWhrg Lnda su Logiigon odcsieten., y te are th sin'aetys oute meKon or Befelto aleofa d requntilu> ewin t50htcesofmajiino f a ugt oftn i micait of theitate JOHN STERanUT, of "ci ) UT VI theTownshfip oDet itzelrqe&Id, pur >ive, thith e dineteiof htsuale.Garo al That WS- are estabdî iinshetun eow %D'nept cLjaena u t obe Laseonthl>Wt sons an Eeb e u te saemoiudiei fHsmme' at . comene NDltNNIN, oe. te a ullentbelietCrocaes-th mo is eog , eaPcUi5OIitte iete bv Cour cfKin'aa euc. trne iretes. Kligioii 18<> .ul>~ 186. otsnOHN u Mve u htLEst C tonRi eingtrrup e woby m a ile rapidli ermofvOurgo tht Ld Tvith .nutoa 001 HEsts suitese cfi a Danttaseltedtecss; Broctcssr ghe, =- e Via:bi.gP nuteamer 59; 60,61 siehvrd erl artn .*dss sOiOi ,t isaitacccuaio t aesw brka t ib er dly 58.ns ndte ubi. hthc.baea- Gore hapw3d 82. ie itae t ab Nrt ât ient ehe petybeant. gt he"iane e Township of Sampsuppliciai ai th limitaub,'liaebcanetsuaneraaon t <hoetuai>? 5Court BouseiinM.he PETaER D. C OvNGEip une. jpendtais hueeHserenthe arete i i esn ai llt nttaoetgs. bspoet~nihri th-u.~>Dcihr 86 peesinihavig dims n te a tve tri ern u the iuc, etsme lb-oafa rau a Seeb, iot nv'e > t. rcre tt yu'e ge akedeTono tumNO esTIadcye. dten JOrHNy ptIthere t ors- r51 ncouageut chc .ll ecive orf her-.e ar teFS S AmnKe ttmut nueprcsdsra .p J ~ ~ ~ oei*, aFa<urdt aeUcmre~t~abv eohe wlee e emre kuOU tamieo, o1b82re.he a bre-h, te tér t e esetetats. sdiALLof raunmikt iLteNo. NiueLinaicfte kaievo n or bfore tt day f sale. liet fur eae.a10 erpec la y inimatea of aeu& aaetd coauence"ciIl a#WocIi,.aaîe tt tla theenfpermonl tien ION ACEA at hends RVt. ig Zvr cmothe ome no iectv opoitb e hi, 01 tand, ewo ine ie JH ACEN <io hr ad tlta> pimsecu aeruinte diia e nW tein aiB SHERFFS SLErf .Dvr iatwg1tbirpaen. nswl i ode h or lnin *Ifplasx fthesWarks of the difres nty o ,ad- viiTonPetlesr .llz*mstuaryl e e0tue&o.malin.7. hnec- Kingit.Ma2087. aitwntof thedy s'Mansiog u Hfloua.i StHotel, fchurtule Lt nmbe TireshaÎ .N ' T C E t e su e e ar e p blc nl jr . * t~ atOV S le ia po tp ne . ntl, at r lii Uadred rd a ofedthe Wubicl i ma!ans f oe' t wint he T ow sof g n en of lune e hh w lller hadvi tah e n ou it aet A d o h r m i c o mdtei p m A A L U IV S 5 and v it B o i è d, i 1 t ue oy f a sc 1827 6 t i nita bc h. in t C 0IskkSU O, ra i ht ; A M S TS "S T ADMINISthRAdOy, f Hia Uýajetty-s Curadoftaloet Bode tu tg.e' Lotsseo.rareeand SD teelp n theaMadateri se cf th iste RoM et.>'oiaats. re uesisail p r-testM!CC at ' 4" 'X >Min . aon.. Andsom,*4> îh 1 2 inte Toes nt of us m sut he io i Ln ds andte d t iti gton m .6oWderatOteîla isw rP cmn t th svealaneuiidu be<emLA Hor P EmUon&iIN , it he le tehtpown itKin -- - - - - --S- - - - A D E ls s ty e s r ,hth e s uit et é m ia ,, te a r e o e t t labed o n ro t h , o eT M 4 t e 1 f h pal fr myIratticfy wi îLkCe - wal;eitstaL, - - 1L-e-0oute55b' ___________ Jeeei qreo 4 ___________ Sopo , rccupleibyhin si rod LS.e K .i h Tcsai~ 1Pu. i d kehit 41 1%212h 1827,tb Lei1fb a-ti FO InO GII, Hr lpnitýftwk3