* rUilE IPPER CANADA IIRALDe VO. X.No. ",W. KINesTQN, (U5. 4LN1,187[r<î UMR Four tII 1a (3IW postage) paorb#hi,. An>' Per:SOlibeco'uîn epuui ,," twelîe papota, us»1ecelie oun çraisandinlike proportion fora gseateî ,urnber. ,.#Npapers discontinceti until mreurs are paid exCelit at thse option Ofthtie pub-* prodiace receix-etinh payment, at tihe Market price iutbPOTPD Loeat O the EditormutePsTPS Six laces and under 2# 6d1 brut aserton, andl Id 1-2 each subalzqtient insertion. Ten linos and auder, > 4d firut insertion, andi 10< eh snbsequt nsertion: Aboie tee Unes 4d1 Per line for tic brust insertion, and id.lier tie.for cicr>'saaseum3t mr. tion Alvertiscments vithosat wfittcts diret" are inserted tili forbii,« and chargeti accer- Orders toi riscotinuing advertiscmerts to b)e in writing. Avertisemielits fer insertion to b. dlii. erei on tise morning preccding the day of or ZiSSi DEMCIPTXOn, EXECUTED AT THE BER/eL» OFFICE. fer qpofKingo 1 nc. iaot, an of atKct- be es. NEW CERTIFICATES. Dr. Mellen, Sir-The caus of hmauity demandla ot me to e ue ti tolas in tatement: My' vite bail for six yeara heen ini a aecline, anti premouceeti b>' ber Physi cila te bc in a consgopptlve tafteanti vasai- lend-ed by a sevre-.pain 16 ber aié, vitis a Cough and difllcait> of breathlag. Bbc vau redaced se 1ev as te b. onable te <et trou ber bcd 10 the f6re without aid. Alil hopes of ber recover>' bat long beeu given up. ln this situation, 1 vas prevaileti upon, au a laut possible resort, yel wvithout an>' borse oc - Ces. te make use ot'4 Anderson u Ceugh Drops." She censmencedth ie use efthuem ina Februar>' laut sud after using tue betties, te tie asaonislsnent et ail, le lhe month et Mla? fallowingthie heaitis et ns>' ite vas en- tiy netorei, ant i aice chl, lier icaltis ad trengti vere penisape navet boter.- Felin: a deep interest tbat the public ingcen- tr-ai mu> resert:te thse same reucti>, chen thdtr fricnas or relatives Bt. appareistly. or evidenily oe tise brlnk otthe paie, le re8ute them frais tic as.. Vou areait liberty' te Pubilish thc aboie. 1 ama retpcctfaslly, &c. JAMES H. STYLES R4àMeeclc, DWeclmn ce. (X. Y.) Nb,. 8L4., 1826. Tisisîtu certif>'(atisi subaribor vas brouglit ic->'loy b>' spittiiig odO<, attentiet witis a cougi anti catarnh. sud that notlsing afoardetime real relief astâ 1 cocaussncadt t- king ANMeraosa Cougla Drops. tiseaueoe wihere the meams in the baud ofGet of restring me aguis te a cotutartable «Mae of beathi Andi 1 de forther certif>' that thse vite ef Mir. Nathani Hmaalthon, living la tiheu«Me place, cas afflicteti vils a ver>' saticeagis for a number ot years, d astinai 888 thsaie ira reduceti se 1ev thait wl as ubougisi ai iluth soon b. le her graie, assise cas carfe- l7 able ho valk fi-ensber bcd te thes Ire, vise 'lac comuencedti akns Ander='&s i Drapsthie use ef chich, in a sbort tise Ob ftr testoreti ber, tisa se casmm able te do agodiday's werk. lcmtbr'fà lf efthle Chut-ch l istri,(5a Ashiord, Sept, 25. '18t& FOR &ILE BY J. R ARMISeMNG &Co ILungton, Feb. 5, 1827. JUS'! PUBLISURDi, .4ad for «ka ie t kmo, A Report oft Us.Came ef Shelde IIaicley rum Gmig. e , Triet betorte CiLf Justice CampeU, et the Midlaud D'strict tA.aim sSept. 1824 20 Pages. Royral Sie. Prime g. 3<. TORONTO, C.PTAINHMERBALDWIY,MuaUr Wallstar£trbonsKiegsten on Standu> usOrý,et a 8 o'clock A. M. for PRE-S- CTandi arrive tisere on Sunday nigt; leave Prescoitt t Y o'ciock A. IV. on mon day morning, andi arrive et Kingston in thr eveuing-.a etKingston Taaesday uorning et 8 o'clock for the. "Ir Or qUmIU, andi arrie at BELLVILI.E inthe evroiing leaie Baliville on We<Jnesday mormmasg at 7 mclek, a" iarrive at Wednesdmy nit; LaeirKingstton reday moi ncg ea 80 ock, for- the oAMiMO izAam arrive thero on Friday mnorniaîg, ucets the andi returni te HALLOWF.LL on Friday nigt; Iai. Hailoweil on Saturday cmorping et 7 o'ciock, and arrive ai Kingston lenLthe afiernona Kingstona. Ma>' 2tb 1827. t£. MAIL -STAGES. Prom Yor-k i. the Ikad of t/easBy of Quintie. TO COMMENCE ON THE l5th 0F £1111., 1827. Thse Stage wili leave thse Heail of tue Bas' of Qauntie Cicr>' Tuesdav andi Frida>' ai 10 o'clock preciïel>', anti arrive ai York every Wedmastay andi Saturdav et 12 oclock. LUAVz TOE Ever> Mimnda>' andi nisurstia, aetiln'clock andi arrive aitihe Headi of tie B4y cf Qaiaetie every Tuesdav and Fiha> at 10 o'clock to mecl tiese STAM BOATS-Likevase l intersect thse cster. STAGE PARE THROu4B; £m 10; Andi a proportioaate charge to .ny intente- midiate plae. Ail baggage te be at the a-isk et thcevewer. j JONATHAN OGDEN. Port Hope, Aprit 9mb, 1821. %%OR5 AI on JUST RECEIVED. AND FOR SALE BY THE S[JBSCRIBER, 4VO. Piug Toitacco, 4su *Boita aumorted i vldow glass, 1000 Lbs. Spanruh sole Leather, M0 Picora Piper Hangiwg, 4M 0yds. FotçM te Scciangs ant abhirtegs, 20 Piecria Satenets, assorted- Cotr's 400 Falensby's Grass andi Cradiat Scythes, -. 60 Pairs Wool Cars 200 Yards 6.4 B.-d Tack, -500 Lbsa. Cotton Yarn; A quantit>' ot Cuale Wîck anti Cotton B AT T 1IN 0. 018 a sunng Hymen, Tvankev andi Hysen 5xm ZM Together vith a, geceral assortmnt et Dr7 Gootis, Grocerisa, j. -ALSO- 60 Barrels Mess anit Primo PORK. ABRAHAM TRUAX. match 1%.1827. NOTICE. T Esulsacrilsers beang about. to, arrage tven theni, hereby reqasesis ail persou bai- ing &Dy ÇWalans aaisitisa eCONCERN. tu present them en or before the firat day et lune ext for- sdjnstment; aed alt persona autiebteti te the same are tequesled te make imnutilatopayaient. ýi , EVANS & ATKINSON. Kington,, 16 ApndIt.27 TRIS 18 TO GIVE PUBLIC NOTICE 7PHAT Peter Mefloaai lieus a Note J& o et ineInocSetib> Robeut Walker fer eegt>' Paunvjs. chiés be ssii e Psui i the Bank etfljppaîrCanada for âmetvIsic is l fiS.. 1 el Plu i 4w Note tiese aut myse1t. aMsiro vat'à im i t tue etof 1iose B RO WN<'ber'have te hfl hIa fr@d aud tise PMbic, Ct b .W cammneotiuaueWwduclg NA"LSeNvus dmdcrlpt e sumpeier qusalit>', ui e vali MUiifoirce*sor appsved iItLlc as tise>'eau be &4&" eatas OiU intho U. Siates. Pm iHcpt, Iiy,06 GQILBER? JB. PURDAY, MAISTER, KINGSTON & ROcHESTER dtarinç tii. present aramon, tourbing et B A Tl FWERY OTUERIW iR. THE ELIZA ANN WILL LEAVE 19 w ilTO0N every Moitday <veather peresiting) at six o'ciock ; and, leave Rochester et six o'clock P. M. on Wednesdays. Every attenti.he viii b. paid te the comfort of PASSENGER&6 Kingston, M.y 2, 1827, Sur ll4-j' PqPensionsa ndit ètired st5llowanc.apapsble by L.M a us- Imiseariat. T HE Commissary-General hrreby noti. firs, for tihe iliforriation of Offirers andi othes rentiLd to Pension, Half- Pay, or otner reie ifance withbi bis conîmait, and which hitherto have beçs paid only et Que- bec, tliat for their accommeodation. andi the general facility of ibis service, the. scierai a. mouvis vwiiibc anîhorizcdte 10be paid ai any of the out-posts or stations, by the Commis- sariat Officer in charge, on due notice bring addresut-d te the Cou..pisary-Generals Of fico at Qiaeb.c (in tume te transmit the eeces- sury adtice). by the Officers or parties con- cerned, andi who wili bie required te produce tihe usuel ccrtificates. affidavits and receipts te tht O.ficer ofthe Comm issariat by whoi the samne ahal ie lssut d. Com missary.General's Office, Qvatbec, 27tî April, 1827': Sur. Office 2f Me Cateia ui Bridge Comapany, Kaaagaton, 12da May, U827. N O iC hIertbv Kiven that Tenders sal be rccîvetilai tliki office until Thurs- day, the IhI of liane mcxl. et 12 o'ciack noon. from such percos as may be willing te enter ioto a C.ootract for the. construcion of a WOO»Uinim UMO across the great river Cataraqui, tront this T'own te thse opposite aide. The. extrema. widIifi of the.river, et the. proposeti scite, ia 1ý609 feet, rte greatest depth of voter about 15 fret. gradually decreasitig to tire andi two fret, andthetirbottom la 6& rrglar fiat ime stone rock, covered with oly a &mal portion of mut. -The Bridge intemded te bc bul t, l e Uiirty fort inswvitit. vith a Draw B: idge,and ~~amt P" f eight frt intisa centre. pro- iictbý emeaiwi rails. villa a Toit HoMe andi gates, cither on. or at orne extremity.and the. lowest part of the. fioritag te te six feet aboie thse bigh vater line, Tii. Bridge is ta bç supporteti on woodeq piers, (and not te lac ceavrredj, andi of »Scfiient atrength te ai- low eftthe transport of artlllery; and as utit- bilty>, durabllity, andi economy, are prlasary abjects, ornement lu net te lie taken an ceusa- deration. Br plan andi apecification cof the mntendeti ridge is te te seen at thi% Office; but siaouid anr-Plan or Model be guée jen by tiiome vîllini te oontract with au estiasat.e o the. expense wiicii may lbe approî*td et by the. Board of Directorsinch ionlan ieorb- dopled b>' hm, if tiouglat ecsary. Stafi- cient marelles wiiieb regnireti, and thear eau..s te be stateti l e .Tenders i.en sm. GEO.F. CORBhTT, Sec. 4& Treaurer SHjeRffK's SALE. Midland N Saturdg the Uixtuenth day et District. 5ý 0 june neit. vin bc mold t tPub- lic Sale, at the Court Bons. in the Town of Kingsei, thse falI.wing Propoety. "nloging te Thomsas Neora by virtuaet a Writ et Estent, la fayof ear Soiereige Lard the King, via.- Lots nuseber Ont, Tvo. anti Twenty in thse Milîtary Ramerve in the. nid.Town of giagsten Sale te commce et Tirelir e 'îieek. Noon. JOHN àMcLKAN, Sherif, IL D Kingston, 12th Decemaber, 1826. STONE DWELLING BOUSE, nar te the BarvacisGaeo a tiisToun. For term aply t, BCASSADY, bar. Kiustoms. lit May, ï8f7. .NOTICE. of Kingutous.docasetiamerequiretite make itusaediate payasset tae s ubsciber su ad tIses haviez çdaimns $gainasttie sld Buti are requsealetito pr«teaattsmme for adbvst- Ment. JOB CÀAAR lbumaà*ofsgauw,# .'pru iS 82 .DEGS Isave to inform the public, that .Dhe bas just rrceeved bit SÎmiher sup- ply of the. abevr. mentioned ARTI1CL ES,8 aiso alilkinde of Materlals. in hi* line it Manufacturing. and being &B l rpored di- rect frons the Manuticiories in ENGLAND, he is enabled tà seli thom very 1ev. Ail kinds of Bxots and Shoes mnade to order as nouai in thc beat andi mut fialiien- able manner. lune 4tls 182Y. 6w Tseds jn Upper and Lewor.Caadoan sd the public in <enerai, that hb1c a mmeeti busins en bis ove accomat ini thsesmore S.. 3%. St. Pauaistreet, near th. OId MIaniet; wviiee ho off.,, fur sale a comploe .ausrtment of Gooda in tihe Hardware line, which he basa e. ceived trout the &rst bouses jn London, Shef- field, and Brmingham, by the late arrivais; and wbach be viii diapos. of on reasouable termes for Csau. 1Montreaj. May 26th. 182r. A. DOYLE- lm. THE CANADA COMPANY. T HIE Canada Company' having laid eut JLanti cemnencedtheti building of a towm on ans extensive &caleii ic heCont>' et Halvou, te which tbey hav e given the nare of Guelphi, in bonour of tise Royal Fanail>'. Tii. situation as one of thse met desirabic in tise Province, breg on thc banks oethlie Speeti (oecf thse great branches cf tiset Grand River.) of a place visere for apwartia o! a mile and a haift tire ia a continmsed suc- ession of valuable miii seaals ' A rai ai s aiready 'b,-en opened tu the town of Gurlpli, (rom Waterloo. andi o"ers ie dif1kreni directionas are planteti, the build- ing lots are being cleareti at the expense et tise Company. evi rai mili senti are enga geti as wilI as a numb.-r cf thse love lots, andi bouses tu accommoilate settlers, unti1 tic>' shall bave bult or obiaineti bouses fotr themscives, are erectedt the ii.expeesaet the Comipany. Tise prÎce of the love lots is et pt-csent« oel yves>'Dollars, and the hall etfithe money arising fi-cm the sales, is appropriatei for thcemsndowmcnt ot a Froc Scbool. The biraI baidreti purcliasers et tovu lots,.viien LIse> shail bave erecteti a habitabl bouse$ viii, et any time vithima Ivelve asonths trou Uap date of Usir perchas., b. entitie t t the pro-ampllor pravilegs tq pirehaut&alotot tow, e* -a?ê S. t~ace, or 50 acres in the nrxi ra, 0eof otaor 100 acres le Uic third range ai these me rate, payable b>' ive yeamly lInstalmeuta cat inl- tomest, as tse parties may B<teei The Cooipany's Geecal offcilut 1b Establiaheet iGuelph. but effes addressut tu MIr. Gait, for landi, viii, in the ineulime, continue te b. received ierr. JOHN SMITH, lut. Oomp!ny's office, York, U. C. FOR &qLE, AT THE HIKRALD OFFICE, Forty Reame Wrapping Faper just reçoivedftrou Xr. Croeks'u Mancfactory NO TICE. F Rfiar amy ernohe eoucsma>' b. F.uieetaasd by the, publie tisteugi John Mcloan' Notice ithse lam Heralti. relative te Lot No; Ilandth Uewest huit ot 19. eut ofthe Rock., Maryisburagis. (ic felloving tea a atîusoent tise iransa- tien.) Mr. McBeaa soidthLe lani bot Il yvars ag o e .Wn. Besuiker, vus s codution biset if hobc Dean paii a certa MMit ot mon.>' vitbin asi<vn perw thtie land cas te revert back. te hlm, MCcla (ani othervise)>thee mee>bhc nvçr paid, on msy part thoreot, (te my knevludge.) 1 pmroisaad the ueaIfrein Bennlk.etlht yeansage, andi have nDM bi su>' thugt do citi UicBeau citber directl>' or indirect- ly,aither did agreate Pa>' himM cls oet thousand pountis fersa id là"tichiaibc Msy& 1 diii. lirur JON EBUKLEY. TAIE NOTIICE. BROKE lmite enclosure tise Suecrubor; en Sa- day, tise 2Tth umlta Bal aUÊ.LMae, 5 year& caidTise ovin-t »ureqasumtettecernea" iprove peoponi>', pay chargsndtae br avay. BRUAN SBPI potilani. Ma"'».tis,12. -3w NOTICE. I TUE Soi»bsr d4.er= 'faibi ho hm forJ lbel! s'isu doms. vis. Ne. liaiAthse half o 9, upon Use Lake mieeauofethtie Roek, MaryaIrgli snd 1 ais. ftmi ailperumathm ponclia alguie&s.hm se>' arc p"-eit. psy due rateube~r e . ismssMauponde. Usp val ofthUe laeia, chiai b. loia Eauley aMm"t te glve, but eonld mom <osiolei -sty. Elugmiosleuelot, 181. - vp NOTICE. Emmusrgso~ e md Es-*WmdTattuas mtis foav0rkmvatisout ol. dm RalloveilsMay Tth. 1m87. JNTHAN CLAIE.[ RENJAMEN HU&B@, ROBRRT i USNJase, - UA VILANO WXSUBI i Lngtes (Vineds e or ue hundt uposappieaiso. aitw eina efflme Notice. éf,%"Wuom mng tast eterm lait buamtêi5mtdîe4 Ogs-Cp, ofixaD.vaf Enq. meeoo& hs*b>'rests a*" U e tuf & tteuh ghno* erame, ame berube 1» s euaud, mi nUemuimae of Use Imm,. G.*RDEX SERDS. lu.&gouttle »un HJAVEjt eiedahlu sotem LAST YEAR'S GIOWTH, visers uaji Teadsmenaico bic teins. K:egota, Maras Itis, 12. Sam ".Ib.ingOf t.WtelBruac m>iil8ONA&tY SOIm POSTPONKD u". amnte u& ofth mr lr laetl, 19W. *N~AFLOUEV1 &,WArKumL wa1w7 FOR SALE9 Ai h uwm. Herali ea à*e ceasnol se IIIGHLY INTERESTING TO THE AITKICTM. rIHEPublir anc rcapectallyiiformod tisaI 1 ANDERSONIS'SULTH DROPS anti PECTORAL POWDEýRS hava froua an extensive use for 8 years pat, provedt Len- selves to b. mofhet tc ost valasabîs reme- dits cicr yet ducoverci for tise cure of Cougi. ,Colds anti affkctioe at tise brrait sadlageading toCecsumptions. Thons- sas have experiencedth ie ihappy cftýcts ot tîis Heahaaç Bsimmu, antim asa>'of the bagicat reapectabilil>' haie veluntaril>' givra cenîlfi- cats, sonnate oici claccoinpan>' eacis bouîle. tisai viii atisfy 'even>' unprejodiced mnd thtia the most extraordinary anti 00CR- pttedu es bave been perfns-naet byhie asec ifthia medicine se case-set long standing, in whi other «"dcim«. had produaceti ne favoraàlet ffeiantd'i iscre IIut fui Ptysicians hati given thees up as isepeless. It~ is ot preiciadrol liaI uc> are an ilifallibie ture ini ail casusa, bute!f mcii as are incunuibt, tlere are but few butl chat yull be greaiiy releived by the use oft liea. Sa-arccl>'a case of Coids, Conghm, Paie le the ide, diffi- cuit>' of -caiising, vmntfsleparluiag tront de>lity, or evan seaieti consomptions, but mu>' be releiveti b>'a timel>' ase aI Ibis Hea. ling Baisant. Each Dollar Boutle of tii osedicmnia cautaicu about 40 dom, vhicb proves tiema tob a cieap medicine couit- urng thiri vitues. Fur the (urher satisfaction ot ibm public, the following Certificaesu are off<i-et for pu- rusai. arable a9 dil claimas 1Prompt- IRTH, mrtarj. ROI. miieson, Pielps, suie, nlat s- ~Taor lsin tht 1-Isteenti ài acer- ~by Job', ïTovas8hilP *genal> Re bd- ,Andti aso- ~tbe DWJre Mer- li ý 1 il- viii b reçcaed ail r ffi. , rntj Wedam.day. tii. ITth intalttlit uoo.from *"ài per»soeasMy blieàlinc te enter anto a Cou. tract furi thse rectiaisofta Stone Store flouse, ft Point MenrY. 75 t&et in Iength. b>' 45 feet in breidUî. anti 30 ffet, or three Storieilbih g: plans anti specificatioaas te bi sern.and i erey neccmaryinfortnation te be given alit te i Enginceer office, betwee th boums of oneanad four o'clock. P. U. The Tenders are ta e b made onît in Britishs Money, andin tbe prescribed foran.wb', èi;y bc obtaieed lit tihe Commisriat office, and to bie signet! by twa sufficieot swreties. wko at-e villing ta bacome bounti for the due fulfilàt. of such Ceagracu as may lbeentird minn l'Hus. aLL, I.>. A. C.G0. Coamurwtoffice.Kingston, June 9ti, 18m. J. WATKINS B EGS leeve te iifea-ma is friands andtihle 1>public gencrally, that be is nov rcceiving andi daily expccts a f-urtiier supply et Hlardware, CuLlery, &c. ail ot whickheh bas imported direct fromntthe frst boum injeBirmingham, and Siieffeldi amongst vhich are il foilovu, vis. 12 Teanit of Eisanduc Swedes Iait, 4 Lito oLHoop simd round bitte, 1 bitto I Crawsly, <ad Castt eel, 1 batte iloUoO V are, L X., L C., aund£ C. W. Tin., AnilsVicaa..domable anti single Bicot Troll, N"il, Cut anti Wrought. ailaimes, l'ais, Pute ty atiOu Ori ndtnes. Spikes, Saws. A gen- eiii assovtmont of SadlerV & Cablee%5Makars Hardware, andi a variety of articles of I8L1'00011)9 tee numerous te insert, which he wiii disposs ot lit very reduceti prices for cash, çeuntrj' produce, or short approvati creit Kingst4un oe, 1827. 50 Dozem Foiia. Grau anid Cradi. SCYTHESt 100 Boxes .Iaerlcaa JVi.uew Gls& J. W. JUSr RECEIVEDp And for sale by the Subscriber, ANUMBER ot ciegaut Paintings ecca- Ated b>' somme oe i. aee ust Ar- lista, ceaaiting et MARINE VIEWS. >.,Portrait ad Mr WU, WAL.- te eau andi view tii.. .-LIREWISE- Tht.. London matie Piano Fortes, aMdIL e Lady's Portable Writing Desks and Tes. Caddys. Watchnesanti Clocku et every description repaired and warrsuîed, Wedding Rings, varrautet ine lac <ai atearder, at, sa boum lmier.. .TAZEWELL, Store- Street, opposite the. Maeaioa Houso Hoetti.Kingston. Jette. 1iis. SItEitII'S SALE. Madland Dtstrict, fN Saturdal thse £84 Te WK 1 1 10 ay of Jamee st. wili be MMd etth Court Bous in thse Tovua of. Kinguto. thse foilowir.g Land anti Tue-. onmt, (thse cSoau sof tbe fermer sala Mt haviotillbes compiod WUs) as belonglsg la Baitn Phillîps, seized Iy virtue et a viii >of Exceutien ,ssued eut ofHi% bMajesty9s Court of King's Bossaiste a. imecied. ut the suit of John Evoritt, viz : Lotambor seventeen, au the dat Îsida ei pinacle Sti- th e seToua of Dellvllbe, ln tise Caunty of Hasne. vidi thse Buidng thereoe rectai Ail persons haviasg cliesgs se eabffl Iaud, or any part theref. -by Mortgags or othervise, are reqmired to mate the MaM* ismou te me, on or befuot hedkyeof ule --aMe tecommence a a 42 'clock, noce. lUtIN MACLEAN. AYginJune 12, 1S.hausfm. J il