(b te vil uaCNAAEDAD V 03=7. a rasHEUPPEA CA14ADA HERALD. HOME. Wbon fat amid th ocean's briney flood, lui we.%y mviior>u tboughts bave leave to Ini dreauins h. vi.wstbe oabe.wh.r once ho stood, Enuraptured. droanus of love, MaU kiemUsand - home..1 R. littie rocks tthe blasts that sweep along, Unnoticed the bis ha mnmock swing. alerne, Hal hoars no winds-nor y.t the steersman's Song, His heart is dweiling on pant icone at home. Oh home--qweet home-thou soother of the mmnd, For thee, the. slave-for thes the captive groan, For the. the negro simplest of mankind, Sends uap to Hoavon bis solitary mian. Tomn froin bis der-his loved-his native land, H- ply hie mnd te hose dear seenes may Tdam, He elimbi the meuntainu height or burning or nits beueath bis Palm-bis thoughts are bome. Hie to the chromber wbere the captive lieu, Oit the glamp e îrth utifriendeti and alane, Can'st thon not hear bis Iow, and plaintive Andsay-dh sry-doesbe notthink ofiiome? Hnw siveet are tidings froin bis deax, dear, home, The scetie of infancy's delights anti joys, Oh s'îbeîiture bis feelings fer thuie own, And teli me-tell me thon haw dear the prizel Then view the slave incessant at liis Cou, Behoiti the Iash, and hear the. lenghteneti gré) M, Behold bis masters sbire the bard earned An say doens fot longing think of Home? JUVENIS. Kingston, lune 7th 182. FOR TTNE tPPER CANADA RPALD. 1 TO JULIA, How fresh locks the rose wben the dew in the morning,t Has creçteti its breast with its glitter!ng toux, B!ot Invelier far is the blash when adorning, The rose mantl'd cheek of Julia the fair. How sweet i.i the talip in mrdesty bending,m Its headt t the zephyrs that dont in the air, f Buit sweeter by far are the hues that are blending, On the Iovely two-iips cf Julia te fair. c How lovely the. violet the honey bee'a mi'i- Oh whýotn:with its mild azure bine can Coin- pa re 1 (Even when with the moisture of 'evetingf tiq dripping;' Save the love laghtingeyes of Julia the &ir. Oh b. mv gond -isugel thon Ioveliestefftiare, Thy excinple l'Il follow,tby precePto revore, How cbarming ,acb grace, bow expressive e eh fe .tmre, That adornaibhe boved Image of Jua thefair. Mamy hke be epcb blemiiig wbicb Heaven can render, To chqrm iife's duIl path lni thy pilgrimage0 bee, For thon hast a heart that n feeing and ten- 1 de r, t For te woes cf manhlnd-..sweet Julia the . fair. t - LEANDER. Kingston, .jUD. 12tb, 18V7. ~8ODLL~Ob A valuale tiiscovery las beau madie in Wetroinister Abbey. le hatibecome noce- ary ti. make repaire near Cthe temb cf EBd- waidthtei Corifesser, viien, J'y rernoving a portion of the pavements, an exqiiiely boa ttifitl piece of carveti vork, which bat originally tonniedtih.ebnhine et Edwarti's tomb, v ts discnvereti. Thais fine relie, the work cf che elevcntb or twehfth century, mp- pava to have been s tuatit iet iC ecieus atones; and h. presumption i», ht, turing CIeuivii vans, it vau taken -dovii for h, prnos. of pluanten; anti mfter the geins vere takuin out burieti ntio grondti vory near tIe surface of tise.eartb,) Co peyent detec- tion. The Dean, Of'ie bsscf ights, anti do.piy enamoureti of diamm.ndsanti precieus sanes titi ot loue ighe of Cthiinteresting reliicuntil ije vam safelv hcmgotiunden ba# ovn kosay*be raof. W.trust thisnresp.- cinten.ef art viii maoC shar. h. fate rit soute noceur upoliatons oftah.aie place~, vbicb vore sent tee hcirusity shops for sale. ( 7ïme.). Irromfthe Joitrncl des D.. Paris, Aprii 26-Tb. opelng ocfte.muni- my formnug part efthe colection of Egp. ti» litatiquities which M. Pallcclgqaa -h as ltely odt h. King et Prussit, took ,place Chic day-in the hal ef the Sorbonne. Aflen bneakmag Opienu Ch"sevelope, which wva carton mde of lilun, handene ti vdani- mal glue. h body vas seen sirrounalo vitiabnbehml em4hpe thae .bilsaesothena vere dsveice. Miuurti of ev linenl, ncyregatd ith a sor abiunn.sromticodeu,a4whicla dy vas Cen visible, vd obnkfixre te the lower part of th.tni n Cat attitude wbuch in Uuêully eote i t a h.,minm"lm- int o eou gfe l tvomna. the km. avare tCIMrahi relia of papyrusinua stato cf perfect preservtion, but vhicii camai net Le reatiin h.absencecf Cbampoli... Be-i bie hee -11%vws foulati a sont of big, e.,-1 ere t Cabandagf es 1 .nl ramy issouf HoPe. veeentertrineti et sous very cuti- Outs snd important discobeny beinug mailse i <hi, bag; but its culy coa*uubtsvoeaseme gn'r mus of en,ua*y et àminI . geuun- ted - Extraordinary as thia fimt may appear, w. record it justasit had beenannounei. The breast watscovered with an inscription on papyrus, whicb coultineither b. tdken off uior decyphered, Chus is the mure toe ho re- gretted, asit wa nthis part tbe tost im- portant discoveries wre expected tu b. made. The. head was openetitlasC, and founti to b.quit. empty, houghit was ezpected hat it woold be filIed with bitumen and ban- dages, .îs in the generality ef awrnmies. It was %tilt. çovered witb fine fair lvir, in a state of te most perfect pteservation; and, as al the. t.eth wore fond -ompiete, md very amml, it bas been inferred from ttue circuin- stance, that the personage embalmed was a young mana. By the inscriptions on the en- velope, and the. other circuinstances observ- od in opening the mummy, it is the decideti opinion, that it was te. body of a Priest of Iis, wbc tiied before he was tbirty. How- ever interestong ht. details noay prove to be, it must b. admitted hat curiesity is by no means perfectly satisfied with the discov- onces made. CABINET MAKING. To the Riglet Hanourable George Camnbg. Sir-1 see b7 my paper hat you have ne- ceivet ieis ajesty's commandotisCcferuaa nev cabinet. The. country hiait long been of opinion, that the aid one coulil net ho kepet tgethen for any great length cf ime. It hmd become very cracky, anti altho' it vas every nov anti thon repatreti andi patcheti, yet it gave, periodicaily, fresh signaeof tde- cay. The sutiten breaking about Cure months mgo, of one cf its main pioces of inaber coin- pleted tui , anti the peur cuti ricketty cabi- ineC feil ta piecca vitb a crash, ike an ohd chair hat bas becotne disjointe&. That a netv one for th. use cf our meut gracious Sovroign is nov uranteti, gives theretore, Sir, no &urlv'ise. I am sory, however, to earn Chat you expenience great diffilculty in findung suiCable materials out cf which Cc manufacture Chus indispensable piece of State funniture. Of your skihl te fabricate oe if you badth Ce materials at hanti I bave ano duubt; for ytuu have sir, duning tih Lst Cir- ty years, bat a goctidemI eto cabinet work Ce do. 'you bav, ce b. sure worketi as a jour- neyman nieroiy until the present moment, -v!iený theKing bas rarset ycu froua a suber- dinate station, matie you a master anti giv- on yon the finît order in the cabinet lino, ince ycu set up business on yeun ewn ac- ceunt.-This consieration dots not, iaowev- er, lessen My opinion cf your akihi as a cab- inet-maker. Your reputation for fancy-wcrk was great urben yoo vas a joomneyman, anti it vili ho greter nov hat you are amaster. It stnîkes me, Sir, frouatht tirawings Ihave seen in tht pub lic pipons, hat your plan for th. nev cabinet is, upon the viole, goot. It seemes te lie yeur design te forua it, ntctof one kirît nf wcod, but of twc, if net oet tree, diffisr- eut kinds. But you miust ake cane hat the ma terials art cf te best qu uhiCy hat can lie faunti, anti that they are weli seasoneti. 1 vouid dvie yeu, my dean air, Ceouse goot Enelisb Oak in th. constitution of your Dow cabinet, as veli as a portion of Irish sapling anti Scotch fir; above ail, don't iutroduce a- ny fancy voods itmit1. This uay Prit the tout enasemble of your vork frein being se areateti as th. lait cabinet vas on al] an2d,almleet Ce b; but ake my. verdi for it, Mn. Canning (anti I am a cunnIngr sve)the introduction cf gooti substantial Bnlitisboak, andt he viole ceunenCedt ogeCb.. er vith the very lieut glue, will make iC a mucb firiner piece cf wurknaanship than iCi predecessor vas. No doebtîsir, you viiibe tesirous et know-i ing vhô I am hat hue akes upon myseif the Cmiii of lecturing you on th. boit method cf making a cabinet. Knoe Cou1 aa a cab- inet makon mysoîf. I hav, matie sotescores in MnY tino, andi tee] proudt hat so distinguisb eti a in as you areaoeuldt ake up the trade of cabnet-making. 1 mot say indeeti, that 1 feit @mre HISid"sppoiteti hen I heard hat yeu bati receivedth Ce Kings cônmantis ta tori a nov cabinet. Pi1quing myseif on1 the excellence cf uay vorkiaasbp, 1 hati sente intention cf offernsg 10, unofactun. *ne for bisi Majesty, et the very moment you *ere appointoti Cc exect. tii.job. Ihadi ail the. materials remd tis aid, anti vould havo knocket uap on.ei the twnkling cf a betipout. 1 yield uy protentions, bovever, tc yeursuperior akil, anmat[ahnet irterfere in the business, unie. 1 uee Chat yen are n capable, eaCher frein vant ot matontals or of skit, of ccrnpleting tbis moue imuportant puece cf state funniture. WILLIAM SNOOKS, Cabinet maker. Pool Lane, Liverpool April 18,1827. P. S.-As yen ere nov a brothor coup, I shotiti b. extremoly giad to tee yo e my bouse behinti the hop, if ever yau abouti corne Ch*M va-1 am. Yonshah hbave yenr fih of toatpachée»s anti swig, yeu finding the. ale anti 1 the otiier hnia neeffary for the feast. 1 viii summen h. "Cycle" t. meet you en h. Occasion; anti 1 viii ake this cpportuaitycf aboving you bebcst. as veli asuCthe qeichamut mode of knocking up a harmonious cabinet before mitinlit. MYSTERJOUS MARIUAGE. A lady droee in th. moit elegant style, walkaug pust the HerseQuards. reay ini th. memnangofi Thurutay, atidreaseti a pinateer soldier hlongingto te.Foogtu, ii h follevîng manner:-Lady. Soltiier, are you a sinçle mat? The Iiiir (confused anti ctouséed t tCh. question put tam hum) roplieti he . a-Lay. Thon Soltiuer, vil Yeut hm*m us for y ou vif.? 1oltier, (»Uti MOre cOnfruseti)UI bave ne objection, mimd- amn. Lady. f.acorne vii m. I bave a fiace and aanung. (eaking tiiem out ofher neticuIe 1andi v. .will b. mar!iuhmeau- ately. M elady thon caîl a 1cha.my coacha fronh. stand, and proceOede Bt.St -s chuncb, vliere the? vesm'-meiAub, Immediaiey-t ut neturaithéelady step- pe t th.i cc is, Ot haniia thebrie- groom 20 sovenigns, teUliog i.se &0ult senti for hlm in.h. evunm&ganti aftervards purchase bis altcharg. Suea nortered te coachoman te drive torvardt, snd fom hat tint te .puiaitthe .oldiorbas ne- ver seon D«berd mnltroshim bride,.le a sCareSly Possible Cri cojecture vatcoeuid have beea th. lady' le ativem l«". sdu vishoti, te sho ow nsth e ts o f hou mrs- OPIUM. j0 bave hein mm o opipum, t.arrve ,if' su posible, at su.mo" de f ves< ilt au dm*. nojo im ahitù in h ima my là £ i tt la ci a i th stitations producm oumcb subsequent dis- ross that theyessanot use it for relief frain pain Professor Hâve, of Philadelcpbia, ini a communication #ob1isbetiin.he American Jonurnal cf Science, concoives that tus% deideratu. has at Iength beon obtained, and atiduces several instances of satisfactory resuits, sent him by"« a veteran in the beai ing at.1 Ur. M. firât digests the opium in a0therfor four days, which Reparates the principle called narceline from the opium, after whimnh it ie converted into laudanum by solution iin alcohol. A case wau hately aduittoti into St. Thomas' Hospital, London, which points out h. necessity cf examining the pulse in both wrists. The patient (a mant a a re- ceiveti a severe contusion on the left ide of the abdomen. Tii. surgeon finding the. pulse cf the heft wnist se amall and weak as scorcely te be dstinguishabie, supposed Chat an internai bheeding haîttirken place, and condis were in consequencle fneeiy cxlii- bitedti C keep up Che vital fonctions. On the folluving day, h. left pulse was in the saine state, anti obsenving symptoins indicative of increseti action cf the head, and tiln oi.u f the. anguifemeus asteui, he examined h pulse in Che right wrist, which he foundt e be fr41, anti beit wich audio force, that ho lc«tI no ime in abstracting blod. The let blse vas not affecteti by the heiscf blooti, sd centinued very feeble when b. bati neari recuvercd. The. torments of an evil conscience are moat vividly depcted in the rnnexeti ex- tract froua a nocent vork cf fiction-Amn. «'For veeks after Che sutiden deatli cf his mistress) ho know nothing cf Chia earth -lie vaç encompasseti vith Che spectres cf a terrible dreain. Ahi was confusion, dark- nese, barrr-a -eries and a change cf tor- ture ! At anc ime he vas hurried through Che beavens in the vomb etf a flery star, girt above anti below anti around i wth unextin- guisbable but unccnsurning flames. What- ever he troti, as ho vantienet through bis vast anti blazing prison. te molten fire was lis footing, andt he bntath of fime vas bis air. Fhowers, andi treev, ant ilii, vere in that venId sein ours, but wrought frona one lurid anti intolerable ligît ; anti, scattered arounti, rose gigantic palaces and tiemes cf the living Cames, ie the mansions cf tho ciLt' cf bell. Witli eveny moment her. passedt C anti fro sbadowy forma, on vbcute countenances was engraved unutterable 1 anguish ; but not a ahriek, not a groan, rung thnougli Che rot air ; for h doometi, vIe feti anti inhabitedth Ce lames, were fonbititen the consolation cf voice. Above, here saC,i fluet and black, a soid anti impenetrable clout-Night frozen inte substance ; antij frein the midtther. hung a banner cf a1 pale mand sickiy Cdame, on whicb vas written1 ' For Ever.' A river rusheti rapidly betie hum. He stoopedt o siako the ageny cf bis thirt-tbe vaves vert waves of fine , anti, se ho started frein Ch. burning draught, h. longedtCe shrî.k 'alouti, anti coulti not. Thon bo easu hi& despairing eyes abeve for mercy, ahd saw on the iviti anti motiomlesbanner eFor Even., A change came o'er thospirî o ite dstrea.' Ife vws sutitenlv borne upon te. intis and iterms te Ch. oceans of an otornal vinter HIe feil stunneti anti unstruggling upon Che elibleus anti miuggish wvos. Slovly and heavily tbey rose over hum as b uk. ; Ciiem camethe lengtbn.ti anti mudl'cating Cor. ture cf Chat drovning teath--tbe impotenl anti convulsive contest vith the closing vaters--the gurgie, Che cbeking, the horst- ihg et h.petnt breath-the fltter ot the heant, iC i aony, anti its stilînes. Ho n- covered. Ho vas a thousanti fathomu b.- ncatb Cthe sei, chacinealtC) a roek round vlieh the heravy waters rose asa vali. Ho toit bis ovn fleski rat anti tocay, ponishing froua bis limbe pioe by rioce ; anti h. saw Che coral banks, vhicb me requin.. a tho- santi ages te foru, nise slowvi freintChoir shimy boti, anti spread atout by atout, till thev became a shelter7 for the leuiathan: Cber growth vas bis eniy record of temity, anti even anai ew, uxou~ ti aanoe blut, camne vaut andti nehapen things-t4he ven- ti o tfh. secret deepu ; anthie ses mer- .pont, the linge chimera cf the north, mnade its restiug by bis side. glaring upon hum vith a liniti anti demth-like oye, van, yet bornimg as an expiring su». But -ever all, in every change, in .very moment cf Chat immortality, t4e. as piersent one pale andi motiasaleu countenance, nover turning frein bis ovn. The fiendts et bell, Ch. Mon- sters cf Cie hititic ocean, hati ne borner se avful as the buman face ot the deati vbom ho liatloved. ise vend of bie sentence vms goe.ferts. Alike Cbrougb daedeliri- um ati its more f],anfuh avakening, tbrough th. past, thnob heii.fustone, through tii, vigile ôfjoyless day, ant he broken droamt eftCh. night, tiser. us a charma upon bis mu-a hel vieila himueif ; anthei cuirs oif lànmmeaeewas-never to forgot 1" THE KING'S PRIVY COUNCILLORS. Tise toleing particuhars relative Ce Ch. Kinglu privy council, extractet incnipally Item Biaekstone, May lio generally înterest- ing at Chislime: The principal counicil b.- lo% ingtto te.King i ie uprivy ecauncil, W= in algmneraliy caII.d, by vey of emi- iernco, A.com"ueianti h, mccerdieg Cri sin ELZar Cok.'s description cf it, le a no- ble, honorabl, anti revenot amuenbly of th. ing, anti sucb as ho vilis Ce b. of hie prîvy essied in tbe King's court or Palace. Thé. Ki geil t heoe constitunt of a pnivy çouncilbor,ýandtuais aIs. raatateir num. ber-vh*chet anLcieut W« .uru eolve or, laereaiiuutsi afleruardsk i creeseat toeos large a mauner, Chat k vwas founo.tinaeio- renient fl ocl" au4desp.tçb,sad,th.r.. for.,t Chattes M.I i1671, linlted k e. 7. Wàmfb.t th. pris- ri *mli fflof t&Rte, a d lae te b. COUDn cilion, uisue ojîM,, snd Ch.e ta i. fi... Wm mjoued of son Lordis an" five Ceai- Mont%01 heKiag's chooslng. BU4 &nc t <Ue, <i. nmber bas bersm mi noe, mmuted, andi nov centinues imaleîai. eN ianmc, hovnei, o*.,isMr. cbmtuu4anmiabi s oteus< , mien pitbais na"n euhbuealy, ttend w moysnn, umpe 7Wt6b <hi e.at lUta. uo go MQUI OnlY UPOn Cthe. iigÎs pleasure, and each anember of hat council receives a summons or message fur every attendance.. Privv Cotruciliors are made by h. King*s nomi- nation, without cither patent or grant: fr on tking the. necessiry oaths, hy jaumediate- ly bcome prîvy councillors during h. hife of th.eKingthat chooses hem, but sutject erMc-val at b* discretion. The. duty of a pvycotincilier appO1an from the oatb of ofimz, whicb consiats cfrseien articles. lot. To adv ise the. King accord ing t othe be5t of his cunning and discretion. 2d. To advise for the Kîng's honor, and good of the publie, without partiality, througb affection, love, meed, dnubt, or dread. 3 1. To koep the Kinç's councel secret. 4th. To avoîi cor- ruption. 5th. To help anti streagthen the execution of wbat shah b. her. resolved.- 6th. To withstind ail persons who wouhd Rt- tempt the contrary; anti, lastIv, in general Ce observe, keep, anti do al haï a good and Crue councillor ought Cc do t,-: his Sovereign Lord. The dissolution cf the privy couneil depentis upon the King's pheasure, and le may, wlenever he hinks proper, tiusclrsrge a particuhar Menaber, or the whole cf it, and THE CANNING FAMILY. (From the Corkc Sother Reporter.) Thot farniiy of Canning, freint hich Ch. 1present eminent mnd justmly populan Prime rMbunister springs, i. cf great mutiquity. Ti.he bat cf the farniiy vas a Roman Catbolic gentien,,'mancis Canning, Eqq. et Foxcote, in %Varwickshiîe, tht tweifth possesson et that ertate, in lùited male des- cent frein Thomas Canninîg, Kçq. who, in the reigu of Henry VI, mamnueti Agra.., scie Fheires3 cf the tamily cf Lt Maisai, et Fox- c Ct,seated there frona thetimClo f Etivard i. rThe braitch froin whiciî tIe premier de- rives lis orngin wa. foundeti by George Canning, a younger son cf Richard Canning, of Foxcote, vIe settieti in Inelanti, anti ob- taineti a grant cf CIe manor cf GarvaI, in th. county cf Londndlerry, frein Quetti Eliz2beth. Frona lim descendectiStnattorti Canning, Esq. tht fifthlo osessor cf the Ganvab estate, urbe terivet i*usChristian name frein the aurname ot its mother's fa- mily, tii, Stratfoîtis ,ocs. of, AtIdborough; bis eldera >soti Gorge Cannting, dieti in lis faChot', hifeCime, hoavung an only son, the Right Honorable George Canning, vIe, though repnosetitativeocf thteieder brandi of the Garvab famihy, vas passeti by un the i vili of hi, grantifather, vît> heft thet tate Cc bis second son, Paul Canning, Esq whase only son, George Canning, vas createti Ba- ron Garvab iun 1818. The premier, bo*ever, muccectiedtoCea smai estaCe in the county et Kilkenny, cf a- bout £200 per aninum, either by bcquest, on in consequence efthCe, entail n.çt being bro- ken. O iisodrbgunn .k.lmi ly achieveti bis ptesent prend pre-mninence. ,(1Fom the London Free Prao..) Mn. Canning vas 'hem ant Paddington, near LobÙhon, iu 1771. His pateral ances- tors ver.e riginally seateti m Foecto, in Warvi*u)are,vhene a branch cf tIe fîmily, vo believe, atili romain. Qeeni Elizebeth cotafergs the manor of Garvah, in th. cowaCy et-Peny, in Irelanti, on a younger son et, theo poxcote fanaily, Who Chieupon reanavetiinte Cbe'sister usianti, anti up tote fther éf thea premier, hi@ descendants con- tinued2at reido Cher,. Stralford Cianning, .a . iGarvab, the grandfather, bai twc mens eorgo anti Paoul the eider of whom dispfeasing hie fther by marrying a doyen- lets beauty, vas exileti fron Che p2ternal roof, vita an mhovance cf £150 a year. Under these circuinstancea, hoe came vitl his lady te London,mnti determinirîg te study Che law, entered himsoîf cf tht Nl iddie Temn- pie. He died poor. on CIe Ilti of April, 1771, a fov days mter Ciae birth cf lie son George, anti va interreti in tIe now banial grounti cf St. Maryhebene, viieroJbis Coul, vitb the following inscription, was pl.eed by hie videup' «Thy virtue anti my vo ne word. cal! tCl, Therefore, a litte . ulle, my George, fare- FOr, fmith anti love like curs Heaven basn in store Its hast bene gift--to meet and part no more."' His infant son, Che subjeet cf this mernoin, was placed viCia a maternai oncle, a respec- table vine nuorchant iu Che city, who'discc- venung stron" marks of genius, at a very Car- îy auge, sentnt te Eton, viiere b.e speetily dusinglsiothimulf, and ini 1786, becme eue et the senior acholams In 1788, on bis nemoval frein Eton, Mr. Canning vas entereti at Christ Cburcb, Ou- fond, vIiere lhograduateti. He thon. termeti a mocial connexion viCia sevenal yoani mon 1 ot raik, amaong vhom vas Mn. Jenkinson, a nov Lord Livorpool. Havingotainedh is , bachdeto'degre., hb. bbC the University, <d anti ent.rqd himselt ot the Mitdle Tomple, with matoieà o0stuadythe 1mw. At the sainea time h. ,"tinetd aismion ti> a debating se- i tietyuttwli Uet h Zndi iCcn ly bis puae ie <bus, acquired tlaateaae anti fiaili. a ty iu publie' speakung vlaich lb. now 89e mi- t LORD CHANCELLOJR ELDON'S FAREWELL ADDRîESs 'fle Lerd Cbaiacellor «ar Englais Raid Ce have aken lbave oftChe Bar lanmoaly tho tooivng titans " 1 canmnot take have oftCh. Gentiume oft tise Bar vithouat feeling* of deep regret. 1 do net deny dhat uTjaini s se consttutet as Ce have led eçmsosaJy, <c telays, vhich amy bave been gn.'iotasy foie- but Ctoy havéeu "Y» W",a, hica1 coualt RIZaveu MIy e.>lion bliu.alurayx beeV tuait' hora ls an innilte fensee, botveo, a p.tar luau im 404sdù ir *q< t atho.. urbe vil L-okw at4neiel. o urbae 'ns <ho7-ours eto Mmd te ismue has i *flm oe 17 " ahavimt ave I= ~ fin, beth by d87 anti <iglatte- e.ilo w î igk deçssou. Mwth *»it& de»u <s 'Mleyn urarl oi f v e fmo bey ti n ., sn gla d is op s- t lai.;» tlw7a. iew.net e 001t0lg.Iaist m . tI t ti se afremin he ciiione. And jî b 9m'îch hetter le it Chat a suit shuj1 ycd a reasprnable time fo~r a 41Výî - atiafactory Cta al partieç, th'-'nto h 3i01ns guven sa hastihy ant utnadvi 'l 1 -more Chan hait the case, to bu c~, '"' writs of ertor.-Coi». Ado. kFato3s THF NATIONAL fThe. news cf th iniet t wl ith ' :lowin gPý,iper* relate, has do)ubt1(.s ffore this reacied Our shores'. Ir r i elest pleasure, hrwevtr, on Chla '- we prestent them taOour readem c f genlerosity, andi of recil)roc ceurtesy, are .hlonorabk. C, 1 ci The fre ufInt imîterchangeOf ni C h h i n f g o d w i l l I l c l , O N kindreti nations to.-ether. 'ý of Chou shiold gbe diffuseti, Cmc'fr ever our common langa u O ,j. *' We have an additionau' 1M-'jVe lishing these papers, and tlj efrr inent of Chia action imay b lcpr::îr fiected on the indiviui w1jvfî& and Chat the. naine of Lieut. 1,1 1ia couphet i th tbe honor ju4tîydueIl such spiriteti andi ciiintemere, 'l, Jali. 3rd' ,4-.. My Lord-I hi.ve laCelyrti<f~: Consul of the United S followitrrg information: tj On th., 26th cf! Ptenioer o.ra vere stom, Lieut. Jêbseplilit r cf Che Royal Navv, h,.vîr. i, , mand cf thte ierchatt~ l~rCj M'Carthy, bound fromtir l? 1~t1 Englanti, met at t.ea Ct.e Aeir "Tehemachus," whoily d:rna . cjrti,. quence cf the stom, nd e.fier k iiight in camp-any, suet siû>king , 11Uhee, cedeti in taking te onriter, Cren., ..rd pi sengers on board liq ownVes. Oit the SOthi met.. l iaw a w'reck Ci tke wîndward which he could flot reach w:'"h lis vessel; but by dint cf great excr:ion, te succeeded in getting on board withhli, boat, wlen she pnoved ta 6e another Anerie4 vessel (a %wlier %I1") in a siink ig mgâte, whose captain and crew ho ai&,.) eecutd ard broogît suie Ca bis vessel. He Created t'oth c-rews with great kdnsanti fot havia; sufficient water fOr such accessian of mt, made for Fii yal, where lie Finded ttem. 1 have it tot in niy power to do taure than t0 expressa to your Lordship my gr4rvua seDse, in which, nyGoverrmet is ili crtain- [ly participate, cf the active hurnanitYnad geniercus conduct disiphayed by Chat uolcer; ant hrougli whuch, the lives cf a number of My feiluw ecitizens, tbirty-four, have been providentiilly 9 veti. 1 avait inyseif, with pleaçmure, cf titis op. POrtunity Ca pray vour Iordshili to accept Che aurarces of the bigla considemation uith wbich 1 bave the bonor Ctalie, &c. kc. ALBERT GALLATIN. To the Rt. Hon. Lord Melville, First Lond of Ch. Admiralty. A4 good Sioqy-t»ter true or not. TO TH£ EDITOR O1P THE MONqT&azaunra Slit: The.atory ofteHmisof his Majea- Cyhs 7lit Regiment, laffing overboard fion the Chamibly stcamboat, between LI;D Point anti Motitreal, and sa mracîiaugly mppearing on thé beach before his corade hati diseuabarked, remintietisue Ofla cacum- stance that occurreti during My servitude ol, board the. Doiphun man ef war, bouid ce"ti ,West Indies. W. were going et Ch. rté Of about Cloreeo ots anti a baif an beur, when Tom Garbo ard, btIonging taothe fre- top (wbo by the by was a bit of a wag,) sleeping in the lee fore chain%, bya sudde4 lurcli cf the shap was thnôwn overboard. A man overboard ! ! waa tte genenlacy fore andi aft-and every cnramn Cc offer gîve assistance ta the drowîîing mon. Tom, wao, was a tole" ibit gu)od swimw, as every. body Chouglit, but nothiîg extra- ortiinry, woke (bn finding himilfrIL deep water. and began ta use bis patddies, theo sbiP Passinag abe3d as 1 was saying before, ILt thitCe ofÏbre k«mtsa a a if.Toma Wus sOùn hosi sight of wader the coutef, for althoug Our siuip vas tact on Sit Uebt Robort Seppin ' 'plan, yet th. vas pretty fulliabaftj vhen Tom v as hucky enough to get holtioor tue ruttior chaino. The bands mil non at, expocting te sec Tom aen, and th lover the jolly boat tiown to pick lia up; but no Tom was te 6e seen. 4« He's gaie," Raid they, tet Davy's locker," anti effet ceaset., Our chip was very dieep, bou'nti eut t tis West ladies, consequently ou g un TESi partu vene 1ev mn t1w water.. 'IbisTom "*r and as il vas getting dark, ho thouiit he voulId vait ClU te.y hati beat ta quarteil, sud piped the baMmocbs dcvii before r bepC On baoarti, vbiçhb. 'laid, andi then popped LeWi» lit he lsdy's bolti, twhere Ch. gag- ner keepe bis wads mand spare monkies ti], anid Cher. remaineti tjfl idtdle of Ctô fmstwatcb, viien h.e uîleti forth and made free wita Ont breati hags, Caking inogh te oerve hlm for Chre. day,. At the end of this tante, we waere jogging along ean nul"' rate, with scarcely any winti, about a kDOt, rien master Tom, afnobserved, s!ips otOf the Port be cameai in t, and droppin affl bègan te bailthi.e hip.«-Th. gIPhi2 beiy!"' <LHIo, samipsthe qurterlleDr