Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 19 Jun 1827, p. 3

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e last, iftern e mui, Sir Charci ma<ed i.n,~ oriepaatg oi,e C&Pàt, he suc atw, aand pas- ïVI .3 wrock to the hertion,, he b is boat, Autenicau ri sate, -se@cueandmm ated botu, Dat having ri cf men, tha. do more than 'DY grat.fIÂ ! sili certain- unainity andt that officer- a nuamber oi h, ave been £ tt,,cépt Lte ration Wilii ce. &c. LLATIN. e.Firit Lord sor not. Ifhi. Majes- Iboard r (n Ieen, Long i raaalougly is cominde. o1 crcank. servitude on bouud teatie at tic rate mîlf au boni, 1 te tué fore- of a wag,) lby a sacide4 rerboard. gerserai cay mt to offer or inau. Dd!iwîmmri thing extra- selffin deep >mtdiles, the. lmg before Sir Roba. wavs pretty raciasite asteru, at! CIir blup; le'. gene,"' and! efforts 1 out £0 thc g un neeni This Trou he thougit Lo quarte., fore he got en poppet! e the ga- ikios tait.) di. of tue and made ueugi t. end cf s knot mi bock thé minla, foi lies vida nt: ftrà l ime wu poard, bt boat «s0 peth tu --i Mr e c _ __a _ _ _ _ _ _ _lilial: noue OftOOU'1D A H E aaJ.D.ra 9, eand 1Iad vwsyou, te du the am e : f or If the M oraing Pap es riro s o ti m s l c £ i Q.i~ m r m . B n n e t o n tv e iu a d p r o a et, W e understand that the Phenix iur;tnc da at ebit Of tilts do yoQoP & t th road." wrmentrely correct, it W il.Ihb. ueu, am , have &II off a d bthemme ire c ndi at s 0mntependetiov e e itoandry 4- a me a m . C m p n ne da & p i £n n a e t WbVy, marn,>' ays the. ncgr, "me 1110 liat te eSce. of Judge Advecate o ut_& ireprsent£ t U irst ya xodu a Among other instance, in point, is that of this Town. tories more Dine or test milancc Si» Or ChitfCorMi,.iooer of Woods andiFoct, etP«t" oo fStJhn pJv ohnSi ten miles!" maya Tom,as if la motaet and Il 14 M of the Mint, whicii, in the.Iju Ppointed Lord Chancelor, and raise a t onSagleton Cn~pIey, who, althoug a sop the short distance, 14why, mura, -'mPas gOîà eferrnt , ane given to Sir J. Macukintosh, tbi .pee.ge.lo a Boston painter, withotit wealth or any te Tobago, Which 1 believe is over two bon-- Ma'. Calcraft, and Mrogter 1 Tiai ha i ng's Palace in St. great family connexions, bas risen, through Yesterday mornin- , b the Re.v. D.-. Stu- dredmil,&sh4t'tio..bek for a fortalght." *ith several othler C at s?) ubardin- lame' Park will at JoIf t £*ke IWO ears successive otages of promotion, ta the high. art Mr. WiLiA&m SýANTOf, îf the Con-. The. sPectatesw verniaosgt d The' .~ appointm.ents lemanm yet ta be fihed up. longer before it can be ready fur bis bae est honors of the law, and is now Lord iniariat, York, ta -MiSa CAROLINE SPÂ-. black refused to uwina. Tih. Gouernor IatTii Ume of't 0 Marquis of Lansdowne ty's reception. Atitimnber of gardonersan bis wager, and it me. flot Unil w WG do«, fot apper in the. above lut; but we others are daily employed in te grounds, Chancelier Lyndhurs.t, Président, ex-offiejo, FORD of this Place. homeward bound tint Tout told the secret. havo ,'1,1101.1 ut[of eing able toa tate, in whjch a fie sheet of water bas been ferai' of that augtist body, the Imperial Hou.. of Mr. Abel Ga.tes of Pittsburg tu Mi-is Poli7 BOB TRANSON. that the nobleMarquis bas conaented. to cd, which wiIl b. stored with the most chuieLrsth smbdArsocayfte igiv. the. support of himelfand that of bis kindo of fii. ai o.sthe assmbles ofistoracy of tii. Marks of Young. ALWAYS HAPPY. golitical frienda ta the. Government of Mr. ________________Sce4pes îea.ipri- An Italian Biehop truggled through great t;aning,» thouçi, for the. present, at Ioast,MI ity' inithe. distribution of important offices, f D» dikilties without repining, and metwith !edclines taking office. Tiie acce tanceodo theI U. E. LoyalW. are honorable ta tbe national g,)vern-ent n2) z mtutMr.Der ~ys ah much opposition in the, discbarge of bigii. indeed, of the post of Lord Chamberlain by PUBLIC MEETING AT PORT HOPE. and character. withan iniflammation on thUe lUng4?, Hrriet copal funtion, withoat betrming tbhe leut bis Grace the Duke of Devonshire id the At ai Meeting held on Saturday the. 2d M raIieo Vlin evylt fA a imaine O.o iitn.fiiengsbot proof of the. intendeon Icurrence TiiyTroofh outo i imoatincelOna ofmire ntmite which ti.nbe aqis n ta f h, OfDe O ieat the Mansion Mouse Hotel, in t rhey em f i. orto 9n's herst I sland. tho hgt dir hmssible b'te ol Mrusadthto toemoe IIIagoof Port Hope, pursuattoa thePub-. Bench commcnced yesterday (Monday 18tii) to lanitateo one da y ask at re du (0w bo me e tr a a e) lc Notice, for the p urPose of taking into and will continue throug b this and the. next ed the prelate if lbe could commun icate the ioiimai ~~u.considcs,,sjon ten est ndpatiaii-A C IN secret of living iita uu . Y .,'epi In !ayiflg before our readers the. naine, of eutadPrtcbu. week. On the lait day of titis terni, weJ ed the nid man: ' 1cazn eac otha sc e distingnished indiividuals who will ovhaf et Prtcin Hobe, and bnsdrofinth leveih or anuc ilb ai vpbi uc nStr t el you My secret, believe, t i. usual fr th Co rta n ou c and witii great facl ty: it conite of noth hlen oeforth cofititute bis Majestry's gavera- lb. thef ut Port Hope, andnto coMarker of Lb. ue fx et meansofcarrylog the samne into effect- the. appointinent of tii Assizes,t£0be bol-*!î,he3;ai.tr, mUcMrktqa>, ,y eyes., His friend begged Minta explain pressing ourgreat satisfaction at tbe appoint- ol .WLIXEq a aidt h e nterqetv itit ftePo h mseif. i<M ost w illingly,' returned the m en tof thebon. W . Ln mbe, to t e office of ai, nd M . E a us F w a p i - i ce d r ng e v c to e we n ri iv BI E D Ç 1 ME A N Bihp l nwbatever staL. 1 amn, firet of Cbief Secretary' for Ireland. Témny tdSceay ai oe p ta H eaven, rem em ber that my h. y~may rDge aM d e timable q4alitie a i i Oh i mn ar t b le y s t d fd 3 4c a m n s T r i. s so n s ti.T CT . prnc pa b si es b r. i. to ge t ew ~ w h ucb distnguis that genlem an m ust ren.. Ob e t otbe M eetin g, e follow ing Reso>.. apPomnted iti eîHler k o bae al( a e an c î, n n . a 2 u d e th n o k o w po Lt e rt , an c î 'o der lh is acce sion t o any G overam ent a topic l t o a W r n n m u y a o t d ... e P b i h d i b e d ale, m n'he ro r w iII iis gve a on uri ,- mmd iook ow ni thace Isiailccu llv tafor ni auatolut. That thte ahslutepecessity of a Wharf Et f d Jh wiien 1 ccore ta be interred; 1 tiien look a- His -Mae will hold a Council on Man Haru, anegi tyiexpeiop o-mr abT i tt lortie onhie einstntu i ,mgthtokcruewi4h aor<VedS broad into the world, and observe what mul- day et two o'clock to receive thes. Noble- tmation of the md ti. lray in euo- adirabIle ittentaie nofti, 8htins tnbhigie.rn 1-,87 titudes ther, are Wbo are ini mît respects men and Gentlemen, wben the Ministers ~aInteonyf.nahy0~~syig< totintua hti ihr AI) VERTIiElE'[ more nhapp tbanmysel Thtu 1 lern wh baveretird wil delier tathe ig dreîtî tit necessity stifl more imperative, fakre, unoarrantable, or ungeniemanl."-.... r S-bscie ,b)cftyifr h wbere truc hîppinesasdpiaced, wben ail the Seis of their respective OfcrWa teitninof aur neighbour may p~îc ii a u nn~cne tbLatsms n, n htltl a a " méit]1pication soud b. forthuwîtbmade. ta theTi .5.. t iehatbusi. ourcirs nui e d, nd ha lA !.rea on wll mn editey transfer them tth e ands .L . frthe.purpose of carrying Lat bave been w , pretend n t t dterm iné; but ness athfe 'le 1known Strre, far erly c- bave to repine or compain.' o ev&w aie illeracsi rbcseMe eiie.fdbl abject into edact-...Propoed by certainly the article irn question waa truly cujpied by th.- lite CADU.in of bis Majetty's Privy Council, and take John D. Smith, Esq. and seconded by John described by us laît wek-. Mr. A. Ilichmnnd, CADU.their seat% ccordingly. Brown, Esq.) TeCrnce o h aeo oàse-wir chi uhre hi.-aiôteto Candour is aquality referring ta mnco- We feel ausured that tiie arrangemns, 2d. Tbht a Notification, according ta Law i .OWrone, folrsthe akehofacnsthn- whEASe h ESh . aaL chI Q -2 aS (orrct if sidered sngy and individual Y --incerity nowy finally made wilI gve general satisfac- 1 b immediatey forwardd for insertion in y w oe, dcne ha .h.no hn E'S', WI E . t (" R( v . applies ta hua witb referrence £a bis con- tion. IIconbnes tiose qualities wich are th U. C. Gtzette, stating, tiat aapplic- ged bs pnin k11:s.th or io, n E ARTHEN ...v' G AýsSW-IRE, riection and intercourde witb bis fellow nmen. welI calculated £a inspire publiceonfidence; gm 0th egisature wilI be ade althtie tinks the. « wii nig ot-cry f tie Hrald,ofHaRD..ýWAIIE. r4l owe stapi ar -icdeà of Candour ianplies an utaprejudiced, pure, un- and abstnunng, as we are afixious ta do, next ensuing Session of Parlianient, fur the. Us being one of tie ma notorwua Outrages DRY GLJOJI>, ipotted m id; inoeriy (ine cer, witbeu t froan any one expression t a rvlgetintrcin h ad w rka htevrds mayleP oiccotmt- wic i iidsp s fa h liettim wax) implies a mind wbich us open, ingen- the recollection of wlat an ay eveel onymesr-roe yC ohril nuan nitnuse.Hypocrisy id warrantc in aaaidpatfng tth "cnew Ca- and seconded by David Smart, Esqurs b'-i Pmort thcornJOHN MLLUHP the opposite of candour, mand dissiamlation binet will poset a en.rgy and l fciceney t 1d~f 3<1. That n farterancekif this abject, and n of the expressions wici Lia, worthy Kington, lâth Inn., 1827. 4v of sincerity. A man ia ca»MJi in bis confea- capabe of proinoting thae best intereits of înis atone, and ta rais. an additîonnî fuand Editor bas cniied ta bis;-id, w, repent, titat, ST L N O siens; ainere un bis rofes#im: ho s café- te EmPire. i aid of the work, an application houd a]i- i our opinion, th, outrage.as one of th b. N R S'rl.t4YED, did when ho ackow edges py: caadid in On. of the, curions penomena f thie pre- sa bu iade ta the. Lgislature, t the expi-Motnoiusha vrdgac hsPo-F l he.Ia oa otioÀ8 repetane; incre n Lve r Iatrd: andd, entture a ti. amai un n mnou su por raionofth stAss esmailTow et sLain forth. moean oet ius ate overisgact its Po- Fr m t e 'I m ra r n IV k , when h, praises or blame otimers Cndora tithepes astiiodu ofasMerCing.Hope, according toate rate now levied in iracLer would be quit. as strongly reproba- S M aspsto oss h n wehpassblneoer.CnerStrange a h e d o an akBay, about fiftevia band, aged; no mdsnc r£ g a o i n i b n ,a d h ve b e m d r vorn £ ter s ay the.Tow ni of Brockvii 0.C Noved b o n ted n the. m oral lan t! (rom w ence our Farticulir m r s u-tu ly b ito t r ads'cry eerall[{obn nbn, n aebead eotn abterseling Buack Ad tliir resemit ance, titat it is often s ha ave been thé style of others, t is, T. Wilam, secondet! by loin D. Smith, neigiabour lately came.godcnio:th heaDuHrs idilicult te distingiajathtei.one flou t e 0- viewed ato ehe n honorable thing ta Esqurs.) The Editor of the, C ronic.allows tiat 'O ew at iis u izmand he ht tian th"- ter; they may b. cahot! tthe Orestes and £the prs ief, mhqtt£bis come basbeen s 4h Ta t ake p te requiite utotemtve fHa folnyte iue-!rme r one, a Ring..'ono wrling n is off Pylades cf Lb, mid, close in their com- warmiy and generulty adopted. Two or for the. competion of the. wonk. an addition- ti oie fHsEciee b iue-hn p a a a o u s ,ip a n d s a cea nndt h ir tt a l a m e tni a r . citii i n e ri r L o d o n J o u D a l a o a a y a o fe sathneb . e v i e t t tr ogL oond o n, o uJo un t Goa ln o , i n t!i m is ino fr.Du rnha mo 8 1tR E V A R se that wleu we seete oe, we may be cer- ave endeavore ta toattract te public atten- . -Dina, e continuet! until the. is office for the part lie at!taken in ti -l*pi!the n pirsoil g V isg sotch infor- tain the otiier lu not far off. tin, otherwise witheit! fren thoen, by at- ed h ful l lqid atd t! n o ge _Fsa) swllI ýdt h-;rrcyýv ri prncpal and untea.t of tie money borrow- iot, "ayhb.praîsewortiay, yet hé is far fbon m iti)rai wetaIl ly Plth-rreo.ir r iRUTa lThe nop osimtinrae cao nne.- Move onBrown, andl seconded by tiiinking tiiat te occasion caliod for suci a Stol, i. tu tue convic-ion of thie îieif. Aupiy Ttiithe unin f iuThead an inost uonsute gnrtantii. iiiben -utcbinson, Esquires.) tep on the, part of Hi. Excetiency. Nuw in Kicgsî..n, tui)n..S-rétng-, Eq. lit Be-l. sippea; it s uow cunterfeited. 1£ was a ies; tiat, n isort, tey ave >anorcîcon- and D. Smart, Esquires, bo a Coinnittee ta above opinion t an arier period, it Au pas- Acitru Lt v ok . MA WktH A.Mi . beautiful idea f antiquity which, mmde ber for edta £0publie o1iion, au W ttm gn e- da ft iga P tur tn £ h e gim trmnoto b- m le tat r L oandgi h av .re o 'tined M - -a ' e 1 tî tR .2 the. daug iter of Timan dmtheam otier of cO iO itsi a nt-- . R d or ,a t ec n e!tM r l o Virtue; but in tLu, enrsghened ego îebapew<1<>nkbu one i P rtîcoit, in 6th. Thots it is posibleoheabject f thii.Niagara District would have faten into o- Fu t> UN ,i it were as Weil £0 cati ber the. chld cf Holl- tuis instance, My b eerre tt, as Prdut Meing aneDt bé cariedt traugh the, ther mut! more deserving banda. 1£ i.boreA. N IVOR Y Hwl.IDLE belnnging teaa our auj the motitér of Misfortune. Her ng their zeal mut!dcrtiality in the cuausse» t10t o£b ht ioiccn-a a, erllofie face is fair and benutiful, icr apparel rs- itlitig, O t1 e m i omayco 111 p ssbeto tani céuli eaue s ej li 6 erqiiite and hoermotions graceful; but iber power, amu t ilue0may- -.mnce ore « i f h ilimt! ayofrm , bA pleadet ad iaow wh£enrn;herforn eretu.Tii Pras iasion ben agalga ntr b oduc f ta Bh iiit iasHouc. o possibhanle osobt amn 4 m a PublicM ense , surw e s Hi . t a sExc elt ency fo r tis nisi gM r. i an1 Peny, iitaes ber dres., her air, and l m bas Dot escapet tose who wielt! ts eee s; Mr J me Rb e srtsondato accop£ it as M r ci, Ly tci in di gover et office opi - mien; assume$ ber name, tyrannizes over andtheiresuît bas b.oii, vitu ILis alt WilimBrogdon.)prvsoLiaponnetoM.Lyn ber foliowers, and! like theimnpostor, An thi e. t eo t thecharactor of liais miglaty W en- .gil ~q orprov esftati itonfcfr. L b.nt Arabian tilesshzaneessîy usurpa ber crown, gine, and to enrol among tii. numben os mon 7Lb. Ta hritF'--il âq u re h itaino Registrmrmut! attaite Pains hersoîf on Lie wrdas Trutb, and the connected witb its efforts manyperdano 4duepresdotatvêt,hemamite H iosH erait! mot ferions y for daring ta question aistakren world betieves ber, and catis trutia, iigh talent, and! of fair amut! ý yofalmie mt! mdvopt. ii, byasrt. Hoaeteu..it fteaponaet h f a s h n , a n d f a l e o o dl t r u t . a m b i t i o n . B y u a b m o n , t h e ! e m t o o f G r n Mr. Canning must b. recagnizoda etrias Grant, 4r secatudeti by Mr. Calvin Hamlin.) Chironicie, therefore, wiîlies ta oxcrcise the, SthThttiti ENFALLIBLE CURE FOR FEVER umaph of great abilities and great getam . -Ta tetankn of tiu Meeting b. rigit ta censure and! approve at pleasmaro, but ANDAGE. owverfa bhi"ýhia n he - 1îiven £0 loin T. Williams, for iii able ceoi- finds fanit witi tue MuraIt! for £0trigt raceous.Lit tnit.ebigacutftypedbyM.Jbc a ake 2 ounces Peruvian Baks, 2 ounces r eýh stehgettp f t0i aPwe n eoddb on thnod ihr Fowdered Clovq and 1 ouac of________of________________________ Tii, hà Chro TeeeCh considerson Atdars rya " bsurdr H.. CILDERSLIEVEE.MASSEER Trter, mix the, togetbr, divido thie ent lévation to te attahataent of theIli. utisEm>aode o es WILL as usual hrave Kingston fier the p o it nt L el e q u l ar s, ea ia p rt g o a l fo r w iic la t ii. an t! c o u id p t! a n th eb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o e n in g ta c o n te n al th a t t b . 1 w B a y o f Q u in ti c e v ry M m aNl T a a s cntttsa dos) and after takingan nrom.arsutUe 'ogns i. r.~ eat oet-b ii uyva at J ectock; Icare the ic, jet tlaepaient tako thre.Ot!auO ei Il day, uampiiof priaiples wich open ti Pathet cf R» m w sef hieai - A V . the1fpen a l m oseandotthe JuryC A R R Y I N G PL A C E ( narni , n o , m t a gi , i i t i o - w ea itja o o r, a n d fau te ,tto v er y in d v id u a î _o ffi ciai__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _in__ _ _ _ _ _ Kan di -y at noo!f plaint i ceckàd theon eueeveryaoin in the lant! poisesseil of powers ta outtrp M rvicad,1 ortes- o llsr-forKigston e yTuasday a me-',an tIli ail is taken. Eyi os anr . aknbis ompetitom .Thus, every manwrho fan- KINGSTON, lUNE 19, 1827.'fr i.skeo llsr-,o f Ecdoemvo se !0ctaon:' the rtu7 Euitor spoe ae iBELLVILLE una glass of ny kmnal of spirit"usualiquor cie haimef endowet! wftla uuperion gislâ, ti. ,ooro ' ta Ccaseymg lu. mixeil with water. evey man wOreadmuir e ., at! every Tieriv aet NewYrkwchw lPdvnaeb. L guing to gru F iga onnT;Iracu vn ___________________man vbo loves ta uee tic. >ustly rewarded C anaarivle ai, e-Y orrftespa dvanbg-Our neighbour's Iliîîmastraie" niA monmg;km is enlisieal on tue side cf thind ujividual wiom> aaaenbe s 0peenle enosu not a very lhappy one, yet'it ay serve tea poumontue KigL u halacedt te i lent of the na- viLla a list of tue pebsonu forming tue ew divert tue attention cf bis readers bon thefor Kingston r very Wedoéuilmy monniaget PO E D G N D T Rao su.. tional ou aeil . A dministration. subject und r discu sio n. P r a git luioLi terie Kin mt!nfrd y a L r o n a 'i c~ This ideida apround distinction for f amngthPrm ildr ny o baieta' aha* itl Wk aeun ora tenmt3o$lîk - N w-Von, lU DO 5. Englanal net an oncms alone, but ob u tdv uti 'at$Î t eb z a-lce h k fil sp os nt e oe eo Ti , an da C pain R og e r, arriv e al laI t £iro u g o u t t ic v io le o f o u i in stitu t h e i l S t n ! A i f c i o s t s y t e h n C t i l ,tion "aj-e o l tra tio n - L e t u s su p po e , evelve frntLieroobg freihnE ir BaiMrLivethrpooî,tlo B te yp sufperiorey atrd y mo crian P ou t o bningfing tom ebyeupE4or-e dow m e n s, M . ou , tii e ii o i o in u u p r f t o m ally Of tien, that a few f t e m any persans sien-' e e y S t da m ru n , n l P c c u fa trofC0oircial. Advertiser London Lord Chancellor reachedthe acwooisack, thé, influeniaal méobess of.bath 90" f PRESCCteÏrI'icelid en ice [lPer. te Aprîl 33£h, Liverpool ta May lut, fone a Peerage, anal acquiret! an imper- Priuet hm ono oundet! Partiament, jetotviest, sons, hrolthers, enoUgb ta enter is .office, destroy flisPress, onMwidye, toociag at BROC1J~~ a"Id Prce Curronts t a ot£alorp tto . y Mnir ed w-ad ob r o n xon lat. --r i -T p it.adth ttej ryh dgve e - A A O U Tb a ra gé o ~ f r ~ e ne M ni tr aents, E nig ri W e Ul esle 1 eem e G énr al era L r oei x odnt in d r e ntth i t sp . t in t t ue or urg a t! guvenà a ve- o t eGAy e n A N O Q U veecomPeteal an the 28tb f A r li mO of Erope, ini the t ur of ler gre e at rut eastti. l vi sr y 4 fr ioyt e i g i ut tpifo m r la y t s = u - c i. wm i m e adUrugçte rose ta a Dkedoin and iteoia a c ,by hich the. Catolià ofielainalfuel pang the. transaction ta bave taoen laeTihe YorkrStage meetu the Bout t the have been made uip as foilows t.- tanin tue stat. ouly b.low koyaty. By b£a«dered at! opprso .MiDwsteovcnauboui or two Jeter tdiauathe. Yoirk û.t>Carrying place, cevn.Toy maang. T HEE C A B IN E T . s peior cndow ien s, M n. C anning , aA oe i a m or e p u i l rp r m i g t n a ,1 .. ]PEERS. long adonning the aiale cflis count~r. rmonibaorndIcî at :oanal tant, upori tuer fot ang t ,.uv.n- Knao.My 3 L'rd Cha celor Lord Lynt!iuret, srvng ber interotunder the aigu Zperora, tuaih a lb ason tai m barmauajg lent ta e e age , oa ne of tuer frisnt!, bat! V L J B E TA * N S A Lord Preidnt - - Earl f Harrob aidt ring situations, tini ha bu exaleal sbj.com forwaral analb.ho ngtàd for thea,. FOR %MR- Lord ScalD u --7 a t e n s B iis i m Og t e people P be r Pm b b di" L o , W c asala. ou it! any on te aao y that hase ,of- Chan f t fhé e e O of tiesait4u, bsDOW Malunte t lts biguient and attractieal greaauenion,eWnt£e««*g fId wMe «i e sdeleati ctis l, of HE !~subscrihter Dow Oekteuteauil bI cyo ancater Lord BezIey. stop.of thepolitical lailder., Shoiil wcrDot douej.. ueambakutE, onlicuanlason Mr. alforFIurs iga D t e in tuas soeing geulus a piaDp e Sec eState o V o ics f ealelnna h uioet eacbDa tmosg2uyd-U' w ,al n'L n S a.irSs. frFoîy, mi&id po.t boe tce eu un i fsppst! cat.t. p ble o l- adiu oui «N , ni x no deiB A ' and J.4ý i C 'r it W h i wt h i e m i.,. e E ld o n ;c eOU ib irith=,K ig t e., m il - l , CnOsuino r.s bi g ois tha- ary&" Vd ipa Ietm 0m sip arvt tQ a. a b a à k Were(ave Ibosavoai y jnr. . d J ê . st

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