N t> 1' NOTICE. s macier belsMrous te CIOs" bie S» ail iose indbtta Inteblo saeithrir Accouots en or -befase *0 lai Match x- aiter t tperli, ailU thm efft fllnei£unset lied viii b. gnp ot IbM*hehiad 4 a Lavyci- for cellçeties.4. Thlicreiadel ai hIm S oliuk fi-autii day, be mld for Casher Predm, stvrr - dgctrd jict5. SAMUEL SHAW. Janaaary lot, l8à". if NOTICE. oRA1ràlmumscmDOL us budilding commmtly knocu b themmm ar the À aemy s thbeltg voc sa]y MAd comfartahi tnl he 1 m Gimmer Sho wiii be opened an Monday the 2M i m. uoder the management and upertendance oi the Baey. John Sloughtofl. lu uhose houme a ie pu- 1plis muy (if rcquired) be acommodatcd vida board and lodging, on moderate terma. BuSh, Octi 1&182&. VÂLUABLE LANDS FOR SA LE. ArRES, viz.-Letslio. sol3i. 32. ne" 33, a"d 39, mtuatcd in the GUi concession of the Township ofai Kiatoal. ud bestutifuliy bouanted li-car by Colind' Lke. The aboya lands a"eoftsan excelletit quîlity, and weU timbered. Ternie of payment mae eaay. Applicatito ho made totheUic mbri be. ver. jOHN STRANG. Agent for Uic proprietas'. Kingetoti, th Oct. 1816. N R.-Any persan eor persans trmpassing on the. ubove Lands illii be pfflecited te the Ut- Most rigoci- ai the Law. LANDS IN UPPER CANADA ACRESB, Via :-Lots NO 2000 15,1617, 18, and 19, lu '"S'4b' raceg9o N&14 abd15 in the 5th C eusta; a hé~6fhhbalisEf Lot No. 19 vjth the Lots No. 21 and 22 in the Ith Concesin of the'TownlshiP taf Pittsutrgh, in the Cnuoty et Fr-ontnac, Midiasti District. UpperCanada. These Laots are very valuable, as the Kingetoas river au through thon, and as the pr- jecteti Ciaa frein Richmonsd thro' Perth, muet pais in the sain direction. ACRRS-Lot Ne. 51, in the 2','8tBh Coneesion ia the Teown-i ship ai CornwallI, inthe Couuty ai Stor moant, IEastern Distic; and M 0Acres, Lot 21, 4th Concessionl, le the Township of %tasser@, County of Durham, District of Newcastle. 'The whote heing of the best quality, voll vatei-ed, heurti; excel- lent Tîimber, adapci t. every agnieultu- rai purposp, and prouisiaug te becone very valuable ys the completleti of the Plami agitation for thiiprovement ofainrternat Bath, Feb. 17, 1826. .for' %alto ON REASONABLE TERMS. n' osopst h e*lneo iThe Brck buse and two l Briscoe of the Royal Engineersea. so mi ai tirv vcilar prqpertv, iut i the Village ai "Btrriefil'i, near Point Hen. rv. Appiy for ternme ta C. A. Hàa*KCAN, Ebq. or the prapietot, JOHN W, FERGUSON. Adoiphustavu, Apritl 12. 1826- TE sI ubsribera hin; doiT appointed TEIeagtors cf the last Will as'd Testa j~nI of the laie JOHN OSTEJWOUT, af the row.nship of Haliowell. requàest aH pur sons indebted wtoice ataita makLe !imme diate payment ;snd thoe havtng demande agansat theaid Lisate, te bring them fot- waral vitheut delav. PETER D- CONGE-R, Ezecu- JOHN STINSON. 5ton. Hallout il, Fmbruary 8, 1827. Midiasti District, 'N Saturday, the To Wiî..5 tetvthr1da*y tifluetwatt, vîllbcmalé et the Court HeOM iu the Town of Kingatoti, the. fglIovisçLandis as belaunit o DritsFii sgerald, mmmcd li virue ociau Exeetron issued out of Risu jestv'sCourt ai Ki 9ng'toh.tuaitdirecteti. ai te suit af Daneir Bi-h, Vi: Lotu number s9 60 61, andivesieriy part ai the hrak-s Loj.;mber 58, i theGare in rt-ar ofthe 2£1 concowwcelet ofiGreffl Paint, Townsehip oai Smpiilamtubovat heblimita be- twcts62 sud fil, iniTownship line. AUl persans having claimeisen the above Lands, or any part ieheitliMPMOae or othervime, st e rquared to nimbe tht sane knoov os or bsfre the day of sait. sale ta commence at 12 elock, neM. JOHN MACLAN, Sbéirm LEN.D. Kingeto. Mai-ch 20,18M, JM'TJCE. bw.* 0th idI eth itàl gâi~mMn1pi'tem.S551e. JANK JOUNSTOI, Ad.biulairm.i Kinminai ffl4t, lm2. f TW FARMERS. C. it i lie Pauot or MI qoAqiit a OFL AX 55K!)dellvendMi t im P shop Oi T. Bt-adi-lt, la KMagutes. FO>R - ALE1 OR TO LE?, M'sir-al, *adtite Juta Loe, KaM..w -sa,u ArlIth 87 TH ~m *MBA ENT. __________ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ij mon vo m NOUWU. 1 w41 J.. 1827. n HIE Subm.criber lasoirv ednig douta ta JLthe Agents ad chie E.,î.J>lishisent. ut iCngston. Belleile. th. Trent.Cnbmrg-K andi Port Hope, large essmaetof s a iWatts and Catings. wbich. mn quaittY Ranti )pear race, far sorpasa the Watts braoght op front tht Lover Province. Tbr pricea anti terme ai payaient canna' e cotnplaied af, vhtn tht y are compartil with 1hos. ai the importing Mrchants as bhey are i Me instances 25 lier cent. loy- C-r, andi la naue eqmaaliaç theirs;, bemadre which, lte mubscuiber will <marantreail the Wares enter regular treatment. Amuig the articles are B-tffiom's pate-ni etootIuig %tobtal vhich, for canvastand s'lti gancre, D - zctlkrd ; double and single Stores, of duU-.ot eut pathet an id &mzs; Pot &îh front 'roto 240 Galions; Sugar Kettles. or Pot Ash Coalers.fi-rn t7ta £5 Gallons; Dutch Ovies wtih cow.rs.-wiih or wiout tct; BELLIED POTS,. Andi Irona ai six différent patterns and i ies; Tes Kttles, Griddies Cari 4& Wagon Boem, Plough Irons. Sleigh Shoes, &c. &-c. 8ic. Parkt, Whiskey. anti ail Monde ai Grain viii b. recrived litre la barter at the Kingston cash pricca A. MANAH N, Agrnt for Peter McGiti. PRICES CURRENT et toi tln~u«a Imilvesr. Patent Cooking Staves with no £12 10 te-ss cornpleie, - - - Double Stave No. 1. figured> pattera vith aveu ai 80 lia.>il O O v.agttrrefret ini le.mgth, (No. 1, 3 frt 3 Single Slavez. 2, 2fe t 6d.do. 4 10 O f'3,2 fiet 3do. do. 3 10 0 S4, 1foot9 do...o. 2 15 o Pot Amh Ketti s aifail ises ai 2511. pur C wi. Ail heavy Mil castinge ii 25s. per Cwt. Pot AmhCooioens N L G H%, iO1 suai- ttls. 3,16 ditto, 0 13 0 Sugr eltes . 12 itt~o 010 O Pots, Kettle, Doub Overna and ailier warem., 27t. Od. per Cvi. A MANAHAN. Midiani DDitri*,1'N Scturday, tht To Wit 1 $q1 oJtsy it-t dci oi Jauiy seit. viilb. muid t the Court Houme int %bc tonaifKingston, tht following Lantds, vith the huilidings and i mprovearnts tht-ft. on erecieti, as helaagiug te Thomas Wii lises.iizrd b,' virtue of auExct-cona *Md u td et ahis M&Jeusl' Court ui Kiliîg' Bec. te me dretce&. as tthe mats ofiltht HIou. Gea'rge H. Marklaad asd Ncii J. Maclean, LExecuters ta the Euhat.. ai tht- late Patrlck Smyth--Jameî Nckails. Jun. and Alan Macphe-rson. surviving Es ce tart ta the Easa e he laie William Mitch e-il.-andalaiet a!Dàvid &S.Kramdy asnd Danirl iaMsliand-viz. Lots No. tveuty six andt teniy even. in lte t-st conce-ssio ofthe township ai Aalol phutovu.vitlu tht exception ai fifty Acres front tlimeRositpart ofinutaer tve-tst ix. Ail persmes having cdaimts on the abavt Lands, etr any part thereof, 6v Mortaage or othervime, a"r rqulred te maite the smre bnoocute me, en .t b. fats- tht- day of sais-. saie teommeace ut 12 ù'trioçk, noue. JORN 1MACLEAN, SherdL M.D1. Kingston, Asvlt- Ille 12. MAItKET SQUARE, LNa8TON. T HE qinhocnr reepecfolly acquinte his friende anudlte public. that lie haseo pentd hlieseu t I'Ro nluthe Mar-ket Squeremaa- Te-etn. tnter tht natterof thr BIDERNAN IN, weuh a choice cailectiia af SpltuatasLiquoemexceflent aceatmmdmanm anigs tahiing. Zvery camiot;aad couve ient. ciii bc rendered te thace choum oye. vor hlm clth eir patronage. And othees canbu scemmodte t eh oarê sud Lodgimg, en maderate toi-ma, hy the day, W«1 Or, OO D.CLINDINNING. ETUEN hlmsrncr talisàte he BFýrieude dtt Pubicfor th. libe- i-il~~ ~~ ecuaemtile lbas received a ti. hev brepk.1beaisess, fer t'ý-e lut four = 4 rdraIn "alY iiues, that li Stoe m MOE>t. tiiHoume direoc( oppocâe bisi 014 &aud5 oue doe "t ' thelmanges 84M a . elere he hepes, by a slict attention tObmlams te essiemai-e mof public suppuri rA"s»4 twdetrdav<8 menet refsoiaaMe terme. sum cuaiag Nalaso. Tht »at on the pwo a slog~5t5S.y hp t»e vaftome pèauemsaepécc HAT My.Vehsu amau pl et t JfSimron e 1'w6 it jeta 0"ucO.I s T.vuklpEP ts ~r~~,~amoith h uo CANAI) COMPANY H 15 M,'jruv "0s Onverumrnt having con Il. îacv d tn Sn Il. 10the Canada Con, '4Vmah of tht- Çrovn R seiveb 1P Upr Canula, aiunai n Iîuvnm"*ps, laid outI> i- the- lt day aofMKOTA 1824, as baie not b<.e tieued for-.,tttSi8 ofy.-ara, or orrupir- 8w writte-n or verbal licence of the Govera ment, or vsrt occupieti. altilougit vithout a 0V preiefttt of légalsihile, forthte -pîaree ot Ten Ytarseand u!wards tNfore tht £6th tdu% ni Nove mber 1821-NO 1IC16 ahUrLb% glu-n, 6v the Canada Campani, ta ail pu-r son% wha may 50w be in possession af mn% Crown Rreers-eS whicli py the aiti agrre tuent are ta 6e iraofrred to the Compatit. a nd vha rnay ha"v e emach bpossesion fur a period lms than ten yeau-4 btfore the sait 6h day of Nuvrnîber 1824 mothaut amy le gai tie, or licence ai orccption, or proisi iue of a leam th*t $hep mum rcube, r relinquïmh mmedittely. their posmesim ofai mch Rt servt-, or treat vith the Canada Cotupan% for the purchas. of the smre';1anui that pro. posais, in wvntting (posut paidj,) cordingh vill be reccived ai York attdresse dta mt. grountied on the value of anc leared land ef equl qalty n he meTownship. eq qulityJOHN GALT. Ter,,UL. C. toi &bc. 1826. CANADA COSIPAN Y. [T is etquestet 4b tail applications for the purt-hase of Landefi-arn the Canada Company. be matiela vriing, tating The Lots <i. 51t!d. Tht pricr in Halifax Curftncy per aere- off, rtd, Thte mode of payment prapoord, and The appiicant9s place aifi-cuient'-. Immediate attention viii bc puLl ta grit- Lms applications, and an anuver given, ih tht Icast ptm'eit)lc delay. (Sgned I JOHn GALT. York, 101/z Marcki 1 '?g. bHERlIFF'8 SALE. Midland District $0N SaIsi-de>, the Teo Wit. teenty thi-d day ofi lunt.es clt kb. sd et the Court Huse ithe i.Test aoaiKingston, the. fol- lods;ý Launds as belotiginc tu John Burley, seized by virtue ot ait Kxecetioe issued o'ut of hi&s aje.aty'u Court ef King% Beach, tha me dire-ted, at the wuit of Harding P. Wood and Chai-les Let. V&t t- Lot Noe 17, eau %ieeof the Rnck,(Lkeý aide> in Marymburaji, contaising 1 e-Oacres. andI Lot Ne. l8 and thte t half of Lot Ne. 19. lut concessioan, eut aide e f the Rock, in baitI Maryabur3h. cootaiatiug 150 acres. Ali personshbaving elaims ou the ahova- landst, or eny part thereol, by mortgage or otherwise, are requireti te muke thestaine kncws to me. on or before the day of %ale. -sale ta commence at Ivelve :o'Jelck, JOHN M CL- -N AINS.UJjqvh ~ BleraMI. D. SI1ERIFF'S SALE. Midland District, <ON Saturday the Ta Wit. ,- th day of l'ily next, vill 6e smhlJat tho Voqrt lieSe in the toto of Kingston, th idl eowug L.assds. as bel 'u00IDIC te Thiaina Spar au, aeized blv vit tue of au Biecuitem, .asued oant of Hia Majeuîy's Cesrt of K's Beach, tu nie sd;rected, et the suit oorG"IH Marianti aod Neil J. MucL*an, Ezecu. tors of Pntrick 8uyt, vis t Lots No. 18, 1% 4 3, and 14, sixth con. ce4mton, ea*t 3- fouitIi. of No. 14, aad veut hait ut 15. aeveith Concession olthe lova- ship cf'Libughboeoogh. AiU pereoas hwing daim, othe ii.Above land or a v part thomesi re reqluired te make th:, "ane kéowetetome en or before the day of sale. Ba.t*comisnce ati'cie, us JOHN M %CLEAN, meriI, J& D. SHERIFI".S SALE. U-dlad Dislrt,4 gNBslrdv, the Toet. 1 j Auh day oMay oext, cwiii b. salIdait hç. Cout House in ther ro e(t Klucgso, th e foloi nila"t au beiogsIIvcna .S.Gran selsd 1w tme."F.an Esecutien ismmedmi eo t bhmjtsty% Court of Kîno<'s le;tt Medleoedaitthe mitai#emrgeMinI- LI.auhâ'Twelt ie ba et -Cam (Wet of thé Cerrying Pacidf h handred sud eegty.tour acres mare' leu.. '41l pemfl aishvimi daimm on tbe Ltans#or enyas. pans thsreolby - gw it oarwulsen rcreq*utre& t MkU th se klove-to e n uor befte4&P.de %fe,'%da. e o mamce et il -' Ciol. JOHN SMACLEAN, Tbt abave Sale sh P-mpqdee~Sl 4 St 9d ay o f%ïf 7aW-, 2. mila**ig*Ome. e-d« mmr uwl inW# MILr teAI8, NOTICE. ~-FOR SALE, and immedilate pou. session g% î n. ba tren 90 an-d i 100 acre s cf Latndin the 2d colt inmcesst othe iiTownihip of Adoi- ,hos Tavn, dir, eiy in lest of the Villaetti 8e acres oai*a bthare helti entier ms Lcu rrorn Gavtraaueni for 21 yesru frotta Novs-'tn et- r ai-60 acres artei s igh state ai tel 1 atlas. On the-premiser'thtrt re a cou ,ortabi'- Lng Houuer (qureti).32ht lt-fet -s large- Frenie- Barn. vita Shrds. Outhoos- s. 4rc. &C.&r.-Alou excellent Ws ll snd 'Ipring, vith a Stre-ca rnning ihi-ougit the- ,jremtçes--A go ti O0aides, neatly enrloftd, ansi a Young Orchard, cansisttig ai a varie 'y oi P.-ar. Apple. Plumb, and Cherry irees, *nd a Pine andi othi r Graves. Ail which, cit the Stock anti Farming UJt e-neils, viii 6e diaposeti of very loy. For termit, apply ta Henriy Camuady. Jun. Esq. of Kinguron, or to MOSES CARNAHAN, Adolphustowii. MRON WO1tKS. Tii. e coILkm are siaiated in tt~e Tavnihîl. ef Marmora, in the Cosnty of Hastings, le the Miaisati District af the snid Province.c «As are esîes-mud ose ai the Most valuail propertirs in the fouodery flue, in Biitiab Nonh America; anal oe, ih la consilered,q whieh caneat tait, ainder praper manage- met. te rema b.-t a parchaser, profits sel- ton uWlmig teCapitalista i tcaer iavest- maent$ of Capital. T%0se vorks (min theestablishment of wc#i pvwards of îbirty îhnusaëd paumtis 'acrling bave ltereexpoendt) consint ai Ico *Fermi-mee the one capable ai yieldeng tva , dwand the allier ane ton ef I-dm an the- tvs-uty -four haut-m. vih the neceuary bud. inga conuecte t ler. vit-h -a Forget for the maufuactursaifBar Iron, with faorFimeand ' vo Hamme"i-, a Sac Mill, Flaor MN« Bark Mil andi Tunery, ail impclled b,' cater, of ApJimh tUs-r- vian abondatlupply-Carptn- er'm asndBlachaaithb'Shope. wveliprovided viii the oecessarY tasBk Humse ant ores-a comiortuble Dinelling Homea, lires- f ehici arm veU util efr Taverne or large ;id the agid I ownsblp, stirraudmieingwcvrIa --end 86S4&crgm lu th aem' natp (f Beiment, la the lirw- Cutliestrict,, fer 'vhkb a derd i. ee viii l ien, c"iiopcn arhkcharr i* xhw~aMile mine of Ore, sen. ral,' cf a goéà quallt, vti 10aw creset Land "gistidconditianîily in perpetua y Lhe Goyermuent, anéfuel reserves, thte u- -lios heing, that tht e t-km are never per- inits-d te cesse, tbreos ueceui"v yeai-e The distance at ptcarat, ai vhlch the Warka are uppliedtb lîiCliarcoal, s be twees twe and tire. mlla.-lbe LakLe Ore -t brougit by67 c itrBe miiem-ad alter Or. voti te lie enploycd in the Malins tigondi Ires, la braught hy land., a distance J ln mis-.Cof t he poreit jiseity bLuv a ii u thtButaProvinces. ma,' b. bat Ab. anu uircdtapeuse of mu'lng. viti a flw hundreti yards of thet WorbuS, mixai wIll whlch, lue,'eliow achre, i-c ame, ai *«à tledtin sgrecs quantitses. TIaca. Warke areemtahimh unosC"a Ais a mile helote cCrow Laha-this 411Iarrvs4ed bjr tonal large repidu tWIa obau5. irJ tilTeu5. heat*d tif ,lt éàv*%*sla 31 miles. Tht ItM sofian nftflmeewiîl ,ot adm" of seneait t 1ins fliemati, utitmi ingeof thdis pr*etvg "eth" lislà thepur, "ms ef the propt-ieto, by amy enaggeraited ebatemcotm.epime ciostpi chu, Wrua selb eprstfasls m maétt isbe c e-se npcl anat limasVfemo leuaiteuerepteeu <aa t. m.. m-aypma len plee <tc or, eim ji 1as 4ih It e r vcrumlg iacila'.. 1*,0ve 1%»",Mte terd h hpIMssel m lgbs Que1 b.toaetmiia.s~hî i- i mmss.e hciashthis, ttah .4. MCD Wl JLL. Mtaïer, Weil fittd up fir the acco!fmcnda.i ?PASBNG=D., vii, util fuihtr notice. i.-,, p Pm½rttrnr Kin'aton on WEDNESDAIS i<, ýjU DA ySat 2o"Io0k.A.M ;and k ' for Pr cion Mouda)ys and Il lgo il o'cack, A. MI. an ber padage ta and frm C Wt îJ to/a ha/f oanhotu- t Breek t/le a an*'c«.. quea. PFamenge 75must 6e pumctu"4 , 30AT oàmm m. U anti cannot bce tl-a>ed for a'V uc. Pri-scott, April loth, 182-'. For Sale, W ET blf utNu. 9,'2 W ttsurh- oAcres. Southbhaîf Lut N. t, litCon. forth Ofth i-cd tbrough tht- Miohawk Tract, To,,. ship af Ty.suinaga-ioo Act.s. ALSO, Town Uot No, 36 1. in the Town of Ki,. ton, encl«Wmtvh a cedar piket ftnc,oca, tht Presbyterian Chorch.-.î 5Arrt. Water Lot No. 4 in front of tht. Nothet. y part of Town Lot C. in th T 'osa Kinatn-1 3 Acre. Applucltian toi b madie ai this O)ffice, 1Tth Feb. 1827. PUBLIC NOTICE. T0I .t Caution ail permans against T Purcs,., iog tvaNotes of hanti givra ta Meures. Gtlugh and Nuwian for ten pountis ach h 185.w amrs Moaglier, for whiclî they Receiucd Payaient front the muid JAMES MEAGHER. Kiuipton, April 24th 1827. SHERIFF'S SALRI. Ilidland N Satmrday, te Sixteenth day District. 0 of lune nudt, viii bc muid at Publie Auction. at the Court Roume in the Town of Kingston, the Iollowing Prope«ty, by virtue ofa, Writ af Estent inifair. r of oui- Sovereign Lard the Ring, againat the Landsansd Terne ment& af John Theodore De Mlisanie, via.-Lots number Three aud Vghteen ini th. Miiuar Reerve ini the said Town af Kiuigton. Sale to comîmence st Tvelve o'clockNoo». JOHN McLBAN, Sheni; M n Kingston, 12hb December, 1826. VALUABLE PliOPElTY Foit SALy- O N thr FIRST diey ai AUGUST. 1827. botween the houts of 1WELVE e' etock, A. M. and TWO a'clock, P. X. viii !wt od, by Publie Auction.tate bigitest Idci r, at Lngatoo, iu the Province of Up- ptr Canada, 1 qqum - 1 1- - - - 1 1 il -il .1 FIRE IuéM d arigation hIrSUalce. JOHN G. PARKER, Mcrgau,, U.,C. "a"sror ruà Insurance Comnpany, Of rfor-(ad, C-naecio, O FFFMta rffct mInsuce oe behf fd seul Company on D)wrlintg.uoeas, Sogrs, Ware-Houses, Fartotries s al â- ngs in gent-rai, MerchanÉi2e. Iluthol Furniturs-, Vançs &Bilding or in sW, aid their cargoes, and "ecry dctuiptica of pet- marni Propmry. uguinsi Zon# or Dama g. b lire, cripticof .1vs-mrlu vth iheir curgmu% n The terme esd artet mfavun a thone df ny otber Cooepery. andl &H tit for lame vii 6b erally adjusted sac! promp WILLIAM W. ELLSWORTHI, Preim THOMAS C. PERKINS. William W. EDswarth, Hlenry godmota S$asueafrt8r, Rodevick Tenfi Jorernimh Brown, Edward Wstkinao Murik W Chpi% Charles 8. PhIp, James 0 Ilem"r, preaenel 5<55%, Yviftueorsm WitdExta0 of rn-» " d te.me «4rtetd, iàfr perty. bellcng athe mid Jamea NMgI aetuli Awwmagiset ai b.cmurt Buse tU Tlowa et Kiag«mos.Sat"tuwyth ,wdt~ day o<Jue usi, v.i&-Lm Na. X14i, 1101 tai. Tivu Pb*S la o ut on ,M W Il sud tqsdavue Fetgu Vuî the %b cf mingaSea 1vhWb muideavaPlut ipt k»aeaant oed by *lb. me évmd f .fet Sisulh.à Let wmum ber lhm *4 foeeytvain sbe Tee.d igilla e Loua No. Pis* u l m the 143"IW, ve, ib. id rèveofagem 'WM<~ oured TeM ggatbe LemuI 1M v athe nid Tees oigI the eceupadti c esW. AMONi4' chant. g 6 f» alt*e Pbce etit l O!e14t istan, tth Duemrbcr, 1l2m ALL pmve fl udbteal te tt ge ddg *LATit PwrTER wiXT$Z4 ane jmrquhed te mal. immediatP0 ofKIomWho b ftlly ïth' W g gay. stAT 1Uý 1-