Sri Ta£ B,%PtlsT U11 and an el. rded fol Citizen, te 01 the about ne- bu 4zonstrffli ià front of tbe k ffl ubdu ù» direction Of CII aa M*ribâll Of the "a 'IL *W-plýI to'vu uuiveoàa1ist Chl 1111WAW loft ïa» of .*a bm taitol d6corated Il à, U4 tille latta. i molto mal Wof the iillage, de overe,,wmg dwu- bîvt*tWo" &Bd neat utisfactifta to poý*,d tbë bli ý 1wrViem ale Son to, tbe tl;;;e of Divine (;rm atoll, SI& éol *a bptain,* Dolow "b- tendency of the mjmý 016 Ik 0#1ifi fWthe viieutile ýX& ic aik addreu to the ynotw of efthmat te the pii, waara sty and Virtue, were del iww ta.- P. moroe. Fi«. Br. B. Fwà aprCe and imprýmvecûoejW' dWM «Wist *Mid èflbe publie dervim tîm promijk , = ji bdpreeeeda fw dbe uwlàg omSllent dimm wu, Pheip; udbetwmwond "4,etù«sl mat dol te thetlà tbe bomaim dPtoiri" et the »C"lk T» at wa «tly hmr, ad il do UW*tid*l «dggiyubabner. Oit bc f«M à* CE dm cou", bu ti bol gifts, a à"* wm