»W ~ ruaismy amu lulet ps.hhfol tom mmD reü&e à »>,ü' iSWt rurs bard eIouî g ves uauýtion tte u*ozmaa-, gaut mod u I a u me»Mis.uiS psrah condutau mog tbaUU4 t i rvsryquss. enbftsd ia a,vrpense, vbýismu fot. f. ibis id vla s "fucI1w, tisa .Rosi fket. -th. chi*hwot a «ç tud uteia erodwO oflalm e MI, f.t iâc»ot l#midtthd, th«atý- ettU lamd bfit! iioly où tW per *4 try oqr# unabl. s t w Am aise - qýi f çIbis d r'dý.gawaulto iLýebave <bis huwapp lqt, v. l&Rd 1 » m 1 . 1'a Ilbue auô. iseJralpiuipsof"ii di iuw b egtdiit vOn ' ,l, - ueuberwuldpeeu epoueb* Tiet hltl@e hs 1. Stâti*mr qi aboit 1 80 mmqsmsc 1.pa m LordLanhd»e *ita" 40, .thi Kn vu~uahlbi mim "d suevte;bb he Rhtir, ML Heure of ad Mmu zmu ~wsu,'f <ofpupue reeeavsud rpffli les of th 4etTa.mdmasr (h. Nvy st.od. havàd.ufaft rugouu us t- ucel O ant t pevotm iatevR ug ýo" pu t I&Wt <hm amm' e T" .sa tw sthiamejwu*y -14'pieulhan>M. noeùs iig*h»ialt" W" .. hi4* a AdsaSho,4aeybs idti Ti .a'in *0 t 1 th er er serbo ss1ad4.vas ramu boo f»m r-q l *am mm«Pru t A.t n*go e hM, tbe mammge*bd ' Thse bushlev14 let iaue la I *ptr4mg11 quta. m~mo~ mu Isola ut. Titi be9eror h ose eh. iwe.sio* Seules SienAloi e' <ho Klsg et tise lue..- md isesuteemudl. wa GtCsAà,b ie*ol.vthm *%.- hm p*ma em tbéi emaga idme t le .ma . Ilag e, a o isgtht me md.yam', 4.ry tuatal,t trysudba~ ou hlm- A, M agi or EE0Tas c 3nCau. mm4uL-S ou M. b' t, wRGs mée of *e -lu Sept . tbefr i .&hisklC t of Up- upa- QM Ruoie end gèvfflnd Docter EffO sfilew die tvoam 0spb f I.ï - acha1 lmer; bu es Web ave pub.1 )hhed ti t iliafdt decuwsoitmigane- in a-'Of t ber.].] Chu fétclrioratiuof lord Godsrbic4a 1.,Dr. baby.. 4stCor- rect. Now, es me w vat sort of auforma- tiop ,htl hoould be chur- ed "a a tpdn& ho k ow ho,, much, 1 SItIllcnfi msnsef te th4t part of the. Doc. ~4rIx Catbiso trntao ur ownDiotriet, aal~lewt der t.draw hi. concludin au t the a of t <lDactor'o informa- beu,.as we 's &uoftii. Churhin tii, sctio or the country. Aciordl t a twsa Douaor's Chai theu tise .aie four iF*ioepaiChchtesin ûho Detrier ofOore, *"dam pl« actiont a If, t àe te mlebe cae alya - îbè lié W rO.gr buS, a- ,youreuuCrtft«»holmn Sur. C iigwbuai, v. 4 iaW. ex. AndIh rqet tti d e nuLci Chuté, dmini bmywmar srvont siter mor hau been ets.d a a uvices afthe. CMUaQ ow 1CO'rL wI> oolwicl<ha mt a et4wveh ofasay I %ad; sud 1 mu boRd t luteTow Ip-Tb* e Lblrt t eh toi haui i I. 'Con". 1 iboue"u h.o."à bat, let ne e*mvbu ao 6fis U~! Ih su»d DO à6bt u*et plemeévouMOh.Dr. bs, if hé cou14 jiseak eu ha Ddsiâpto as- 16rtitos udOàlê,e é sletam Si* oes* o Tw upi bmly tbsi OaU44hfer. iut ée "y, j Wb" . iu duWo tgt be 5Bty 0f oxbwwdiu aa ofA* ooa.r amd.i A tJLli'.NDTu Ib Job*,wed«-ad ceg. WiittsS.1 la 4 vm e evIt, mlre soiàar et th.uehima.ii 0, prwm or-, 8itl* d £âuusd» assrusuEa gu" tub VAch hÀgdgsw he(tu iaseata te ti.e thor demoul- euislai the Province, and tod aiauid md ensible me- à bchUTCo f Emgtmd. If suffiemd that <iiswh lut. bis omm ambition bd v*.v.,bq vMl brineg t mato po- maa4.vetmmhhnilhty ith aul uboln.Clouh o ei.with mwmdl à v .»;ltss mure&h by th. Provincil m miuIttou, 4,Imoe.t. 4i.agod 6tie opleç- Opr* <le vu et. 4wut lt1uid.matifed.,tmibsuay oraul bu.o b" hm duom mil4m ho"*il u sdrolçiushl om. 'Te * . ould bau.. i4 .giito h. Achdaeo 0<To, iït s., uninetus- mtoly for ithe poeasofit tsPtmcp peea te bave maire agoacy lau lia mitih »iY .tbemperwoa, ha. busu chgrged. lu pri- me cqnuvrmtaè &Bd lu the publie PrIM4s viti bitry, intrigue and deoopion, and ràaty erroçan, eaý%p¶a 'anmd faise shatements and rpssetaaqs. Et, ta do hlm justice, uer.la ce4spoit , hich vo mangt gir. hlm oredit for futosm d cm- do, Beo doms mot pretsînd, that tii. Cburcb, visicit b. ould build ulu i. »Province, te.ed by hMm t. b. a Chutaof tCkriât,buat exidl.abliummt;nMr, th" dmh.feui- 8Lî!q,« be. upport bore, as <h rsil*<* ~opol1b, a poilal reli bb0W z ýtwa vords. «Two or hie. l ns iving lu Uppow Canada, lu the. -ad" oftbsir anigainmd recoiving lissAsdepoitod-m ibi country [Engiand] uuts sml UmesIlmisll <h. pope- laIo i.Cl q$tte h. auet state. Thêy *.uflid nuse lt. tbe. imbitaiets a te sU hl n ehir.ly muu; and se- vkib -the àWgy >.f Eghmd hav* malwaYs punmoi eii ul rfrllu1,himuts Mdedm fet .yeoithmstbcm - 4'ré.h , il m la e»uthé' .ls bars a tam4. sud~Sàsp.u of t b ieb »»h e te éL* lie, . f.h. 'm u m di§ùa ti. r IPI Ï& lici ofttra People off1thM Cao enda. Peopsle oatifnti bel*ctUmwutY than to 44veoelÙORl teêtilnony Of the bh.i ÇmitCOum intentions ar4 Sem c4h. ,Majetys Goveinmen tbe 't"Odt PPressed adc Wb&t DOW Mr. Editor, rntb ter.è abifftliffl Of Mr. J. Jane,, s oîiourkb coileagmesin Seritimnt, their parti:41b wme of the inhabitantsOf thiu little viLa< Who have iiotb publicly and pri,,teîy ' ted «Ithmtltvam Dotin the pisser of uLe pr, ýviwacal Parli'ament ta flaturjl izer mevw to b.obligod ta subrai to the ft Mfr. Hoitot'sassertan, who declaret.a, tbs 26th day of may 1826 an act was for enabing <h. Le9isiatureOfUpreu b i r h t si i e u s u f y s i r , 1 t hiii k L h t f tbay have »mY proper coception% of t4 disgraoe ma demu whic Must fllUp Individis swho, for the sake ofaItî ulivft . and ln opposition ta right Te, Iuiai Information and matter of fact , desclairatiom ilu airder ta infuse Îflto th e lbc Bid heu self ceated vet dtrd1 dom Of loydqt, they muit feel it iin aij lIte tme, Sir, is mot far (fiàtbft w4en1 n»W election of ieprestntativeç to serve R ti. provincial assenbly emust take place; ,. othe ise and intelligent peep!,IoîU, Per Cmaada vill exorcise their electire fm Î. chias luaà judiciaus flanfler, and $end na pnuehuig knowledge and indepenene public.OBEVR SCIIOOL ON THE BRITISH SYST3Ç Fiat.,.for the preaent montA, Mr. BAINABAS BRENNAN, and Mr- DOUGLAS PRIETISS. KUNOSTN, OCTBER 16,18r7. Oi ]Cghàmbdates art te the ith ultime, It pilear <bat«thse aurangememats fu tl nov MMuaistyere in a fair way of goos bW log bcuegito a clos." His Majet, it aousm, k axlous6ta perpetteate the. libenI pdwey*mwbkutbe di1taina~i1 Tiihest Albion contains the paeticulu of a doetrutive Fit. wIhieb occurred t Jà %y oun e l# 01i JuRy. Eght hoidnd honus, bng&bout oue tlsisd ai the ciy, vWemensmodi and it is stated, that " aise 10,000per»» i»arloftvlthms aroof to SU t«r <em." ýMany mdx, voemel, and ei 4omddouic ie mmals ers co"su lu th. IMuswhich spseadwith thse tapâ te d<140i 9 ing.Jamy na lown ie E-6: pss*,Tnk*r*inmMeldavia, ithe reuidela d l»bgq .u idror primge.,and thse tee ef ès Gis. Atéhbop or Metropolitan of iii tPU . b she W~~WAet#s tdgewpaauaaesf tsi h la11~l*'Cahada ye made4is mmdi Iaiaditions! au b cosmtiLAUMaid uisedama Ct M. tpes »IUpciJmey hie 1'ugrN in hlbthe tu Jb o ti. swialloyal thObairmau pte ié& **d t. "p, "là he omd~ te xp-sL "Oit m» o eMmd .mgm bureàaut ~veh <hS is »ïmiMh îl ; 1