.A? ?UAm a,~,, WIL for em.l edr of tht e mm b ="i6Nfr wtbe Bay ofQuj IO.'dolck; lIeve the CAIRTING PLACE r M.PtM e VerY Tuesdav m oo 00, ferX40M7g*ijepyTuaeMday eveuing km, EA:LléoWBLL' (W ltigtoM veay Wednesday o<1 ! '5c.Lue Kinmgaon for ete'? V m m> ring . t Y O'CîI h, gsý*vdfW% tonciiMgetROCKVILU GAMANOQUA Th~YUk ~owtu tSthe Boit ath, <Cabtbeery Tucday tkmàg 9oii 1827. THE STRAM-BOAT .4. MDOJtLL , Ms.. WeI UittI..pfmiy the Itomlmolaticui d wR?, tb f r AimIder of the %eavw4 1lent IPP W KW-od mWEDNESDjAyS flD'n, at 2o'tock, A. m; a»4 Wm& frPr scott o Mu<aysMd 1Imundq. o eo'ok inthe Morang. Poui ct obev l, lm8. :Y 19V R T 1$a ILm K M T. o,- ~ ..< latt~rwut tr*q. bmd.t tha ru-.rtièpiwd n tO att -r -'l 4i l 'lu&s SI#IPUse tr.iup- ~mwq, e~ 'n - I 'I I k f« itul to ro A. M. 0§ IRES inttmê le - of