at:iré1htesomut of feelng iiirts heust 60or 1tt derno»4 ib4m chalevt ugisus up esad hocw = ettachr-te lIa end,. l aqci s i* ofci muor aof uprM lm Mou ment 1 lé m. te V*5151~eai m body' b.lie*é ib, ý- . 4ki -Punchpretetaosp a#cti e~aeOaI IsdaJo*antidua eigs n ei ; i seu t a gli at m 2f r o m d o m~a n t *ol&swtti.ô~W * jpîek«eçtoI aye 1'thissh tl1 i uam wt u aisni i.tugaflles 41$ufll e1u1.1W yassl aimtslms apotisoosi%, re. tiail' a fs-ti'e entyt tsri, Sur. chat na- i njol bowte.pttImmu ipouts,1k tbtt sncb itftnmcfle int g b.d 411'td clé pi1 te.skMb.ýdk 1 iwi's kbc53K oi ~ba>'llee- s1 m 1818 bute o r e.M»a OMEa uu ug sri" ofoI tbe m1qapb.brfest e- elPrécity i eftith7 ed 4a tompouar> coecuuLs "oi h.repective rigistoanmd dal~ le 5srey,W*datca ft i ie-bkac aflur tbe . otsuof the abao mestionsti -Cotv.nionleUvgaseirncpifly1h. be rty ate trushe dslei f bath t e vital lirt tb. naturaef tamm, or te eh. epnnabry lacs of bue as = t bit an> '&Jw s bowid bib«e b. iirgyps.d.vlhalh tivanlagas areâhaes mle, ail ebàsr dem ou tb. oer.-Iretles cf Commaerce bave boea font,by oxporleepha, te b. 'anoi« tisbeumo ie iise trntfair po " ue ands luimavste estrou ehtier slde.& arme-bl lt. fiquot cailla. loss b>oempolitiom. la *aaingais btavoa- hies> l b i e dotfah Party, nt e npt'te -uw.dtiun dngpertimcle>'tise "bc mîl a oct luterost, but to <cascda liber- aly tethat viin isadape" tt. thse îteoe$ oS butbe~Teacousîhs its, Ieemore b.ueeallyrqut e ito* Wslip ei*r le pOiSlalefo e= :cfonM, s by sCrataoqm *a& massgenL ,teobt 0m tàmior gnoranceof suther, au .vreacising troaty. wmcii a compta vouljurove abslacoumitlet i stirthm a bnd f pce.Ourcouveutiens cati Grest EsiWau rfounaded'olon thoplui Satde M mn** tissalobe, eemil. su' mu.etme astiimaseft eh. gaisa, lne , lnshlag ief' .,; M-v hfaoithat aboth perdus, k bance eêboi m â ai eealbi ila~otuo.eutatv exce ton,bu diécoi. ttnusd. Tv. Coniranilti, for cou. tiof tis Goyvieo f eh. fsausd of Se. lhinlg in 1.cs tbomusabouve mttnetiha", Cheastopher sd ailla. viin l ndo orW bau. ~ohdi brceu ti.plelsipïotoa is- lAg, fo tiscatnisfrom.Clse28eh of Au- rie oi th. tue Govonsments, on tise Ith o f uit laut,tbe iweilatloc-be Atries of %utghitua, will h. fortisditis *aidh.-lesprodmie cf te.Uatteci Butes wiich cý-n- l'o. is Snat fr is .x*io sfthle cou- stitisteç »u oeoo u idi aatorly cucauuug ten. tisheuoseahub.Tit eela- Ithe OWug oéfoaalnitiaTelsef Pael "sualtaty' s4s4,Cha n n s- Imaasrh1S.auUuCemos4U3.i.ttrdictbotàhagai aîctkesplace. The Un- 4%eètlsJlruioést Giai& Cub.muattaa o ol ïIa e. éuèl pité tbiaiei1h v airlmî= - iti tu giii *!.* *bd ouumme t*dàibr *9 mee trW sa,,a.u. éua ~-u * « lsatsihv nt of the. Isat U.iogk iagftl, *W0'à,,MOIU aitise md; *8m 1A*ç4 ,ee4-siumien' by ltheBritL inaceu,îVfflIs of,"e Uaetoteun haseretonui.l*otb, emeqt 4nlsseodlslly b 14orln ucr Ovu wbici bve scenoitise adoption 0f:.ahis subIa, vslebaa l a~cs4 brully tihe i- teof e iex Untu I ite, leaia sea upet~ ~ ~~o iie C stltoabas bnasPlacti, *Ot ho memeibedt - e. a mre cusufnu t. the. .14 Joau abulmhed principle of mte- niai moneowNmsva t tiese ains im, te s hiJng we mte-becaiss 0 li.aers Of an Att cfPmellsat, opeslng th. colornial pocrts upon <actociltiosu,laid net beoad ç st ai vislient eagermu by a» caàtirslsnomasority tisons*. Ara .Sl. mouent po'r*d, it-iss"on intimatedt tsa Imh. ne ecluesen M v a ii ni rmit, fe cane.saprit -Autt1 i lamipsnt, of 1822, asud b"snio ,ent rsuicbioas, te oueis te U.àatps, Lip ualbeau reciptocatod by ans ad ' a emn f»itiuh vogua f*oua "heco- lloue, sant hekr-arem, vithoo& a»Y te- arilouor diuechilnaioss vhataver, Bat, la the, o I*b theisinterdiction Whaic My>, lise EilsGiv ment bave manfufe& ad as dispoition eltiser by negotiation, or Iby ceepsaitlaeivo onactutt, tu, roc 1uir1rta -itebave been gpeu dit tisctly teu44rCnd,thsel n.ithet-csf 1h.bis cWios dae tttr h oniirainof Cou- pees,gitaIlr "~CoaIovsld have beau desm.4uiefsltu tIser counc i stC have lie r«». 4 a> r Isation frota ia Drilt is tt s is ane of Ch. incona- ,iaukeisiulby conesetetivit t e osteme ttes4Ics4ii reciptdacall e<isuaon, hslereap t Wbmp-a . tssoht aneigerpart! sais know Nwol estt tictory tetise, Odwh. ; -alii tlleasctieg a tatut. lht tbeloly Qd urpuecf conih- iiusli, fsmuw 1'be fouut ser!>' iu- adeqmate to-e.t itons of th. etiser pat>ati v «M *111 le instelaustmdi dumap. Tii. moieis et Congre. haoisatermint- .4 *ithour Milt'ecupoé t1h. aubect aprt lausatica wa-eu i on thse 17 btfmatch lest, coniwrnbly te thé provmaa ofth.- Gcb "otioft Ls b. Ïof1L is. M mrct, doclat .1gh 1h.* 0 itblie 1usd.&and-sntercoumse &auehcrixod cis raiat fPlano, Of J4hLue, 1822, iebveesthtie U. Statom andi tisbe i astomr&eraaiooal porta, bâti beeü bseoqusenit acta cf aia- matye 1825> andthie erder of <ZUaJmci186,problbitod.,- Th.e offiot, b the t ermes ai tisbut uid& chuta ilcaut is beun, tisat nui»dantie.> prvisinci tise *1 .cesae mlraigütië% ,of l"th Aem ILs.. ,t.. roqesloa têtu ta tien catisdcu r lu griseramlilpoasaditli.11- Omovueare lorrab> et> a sa, u utrtrmndMb>' neady ieuti.; andtale upp 'thoir wsnts,.Lhc otta prontIlbsa solou. - 1. M4esa ofbeokauèn es unqsbomd. desitis are nol ta *tpîchuolula-os- pectata,-sr Cats fo*pIïeér obl li <alo JocI Of tiseir oxedieln, andi otenea*tb f Efletehfs e*âiO ZA ffUi R ýés â' iL h* bb mis, - - U*taa' auseas: Deueb fCouem'aP ansd au Adialyit Flshoporetln 0fhh former if tsue, îifelthsw, uaoSt originatu rehatèver benefit tUs colonies derived froua tbeur esmeetiou dii Great Britalii Toisi.then-appoînteti 'l dmsuper-1 sat.owpcwr efngla *0tacoupo..d of a Oover, tie eIAsativu andi Exutive, Coucils.Thpeuple ofthe e.lony appoint anti conbtrc tsaHoume-of Amombi,' alone.i By a eriw et tseeconuhat tif1h... umme ' î &di= erif tisere bianY u- pesl0f""Muee ainh"Eneglmh actiéù of tii. Ïluslnrmlion.î if th ib «Wereto. hodecideti byea pridvi reécsnpé i nteeueht te eqperi- oeil tiigbt clny b.u sonolme.tnta -dm -lois hh h itavu fà.48 thé eolbny ueut liv te.1w itrêet, andI best iutunt4 TWhUtbi. ' ise two r.- ant k.w e r~ bygi isreasonably *a~c1d olyèhme ief.. te Ama sekh sths itaahleis c tbat Vpople affordaao muplyha. vatacapoulay be obtaitio iby personal experieice. h tbfore at toast appeauo probable tsaitishe ftnzctiontiiem.ap- thèse two imptirtmnt qualificationa; for-te power wbich appoints tbria, and ,î,*e ns- peritiidano as the utie .exiutipg tck up- on theiti, ta et a diaac; andt Lcountryl15 in wiici they have been educatedas itA* fers emsuially i hante t»Ci .çiiatieu from"t. » w hay ape apcluta4 0 ral., tan affow &W, .eztasuha tIsa;-w*Rm andi difficiteaioag iaulch b wi flbq to- qiiredte bprvuvde. Te thffl qv: niho~t lu te.relation bteena on usbr afflp «0aom p àu u ofbe h eo *oiàlnatinIbo momboeiof Ithe d6 4 it» éas 14pi'M' fignS te qwsIsargth&edutien fsfi.i rsqnmdb a Muimryfm.sbmwho; back- lu a eôty- di iistributitns of the o. .le wasuis s. or inliuenco. thuy ar, the » 4ardof ,otvicom p.erformoti, or tc be peu. Minmt saua qbtateulby irepermons .moit capable of rçutiering this specclesof, 9 etyie. Blce Prlassntr lmsce, Doi, . iioceutt ouaelo ihyetbeas eOr ilsçePA4 tr, ls.rofr. , k kchapoo, itii uofavarabl ainemprodoiasei. ýý '-e, ~. uIw*,~ f A tlescarcely csies iU moret ,,,, Iuit,' uispaced b he ref'Pc, of iw visee; end tlh,taef1 of ing, i breilklnig u a pavemnent of pebbi., cones noces gy e tai aup andi lay it ý anew; chiue a Pavement f .obong bliug Of StOneislia 4l4tO e a cted yio4e *tise.causes.. &ume idea May h. farmed Of h.coo pctised ini Ibis gront cityfro, 'h. 4 sss tet chssMy compan Sun relIikd haing jase cornu 14 nuîcg.A, fcu bsdred brokeis-dotan cautand e~ bernes are slaughtcrtd everq week, and biu eti, for thse catit and doge Inl bondon. Tfi' air* four 4 fnet. horse-bstcber,, Who , each alinut fifty pet week, whcb hty ' diaft at2an averague pxc of tWe PU&, litige a head. The skias are hl t leather-deetw., ~the îhees to the * te t4 ers, tii. haie te the upbooter;,; W to ibe isstton-inakers; and the ficihs beisg boilet in u uge ketties, to the egk of.c=Ws met, Who ll it Out by the p0u4ur, thele custorn, lauregulrrai tebae moppIY th. famille$ cîtisbreaT bu baker tisas1 is uned té accoune by thss everica At thse table of a friend, 1Ia hepu of xiéexitit cor&y dUs M, umr l Louiin mtmukpnary tu dais tof UplIA cho bus Pubilhed au interesting book itÏavclr IS i s mîte cntrior of Chat ûnexpî oe continenat. Mr. Campbell ûa an intellitg ,reokii4 Scorcbmanabundantly coM»,.D catioai andentttaitisig ng athe sbje-~ tri rets. H.penetraCtd asfat as Lttaiso î,SOmilles front tise Cpe, a pointtowhj<i noa Eseopearit vr iabtaineik balre him. Hi* anecdotes oSthe suigular people ho ýjý .4 wer. higisir arnsing, andi ilibîqtrative c lâtrsan nature àsu sone f.kts new vaiete .MC*O.$Wgce ofaioxeriin fAndin1 Wrata4 îns the . 4ort, ho relateti aoi smîance IR, jj cam andrbi ouuobservtion. They ne,. oblo¶d t* croue o*. of those mndy wswet in isle vue wttaaul for rnrnbers of catti 0ttoqelb O h Cri.fttD i akiugai hew u4 &s sle'rt itepa as Posible, hoescnped usA 4h. iOn t0(01111 f«tOur of thfe. drei atg twoisty Or lifrej , chcOIs opua cap, ~n. e~i4. teast.*large dove of shoq -adgpsmllwoêý party, ou wbid Ci UOUIPo>WMt , -SP.lut tmoki dayàdse UilweirresyftsCnwihtsint th.e m a m~a sdden hait, andi spQ 9h air on aIl aides; as If uncertain vis Way to prmced; vwhite thec heep or gosý laugbi bor instinct Or observtion Cc trustet tb. smpeior sagacity cf the oxen patitautl vaiteti their clecisioni. AfCer a minue o« 8two, they aU truck off on a gllop teial a à.1 t -ush>' il4 et smie distance, bk w Isosthé pr yarrivei, tisefoundttek mOtîificait isaetthe pools hati jase bms ornptld. 'The oxen imneiately tookaur fclwdb>'the widote sqssadnu i>qu4ycae té .anoth r'poel,iîtowbià tsçi pltango4 UwIby Zis steep, gels q4Itha paely Saod!metita ho" aro.The mnsnbnitted tes have a large pie6e of etu b oit utà .4 au a0145 « . ~oprobable im. Tbeusgpoinut bi anad traiusgit ~Tame' i tia ie vest, as socé »Î'gMi'.O b ».ýpat himtaadt, r k«Itititti if mtnuet he spiritof ,eiIacIUnds',b Wo td uhpart. Abt isqn", ia fbis : hfa tose ' lt; ansd Ch. aà& natI.ftfl i*ateded ever Bas uhé ;>.O mmaWtw saoes a su Àa tbiewstiayed îqatth .One ~~gon a tii. 4Ila,ono c*uçlsd arnag tie lbuis. à t"M" a are sbuv of hi. »a ftuts lu -kïaT 40 l bs o