-t -f f-O7 Nome And tok *0'lecuoeus.ram niheqob bm Um ftE g 1 Jepe Ied " , c a u . i ~ 4re p le lyith tb su*draol Itlu1. Api 'lu boboçt fftOteI-ntms jetoroed anîtàIS~.md And t7. bt ÇÎ~le OWVo 'lot ~ mon calleil où, bmtsr.oeSmk, lb' k~8COiUIlS0danuidtd bis sblime bai -pos e. Dis Lordrnbp, heaàtrougand a,4,. >Ded dtbeow choie.Of 810%kuvou p~rwcId his chuge communioee 0, iwr the o isg>lte, UojeM, te humour and apposa.bIt, oo niey'd chous a Speaker,*4wtt.W iP iieir Spaker b. *Ouid thnidet neB oul hb«iugt b*sk, And blocked Zthe ld e lganltIOuý. menwhile Il pIUMUlu -coffmim"Do Uf,,ind teoi>.iluos tI, yirked in a bld ,proscription Ise, jr ftem ntheir oikte ditaohoed.1 Te time woold fai sl*.go throug8h An ontline cf the yexr% n *ev. 1 terpfote, M m î lt the .motiotu &fnekhbnors In, the bauld Of notions Ao'd )ther rhiniecf publit note, h maent a nd regions more reoe. Bt let me, on tiâi glad accou, la trnq cf warm cornlatmtlon, Eepat the gloloW nova tram Gee, Il otebndage nov viligba')ofly c"8114 TtBritish, renàc, and Ru*lflsdit,, (Yohrown thon vlth aalgib trobe, And bloten their ""- wlt. iÏ"14. - And,omew nvsoais, - Ar*Cedpremteigion isiga.- ' A bere, my PISyobr pomm,- Withut thir sorlwsor 41mb... Tbe, Whie vour lotit o'eufoi wth jovi White gratefail théb91hgmyour mied 0"1070 And gnerous fellngibeat (bu sway, Upon this yeanly femU1e dey,, -'" li hiin Who now before yTu éténdu,4 leeve a bIssèlq tom leur hind. TU2 E RA,L» EOY. TIHE ERÂLDO No later intelgencefroun Europe. The following lattenffruoathe Lord 8labc ci Quebrecta hi, Clerr orumalfaut te bc od with attention byïchnistislbt 6< c"er denominatim .W.' bw ' dy hope tins: bis derp intothe maind " tbts -ho iice 'd. Teprovidence af 0.4 havimg cuIh se to preide, in this DkIessie, Crthe barli te whieh YenBolong, i-po minue circunaatancem 17 toet 1II intereste ofcoar sta:blhhmsmt, ui*tin filcmieo f vhicî oemoalmafly deusaud tleexereise cf mticincaIadheeaIu "ail as tnch iransm d psàieo 'la. let gttrdians sud ber Inlud IPray yon, thettto tik al nge * IiltPromed, as 1he y sp,<nm w ?peur'eeofe f OWftlu mer 6 ccipy; and bentua Aeer. te pirit vhatever CMU'SUNq#04OU --t el," ti<Ie teinala "k Ind I1 a fe m etaeretatI oustgeomup st ' ithe sincère ddrQfeleem WA~i keGi, lthut compnovls h dw "'hich Iam boutIo b flTitten andi violquace o *IWgi '" ~~tria Chritianmmmtpmsvêflt , 0, fe 4bi Ys queetio f Juprl rvu IY bavhte boon htosdli b POprmretv, but 1 am met awmp*hmw ~Perbaps bat ed4u exe net enjoy thon aune " attactas whirhw.hi prae ehotheojt t onw teuibeud tbepuli 55 1they couti d o etIfi kdia iNb>usL But lg - y the !thorss"e stus~ a4 h tee o" ai of m me s.. uj~h. à- -; shul bguaer(buthey 4av6 yet beum made ait osaIs, hi.bch«d~lau mmd eostltoe, mm sf~t. y difpo btmed fin la *ki< me tat #omI h'=I' appeaved o b . 4 w d i s n s t i lio emvor ..**,lJtt vrbich 1t tlo . hthe-voÈnfrie, o myovn mid-M toilb etoIrotpm that it sinould otlmly atudt.mpnntell'b> rsW bdiien*ver the argumtieà:la aissd. fWenot nova,;., if iîeb i uablseItu saestopc lui ea v rui et<i or vlsber s osi n luvlIlas taile moee ino t prtb«E Wh" . Jtshu~i bos eiglasl a gr4d btdba"loit, t * ar1»» raup we bop% May ve xcu r u M I . 1 Istouet 1 eda0sumd prlviIsgst RelginthlaC£Wbdta 0 ' -i (hei n m the Gavei and relit' (ihen owg (hsm.d» the giedo 'au utfr, 't à*ol itR betu éa tru lit. m'Ir 0%-»* Il eiu"- e ln titi, h bwul oug àiv.ety lu ~ntbrvIu (but ae*** dhe us mtnctd ad meudlhamlbooes aof l4oz- Stion to ait Chrhtian ds»mifomts$bonl lbe geverasut, omducteu he Res-. srvm *hm,4I yIWi osdmuteprisio lb,w st bo4p ioi* n the People df absfo bibre ,au iw omua, wbibsteeaia t tber ýdlsp.e,Jebe ahut If tbap e.m4 fe b lier býmt ,% = nt, lepu-hate (l a«.1bflalaMeI i- ei~ ~ ~ i« *aui.i~o t #O.tmj of laie.r f.- Oms mm, of j wmai e mtad -- --- - - %pu 5-7* -- U ID«Ifmu wl th* klà psh e4omt f lmpnito iti c f1 lte mte, asdoilas a fuo lsIJ*..d-a uponvbeu iruu~ eoeiyisd lsb. rt à' tim ofii* Z 1*W s: vntat"erurlhng4 e*8 of tinéos U,&*aio mii.So4a* ih s. cWu end other bi*og.h m Iansd put eh. ~ ~ ~ g *tgIg( edh5 b j. the i a hunda Su f.,r 'e n g 4e lad reland, w41et and the towe a- IRA , l Xbq ne1 amuos uer t e o u r mn ~eW a , m e s u y * ~ i i ( b s h a n s Let mu buoý *à as (ai enpi'te rumpousibaîlity te Pelou 1(1*sfie, e, ohe vocieproseh. - Annd erend Brethire»n,.w mie. ,I.g tug*< imause nby àditrtaee l atiaab -m~udU l wusi e W erê nderd taÀ. tbag vehbave o itopivwpov (ho~~~~~~~~l quuon sdta r afe me.4 .1 ~nsd 10e of.1pros&nt wrus vould prompt laste Opbà tâ,e ôoer t. toe,--bu I ~ eeraofdoty flbd J'itb.bs bat m supon orptta »Moo. byeut u'dduoN-a on eaton nut a»re paont vl uarwtcbM.to ttu are uroum.pc,ýg w re o vJg t b aiej"d, t bemat biM"o ' miuImoI al, w olr emwb moof âme wOhan,1 Myrnefeq<, Auo n Juio Im -.ael4~o~b dios~iu 11w. t.mglte. o, qa~ a, 4 i. U Hapy Dia. manIf t polo. gIvea lie or,*% ufthJau4sk si ao5b pýipc,, cfJt*irp18 a( -t,- 4lierq 1'às, Cà weir eqt frowut.tee4 -a, I P IIVcnryïHoff 'lew*q Yinm etitCn M%atf*a * misb ~ÂL> day, e g. hynsu, 'e. W ~7bsI -ý m"Momm 1 thein