i sê» arrlFor JOHJN-6. PARKER. OCtaberS 9, ?. ulTah017A3 habitoustu of Upper Ceadiua h51 bsreanovei to tbat Brik "iita recet-ý l« Ccpiml d 'tA" i. SUAW, Hartvan e àMbaat,4 eaýifLaiandl Broc&reet*# *ad ltai 4t bat latiy rtc' avetidirect IMM Lmnaqq *obiUver1oolB5I&tekra » st=o- irlùct ha Cmwitt'. mu wtw. m 155 Lktsmi 011' *0. &e. vidait b.'*sl dispose of mé-1i;*r-cashOr p -.aai N. IL Aev&,à, L=oeLoSO mn Sioat am fupebo VolWaus os for to commee iI Dccaber, 1827, *%erg&~E luffl! *sf . wu"t LAN 08 1iS VUPPIUL CAN ADA is i 8ri, and,19, la tit t Csceuim;Ne..14usd&i aâth SthCgtoeams uailb smthu huit a W. Ne,9 wiâ b ahLobs N..tlsMd Il ig the 111hCoe.si.. of theTw'4ahlp of Pitbl. l*te Cnt trOtb Lots aretor" valo*ie., a' the Kitts river »oalng 16«e4 Ms4 »u *0.pro- jectd Camai fren Iibomd thr' Poeth muat pm m thelbmu-dirc*B. 81CUo'eommIlu, the Town.. ,,st. autru iti and m £0Acres, s.ti, 4l Comoloiid the Township of Mma u . uaty of Dodmu, 4Ditrict et j.uaItu1%eh whoe being of the h" ty ~ iweIl *Wteme, imoin estesi- r-adapte4 te every agieultu- to ANGUS gAICDONNELL. Bath, pcb. ;17. 1U2& W EST hait Lom Nu"9, sU Commcalo rai thr"ub Ibm MOwtii*IL Traca. lTo*. hçcfe itina-elGp Acres. I&spin the o'qvmofKt tW resbteriaeitbrçb-;1 S Çf cfloett.lin the ovuof à -8 cA cre.1wui a bs Ee I7ikJeO abe 1597. usas -it e i JON OTWIOUtI, cf the rowwdp o àwweuurequst4ll pec- Sdisse -eth; uaw t Mat*s hivufed di agal w« itesali Eth=e, .brg bm for «Wr £mmte bin * fS intbe iamsO. « ml.,atuace c4TJmUqiJCAREXK OZO. if. coREETTi TO. LET, Andilm mdtaeié ocufosien. e u «îume la (rouit nreetlatde occupkedby lMr. Notable, aisi, saBrick H'usa, F"arn sd gsrdéo, situate abouto 5.ile i(rm lovai, obe duprt (r.& Baltlet.Apply et Kingtm, #Nov. la» 1W3. NOTICE. P1EulofmrmsbiUmmo0 to close bis f»e au. ch udbvêobin to sattie tiv Accoets~i b. elt Marcb sN elei Wini b, t ai. ibt- m"4&l.(Lxsyea' for collctloms. Tloern*&dr of hie stocmii, (roui mtiti. der, bu alifor Cashor Pro*«e. t t r - decri 1a*re&- SAMUBL SHAWI' VALUABIU7 LANDRU PROPBRTY , 'PoiL SAL.. ft. Cleail, 11whh reIo pod *sImeBARN st ôurMa p4 3m0 fer; long aIiýw nec Peul. Tbefa Lmu cumulk#q4 çmt ik eihuéDaliiu SRJIFF'. sALE. Ekimi iutist >M1<Tuesd*%. tWIbM To Wi. t'O deya fAprdl sari, Wini b 14.0 site crart,-Bomea b in tevaw ef d~t. ite fontvin; Lanti, as beoog L PrumS y ne ud b- vinua an Eseton imw ei o' a! Ris kea Cwou , % a'sBmib, tte deied= zwib f it m T. i atbe<Lt, vàas :' ofst C1M ABLIW, &C. Patent Cb&ablesisrm FOR miR TAH, aId- T, tee si JtuOmr11 wJIti 9~Ço<k ai ér I~Iat prme Tc ar ql. M. nbot ae E FOR M ALAI, ai iaolionNe . sle,1 Y R 0-AT , a(escN ine R u1L aey kWud uç e lm dusc*.va1s néIWAk poperiy. Ji - r b.uboupl~.a e- poS e IMibOf te ut'tl>îj0en dit besv Csumm sud pot A~ ',, R ai 27% 04mdupeeCfoSes-r Ktt,k X&MOWWA"3, n Iti* «ud 'ot Ab, "I bctakeia; ~the currewt prcs l tait Muke rtI ~Oout cfS pe cet maclefu reqeMd cwfoll Musa qf- m p.*itv M Wwt. #=*am , t* tAm,~C ltwm* th reduem trio Md,àili "O "iu IMcP~ejob, m s*Iqgs. 71us rissrg Im.W*1..1 ais ùb s; be mdG#.X*iSu4sd btit iea u Al ki geÇWVy e C. Fr4et oitve uey .tldSewmr co, pud bcpts5, wiru*te u perchae ti U t*h oas ofricu, ehk. sodPlUbrucvi te w&ilui qgue* iiar. THOMdASuaM% ONa lb'i 'swp-frequrcdi s aaaaplyto in ïè'*" purchoas ta the u. ~$~A'MORA,. hkcb are #fta'altanti cosusmpt* w~ottm~1 cesp-istÇad cf seadn tet l rCanata for' toncoutptrmtivol1 <* W~lu1y, sd. bigiier paires. î r 1,~ T_ l né Fsiarm".c, i'udçatt f-4 at Wh 0" *m MW u*" itbt f S glo ltu.SN1M ~~v,>rrL(fin, ) 2lf3. ferr suvla 1su~. <.htdiiog) 18/9. for Ioar in e% 'ap r. iu. iim Q i To LàgT, 'Aux~um!'aos81N«U Mmj~e Buss, ~ >rcpt imdA. i um4 4I.bisfI& ".4' t ~- 1: m. am tbe ftUu>uht FiraiThse Waresare fulvf, ~betequï ty, iwtastoaSrgot relle hr SrcosdtY* TberY are off. rtd fn.~rl u ast 21 percent tundrtrat(. st KiaigMaufo . Mra n I . ls ot t cmiratth,a-kt.4 , *IhrIProm the 91 rv 1ut iiai r quillj1 lte Mctal fr cm whirhitlrr, facturrd, asti fron th, peia~ reaciy had by maay u'ata,,'t for a I. ngth oaf î,mr-Th, s wstrrutc.l ising thmt lthar *C&Ib 80olhfle 10 Crick as th GARROX nw atereWdre of SO111 i.là- blsh,,,. et to the improple rof thît Pm,,'," 4lastly. Thar r- 1 irg agPymlat i ah, pý dote ýof lte Ccabonry abozd t, cUdeN4 masdvantuge (,,heucombtm i 'ih b citer clrcuamaarcra aboye cnumnttd>< mifliitimportance loBtayer; ta*, a pteem. for the coIltumptmoa I, p, Wiheiuflunufacture of superlorqukyWa1 6M*iparley low prier- ]PIOPRIETOR1, ,W*i perfýtitithe Ctabribbrunt aoe à cM§aý' lite IM .bands, has expaade II, clsai**wà i.thrir IWMVilTU..ipeht, ~~ of tIi: Merchtuts Md 'lte of W&kla rovince. ta gave aid îupott W A 7 1 .V Pte& îý-,j -