iWl 6"al w,, s- IF- Lavmlgbi 0.5504 tRi or Ibq mi~ ~mtL lia iose.tRe~ voeu las -Afl w sa usier o0 tha do** 1 M'MU abait q~aUiy et t yeaasnssilosei as - .. .h~ ~ aiapuues.su as pai-1 S.thm osf hgs pua, Aoo se..wb oetausf "eqln lueS. . md bot e.mit.a.à . 4tibulù oar ilth . il M WtS d.. e t lu e i" xovadvoeuing au ad- hpmppesi twab.décesredtbom ire asbriteofs ai . rvih re.*11100tmom, ubs. M vai. go e* 9et L .lm U4 mexceptiolmva»Wnj t~~u W1Suhmsh.um*ikPI*a = , b«V, gIftha coensupiie of1 eniw j~h Iha1lalv b. l eh .met«. j tiol liiruelà*Coaursl and ege m ut»wýmwoi m pluqbeeehos.M1ii orb750 m toaitva 1 'Wer. chilmlu"a*dfsllg*ïistwbfflbrisé ef h. aet1 oquo __isa- -jea~rsal C~eres f SOnJ5U5 e am easanuw«Mlad, Mr- Osemime,**ê*vuidd& by A m 'on-bu** *0 is n and ami ibis aight ai Ibb w b siposeeuamdett wfýr i*t uites. of u"alm.Ths1 "Ver.»M. uI Ieli oes e-rmklleëu isvOvu U ited. and mc Wh ls.i5 OaSieB bm p r. OUge~b. .utetained. 0% Üedd vimeaut halksowledge ofibme xtesi- ». . iboàelat batth~e rusolotion1 icl f ssi l mete ersmd toe he olleu- ma e au i.idieqa tinction, ms k relatie1 pqur.%*-MIe' W ps.eelahatiu% e *Oumlave me t.ibispa Ü@4iMmd te neonue clomti *té m ai uatiu" ihbm ~ ta vW thd m , ut .. p t co atu io ,h 1g C4é "MdbHreoiiaa roa for Iid smedmig. oe*smdeed 4-U«'th0 us.intuctionu of lait- Sncf.1*dsMr. .%rnoie; bulte b. hrought in, yen, or",ns asbiguupatâe abteugh esloii*raossmotf eense a-8df*es-puebd se r«sèd 1a giusdeoulmti. lutii. Province. per pui. eron, vs ed fpty amiMi.Psrm....oi soinauPlag i te commwdr ise, ais bresch o te as'rie ~swme, WU g ai OMM rdroft lb. day. sof Ibem bSuim. 'eRodtbmmeeyinu bar., f*.~ioi.-si oirelie f cof Im the iinircieassb bsi ce bufaon Z a Ea Joob -sent' tO tehy v ommaiieted ta, oemsq.a lor i- Rep"otic.-T.wîa Repruonis- the Hum s matter 'i lufotsaud w0mêm;it tir«vu s MRa beaIl.atahpropestpin eu- 'migisi bsatsi upo «sUt, as est amccov- lb. 1~~srs<qUiS Ji. s tbsy vie t te le "pemdm asbia4 lm mi Imm.nsd, ud . -v os ismbme 'to,4t dssîed ome owv "k as M 4 »Ibtain y Mr. Coone.f £in blé rocellmoticu beau a"apte&. vies.ta O SI U<& 8h11usdS.mufoe o Ise -Mr. gommm nat t heprafts e nasst amisiosas ia efhue l mache me eatm &ie s;- dus poper.tinêfue enterimg li. iii. mmriii ai~mha eto%m~b **msé 8us ima nfet l.qeatievima té ig ibih b sbadl 10 i I~i" mi tos-se.emironins. beu simrodc en sth. es jc aue bée i.Wliuu. A*uraoas d«seio, rglvimg show opinionus, n i es %ë IOW htW o tisateiisbhins a tvale ,lersisla o ud« u sldmiel., i ,a- i4gr. oug4 bave lhuam.tarsdumed b Petisol e shiwu iso 0thaitbigsudtei'ming assimal BYeIeelatRU C.uums.Thesitiuididi. ea chaofpeo m'It ige hoAispzsm> r*wt "Nuavil. ai4" . Uhuaun-mi t uttI eulre tai érriib ld "*Pm1vA" f bs leM" t. elsbafouses. 'glooab b Hie AJI' y shaium ékre osalu b 8w Ilsw.sea- e tee Ibis, buoti .611'14cla4oe ibi.au tsh IidaebJeisvbm I hteel'oe h hbe I nuld pwst it ul*ria t nkue eya. lsquiSsesbain;ept hi i. fum A. d~taeppeai- bathc bu ii sdu rl urAtbI umin li pby oIt m mpw,i w ibmiel J1 iéle, ýet swugmi.Gas hs bm z1vass *piss aud 1ev çam tiibonhe ,refi>u .tna BillroMWAmuffl m *mbe lamih. vas couvloei lIe ssutry voulA"I*-s ~s-aZaiy ~Z.bZIyo0iedibsisuten.cie ilp »mno. . i va sopreps voe~bus. dvrilsmsve rdby Rirlu ith mailaamtos., iad ;t 1 qudttc et aLDe W-I..pitb viih ef tbcouc wr aet 1og~itequ té tbd e mwplu" îq r. Làt" *new"Èg; tis but *an W<» the 0wsaepvebeaisssutlVs isjsoi" çOnji'0 vb a 1butewas IoU. ssutbwo* .s.*; uge- . 'f r.m Wep Mr. 7uliisui. m tue. b sms u*ba f Siie;t stgld ep u ebeoegalml "ý4eu le i aéuad u1NojuMbiêebMmoý"f ud a i 4o. 2ewits lshephs he-hbtgi ýt. rwltsel st. uetfuel" gieS 0* le=1_ 2 =W imbutasma, fBMILviUCOd làpro- tRie Probuc rgmpeting isir cilavi ets, suOpow othe uubjets." -, 1.lbe bap.éd thn o nwdut e li.9m761?mt, on t=rigie .topeople, bees ""i,~e lun"»î Une <Y.$. ftksssd » stdaoubt tibmlaiten- Lia. m 11 M*YOSV!tVU5 buit Ih. ~iuîrdu -M. Ïso o luih*i. Géthe wu 9. w dla hi chutais ofmagho ademi-h site tlu lis CemUnti by d bu 1» Eehtgêu Unesf a.fIl rlht*a t1a* ôàd ehi. t pnomt Owit wd ie* .Roue divided) lb. 'V'mê uiidý saep 1h. masm eL, en tb@xes.lmtibs*t;ad# o ioiafMî. WII- 1 p»Jaedacoulae ted" af ddem te lu. cosamuated reoted Ibm Adisa Mr. W"th ~t1lal hers wut fouie lm 4ea flou»e .byhepiue éoNsodi ~.Ad- dtm.atsIie o , afly la an d uluipéutil; batus a luarei obe ou t ftiierduay oues Mr. = ru s saléditoou .f,ormr csins hé. oeaso t h.Rot e g bilysumii 9niSlOOte drav fie. Hon. Stiono et be giotettimaportance, aI a liais wben hà vs. suceai fo-4k1hap4 tise î Ons.wesshâsec 1h. piopnmcty ofwlibol$I- ingltamastiorm mach andopee- li ie ksailniwitattouupttoe tamta tei é. ntradtt fonuei "tiou1tokhtug #Yeanfrv -ùr whubosFtàwt puis Linf«oi I "'cois - us~-a uw~w uWu tbhught abattIs I Rom. Meuler. du. miate .w5 IL T inruee auyote o, thq billeeof Jaltail x df te Wholè e CuOrtainlyf ut; end Jet the sp c, omi te hied cxceded ubeir lnstructi., i paring from theiiResolutien;-,le h ' N Ueu cwould redct beore udigtit praplrIoty cf such IL PiOeeedîng.ý o fbA.tLihuht lthe enit p:wdoie the Resolut iOî ; b. we*sild aak the quelition, SUPP ein ]BiRs of lait &emioii h.d recelved4 4 the AmÈ*na, would the tbaàks of th" u Yý giafor utatnient. IUio*ba, MIr. .V«i; aie question ofod tD' the addren was irregular, if the io. t.nded te hav'e expremd istzký, j holding the Assen%, a resotutiot th lat g thould have been pt'uposed, aen,.ifad eotild have been acted topo"9, b h thi. the address ho tholight was hct in aeu dauce whh lb. Remolution. r M. Gevd.sagreed in tis Pior aa «u4eet hwever had flot boots U that 1 dlgcuwm e tail. tpet Maif. Pervy conteiided that the addlut &e &«oîdauce with thie Resolut in; it 5acenr. dwith.the wimhes or the people. '&r Hntive bugbear waa got up Csuppe th ePremmion Of Publie Qpinbn td 4i e. Prove h, bttit hsd faild <naisieit.. ffeou eevsl rateaoftheIbm OttM}...lIewod item. lu then-.-the ungwer tu ditDLritam Adrmprove') it--lt held out threau txý Closion fo:u* ffl 11Who shoul4 siaiuPej>,, st-the n.BiUs l es at jear. Mr- Fot&esvIJuknew, tbat the people hI lheeft tolid th It if they aigtled sr they would ho excluded; it p evenîPek,ômI signing; but in spito of %Il 5 reut 'f6 M,, droit LÏd igned lu. Thi% was at the qui. ter SefflorIf; MWd lkny Rsittart vas btepe ion Who had told the people an. pt MIr. Blermouua bad Supposed that the JIon. Gen. i speaking of the Qr. ~S6uiong i g 1base alludt 1b iai 24 h. wa, presena t tth 1 t'e-Mi 1rRusttanOn'aute being mcsiaion>,j .remoe e').impression. eTheoio e sfoir rturning the addm, te ethe coanmiUee, t0 îenew itaccording tlIb The addro'smwas tien read a îenètâe Mosdred t..e u' grM,ed, And zead a thurj tisa. th dey. ',.me miner îolating'taore immeditely ta the qestion of the Bill nov bafore th$ 1Homm,=1o~ced by Mr. i*dwU j;f, Iuiag ioeium poeseu, WB$toudhE p. Olt by Sa M membes;drine, the aboi, dWs wmo4 0b e tbis, 'sot l he'tiae, as kniql more PruperlY C"ma.in place, wben lb. big >iWfeif s udér eetmederation.] r Ezais .Bftm asyi.or aitPres j omas lx-Camatie., Xi. 3. Ions, i. ithe chair. -14r, IbWogiElwedueresolutions;bh r "1a4 Dusop*w m et ilarge upon the tub-. 1mai ewhlêîlwQày ïulaed, whicb vashija LYiOportî; hie intention Wai only toavei gthem ueètioa pemste the attçntin t( e th af, aài" =mbrswould bave te op. porte i7alnoieutge of fuity exprn.ing thoir poîiio% bi aoatsMégénerally tbt "bi was aatà y mueusu; ihe responibil 17 testa ýessel w1th iasîf, a bc ba ro 'eiMsU4L-.dW»tna posn 0o% tise #. Ji t w itl chi bsopinion eriis É 'd ;6 ààmr" Cs=We on ofthse HOMo- et tb pMweý« lat, vien be wu lausi, ow«qha c t Cte giia r iuktaPq*t.The.peopls a 1Lo*u AUW& stola màmed Weismtse ,-UCJLSVq* têsAUnion, of the proliaum à lwth.y Sssumiywu.1sd publiceopS. lal w *Ver eiteé la u ibm Pro ~muit>mdfo 17dybeen aais tsluorelatign gmd tu ute iwW&rîm of çouxtries, 1.15< Mie . . dieuajn gIlt utha rieIýOefht Lm la ïMa f~ tb t» 1sf.1dgp*ê. oYqMai e1 a vin al.ý of, Be w uuis- fi - a*u- f